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On the .rr-Donating Abilities of Sulfur and Oxygen.

A Comparative
Quantum Chemical Investigation of the Static and Dynamic Properties
and Gas Phase Acidities of 6 H 2 0 H and & H ~ S H
Istituto di Chimica Organica, Universita di Bologna, Italy
Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S IAI
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 11/11/23

Department of Chemistry, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6
Received September 26, 1974


Chem. 53, 1144(1975).
Nonempirical SCF-MO computations have been performed on CH20, CH2S, and their
protonated derivatives CH20H and EH,SH. The methylene group of CH,O is strongly positive
and that of CH2S is slightly negative, because oxygen in CH,O behaves towards carbon as a
n-donor and o-acceptor, but sulfur in CH,S behaves as both a n- and a-donor. The total
n-overlap in CH,O is greater th_an that in C+S.
The stable conformations of CH,OH and CH,SH correspond in each case to a structure in
which all atoms lie in the same plane. In this conformation, both the C-0 and C S bond
lengths are substantially shorter than those of methanol and methanethiol, indicative of conju-
gative interaction between the cationic center and the adjacent heteroatom. From the results of a
Mulliken-type population analysis it is found that, relative to hydrogen, OH and SH behave
towards an ad'acent CH2 group as electron-withdrawing and electron-releasing ligands, respec-
2 +
tively. When CH,OH is considered to form from CHI and OH fragments, n-donation from 0 to
C amounts to 0.38 electron, but o-donation in the opposite direction amounts to 0.35 electron;
the n-overlap population is 0.1496. A similar analysis of CH,SH reveals n- and o-donation from
S to C of 0.53 and 0.15 electron, respectively, and a n-overlap population of 0.1734, so that
suIfur forms a stronger n-bond to ,the aojacent cationic center.
Geometrical isomerization of ~ H , O Hproceeds by linear inversion at oxygen, with a barrier
of 13.98 kcal/mol; but that ~~EH,sH proceeds by rotationabout the C-S bond, with a barrier
of 36.47 kcal/mol. This latter value is substantially higher than that (23 kcal/mol) computed for
&H,OH with a rigid rotor model, and reflects the greater strength of the n-bond between sulfur
and the adjacent cationic center.


Chem. 53, 1144 (1975).
On a effectue des calculs non-empiriques SCF-MO sur le CH,O, le CH2S et leurs derives
protones EH,OH et ~ H ~ S Le H .groupe mbthylene du CH,O est fortement positif et celui du
CH,S est faiblement nkgatif; ces rksultats proviennent du fait que l'oxygene dans le CH,O agit
vis-a-vis le carbone cornme un donneur d'blectrons n et un accepteur d'klectrons o mais que le
soufre du CH,S agit comrne donneur d'electrons n et d'dectrons o. Le recouvrement total
d'orbitales n dans le CH,O est plus grand que dans le CH,S.
Les conformations stables de &H,OH et EH,SH correspondent dans chaque cas k une struc-
ture dans laquelle tous les atomes sont dans le m6me plan. Dans cette conformation, les lon-
gueurs de liaison C-0 et C-S sont passablement plus courtes que les liaisons correspondantes
du methanol et du methanethiol indiquant une interaction conjugative entre le centre cationique
et I'hdt6roatome adjacent. On trouve, k partir des resultats d'une analyse de population du type
Mulliken, que par rapport a I'hydrogene, les groupes OH et SH agissent respectivement vis-i-vis
un groupe e H 2 adjacent comme des groupesdectro-afiitaires et Blectro-rkpulsifs. Lorsque l'on

'Holder of a National Research Council of Canada 1967 Science Scholarship.

