Smart Education in Smart Cities Layered Implications For Networked and Ubiquitous Learning

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1, MARCH 2023 87

Smart Education in Smart Cities: Layered

Implications for Networked and
Ubiquitous Learning
Jason C. K. Tham , Associate Member, IEEE, and Gustav Verhulsdonck

Abstract—The development of smart cities worldwide is bring- Hence, especially in education, where students are in sen-
ing about new processes and methods for enhancing teaching sitive positions as they learn to navigate and understand the
and learning in a networked age. As smart cities rely on ana- world as citizens, it is crucial to interrogate the datafication
lytics and digital capabilities to connect people and everyday
activities so as to improve the quality of life, they can bring new of universities and schools by companies such as IBM and
layers of concerns for schools and educational institutions engag- Microsoft. As these companies often use a data-driven, busi-
ing the next-gen learning environment. Drawing from cases from ness point of view where education needs to be “optimized,”
around the world and specifically from developing smart cities, it is crucial we take a critical perspective to counter such
this paper calls attention to key implications of smart cities and market-driven perspectives. It is vital we understand how auto-
smart education design on networked learning. We focus on lay-
ers of design ethics, data practices, roles, and delivery afforded mated systems and algorithms may also unwittingly perpetuate
by new learning infrastructures in smart cities, then proposing systems of oppression by using biased datasets to perpetuate
a “stack” analogy for designing ubiquitous learning. and disenfranchise people [48], [51]. Certainly, smart cities
Index Terms—Artificial intelligence, big data, connectivism, may position students as “quantifiable data objects” and raise
Internet of Things, smart cities, smart education, smart learning. questions with regard to the how and why of pedagogical prac-
tices that derive from use of student data when smart city
I. I NTRODUCTION code fosters desirable behavior as part of a coercive “smart
UR MOTIVATION for calling attention to “smart educa- citizenship” [5].
O tion” in the context of networked learning—understood
as modern learning strategies augmented by networked tech-
Our approach to such questions is to raise various perspec-
tives for smart education, among which:
• Design justice: Smart education is a situated practice
nologies [53]—is driven by the necessity of human-centered
design, design justice, and human-in-the-loop perspectives on that needs to include community-led design practices
data use. While learning management systems and data ana- that incorporate marginalized perspectives rather than just
lytics are already a huge part of networked learning, they will focus on universal accessibility or user-centeredness [47].
• Data-informed, not just data-driven practices: In smart
continue to evolve as modern cities become more connected
or “smarter.” We understand this kind of networked learning education, data is used to make decisions, but does
in smart cities as layered ubiquitous learning, which repre- not automatically drive those decision primarily, and is
sents new opportunities for student learning that need to be instead informed by a human perspective first and fore-
addressed using a critical lens. Smart cities are often presented most that looks critically at qualitative and quantitative
from a techno-utopian view in which data are freely shared in data and makes decisions for the best of humans involved.
• Human-centered, or playable cities: Smart education
urban spaces to make things run more efficiently. Yet smart
cities are also critiqued for being “market-based, technocratic, involves citizen-led initiatives, involving crowdsourcing,
surveillant, solutionist, militaristic, and reproductive of power citizen hacking, and game-based approaches which may
asymmetries” in positioning people as “data points” subject counter against top-down data approaches of traditional
to the power of code and big data [5]. Likewise, others have smart cities by allowing people to negotiate the structures
contested how smart cities make the actions of citizens “less that surround them [35].
• Human-in-the-loop processes: Smart education involves
to do with exercising rights, responsibilities and democratic
engagement and more with operationalizing computational data and algorithms and requires human-in-the-loop
processes” [49]. approaches to un-black box how algorithms work and
how to modify them for more equitable and socially just
Manuscript received 9 July 2022; revised 30 November 2022 and 21 January applications that work for all.
2023; accepted 21 January 2023. Date of publication 25 January 2023; date of • A “stack” approach: smart education involves negotiating
current version 30 March 2023. (Corresponding author: Jason C. K. Tham.)
Jason C. K. Tham is with the Department of English, Texas Tech University, different layers of smart environments from land use. to
Lubbock, TX 79423 USA (e-mail: interface, to end user, and involves recognizing how code
Gustav Verhulsdonck is with the Department of Business Information interpenetrates with different elements.
Systems, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 USA
(e-mail: We do not propose to counter all critiques of smart cities
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TTS.2023.3239586 or offer smart education as a panacea in this article, as that
c 2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Edinburgh. Downloaded on February 05,2024 at 08:07:35 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

