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Digital transformation in the mining enterprise: The empirical study

Article in Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor · January 2019

DOI: 10.5937/mmeb1902073D


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2 authors, including:

Zoran Dragičević
Boksit a.d.


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UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 622.012:681.5(045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1902073D

Zoran Dragičević*, Saša Bošnjak**



Digital transformation (DT), as a result of digitalization process, rapidly and fundamentally

changes the business entities and organizations, which involves a radical review of the use of tech-
nology to change the strategy, value streams, operations, and business models, with a significant
impact on customers, business partners and employees. Enterprises are launching the DT initiatives
examining the wishes and needs of customers and creating operational models that use the new op-
portunities to increase competitiveness. In this regard, the key responses to changes in the digital era
are the reshaping customer value propositions and reconfiguration the operation model. In the basic
industries, where the product is mainly a raw material, such as the mining industry, the companies
launch the DT initiative to improve operations. The operating model is adjusted so that user prefer-
ences and expectations affect each activity in the value chain. This requires the integration of busi-
ness activities and the optimization of the way to manage and track data related to each key activity
in the value chain. However, although there is a great potential for future growth, the current state of
digital transformation in mining is at a low level. Therefore, the question arises as to how to launch
and effectively realize the DT initiative for improvement the operational model in the mining enter-
prise. This paper, in general, discusses the importance of the DT, with particular reference to the key
aspects of the DT, challenges and success factors in the mining industry. As a result of research, the
key aspects of realization the DT initiative for improving the operational model in the large,
diversified mining enterprise are presented; challenges and success factors are identified and classi-
fied in a given context. The complete research efforts, as well as the obtained results, are dedicated to
the role and significance of the DT phenomenon in the mining industry, with the goal of wider and
more effective use the digital technologies in the mining enterprises.
Keywords: digital transformation, challenges, success factors, mining, empirical study


Digital technologies, such as mobile, may be defined as a “business model driv-

cloud, big data, analytics, sensors, IoT en by the changes associated with the ap-
(Internet of Things) and artificial intelli- plication of digital technology in all as-
gence (AI), with the possibility of combin- pects of human society" [2].
ing them in innovative ways, exponential- The DT involves an integration of
ly accelerate the progress through the digi- digital technologies in all areas of busi-
talization process with a great impact on ness, whereby at a high speed and thor-
business and society [1]. Considering that oughly changes the way in which an or-
DT, as a result of the digitalization pro- ganization carries out its business opera-
cess, permeates all aspects of society, it tions and delivers value to customers.

Company Boksit, Milići, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia & Herzegovina
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics, Subotica, Serbia

No. 1-2, 2019 73 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Companies implement the DT initiative tion of all business activities in the value
changing the way they work, learn, com- chain and the optimization of the way in
municate and collaborate, in order to 1) which these activities are monitored and
identify more easily the values relevant to managed [3].
customers - what is being offered, and 2) Great expectations are when it comes to
redesign the business and operational the future of digitalization in mining. In this
models on the basis of new possibilities - regard, it is expected that the application and
how it is delivered, all with the aim of connection of devices and things containing
increasing competitiveness [3,4,5,6]. electronics, sensors, and software for mutual
Although the DT can be realized using communication and data exchange over the
different digital technologies in different Internet or in some other way will be of spe-
scenarios, it has more implications for the cial importance [19].
business transformation of the enterprise Among the various potential benefits of
than on the technological infrastructure digital transformation in mining, the possi-
itself, changing business processes and bilities for using digital technologies in im-
business models, which has a significant proving the quality management process,
impact on organizational culture and em- maximizing productivity, improving work-
ployees [7,8,9,10]. ing conditions and product quality are high-
In order to successfully respond to the lighted [20]. In all this, it is necessary to
market changes, the companies radically avoid traps, such as lack of resources,
reconsider the use of digital technology to knowledge, cooperation, lack of awareness
improve the customer experience, opera- about the importance of digitalization and its
tional processes, business models and busi- underestimation [21], on the one hand, and
ness strategies [6,9,11,12,13,14,15,16], fo- so-called productivity paradox, that is, the
cusing on one of the aforementioned areas situation of non-selective application of new
and applying the specific initiatives, wherein technologies which leads to increased com-
some industries much more rapidly find plexity and productivity decline, on the other
ways to implement the DT initiative than in hand [22].
others [17]. However, each enterprise must Existing findings from the relevant lit-
individually find the best way for the DT, erature indicate the great potential and low
depending on its strategic goals, industrial level of the current state of the DT in the
context, competitive pressure, and customer mining industry. Therefore, the question
expectations. Also, there are unique combi- arises as to how to initiate and effectively
nations of individual industries and their implement the DT initiative in the mining
contribution to national economies in differ- enterprise. In this regard, having in mind the
ent countries, and as a result, the DT has observed lack of DT research in the mining
different characteristics, while digital strate- industry, this paper aims to better understand
gies have different objectives, even when key aspects related to the initiation and reali-
looking at the same industries in different zation of the DT initiative in the mining
parts of the world [3,18]. industry, along with identifying challenges
In basic industries, that offer physical and success factors in a given context. For
products, semi-products or raw materials, this purpose, empirical research was con-
such as mining, DT generally starts with ducted on the implementation of the DT
initiatives that aim to improve operations, initiative in the mining enterprise.
i.e. internal processes. The operating model The rest of the work is structured as fol-
is aligned with customer preferences and lows: Section 2 presents the prevailing atti-
requirements so that it affects each activity tudes in the relevant literature, and Section 3
in the value chain. This requires the integra- defines research questions and describes the

