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English Names

Don Langley
Russell Strickland

Arthur McGuire
Edwin Sellers

Phillip McCormick
Ralph Flynn

Deanna Snyder

Kathleen Monroe

Carolyn Harrison
Lola Weber

Lillian Nelson
Deborah Russell
APPORTION KA: remove an organ and place it in the abandoned house, he loses 1 pow permanently
from this. If destroyed he dies

Day1, October 22nd

Mirror of Tarkhun on 1 investigator, costs 5 MP meaning he can cast flesh ward for 19 THP which he
loses 1 every hour starting at 9AM.

Day2, October 23rd

The player goes death as they feel their internal organs fall out, as they try and scoop them up and
hold them in sound returns and they are just on the ground, incredibly tired. 19 THP


Day3, October 24th

Clutch of Nygath costs 2 MP and deals 2d3 damage as the investigator has a heart attack, give the
investigator a chance to do something in between damage being dealt. He has too be in the same
room as the investigator. He can get 22 THP at 9


Day4, October 25nth

Fist Of Yogsoth is cast at 5 MP, the window is smashed ant the investagator needs to make a
strength opposed roll over 5d6 strength. The book is stollen if they haven’t hidden it. He has 19 THP
starting at 9


Day5, October 26nth

He spends 5 MP to cast shriviling, on an opposed POW roll he causes the player to feel craps
throughout their whole body and their hair turns white dealing 5 damage. Wont do this to the clutch
of nygath victim. He also loses 1 mp form POW loss so hell only have 18TP


Day6, October 27nth

Melt flesh is cast for 2 MP melting off a foot and dealing 1d6 damage, 2 movement speed and 6 size
is removed if the player fails a pow check, if the succeed they only overheat taking 1 damage and
losing consciousness. He has 21 THP

Day7, October 28nth

He breaks in and grabs someone’s left hand it then begins to wither and blacken before he snaps it
off dealing 6 damage he then leaves
Day8, October 29nth

He breakes into clyde’s house and chocks Jules to death, then he zombifies him and zombie Jules
kidnaps the victim of wither and blacken, this leads tracks to the forrest where they are being
sacrificed, the remaining 2 players must power through the 2 teachers and fight Fedrick Horn before
the spell is cast. It takes 3 turns of changing before the player can be saccraficed summoning a dark
young. The zombie is also there.

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