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UNIT – 1
Define Cloud Computing:

• Cloud Computing refers to manipulating, configuring, and accessing the

applications online. It offers online data storage, infrastructure and
• Cloud computing can be defined as a new style of computing in which
dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a
service over the Internet.
Roots of Cloud Computing:

The roots of cloud computing are connected to each other to make a cloud
computing infrastructure for the enterprise.
There are four roots of cloud computing
1. Internet Technologies
2. Distributed Computing
3. Hardware
4. System Management
First Root: Internet Technologies

• The first root is Internet Technologies from the roots of cloud computing
which contains service-oriented architecture (SOA), web 2.0, and web
• Internet technologies are widely accessible to the public. People can
access the content and run applications that depend on the network
• Service-oriented Architecture, or SOA, is a self-contained module
specially designed for business functionalities.
• Web Services like XML and HTTP provide web delivery services using
common mechanisms. It is a universal concept of web service all over the
• WEB 2.0 Services are more convenient for the users, as they do not have
to learn more about coding and concepts to work with it.
• Predefined blocks or templates make their work easy, and they can work
together in the centralized cloud computing system.
• Some examples of WEB 2.0 services are host services like Google Maps.
Second Root: Distributed Computing

• The second root is Distributed Computing from the roots of cloud

computing which contains grids, utility computing, and cluster.
• To understand the second root, for example, a computer is a general store
and documents in the form of files. Each document stored in the
computer has a specific location, either on the local hard disk or it is
stored over the internet.
• Now, when someone visits your website over the internet, they browse
through the files on the browser without downloading them. This means
users can access the files at the specific location after processing and send
that files back to the server.
Third Root: Hardware

• The third root is Hardware from the roots of cloud computing which
contains multi-core chips and virtualization.
• Generally, computers require hardware such as CPU, RAM, ROM, and
Motherboard to process, store, analyze, and manage the data.
• There are no hardware devices or components in Cloud Computing
because the applications are managed via the internet.
• On the other hand, the cloud stores data on its own computers rather than
having the computer that holds the data physically.
• In cloud computing, virtualization allows users to use resources from
multiple virtual machines.
• It makes it easier and cheaper for customers to use cloud services.
Moreover, In the Service Level Agreement (SLA) based cloud computing
model, each customer gets their own virtual machine called Virtual
Private Cloud (VPC)
• In short, a single cloud computing platform provides all the requirements
of hardware, software, and operating system.
Fourth Root: System Management:

• The fourth root of cloud computing (System Management) contains data

centre automation and autonomic computing.
• System management handles the operations to improve the productivity
and efficiency of the system.
• To achieve this, management ensures all employees have easy access to
all the necessary information.
• Employees can change configurations, obtain/resend information, and
perform other related functions from any location.
• This makes it possible for the system admin to instantly respond to any
user demand. Moreover, the admin can restrict or deny access to different
• In an autonomic system, admin work becomes easier as the system is
autonomic or self-managing. Additionally, data analysis and monitoring
are handled by the sensors.
• Based on that data, the system responses perform various tasks such as
optimization, adaptation, configuration, and protection.
• Hence, human involvement is less at this root, and the computing system
handles most of the operations.

Enabling Technologies Virtualization:

• The advantage of cloud computing is the ability to virtualize and share

resources among different applications with the objective for better server
• In non-cloud computing three independent platforms exist for three
different applications running on its own server.

• The idea of virtualizing a computer system’s resources, including processors,

memory, and I/O devices has been well established for decades, aiming at improving,
sharing and utilization of computer systems.
• Hardware virtualization allows running multiple operating systems and software
stacks on a single physical platform. A software layer, the virtual machine monitor
(VMM), also called a hypervisor.
• The consolidation of several individual and heterogeneous workloads
onto a single physical platform leads to better system utilization.
• This practice is also employed for overcoming potential software and
hardware incompatibilities in case of upgrades, given that it is possible to
run legacy and new operation systems concurrently.
• A VM’s state includes a full disk or partition image, configuration files,
and an image of its RAM.
• A number of VM platforms exist that are the basis of many utility or
cloud computing environments. The most notable ones, VMWare, Xen,
and KVM, are outlined in the following sections.
• VMWare ESXi is a pioneer in the virtualization market. Especially,
through memory ballooning and page sharing, it can overcommit
memory, thus increasing the density of VMs inside a single physical
• Xen. Xen currently forms the base of commercial hypervisors of a
number of vendors, most notably Citrix Xen Server and Oracle VM.
KVM. The kernel-based virtual machine (KVM) is a Linux virtualization
• I. KVM leverages hardware-assisted virtualization, which improves
performance and allows it to support unmodified guest operating systems;
currently, it supports several versions of Windows, Linux, and UNIX.
SOA, Web Services, Web 2.0 and Mashups:

