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Business Analytics

12 November 2020 18:01

Date Lecture Topics
23-11-2020 L1 Introduction
24-11-2020 L2 Clustering - K means clustering
25-11-2020 L3 K means clustering using Tanagra
27-11-2020 L4 Exercises in clustering
28-11-2020 L5 Association rule mining
30-11-2020 L6 Exercise - Association rule mining
01-12-2020 L7 Classification using logistic regression, EVP,
Evaluating ML model
02-12-2020 L8
05-12-2020 L9
18-12-2020 L10 Predictive analytics
19-12-2020 L11 Logistic regression - How to select predictors
Video Lecture_1
22-12-2020 L12 Neural Networks
23-12-2020 L13
24-12-2020 L14

Excel Add-ins: Link

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23 November 2020 13:02

Analytics is about DATA DRIVEN INSIGHTS:

• Data
• Patterns
• Decision making

• Source of data:

• Companies are investing in structures to store and analyse their

internal data
• External data can come from external vendors (info about trends,
competition), buying behavior and social media etc
• All this is to come up with DATA DRIVEN INSIGHTS FOR DECISION

• It is no longer the highest payed decision makers insights that drive

strategy, it is now more objective
• Growth in data is the key driver for the growth in analytics
• Evolution of analytics

• Renewed interest in AI in 90's

• 80's had ERP growth of relational db (Oracle) used to generate static
• 90's there were db warehouse store more information than db to
provide dashboards and scorecards. Have KPI and track
improvements. Start of Business Intelligence
• 00's SaaS started , use data mining to gain insights
• BI, BA, DS are all umbrella terms there is no 1 size fits all definition

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• BI, BA, DS are all umbrella terms there is no 1 size fits all definition
• Techniques keep changing and evolving

• Real world phenomenon is COVID spread and model takes in input and
attempts to define the real world phenomenon

• Use either mathematical, quantitative or statistical techniques to

explain the phenomenon
• Types of models

• No one model is better than the other, depends on context. Always

start with descriptive or work through rest.

○ Use data that already exists with the firm. RETROSPECTIVE


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○ Data from a ecommerce site selling chocolates

○ From historical data try to understand what has happened.
○ Try to ask the right questions:

□ Can see they seem to shop more on Fri and Monday

□ Visualization is an important part of analytics. This
comes under the category of DESCRIPTIVE analytics

□ Take avg time spent

□ Using measure of central tendency here to gain insights

□ can get avg

□ Here to find the relationship between 2 variables and
explore if they are related do CORRELATION

▪ What is the contribution of pages viewed on amount spent?

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▪ What is the contribution of pages viewed on amount spent?
▪ Here can build a regression model

▪ Explaining why something happened

○ Hypothesis testing
▪ How to check if explanation is correct? Look at the
significance of the variable

○ Predict rather than explain. Focus on accuracy of predictions

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○ Example: Model to determine credit default for individual.

○ So is this predictive?

▪ This is the new criteria, not p value

▪ Build a predictive model with only part of the data ( a sample)

▪ Not concerned with population focusing on prediction

▪ Focus on minimizing error

▪ Predictive accuracy is the benchmark
▪ Try to improve the adjusted R square value (find all related

Focus of data mining is to get patterns from data

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○ Focus of data mining is to get patterns from data
○ ML to get
○ Common terms associated with both streams

○ There is usually a target variable (y variable)

▪ Example: determine credit default risk

▪ Here default is a categorical variable (yes/no), classify the

▪ These are classification algorithms
▪ It is supervised task

▪ They are part of predictive

▪ Asses with help of out of sample

▪ Association: Grouping no classification

▪ Clustering: Each grouped set is a cluster
▪ Unsupervised techniques there is no target variable

○ IT & strategies: where to deploy the model

• Course focuses on prescriptive modelling

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○ basis varying scenarios

○ Example: Google maps prescribes options for route to destination,

we need to pick

○ Optimization and simulation are the techniques used

○ We apply constraints and try to analyse (Solver in Excel)

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• Environment is unstable/uncertain
• Multiple criteria to evaluate, optimize operational cost
• Not diagnostic not trying to explain anything

• Looking at past data to see what is selling well
• After this can move onto to diagnostics and try to find out why this
happened (location, trends)

• Classification predictive db
• They used only backend data. If they had factored in external variables
will become prescriptive

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• Process to build a model

• Industry standard to build a model

• Business understanding, talk to all stakeholders are establish objective
• Data understanding: data comes from disparate sources so need to
collate. integrate the data, check discrepancies.
• GST fraud: create business that don’t exists and route transactions
there. Do multiple
• Data preparation: Missing values, outliers, prepare for regression
(there should be no multicollinearity so do mean centering, factor
analysis etc)

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• Evaluation and deployment

• Tomorrow - Unsupervised learning, cluster analysis

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24 November 2020 10:32

• Form highly cohesive clusters (points within cluster are close, between
clusters be highly separate)

• How?

