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َّ ْ َ ْ ‫م‬ َّ ْ َ ْ ‫م‬
- To review the main principles of the ‫ ُجلة ا ِس ِمية‬and ‫ُجلة ف ِعلِية‬
Learning Objectives َْ‫م‬
- To understand how both types of ‫’ُجلة‬s work together
Lesson Review

َّ ْ َ ْ ‫م‬
Recall our past few discussions of the ‫ ُجلة ا ِس ِمية‬and its three main parts:

1. ‫مبتدأ‬
a. First ‫ اسم‬in the ‫ رفع‬status
b. ‫ حرف نصب‬with its victim
2. ‫خ َب‬
a. Second ‫ اسم‬in the ‫ رفع‬status
َ ْ ِّ َ َ ‫م‬
3. ‫متعلق بِاْل َب‬
َْ َ
a. A ‫ جار َم مر ْور‬fragment
َ ‫م‬
b. A special ‫ مضاف‬and its victim (we’ll focus on this later)

َّ ْ َ ْ ‫م‬
We then learned about the ‫ ُجلة ف ِعلِية‬and its three pain parts:

1. ‫فعل‬: the actual action

a. Remember that a ‫ فعل‬can qualify to be a sentence on its own!
2. ‫فاعِل‬: doer
a. An outside ‫ فاعِل‬can only exist if:
i. The ‫ فاعِل‬is in the ‫ رفع‬status
ii. The ‫ فعل‬is in ‫ ه َو‬or ‫ه‬
َ ِ form
iii. The ‫ فاعِل‬comes after the ‫فعل‬
‫َْ م‬
3. ‫مفع ْول‬: detail
‫َْ م‬
1. There are main categories of ‫’مفع ْول‬s:
1. ‫مفعول ب ِ ِه‬: a detail about who or what the action was done to
2. ‫مفعول فِي ِه‬: a detail about when or where the action was done
3. ‫مفعول لم‬: detail why the action was done
4. ‫مفعول حال‬: how the action was done
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َّ ْ َ ْ ‫م‬ َّ ْ َ ْ ‫م‬
We will now discuss instances when a ‫ ُجلة ا ِس ِمية‬and ‫ ُجلة ف ِعلِية‬occur together. It can initially seem
َّ ْ َ ْ ‫م‬
difficult and complicated, but it is quite straightforward. We will look at one ‫ ُجلة ف ِعلِية‬and then
َّ ْ َ ْ ‫م‬ َّ ْ َ ْ ‫م‬
one ‫ ُجلة ف ِعلِية‬inside a ‫ !ُجلة ا ِس ِمية‬Let us begin with the following example:

ْ ‫َ ْم‬
‫ ف ِه َم المسل مِم‬The Muslim understood.
َّ ْ َ ْ ‫م‬ َ َ ‫م‬
This is our normal ‫ُجلة ف ِعلِية‬. We know that ‫ ف ِه َم‬is the ‫ فعل‬with an inside ‫ فاعِل‬of ‫ه َو‬. However,
ْ ‫َْم‬ ْ ‫َْم‬ َ
because the word ‫ المسل مِم‬comes after it and is in the ‫ رفع‬status, ‫ المسل مِم‬becomes the actual ‫فاعِل‬.
Therefore, the meaning of this is ‘The Muslim understood.’

َ ْ ‫َْم‬
‫ المسل مِم ف ِه َم‬The Muslim, he understood!
َّ ْ َ ْ ‫م‬ َّ ْ َ ْ ‫م‬ ََْ‫م‬ َ
This is a ‫ ُجلة ا ِس ِمية‬because it starts with an ‫اسم‬. Remember that a ‫ ُجلة ا ِس ِمية‬consists of a ‫مبتدأ‬, ‫خ َب‬,
َ ْ ْ ِّ َ َ ‫م‬ ْ ‫َْم‬ ََْ‫م‬
and ‫متعلق بِاْل َب‬. We know the word ‫ المسل مِم‬is the ‫ مبتدأ‬because it is the first ‫ اسم‬in the ‫ رفع‬status.
َ َ َْ‫م‬
The word ‫ ف ِه َم‬is treated as the ‫ خ َب‬in this sentence because it is technically still a part of the ‫ُجلة‬
َّ ْ َ َ َْ‫م‬
‫ !ا ِس ِمية‬We know that a ‫ فعل‬on its own can be a sentence; thus ‫ ف ِه َم‬isn’t only the ‫ خ َب‬of the ‫ُجلة‬
َّ ْ َّ ْ َ ْ ‫م‬
‫ا ِس ِمية‬, but also a ‫ ُجلة ف ِعلِية‬on its own. Note the following important observations:
ْ ‫َْم‬ َ َ َ
a. We cannot call ‫ المسل مِم‬the ‫ فاعِل‬of ‫ ف ِه َم‬because the ‫ فاعِل‬by definition must come after the
b. If the ‫ خ َب‬is a ‫فعل‬, then the hidden inside doer of the ‫ فعل‬must match the number and
gender of the ‫مبتدأ‬
a. Examples:
َ ْ ‫َْم‬
i. ‫المسل مِم ف ِه َم‬
ْ َ َ ‫َْم ْ َ م‬
ii. ‫المسلِمة ف ِهمت‬
‫َْم ْ م َ َ م‬
iii. ‫المسلِم ْون ف ِهم ْوا‬

The benefit of this different sentence structure is to indicate emphasis or shock.

The translation may feel strange in English, but the meaning is intended to show a level of
َ ْ ‫َْم‬
emphasis and exclusivity. Saying, ‫‘ المسل مِم ف ِه َم‬The Muslim, he understood!’ is far more emphatic
ْ ‫َ ْم‬
than saying, ‫‘ ف ِه َم المسل مِم‬The Muslim understood.’

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