No. 1-2, 2019 74 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

applied research method. In Section 4, the On the other hand, Liere-Netheler et al.
results of the conducted empirical research - [9] observe a broader context and define the
a descriptive and explorative case study of DT as a „metamorphosis that is based on the
the implementation of the DT initiative in intensive combination of present and future
the mining enterprise - were presented. Sec- technologies that will change the paradigm
tion 5 specifies the research limitations, and of how value-generating processes in and
finally, conclusions are drawn and future between enterprises as well as with custo-
works delineated. mers take place. DT will affect business
models and corporate strategies.“.
2.1 Challenges of DT
DT is a complex process that is difficult
to understand [9, 22] and is viewed differ- The DT is a complex venture that brings
rently in different companies and industries with it significant challenges, so several
due to different visions, stakeholders, values authors have been dealing with challenges
and levels of maturity [14], as well as due to of DT in different industries and organi-
differences in customer expectations and zations. Starting from the point that the key
degree of development of existing systems. for successful DT is a review of the vision
Therefore, every industry, under the pre- and initiation of changes in the business
ssure of inevitable changes applies different model, Westerman et al. [11] argue that the
ways of implementing DT [3]. most significant challenges are related to the
Accordingly, there is no one, generally management and employees, not just the
accepted definition of the DT. For Raab et technology, regardless of whether the new
al. [7] the DT is more a matter of business or old technologies are applied. They cla-
transformation of the entire enterprise and ssify challenges by implementation phases
less technology. Westerman et al. [11] de- on: initiation challenges (lack of impetus,
fine the DT as "the use of technology to rad- regulation and reputation, unclear business
ically improve performance or reach of en- case), execution challenges (missing skills,
terprises", while Fitzgerald & Kruschwitz culture issues, ineffective IT) and gover-
[12] see the DT as the use of the new digital nance challenges (incremental vision and
technologies (social networks, mobile, ana- coordination issues). Depending on whether
lytics, cloud, and IoT, also known under the DT has the focus on reconfiguring customer
acronym SMACIT) to enable a significant value or customer modeling, Berman [3]
business improvement - enhancing customer sees the key challenges as monetization of
experience, streamlining operations or crea- the new proposals in offering value to the
ting new business models. For Konde & customers or defining business require-
Tundalwar [4], DT is the integration of digi- ments to improve operations.
tal technologies in all business segments, For Earley [22], challenge is not only to
which fundamentally changes the way of recognize innovative technology, but also
working and delivering values to customers. how to apply it in an existing business mod-
That is partly in line with Osmundsen et al. el, taking into account increase in the level
[15] attitude that the DT is the result of digi- of additional costs for the new tools and
talization or digital innovation process, infrastructure, while avoiding the so-called
which “enable major changes to how busi- productivity paradox - a situation that the
ness is conducted, leading to a significant new technologies, in the given context, in-
transformation of an organization or an crease complexity to such an extent that
entire industry“. reduces productivity. In this regard, given

No. 1-2, 2019 75 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

the complexity of DT, Early, as a big chal- coming these challenges, but it requires
lenge, sees the making of the right decisions hard work, investment, wisdom and pa-
regarding the adoption of new technologies. tience [6]. Gao et al. [6] have observed that
Emphasizing the importance and value while the DT accelerated changes, many
of data in Industry 4.0, De Carolis et al. companies are not agile enough to respond
[23], as the most important challenges for to these changes, while those who fail to
traditional manufacturing companies, see recognize this opportunity are faced with
the creation of awareness of the added value different challenges in an attempt to apply
that DT brings, and then managing large complementary improvements competitive-
amounts of data and information. In con-
ly in different parts of the enterprise. In this
nection with the growing significance of
regard, they identify the following challeng-
data Erjavec et al. [8] note that the biggest
es in terms of how companies in the metal
challenge for digitization is people's prob-
lems due to the adoption of new technolo- and mining industry are able to take ad-
gies, and as an additional challenge, they vantage of opportunities to improve busi-
note a lack of flexibility in the existing IT ness operations using digital technologies:
infrastructure, especially when it comes to lack of competencies (unwillingness for
collecting and processing unstructured data radical change, lack of staff, commitment
from different sources, and connecting ex- and investment), goal ambiguity (obsolete
isting systems with a new front-end sys- skills and governance model, unclear expec-
tems. tations and scope of change, lack of focus),
On the other hand, Nahrkhalaji et al. technological constraints (poor connectivi-
[14], exploring non-profit organizations, ty, cyber threats, lack of the IoT standards,
notes that along with organizational, strate- inapplicability or immaturity of technolo-
gic and managerial challenges, a critical gies, redundancy due to mistrust) and exter-
challenge in the digitization process is the nal constraints (complex operating envi-
change in the organization's culture, since ronment, safety, legislation, social responsi-
the engagement of new IT staff and the bility).
CDO (Chief Digital Officer) does not guar- Exploring global trends in the mining
antee success. Wolf et al. [21] as the main industry, Deloitte [24] said in its annual
challenges, or obstacles for the DT success, report that the lack of staff in the mining
see isolated thinking, poor knowledge man- industry with digital knowledge and compe-
agement, underestimation of digitalization, tencies undermines the digitalization pro-
lack of knowledge and resources, and lack cess, and therefore, the challenge is to at-
of awareness about the importance of digi- tract digitally competent staff from other
talization. industries.
Ernst & Young [25], in their article de-
2.2 Challenges of DT in the mining dicated to DT in mining, emphasize the
industry importance of the so-called digital disco-
nnection, as a gap between the potentials of
The mining industry has been confront- digital transformation and lack of data and
ed with the generic challenges since its knowledge of successful implementation
emergence, such as an increasingly old examples, in order to overcome the growing
workforce, high operating costs, a reduction challenges of increasing productivity, ac-
in the quality of ore deposits and difficult cess to capital, increasing transparency,
working environment. The DT is a signifi- maintaining licenses (concessions) and cy-
cant initiative that can contribute to over bersecurity.

