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Beekeeping for Honey Production in Sri Lanka Based on Forage Distance

Conference Paper · July 2020

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11445.50402

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3 authors:

Damindu Wijayanga Achintha Madhusanka

The Open University of Sri Lanka SLTC Research University


Hapuarachchige Don Nelaka Shayamal Priyankara

The Open University of Sri Lanka


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ISSN 2321 3361 © 2020 IJESC

Research Article Volume 10 Issue No.7

Beekeeping for Honey Production in Sri Lanka Based on Forage

Damindu Wijayanga1, B. G. D. A. Madhusanka2, H. D. N. S. Priyankara3
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
Dance communication in honeybees has described as one of the most impressive forms of communication in animals, and it is one of
the most famous examples of information transfer in the animal world. However, more than 69 years after the initial discovery of the
meaning of the dance, it remains obscure how bees manage to decode information in the dance and thus which of the many dance
signals carry information. Honeybees have always attracted attention due to their famous “waggle dance” an intriguing and complex
behaviour that bees use to convey spatial information on desirable resources. In this paper focused the statistics of visually captured
high-precision dance trajectories of Asian honeybees (Apis Cerana Indica) in Sri Lanka. The paths were produced using a novel
vision-based tracking system and represent the most of dance motion information. Finally, we provided a bee dance identification
algorithm, technologies. We developed an algorithm for the amount of sugar syrup to improve an automatic bee feeder-based system
for quality honey production in Sri Lanka based on forage distance.
Keywords: Beekeeping, Honey Production, Forage Distance, Waggle Dance, Image Processing, Convolution Neural Network,
Machine Learning.
I. INTRODUCTION activities. These communication methods could be categorized
into two broad groups, such as below [1, 2].
Production of honey by honeybees is one of the fascinating 1.Chemical Communication Signals.
phenomena in applied biology and technology. It is not only 2.Physical Communication Signals.
natural and technological fascination but a process that has a The chemical communication system is essential in the
direct economic value. In Sri Lanka, Beekeeping for honey functional integration of the colony is brought about by several
production is essentially an operation in field biotechnology, and chemical substances which are used in chemical communication
agricultureand beekeeping are mostly practised as a full-time and are called pheromones. Some glands produce these in the
occupation and an exciting hobby to produce handsome income bodies of workers and queen. Of these pheromones, the queen
and table honey. The beekeeper must coordinate the activities of substance (mainly 9-oxo-2-decenoic acid or 9ODA) which is
two groups of organisms, the nectar and pollen-producing plants provided in the mandibular gland of the queen is a popular
and the honeybees, at an optimum level. Honeybees can queen pheromone. Two essential functions of the queen
communicate the position of the sun concerning the direction of substance are the maintenance of colony cohesion and
gravity. Also, honeybees are located nearby the food source suppression of the development of ovaries in workers [1, 3].
along with the continuous line between the nest and position of Also, the physical communication signals of honeybees, the one
the sun. And the continuous line length is forage distance of that strikes us most and the one that seems a beautiful
scout bees. There are many gain competencies in managing phenomenon in the animal world, is called the "Bee Dance". The
honeybees such as many income-generating pursuits, simplest way to understand the effectiveness and efficiency in
agricultural or otherwise have a detrimental impact on the the communication ability of honeybees is to place a dish of
natural environment. Conservation of honeybees should be an honey in the open. Sometimes a honeybee worker may take a
intended aspect of environmental protection. In this regard, an few hours or a few days to find this unusual source of food
appropriate motto will be "protect the bees to protect Nature". In because they usually go to flowers to gather food. The scout bee
many inhabited localities in Sri Lanka and Asian Countries the who discovers a source of food on return to her nest will run
major problem of maintaining honeybees and decrement of among her nestmates in excitement to draw their attention to her.
honey quality due to excessive feed of sugar syrup. The reason Then she offers the food brought to a group of nestmates called
is the lack of a sufficient amount of nectar due to the lack of foraging bees. During the process of food offering, the offering,
nectar-yielding plants and honeybees are abscond the bee and the recipient bees mutually antennae each other. Once the
colony. So, apiculture farmers supply supplementary feeding of scout bee finishes offering the food she brought, then she starts
colonies with sugar syrup. Then the honey quality was to perform a distinct and rhythmic pattern of body movements
decrement. which is called a “Bee Dance” [1,4].
2.2Bee Dance: In hive honeybees depending on the distance
2.1 Communication in Honeybees: Ability of an animal to between the nest (or the hive) and the food source three distinct
manipulate the behaviour of another animal of the same species patterns of body movements or three different types of dances
is called communication for proper coordination of their