considbre que &H20H se forme ii partir de fragments &Hz et OH, on calcule qu'il y a eu don
d'dectrons n de l'oxygbne au carbone de 0.38 Blectrons mais un don d'electrons a dans la direc-
tion opposBe correspondant ii 0.35 Bectrons; la population de recouvrement d'6lectrons n est de
0.1496. Une analyse similaire de CHzSH rBvele qu'il y a des dons d'klectrons n et a du S vers le
carbone qui Bquivalent respectivement h 0.53 et 0.15 Bectrons et que la population de recouvre-
ment d'dlectrons n est de 0.1734 ce qui implique que le soufre forme un lien n plus fort avec le
centre cationique adjacent. +
L'isomkrisation gBomBtrique de CH20H se produit par une inversion linkaire ii l'oxygkne
avec une barrikre de 13.98 kcal/mol; celle d e 6 ~ 2 . seproduit
3~ toutefois par une rotation autour
du lien C-S avec une barribre de 36.47 kcal/m~l.Cette dernibrevaleur est considBrablementplus
klevke que celle (23 kcal/mol) calculke pour CH~OHavec un modble de rotor rigide et impli-
que une plus grande force du lien .rr entre le soufre et le centre cationique adjacent.
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 11/11/23

[Traduit par le journal]

Introduction It is inappropriate to conclude from such

There is an extensive literature concerning the observations that one heteroatom "stabilizes" an
relative effects of oxygen and sulfur upon the adjacent reactive center better than or as well as
properties of adjacent cationic, radical, and the other, because in one case what is being
anionic centers (e.g. ref. 1). It seems that, in observed is the breaking of a CH bond adjacent
solution, it is easier to generate a carbanion to sulfur to form a reactive center adjacent to
(e.g. ref. 2) or radical (e.g. ref. 3) adjacent to sulfur; and in the other case, a CH bond adjacent
sulfur than to oxygen, but the reverse is observed to oxygen is broken to form a reactive site
in the case of carbonium ions (ref. 4 and refer- adjacent to oxygen.
ences cited therein). These various trends have There is no simple theoretical solution to this
usually been rationalized (2-4) in terms of problem because, in addition to the point just
appropriate conjugative interactions : (p + d), raised, a theoretical treatment introduces two
conjugation in the case of anions and radicals, additional difficulties. Consider, for example, the
with the ability of the heteroatom to enter into heterolytic bond breaking or bond making
such conjugation being possible only for the process shown in reaction 1, in which the electron
second row atom (sulfur); p,-p, conjugation in
the case of cations, with the magnitude of this
interaction inversely proportional to the inter-
nuclear separation and, thus, favored for the
system having the shorter bond length (oxygen).
It is noteworthy that, in all such rationaliza- pairing scheme is formally unchanged, so that
tions, it is the n-type interactions which are both the initial and final states have closed
emphasized; the possible role of o-interactions electron shells. The first problem is that, if we
and steric effects is ignored. In addition, these were to define stabilization energy (s.e.) in terms
rationalizations have tended to assume that the of the double energy difference shown in eq. 2,
observed effects are caused by differences in the
[2] s.e. = A A E = AE(S) - AE(0)
interactions between the carbon center and the
adjacent heteroatom, and not by differential it would be necessary to compute four different
solvation effects. However, it now seems well energy values. Even in the ideal situation of a
established that solvation effects cannot be reaction such as [I], only computations per-
ignored, at least in some cases (2, 5). In the gas formed very close to the Hartree-Fock limit
phase, where solvation effects are not present, the would allow us to hope for a minimum of two
dissociation energies of CH bonds adjacent to significant figure accuracy in AAE. The second
oxygen and to sulfur are identical (6), indicating problem is that, even if A A E were considered to
no difference in the ease of formation of a be reliable, it is not clear what are the relative
radical center adjacent to oxygen and to sulfur; contributions to this quantity of x-conjugative
and, on the basis of appearance potential mea- effects, o-effects, steric effects, etc. However,
surements (6, 7), there also seems to be no what the theoretical analysis allows is a deter-
significant difference in the ease of formation of mination of the changes in bonding which take
cationic centers adjacent to oxygen and to sulfur. place between the heteroatom and the adjacent
1146 CAN. J. CHEM. VOL. 53, 1975