No. 1-2, 2019 76 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

2.3 Success factors of DT

Several researchers dealt with the factors the importance of creating a digital enter-
of success of digital transformation, both prise vision, matching operational goals, and
from the perspective of the organization, as see DT as a race with time, where speed
well as from the perspective of customers depends on the existence of a digital de-
[16]. While Berman [3] argues that compa- partment and a supporting business ecosys-
nies with a cohesive plan for the integration tem.
of digital and physical components of opera- According to Nahrkhalaji et al. [14], in
tions can successfully transform their busi- order to raise the level of maturity, in the
ness model, for Westerman et al. [17] lead- context of DT, organizations must review
ership capabilities are the key to a successful existing business models, improve the deci-
implementation of DT, i.e. to convert a digi- sion-making process, find the right leader-
tal investment into a digital asset. This is ship, solve the complexity and insecurity
supported by Earley [22], for which the imposed by new models of competition and
leadership implies developing a viable vi- collaboration, and engage customers. The
sion of digital experience, whether for inter- DT is a combination of old and new tech-
nal or external users. In doing so, the digital nologies, a revolution and an evolution,
experience must influence the content and therefore Wolf et al. [21] as the key success
functionality adjustment to the current needs factors of the DT sees the creation of inno-
of users. In all this, the data play a crucial vative areas, linking across the boundaries of
role, so organizations need to manage data the organization, the application of agile
and information as a strategic resource. methods, the motivation to try new things
Khan [26] as a key factor of DT sees and active management. In addition to the
leadership capabilities for successful opera- initiator, goals and implycations of DT, Os-
tionalization and implementation of DT, mundsen et al. [15] identify the following
whereby framing the digital challenge, fo- success factors: supportive and agile organi-
cusing investment, mobilizing the organiza- zational culture, good management of trans-
tion (creating a sense of urgency) and sus- formation activities, knowledge manage-
taining the transition is crucial for operation- ment, participation of managers and em-
al leadership. Sebastian et al. [27] identify ployees, enhancement of information system
three main elements for a successful DT: a capabilities, development of dynamic capa-
digital strategy - that defines a value propo- bilities, development of digital business
sition based on digital technologies, an oper- strategy, business compliance and infor-
ational backbone - that facilitate operational mation system. Liere-Netheler et al. [9] pro-
excellence and a digital service platform - pose a working framework for a successful
which enables rapid innovation and respon- DT, while various researchers have dealt
siveness to new market opportunities. with the success factors of individual tech-
Bearing in mind the need to optimize the nologies or aspects of DT, such as the user
process applying the tools, concepts and, experience [16, 28,29,30].
most importantly, involving people for de
Sousa et al. [20] it is crucial to raise aware- 2.4 Success factors of DT in the mining
ness and training, both the managers and the industry
employees. This may contribute to the easy
access to data and reports, and monitoring in Deloitte [24] notes that in mining there
real time. For Erjavec et al. [8] the key for a are changes in the way in which value
successful DT is a cultural change. Pflaum creation is observed, how well a enterprise
& Gölzer [10] agrees with that, emphasizing extracts resources, to how the enterprise

