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MIP Retail Assignment Notes

Makkah Paint house

Nothing is selling- inflation- so local in demand

Relaible paints


Rate munasib

Buy from company

No new entrant

Everyone in market keeps a particular brand in majority. For them it was reliable

They also have targets to meet by the company

Bari companies like buildwrs and banks prefer bigger brands such as nelson and ici

Where as shopkeeper and medium scale low scale thekedaars prefer local brands or brands that have
more discounts and offer a largen token margin for the contractor.

Star paint

Ici most selling

Gobbis most

Companies are giving 15% discount

New entrant- Neutron Paints

Sales target yearly all companies give the branded ones but not local ones

If dont complete target then companies will reduce margins

Thekedari and customers


Ici types-

The kind of purchasing power a wholesaler drasticallly affects the prices they get pffered by the
companies , for ecample star paint gets the delux impulsion at 27000 per dabba from the cpmpany
whereas a larger buyer can get at lower price.

And price varies alot from brand to brand as well, reliance paints sell the same product as ICI at a much
lower price and local brand even offer lower

The wholesale wants to sell the products of the the larger companies more because they have yearly
sales targets jispey they get discounts, lekin the existnec kf the tpken issue the wholesse has ro maintain
an adequate nventory of local brands as well.
Tawakkal Paints

Most selling - Gobis, Nelson, reliance, reliable

They are selling more because of the token mafia

It is kind if blackmail in which even if they have a better product they wont be able ti sell

Supercoat paints finished token policy and paid the price for it even though it was one of the best paints.

Eg Master Paints is also suffering from same problem, Jotun and Nippon also dont have

Customer dosent understand this because he listens to the painter

Local brands are selling more as they are cheaper eg 1500rs instead of 2500 rs but have problems eg
cover 2 rooms instead of 3

Margin- no fix rate for local but for brand they have fix rates

25% discount or 20% is set. This depends on your yearly sales and you get this % after 1 year and it
increases and decreases based on their performance.

They want to get rid of token system

Deulux is expensive

New entrant - PEL

Dealership and Silver Sand and Rainbow

1 drum of delux is 26,000

Same category relinace sell of 16,000

Muhammad Paint House

Most selling - Corona, Silversand, Blackhorse

They give incentives eg Umrah, bikes- blackhorse gave this

Most expensive - ICI- but isnt selling much because of token so they are going for exports

They wanted to come as lecturer and teach about how to face with problems

Giving 15-20% discount to customers

Painter khrab kardega kam agar ap usko token na do

They dont earn completely from counter but also have banday spread out

If company gives a promise eg iPhone but gives android then he will keep in godam

Sindh Paints

Most selling gobis and reliable

Both are token

But giving similar margins

Choice of malik

Customers are mix

10% discount to customer

12% discount from company

New entrant - reliable 6-7 years

Gobies and reliable- authorised retailers

Both local and brands giving same margins

Taha Paint House

Most selling - Gobis- authorised dealer

Other brands include jawa and merger

The more they buy in bulk the more

Gobis also has a yearly target but gives around 11-12%

Gobis exepensive as compared to others

Customers are thekedars and gharwalay

Gobis coverage and life is more

New brand corona paints didnt do well

Ghulam Uzair

Ici, diamond, Reliance

Most selling diamond

All token

Diamond gives reasonable margin

It has demand and painter recommends it

Diamond advertising good

If u avieve specific target then u get discounts

Going to malysia for 30 lakh target

Diamond, nippon and ici run these schemes

Mostly owner amd contractor himself comes

Companies have introduced other categories aside of their premium ones eg

Dimaond has launched value plus to compete with other brands

Most expensive branded are ici, jotun and nippon

Most expensive in pakistan are gobbi

Adeel Ahmed

Most sell- kaizen japan, dulux

Margin is 18%

On kaizen sceheme of Thailand, Indonesia, london, malaysia

Has completed and visited these cuntries 7-8 times

New entrants- they dont keep everyone unless it builds a good brand

Zaki Paints


Branch in head office

Wont tell discounts but they do recieve them

Got benefit from both local and branded but it is customers choice which one they prefer

Recieve yearly scehemes eg umrah trip

Local brand- anmol

11,445 price
Afaq Paint House

Most selling- diamond

They have yearly sales target and get 4 to 5% extra than normal

Diamond gives country scehemes eg dubai and baku and malaysia

They do sales to contractors and customers

They get margin in both local and branded

No new brands

Jotun is more expensive

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