carbon as a result of the chemical reaction 1 and, row atom than for the first row atom. In agree-
therefore, of the nature of the effects exerted by ment with this conclusionis the finding that the
the heteroatoms in each case. computed amount of n-charge transfer from the
In previous work, we have found that a heteroatom to the CH2+center and the n-overlap
variety of the static, dynamic, and chemical populations are greater for sulfur than for
properties of carbanions (8) and .radicals (9) oxygen.
adjacent to oxygen and to sulfur are reproduced Method
faithfully by nonempirical quantum chemical
The method employed was t h e single-determinant
calculations, but that 3d-orbital conjugation in LCAO-MO-SCF procedure, in which each molecular
the case of sulfur (i.e., a n-type effect) is not orbital v, is expressed as a linear combination of a set of
responsible for differences between the two contracted Gaussian type functions (eq. 4).
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 11/11/23

systems. Rather, it is the differences in the sizes

of the two heteroatoms and, therefore, differ- C4I 'I'i = Ci Cij4j
ences in their electronegativities, polarizabilities,
A split valence shell basis set (4-31G) has been used
and energies of the atomic lone pair orbitals that throughout the work (12a, b). In this basis set each inner
cause these conformational and chemical differ- shell is represented by a four term Gaussian expansion,
ences; and the valence shell is split into three- and one-term
The subject of the present work is a compara- expansions of the inner and outer parts, respectively. The
tive quantum chemical investigation of the molecular orbitals were determined by solution of the
Roothaan-Hartree-Fock equations using the Gaussian 70
reaction represented by reaction 3 in which program system (12c) with full optimization of the
X = oxygen and sulfur. Protonated aliphatic geometries of each of the four species 3 (X = 0 , S) and
4 (X = 0, S). All computations were performed on a
CDC 6600 computer at the University of Bologna.

Results and Discussion

Geometry Optimization of CH20 and CH2S
Table 1 lists the computed optimized geom-
aldehydes, including formaldehyde (reaction 3, etries of formaldehyde (12a) and thioformalde-
X = O), and protonated aliphatic ketones have hyde, together with, the experimentally deter-
been observed experimentally by Olah et al. (10)
mined (13) geometries of these molecules.
to display geometrical isomerism about the Formaldehyde has been investigated previously
carbon-oxygen bond. However, the barrier to by a number of workers (lla, 1lc, 14, 15), but
interconversion of geometrical isomers was not
with the exception of ref. 12a, the objectives were
determined by these workers, and experimental different from those of the present work, and full
data concerning the protonation of thioaldehydes geometry optimization was not performed. It is
and thioketones (reaction 3, X = S) have not yet evident that the optimized geometries of 3 agree
been reported. well with the experimental values in both cases;
If the magnitude of the barrier to rotation
this provides some confidence that the basis set
about the C-X bond of 4 were to constitute a
employed in the work can also provide accurate
rough measure of the n-conjugative stabilization
geometries of the species 4, for which experi-
afforded by X, then current chemical intuition
mental data are not available.
would suggest that hydroxymethylcarboniumion + +
should have the higher rotational barrier. Geometry Optimization of CH20H and CH2SH
Therefore, a prime objective of the present work The most stable conformation in each case is
was the computation of the energetics and the fully planar structure 5. In each case, the
mechanisms of geometrical isomerization of the energy was optimized with respect to all geo-
cations 4 (for previous investigations of CH20H metrical parameters except the C-H bond length
see ref. ll), and the changes in bonding that of &H,OH, kept constant at the value 1.0835 A
occur in the formation of these species from 3. In previously computed at the minimal basis set
disagreement with expectation, we find CH2SH level (16). The optimized value of the C-H bond
to have the higher rotational barrier, i.e., that the length for &H,SH is 1.0677 A, and this value was
n-conjugative effects are greater for the second kept constapt in all subsequent computations