No. 1-2, 2019 77 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

uses the information to optimize produc- RQ2: What are the challenges of DT in
tion, reduce costs, increase efficiency and the mining enterprise?
improve security. With this in mind, RQ3: What are the success factors of
Deloitte [24] claims that the success of DT DT in the mining enterprise?
does not depend on the adoption of the In order to answer the research ques-
latest applications and technologies that tions, empirical research was conducted in
will continue to evolve, but from integrat- a large diversified mining enterprise –
ing the digital thinking into the very center
Company Boksit. For the needs of re-
of business strategy and business practice
search, the case of development and im-
in order to change the way corporate deci-
plementation of the analytical business
sion-making. This requires the evolution
of leadership competencies and a clear software system for organization unit
vision of how a future, digital mine can (OU) Surface mines is selected (hereinaf-
transform the processes of realization, ter Mining Portal). OU Surface mines is
information flow, and support processes. part of the Mining division and performs
Starting from the fact that the increase surface exploration of ore sites at several
in productivity is one of the key goals in remote locations, with different exploita-
mining, in order to get DT in the right way tion conditions, different types and quality
Ernst & Young [25] emphasizes the im- of ore resources.
portance of understanding 3 key elements: The main purpose of the Mining Portal
harmonizing the DT and productivity was to support the improvement of the
agenda, end-to-end approach to business operational model, i.e. improvement of
(from the markets to mines) and a focus key business processes in the value chain
on eliminating waste, especially when it related to surface exploitation of ore sites.
comes to the influence of leadership and The development and implementation of
organizational culture. the Mining Portal implied the application
Although several authors dealt with of various digital technologies, such as
the identification and research of the chal- advanced analytics, cloud, and mobile, as
lenges and success factors of DT, in gen- well as integration with the existing ERP
eral, there is a lack of research in the min- system and external data sources.
ing industry. Therefore, the need for fur- Combining a descriptive and explora-
ther research on the DT phenomenon in tive case study provides a better under-
the mining industry is evident, in order to standing of the problems in its natural
overcome the gap of digital disconnection, environment and defining a framework for
validate existing knowledge and identify further research [31]. Therefore, the de-
new, in different situational contexts. scriptive case study was first applied in
the realization of the research, in order to
3 METHODOLOGY describe the key aspects regarding the
initiation and the realization of the DT
The aim of research is a better under- initiative for the improvement of the oper-
standing of the key aspects regarding the
ational model of OU Surface mines, and
initiation and implementation of DT initia-
in order to better understand the context,
tives in the mining industry, as well as
motives and drivers, the purpose and ob-
identifying the challenges and success
factors in this context. In this respect, de- jectives, the results achieved, advantages
fined the research questions are: and disadvantages of the DT initiative, as
RQ1: How to initiate and realize the well as opportunities to launch future DT
DT initiative in the mining enterprise? initiatives.

No. 1-2, 2019 78 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Subsequently, in the same context, an sults of an explorative case study are pre-
explorative case study was carried out to sented, which identify and discuss the
identify the challenges, success factors, challenges and success factors of the DT
and the possibilities for further research. initiative realization in a given context.
Various sources, including documents, an
implemented software system, and semi- 4.1 Key aspects of the DT initiative in
structured interviews, were used to collect the mining enterprise
data and to better understand how key
correspondents see the research problem. In this section, the results of a descrip-
In order to examine the problem of re- tive case study are presented in order to
search for both, business and IT perspec- get an answer to the RQ1: How to initiate
tives, a semi-structured interview was con- and realize the DT initiative in the mining
ducted with the key persons responsible for enterprise?
implementing the DT initiative. From the The presented results of the descriptive
business part, this was the Technical man- case study describe the context, motiva-
ager of surface mines (hereinafter Technical tion and initiators, the purpose and objec-
Manager), and from the IT part of the enter- tives, the results of the DT initiative in the
prise, one of the authors, a former CIO form of the implemented functionalities of
(hereinafter ex CIO). the Mining Portal, and the advantages and
KWIC (Key Word in Context), qualita- disadvantages. Finally, identified opportu-
tive analysis, and thematic analysis were nities for future DT initiatives are presen-
used for selection, extraction, coding, and ted. The results obtained were discussed
analysis of empirical data. Qualitative anal- on the basis of existing knowledge in the
ysis is used to analyze data, because it sup- relevant literature.
ports a more detailed description of the ob- Context
served phenomenon, while qualitative data
allow for better insight into the complex The Company Boksit was founded in
processes [32]. The obtained results were 1959 as an enterprise for bauxite ore ex-
discussed and compared with the existing ploitation. Other activities, such as traffic,
knowledge and results of similar research, construction, mechanical and electrical en-
both in the mining and in other industries. gineering, catering and tourism, commercial
Bearing in mind that one of the authors activities, food production, furniture pro-
(ex CIO) was actively involved in the reali- duction, health care, etc., have been suc-
zation of the DT initiative, as a key IT cessfully developed by a continuous growth
member, in order to reduce the risk of bias, and development from the bauxite ore in-
the research was carried out by two authors. dustry. As a threefold winner of the most
successful enterprise in the Republic of
4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Srpska, it is one of the most important com-
panies in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia
In accordance with the described re- & Herzegovina. In its 60-year long mining
search method, the results of the descrip- tradition, over 31 million tons of bauxite ore
tive case study are presented, which de- has been produced, more than 195 million
scribe key aspects of the DT initiative for tons of waste material has been removed,
the improvement of the operational model and more than 3 million tons of nonmetallic
in the mining enterprise by the develop- raw materials (limestone, quartz sand) have
ment and implementation of the Mining been produced. Annual production of sur-
Portal for OU Surface mines, as the most face mines is about 300,000 t of bauxite ore
important part of the Mining division in and 1.350 million m³ of waste removed,
the Company Boksit. In addition, the re- with the engagement of own and subcon-