IJESC, July 2020 26612 http://

can be observed such as Round dance, Sickle dance, and Waggle Waggle Dance:
Round Dance:

Figure.3. Waggle Dance

In the event of the bee discovering a source of food beyond 25

meters from the nest, scout bees perform waggle dance as in the
Figure.1. Round Dance above mention Figure3. And on return to the nest after food-
offering among her crowded nest mates she runs on a straight
After food offering, the pioneer scout bee will run in a circular path shaking her abdomen. After performing the tail wagging
pathis shown inFigure1. The round dance is used for food run on a straight way for a definite period lasting for a few
sources, less than 10 meters away from the hive or closer. After seconds, she returns to the starting point on a semi-circular pa
distributing some of her new-found nectar to waiting bees, the this shown in Figure3. The dance tempo or the tail wagging
scout will begin running in a small circle, switching direction frequency of the straight tail wagging run and its inclination to
every so often. After the dance ends, again food is kept the same the direction of the location of the food source from the nest. It
place or another place at on the comb, and the dance may be could easily be observed that the dance tempo or the tail
repeated three ormore times. The round dance does not give wagging frequency increases as the distance to food source
directional information. Bees elicited into foraging after a round decrease and the time spent on each straight waggle run to
dance flies out of the hive in all directions, searching for the increase as the distance increases [1,5,6,7].
food source they know must be there. Odour helps recruited bees
find the new flowers in two ways. Bees are watching the dance 2.3 Forage Distance and Direction: For foraging honeybees, it
detect the fragrance of the flower left on the dancing bee. is not essential to see the sun directly to determine the sun's
Honeybees can communicate the position of the sun for the relative position only by seeing plane-polarized light. Bees are
direction of gravity [3, 5]. sensitive to plain polarized light which is usually reflected from
the blue sky. Depending on the position of the sun, light pattern,
Sickle Dance: and polarized light changes were observed by the foraging
honeybees. They are very sensitive to the above parameters.
Then Mee Bees can determine the direction of gravity.
Therefore, Mee Bees can perform the communication dance on a
vertical comb and inform their nestmates of the location of a
food source about sun's position by using the direction of gravity
to represent the continuous line between the sun and the nest.
According to the previous researches, we can show the distance
calculation as below, After food offering, the pioneer scout bee
will run in a wagging movement in and outside of thecomb. Sri
Lanka's indigenous hive honeybee, Apis Cerana Indica type
scout bee perform eight waggle phases in a one minute.
According to the past researchers [2, 8], 1𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 1000𝑚
suppose the waggle physicalcommunication. Because of that, we
can calculate the distance of foraging bees fly. Absconding or
Figure.2. Sickle Dance the desertion of the hive is the most challenging management
problem of Apis Cerana Indica in Sri Lanka. Several reasons are
The bee distance about the food source is between 10 meters to given for this behaviour such as shortage of nectar, genetical
25meters from the nest, and the dancing bee runs ona sickle- factors, frequent and or excessive disturbance and the existence
shaped circuitis shown in Figure2. of pests such as Wax Moths, Hornets, Ants, etc. [1,9].

The angle between the line going through the middle of the open III. METHODOLOGY
end of the sickle dance circuit, the centre of the circle, and the
gravitational line going through the centre of the circle has Experimental data has collected from the hive between hourly
described the direction to the food source concerning the sun [2, basis each day for 7 hours. For captured images, used C922 PRO
3]. HD STREAM WEBCAM, since the camera features are good

IJESC, July 2020 26613 http://

enough to this experiment. The camera is focused on the hive and validation loss vs no. of epochs. Also, training and
gate surface, where 0.5 meters away from the bee colony and validation accuracy vs no. of epochs is shown in Figure6.
approximately45° degree angle from vertically. Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN) is used to detect the type of honeybee Train. Loss vs Val. Loss
dance and calculate the forager's distance accordance. Then, the 1.4
system detects forage paths of bees on a map and compare 1.2
current distance and nominal distance using CNN. If the current
range is greater than the nominal length, activate the sugar syrup 1 Train_Loss
feeder automatically. Finally, maintain the required amount of 0.8

sugar syrup automatically. 0.6 Val_Los
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28
No. of Epoch