○ Euclidean distance used for continuous variables

○ If not continuous use different matrix

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• Highly subjective, researcher needs to pick

○ Hierarchical: requires more memory

○ Partitioning: ex- K means algorithm to understand if there are
groups in the data given

• 2 variables 6 people, find if there are clusters. (Plot a scatter plot)

• E and c are close together

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Calculate the

• If we include another variable age, distance changes because of
different scales it will change the distance
• So ALWAYS better to normalize your data before calculating distance

• Normalize using:

○ Z transform:

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○ Do for all 3 variables

○ Distance between b & f, before and after standardization

○ Values negative are less than the mean and positive are above the

• K means algorithm
• Iterative algorithm
• Picks random k number of points (here k=2)
• Starts calculating distance from centroids randomly

• Randomly picks points close by and puts them together

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• Have a new centroid and calculates that value

○ Now it sees that a is closer to the circle than the triangle to moves
it to the other cluster
• Now recalculates the centroid

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• So iteratively it does:
○ Calculate dist
○ Calculate centroid
○ Shift points to the centroid with least distance and recalculate
• Stops when it finds that all the points are closest to its assigned
• Certain software allows which points to start the K Mean with
• Outliers to eliminate can use K medoids instead on K means . Or
just remove outliers before doing k means


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• Create a table for lookup

• Apply vlook up to get a point (because when you use solver it needs a
formula so that it can dynamically change)

• We get points a and f for first iteration

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• Now a and b are cluster centroids

• Calculate distance to each of the center

• Get each points distance to 2 cluster centroids

• Assign each point to the cluster with from which it has minimal
distance from the centroid

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• Do until you can minimize the distance (sum of min here in column I)

• Want to reduce the sum of the distances (within sum of squares) by

changing the cluster centers

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• Why 6 only 6 data points, also >= 1

• Also constraint to make it int

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• Set evolutionary solver (it mimics k means closely)

• After completion sum minimized and centers are changed

• Cluster 1

○ Centroid will be average of these (take the mean of z value unless

all are from same scale that case it doesn’t matter)

• How do we determine how many clusters to form?

○ Elbow plot

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○ For different k values get the within sum of squares values

○ Plot a graph between weighted sum of squares vs k value

○ Where it bends that is the ideal number of clusters

○ You do not get much marginal gain by increasing the number of
• Silhouette width

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○ Calculate I dist to other member in same clusters and to

neighboring clusters
○ Check if it is highly cohesive

○ If positive dist to neighboring cluster is greater

○ If negative then closer to neighboring cluster (undesirable, not
highly cohesive)

○ Silhouette width you calculate for different k values and use the K
value that gives you highest average silhouette width

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○ In this example it is highest for k=2

• Read [3. Chateau Wiery (A)] up to page 4

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25 November 2020 12:59

• 6 variables available
• Need to classify the types of shoppers by clustering
• Difference between factor analysis and cluster analysis?
○ Factor analysis is a dimension reduction technique. Combining
variables based on shared variance. Grouping variables.

▪ Can check shared covariance is high by looking at Eigen value.
Then don’t use multiple variable instead group to get only 1
single variable

○ Cluster: grouping objects basis distance between them.

Segregating the data
▪ Use Euclidean distance and similarity matrix

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• Click this icon to choose variables for analysis

• Select the attributes for clustering

○ Selecting all except case no

○ To adjust your settings

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• Usually you will normalize the data (here all values are on the same
• Normalize the data

○ Drag and drop standardize to the location

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○ Options for normalizing

○ 2nd option here is mean centering

○ Last option here is z transform

• Source attribute converted to new attributes with the prefix std_

• Now select new variables for clustering

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• All marked yes are inputs that have been selected for k means
• Check the elbow plot to get k value
• Elbow plot is not available in this tool
• Here calculate wss manually (run Tanagra with k=1, k=2, k=3 etc and
copy the values)

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• silhouette plot

○ Look for high value of silhouette width

○ Max value possible is 1
○ Here can see 3 is a good value
○ In real world you might not always get the same result with both
methods, your discretion to pick, but it variations between the 2
will not be too disparate
• Click on clustering

• Drag and drop k means

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• Specify number of clusters as 3

○ Already normalized the data

○ Relates to centroid calculation. Mc Queen is better

• Execute > View
• Output

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○ Size gives number of points in the cluster and wss represents the
compactness of the cluster (distance from the centroid)
○ Cluster 3 is most compact

○ Within sum of square is the sum of these values (homogeneity of

○ Total sum of squares= Total variance in the data
▪ Comes from Grand mean = Avg distance of all the points to
the centroids (here 3)

▪ Gives total variance in the data

○ Between sum of squares: distance between various cluster we
want that to be large to ensure clusters are distinct
R square =

• Now analyzes the cluster

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• Now analyzes the cluster

• Remember the unit is standard deviation from mean

• See how they have loaded on the various variables

• Now label the various clusters basis this

• We looked at positive values and characterized the cluster. Can also

rely on negative values to help discriminate the clusters.

• Ex: here you can see cluster 3 has negative value for shopping is fun

• Ex: Cluster 2 is minimally interred in shopping (variable 5) instead
they focus on price

• So for cluster 1, focus on the experience, have book signings with

authors, ambience, new food outlets.
• Cluster 2 , talk to them about the discounts and promotional offers
• We can ignore the 3rd group when sending out promotional material
• Visualization

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• Paste in excel

• Change from scientific notation to number

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• Can see case 1 belongs to cluster 1

• Ignore cluster 3

• Create a label which becomes a target for future analysis

• Survey results

• Retained only mean value of variables

• Kmeans requires CONTINUOUS VALUES

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• Look at mean values

• Minimal SD so not much variance

• Q1 difference based on gender

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○ But take it with a pinch of salt, sample size small, and sample has
more females
• Q2 Product categories

○ Spend less but buy more in fashion

○ Skincare and electronics are expensive but number of people
buying is low
• Payment options

○ Asian countries prefer COD as they are distrustful of online


○ Check the elbow

○ Can use k=3

○ Use Tanagra

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○ Normalize data

○ Select only standardize variables

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○ Now perform clustering

○ Clustering > K means

○ Interpret the cluster

○ Not much difference between C1 & C3

○ V1 is perceived risk which is low for C2
○ Last variable is repurchase intent

○ Only 1 variable is significantly discriminatory here, show a 2

cluster solution rather than a 3 cluster solution as shown from the
elbow plot

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elbow plot
• Try with k=2

○ If perceived risk is low then rest is positive (shop more)