• Web services (WS) open standards has significantly contributed to

advances in the domain of software integration.
• Web services can
1) Glue together applications running on different messaging product
2) Enabling information from one application to be made available to
others, and
3) enabling internal applications to be made available over the Internet.
WS standards have been created on top of existing ubiquitous technologies such
as HTTP and XML, thus providing a common mechanism for delivering

• In a SOA, software resources are packaged as ―services, that provide

standard business functionality and are independent of the state or context
of other services.
• Services are described in a standard definition language (WSDL) and
have a published interface (UDDI). Universal Description, Discovery and
Grid Computing:

• Grid computing enables aggregation of distributed resources and

transparently access to them.
• Most production grids such as TeraGrid and EGEE seek to share compute
and storage resources distributed across different administrative domains,
with their main focus being speeding up a broad range of scientific
applications, such as climate modeling, drug design, and protein analysis.
• A key aspect of the grid vision realization has been building standard
Web services based protocols that allow distributed resources to be
discovered, accessed, allocated, monitored, accounted for, and billed for,
etc., and in general managed as a single virtual system.
Utility Computing:
• In utility computing environments, users assign a “utility” value to their
jobs, where utility is a fixed or time-varying valuation that captures
various QoS constraints (deadline, importance, satisfaction).
• The valuation is the amount they are willing to pay a service provider to
satisfy their demands. The service providers then attempt to maximize
their own utility, it means utility may directly correlate with their profit.
Autonomic Computing:

• The increasing complexity of computing systems has motivated research

on autonomic computing, which seeks to improve systems by decreasing
human involvement in their operation.
• In other words, systems should manage themselves, with high-level
guidance from humans.
• Autonomic, or self-managing, systems rely on monitoring probes and
gauges (sensors), on an adaptation engine (autonomic manager) for
computing optimizations based on monitoring data, and on effectors to
carry out changes on the system.
• IBM’s Autonomic Computing Initiative has contributed to define the four
properties of autonomic systems: self-configuration, self-optimization,
self-healing, and self-protection.
• IBM has also suggested a reference model for autonomic control loops of
autonomic managers, called MAPE-K (Monitor Analyze Plan Execute-
Layers of Cloud Computing:

Cloud Computing consists of 3 different layers are:

1) Infrastructure as a Service
2) Platform as a Service
3) Software as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service:

• Offering virtualized resources (computation, storage, and

communication) on demand is known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
• Infrastructure services are considered to be the bottom layer of cloud
computing systems
• IaaS is the basic layer of the cloud that comprises hardware and network
• That said, IaaS is different from a regular server as it comes with two key
features of cloud technology-virtualisation and scalability.
• Amazon Web Services mainly offers IaaS, which in the case of its EC2
service means offering VMs with a software stack that can be customized
similar to how an ordinary physical server would be customized.
Platform as a Service:

• In addition to infrastructure-oriented clouds that provide raw computing

and storage services, another approach is to offer a higher level of
abstraction to make a cloud easily programmable, known as Platform as a
Service (PaaS).
• This layer of the cloud caters to the requirements of software developers
as it is the place where new applications are developed. You can use PaaS
services to build and test your applications on the cloud before deploying
• Google AppEngine, an example of Platform as a Service, offers a scalable
environment for developing and hosting Web applications, which should
be written in specific programming languages such as Python or Java, and
use the services’ own proprietary structured object data store.
Software as a Service:

• Applications reside on the top of the cloud stack. Services provided by

this layer can be accessed by end users through Web portals.
• Therefore, consumers are increasingly shifting from locally installed
computer programs to on-line software services that offer the same
• Traditional desktop applications such as word processing and spreadsheet
can now be accessed as a service in the Web. This model of delivering
applications, known as Software as a Service (SaaS)
• The application, therefore, needs to be web-based server so that it can be
accessed from anywhere. In this case, the service provider offers both the
software and the hardware.
Types of Cloud (Deployment Models):
There are three types of cloud computing:
1. Public Cloud 2. Private Cloud 3. Hybrid Cloud and
4. Community Cloud
Public Cloud:

• The Public Cloud allows systems and services to be easily accessible to

general public, e.g., Google, Amazon, Microsoft offers cloud services via
• public cloud (or external cloud): computing resources are dynamically
provisioned over the Internet via Web applications or Web services from
an off-site third-party provider. Public clouds are run by third parties
Private Cloud:

• The Private Cloud allows systems and services to be accessible within an

organization. The Private Cloud is operated only within a single
• It refers to cloud computing on private networks. Private clouds are built
for the exclusive use of one client, providing full control over data,
security, and quality of service. Private clouds can be built and managed
by a company’s own IT organization or by a cloud provider.
Hybrid Cloud:

• The Hybrid Cloud is a mixture of public and private cloud. Non-critical

activities are performed using public cloud while the critical activities are
performed using private cloud.
• A hybrid cloud environment combines multiple public and private cloud
models. Hybrid clouds introduce the complexity of determining how to
distribute applications across both a public and private cloud.
Community Cloud:
A community cloud is shared by several organizations and supports a specific
community that has shared concerns (e.g., mission, security requirements,
policy, and compliance considerations)
Features of Cloud:
(i) self-service
(ii) per-usage metered and billed
(iii) elastic, and
(iv) customizable.
A consumer can separately provision computing capabilities, such as server
time and network storage, as needed automatically without requiring human
interaction with each service provider.
Per-usage metered and billed:
Capabilities are available over the network and accessed through standard
mechanisms that promote use by heterogeneous thin or thick client platforms
(e.g., mobile phones, tablets, laptops and workstations).
Capabilities can be elastically provisioned and released, in some cases
automatically, to scale rapidly outward and inward matching with demand. To
the consumer, the capabilities available for provisioning often appear to be
unlimited and can be appropriated in any quantity at any time.
The provider's computing resources are pooled to serve multiple consumers
using a multi-tenant model, with different physical and virtual resources
dynamically assigned and reassigned according to consumer demand. There is a
sense of location independence in that the customer generally has no control or
knowledge over the exact location of the provided resources but may be able to
specify location at a higher level of abstraction (e.g., country, state or data-
center. Examples of resources include storage, processing, memory and network
Cloud Infrastructure Management:
A key challenge IaaS providers face when:
• building a cloud infrastructure is managing physical and virtual resources,
namely servers, storage, and networks, in a holistic fashion.
• The orchestration of resources must be performed in a way to rapidly and
dynamically provision resources to applications.
• The software toolkit responsible for this orchestration is called a virtual
infrastructure manager (VIM). This type of software resembles a
traditional operating system, but instead of dealing with a single
computer, it aggregates resources from multiple computers, presenting a
uniform view to user and applications.
• The term ―cloud operating system, infrastructure sharing software, and
virtual infrastructure engine are used to realize this toolkit.
• Sotomayor et al. present two categories of tools to manage clouds:
• • The first category—cloud toolkits—includes those that ―expose a
remote and secure interface for creating, controlling and monitoring
virtualize resources, but do not specialize in VI management.
• • Tools in the second category—the virtual infrastructure managers—
provide advanced features such as automatic load balancing and server
consolidation, but do not expose remote cloud-like interfaces.
Challenges and Risks:
Migrating into a Cloud
Cloud Computing Overview:
Raises IT expectations for SMEs and sparks debates among large companies.
Disruptive techno-commercial model combining technology and business
Key Migration Issues:
Decision-makers face questions on when and how to migrate applications,
which parts to migrate, and identifying benefiting customer segments.
Introduces a Seven-Step Model of Migration into the Cloud.
Industry Landscape:
Intense discussions among IT professionals and researchers in academia and
Entrepreneurial and Vendor Landscape:
Entrepreneurs aim to address challenges in migrating to the cloud. Major
vendors like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft offer early cloud services with
pricing models.
Definition of Cloud Computing:
Proposed definition: "Techno-business disruptive model using distributed
data centers, private or public, offering scalable virtualized infrastructure or
abstracted services with SLAs, charged based on consumed IT resources."
Data Center Challenges:
Enterprises often have distributed data centers with idle capacity. Cloud
computing attracts enterprises by allowing them to handle additional demand
without operational burdens, paying only for actual usage.
The Promise of the Cloud:
User Impression:
Users focus on the simplicity, uniformity, and ease of use in cloud computing
services, overlooking underlying complexities.
Economic Savings in SMEs:
Small and medium enterprises achieve substantial economic savings using
cloud computing for cyclical IT needs.
The concept of "cloudonomics" gains significance, exploring economic
benefits and trade-offs in leveraging cloud computing services.
Shift from Traditional Data Centers:
CxOs move non-mission critical IT needs from traditional data centers to
cloud services due to attractive cloudonomics and technological
Startups and High ROI:
Startups find success by exclusively utilizing cloud services for their IT
departments, achieving high return on investment.
Enterprise Adoption:
Large enterprises, including those running SAP, experiment with cloud
offerings for managing operations.
Global Impact and Future Predictions:
Analysts predict a substantial migration of top enterprises' IT needs to cloud
offerings by 2012, showcasing the widespread impact of cloud computing.