isn’t a productive way to examine the next phase of networked

learning, but we want to explore the layers of implications of
smart education from the above perspectives.
To extend mission of the Society on Social Implications of
Technology in examining the impacts of emerging technolo-
gies, we take up the work of connectivist theory in networked
learning to expand upon its framework by looking at affor-
dances of smart cities that affect smart education. Within the
networked learning community, we are familiar with networks
as learning spaces through online connectivity and Web 2.0,
but we may be less familiar with smart cities and smart
education concepts that expand our idea of modern learning. Fig. 1. Three layers of smartness in smart cities [9].
As educators, we posit that a strong impetus for smart
cities development should be driven by “smart education”—
an educational paradigm that bases its foundations on smart education, students need to be able to think critically about
(networked) devices, data analytics, and intelligent technolo- where they are positioned in layers of data infrastructures as
gies [1], [2]. As Dumančić argued, the need for educating ecologies they live in so students as well as educators can
all citizens should be the most basic element of smart cities intervene in smart data processing, thus creating a human-
projects [3]. Successful smart cities should be defined by in-the-loop approach to education that fosters data-informed,
its integration of smart learning technologies and accessible rather than merely data-driven practices. Before we identify
education—formal or informal, as we discuss later—for the the indicators for this smart education goal, we begin the
purpose of cultivating a nation of informed, civilized citizens. discussion with common characteristics and infrastructural
Further, the design and coding of smart education requires approaches in smart cities.
we position students as “apprentice data experts and compu-
tational urbanists” who engage with “learning to code, digital
making, data literacy and civic coding initiatives” to shape II. L AYERS OF S MARTNESS : W HAT ARE S MART C ITIES ?
such processes [5]. Yet, as Vanolo noted, such approaches may Smart cities are essentially an industrial operating system
mimic “government at a distance” by making citizens respon- that lets cities use data, analytics, and optimization to cre-
sible for urban problems and thus to act in particular ways ate smarter processes [6]. As projected by researchers that,
through technocratic means of being held responsible to the by 2050, the majority of the world’s population will live in
“programming” of a smart city [52]. While we acknowledge a city, smart cities are seen by many as an answer to rapid
that “programming” a smart city may instantiate particular urbanization and the pressing need for creating sustainable
configurations of power, we also want to make the point of city spaces [7], [8]. Such processes can mean optimizing traf-
the need to develop critical perspectives on how smart edu- fic, shared energy usage as part of a grid, but also smarter
cation involves coding, but also design justice, data-informed, processes for inhabitants of a city. Many smart city initia-
human-centered and human-in-the-loop approaches. Taking up tives exist where data is shared to optimize various processes,
this discussion, in this paper we advocate for smart learn- and these include Beijing (China), Singapore, Amsterdam (the
ing in networked processes as data-informed, locative, and Netherlands), Detroit (Michigan, USA), London (UK), and
pervasive experiences that still require a “human-in-the-loop” Stockholm (Sweden) among others.
approach [4]. We are especially concerned with the kinds of As the Internet of Things (IoT) facilitates data from sen-
network effects Williamson has highlighted: sors, such data, together with data from various networks and
In particular, it [smart city] highlights the dependence of shared by inhabitants, can create radically different models for
smart schools upon: a constant flow of digital data; the posi- urban environments. As such, smart cities have three layers
tioning of students as nodes in networks whose behaviours of “smartness”—a network base where sensors and connected
can be nudged and tweaked through social network effects; devices (smart devices) create data of various processes, an
the deployment of networks of surveillant sensor devices; the applications layer where data analytics and artificial intelli-
ways they are visualized through graphical displays; the posi- gence (AI) help process such data and make it visible; and the
tioning of students as ‘operatives’ who must ‘learn to code’ result of processing such data to create better decision-making
in order to become ‘smart citizens’ in the digital governance and smarter use of resources [9] (Fig. 1).
of the smart city; and the mobilization of ‘machine learning’- In essence, a smart city is a data infrastructure that helps
based techniques of predictive and prescriptive analytics that to augment a physical space and its processes. That is, a
enable student data to be used to anticipate their actions and smart city detects, tracks, monitors, and optimizes various
pre-empt their futures [5]. processes [10].
To counter such technocratic approaches, in this paper we As smart cities provide models for infusing various
further complicate Williamson’s argument that students need processes to create data-informed practices and can help keep
to “learn to code” in order to participate in data governance track of various interactions by humans, we are compelled
and become “smart citizens.” Using a “stack” analogy that we to ask how they form insight for future networked learning,
present later, we argue that to engage meaningfully in smart in the same way that we are keen to propel smart learning

