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Established in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports, Nike evolved into the renowned brand we
recognise today by 1971. Situated near Beaverton, Oregon, Nike stands as a global
force in sportswear and athletic gear, celebrated for groundbreaking products and the
iconic "Swoosh" emblem. Expanding beyond sports, Nike has transcended into a
cultural and lifestyle icon. The brand's achievements stem from innovation, well-
planned marketing, and a resolute dedication to corporate responsibility. Boasting a
varied product portfolio and worldwide impact, Nike continues to lead, influencing
athletic trends and motivating athletes on a global scale.

TASK 1: Evaluate and analyse the factors that influence business and the responses
that can be deployed to manage these factors.

1. Macro Environment:
- Definition: The macro-environment encompasses external factors that exert
influence on Nike's operations.
- Illustrations: Economic conditions, technological trends, political and legal
influences, social and cultural factors.
Strategic Approaches:
- Leveraging PESTEL Analysis: This strategic framework systematically assesses
political, economic, social, technological, environmental.

2. Micro-Environment:
- Definition: The microenvironment encompasses factors intimately influencing
Nike within our industry or immediate surroundings.
- Examples: Customers, suppliers, competitors, regulatory bodies, and other

Strategic Approaches:
- Implementing SWOT Analysis: This tool scrutinises internal strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, considering the nuanced interplay within both
our organisational structure and the external environment.
PESTEL Analysis:

- Political: Deliberating on government stability, regulations, and political trends,

discerning their impact on Nike's operational strategies.
- Economic: Methodically assessing economic indicators, inflation, and market
trends to inform financial decisions aligned with Nike's overarching goals.
- Social: Examining demographic trends, cultural shifts, and social attitudes to tailor
Nike's operations to consumer expectations.
- Technological: Evaluating innovation, automation, and technological
advancements to elevate Nike's operational efficiency.
- Environmental: Reviewing sustainability practices and proactively addressing
environmental concerns to align with Nike's commitment to corporate responsibility.
- Legal: Considering legal frameworks and regulations, ensuring meticulous
compliance with requirements to uphold Nike's standards in seamless operations.
SWOT Analysis:

- Strengths and Weaknesses: Analysing internal factors, including Nike's

resources, capabilities, and areas requiring enhancement within our operational
- Opportunities and Threats: Evaluating external factors, encompassing market
trends, competitive dynamics, and potential challenges, to formulate adaptive and
growth-oriented strategies.

Scenario Involving Nike Athletics:
Positive Impact:
1. Advancements in Technology:
If there is a breakthrough in technology related to sports, such as the development of
cutting-edge materials for athletic shoes or smart fitness wearables, Nike could see a
positive influence on its business. This technological innovation has the potential to
attract a larger customer base, increase sales, and strengthen Nike's standing.
2. Participation in Global Sports Events:
Hosting or actively participating in major global sports events, such as the Olympics,
has the potential to positively affect Nike's business performance. The heightened
visibility during these events may result in a surge in demand for Nike products.
Negative Impact:
1. Disruptions in the Supply Chain:
External factors like geopolitical tensions or natural disasters disrupting the supply
chain could have adverse effects on Nike. Challenges in key manufacturing facilities
might lead to production delays, affecting product availability and potentially harming
customer satisfaction.
2. Shifts in Consumer Preferences:
If there is a change in consumer preferences towards sustainable or ethically sourced
products, Nike may face difficulties if its existing practices do not align with these
trends. This could have negative repercussions on the brand image and sales.
3. Intense Competitive Environment:
If competitors introduce innovative sportswear or offer more competitive pricing,
Nike may encounter challenges in maintaining its market dominance.
Certainly, here are the key points in a concise form:
1. Tech Advancements:
- Response: Innovate products with emerging sports tech.

2. Global Sports Events:

- Response: Boost visibility through athlete endorsements and special editions.

3. Supply Chain Disruptions:

- Response: Diversify suppliers, plan for contingencies, use blockchain for
4. Consumer Preferences:
- Response: Embrace sustainability, communicate transparently, enhance brand

5. Intense Competition:
- Response: Foster innovation, monitor competitors, differentiate through

6. Regulatory Adjustments:
- Response: Form compliance team, monitor changes, advocate, adapt to

7. Economic Downturns:
- Response: Implement flexible pricing, focus on value, explore affordable lines.

8. Health & Wellness Trends:

- Response: Align with fitness trends, integrate tech, expand activewear, promote
an active lifestyle.

9. Digital Transformation:
- Response: Embrace e-commerce, enhance online experiences, leverage social
media, invest in analytics.

10. Crisis Management:

- Response: Develop a safety-focused crisis plan with transparent communication
and swift adaptations.
These succinct strategies ensure effective navigation of external factors, keeping Nike
aligned with industry dynamics.