No. 1-2, 2019 79 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

tractor’s equipment. In order to plan, organ- was possible, but everything was done
ize, implement and control business pro- manually. It was time-consuming and error-
cesses, ERP and QMS (Quality Manage- prone, and as a result "we needed at least 5
ment System) are used, while all key loca- to 7 days to produce a monthly or annual
tions are connected to the LAN/WAN net- report... it was not possible to obtain timely,
work []. accurate and reliable information" (Tech-
nical Manager).
Motivation and initiator of
the DT initiative Purpose and goals of the DT initiative
Key motivation factors for initiating the The focus of improvement was the op-
DT initiative were growing demands for erational model, that is, the key processes of
information and analyzes related to the im- realization in the value chain related to the
plementation of the operational process of surface exploitation of the bauxite ore, but
surface exploitation of bauxite ore, in all indirectly in the focus was the customer,
key phases and activities, in order to im- having in mind that “if timely information
prove the operational model, to establish regarding the quality of individual deposits
better control, and to make faster, more is available, as well as information that
effective and efficient decisions at opera- influence the timely taking of measures and
tional, tactical and strategic levels. The re- making decisions from which parts of the
quired information and analyzes mostly deposit, when and in what quantities they
relate to the indicators of the results and are to be exploited, all together influence
activities of the surface exploitation process, the dynamics of delivery, price and quality
as well as the indicators of the associated of the goods delivered to the customer“
processes from value chain, such as the (Technical Manager).
stock of products, essential materials and The main purpose of the DT initiative
raw materials, the availability of equipment, was to improve the existing operational
the status of the realization of current pur- model enabling a faster access to infor-
chases, etc. mation and better information flow, faster
The initiator of DT in the mining sector analysis and decision making, in order to
was Technical Manager, for whom digitiza- achieve the goals of increasing productivity,
tion is a "data revival, which in digital form reducing costs, better control and preventing
can be used in a variety of ways, for various misuse. The realization of the stated goals
purposes, in a much faster and simpler should have enabled the development and
way". implementation of business software for
Problems of the previous situation were “fast and reliable recording of data from
caused by the fact that the records related to realized business activities, and quick re-
the realization of the production and porting for different time periods and differ-
maintenance process on the surface mines ent analytics” (Technical Manager).
were guided in paper form, because due to
Results of the DT initiative
the limitations of the existing ER system,
unlike other business processes (Purchase, Bearing in mind the shortcomings of the
Inventory, Sales, HR, Financials...), it could existing ERP system, the focus has been on
not be adequately parameterized and cus- the development of the Mining Portal - ana-
tomized to support the production of baux- lytical business software system "which will
ite ore and the maintenance of mining ma- work exactly as we need it and which will
chinery, due to the specific nature and com- serve its purpose" (Technical Manager).
plexity of the process. For this reason, no A so-called lean approach is applied, the
automated analytical processing of opera- essence of which is the focus on data and
tional data from the ore production process information that has the highest value for

No. 1-2, 2019 80 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

the user in a given context. In this regard, The Mining Portal is realized using the
the aim was to offer the content for which iterative-incremental approach for different
the user is authorized, which has significant segments of processes, phases, and activi-
value for that user, which the user will find ties, with a special focus on key activities of
and use quickly and with minimal effort and the highest priority, because "e.g. the activi-
which will be presented by clearly transmi- ties of loading and transport of ore and
tting messages or information in a given waste have had greater relevance than
context. waste disposal" (Technical Manager).

Figure 1 Mining Portal

The Mining Portal automatically adjusts sources, the purpose of which is to

the presentation depending on the user de- present key information, goals, re-
vice (Figure 1) to each user, according to the sults, time series (trends) and status
privileges, providing up-to-date, accurate at the highest level realization of de-
and clear key information on different levels fined goals. Static segments provide
of detail, which are essential for effective information in the form of a sum-
and efficient operational decision-making mary report, while analytical seg-
and management. ments provide more detailed analyt-
Information and data are available and ics and drill-down options to "com-
accessible on the mobile phone anytime, bine all-in-one, intuitive presenta-
anywhere, supporting the continuous im- tions (dashboard) with drill-down
provement of the operations model, so as to options suitable for display on mo-
"support better visibility of business pro- bile devices to increase the visibility
cesses and promotes operational agility and of process" (ex CIO).
flexibility, resulting in increased productivity  Digitization of business data - ena-
and reduced costs" (ex CIO). In order to bling effective CRUD (create, read,
enable all this, the following functionalities update and delete) of data into the
are implemented: database and/or existing ERP, be-
 Dashboards - as a set of several in- cause "efficient data digitization,
dependent, personalized segments with applying the rules for automat-
(web parts) that provide key infor- ed data quality control, increase the
mation from internal and external potential for their reuse" (ex CIO).