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which we think will make for better smart cities. As smart

learning involves questioning and understanding how struc-
tures work and developing new ways of doing things, it is vital
we have smart learning to critically interrogate the different
layers of a smart city. In other words, in order to function
well in smart cities, inhabitants must be given smart learning
techniques to connect to various processes. Often times, these
processes involve networked learning and we think students
can benefit from insights developed from networked learning
to form smart education. Hence, below we review some of
these concepts.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our idea of learning has
dramatically shifted into an unprecedented level of networked Fig. 2. Essential elements in smart education: Smart environments, smart
learning, as universities and schools pivoted to blended, pedagogies, and smart learners [14].
hybrid, “hyflex,” online synchronous/asynchronous forms of
learning facilitated by online networks. Indeed, the networked
learning community has existed since the early 1990s and computing and the proliferation of smart personal devices has
has focused on how online networks afford different ways shifted many schools’ attention from beefing up classroom
of learning for learners and instructors by fostering differ- technologies to designing a learning ecology that leverages
ent interaction and collaboration. A recent article by the connectivity and interactivity in education.
Networked Learning Editorial Collective sought to redefine We can see this shift to ecologies in smart learning con-
networked learning as informed by “a commitment to social cepts proposed by education technologists. For instance, Gwak
justice and empowerment” and as requiring a post-digital stated that smart learning is focused on learners and con-
lens that seeks not to separate “digital or material, virtual tent rather than devices; it should be effective, intelligent, and
or real, online or face-to-face, artificial or natural, technical tailored based on advanced information technology infrastruc-
or human” with an emphasis on what makes technologies ture such as the Internet of Things (IoT) [15]. EDUCAUSE
“convivial” [50]. A convivial perspective seeks to create tools Learning Initiative listed some examples of such infrastruc-
“which lend themselves to creative use by networks of peo- tures powered by IoT:
ple who are joined in one or more shared social or political The increasingly connected network of devices and data
projects. They afford opportunities for people to make their streams could coordinate campus physical spaces, integrat-
lives together (con ‘with’ + vivere ‘live’)” [50]. We think a ing information from sensors embedded in objects including
convivial approach is also important to approach smart educa- library resources, whiteboard writing surfaces, game boards,
tion, as it makes students aware of how smart technologies are and robots· · · . Off campus, students can visit historical loca-
tools involved in making and shaping their lives. As part of tions or study urban environments where information is
smart education, we argue that a post-digital approach looks transmitted from nearby sensors· · · . Student profiles could be
at what works best at that moment, which requires critical mapped to the physical campus, such as classrooms, labs,
perspectives on tools, technologies, and structures. Below, we libraries, and gyms, and wearable devices could ensure that
take up the call for networked learning from a post-digital students are granted appropriate access· · · . All such data could
perspective where smart education does not merely involve be accessed by the LMS or various other applications for use
creating citizen coders, but involves negotiating a “stack,” or in analytics for faculty and students [16].
layer metaphor for the design of learning environments. While IoT facilitates an efficient and seamless flow of data
The notion of smart education originated outside the context and metadata to enhance the learning experience and creates
of smart cities. For example, in 1997, Malaysia had first car- an ecology, speed and accuracy aren’t the main features of
ried out a nationwide smart education project, the Malaysian smart education and thus counter the ideas of many tech-
Smart School Implementation Plan as part of the “Wawasan nology companies such as IBM and Microsoft that smart
2020” long-term vision [11]. The goal of this knowledge-based learning requires student learning to be “optimized”. Smart
effort to grow and sustain the Malaysian economy (knowl- learning focuses on people and their relationship with tech-
edge economy, or K-Economy) was motivated by the nation’s nologies. Kim et al. contended that smart learning combines
desire to participate more fully in the global economy by the advantages of social learning and ubiquitous learning and
means of a technologically literate, critically thinking work- is a learner-centric and service-oriented paradigm [1]. In syn-
force. With similar intentions, developed nations like South thesizing these perspectives as part of an ecology, Zhu et al.
Korea, Finland, and the United Arab Emirates have also rolled offered the following conceptual framework to capture the
out reformed educational infrastructures to emphasize the role essence of smart education [14] (Fig. 2).
of technology in education as part of growing the respective Smart pedagogies address methodological issues by intro-
economies [12], [13], [14]. However, the rise of cloud-based ducing the concept of smart learning environments (ecologies)