• Cluster analysis is highly subjective (look at data and verify it is split
properly and clusters are sufficiently distinct)


○ Students might not represent the total population closely

○ Asian customer generally not too trusting of online shopping

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27 November 2020 10:30

• Data about popular songs taken from Spotify API

• Developer wants to create music that emulates popular songs

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• Popularity is the variable we will use for clustering (scale 100)

• Also include value highlighted in red
○ These are continuous and not categorical

• Explicit is binary don’t include

• Key there 12 keys in music so categorical don’t include

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• Scree plot

○ Use k=2 or k=3

○ Cluster 2 is most popular followed by 1 and 3

○ These factors loaded high on cluster 2

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○ Saves result to specific location

○ Saves as text file, drag and drop into excel

○ Filter cluster 2

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○ Can similarly use to analyse other categorical variables

○ For explicit lyrics

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○ Restricted basis time and geography (here only US data)
○ These are concerns to be vary

○ Incrementally add attributes test (A/B testing) and only then

• Attributes loading is low vales as there is very little variance

• For k=3 better discrimination

• Exercise 2

• B2B situation, trying to find out who are the best vendors or suppliers

• Rank suppliers basis:

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• Help develop a ranking scheme

• 4 cluster solution

• We want minimal price

• But those with bad service we don’t want to work with

○ Cluster 3 also performed badly on all other parameters

• Cluster 4

• Cluster 2

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○ Low price positive on all other parameters

• Cluster 1 all positive but expensive

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• First cluster is infrastructure service 1 time expensive

• Cluster 2

• Over a period of time preference for tempo changes, so need to do


• In suppliers they don’t typically change over time so no need for

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28 November 2020 10:36

• Generally managers are interested in product affinity

○ Complements: as demand of A goes up B goes up (ex: sugar, tea)
○ Supplement: as demand of A goes up B goes down (ex: coffee,

• Understand how cooccurrences occur

• Ex:
○ Amazon: frequently bought together

○ Looks at transaction db and suggests frequently cooccurring

○ OTT platform recommend basis your watch history

• Association rule mining

• Used for

▪ Mainly used to analysis factors to check if they occur

□ Gene analysis
□ Comorbidity for COVID
• Ex:

▪ This debunked
▪ This is a real example

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▪ Walmart tried to determine what people would buy if a

hurricane is predicted to hit (inventory management
problem - what to stock)
▪ Didn't use mining to find trivial association, these we
can set basis our intuition itself (obviously people will
buy things like water, toilet paper etc)
▪ Used instead mining to find hidden patterns (not
obvious through intuition), found that pop tarts & beer
are top selling pre-hurricane purchase
• This is done using transaction db

▪ Each row has transaction id and items bought

• Now association mining will try to determine an association
• Ex:

▪ This is a If-Then rule

▪ Left hand side is the antecedent and right side is the

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▪ You can also reverse them

• How many such rules can we make?
▪ Dependents on the item sets we want
▪ Item set: combination of items we are interested in
(made before we proceed with analysis)

▪ Now we need to verify if these associations are

interesting and meaningful
▪ Example:

□ 4 items, in pairs
□ Bread, cheese, Poptart, Beer
□ Find how many items sets are possible?

□ 6 possible combinations (number of pairs (a,b) not

same as (b,a))
□ Now must measure the

□ Metrics to asses goodness of a rule

 Support

Probability of a product being bought

◊ But we are interested in prob of 2

products being bought together i.e: joint

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• Item sets are given (6 pairs)

• Calculate support for antecedent, consequent and then both together

• Support for antecedent (pattern matching to see how many

transactions have the product)

• Same done for consequent

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• Same done for consequent

• Support for items occurring together (is cooccurrence happening


Use countifs() to see transactions where both the items are

• present
(order in formula doesn’t matter)
• This gives you the support for each rule

Issues with support:

• Don’t know the order of purchase (doesn’t capture that information)
• So we need to go with condition probability (is B bought after A
is purchased)

• (OR)

• This is called confidence, the second metric to check goodness of rule

• So why did we even look at support if confidence captures both?

• If you have millions of transaction, generate item sets that have
minimal support (saves significantly on computation)

• This means that for above problem, only if 75% of transactions

have this combination proceed with finding the confidence

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• Now, calculate confidence for each item
• First find joint probability

Here doing pattern matching and here order matters

• Confidence is (joint prob/ prob of antecedent)

H/W: Find confidence when order of rules are reversed (A purchased after B)
• Confidence is the only metric in which order of rule matters (not
• Confidence gives indication of direction in which the rule occurs

Issues with confidence

• If consequent is present in all rules (very popular), i.e: when
probability of B is high

• It influences the confidence (it increases), so it is inflating the value of

• So also need to also look at lift

• Takes care of popularity of the consequent

• So lift should be >1 to be interesting

• If =1 uninteresting rule

• <1 is also interesting as it shows

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• Calculate lift

• Good rule has high values for all 3 metrics

• Only 1 rule here is significant

• And juice is purchased after cheese is purchased
• Order is preserved in the lift

• And at least in half of the transactions they are purchased

• Lift <1 are not purchased together

• Ex: Coke and Pepsi (if planning a promotion don’t place them

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• Ex: Coke and Pepsi (if planning a promotion don’t place them
together). Supplements to each other.

