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Written Examination in SPEAR 3


Name: _____________________________________ Date: ________________

Section and Schedule: _________________________ __/__
General Direction:
The test will be conducted through online and to be submitted through email. You are to answer the following questions
with the given time. Answer only, and submit before the time deadline of the examination. You can answer using docs or
written answers are accepted and capture your answer using jpegs, please indicate general information of yourself. Time
duration for examination is only 35mins. If submitted late there will be a 5 points deduction. Passing score is 15/30. Read
the direction and the test items carefully and answer the following questions in each type of test.

TEST I-Multiple Choice. Find the accurate and correct answers of the following queries from each number. Write the
correct responses on your answer sheets.

1. Find the correct word of the given statement below.

A Filipino local game wherein boys attempt to kick a stick similar with the footbag or hacky sack.
a. Footbag b. hacky sack c. stick d. kick
2. The materials needed in Takyan are washer, lambo, fire and scissor.
a. True b. false c. none of the abve d. irrelevant statement
3. Washer: Lambo, scissor: ____________?
a. Washer b. lambo c. fire d. tingga
4. What can we get from takyan game except from physical benefits?
a. Enjoyment and facilitate learning
b. Enjoyment, facilitate learning, and sportsmanship
c. Intellectual ability and sportsmanship
d. All of the above
5. Found below are benefits Takyan game excepts;
a. Enjoyment, facilitate learning, sportsmanship and intellectual abilities
b. Sportsmanship, intellectual abilities, accepts defeats
c. Intellectual abilities, accepts defeats, improve spiritual values
d. Accepts defeats and physical benefits
6. The place of origin of The Sakuting Dance is from;
a. Abra and Ilocos Sur b. Ilocos Norte and Abra C. Ilocos Sur and Baguio d. Abra and Benguet
7. The Costume of the girl is a native Ilocano kimono style with sleeves of elbow length; skirt of bright-colored
plaids shirred at the waist of ankle-length. boy – camisa de chino and red trousers, and a native hat.
a. True b. false c. irrelevant idea d. none of the above
8. The Arnis stick has a measurement of?
a. 70cm-90cm b.60cm-70cm c.60cm-90cm d. 60cm-80cm
9. This refers to a pair of protective head gear to include an impact-worthy face mask.
a. Shin guards b. head protector c. head gear d. head dress
10. The stick will be draw in a diagonal forehand slashing swing making it easier to deliver a damage.
a. Right arm b. right foot c. left and right arm d. left arm
11. A diagonal downward forehand swing to the left temple. From the position, the warrior will hold the stick with
one hand at 1 o’clock moving his stick in slashing motion while his free hand on his chest.
a. Left temple b. left foot c. right temple d. right foot
12. The BMI is an assessment test to determine your body type classification of what type you are in. If you’re
gaining 17. 49, what is your classification?
a. Moderate thinness b. severe thinness c. mild thinness d. underweight
13. If you had an excellent score in sit and reach test, this indicates that you can perform the test well or to a high
a. True b. irrelevant statement c. false d. none of the above
14. In performing sit up test the main target is the abdominal muscles, however for the standing long jump test
measures the _____________?
a. Explosive leg power b. leg strength and power c. arm and leg strength d. all of the above
15. If you walk one mile, what could possibly the target in your overall fitness health?
a. Endurance b. cardiovascular strength c. muscular endurance d. cardiovascular endurance
TEST II- TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect then underline the incorrect
statement/word/s and write the appropriate word/s to make the sentence correct in blank provided.

__________16. The practitioner use in left eye poke is extending the weapon hand forward with the palm facing inward
with it elbow kept down.
__________17. A diagonal downward backhand swing striking to the right temple is for right side of the head attack.
__________18. In this strike, the weapon hand is then extended to the front with the palm facing outward and the
elbow kept up where this strike can cause damage to the rib cage.
__________19. To execute it properly the practitioner will have to hold his elbow down poking the left eye of the
opponent is for right eye poke.
__________20. The researcher of Sakuting is Francesca Reyes Aquino.

Test III- IDENTIFICATION. Supply and write the correct answer base from the given statement below.

__________21. ______________ is a type of dance that is a vernacular, usually expression of a past or present culture.
__________22. ______________ is a type of stick used in Arnis.
__________23. ______________ a form where arnisador fight with a single stick.
__________24. The music use in SAKUTING dance is how many measures?
__________25. In SAKUTING, it is similar to the direction/motion of the clock.

TEST IV- ESSAY. Explain and support your answer in the space provided below. Write/encode at least 5 sentences for
two numbers. The rubrics found below is the basis of evaluation from the essay item. (Item # 26 and 30)

Criteria Points

Appropriateness of the answer 3.00

Cohesion or the connection between the sentences 1.00
Emphasis or the relevance of the context 1.00
Total 5.00 pts.

26-30.) Share your thoughts about Takyan Game for the future as one of the traditional cultural games came to its end.

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