No. 1-2, 2019 81 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

 Performance management - various rate information, which are at any time,
views and analytical processing of and almost everywhere, available through
KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) the mobile phone, based on which deci-
provide a detailed analytical insight sions and responses are made faster in
into the values or ratings of indica- changing business conditions. High level
tors at different levels of aggrega- of automation of data control reduces the
tion, because "setting measurable probability of occurrence of errors and ena-
targets for KPIs, monitoring, repor- bles their easier detection and correction
ting and control contribute to the in- during entering of data. The results of the
crease in agility and sense of urgen- DT significantly influenced the improve-
cy" (ex CIO). ment of the operational model, i.e. the way
 On - line analytical processing the business process was realized, for exam-
(OLAP) - to quickly generate complex ple, "it was noticed that the drilling system
reports (Web pivot tables), support does not produce the expected results, which
projection and restriction (slice & were directly demonstrated by analyzes
dice), aggregation, sorting and analyz- based on data related to the effects, con-
ing large amounts of data, inde- sumption, and availability of machinery"
pendently of their original layout by (Technical Manager). Even if the software is
simply dimensions and facts drag and- custom-made, due to delays in documenta-
drop to the appropriate positions in the tion delivery and recording them on a daily
settings form. On-line pivot reporting, basis, the effects are minimized to monitor
multi-dimensional calculations, and the performance and the indicators at the
drill-down across different analytics daily level. Enabling the recording of data
"increase efficiency and flexibility, in closer to the source of origin would contri-
the sense that the same data set can bute to solving this problem, "e.g. machine
easily display in many different ways" operators can use a mobile phone to record
(ex CIO). data" (Technical Manager, ex CIO). Alt-
hough from a technical point of view, such a
 Automatization of scheduled repor-
possibility already exists, legislation requires
ting - periodically generating and
compulsory filling of worksheets in writing.
sending pre-defined reports, alarms
This means that the work of the operators
and notifications by e-mail, because
would be doubled when it comes to recor-
"automation of reporting directly
ding data (paper and electronic forms).
contributes to increasing productivi-
ty and reducing costs" (ex CIO). Identified opportunities for the future
 Integration with other systems – like DT initiatives
ERP and sources of meteorological
data, in order to "maximize the value Future DT initiatives could go towards
and usability of the data from legacy greater application of sensors, IoTs and au-
systems" (ex CIO). tomated data readings from such devices in
real time, e.g. "it would be a good thing to
Advantages and disadvantages of detect and read sudden changes in ma-
the implemented DT initiative chine’s fuel level in real time...or the use of
The key advantage of the realized DT devices that measure idle work time to make
initiative is the possibility of simple and savings and prevent misuse of machines
fast recording, control and integration of whose effect is measured by motorcycle
data, and the provision of timely and accu- hours, e.g. bulldozer" (Technical Manager).

No. 1-2, 2019 82 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

New machines have some of the above- spond to the changes quickly increases, by
mentioned options, but the problem is the what Berghaus & Back calls “digital readi-
high price and the restriction of user access ness” [33].
to the machine’s data and vendor lock-in. The developed and implemented analy-
There are also possibilities for the applica- tical software system supports the realiza-
tion of artificial intelligence (AI) techni- tion of the stated goals because 1) it is based
ques "in order to deepen the analysis or to on cloud and mobile technologies [30, 13,
obtain new knowledge from a large amo- 20, 18, 24], 2) enables automation of data
unt of data" (Technical Manager, ex CIO). capture, data control and integration of data
from existing systems [8,9,20,24], and 3)
Discussion provides advanced analytical processing
The results of the research confirm the and reporting [6, 8, 18, 20, 24] using per-
thesis that in basic industries, such as min- sonalized dashboards and OLAP tool.
ing, DT starts focusing on the improvement Finally, although the realized DT initia-
of the operational model [3,18]. The results tive allows timely and accurate information
also indicate the need for a proactive ap- to be obtained, it is not always possible to
proach, due to growing expectations for achieve up-to-date day-to-day reports due to
increasing the efficiency of the process [21], various external constraints, such as the
in order to reduce costs, increase productivi- obligation to keep paper records, the limita-
ty and employee safety [18,19]. tion of access data to machine and vendor
Though encouraged by growing infor- lock-in, communication restrictions on re-
mation requests from top management, it mote locations, etc. Regardless of all this, it
can be noticed that the DT initiative was can be noticed that the realized DT initiative
initiated and guided by a technical manager, creates a solid foundation and good precon-
i.e. from middle management level, with the ditions for the wider use of digital technolo-
emphasis on the equally important role of a gies, such as different measurement and
key IT member, what is a significantly dif- control sensors and/or IoT [6,10,18,
ferent position relative to Westerman et al. 19,21,24] for more automation of data cap-
[11] that a successful DT initiative must be ture and real-time reporting, as well as the
guided by the top management. On the oth- application of various methods and artificial
er hand, when it comes to the problems of intelligence techniques [8,24,34], such as,
the existing operational model, there is a for example, machine learning. Overcoming
noticeable need to eliminate waste, delays mentioned restrictions can significantly
and insufficient flexibility in the design, accelerate this process.
structure, and implementation of operational
processes, which is in line with Deloitte's 4.2 The challenges of DT in
standpoint [24]. the mining enterprise
Although, in general, there are different
expectations of DT at different levels of the This section presents the results of
organization [21], the results point to the qualitative and thematic analysis to get the
need to improve the operational model in answer to the RQ2: What are the challenges
order to achieve faster data access, ad- of DT in the mining enterprise?
vanced analytics, reporting and decision Identified challenges are grouped into
making in order to increase productivity, as four categories: operationalization of
a key operational risk in the industry mining business strategy, change management,
[25], which is in line with Deloitte's stand- effective application of technologies and
point [24]. In this way, the ability to re- external constraints (Table 1).