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that seek to cultivate smart learners. In this conceptual of the administrative and pedagogical politics in “datafied”
framework, the materiality of technology is minimized— education.
almost made invisible—to emphasize qualitative (human) To foster better outcomes and practices, our understanding
competencies such as critical thinking and problem solv- here is to foster dialogues between learning stakeholders to
ing in smart education. For instance, gamified techniques foster stronger data-informed practices and attention to learner
and personalized feedback helps create an impetus in stu- agency. Since data-informed decision-making is used in edu-
dents to want to continue while learner performance can be cational contexts to improve student learning and considers
analyzed by AI which provides targeted exercises to stu- the fit with different human stakeholders’ contexts where data
dents. Nevertheless, with the growing deployment of data informs but is not solely used to drive decision-making, it is
analytics tools in networked classrooms today, including also important in smart education contexts where often argu-
performance trackers and predictive analytics in learning ments of data need to be considered in relation to human
management systems, we consider it vital to make visi- agency [23].
ble the presence of smart technologies within smart edu- Data-driven practices use quantitative data, whereas data-
cation environments in order to enhance digital literacy in informed practices recognize that decisions need to be
smart learners. Given this concern, we next discuss the made using both quantitative data and qualitative understand-
implications of smart education and data technology in ing through personal insight, as well as learner-preferences
schools. to create better overall practices [23]. Networked learning
researchers need to consider how smart education infrastruc-
tures affect learner agency—that is, their ability to assume
IV. L EARNER AND DATA L AYERS : S CHOOLS autonomy in making choices and participate in knowledge-
AS DATA P LATFORMS building activities—and to consider the role of data-informed
Current initiatives by software companies to enter education decision-making practices more strongly by using data as
(such as IBM’s Smarter Education and Microsoft’s Educated a point of learning conversations rather than an end in
Cities) look to reconfigure education around using student itself. Such conversations need to be centered around design
data for learning purposes. According to Williamson, smart justice, ethics, and human-centered understandings of what
education creates education as “sentient infrastructure” where works and what doesn’t.
“increasingly automated processes data collection, analysis, As we promote data-informed solutions to address edu-
visualization and feedback” create ways to collect learn data cation gaps and system efficiency, our urbanist ideals must
and so create “real-time feedback, individualization and per- be grounded in ethical design-justice methods when deploy-
sonalization of the education experience” that can also help ing computational operations, including machine learning
predict individual learner needs [17]. However, Williamson processes. Such design justice approaches question how data
also argued that this approach creates “programmable peda- is used, who benefits, and whether or not existing biases
gogies” in which students are positioned as citizens subject exist to perpetuate inequities. While interpretability of machine
to smart cities standards where “digitally enacted big data learning algorithms are an intractable problem, human-in-
systems constantly regulate and govern people’s conduct the-loop approaches can question whether the outcomes are
according to the standards and social codes of conduct that are satisfactory or require they need adjusting. Indeed, adaptive
written into the lines of code” [5]. As mentioned earlier, smart algorithms and statistical models in machine learning can gen-
education initiatives may thus perpetuate particular instances erate predictive outcomes that help teachers improve their
of power and thus need to be carefully negotiated at various pedagogical practices; students can use predictive analytics
levels. However, we argue that smart cities, as public spaces, to identify learning behaviors and explore better ways to
can also create opportunities for student learning when nego- learn. When schools function as data sites for these multi-
tiated from a “stack” perspective that elides a focus on code faceted purposes, administrators, teachers, and students alike
and interrogates the infrastructure of data that surrounds that need to share perspectives about the value of data privacy
student. and ownership juxtaposed against the value of data-driven
Among the biggest changes smart cities impose onto educa- education in a situated context [24] so these purposes are data-
tional institutions would be the datafication of schools—which informed. While smart cities may be critiqued to instantiate
involves “a reimagining and reconfiguration of schools as data- “government at a distance” [52] such conversations between
based sites of real-time monitoring and measurement” [5]. students and teachers are also vital to discuss and shape how
Scholars have been wary about this imposition and questioned power is enacted in smart education. Among the conversa-
the ethics of data mining and computation in educational con- tions needing to take place is how smart technologies are truly
texts [18], [19], [20], [21], [22]. Smart education proponents augmenting the learning experience, hence our next layer of
aspire for smart schools to leverage analytical technologies to contention—intelligent delivery.
extract relevant student (and teacher) data in order to design
programs that educate computational citizens to compute the
future of their city [17]. But the partnership between schools V. I NTERFACE AND I NFORMATION L AYERS : I NTELLIGENT
and commercial computing firms such as IBM, Cisco, Intel, D ELIVERY AND D IGITAL T WINS OF L EARNING
Siemens, and Microsoft—which often results in projects that Smart cities are also environments concerned with intelli-
promote these firms’ products—calls for serious examination gent delivery. As data analytics, IoT, and AI work to optimize