TABLE1. The theoretically optimized and experimentally determined geometries

of CHzO and CHzS


Theoretical Ex~erimental Theoretical Ex~erimental

r(C-4 1.218, 1.21 A 1.63A 1.61A
r(C-H) 1.08.A 1.12'4 1 .07A 1.09A
L HCH 116.8" 116.3" 115.6" 116.8"
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*See text.

reported here for this species. The computed otherwise have been present between Hz and H,.
geometrical parameters of structure 5 in the two The movement of these nuclei away from each
cases are summarized in Table 2. In both other leads to an opening not only of the COH
protonated systems angle but also of the H,CO angle which is now
greater than 120". The H,CS angle in CH,SH is
less than 120".
Geometrieollsomerization of 6H20HandCH$H
SCF Computations
As pointed out by others (1 la, b), two mech-
the C-X bonds are longer than those of the anisms are possible for the geometrical isomeriz-
parent molecules 3 (0.04 and 0.02 A for X = 0 ation of a species such as 4. In the first, the
and X = S, respectively). However, these bond transition state has the structure 6, and the
lengths are substantially shorter than those of process may be termed "linear inversion" (18).
CH,OH and CH,SH (1.428 and 1.819 A, respec- In the second, the transition state has the struc-
tively (17)), so that significant double bond ture 7, and the process is one of torsion along the
character remains following protonation. C-X bond.
The H,CX and CXH, bond angles (see
Table 2) are of some interest, and have important
consequences for the mechanisms of geometrical
isomerization of the two species. Compared to
CH,OH, whose COH angle is 105.9" (17),
CH,OH has a COH angle of 124.76". In con-
+ 7

trast, the CSH angle of CH,SH is only 4.4"
Linear inversion in CH,OH was studied by
computation of the total energy as a function of
larger than that of CH,SH (17). We suggest that 0 = LCOH; at 0 = 124.76" (the energy mini-
the origin of this large COH bond angle is the mum) and 0 = 180" (the transition state) the
small (2.07 A) internuclear separation that would geometry was optimized with respect to the CO
1148 CAN. J. CHEM. VOL. 53, 1975

and OH bond lengths and the HCH angle. The

results of these calculations are found in the first
and fifth columns of Table 2, and they give a
value of the barrier to linear inversion of 13.98
kcal/mol. Linear inversion in CH2SH was
studied in the same way, and the results for
8 = 100.9" (the energy minimum) and 8 = 180"
(the transition state) are collected in the second
and sixth columns of Table 2. The barrier to
linear inversion in this case is 66.95 kcal/mol. It FIG. 1. The total energy of 7 (X = S) as a function
will be noted that, in both cations, the optimized of o,the angle between the HCH plane and the C S
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CX bond length in the transition state for linear bond.

inversion is slightly shorter than that of CH2X.
The barriers to linear inversion in H 2 0 and nonplanar. Figure 1 displays the total energy of 7
H2Sare 26.4 and 37.0 kcal/mol, respectively (19). (X = S) as a function of the angle w between the
The simplest interpretation of this difference is HCH plane and the CS bond, from which it is
that the bond angle of H 2 0 changes from 105 to evident that, in this rotational conformation, the
180" but that of H2S changes from 96.4 to 180". cation adopts the Y conformation 8, in contrast
On this basis, the substantial decrease in the to the corresponding anion, which adopts the W

barrier to l i n ~ inversion
r at oxygen on going conformation 9 (8).
from H 2 0 to CH,OH is a direct consequence of
the geometry relaxation in the ground state of the "'s' H