Figure.5.Training and Validation Loss Vs No. of Epochs

Train. Acc vs Val. Acc


0.8 Train_Acc
0.4 Val_Acc

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28
No. of Epoch
Figure.6.Training and Validation Accuracy Vs No. ofEpochs

Honey bees perform physical communication signals when

nectar and pollen are decreased in the bee colony. Then, the
Figure.4.Block diagram of the proposed system source of food is more than 25 meters away from the nest, and
then scout bees are performed waggle communication. The scout
The proposed block diagram is shown in Figure4, and the bee performs waggle dance during 1 minute and then
proposed algorithm is based on Figure4.Also, the algorithm is communicate to the forage bees when the distance between bee
expected to achieve better results without any excessive amount colony and forage location at 1 km. During the experiment
of sugar syrup. The experimental model has automatically identified minimum and maximum time to waggle dance vary to
detected waggle dance images and compatible forage distance 1.5 seconds to 60 seconds. Figure 7 shows of the waggle
and the proper amount of sugar syrup to protect the apiculture identification during the experiment using CNN.
farmers. In this research is used bee colony to preserve the
primary source of the camera, and it is used for captured images.
CNN is used to identify the waggle bee clearly by binary
pictures and learn the waggle images and visualize.


The evaluation result of waggle dance predicts value is 98.16 per (a) (b)
cent. For CNN training, 30 epochs were used to get the high
training accuracy. CNN training accuracy is increased, and
training loss is decreased inverse proportionally with the number
of epochs were used. Also, training accuracy depends on the
number of layers that are used for the CNN and the number of
images (both waggle and other bee paths) that used for training.
We analyzed the behaviour of 304 dance followers with 214 (c) (d)
dances in fourteen bee colonies. Figure5 is shown the training
Figure.7. Waggle Bee Paths

IJESC, July 2020 26614 http://

The proposed algorithm was identified shapes of the waggle [6].Landgraf, T., Rojas, R., Nguyen, H., Kriegel, F. and Stettin,
dances are shown in Figure7(a), 7(b), 7(c) and 7(d). According K. Analysis of the Waggle Dance Motion of Honeybees for the
to that, time taken to each waggle dance is 1.620s, 2.320s, Design of a Biomimetic Honeybee Robot. PLoS ONE, (2011),
2.466s, and 3.292s respectively. Honey bees travel 27m, 38 6(8), p.e21354.
.66m, 41.1m and 54.883m, respectively to the above mentioned
time durations. [7] The Honey bee Waggle Dance - is it a
Language? [Online] Available at: http:// www. phuquoc bee
ssed 20 Nov. 2019].
In this research was explained about the communication of
honeybees. Also, detailed about the three types of physical [8].Kietzman, P.M. and Visscher, P.K. Follower Position Does
communication and explained about those three types of Not Affect Waggle Dance Information Transfer. Psyche: A
physical communications and dance performance separately. Journal of Entomology, 2019, pp.1–5.
Especially about the performance of the "waggle dance" and
explained the characteristics of waggle dance and the distance [9].A. Veeeraraghavan, R. Chellappa, Shape-and-Behavior-
that bees go after performing waggle dance. This system is EncodingT racking of Bee Dance, IEEE Computer Socity.
identified and detect waggle dance after performing by (2017).10.1109/TPAMI.20177070
honeybees. The proposed algorithm is used to identify the
waggle dance accurately. After performing waggle dance, the
system is identified the distance that honeybees go. The CNN is
good enough to detect all waggle bee paths.

I would like to express my most profound appreciation to all
those who provided me with the possibility to complete this
journal. First and foremost, I wish to express my sincere thanks
to the Provincial Department of Agriculture-Western Province
and Uva Province Bee Keeping Development Units. Also,
Assistant Director of Agriculture Mr P.M. Pushpa kumara
(Kananwila-Bee Keeping Development) and Mr R. Wimukthi
Gurugamage (Bindunuwewa-Bee Keeping Development)
respectively for accepting my project into Department of
Agriculture in Sri Lanka. Furthermore, I would also like to
acknowledge with much appreciation to the all staff of
Kananwila and Bindunuwewa Bee Keeping Units, that gave the
support to use all required equipment and the necessary
materials and documents to completemy project task


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IJESC, July 2020 26615 http://

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