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various just-in-time processes, how to deliver that in an intel- used by students and instructors to determine performance.
ligent manner is key to inform smart citizens. We think such As data dashboards display on-going live performance, such
intelligent delivery is also important to students in their learn- a dashboard is promising but needs to be situated in the
ing. That is, intelligent delivery is the delivery of information larger discussion of data-informed decision-making processes
that is appropriate to the learner’s context, time, place, and at in pedagogical contexts.
their preferred device and personalized to them. Fortunately, networked learning heuristics can be applied in
Two important components to intelligent delivery are the conceptualization of SLIs. Goodyear et al. defined net-
1) intelligence derived from “digital twins” of students, and worked learning as “. . . learning in which information and
2) using effective content delivery derived from content communications technology (ICT) is used to promote connec-
modeling. tions: between one learner and other learners; between learners
Digital twins “represent real objects or subjects with their and tutors; between a learning community and its learning
data, functions, and communication capabilities in the digital resources” [27]. Based on this definition, it can be derived
world” which are used in a hybrid manner to better develop that SLIs should include connectivity and connectivist think-
smart systems based on personalized data representing an ing as the core of quality learning. Connectivism, a learning
object (a machine) or a person [25]. The idea of digital twins theory coined by Siemens [28], [29] and Downes [3], [31],
is that this keeps track of performance, issues, and effectively, posits that learning in the digital age requires understanding
keeps a history. Such a history is used by instructors when of network properties, including chaos, nodes, links, ties, flow,
they work with students, but digital twins could keep track of and the self-regulation of students in relation to these proper-
what students are good at, where they need to be better and ties. In other words, we think connectivism creates room for
their overall learning journey at a much greater granularity to crucial conversations between students as learners and instruc-
develop more intelligent learning practices. At the same time, tors. For SLIs, connectivism offers a framework for building
we recognize that digital twins are fraught with implications as layers of criteria for observing, assessing, and improving smart
to future student performance, which is why we advocate for education. While there have not been formal SLIs established
data-informed conversations between students and instructors for use in smart education, connectivist principles such as the
where relationships are emphasized over top-down data. following can be adapted to develop SLIs that pay attention
In order to deliver in intelligent ways, content modeling to connections among learners and technologies [29]:
needs to be applied to the student’s preferred methods of learn- • Learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes or
ing. Content engineering and digital marketing analytics [26] information sources (see also Ryberg on personal learning
have made the most progress in this area, as content developers networks [54]).
seek ways to distribute content across platforms and channels • Learning may reside in non-human appliances.
in a preferred manner for users. This brings with it an intense • Nurturing and maintaining connections between students
focus on creating multi-purpose content that can be used across and instructors are needed to facilitate continual learning.
different contexts, and multi-touch attribution—figuring which • Capacity to know more is more critical than what is
channels are preferred. For this reason, intelligent content currently known.
is defined as “modular, structured, reusable, format-free and • Currency (accurate, up-to-date knowledge) is the intent
semantically rich and, as a consequence, discoverable, recon- of all connectivist learning activities.
figurable, and adaptable” content [26]. Intelligent delivery Further, the networked nature of smart learning, thanks
hinges thus upon developing learning content that is multi- to IoT infrastructures, shifts the emphasis of education from
purpose and that can be deployed across numerous learning formal to non-formal and informal learning.
contexts and channels.
We consider these layers as important for networked learn-
ing contexts and see their promise in smart learning but are VII. S PACE AND P LACE L AYERS : F ORMAL ,
also concerned at the level this may suggest single-sourcing N ON -F ORMAL , AND I NFORMAL L EARNING
content delivered to learners. Seeing data-informed ways to Perhaps the most discussed matter about smart learn-
engage with this content in smart learning is important, as are ing in smart cities is the affordance of continuous learn-
human-in-the-loop approaches [4] we advocate in this paper. ing. Smart education typically takes place within for-
mal institutional settings such as schools and universi-
ties. Nonetheless, citywide connectivity means learning can
VI. M EASUREMENT: S MART L EARNING I NDICATORS also take place non-formally and informally. According to
Smart education requires updated performance indicators to Eurydice (a division of the European Commission), non-
determine academic success and, perhaps more importantly, formal learning and informal learning can be distinguished as
the usefulness of technology in facilitating learning. Within the followed.
smart cities’ context, technology is often deemed the heroic Non-formal learning is an intentionally chosen learning that
actant that enables augmented actions. For the purpose of takes place outside the formal education and training system.
a more objective evaluation, scholars have considered using It takes place in any organisation with educational and train-
smart learning indicators (SLIs) to study the impact of smart ing purposes, also in voluntary bodies, national civil service
education technologies on learning outcomes. SLIs can be organizations, organizations of the private social sector or
seen as a data dashboard of learning objectives that can be enterprises. . . . Informal learning refers to activities carried

