Characterization of A Figure in Literature

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Focus on Skills - Analysis

Characterization of a Figure in Literature

Fictional characters can be presented in a number of ways. In general, a character in a fictional text is devel-
oped through action, description, language and ways of speaking.

Types of characters
relevance within the text and characteristics
• protago- the main character • major characters main characters who dominate the
nist around whom most story
of the work revolves* • minor characters less important persons who sup-
port the main character(s) by let-
ting them interact or reveal their
• antagonist the person who the personalities
protagonist is against; • dynamic characters changing and developing, with
often the villain* different traits
• static characters unchanging, often stereotypical
• round character three-dimensional, with different
and changing facets to the person-
• flat character one-dimensional, viewed only
from one side, often stereotypical

Types of characterization in literature

A characterization is a description of all the features that make up a personality and its development. One
can distinguish* between two main methods:

• In a direct characterization of a character the narrator or one of the other characters tells the reader
what the character’s personality is like.

• In an indirect characterization the writer shows/presents the character talking and acting, which re-
veals the character’s personality. Indirect characterization can be achieved* through:

o Speech What does the character say, how does he/she communicate and interact with
o Thoughts What is revealed through the person’s private thoughts, e.g. in a monologue, a
diary entry, etc.?
o Effect on others/ How does the person react/respond to others? Does he/she have any relation-
ships? How do others react to the person?
on the character
o Actions What does the person do, how does he/she behave?
o Looks appearance, body language, gestures, facial expressions, etc.

revolve - be concerned with/ focus on; villain - a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot; distinguish -
recognize or treat (someone or something) as different/ tell apart; achieve - successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or
result) by effort, skill, or courage.

from: Pathway Einführungsphase Sekundarstufe II, Schöningh

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