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Cellular Respiration

How is digested food used by the body?

The body needs a constant supply of energy, which comes
from digested food.

Glucose derived from the digested carbohydrates, is an

important substance that contains stored chemical energy.

When the glucose reacts with

oxygen, a lot of energy is released.

In the body’s cells, glucose and

oxygen react to each other to
release energy. Some of this is
released as heat and the rest is
used by the cells.
What is the release of energy from glucose called?
What is respiration?
Respiration is the process that the body uses to release
energy from digested food (glucose). The process of
respiration can be depicted as follows:
glucose + oxygen  dioxide + water ( + energy)

from the from the waste waste

digestive respiratory product product
system system (exhaled) (exhaled)

This type of respiration is called aerobic respiration because

energy is released in the presence of oxygen. It takes place
in every cell of the body.
What is the energy used for?
The energy released from the breakdown of glucose is
used for essential life processes.

These include:

● building complex molecules

● growth and repair

● sending messages along nerve cells

● movement of muscles

● keeping body temperature constant

Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
When the body is able to supply its cells with the oxygen and
glucose that they need, it carries out aerobic respiration.

glucose + oxygen
dioxide + water ( + energy)

When the body cannot supply the cells with the oxygen
needed to break down glucose, then it has to carry out
anaerobic respiration. Energy is released without oxygen
especially in the muscle cells in this manner:

glucose lactic acid + energy

Not enough oxygen!

glucose lactic acid + energy

When anaerobic respiration takes place,

lactic acid is also produced.

Lactic acid builds up in the muscle cells and

prevents the muscles from doing their job.
This is said to cause fatigue and also cramps
at times.

After exercise, the body needs to remove the

lactic acid before it can cause any damage to
the cells.
Need for oxygen
Lactic acid is broken down by oxygen.

lactic acid + oxygen carbon dioxide + water

After an activity that has led to anaerobic

respiration, the person involved breathes
heavily and his or her heart rate remains
high in order to supply the body with the
oxygen it needs to remove all the lactic
acid generated post the exercise.
A hot water bath or a massage also
removes the lactic acid accumulated in
the muscles by improving the circulation
of blood.
Anaerobic respiration in microorganisms
Microorganisms such as yeast also carry out anaerobic
respiration. They are called anaerobes.

Anaerobic respiration in yeast produces carbon dioxide and

ethanol (alcohol).

+ ethanol ( + energy)

This effect of anaerobic respiration in yeast is used in the

production of beer and wine, as it produces alcohol.
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