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OPINION Endocarditis in critically ill patients: a review
Wagner Nedel a,b, Marcio Manozzo Boniatti a,c,d and Thiago Lisboa a,d,e,f

Purpose of review
To summarize the advances in literature that support the best current practices regarding infective
endocarditis (IE) in critically ill patients.
Recent findings
IE due to rheumatic diseases has decreased significantly, and in fact, the majority of cases are associated
with degenerative valvopathies, prosthetic valves, and cardiovascular implantable electronic devices. The
Duke criteria were recently updated, addressing the increasing incidence of new risk factors for IE, such as
IE associated with the use of endovascular cardiac implantable electronic devices and transcatheter implant
valves. The presence of organ dysfunction, renal replacement therapies, or extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation should be considered in the choice of drug and dosage in critically ill patients with suspected
or confirmed IE. As highlighted for other severe infections, monitoring of therapeutic antibiotic levels is a
promising technique to improve outcomes in critically ill patients with organ dysfunction.
The diagnostic investigation of IE must consider the current epidemiological criteria and the diagnostic
particularities that these circumstances require. A careful evaluation of these issues is necessary for the
prompt clinical or surgical management of this infection.
antibiotic, endocarditis, infectious endocarditis, sepsis, Staphylococcus

INTRODUCTION healthcare-associated infections [8]. These changes

Infective endocarditis (IE) is a severe condition char- have led to an increase in the proportion of Staph-

acterized by an infection of the endothelium of the ylococcus aureus and enterococcal IE [9,10 ,11]. In
heart. Although it can occur on various endocardial recent years, Staphylococcus strains have emerged as
surfaces, the most commonly affected structures are the predominant causative pathogens in patients
the heart valves. However, the infection can also diagnosed with IE [8]. As the number of transcath-
develop on mural endocardium, cardiac septal eter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) cases is
defects, and intravascular devices. IE has an annual expected to increase due to expanding indications,
incidence of 3 to 10 per 100,000 individuals per year Enterococcus spp.-related IE is anticipated to rise
and up to 40–50% of affected patients require valve further since it is the primary cause of IE in TAVR
surgery at some point during the clinical course, cases [12,13].
with an overall mortality rate of 20–25% [1,2 ].
Recently, there has been an increasing number
Endocarditis-related mortality is strongly linked to of IE patients who require admission to an intensive
a number of risk factors, including advanced age, care unit (ICU). The higher incidence of IE in older
healthcare association, and failure to undergo sur- patients with comorbidities, often caused by
gery when necessary [3,4].
Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, bHospital Nossa Senhora Con-
EPIDEMIOLOGY ceição, cPrograma de Pos-Graduação Cardiologia, UFRGS, dUniversi-
dade LaSalle, Canoas, ePrograma de Pos-Graduação Ciencias
The incidence of IE related to rheumatic disease has Pneumológicas, UFRGS, Porto Alegre and fHospital Santa Rita, Com-
significantly declined in high-income countries, plexo Hospitalar Santa Casa de Porto Alegre, Brazil
and cases associated with degenerative valvulopa- Correspondence to Thiago Lisboa, Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre,
thies, prosthetic valves, and cardiovascular implant- Ramiro Barcelos 2350, Brazil. Tel: + 55 51 33598643;
able electronic devices (CIEDs) have taken its place e-mail:
[5–7]. As a consequence, patients diagnosed with IE Curr Opin Crit Care 2023, 29:430–437
today are generally older and more susceptible to DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000001071 Volume 29  Number 5  October 2023

Copyright © 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Endocarditis in critically ill patients Nedel et al.