latter species, already discussed. (+I H
We were unable to compute an accurate value
for the rotational barrier of 6 ~ ~ 0 ~ .Optimiza-
tion of the molecular geometry as a function of H.
the dihedral angle 4 between the HCH and COH H+ I 4 4c-s ,H
planes led to a COH angle of 180" for 4 = 90". (-1
This means that the rotation is disfavored with
respect to linear inversion. An approximate value
of the rotational barrier of 23 kcal/mol was
obtained (cf. Table 2, columns one and three) by For the analysis of effects such as the relative
maintaining the COH angle at 124.76", the same stabilities of Y and W conformations, it is useful
value as in the planar conformation. Our results to consider the relative contributions to the total
parallel those of Ros (1 la), in whose study of energy of nuclear and electronic effects (8,2622).
~ H , O Hrotation was found to be disfavored When electronic effects dominate, the more
with respect to linear inversion with a rigid rotor crowded conformation (W in this case) is the
model, and those of Lehn et al. (1 lb), who found more stable. On this basis, the greater stability of
linear inversion to be the favored process in the W conformation in the case of the anion 9 is
CH2=NH and CH2=CH-. the result of the increased electronic interactions
In contrast, rotation is the favored process in associated with the additional electron pair.
~ H , S H .Table 2, column 4 lists the optimized A Configuration Interaction Study
geometry and energy of the transition state (7) Closed shell restricted Hartree-Fock theory is
for this process, from which the barrier is com- sometimes unable to provide accurate results
puted to be 36.47 kcal/mol. Two features of the because of the overrestrictive nature of the wave-
geometry of this iransition state are of interest: function. Thus, in the computation of rotational
the C-S bond length is now 1.81 A indicating barriers about a bond containing a significant
that conjugation between carbon and sulfur has amount of double bond character, a single
been completely destroyed; and the angle be- determinantal approach may not be sufficient
tween the HCH plane and the CS bond is not (23a). For example, in the computation of the
zero, so that attachment of a nonconjugating SH rotational barrier of ethylene, unacceptably high
ligand to the carbonium ion makes this center values are obtained from a single determinantal

TABLE3. Total energies (a.u.) computed with a single determinantal (SCF) approach and with
a CI procedure for CH2SH in conformation 7 at different C-S bond lengths

Bond length (A) ESCF Ecr CI eigenvectors

-436.21501 0.9999
0 . 8 5 10-l8
-436.21640 0.9999
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 11/11/23

0.81 x lo-''
-0.4755 x lo-'

approach, but the inclusion of one additional The higher rotational barrier in &H,SH there-
configuration is sufficient to afford much im- fore seems to be real. Since as noted above, n-
proved results (23b). conjugation between carbon and sulfur is com-
Since the results just described, of rotation in pletely destroyed during rotation, we must con-
&H,SH, are highly significant if correct, it clude that a-eonjugatio~in ~H'SHis greater than
seemed desirable to check the role of configura-
tion interaction. The rotational barrier was,
in 6 ~ ~ 0 ~ .Quantitative support for this inter-
pretation is provided by the Mulliken-type
therefore, recomputed using a limited CI pro-
population analysis, discussed later.
cedure.' The configurations taken into account
are the three illustrated in the following The Rotation -Linear Inversion Surfaces of
Scheme 1, where HOMO refers to the highest &OH and ~ H ~ S H
occupied molecular orbital, and LUMO to the The dynamic properties of the two cations can
lowest unoccupied molecular orbital obtained in be represented conveniently in the form of
the single determinant SCF calculation. rotation-inversion surfaces. Equations for such
LUMO - $. surfaces were obtained by "least squares"
fittings of the expression.
HOMO -# t -
to the SCF computed energies of a number of
The CI energy of 7 (X = S) was computed by conformations. The inversion coordinate 4 and
solving a 3 x 3 secular determinant at three the rotation coordinate 8 are as defined pre-
C-S bond lengths: 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8136 A, the viously. The energies of the conformations used
latter corresponding to the optimized value in the fitting procedure are summarized in
afforded by the single determinantal approach. Table 4. Each of the entries in Table 4 has been
The results of this study are shown in Table 3. fully optimized with respect to geometrical
They reveal that the CI procedure does not parameters other than rotation and inversion.
change the energy of 7 significantly as compared The constants for eq. 5 are given in Table 5.
to the value computed by the single determi- Plots of the surfaces are shown in Figs. 2 and 3.
nantal approach. In addition, the eigenvectors In both cations, the inversion process is energeti-
show that the ground electronic configuration cally allowed, as indicated by paths A in the
predominates. This suggests that a single con- figures, and proceeds via the linear transition
figuration SCF wavefunction can be used with state. However, in the sulfur cation, an alternate
confidence to study rotation along a polarized isomerization mechanism is favored. Path B of
bond such as C-0 and C-S, even when this Fig. 3 shows that rotation is the lower energy
1 bond has appreciable double bond character. process. As indicated by the broken path in
Fig. 2, a similar rotation in protonated formalde-
I 2We thank Professor W. J. Hehre for providing us with hyde is energetically not allowed, because any
the program. attempt to rotate H3 about the C==0 axis
CAN. J. CHEM. VOL. 53, 1975