No. 1-2, 2019 83 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Implementation of changes in such a threats. The importance of cyber threats in
complex environment, such as mining, ca- mining is also highlighted by Ernst &
rries with it significant challenges. While Young [25] and Gao et al. [6].
Nahrkhalaji et al. [14] identify challenges, in Finally, there are the challenges related
terms of vision and strategy for the non- to external constraints. Gao et al. [6] also
profit sector, the results of the research indi- saw the challenges caused by the complex
cate that the most important challenges in operating environment and legal regula-
implementing the DT initiative in mining are tions. In addition, the un-covertness of all
related to the effective operationalization of micro-locations with the signal of mobile
the business strategy. In this regard, the key telephony reduces the possibilities of net-
challenges are not only related to ambiguous working and access to data in real time.
goals, as Gao et al. [6] claim, because even Significant challenges are the limitations of
when there are clearly defined goals, a par- business partners, especially considering the
ticular challenge is linking goals with essen- limitation of access to data on machines and
tial information and data, their interdepend- vendor lock-in.
ence and prioritization, because "the greatest
challenge is to decide what data and infor- 4.3 The success factors of DT in
mation are essential and important, and the mining enterprise
what are not, and prioritize" (Technical This section presents the results of quali-
Manager). This challenge can be linked to tative data analysis in order to get the answer
the challenge of defining business require- to the question of RQ3: What are the suc-
ments for the improvement of operations, cess factors of the DT in the mining enter-
identified by Berman [3]. prise?
Challenges related to change manage- The identified success factors are
ment were identified, of which the most grouped into four categories: people, organi-
important are employee participation and zational culture, technological framework
the need to improve their competencies, as and institutional framework (Table 2).
well as good cooperation between different
organizational units. It is in line with the Discussion
results Gao et al. [6], who notice that even The results of the research indicate
where there is a clear will to launch DT, several different factors that have a signi-
organizations have a problem managing the ficant impact on the success of the DT
changes, or Deloitte [24], who notice the initiative in mining. The human factor is
lack of digital competence in the mining crucial, especially the key people from
industry. According to the general classifi- business and IT part who, with know-
cation given by Westerman et al. [11], these ledge, persistence and dedication, must
challenges can be categorized into the cha- show agility, leadership and a clear vision,
llenges of execution and governance. because “there must be leadership from
Although the technological challenges both sides, someone from the business side
are noticed and analyzed by several authors who knows what he wants to get, and
[6,8,11,22], the results of the research in someone from the IT side who knows how
particular point to the challenges related to to achieve it” (Technical Manager).
the effective application of technology in Results further support the assertion of
the context of 1) increasing the demand for many authors that, regardless of the type of
automation in all phases of data gathering, activity, leadership skills are a key factor in
controlling, processing, reporting), 2) in- the success of DT [17,22,26], and in that
creasing the complexity of the process and, sense, Ernst & Young [25] and Deloitte [24]
in particular, 3) preserving security through especially emphasize the importance of
increased availability and rising cyber- leadership in the mining industry.

No. 1-2, 2019 84 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Table 1 The challenges of digital transformation in the mining enterprise
Codes Themes Categories
- Increasing agility and flexibility at the Link business Operationalization of
operational level objectives with business strategy
- Increasing demands for information and information and data
- Identifying key information and data
- Interdependence of information and data Interdependence and
- Prioritizing information by relevance prioritization
- Difficulties in coordination between the Cooperation across Change management
various business OU because of various organizational units
objectives and priorities borders
- Elimination of inefficiency in the work of
other OU
- Increasing demands for quality and Participation,
timeliness of data from existing systems competencies and
- Up-to-date gathering and recording of experience of
data on a daily basis employees
- Accuracy and completeness of data
- Lack of employee competence
- Difficulties to find and hire good IT staff
- Efficient control of the validity and Effective automation Effective application of
quality of data technologies
- Integration of data from existing systems
- Collect data from operational activities,
including data from machines
- Effective and efficient data entry Complexity of the
- Effective reporting process
- Integration of existing and external data
- Restrict access to data and information Security and
- Availability of information - anytime, availability
- Duplication of data due to paper and Legal constraints External constraints
electronic records
- Restricted access to data on the machines Business partners'
by the manufacturer constraints
- Vendor lock-in
- Influence of subcontractors' short-term
interests on the process
- Extreme working conditions Environmental
(temperature, humidity, dust, mud) constraints
- Inaccessibility of the terrain
- Non-coverage of all micro-locations by Communication
the signal of mobile telephony constraints

No. 1-2, 2019 85 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Table 2 The success factors of digital transformation in the mining enterprise
Codes Themes Categories
- Engagement of key people from business and IT Leadership and a People
- Leadership from the business and IT side clear vision
- Setting clear and achievable goals aligned with the
business strategy
- Knowledge, persistence and commitment of key Competence, com-
people from business and IT mitment and agility
- Fast delivery of functionality by IT and quick
feedback from business users
- Timeliness in the recording of data on a daily basis Discipline and Organizational
- Intensive, direct communication and quick resolu- professionalism culture
tion of data discrepancies
- Excellent communication between business and IT Communication and
- Excellent coordination between business units coordination
- Good network infrastructure (LAN, WAN) IT infrastructure Technological
- Private cloud framework
- Simplicity and speed of software usage User-tailored
- High degree of personalization and parameteriza- software solution
- Availability and accessibility Mobile-first,
- Possibility of using mobile devices cloud-first approach
- Gathering data as close to the source as possible Speed and quality of
- The early detection and elimination of data errors data coverage
- Increasing the level of automation in the collection,
recording and control of data
- Eliminate the need for duplication of records Legislation Institutional
- Application of digital technologies in order to in- framework
crease safety and security

