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Capiz National High School

City of Roxas

Senior High School Department

S/Y 2023-2024

The Societal Judgment Surrounding Condom Use Among Teenagers

A Concept Paper in E-TECH

Submitted by:







11 - STEM

Submitted to:

Mrs. Ireen Muzones Dionio

January 16, 2023


The Societal Judgment Surrounding Condom Use Among Teenagers: A Concept Paper


The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a global health issue that has profoundly

affected individuals families and communities worldwide. It is crucial to address various

aspects related to HIV including prevention strategies treatment options and the social

implications associated with the virus. One of the key preventive measures against HIV

transmission is the use of condoms. However societal judgment surrounding condom use

among teenagers is a critical yet often overlooked issue that needs to be addressed. This

concept paper aims to shed light on this challenge and propose strategies for promoting

condom use among teenagers while addressing societal judgment.


The purpose of this concept paper is to raise awareness and provide an understanding

of the societal judgment surrounding condom use among teenagers. By exploring the factors

contributing to this stigma we can identify effective strategies to overcome it and promote

safer sexual practices among teenagers. Additionally this paper seeks to emphasize the

importance of open discussions about sexual health consent and the responsible use of



1. Factors contributing to societal judgment

a. Cultural and religious beliefs: Many societies hold conservative values and

religious beliefs that view premarital sex as taboo leading to negative attitudes towards

condom use among teenagers.


b. Lack of comprehensive sex education: Inadequate sexual education in schools

often fails to provide accurate information about condom use leading to misconceptions and

negative attitudes towards their use.

c. Fear of promoting promiscuity: Some individuals believe that promoting condom

use among teenagers may encourage sexual activity at an early age leading to increased


2. Consequences of societal judgment

a. Increased risk of HIV transmission: The societal judgment surrounding condom

use may discourage teenagers from accessing or using condoms increasing their vulnerability

to HIV infection.

b. Stigmatization and shame: Teenagers who choose to use condoms may face

judgment ridicule and stigmatization from their peers which can negatively impact their self-

esteem and overall well-being.

c. Lack of sexual autonomy: The societal judgment may limit teenagers' ability to

make informed decisions about their sexual health including the use of condoms resulting in

increased risks of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).


To address the societal judgment surrounding condom use among teenagers it is

essential to implement comprehensive sex education programs that emphasize the importance

of safe sex practices. These programs should include the following strategies:

1. Promoting open and non-judgmental discussions: Creating a safe and inclusive

environment where teenagers can openly discuss sexual health consent and condom use

without fear of judgment is crucial. This can be achieved through peer-led initiatives

workshops and interactive sessions.


2. Providing accurate information: Comprehensive sex education should provide

accurate and evidence-based information about condom use debunking misconceptions and

addressing concerns related to effectiveness accessibility and compatibility with cultural and

religious beliefs.

3. Engaging parents and guardians: Involving parents and guardians in discussions

about sex education and condom use can help bridge the gap between conservative values

and the need for safe sex practices. Providing resources and guidance to parents on how to

approach these conversations can contribute to a supportive environment.


Addressing the societal judgment surrounding condom use among teenagers is

paramount in reducing the transmission of HIV and promoting overall sexual health. By

understanding the factors contributing to this judgment and implementing comprehensive sex

education programs we can create an environment where teenagers feel empowered to make

informed decisions about their sexual health. It is crucial to foster open discussions provide

accurate information and engage parents and guardians to overcome societal judgment and

promote the responsible use of condoms among teenagers.



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). HIV and youth. Retrieved from

Kirby, D. (2002). The impact of schools and school programs upon adolescent sexual

behavior. The Journal of Sex Research, 39(1), 27-33.

Santelli, J. S., Kaiser Family Foundation, & Office of National AIDS Policy (U.S.).

(2013). Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in the United States. Retrieved from

United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). (2021). Global HIV & AIDS

statistics — 2021 fact sheet. Retrieved from

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