the importance of bacterial components that facil-

KEY POINTS itate adherence to the lesion [22,23]. These organ-
isms possess adhesins on their surfaces that promote
 Recently, there has been an increasing number of IE
adhesion to the vegetation and might control
patients who require admission to an intensive care
unit. The higher incidence of IE in older patients with inflammation. Microbial surface component react-
comorbidities, often caused by staphylococcal ing with adhesive matrix molecules (MSCRAMMs) is
infection, has led to a greater frequency of the collective name for these adhesins [24].
critical illness. MSCRAMMs can identify integrins, specific ligands
present on the surface of damaged or swollen endo-
 A multimodal diagnostic strategy should be necessary
in IE, especially in investigation of prosthetic valves or thelium.
in patients using cardiovascular implantable devices. The development of fibrin-platelet aggregates,
which group with bacteria to form vegetation, is the
 Duke diagnostic criteria was recently updated, but their final significant pathogenic event in IE. Within this
diagnostic accuracy was lower in patients with
structure, microorganisms can survive and thrive as
suspected right-sided native valve IE, prosthetic valve IE,
and pacemaker or defibrillator lead IE. It is still too biofilms by modifying their function and metabo-
early to assess the impact of these changes on lism to a self-made matrix [25]. This biofilm serves as
diagnostic accuracy, however. a habitat for the bacteria and contributes to their
resistance to antibiotics, making them more chal-
 Rational for prompt antibiotic initiation and blood
lenging to treat [26,27]. Vegetation is a pathological
cultures sampled before first antibiotic doses is the
same for septic patients. In patients with septic shock, characteristic of IE and is associated with several
urgent introduction of empirical antibiotics is clinical symptoms, including: (1) growth of a septic
recommended, and this recommendation should thrombus, aided by the activation of hemostasis by
therefore also apply to patients with known or cytokines, resulting in continuous bacteremia and
suspected IE and septic shock. high inoculum that can seed distant septic meta-
stases; (2) valve changes and perivalvular changes
caused by the destruction of the extracellular matrix
staphylococcal infection, has led to a greater fre- by proteolytic enzymes released by microorganisms
quency of critical illness. Moreover, critically ill and inflammatory cells; and (3) autoimmune lesions
patients have a higher risk of developing IE due to caused by immune complexes in circulation as a
their pro-inflammatory states and the prevalence of result of immune system activation [28].
indwelling catheters, which increase the risk of
infection [14,15].
Electrocardiography and chest radiography should
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY always be performed as part of the initial evaluation
Endocarditis is extremely difficult to induce in lab- of patients with suspected IE. The presence of a heart
oratory animals without causing structural changes block or conduction delay on baseline electrocar-
that compromise endocardial integrity [16,17]. Such diography may be indicative of a paravalvular exten-
changes result in turbulent blood flow, which can sion of the infection. Moreover, myocardial
mechanically stress the wall and ultimately damage ischemia may suggest the occurrence of septic
the endothelium. This damage promotes the depo- emboli in the coronary arteries. Chest radiography
sition of fibrin and platelets, creating a nidus for may reveal the presence of septic pulmonary emboli
vegetation [18]. Recently, experimental endocardi- or potential alternative causes of fever and systemic
tis has been induced in structurally healthy, but symptoms [29].
inflamed valves [19], which might explain why The Duke criteria were recently updated [30 ],
individuals infected with virulent bacteria like S. addressing the increasing incidence of new risk
aureus can develop endocarditis in previously factors for IE, such as IE associated with the use of
healthy hearts [7]. endovascular cardiac implantable electronic devices
The second phase in the pathophysiological and transcatheter implanted valves. These changes
process of IE is bacterial adherence. After the endo- are listed in Table 1. The Duke criteria were devel-
thelial lesion is created, the expression of fibronec- oped for the evaluation of patients with left-sided
tin and the release of inflammatory cytokines linked native valve IE, and their diagnostic accuracy was
to tissue factors enhance bacterial adherence, lead- lower in patients with suspected right-sided native
ing to the formation of a thrombus composed of valve IE, prosthetic valve IE, and pacemaker or
platelets and fibrin [20,21]. The same organisms that defibrillator lead IE [31]. The diagnostic sensitivity
are detected more frequently in IE patients highlight of the modified Duke criteria for right-sided/CIED-IE

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Severe infections

Table 1. New modifications in Duke criteria for infective endocarditis

Microbiologic criteria Recent genetic, molecular and tissue staining techniques by which etiologic microorganisms can be detected
were incorporated, including PCR, and fluorescence in situ hybridization.
Additional bacteria were added to the ‘typical microorganism’ group to reflect recent epidemiologic data, such
as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus lugdunensis, Enterococcus faecalis and Streptococcus
Imaging CT was included as an additional imaging modality, due to its higher sensitivity for the detection of paravalvular
PET CT was included as an imaging modality, because it overcomes the diagnostic limitations of
echocardiography when evaluating prosthetic material.
Surgical evidence Intraoperative evidence of IE (abscess, vegetations, valvular destruction, dehiscence) were included as a new
major criteria.
New minor evidence Splenic abscess and cerebral abscess were recognized as additional vascular phenomenon.

IE, infective endocarditis; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PET CT, positron emission tomography and computed tomography.