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they have to speak to customers for a business knowing their

interaction may be tracked. Rather than see this as a means of
panopticon, learners could sit down with instructors to replay
what they did and foster stronger experiential learning. And,
as playable initiatives create what Innocent calls strategies of
“appropriation, datafication, and conversation” between differ-
ent stakeholders—in turn such playable, networked experience
creates appropriation by students of their environment, make
use of data in new ways, or enact conversations about public
space with other civic actors including their instructors [36].
We think such human-in-the-loop approaches to networked
Fig. 3. Learning environments in a smart city [33]. learning are important if smart learning is to work.


While it may seem radical, smart cities infrastructures will
bring about new locative, ubiquitous teaching and learning that
emphasize the notions of place and space given the connected
nature of information and location in smart cities. Zhuang et al.
observed that “smart learning can provide strong support for
citizens’ life-long learning, which is also the key feature
of self-evolution of the urban system” [38]. Further, other
scholars have argued that smart schools are now “complex
sensory ecosystems and data infrastructures” in which sensing
of biometric and environmental data create new mechanisms
for embodied and environmental learning [41]. In “Pervasive
Citizenship,” Boyle offered the perspective that smart cities
will shift civic organization through information circulation,
Fig. 4. Interactive learning activities supported by smart learning environ- thanks to data collection sensors, thus creating “pervasive
ments [46]. information spaces” that can support learning [37]. However,
Boyle also cautioned that next to this “sense commons” of
data in smart cities, we also needed “common sense” in using
out in every-day life, at work, at home and in leisure time, data [37].
even without an intentional choice [32]. In her book, A City is Not a Computer: Other Urban
Smart cities provide opportunities that support continuous Intelligences, Mattern thus critiqued computational mod-
learning across formal, non-formal, and informal contexts. As els of urbanism and provided ontological implications of
Huang et al. demonstrated, learning in a smart city can span smart cities technologies on citizens’ engagement with
from schools to the public [33] (Fig. 3). places and spaces [40]. Mattern warned us that the city-as-
Smart learning is thus lifelong and lifewide. Learners can computer model “conditions urban design, planning, policy,
engage with information by accessing formal sources (like in and administration—even residents’ everyday experience—in
schools) as well as community sources (e.g., museums, pub- ways that hinder the development of healthy, just, and resilient
lic installations, and crowdsourced knowledge bases). Smart cities” [39]. Yet, Mattern also noted that some aspects are
cities learning environments can be transformative to tradi- not able to be captured through sensors. The kind of “non-
tional modes of learning in that adaptive technologies can be semantic information” that Mattern had considered—including
used to support personal learning goals. Moreover, these envi- “performative knowledge” such as dance, ritual, cooking,
ronments also create opportunities for role-switching between sports, and “ambient data” like shadows, wind, and rust—
teachers and learners (Fig. 4) to foster more authentic, social call for a ubiquitous and data-informed, playable, immersive
learning. pedagogy if we wish to engage smart education meaningfully.
For juxtaposition, we point in the direction of playable smart The pedagogy of ubiquitous experience considers interac-
cities research, which focuses on developing gamified spaces tivity between people, places, and learning in complex digital
of exploration and learning in smart cities through altered- urban environments [43]. Ubiquitous pedagogy in smart cities
reality games, geo-caching, and other ways to invest spaces emphasizes an attunement to “the socio-cultural-historical con-
with educational and exploratory perspectives [34], [35], [36]. textual relevance of place” [43] and layers of networked
We think such playable environments are excellent at bring- information in the scoping, planning, and designing of smart
ing learners into real-world contexts using smart technology, learning. This layer analogy situates learning among the phys-
social interaction, and in the role of questioning and using data. ical and technologized ecologies of information akin to the
For example, learners can be placed in an environment where “stacked” metaphor offered by Bratton [44]. In Fig. 5, we

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properties of smart education and how they might augment