The Cloud Service Offerings and Deployment Models:

Attractiveness for CFO and CTO: Cloud computing appeals to both CFO
and CTO due to its ease of usage.
Major Cloud Service Vendors: Key players include Google, Amazon,
Microsoft, and open source Hadoop.
Three Major Cloud Service Offerings: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),
Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).
User Preferences: IT managers prefer IaaS, programmers favor PaaS, and
users often experience SaaS.
Examples of SaaS: is highlighted as a notable SaaS
offering. Success of IaaS and PaaS: IaaS widely adopted, while PaaS
preferred for new application development.
Impact on Online Activities: Users unknowingly rely on the cloud for
search, email, and social networking.
Three Levels of Cloud Deployment: Public cloud offerings, private cloud
initiatives, and hybrid cloud solutions.
IaaS Features: Offers abstracted, virtualized, and scalable hardware, with
different instance levels.
PaaS Technology: Supports programming platforms with vendor-locked
technologies, delivering better application performance.
SaaS on Cloud: Users often unaware of underlying cloud support, as
features seamlessly integrate with large software packages.
Challenges in the Cloud:

Simplistic View vs. Complex Systems: Cloud services offer a simplified

view of IT, programming, or resource usage, while underlying systems are
complex and prone to failures.
Idealized Cloud Properties: Cloud promises features like full network
reliability, zero network latency, and infinite bandwidth, akin to desired
properties in distributed systems.
Cloud's Irony: Cloud computing projects an idealized view while
realistically managing complex underlying systems.
Challenges in Cloud Implementation: Numerous challenges, with security
being a primary concern.
Security Challenges: Security challenges in cloud computing are
substantial, necessitating careful consideration and implementation.
Cloud Security Alliance: The Cloud Security Alliance addresses various
challenges related to security in cloud computing.
Cloud Computing Significance: Cloud computing is a disruptive model
and a top strategic technology (Gartner, 2010).
Large-Scale Migration: Migrating to the cloud is anticipated to be a
significant effort for enterprises.
Importance of Cloudonomics: "Cloudonomics" is crucial for the economic
rationale and success of cloud-based enterprise usage.
IT Costs and Strategic Parameters: Decision-makers must consider both
short-term and long-term IT costs when migrating, assessing whether it
satisfies strategic parameters.
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO): Evaluation of TCO is crucial to determine
if migrating to the cloud is more cost-effective than running a private data
Dilemmas in Cloud Migration: Decision-makers, IT managers, and
architects face dilemmas in planning new enterprise IT initiatives in the
Structured Migration Approach: Cloud migration is done in phases,
emphasizing a structured and process-oriented approach.
Seven-Step Model of Migration: The Seven-Step Model is introduced to
provide a comprehensive framework for understanding and leveraging cloud
computing services.
Assessment Level: Cloud migration assessments involve understanding
issues at the application, code, design, architecture, and usage levels.
Comprehensive migration strategy is formulated based on assessments.
Iterative Process: The seven-step model involves an iterative process,
starting with assessments and proof of concepts. Systemic and environmental
dependencies are isolated before generating mapping constructs.
Migration Augmentation: Cloud computing features are leveraged to
augment the enterprise application. Extensive testing is performed on the
cloud, with iterative optimization for a successful migration.
Best Practices: Accumulated best practices are crucial for optimizing and
ensuring robust and comprehensive cloud migration. Iterating through the
Seven-Step Model is recommended.
Comparison with Amazon AWS Approach: The Seven-Step Model is
described as more generic, versatile, and comprehensive compared to the
phased approach of migration into Amazon AWS. Amazon AWS approach
involves phases like assessment, data migration, application migration, and
optimization, specific to Amazon's cloud offering.
Migration Risks and Mitigation:
Primary Challenge: The major challenge in cloud migration is effectively
identifying and mitigating migration risks.
Seven-Step Model Approach: The Seven-Step Model includes testing and
validating processes to identify key migration risks, followed by addressing
and mitigating risks during the optimization step.
Migration Risks Categories: Migration risks fall into two categories:
general migration risks and security-related migration risks.
General Migration Risks: Involves issues like performance monitoring,
business continuity, disaster recovery, compliance with standards, IP and
licensing, quality of service parameters, data ownership and transfer,
portability and interoperability, and addressing complexities to prevent
migration failure.
Security-Related Migration Risks: Include concerns about security at
various levels of the enterprise application, trust, privacy, legal compliance,
governance issues, multi-tenancy impacts, data leakage prevention,
vulnerability management, incident response quality, and consistent identity
Persistent Challenges: Issues and challenges listed in previous sections
(Figure 2.3) remain persistent and continue to be research and engineering
challenges in cloud computing implementations.

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