• Look for high confidence and support

• Don’t decide on a cutoff value for these apriori , look at
combination of all 3, also depending on how many samples
you have, nature of data

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30 November 2020 10:28

• Joint probability is symmetric

• If first column used countif formula (no need to check the sequence)

• The sequence is handled by the conditional probability formula

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• Confidence changes with sequence

• Ex:
○ Bread and milk

○ Check milk and bread only within transactions that have

antecedent present

○ If basket contains milk there is 50% chance finding bread

○ So confidence is asymmetric where as support is symmetric
• Lift
○ Symmetric

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○ Lift> 1 or < s interesting

○ Lift = 1 they are independent events
• So check for

• Generate a binary incident matrix (this is how software processes)

○ Export to tanagra

○ Except pattern id select all columns

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○ Apriori is the name of the association rule algorithm

○ Set the property values

○ Only theses 2 rules match the rules

▪ Rules with high values for all 3 given most priority

▪ Check lift first then support followed by confidence
○ Click view to see all the rules

○ Increasing itemset to 4

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○ 1 means customer has chosen that feature

○ There are 2000 records

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○ If we increase itemset to 3

○ Now get more rules (15 rules)

○ But what if we want to stick to 2 itemsets but want more rules?

▪ Aprior does not calculate confidence and lift first
▪ It only considers items that have a minimum support values
▪ So decrease the support to get more rules

▪ No hard and fast rules for defining these values ideally we

want it to be high

• Cosmetic

• How to pitch? What items should sales clerks cross sell?

• Start with high values for support and high values of confidence (0.1,

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• See a lot of 30% support change the rule

• Better to have limited rules in retail situation. Also there is little data
so better to have higher support (only 100- rows)

• 2 rules are flipped

• POS display place mascara & eyeshadow together and same with lip-
gloss and foundation. Same for cross selling

• MSNBC website
• Page visit, visitor data for one day only

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• Click stream analysis path stream followed

• If analyze path and mine patterns to make better predictions in the
• Make recommendation on web site design and ad pattern
• If visiting in sequence use information to place
• Pick more records don’t compromise on COFIDENCE OR LIFT

• Then adjust

• It is data collected only for single day

• So can we rely on these rules?
○ No

○ For Walmart example they used time based element of db to

decide the pre hurricane purchase

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○ Don’t discard the pattern just explore over longer period

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01 December 2020 13:04

• In some situations you have categorical items

• Identify the customers who will respond to ad. Predictors are age and gender.
• Outcome that we are trying to predict is BINARY CATEGORICAL variable (Will customer
respond? Yes/No)
• Use classification model for categorical methods (Neural networks, decision trees, SVM)
○ We are working only with binary classification here

○ There are cases where can have multi level classification

• You use estimation tasks (regression)
• How to assess regression models?
○ How to show model built on sample is good? Look at the SIGNIFICANCE (is the model
GENERLIZABLE?). Results of sample holds good for the population also.
○ Adjusted R square: how will the model explains the y variable or phenomenon we are
interested. Not the generalizability.

○ Diagnostic model:
○ Predictive model: focus is on prediction accuracy

▪ We can no longer use significance model
▪ When you have large db (have entire population for your study). Significance (p
value) will always be high. So cannot use it for generalization
▪ Need to use cross-validation (out of sample predictions), predict out of sample
data also

▪ Most common is two fold cross validation

□ Split the data, 1 part is training dataset, other is test dataset
□ Build the model with training data
□ Check the accuracy using test data

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□ Model is simply an equation

□ Some function of the predictors (age and gender)

□ Remove the target variable and ask the model to predict. Compare with the
original value (which we know) and assess the accuracy of the model

□ Ex: if your test data have only younger age group it can work very well with
training data but in test data if there are older age it will perform poorly
□ Ensure there is heterogeneity and representation is present in training data
□ Fix this issue with proper sampling when splitting the data

□ How to split between test and training

 There is no ideal split

 However you split model should work consistently.

• Classification matrix

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• Classification matrix

• Class of interest (people who respond to the class so yes)
• But there are cases where No could be the class of interest like credit card fraud

○ TN - true negative and TP- true positive

○ FP- false positive and FN- False negative
• Example:
○ Output of software

○ Check TP and TN

• Suppose

○ But it will never detect a TP
○ This is accuracy paradox you cannot rely on accuracy of a model to assess 'goodness' of a

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○ Here also 90% accuracy but this is a poor model

○ Instead look at sensitivity and specificity

▪ Although accuracy is 90%, sensitivity is 0% so cannot predict the class of interest

• Class of interest is low when data is highly skewed. In real life you will have highly skewed
data. Example: credit fraud, GST fraud, response to add
○ This can cause issues that need to be addressed (beyond scope of the discussion)
• Sometimes

• Test data

○ Actual value is 1 yes and 0 No

○ The output will give you probability of data belonging to the class of interest (Yes)

○ Default cutoff is 0.5

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○ 12 records, first 2 are misclassified

○ Confusion matrix



▪ Increase sensitivity (catch more number of positive records)

▪ So vary the cutoff value, lower to 0.2, so1 record now correctly classified

▪ Accuracy goes down, specificity does down but sensitivity 100%

▪ Hit and trial. Cutoff is very important for creating a model.
▪ Depending on cost involved to you vary (medicine and fraud you cannot change
○ Another way to decide cutoff value

▪ Cost benefit analysis.
▪ Identify

▪ Identify for each category

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▪ Opportunity cost treated as $0, usually do not consider them

▪ Get monetary value of each decision

▪ Look at monetary value, which returns best value. Vary and check which helps us
identify better.