networked learning:
• Data-Informed, Not Data-Driven Practices: Smart cities
create a need for data-informed (rather than mere data-
driven) learning practices that allow learners and educa-
tors to negotiate and contextualize data using qualitative
perspectives on what works and what doesn’t work.
• Digital twins: Learners may have digital twins that keep
track and monitor their progress. Rather than see the dig-
ital twin as something that can hold students back, it
is vital that discussion is enacted between learner and
instructor so the digital twin can be updated.
• Smart learning indicators: We need to develop new SLI
Fig. 5. Stacked layers to smart, ubiquitous learning.
heuristics for understanding and assessing learning goals,
conditions, roles, and outcomes. These indicators are like-
wise, important to foster discussions between learners and
mapped ubiquitous pedagogy onto the layers of urban intel-
ligence. Practically speaking, this kind of locative learning
• Formal, non-formal, and informal learning: Smart educa-
enables learners to tactically use media and data to enact
tion promotes lifelong and lifewide learning that leverage
their learning. What this then does is create a new smart eco-
community knowledge sources. We need to cultivate sen-
sphere of them critically engaging with how bots and machine
sitivity toward place and space-based learning that spans
learning shape data practices, recognizing how shaping and
beyond traditional or formal educational environments.
reconsidering interfaces can create new contexts for ongoing
• Urban intelligence and ubiquitous pedagogy: Smart
learning, as well as negotiating new layered locative places
learning mixes locative data and learning situations that
and spaces as information rich environments where data needs
creates opportunities for critical dialogues between stake-
to be retrieved and negotiated for opening up new learning
holders. Smart education breaks down the divide between
contexts and data-informed discussion. In turn, such locative
“real world” places and the classroom with smart con-
awareness makes use of data in localized ways to connect to
texts of anywhere, anyplace learning with localized data
data that can be mobilized in specific geographic locations.
and simulations. Playable approaches provide opportuni-
In asking our students to consider design justice and playable
ties for questioning one’s surroundings and create critical
approaches, we ask them to interrogate how data is enacted
approaches to data practices.
and how data can be used to better the lives of smart citizens.
• Stack: Ubiquitous pedagogy also creates the need for
By insisting on human-in-the-loop approaches we ask students
students questioning how the stack of actors work in
to consider where they can intervene. For this purpose, the
learning situations by negotiating different components
“stack” analogy lets students interrogate a smart infrastruc-
that make up a smart environment (user in relation to
ture from the perspective from earth (land & people), to the
interface as situated in a particular location) can create
interface, and its effects on the end user. We argue that this
data-informed negotiation of places and spaces, as part
kind of ubiquitous learning creates not just data-driven ways
of learning practices.
of smart learning, but data-informed practices where data is
The current state of networked learning is connected to
contextualized and negotiated. If we are to educate students
networks to navigate information in learning environments.
in using data in smart contexts, that also means negotiating
Learning is still primarily formal and facilitated. What we
which data is privileged and how it operates in a particular
can expect in the future of smart cities is that networked
learning will become increasingly experiential, sensorial, and
A “stack” analogy for smart education encourages design-
immersive. The kind of ubiquitous learning afforded by smart
