Task 4 - Let's Talk About Future Plans - Daniel Núñez

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Unit 3 - Task 4 - Let’s talk about future plans

Daniel José Núñez Blanco

Código: 1052499132

Tutor: Daniel Maldonado Núñez

Grupo: 900005_228

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia-UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Artes y Humanidades-ECSAH
Licenciatura en Música
Course: English B2

STAGE 1: Prepare the topic

Stage 2: Design your oral presentation

Option 2: Record a video.

Link Video: https://youtu.be/UCjvTVsz6SM
Hello, teacher.

In my presentation I will be show you my plans and hopes in my life. I hope you enjoy it.

I will have finished my career at university by 2025. When I finish it, I will get by a good
job. I also will travel a with my partner. If my mom wants, she will travel with me. In 5
years, I will have traveled by 3 different countries.

On the other hand, If I owned a lot of money or won the lottery, I would buy a house in
those. I know it is impossible but I like to do that.

In 1 year, I will have spoken English better. I will learn a new language like English when I
finish my university because I think it is an advantage for future times. If I had more free
time English, I would practice English more.
When I have enough money and experience, I will create my own musical band. I will call
to my friends of my town or university and propose them to create the band. If they accept,
I would give a lot of time to organize my band. I would create a good name, brand and get
in on it every day. I hope that in 10 years, my band will have been one of the most
important one in the country.

Finally, I think it is also important to be a good human being and professional at the same
time. So, when I get old, I will be recognized as a good human and musician. If I live many
years, I would like to learn a new thing every day, even in my last days. If I had much time,
I would repair my mistakes and drive off bad habits and people of my life.

But I know that at the end of my life I will have been happy because that is the main thing
I am looking for.

And that is all. Thanks for listening to me.

Cover (1 slide) Include your personal information, a
title, the University logo, your tutors Yes
name, and the number of your
collaborative group.
Introduction (1 Present your opinion about the topic
slide) with your thesis statement. Use between
20 and 30 words in each slide. Yes
Remember that the information added is
used to be explained and not to be read.
Include a picture about the topic.
Content (8 to 10 Logical sequencing, clear ideas to
slides) support your thesis idea. Mention some
pro/cons. Include a picture, chart, or
diagram. Titles are included Use
between 20 and 30 words in each slide.
Remember that the information added is Yes
used to be explained and not to be read.
Share your own ideas and avoid copying
from other sources (use APA
guidelines). The colors of the
background enhance the readability of
the content.
Conclusions (1 or 2 Summarize your point of view. Use
slides) between 20 and 30 words in each slide Yes
Check grammar, spelling and size font
in the previous slides.
References References to resources are cited using No
APA guidelines.

Stage 3: STT – Students Talking Time

Stage 4: STT – Self-Assessment questions

Write a self-assessment paragraph about his/her performance in the individual work for the
activity’s development answering these questions:

• What did I learn from this task?

• Is it important what I am learning? why?
• How will this contribute to my professional and personal life?

Regarding knowledge, I learned important topics and the way to talk about my desires
and life plans. I learned about phrasal verbs, I didn't know them but I realized that they are
used a lot in English. So now I know that I have to know a lot of phrasal verbs to get a better
level of English. Also, in this activity I practiced my pronunciation a lot, even though I'm not
good at it, I tried to pronounce like a native speaker and I learned that it's very important to
speak and not just memorize structures. Regarding the material, I used technological tools
that are useful not only for this activity but also for my entire educational program because I
can apply them in other subjects and with different topics.
bibliographical references

UNAD, INVIL English (2022). Unit 3-10: Inversion with Negative Adverbials.
Inglés B2. E-book of B2 level located on the Learning Environment in the
course. https://ebooks.unad.edu.co/b_english_B2/content/B2/#/unit/3/modules/10/objective

UNAD, INVIL English (2022). Unit 3-11: Relative Clauses. Inglés B2. E-book of
B2 level located on the Learning Environment in the
course. https://ebooks.unad.edu.co/b_english_B2/content/B2/#/unit/3/modules/11/objectiv

UNAD, INVIL English (2022). Unit 3-12: Mixed Modals. Inglés B2. E-book of B2
level located on the Learning Environment in the
course. https://ebooks.unad.edu.co/b_english_B2/content/B2/#/unit/3/modules/12/objectiv

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