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• Walmart trying to predict pregnancy's in household based on purchase

• Used 3 different models
• Class of interest is pregentant household
• Split the dataset and trained the model

• Set cutoff of 0.78

• Tried other cutoff values

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• Target did same

• Customers felt it was an invasion of privacy so they lost out on sales
• So Walmart assigned a cost if they classify inaccurately

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02 December 2020 10:31

• From payoff matrix we can see ideal cutoff is 0.1

• Logistic regression
• Identifying the variables ( feature engineering) takes time should be done carefully

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• When is odds =1, 50% chance of happening

• Greater than 0,5 becomes > 1

• Ex: You are using income to predict purchase

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• Purchase is either 0 or 1
• Increasing value of income tendency to purchase increases

• Fitting a linear equation, but has drawbacks

○ Y variable should be either 0 or 1 but have negative value according to

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• Values between 0 and 1 split using the sigmoid curve (helps connect x and y

• Lines will never touch 1 and 0 extend to infinity

• So use logit function instead of predicting y

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• However it can touch

• Add log of odds

• Connect x and y

• Trial and error to find best fit

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Exercise logistic regression problem

• run logistic regression and assess the fit indices

• college football team trying to understand if the win is related to home or away and the salary
of the coach
• try to see if the variables are significant
• step one examine the predictors
• hey from pivot table

• Away game are close

• Same for home

• Check with salary

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• Check with salary

• Bin into groups

• So good candidate for a predictor

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• Select data>

• Home is string so coded it

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• Home is string so coded it

• Coeff table both logit and exponential

• If value above 5 there is multicollinearity, can look to reduce factors

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• If value above 5 there is multicollinearity, can look to reduce factors

• Lower deviance model s good

• Null model is with only the intercepts none of the predictors (sum of square errors)

• If p < 0.05 then significant, this is the first check

• Pseudo r square is good if close to 1

• 83% explained by variables

• Z test

• Salary is signficant

• Assess the signifi

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• Exponent is just log odds converted into probability

• -ve Value of log get less than 1, else >1

• This is the effect size (if increase 1 unit salary odds increases by 1.042)

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05 December 2020 10:31

• Survey based study to understand what type of products customers are willing to buy
domestic goods

○ Identify key variables that firm should focus on

• Willingness to buy is our dependent variable

○ Compare Income (categorical variable ) with y variable
○ Insert a pivot table

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○ Check across the groups there are

○ Low income group seems more willing to buy

○ High income does not seem to prefer domestic goods
○ For age

○ Simple things to start with to help pick our predictors

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○ Use regression

○ Select variables donot include code and willingness to pay (y variable)

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○ Assess to check f model is better than null model

○ 33% explanation
▪ Conduct a pilot survey
▪ Or choose better/more variables and check if those separate classes well
○ Check significance

○ Gender is not significant rest is

○ Age log odds negative as age increase willingness decrease
○ Same as pattern seen in explanatory analysis

○ If has child more willingness to buy ( no child is the base here as it is 0)

○ Low income people have more propensity to buy

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○ Highest odds good predictor

○ But edu is categorical variable not continuous

○ Higher odds more important the predictor

○ Target highly educated, have children and is ethnocentric (personality trait cannot
segment but when you create ads use messaging)

• Admission to check if there is diversity and inclusivity

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• Admission to check if there is diversity and inclusivity

• Admit yes - 1 no - 0
• Scores are continuous
• Undergraduate institute rank (discreate categorical variable) So create dummy variable

• VIF: less than 5 is acceptable

• Rank2 and rank3 are 2

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• Over a period of time when you refine the model you will want to collapse ( combine the

• Significant and 19.8% explanation (improve exploitability in future)

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• Score gre is 1 so 50% probability

• Chapter 7 in textbook
• Templates for proposal is present in the appendix of the book

• Parsimony is always better

• Goal is predictive accuracy not explanation

• Nature of model chosen depends on the context. Better always to build a simple model
• How to check accuracy?

○ You end up overfitting

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○ It memories the data

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18 December 2020 08:20

• So far done descriptive analytics (cluster, association mining, and checking how to assess
goodness of classifier - accuracy, specificity,)
• Expected value framework
• Logistic regression (diagnostic model)

Predictive analytics
• Goal: predictive accuracy
• Achieved with cross validation
○ Spilt into training and test data

• Occam's Razor : The best possible model should be parsimonious, don’t build complex models
(using all variables for prediction etc).
• There is a tradeoff BIAS VS VARIANCE

• Complex: Overfitted. Performance in test data will be poor.

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• Expertise is required consult domain experts, talk to stakeholders and pick predictors
○ Build a model for cross-selling, consumer already bought 3 products in a products in the
product family. If all ready bought all 3 want to upsell to them upgrade to a higher
priced product. If
• Remove insignificant predictors and don’t complex transformation of predictors
(interactions). It will start overfitting.
• Build models incrementally
○ There are 2 methods (feature engineering):

□ Add each variable to a model and check a criteria
□ This varies for each model ex: for regression check the R^2
 For logistic regression it is AIC

□ Backward: Add all the variables and algorithm will eliminate each variable
and check

• Exercises that will be covered

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If more interested in verifying Positive cases then look at sensitivity
Negative more interested then look at specificity

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False positive in marketing where we are concerned when they will not respond

• Do Select Data > Create name

• Perform Linear regression

• Variables explain if these students should be admitted
• Only 319 records have value

• These represent the training data

• The one we don’t is the test data
• 80-20 split (training test)

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• 80-20 split (training test)
• Software have options to split for you (will show once reach neural network will show how to

• Building model only with training data

• Select predictors

• This is the confusion matrix

• Out of sample validation is that the

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• Look at VIF


• Remove insignificant predictors

• Can remove gre (look at the p value, it should be < 0.05)
• Remove this predictor
• Process is incremental so go back remove predictors and run again

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• Flow the flow

• Look at significance, multicollinearity, goodness, kai square, coefficient
• Now validate the model

• First is confusion matrix of training dataset set

• Second is the out of sample classification, Look at this to assess the goodness of model

• Percent correct is ACCURACY
• True positivity SENSITIVITY

• Ture negative rate is SPECIFICITY

• Default cutoff for prediction
• We want HIGH SENSITIVITY want to find who will be admitted (trading off accuracy for
• So change the cutoff value

• Arrows will allow this

• Now sensitivity is increasing ( detecting positive values)

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• Can even lower until satisfied