ers of learning environments to identify the roles of the
education will remove silos in urban spaces and situate the
learner (vs. bots or digital twin) in smart contexts, expands the
learner within different layers of data structures and networks.
“interface” for learning to include digital and physical sources
Educators need to pay attention to smart cities technologies
of information, consider the flow of data, and connect to the
and development to prepare to critically engage with smart
real earth-land where learners are grounded.
education. To that end, we have offered a stack analogy to
make visible the layers of smart activities in smart education
IX. C ONCLUSION : T OWARD U BIQUITOUS L EARNING and to address the implications of creating networked learn-
Smart cities present a new level of opportunities and chal- ing in smart cities contexts towards fostering data-informed,
lenges to networked learning. In this paper, we have noted human-centered and ethical practices and conversations. While
the concerns of smart cities as being used as a model for smart cities are rightfully critiqued for being top-down data
education, noting how smart cities may create top-down mod- infrastructure, we do think it is crucial to open up critical
els where data is used to shape human actions, surveil human discussion regarding how learning may be facilitated in such
activities and enact a particular “smart citizenship” that is sub- infrastructure while also making place for human-centered
ject to code. However, we have also articulated the emergent approaches through our stack analogy.

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Jason C. K. Tham (Associate Member, IEEE) is an Assistant Professor of Gustav Verhulsdonck is an Assistant Professor with the Business Information
Technical Communication and Rhetoric with Texas Tech University, where Systems Department, Central Michigan University. He teaches business, pro-
he co-directs the User Experience (UX) Research Lab. He teaches courses fessional, and technical communication along with visual communication
in UX research, information design, instructional design, web publishing, and digital media. He has also worked as a Consultant for clients, such
and digital rhetorics. He is a Research Partner with the Digital Life Institute, as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the U.S. Army
Ontario Tech University. His current research interests are design thinking Research Laboratory in helping them consider how to leverage virtual real-
approaches in technical communication pedagogy and practice. In addition ity for countermeasure purposes. His research interests are user experience
to his four books Keywords in Design Thinking (WAC Clearinghouse, design, technical and business communication, behavioral design, and mobil-
University of Colorado Press, 2022), Design Thinking in Technical ity. He has worked as a Technical Writer for International Business Machines
Communication (Routledge, 2021), Collaborative Writing Playbook (Parlor and as a Visiting Researcher with the University of Southern California’s
Press, with Joe Moses, 2021), and Designing Technical and Professional Institute for Creative Technologies. His research has appeared in Computers
Communication (Routledge, with Deborah Andrews, 2021), his scholarship and Composition, Communication Design Quarterly, Journal of Business
has appeared in Technical Communication, Journal of Business and Technical and Technical Communication, Intercom, and Technical Communication
Communication, Journal of Technical Writing & Communication, Computers Quarterly.
and Composition, Technical Communication Quarterly, and IEEE
journals and edited volumes. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE
Editor of Composition Studies.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Edinburgh. Downloaded on February 05,2024 at 08:07:35 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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