TABLE4. Data employed for the computation of the rotation - linear inversion
surfaces of &H,OH and IH,SH
Cation Rotation (deg) Inversion (deg) Energy (a.u.)
+CHzOH 0 0 -113.956707
0 56.46 -113.979014
0 66.00 -113.976466
90 32.04 -113.953336
90 40.48 -113.950638
+CHzSH 0 0 -436.167817
0 79.02 -436.274482
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0 82.56 -436.273962
90 83.83 -436.216389
90 86.83 -436.215939
0 76.56 -436.274234

5. Parameters of the rotation - linear inversion

surfaces of CHzOH and CH,SH

Parameter &H,OH

Eo -113.956518 -436.167818
CI -0.021762 -0.078980
cz 0.022422 0.020098
3 - 0.023077 -0.032452
c4 - 0.008962

results in a path proceeding through the linear

transition state, as shown by path B of Fig. 2.
Since the endpoints of paths A and B are
identical (H, anti to HI), these paths are in-
distinguishable experimentally. Hence, inversion
is the only energetically allowed mechanism of
geometrical isomerization in protonated for-
maldehyde, whereas both rotation and inversion
are allowed in protonated thioformaldehyde, I I

with rotation being the favored process. + FIG. 2. The rotation - linear inversion surface of
Proton Afinities ofCCH2Oand CH2S
In the quantum mechanical convention, proton
affinity is defined as the difference between the Mulliken Population Analyses of 3 and 4
energies of the protonated (MH') and depro- Table 7 summarizes the net atomic charges and
tonated (M) species (eq. 6), since the energy of gross orbital populations of the valence orbitals
the proton is zero, by definition. This value is of C H 2 0 and CH S. Table 8 lists the same data
also a measure of the gas phase for &H,OH and H2SH. 6
The two parent molecules have opposite
161 p.a.(M) = E(MH+) - E(M)
charge distributions. In formaldehyde the methy-
basicity of the species M and the gas phase lene group has a net charge of +0.51 electron,
acidity of the species MH+. The proton affinity and in thioformaldehyde the net charge of this
values computed for formaldehyde and thio- group is -0.08 electron. Alternatively, we may
formaldehyde are shown in Table 6. The two state that oxygen is strongly negative in for-
values are of the same order of magnitude, with maldehyde, but sulfur is slightly positive in
that of formaldehyde slightly greater. thioformaldehyde. Inspection of the data of

TABLE6. Computed proton affinities (p.a.) of CHzO and CHzS

Total energy (a.u.) Proton affinity (kcal/mol)

CHzO -113.69252 -179.86 (-161+3)*
+CHzOH -113.97905 -
CH2S -435.99186 -177.4
+CH2SH -436.27448 -
'Experimental value.

TABLE7. Net atomic charges (q) and gross orbital populations of the valence atomic orbitals
for CHzO and CH2S*
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H C 0 H C S

4 +0.16 +0.17 -0.49 +0.22 -0.52 +0.08

s 0.84 1.22 1.96 0.78 1.42 1.89
Px - 1.10 1.90 - 1.19 1.97
PY - 0.73 1.27 - 0.83 1.20
PI - 0.79 1.36 - 1.08 0.93

'The coordinate system is

C = X + Z.

one of which is the plane of the molecule and the

other is perpendicular and bisects the HCH
angle, then two types of n: molecular orbitals can
be distinguished, as shown below.