This entails amalgamating insights from the broader business landscape with effective
decision-making processes to empower Nike to adapt to changes, seize opportunities,
and overcome challenges.

Appreciation of Integrated Approach:

1. Holistic Understanding:
Integrating various dimensions of the business context, encompassing market
dynamics, competitor analysis, customer behaviour, and internal capabilities, yields a
thorough understanding, guiding well-informed decision-making.

2. Strategic Alignment:
The integrated approach ensures decisions harmonise with Nike's overarching business
strategy, fostering unity across departments and amplifying the efficacy of business
development initiatives.

3. Agility and Adaptability:

Embracing an understanding of the dynamic business context empowers Nike to be
agile and adaptive. Swift responses to market changes enable the company to stay
competitive and capitalise on emerging opportunities.

4. Risk Management:
Considering the broader context enables Nike to discern and mitigate risks effectively.
This proactive risk management approach shields against potential disruptions and
buttresses sustainable business development.
Case Example:
Nike Responding to a Changing Business Environment:
In a scenario where consumer preferences shift toward online shopping, my role as
the operational manager at Nike involves:

1. Market Analysis:
Conducting a thorough analysis of evolving consumer behaviour and the trend of
online shopping, taking into account convenience, digital experiences, and evolving
purchasing patterns.

2. Strategic Shift: Opting to strategically shift a substantial portion of Nike's

business towards e-commerce. This encompasses investments in an online platform,
optimisation of digital marketing strategies, and enhancing the overall online customer

3. Employee Training:
Launching employee training programs to equip the workforce with the requisite
skills for efficient e-commerce operations, acknowledging the need for new
capabilities in the digital landscape.

4. Supply Chain Adjustments:

Restructuring the supply chain to accommodate online orders, ensuring prompt
deliveries, and preserving customer satisfaction.

5. Customer Engagement: Prioritizing personalised online experiences, loyalty

programmes, and effective communication to uphold customer loyalty during the
1. Investment in E-commerce Infrastructure:
- Positive Factor Exploitation: Embrace the surge in online shopping.
- Organisational Change: Prioritize significant investments in an enhanced e-
commerce platform.

2. Digital Marketing Optimisation:

- Positive Factor Exploitation: Harness the growth of digital experiences.
- Organisational Change: Optimise digital marketing strategies for effective online
consumer engagement.

3. Employee Training Programmes:

- Positive Factor Exploitation: Equip the workforce with digital skills.
- Organisational Change: Prioritise training for enhanced digital capabilities.

4. Supply Chain Restructuring:

- Positive Factor Exploitation: Ensure timely online deliveries.
- Organisational Change: Restructure the supply chain for efficient online order
5. Enhanced Customer Engagement Online:
- Positive Factor Exploitation: Foster online customer loyalty.
- Organisational Change: Focus on personalized online experiences and loyalty

6. Strategic Shift in Product Focus:

- Positive Factor Exploitation: Align products with online preferences.
- Organisational Change: Shift focus towards online-preferred products.

7. Cross-Functional Collaboration:
- Positive Factor Exploitation: Foster cohesive efforts.
- Organisational Change: Promote cross-functional collaboration, especially in the
context of the strategic shift towards e-commerce.

8. Continuous Market Analysis:

- Positive Factor Exploitation: Stay ahead of evolving consumer behaviour.
- Organisational Change: Establish continuous market analysis practices.

9. Data Analytics Integration:

- Positive Factor Exploitation: Leverage data for informed decisions.
- Organisational Change: Integrate advanced data analytics for insights from online
consumer behaviour.
10. Sustainability Focus:
- Positive Factor Exploitation: Align with sustainability trends.
- Organisational Change: Emphasise sustainable practices in packaging, delivery,
and overall operations.

These organisational changes aim to position Nike effectively, leveraging positive

trends and navigating challenges in the dynamic business.

