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The consequences of fraud

It´s important to mention that there are many different types of fraud, and not all of them
are related to an economic benefit. For example, medical fraud, Internet fraud, tax
fraud, identity theft, and others. But I think all types of fraud can be a traumatic
experience that often causes real and irreversible impacts for victims, their families,
carers, and communities. Also, victims of fraud suffer long-term mental and physical
trauma. A fraud can cause an impact in different areas, such as human, government
outcomes, reputation, industry and business. These consequences result in lost
opportunities for individuals and companies. For example, fraud in smaller businesses can
often bring them to the brink of insolvency. For all of that, I think Fraud costs the economy
billions of dollars each and every year, and con men or con women who are caught are
subject to fines and jail time, although, from my point of view, that doesn´t always
happen in our country due to corruption.

I think the sports and obsession are linked. The sports is extremely good for everyone. It
help your health physical and mental. Also, It help to keep busy and not to distract you
with others bad vicius. Moreover, it could become a your new stylelife like a good
obsession. However, you need to be carefull with that. When you practice any sport,
sometimes you feel that you have be perfect in it. The perfect could lead you to bad
obsession. It could get you sick, harming your health or mental health and it probabily
kill you. So when you feel bad at the moment to do any sports you should stop and
relax. From my point of view, the sports are good but practicing a lot or in excesive
would be dangerous.

I agree with you, because I consider when people feel passion or love for something, in
this case for a certain sport, it becomes their absolute motivation that drives them to be
better, but I believe that everything must have its limit, because doing something in
excess is always bad for both physical and mental health.
An inference is an educated guess about something that is not directly stated in a text.


It´s about inferring how much certainty is expressed something. You can identify degree of
certainty when a speaker is only somewhat certain of what he or she says by using words or
phrases such as I think, I guess, probably, most likely, maybe or something like that. But if a
speaker makes a statement without theses words or phrases, we infer that he or she is more
certain of an idea.


It´s about inferring contrast between events in the text and to determinate the result of the
comparison you must understand the context closely. For example, if you want to define a specific
comparison in text, you have to read carefully again, and understand the context of the text.


You can infer degrees of difficulty by reading the text closely. There are four categories to define
that, a. not so difficult, somewhat difficult, difficult, very difficult. Depending on the context of the
text or the details that writer give to readers.


You can infer meaning of proverbs when you find the exact meaning of important words in an
idea or proverb and think other possibles meanings. Because a proverb is the way of suggesting
an idea without directly stating it. For example,

All that glitters is not gold.

Meaning: Something that appears valuable or true may not be.

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