Orbital energy
Structure symmetry type X=0 X=S

In terms of this representation, the total n-overlap

+FIG.3. The rotation - linear inversion surface of
population in formaldehyde is 0.2357 (0.2149
CHZSH. from bl and 0.0208 from b,); and in thio-
formaldehyde it is 0.2257 (0.21 19 from b1 and
Table 7 reveals that oxygen in formal.dehyde 0.0138 from b,), so that n-bonding between
behaves as a n and a o acceptor towards carbon, carbon and oxygen is slightly stronger than
but in thioformaldehyde sulfur behaves as a n n-bonding between carbon and sulfur.
: acceptor and a o donor. The situation is different in the protonated
Both molecules belong to the C,, symmetry species. Scheme 2 displays the charge on the +
point group. If we define two reference planes, methylene group in &H,, &H,OH, and CH,SH.
1152 CAN. J. CHEM. VOL. 53, 1975

8. Net atomic charges (g) and gross orbital opulations of the valence atomic orbitals
for CH20H and H2SH*E
EH~OH ~ H ~ S H

HI Hz C O H3 HI H2 C S H3
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*The coordinate system is

With respect to h drogen we see that OH

behaves towards H, as an electron-with-
drawing ligand by 0.31 electron, but SH behaves
as an electron-releasing ligand by 0.34 electron.
Perhaps the most informative way to discuss
the population analyses of these protonated
species is to consider the interaction of the two
fragments &Hz and XH. Reference to the p, and
p, overkp populations listed in Table 6 shows
that, if ?H,OH is considered t o p formed by the
combination of the fragments CH, and OH, x-
donation from oxygen amounts to 0.38 electron.
This corresponds to a charge transfer from the +
Zp, oxygen lone pair to the vacant x orbital of The n-overlap population in CH,SH is, there-
CH,, with the consequent formation of a rela- fore, also larger (0.1734), indicating a stronger
tively strong n bond between C and 0. The n-bond between C and S than between C and 0.
x-overlap population is now 0.1496, less than These analyses are thus in agreement with the
+ interpretations given earlier of the rotational
that in 6 ~ ~so 0that, the C-0 bond in CH,OH barriers. We must conclude that, in contrast to
is longer than that in CH,O. As shown in 10, the the current view of the nature of the interactions
n-donation of 0.38 electron from 0 to C must be between first row and second row heteroatoms
counterbalanced by a a-donation from C to 0 and an adjacent carbonium ion center, n-
of 0.35 in order to account for the total charge conjugative effects are greater for the second row
distribution 6 , . atom. This result can be rationalized in terms of
In &H,SH, a similar analysis reveals that the interaction between the 2p, heteroatom lone
n-donation from S to C amounts to 0.53 electron pair and the vacant carbon 2p, orbital. The
and that a-donation from S to C amounts to an charge transfer associated with such an inter-
additional 0.15 electron. These are shown action is inversely proportional to the energy
schematically in 11.The important finding is that difference between the interacting orbitals so
the x-donation from S to C (0.53 electron) is that greater stabilization is afforded by a sulfur
greater than that from 0 to C (0.38 electron). lone pair than by an oxygen lone pair, because

the ionization potential of a second row atom is Acta, 16,351 (1970);(c) L. M. TEL,S. WOLFE,and I.
always less than that of the corresponding first G. CSIZMADIA. Int. J. Quant. Chem. VII, 475(1973).
12. ( a ) R. DITCHFIELD, W. J. HEHRE,and J. A. POPLE.J.
1 row atom (e.g. ref. 24: H 2 0 , 12.61 eV; H2S,
10.48 eV). A detailed account of this rationaliza-
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