In direct relation with leadership is the resource [23], the adoption of new, innova-
organizational culture, which must support tive technologies and their adequate appli-
discipline and professionalism when it cation is one of the key success factors of
comes to tasks, with better communication the DT initiative. Research results point to
and cooperation in all parts of the organiza- the growing importance of IT infrastructure
tion, especially between business and IT. and technology that from the beginning
These results are consistent with the prevail- supports the development and implementa-
ing attitudes, because Erjavec et al. [8], tion of user-tailor-made software systems
Pflaum & Gölzer [10] and Osmundsen et al. designed to work in cloud-based production
[15] emphasize the importance of organiza- environments and the use of mobile devic-
tional culture for success DT, while Ernst & es, supporting the so-called mobile-first,
Young [24] emphasize its importance in the cloud-first approach [36].
mining companies. Thereby, it is necessary In this regard, the role of technology for
to have in mind complex inter-relationship effective, automated data capture, quality
between the organizational structure and control, storage and data processing is very
culture in mining enterprises [35]. important in order to receive important,
Although Raab [7] in the DT process useful information in a timely manner. Ac-
gives primacy to business transformation in cordingly, the obtained results are some-
relation to technology, bearing in mind the what in contradiction with Deloitte's posi-
increasing importance of data as a strategic tion, because the success of DT in the mi-

No. 1-2, 2019 86 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor


ning industry may not depend on the adop- Digital transformation in the mining
tion of the latest applications and technolo- industry is an irreversible process due to
gies [24], but largely depends on the ade- great opportunities, from increasing
quate application of technologies that have productivity to cost reduction [19]. How-
reached a sufficient maturity level. ever, regardless of the great potential for
Finally, in order to exploit the full po- growth in the future [24], the current state
tential of digital technology in the mining of digital transformation in mining is at a
industry, it is necessary for the competent rather low level [37].
institutions to support the process of digital- This paper presents the results of an
ization in mining in order to identify the empirical research that describe and dis-
possibilities for increasing the safety of em- cuss key aspects related to the initiation
ployees, more efficient collection and stor- and effective realization of the DT initia-
age of data related to the realization of the tive in the mining enterprise, in the con-
operational activities of mining companies. text of the development and implementa-
tion of the analytical business software
5 RESEARCH LIMITATIONS system for the improvement of operations,
as well as the identified challenges and
Three limitations of the research success factors in a given context. The
should be taken into account. First, the results of the conducted empirical research
research is based on the case of the reali- point to the inevitability of digitization
zation of the DT initiative in the context and the significance of the DT initiative in
of the development of business software the mining industry, whereby the effective
in one mining enterprise. For this reason, a realization of the DT initiative, such as the
descriptive case study was first realized, development and implementation of an
with the aim of better understanding the analytical software system based on cloud
observed phenomenon in its natural envi- and mobile technologies, can significantly
ronment by examining the context, moti- contribute to the improvement of the op-
vation, initiators, purpose, goals, results, erational model in the mining enterprise.
advantages and disadvantages of the DT The results confirm that in the realiza-
initiative, followed by an explorative case tion of the DT initiative mining enterprise
study, in order to identify the challenges faces significant challenges, which are
and success factors of the DT initiative in clearly defined and classified. These chal-
a given context and identify the possibili- lenges are not only technology related,
ties for further research. Secondly, one of given the complexity of processes, auto-
the authors has played a significant role in mation, and security, but also for the ope-
the implementation of the DT initiative at rationalization of a business strategy, in
various positions in the Company Boksit. particular in linking goals with interde-
For this reason, more researchers are in- pendent information and data. In addition,
volved in planning and implementing re- significant challenges are related with
search to reduce the risk of bias. Third, the change management, especially when it
research is based on qualitative data, so comes to competencies and employee co-
different qualitative data sources, includ- operation across organizational bounda-
ing documents, realized analytical busi- ries, and external constraints regarding
ness software system, instructions, and relationships with business partners, ex-
semi-structured interviews were used for treme working environment, legal regula-
qualitative analysis. tions, and communication issues.

No. 1-2, 2019 87 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

In order to meet the challenges, suc- Bearing in mind the small number of
cess factors of the DT initiative in the research on the subject of DT in mining,
mining enterprise have been identified. in order to overcome the gap of digital
The identified success factors, above all, disconnection [25], additional empirical
include leadership capabilities and vision research is needed on examples of suc-
of key people from business and IT, as a cessful and unsuccessful implementations
prerequisite for initiating and implement- of the DT initiatives in the mining indus-
ing the DT initiative, as well as participa- try under conditions of surface and/or un-
tion, competence, commitment and agility derground exploitation. Starting from the
of employees. However, success factors identified challenges and success factors,
are not only related to people, but also to the possibilities of using digital technolo-
an organizational culture that, on the one gies should be further explored in order to
hand, should promote professionalism and increase the level of automation in the
discipline, and on the other, good commu- coverage, control and archiving of data, as
nication, cooperation and solidarity. In well as the possibilities for acquiring new
addition, an adequate technology frame- knowledge by applying methods and tech-
work based on the high-quality IT infra- niques of AI for processing large amounts
structure, user-defined software solutions of data collected from operations.
that are intrinsically linked to mobile and
cloud technologies must be built to sup- REFERENCES
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