As a manager at Nike, it is crucial to strategically respond to business environmental
factors and trends. Adapting to changing landscapes is essential for gaining a
competitive advantage, promoting innovation, growth, and resilience. Mitigating risks
associated with negative trends ensures business continuity and customer satisfaction.
Aligning operations with consumer preferences contributes to increased brand loyalty
and improved financial performance. Upholding compliance with regulations
safeguards legality and maintains a positive corporate image. A forward-thinking
approach enhances employee engagement, fostering morale and retention. In
summary, effective responses position Nike for ongoing success, impacting
competitiveness, innovation, and relationships within the dynamic athletic apparel and
footwear industry.
The dynamic between the private and public sectors has transformed significantly over
time. Traditionally operating independently, businesses focused on profits while the
public sector addressed societal needs. However, a notable shift has occurred towards
increased collaboration and interdependence.
1. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): A prominent change involves the rise of
PPPs, where governments and businesses collaboratively fund and manage projects,
combining resources and expertise for mutual benefit.
2. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Recognising the importance of CSR,
businesses now collaborate with the public sector to contribute to community well-
being and align goals with broader societal objectives.
3. Regulatory Influence: Governments play a more active role in regulating
businesses to ensure ethical practices, consumer protection, and environmental
sustainability, reflecting an evolving dynamic between both sectors.
4. Government as a Customer: The public sector has become a significant
customer for businesses, leading to a closer alignment of interests.
5. Tech Industry and Policy Influence: Technology companies, especially,
influence policy discussions, collaborating with governments to address issues like
data privacy, cybersecurity, and the ethical use of emerging technologies.
6. Government Incentives: Governments provide incentives to businesses, ranging
from tax breaks for environmentally friendly practices to subsidies for research and
7. Stakeholder Engagement: Both sectors engage with a broader range of
stakeholders, recognising that addressing societal challenges requires collaboration
from diverse perspectives.
8. Global Challenges: Issues like climate change, pandemics, and economic crises
necessitate coordinated efforts between the public and private sectors, highlighting
their interdependence in finding global solutions.
1. Scenario: Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for Community Sports Facilities:
- Model: Collaborating with local governments to fund and manage sports facilities
in underserved communities.
- Illustration: Nike contributes funds and expertise, promoting community wellness
aligned with public health goals. This fosters a positive brand image while addressing
societal needs.

2. Scenario: CSR Initiative with Government Health Programs:

- Model: Partnering with government health departments to promote physical
activity and well-being.
- Illustration: Nike collaborates on health awareness campaigns, providing sports
gear for public programs. This aligns business goals with broader public health
objectives, showcasing a shared commitment.

3. Scenario: Regulatory Compliance in Sustainable Product Practices:

- Model: Adapting product design to comply with government regulations on
sustainable materials.
- Illustration: Responding to stricter environmental regulations, Nike incorporates
eco-friendly materials, demonstrating alignment with evolving public expectations
and regulatory standards.
4. Scenario: Government as a Customer in Sportswear Procurement:
- Model: Government agencies procuring Nike sportswear for public events and
- Illustration: Meeting government standards ensure Nike's products are selected,
highlighting a cooperative relationship where the private sector caters to specific
public sector needs.

5. Scenario: Collaboration on Health and Fitness Policies:

- Model: Engaging with public health agencies to influence policies promoting active
- Illustration: Nike collaborates on policy discussions, emphasising the importance of
physical activity, and showcasing the brand's commitment to societal well-being.

1. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs):
- Opportunity: Collaborative efforts in infrastructure ventures such as constructing
transportation systems or public facilities.
- Benefits: Resource sharing, alleviating the government's financial burden, and
prospects for profitable collaborations.
2. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives:
- Opportunity: Collaborating with the public sector on initiatives addressing social
and environmental concerns.
- Benefits: Positive brand perception, active community involvement, and alignment
with public sector objectives.
3. Regulatory Compliance and Ethical Practices:
- Opportunity: Adapting to evolving regulations promoting ethical business conduct.
- Benefits: Enhanced public trust, improved image, and sustainable long-term
business practices.
4. Government as a Customer:
- Opportunity: Supplying goods and services to the public sector.
- Benefits: Consistent revenue, expanded market presence, and potential for
extended contractual relationships.
5. Technology Industry Collaboration:
- Opportunity: Participating in discussions with governments on technology
- Benefits: Influencing regulatory frameworks, ensuring ethical tech use, and
fostering innovative solutions.
6. Government Incentives:
- Opportunity: Utilising incentives for environmentally conscious practices or
research and development.
- Benefits: Cost savings, positive public image, and backing for strategic business
7. Stakeholder Engagement:
- Opportunity: Cooperating with various stakeholders, including NGOs and civil
- Benefits: Diverse perspectives, meaningful social impact, and stronger community
8. Global Problem-Solving Collaborations:
- Opportunity: Addressing global challenges like climate change or pandemics
alongside the public sector.
- Benefits: Positive global influence, improved reputation, and potential for new
business ventures.
These opportunities highlight the potential for positive outcomes arising from
dynamic collaborations between the private and public sectors.
An operational manager for Nike must strategically respond to external trends and
environmental elements to navigate the ever-changing business landscape.
Understanding and adjusting to macro and micro environmental aspects is facilitated
using methods such as SWOT and PESTEL assessments. Nike demonstrates its
adaptability to industry changes, technology breakthroughs, and global issues through
real-world situations and simulations. The necessity of cooperation, corporate social
responsibility, and regulatory compliance is highlighted by the evolving connection
between the public and private sectors. The opportunities that these developments
have revealed for growth, innovation, and beneficial societal effect are highlighted. In
short, Nike is positioned for long-term success in a dynamic business climate because
to its quick thinking and flexible approach.

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