• Recommendation

○ In case of skewness this may not be sufficient we need to address that later

• To check the predicted value for each data record

• This is from regression equation

• Equation gives the log odds

• Then take antilog (EXP)

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• To get probability

• Which is the same as the output of Regressit

• Less than 0.5 predicted as 0 more than 0.5 is 1

Churn example
• Predict whether customer will churn (leave)
• Very common in banking and telecom. Look to give promotional offers to them to help with

○ Length: tenure in months

○ Int plan/Voice mails: discrete binary variables, membership to that plan

Charges for different times of days is different

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○ Charges for different times of days is different

○ Customer service calls they made: continuous variable

○ Have data for 80% of the data, rest 20 use as test data
• STEP1: remove variable not need for prediction

• STEP2: recoding the binary values and y value

○ Regressit understands only numbers

○ Select columns Ctrl + H to replace (yes with 1 and no with 0)

○ Data> filter

○ Uncheck the blanks for Churn_training column

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○ Create a new column after you filter (Churn_traning2)

○ Set False to 0 and True to 1 and fill this column

○ Now for column (Churn?)

○ Run logistic regression with out of sample validation

○ Don't select churn or churn_trng as a predictor

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○ Look at the VIF you can see large values

○ Ideally VIF SHOULD BE <5

○ This is why it is always good to do a exploratory analysis before you run a model
○ Otherwise the time spent that is used for billing so highly correlated to the charges. If
you consulted a domain expert in telecom they would have told

○ So run only the mins not the # calls and not the charges

○ Anyone who has a voice mail plan will have voice mail messages (highly correlated)
○ Remove these variables and run model again with these variables

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• STEP3: Check which predictors are significant

○ Here account length is insignificant

○ Remove it and rebuild the model
• HW: Change cutoff and see if can improve the prediction and analyse the confusion matrix

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19 December 2020 09:54

• Model building is always incremental, so always build model interactively

• Interpret diagnostic part
○ Look at effect sizes and direction

○ Only vmail plan is negative

▪ But it is a binary categorical variable so compare it with the base

▪ Base: when compared with someone who does not have a plan, if they have a
vmail plan they have less chance of churning

▪ Int plan more chance of churning if they have int plan
○ Percentage change

• Confusion matrix

○ Check for overfitting: Check if perforce very well with training but not well with test
• Find the best cutoff

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○ Cutoff .10

○ SENSITIVITY is important here

• In this example also there is reasons to bin
○ Take customer service call

○ It is highly significant

○ Close to 1 (50% chance of happening)

○ If numeric easy to see
○ But with binary dependent variable it is difficult to visualize if there related in a non
linear manner
○ Track only for unit change
○ Even if effect is significant

○ Left is false and right is true

○ See the difference across the 2 groups
▪ See in right side not making a lot of calls
▪ But non churners make calls

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○ Histogram, frequency patterns help you bin the variable

○ Check if relationship has been suppressed through binning

○ Log regression odds may not capture

○ Or use neural network that captures the nonlinearity by logistic regression will suppress
▪ Non linear relationship between x and y will not be captured ( pattern in the split)
▪ P value is high but size of the odds is not much so assuming suppressed and
explore through binning

○ Add new variable and rebuild the model

○ After binning
○ Still significant but

○ Check AIC (it should have gone DOWN after you change your predictors)

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○ Adjust cutoff value

○ Recommendation:
▪ Do binning use cutoff 0.15
▪ Giving them promotional benefits which will have costs, so depends on the
marketing budget
▪ But in health analytics wont be happy, cost is high with not there you need at least
90%+ sensitivity
□ Same case for fraud or loan defaulters


• Trying to find out if firms are manipulating their earnings

• Case helps you to appreciate the importance of sampling
• SMEs submit financial statements to the private bank for loan purpose and if they cook the
book can lead to NPA
• Uses Benish model which returns a M score based on 8 financial ratios

• Statistical model based on logistic regression

• M is manipulation
• But this model was built in '99 with US data
• Also because it is old firms now know about it and they can cook up these ratios to create a
favourable M score
• Analyst thus using ML to
• Used SEBI indexes and data from Prowess for sampling

• Small number of records for the class of interest (5622 non-manipulators and 39 manipulators)
• Highly unbalanced data set
• Handle it with

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• Handle it with

○ Over sampling: Create more number of positive records (i.e. manipulators)

○ Under sampling: class which is over represented is removed (i.e. non-manipulators)
• Here they used under sampling

• Come up with 220 records 181 non-manipulators and 39 manipulators for the sample
• Look at VIF

○ Remove predictors that are not significant

○ And rerun the model

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○ Now all are significant

○ Look at confusion matrix (no test data here just training)

○ But can we same model for actual predictions?

○ So if you know you have been given a sample to work with always ask for more samples
to check by getting more samples
○ Take a different set of non-manipulators and check again
○ M score is same as cutoff (here 0.1)
○ Any firm that scores more than 0.1 it needs to be scrutinized
▪ How to check?
□ Model is returning the probability so when doing logistics regression save
the predictions and run


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• Variable with many levels

• If limited levels its fine
• But if you have many values ex: region, location etc. These will create issues if have many

• Case

• Auto finance company

• Tried to find out who defaults on an auto finance loan

• Demographic adta

• 2 categorical variables that take multiple levels

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• 2 categorical variables that take multiple levels

○ Branch within region

○ Y variable

▪ 1 is default 0 is otherwise
▪ We are not going to look at Defaulter type for this
○ Authors have split data set into build and validate

○ Pick only the build dataset a

○ Delete the first 3 variables

○ Remove highlighted columns

○ region and branch (will see how to handle later)

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Video Lecture_1
20 December 2020 18:03

