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Rodel M.

Banua BSA2-ABM A
MWF - ( 7:30-8:30PM ) Activity 2

“Leadership is Not Just an Obligation, but by Heart”

Last February 16, 2022, the CEAP conducted a webinar entitled “A Call To
Moral Courage in the 2022 Elections”. This webinar provided us a lot of
knowledge and idea which helps us to vote wisely and sincerely during the
upcoming 2022 Election.
What I have learned during the webinar is that we must choose a President or
a leader who is not just intelligent but also possesses a good moral character. It is
clear to our eyes that there are candidates who are religious such as Manny
Pacquiao who is a pastor who teaches other people about the words of God. The
same with VP Leni Robredo who goes viral all over the internet because of her
religious activities such as attending masses and praying with the priests.
On the other hand, for me, we should also choose a leader that fights for unity
and peace. It’s important for a leader to unite us all so that we can minimize
crimes and discrimination between races and gender inequality. We should
choose a president who promotes peace not just in our country but for world’s
Moreover, I would like to remind everyone that we should be careful to our
vote. We must vote the leader who is competent and aware of all the issues in our
country. A leader who can be able to find solutions to our problems. A leader who
can be able to strengthen and provides the needs of the 109 million Filipinos. A
leader who is a role model which can lead us to a better future.
Most importantly, leadership is not just an obligation but by heart. It means
that the future President and other government officials must serve us not just
because they are obligated to do, but rather they serve because they love to
serve for the betterment of our country and people.
Overall, we should not forget to “Vote Wisely”. Lets vote for a leader who is
full-packaged. A President who is knowledgeable, kind-hearted, Filipino-oriented
and God-centered person.

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