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Values Clarification Assignment

Madison R. Wood

College of Nursing, University of South Florida

NUR 3825: Introduction to Nursing

Dr. Herica Torres Alzate

April 12, 2022


Values Clarification Assignment

All of us have our own set of personal values that guide our thoughts, attitudes, and

actions. A nurse’s personal and professional values influence their actions in the healthcare

setting on a daily basis. Nursing as a profession relies heavily on the ability to make decisions

that are beneficial for everyone, and a nurse’s values may influence these decisions. Nurses must

be able to act in a way that is considered “value-neutral” (Blais & Hayes, 2016, p.55). Therefore,

it is important for nurses to evaluate their values and understand how they can best care for their

patients. In addition, understanding that their patients and their families may have conflicting

values or priorities allows the nurse to make decisions that prioritize everyone’s values. In this

paper, I will analyze my personal values to understand how these values may influence my

decisions as a nurse and evaluate how they align with the Essentials of Baccalaureate Education.

Top 3 Personal Values

Value 1: Compassion

After taking the Personal Values Assessment, I found that the most important value to me

is compassion (Barrett Values Centre, n.d.). I make it a point to lead with compassion every day.

After watching the world unfold throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and seeing anger take over

our world, I believe that people need to express and receive compassion more. Prioritizing

compassion will allow me to be more empathetic and understanding towards my patients, co-

workers, and peers. In doing so, I will be motivated to make decisions that are beneficial for

everyone involved and ensure that my patients receive the best care possible. However, this may

not always be easy to put into practice. Expressing compassion can be challenging when

providing care to a combative patient or having different viewpoints from a co-worker or peer.

During these challenges, it is important to remember that everyone holds different values, and I

must consider what is motivating the other person to act that way so that I may act in their best

interest. Compassion is an essential value for nursing, as it involves respecting those around you

and prioritizing the patient’s preservation of life (Blais & Hayes, 2016).

Value 2: Trust

According to the Personal Values Assessment, my second-most important value is trust

(BVC, n.d.). It is important to me that I gain the trust of others while also trusting them because

trust is a foundational characteristic of all relationships. In the clinical setting, my co-workers,

professors, and peers must trust me to practice what I learn well, and I must trust that they are

teaching me everything I need to know in an effective and safe manner. My patients must trust

that I am competent in my skills and acting in their best interests, and I must trust that they are

being honest with me and following given guidance. Nursing challenges this value because it is

essential in the profession. The healthcare setting requires trust in order to function at its best and

provide patients with quality care. Gaining or lending trust may be difficult when one party has

not always been honest or dependable, leading to conflicts among patients, co-workers,

professors, or peers. A lack of trust within the healthcare setting is damaging for both the patient

and the healthcare worker, so it essential to prioritize honesty and trust (Blais & Hayes, 2016).

Value 3: Making a Difference

According to the Personal Values Assessment, my third-most important value is making

a difference (BVC, n.d.). To me, making a difference means acting in the best interest of those

around you and striving to improve the lives of others. This value is important to me because I

am compassionate towards other people and want to make a positive difference in their lives as

well as in the world. Acting in the best interest of other people is an ethical and moral principle

of the nursing profession (Blais & Hayes, 2016). In the clinical setting, this value will lead me to

holistically evaluate the best courses of action for my patient’s health and wellness. I will also

advocate for my patients to my peers and hospital staff. Nursing is a profession that allows

people to make a positive, lasting difference on people’s lives. Through education and care,

nurses guide patients to improve their health and wellness.

Comparison to Essential VIII

My top three values align well with the five professional values listen in the Essentials of

Baccalaureate Education. My value of compassion aligns with the professional values of altruism

and human dignity. These values are reflected when nurses respect their colleagues and patients,

and advocate for their wellbeing. My value of trust aligns with the professional value of

integrity, which motivates nurses to be honest and follow codes of ethics. My value of making a

difference aligns with the professional values of social justice and human dignity. These values

are reflected when nurses fairly treat their colleagues and patients with respect. The only

professional value not included in my top three values is autonomy, but this was reflected by my

other seven values in the assessment (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2008).


Nurses must evaluate their personal and professional values in order to ensure they are

providing patients with “value-neutral” care and acting in accordance with nursing codes of

ethics (Blais & Hayes, 2016, p.55). In this paper, I have reviewed my top three personal values:

compassion, trust, and making a difference. Evaluating these values allowed me to analyze how

the values I hold may impact my behavior in the clinical setting and what challenges I may face.

By comparing my values with the professional values included in the Baccalaureate Essentials, I

found that my personal values reflect the professional values nurses should reflect in order to

practice ethically and provide quality care.



American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate education

for professional nursing practice.

Barrett Values Centre. (n.d.). Personal values assessment: Understanding your values.

Blais, K., & Hayes, J. S. (2016). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives.


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