Link to video

• Select only the training records

○ Ctrl+A : to select only filtered records

○ Ctrl +C and paste in new sheet
• Delete first 3 columns (not useful)

○ Also delete these 2 columns because for the time being we are not going to deal with
categorical variables with multiple levels

○ And delete last column which identifies that it is the training dataset

○ Delete defaulter type (as it is a multiclass level, i.e: not binary classification)

○ Defaulter flag is the y variable

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• Run logistic regression

○ Check the number of records are represented correctly

○ No out of sample as this is the training dataset

• From output
○ Start with VIF
▪ It should be under 5 for all variables

○ Next check significance

▪ Should be below 0.05

▪ Number of dependents is not significant so remove and run regression again

○ Now examine the coefficient ( both magnitude and direction)

▪ FRICODE: binary categorical variable which indicates if a person has a fridge or not
(baseline is 0, no fridge)
▪ FULLPDC: If they have payed postdated checks in full

▪ MTHINCTH: Monthly income in thousands

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SALDATFR: Salary date fraction

If they receive salary on 31st they pay EMI on the same day

• Next look at odds value (ie. Exp(coeff) tells us the strength so higher the odds stronger the

○ Tenure is important here

○ Age and monthly income

○ Odds are close to 1 (ie: 50% odds) and highly significant

○ Also bin these 2 continuous variables (discretize the variables) to see if any nonlinear
effects are suppresed

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21 December 2020 15:01

• No, Model should be generalizable so don’t sample the test data

• Continuing example

• Bin the variable

• Plot a histogram

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• But we should not have too many levels in the variable so set a smaller number of bins

• Not always necessary to have equal bins but it is easier to analyse if that is the case
• Binned to get 3 categories for age and 3 for month

• Check for the entire original data (both training and test)

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• If similar it helps us to see if sampling was done correctly

• Now assign dummy variable (2 dummy variables because there are 3 levels)

• Similarly for month variable as well

• Now run regression again with the coded variables

• For age base (base) is 40+

• Coefficient is positive that means when compared to the base

• So older consumers are stable (40+) for younger need to verify
• For month

• One is significant and one is insignificant

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• Because sign is positive

• When insignificant means that when compared to the base they are not very different
• 5.2 and less scrutinize
• So nonlinear covariates you can examine by binning

• How to deal with categorical variables that take multiple values use zero sum

• You have

• Checking across branch and region you might get 0 cell count for some combination it
cannot estimate and it wont run
• So we need to collapse (reduce the number of levels)

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• Or

• Build separate regression models for different regions

• When compared to comibatore these has lower propensity to default, AP is

insignificant, kerala is more

• Now check with the test data

• How to check whether it has improved?

• Check the AIC


• It has come down so model has improved

• Look at final confusion matrix

• We are interested in high sensitivity

• You need to also scrutinize the expected value for this decision

• So we choose 0.2 as cutoff despite the fact that 0.5 gives better sensitivity
• So always look at associated costs as well

Neural Networks

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Neural Networks

• Ada Lovelace
• She worked with Babbage on analytical engine
• It is only a machine that takes input and gives output

• She was quoted by

○ If the computer is only a machine that takes input and give output what if
instead they could think for themselves
○ Turing test
▪ What if machines could learn from data themselves

▪ A is supposed to respond like a person and C should not be able to detect.

○ Eugene Goostman is a chatbot that is supposed to have passed this test

• ML we don’t explicitly tell the machine what to do the machine looks at the data and
comes up with the rules for us. Machine can learn from examples

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• ANN: artificial neural network

○ It learns from the output
○ It check the output against the training data
○ If it has not achieved the desired output it will adjust itself and keep learning
until it achieves the desired output
○ It mimics how a human being learns (modelled after a neuron)

○ He batted with a stump hitting a ball against a water tank (curved surface)
○ He learnt through repetition until he perfected it

• X1, x2, x3 are inputs to the neuron

• Output is Y
• Each input is associated with each input9w1,w2 and w3)
• Z is a summing function

○ Similar to a regression equation
• W0 is the bias (or intercept)
○ If everything is 0 you don’t want to loose information
• We want the ANN to learn to do this it has an activation function (transfer function)
• Z is fed into G(Z) function

○ Only when it meets to a certain threshold it will predict Y or feed into the next

○ Neural networks are not restricted by these function (no precondition) unlike
the functions above.

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○ If you don’t have an activation function here it becomes a regression model

○ Can handle higher order problems

○ In reality you will have multiple neuron (perceptron) will be connected to each
○ For others there is a clear set of criteria, when should ANN stop? How does it
find the solution?

▪ Say you have 2 variables plotted in 2 D space to separate black and res
▪ It can also flip the dimensions and draw or it can draw curved lines etc
▪ The algorithm is searching for a solution

▪ No close form conditions

▪ Analyst role is to nudge the algorithm so it searches effectively
g crash

• Brute force method: Trial and error

• Differentiation is used to find slope of a curve ( change in one variable )

○ Requires you to use a function that is differentiable

○ Used as a approximator function

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○ Weight is like the beta is regression

○ As weight increases error increases same at low values
○ For each of the inputs ANN will search for a weight that gives least loss

○ Error is fedback
○ This is called back propagation
○ Adjust the weights and learn correct value of y
○ Check slope repeatedly if it finds an increasing value it will bring back down so
comes to middle (hill climbing)

○ It will try to find Global minima of a function

○ You can also have a local minima

○ We need to set hyperparameters to nudge it to that global minima

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23 December 2020 17:04

Optimization problem
• The NN is trying to find the minima

• One of the simplest Functions used for is hill climbing

• If it finds it has a negative gradient (slope) it knows its going down towards minimal loss

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• Analyst needs to work on hyperparameters

• Most Kaggle competition the wining algorithms use HG boost or hyperlearning

• Specify the learning rate ( scalar used to change the weight)

