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Benchtop Turbidimeter

User Manual


Version 2020.06
Content................................................................................................................................................... 1
Preface.................................................................................................................................................... 2
I. General Description......................................................................................................................... 2
II. Principle..........................................................................................................................................2
Ⅲ. Main specifications........................................................................................................................2
IV . Instrument Description....................................................................................................................3
V. Instrument Setup and Operation.....................................................................................................4
VI .Reagents Preparation........................................................................................................................6
VII .Note.................................................................................................................................................6
VIII. Packing Slip...................................................................................................................................7

Turbidity Meter has been calibrated before leaving the factory, the user can direct measure the
sample’s turbidity as following methods:
1. turn on the power, the instrument enter into the warm-up state.
2. Select the "1. Item Sel.”, Use "↑ ↓" keys to select the desired NO. of standard curve, Press
"ENTER" button to confirm. ( curve 001 for 0-10NTU,002 for 10-100NTU, 003 for 100-400NTU,
004 for JZS for factory calibration curve, the others reserved for user-defined curves)
3. Slowly pour the mixing of the measured water into the two-thirds of the cuvette, Wipe with a
paper to clean the cuvette, according to wide-oriented positioning of the operator direction, put the
cuvette into colorimetric hole, cover the shield,.
4. Select the “2.Sample. Meas”,Press the "ENTER" button, the instrument displays the sample’s
turbidity (NTU),when data stable, use "↑ ↓" keys to select “Store” or “Print” to store the data or
print the data..

I. General Description
The instrument is widely used in measuring surface water, ground water, sewage and industrial waste
1. The instrument is stability well for cold light source, narrowband interference optics system.
2. LCD display is easy and visual to operate.
3. Store 10 standard curves and 500 measured values (including time stamp with the year, month,
day, hour, minute, second and turbidity value)

II. Principle
When the cold light pass into the sample,it can scatter to the surround ,the sensor is fixed to the 90°
direction of the light ray, so the turbidity value is proportional to the strength of the scatterred light

Ⅲ. Main specifications
1 Measuring range: 0.00 ~ 400 NTU
2 Maximum error: ≤ ± 2% F.S
3 Repeatability: ≤2%
4 Dimensions: 266mm×200mm×130mm
5 Weight: 1kg
6 Normal conditions of use:
⑴ Ambient temperature: 5 ~ 40 ℃
⑵ Relative humidity: ≤85%
⑶ Power supply: AC220V 1A
⑷ No significant vibration and electromagnetic interference, avoiding direct sunlight.

IV . Instrument Description

FIG. 1 shape Schematic diagram

1. Buttons
1) ↑、↓、←、→key:Moves cursor or input value when calibrating or setting.
2) ESC: Cancel the operation before finished or return the upgrade menu
3) ENTER: Confirmation operations such as the function keys or input data.
2. LCD Display
2010.8.17 09:28:38 week 3
Main Menu

1. Item Sel 5. Que Curve

2. Zero Meas 6.Que Rcds

3. Sample Meas 7. Del Rcds

4. Curve Cal 8. Cl0ck Set

Cur.Cru.=001 Tot.Rcds=0000
FIG.2 LCD display Schematic diagram
1) Item Sel:Select the corresponding curve according to samples in the range.
2) Zero Meas: Measure the prepared sample(Turbidity need not do zeroing).
3) Sample Meas : use standard sample to calibrate the instrument.
4) Curve Cal.: Calibrating the standard curve use standard sample.
5) Que Curve: Delete standard curve.
6) Que Rcds: Query history records by "ENTER", press "↑ ↓" can query records one by one.
7) Del Rcds: Delete all records by "ENTER", press the "ESC" back to menu operation.
8) Clock Set: To set the current date, time and setting of the week.
Note: The key prompt of the currently selected phrase will be shown in the bottom display. “I=002”
means the second working curve’s number of the instrument, “R=008” means total 8 records stored
in the analyzer.
3. Colorimeter Slot

V. Instrument Setup and Operation
1. Sel.Curve
Select the menu item "1. Sel.Curve ", and press “ENTER”, using arrow keys to select the required
standard curve, press the "ENTER" key to confirm.
1. Sel.Curve
002. Turb_100
003. Turb_400
004. Turb_JZS
Cur.Cur.=001 Tot.Rcds=0000

2. Meas. Samp
Select the Menu “Meas.Samp”,then Press “Enter” key ,the instrument enter sample measurement
state , Put the sample cuvette into the color slot .Press the “ENTER” after the value is stable, the
value of the sample is stored in memory. The instrument is ready to test next one, If you want to print,
use "↑ ↓" ,enable the “Print” hi-lightend,Press “ENTER” to print the value.
2. Meas.samp

XXXX . XX Store

NTU Print

Cur.Cur.=001 Tot.Rcds=0000
3. Calib.
Use scattered light(0-400NTU) to calibrate to generate a curve,then can select this curve to measure
sample.It is used to measure sample immediately and avoiding to produce environmental condition
change error.
4. Curve Cal.
In a certain range,the turbidity in water has a linear relationship with the scatterred light. And its
expression as:
C = K×A + b
Standard curve is calibrated by series of known turbidity standard samples, the instrument
automatically calculates the K, b and r values by the method of “least squares”. K is the slope and
its value is between 0.0~9999.9; b is the intercept, the value is between –999.9 and 999.9; r is the
correlation coefficient, its value is between 0.0000 and 1.0000
This instrument can store 10 standard curves, and make sure there is at least one curves before test.
The standard curves can be calibrated.
1). Choose the “Ⅳ.Curve Cal.”,the instrument enter the state of calibrating
Ⅳ. Curve Cal.
1. Turb 0-10
2. Turb 10-100
3. Turb 100-400
4. JZS

2). According to the prompt to select suitable light strength(in the range to be calibrated,adjust

Ⅳ. Curve Cal.
3).Put standard turbitidy solution in the color slot,and input the turbitidy value, and press “Enter” key,
the instrument display the AD Value(e.g. 0.134), after the AD value stable,again Press “Enter” key.
Then the instrument show next standard index.