• If you give a small value might take a long time but too large and it might overstep

• Set learning rate and see how many steps it takes before it reaches the optimal point

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• Too large it will overstep the minima (here in 1 step itself it overstepped)

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• If overshoots the ANN realizes it has overshot and readjusts the weights

• Inputs to ANN

• Can also use z transformation if you are worried about outliers

• They introduce non-linearity

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• They introduce non-linearity

• It is not a single activation that is happening it will be connected to another neuron

• Used mostly in deep learning not NN (the signal will drop overtime in deep learning)
• This activation function is also a hyperparameter
• By default use Logit

• NN topology

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• Creating network topology

• Consumer acceptance of cheese (1 they like, 0 don’t like)
• Fat score and salt score are normalized, acceptance is your Y variable

• NN has 3 layers
○ Input layer
▪ Takes in the input through nodes 9here 2 nodes because 2 x variables/predictors)

○ Hidden layer:
▪ 1 layer with 3 nodes
▪ This is designed by the analyst
▪ There are weights associated with these connection
▪ Output is fed to the output layer

▪ Why 3 nodes?
□ For classification

□ More than 1-2 it becomes a deep learning network

□ If you increase the layers the algorithm will memorizes the data very well

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□ If see 100% accuracy good chance it is overfitting (especially likely with NN)

Rule of thumb

□ So 3 nodes
□ There are algorithms to recommend number of nodes

○ Bias

▪ Will look at forward pass and backward pass( what happens inside the NN)
▪ Initially NN will assgin random value for the weights

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▪ All the weights need to arrive at the optimal minima, not as simple
▪ Same for the bias, assign random values

▪ Inputs to hidden nodes

□ What is the output of these nodes

□ It goes through the activation function/squashing function
□ The activation function is a sigmoid function

□ Now that it has found output it will check for error

□ It returns probability values for classification and we need to set the cutoff
▪ Backward propagation
□ Calculate the error at the hidden node and the activation node

□ For all the hidden nodes

□ For the 5th node it combines the error and passes it backward

□ Starts correcting the weight using delta value (direction gradient of function)

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□ Here analyst only sets the learning rate

□ When should it stop ( it will not know if it reached a global or a local minima

 Either set an acceptable error rate to stop

 Or limit the number of epochs

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• Example

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• Set parameters

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• Set parameters

• Will iterate through the entire dataset and try to find the minimal error
• If it doesn’t seem to converge stop the process and tweak the parameters and try angain

• Initially set it high and then reduce

• Example

Source of candidate

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Source of candidate

• Location 7 levels
• In logistic regression this would be a problem but not in NN
• Select columns and open in Tanagra

• Drag and drop

• Set parameters

• Set an 80/20 split

• Seed state determines the randomness of sampling

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• Seed state determines the randomness of sampling

• Execute

• After sampling select the variables

• And pick only the continuous variables for standardization

• Use min-max

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• Execute you will get 2 new variables

• To set dummy coding

• Select the 5 categorical variables

• Don’t check this box!

• Execute it will create dummy values

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• Execute it will create dummy values


• For source referral is base

• For location it has taken 6 as base value
• Select all the standardized and coded variables

• In Target tab pick Joined

○ This is our back propagation NN

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○ This is th number of hidden nodes in hidden layer

▪ This is when you want to use out of sample test

▪ None because we have already taken care of normalization
○ Stopping

▪ Max iterations in the software is 1000 so set that

• Execute

• Best it could do was error rate 0.1348

• Confusion matrix (for the training)
• 70.7% TP rate
• Specificity is 1
• Got all negative values right
• You provided more number of negative records so it has overfit the data
• So always look at data for classifier performance for training data

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• So always look at data for classifier performance for training data

• So disadvantage of NN it is a blackbox you cannot make sense of the weights

• So use sensitivity analysis to evaluate instated

○ After 100 stagnated

○ Even if you increase the number of iterations you wont see improvement
• Out of sample validation

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• Execute

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• This is the confusion matrix for the test data

• Finetune the hyperparameters

• Use genetic algorithm to determine the features ( ideal number of nodes and layers)
• We have 12 variables

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• We have 12 variables

• Number of nodes in hidden layer (rule of thumb)

○ Need 10
○ But we have only 6000 records that could lead to overfitting instead be conservative but
still increase the number of nodes

○ Gone down now (not overfitting)

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24 December 2020 17:02

• Y variable it takes as string

• So replace 0 with no fraud and 1 with fraud

• Claim type is categorical with 5 levels

• Claim amt is a continuous variable

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• Some of these have many levels so it will be difficult for regression to caputure non linearity
• Import to Tanagra

• 70/30 split

• Normalize the continuous variables

• Categorical create dummy coded values

• Its picked it up as a number (continuous) so it will treat it as ordinal which is wrong

○ First convert them into categorical variable

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○ It gives you new variables

○ Now dummy code

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○ Build the model

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○ To find the number of nodes use thumb rule

○ 24 input variables and 2 output levels

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○ Learning rate start with 0.1 and work upwards if the algorithm doesn’t converge

○ 0 so didn’t converge overstepped the minima, finetune your hyperparameters

○ 95% sensitivity here which is good

○ Current error is 0.26

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○ The rest of the rows gives you how the error rate changes if you drop a variable

○ Assess the model

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○ For fraud would prefer a higher cutoff

○ Try with 60% split

○ 89%
○ If it had degraded means model is not consistent

• So far we have used it only for classification

• 1 descriptive and 1 predictive analysis (logit and NN)

○ Is it linear and non-linear
○ How you will use this learning and how you will apply in real-world
• Exam:

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○ Answer the following:

▪ How would an analyst improve a model
▪ How would decision maker take action on what results are given

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