Ⅳ. Curve Cal.
Indx Std.Val AD Val
1 0000.0 0.134

Ⅳ. Curve Cal.
Indx Std.Val AD Val
2 0050.0 0.256

4). Repeat the above operation, until the final standard samples are calibrated
then press the “ENTER” key when Std.Val=0000.0, the instrument automatically calculates and
displays the equation of the standard curve and r value. Enter the curve number (I=1~10) by using
the up arrow key, and press the “ENTER” key to save it.

Ⅳ. Curve Cal.
2010.08.16 15:31:28
Note: If find calibration error, can press "ESC" button return to function selection state.
5. Query Curve: Query standard curve.
After pressing "ENTER" button under the “005.Query Curve”, the instrument display the first curve
equation and the correlation coefficient and calibration date, time, and then press the "ENTER"
button, instrument prompt "confirm delete?", at this time to press the “ENTER” key to delete the
curve, the equation of all value to 0

6. Query. Rcds
If there is no record,the instrument will display “NO Record”,else it will display the newst record.
You can use arrow keys to change the record serial number.

Ⅵ. Query Record
010=10.8 NTU
2010.08.16 16:43:52
7. Del. Rcds
The instrument prompt “Delete All Records?”,then Press “Enter” will delete all records,Press”ESC”
will return main menu
8. Clock Set
When you select this menu,and press “Enter”,the Instrument will display current calender and
date,and you can use arrow keys to modify the calender and date

VI .Reagents Preparation
Zero water (no turbidity water): Distilled water through 0.2μm membrane filter, collected in a swing
with filtered water to wash twice a glass bottle.

Hydrazine sulfate solution (1g /100mL): Weigh 1.000g hydrazine sulfate (AR) dissolved in freezing
water volume to 100mL.
Six tetramine solution (10g/100mL): Weigh 10.00g hexamethylenetetramine (AR) dissolved in
freezing water volume to 100mL.

Turbidity standard stock solution: Accurately pipette 5.00mL hydrazine sulfate solution and 5.00mL
hexamethylenetetramine solution in 100mL flask, and mix. At (25 ± 3) ℃ for next 24h, after cooling
to room temperature, dilute to the mark with freezing water, and mix. This solution turbidity of 400
NTU. Can be stored for a month.

Note: If you need additional turbidity standard solution, you can use 400 NTU turbidity of the
solution is diluted, up to the desired turbidity.

VII .Note
1. Place the sample cup when to carefully smooth to avoid splashing the liquid sample into the
sample cup chamber, if accidentally splashed into, immediately dry with filter paper, otherwise the
digital shift, beating.
2. Sample cup for optical glass baking, fragile and scratches, but also susceptible to contamination,
need good care and caution. Both sides of the positioning of the sample cup, cuvette take the hand
should be placed on the positioning bar, avoid touching the sample cup translucent parts. After each
measurement, the sample cup should be promptly removed.
3. Measurements should try to keep the sample cup vertical drop, cuvettes to ensure wide
localization of user-oriented, or can not put colorimetric pool.
4. When the water sample and then measuring the temperature much lower than room temperature,
will cause the sample cup glass atomizer, then water samples can be parked for some time to return

to room temperature.
5. water samples should be injected into the sample cup slowly to avoid air bubbles. If too many
bubbles in the sample, then the measurement may wait a while, otherwise the bubbles would affect
the stability of the measurement values.
6. Measurements such as requiring high precision measurement, should estimate turbidity value (or
use the original factory curves measured about value), and then on the value, the next two similar
turbidity calibration solution, and then use the calibration measurement , you can achieve an accurate
measurement. For example: When the water was measured, estimated its value at 10NTU below, the
choice 0NTU (double distilled water) and standard 10NTU two-point calibration, calibration, and
then measuring the sample can be accurately measured turbidity values.
7. Point calibration values calibrated shutdown (or automatic shutdown) will be lost after the
automatic shutdown time is after the last operation of the keyboard is about 10 minutes, if you need a
longer time in a single measurement, in order to avoid automatic shutdown, over time free to press
some unrelated keyboard to re-timing; boot, For accurate measurements, the need to recalibrate.
(Why not save the calibration values, in order to avoid long-term replacement for the original
calibration curve).

VIII. Packing Slip

Number Name Unit Quantity Marks
1 Main unit pcs 1
2 Power line pcs 1
3 Cuvette pcs 2
4 Manual copy 1
5 Product certification copy 1
/Warranty card

2# building, No.9 Gangxing Road, High-tech Zone, Jinan City, Shandong Province,
Tel: +86-531-81219803/01
Fax: +86-531-81219804
After-sales service:;
Web: /

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