is lower, as audible murmurs, peripheral emboli, and patients with fever and positive blood culture and
immunological and vascular phenomena are usu- at higher-risk of IE either on native-valve and pro-
ally absent. Extending these criteria to a clinical thesis/CIED-based clinical presentation and risk fac-
practice setting has been somewhat more difficult tors [37]. Both transthoracic echocardiography
[32], and this effort to update the diagnostic criteria (TTE) and transoesophageal echocardiography
is an attempt to minimize these limitations. How- (TEE) provide complementary information, and
ever, it is still too early to assess the impact of these TTE should be performed initially in all suspected
changes on diagnostic accuracy. IE cases. When TTE results are negative and clinical
IE of the left-sided native valve should be sus- suspicion remains low, other clinical entities should
pected in patients with relevant cardiac risk factors be considered. If TTE shows vegetation but the like-
(e.g., preexisting valvular or congenital heart dis- lihood of complications is low, then subsequent TEE
ease), prior IE, and other predisposing conditions, is unlikely to alter the initial medical management.
including intravenous drug use, immunosuppres- On the other hand, if the clinical suspicion of IE or
sion, recent dental or surgical procedures, an its complications is high (e.g., prosthetic valve or
indwelling cardiac device, or an intravenous cathe- new atrioventricular block), then a negative TTE will
ter. Intravenous drug use and septic pulmonary not definitely rule out IE or its potential complica-
emboli, especially in the lungs, are important clues tions, and TEE should be performed first. Currently,
for right-sided IE [33]. New onset of heart failure the sensitivity of TTE for detecting vegetation on
symptoms is a relevant clue for this diagnosis in native valves is approximately 70% [38]. This is
both right- and left-sided IE. reduced to 50% in patients with prosthetic valves
At least three sets of blood cultures should be and is lower in patients with implanted electronic
obtained at 30 min intervals from separate veni- devices ([38,39]. Where TTE is nonconfirmatory and
puncture sites, preferentially before starting antibi- the microbiology is clinically suggestive of IE, a
otic therapy and from peripheral veins. repeat TTE may be appropriate at an interval of 5
Contamination likelihood is reduced when the to 7 days [40].
microorganism is found in multiple blood cultures TEE has a sensitivity and specificity exceeding
obtained from different venipuncture sites [34]. 90% for vegetation [41]. TEE is performed to confirm
Most clinically significant bacteremias caused by the diagnosis of IE in the context of nondiagnostic
typical pathogens are usually detected within TTE and a high clinical suspicion of endocarditis,
48 h. The time to positivity of a blood culture is when prosthetic or device-related endocarditis is
rarely greater than 5 days [35]. In patients with suspected, and when IE-related complications have
negative blood cultures after 5 days of incubation occurred (heart block, new murmur, persistent
and subculturing using standard methods, blood fever, embolism, and intracardiac abscess) [38].
culture-negative IE should be suspected. Culture- TEE should also be performed in patients with pos-
negative IE may be caused by previous antibiotic itive TTE results to rule out local complications.
therapy, fungi, or fastidious intracellular bacteria Repeat imaging is generally not required during
that require specialized culture media and grow the treatment course of IE unless clinical deteriora-
relatively slowly [36]. tion or complications are suspected.
Echocardiography is the first-line imaging Identification of vegetation may be difficult in
modality in IE and should be performed in all the presence of preexisting valvular lesions (mitral

432 Volume 29  Number 5  October 2023

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Endocarditis in critically ill patients Nedel et al.

valve prolapse and degenerative calcified lesions), Central nervous system (CNS) signs can be masked
prosthetic valves, small vegetation (2–3 mm), recent by sedation administered to ICU patients, and brain
embolization, and nonvegetant IE [38]. Many find- imaging is crucial to rule out other confounding
ings identified using TEE can also be detected using factors like septic encephalopathy [47]. Fever and
TTE. Concurrent TTE images can serve as a baseline bacteremia can indicate coexisting infections, and
for rapid and noninvasive comparison of vegetation acute kidney injury is frequently observed due to
size, valvular insufficiency, or changes in abscess other pathologies. Thus, timely diagnosis requires a
cavities during the course of the patient’s treatment high level of suspicion, particularly in patients with
should clinical deterioration occur [32]. For tricus- prosthetic valves, postcardiac surgery, bloodstream
pid vegetation or abnormalities of the right ventric- infection from S. aureus or Candida species, persistent
ular outflow tract, visualization may be enhanced by bloodstream infection from other bacteria or fungi,
choosing TTE rather than TEE. TTE may be superior or long-term invasive monitoring or therapeutic
to TEE for quantifying hemodynamic dysfunction devices. Critically ill IE patients exhibit specific fea-
manifested by valvular regurgitation, ventricular tures such as higher S. aureus involvement, increased
dysfunction, elevated left and right ventricular fill- rates of neurological complications, and long-term
ing pressures, and pulmonary artery pressure [32]. mortality [47].
Other imaging modalities, including magnetic Embolic phenomena are relatively frequent in
resonance (MR), CT, PET/CT, and single-photon IE, occurring in approximately 25% of the patients
emission computed tomography (SPECT)/CT, are [48]. Embolic phenomena are well described in
aimed at evaluating cardiac involvement and healthcare-associated IE and are associated with a
embolic events. The choice of a particular diagnostic worse prognosis in this population [49]. The most
modality is guided by local availability and expertise feared foci of embolization are the central nervous
[31]. Cardiac CT may be considered in patients with system, where the presense of ischemic stroke is
suspicion of IE when ultrasound examinations are associated with worse prognosis [47].
nondiagnostic [30 ]. Although it is inferior to trans-
oesophageal echocardiogram (TOE) in detecting veg-
etation, cardiac CT is superior for the evaluation of INVESTIGATION OF EI DURING
the paravalvular extension of infection [29]. Nuclear BACTEREMIA/FUNGEMIA COURSE
medicine modalities may provide additional diag- As the risk of IE in patients with bloodstream infec-
nostic and prognostic information for the diagnosis tions depends on the different bacterial species,
of prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE), with a high strategies should be put in place to identify the
specificity and sensitivity in suspected PVE, espe- subgroup of patients with high clinical risk [37].
cially in case of inconclusive TTE [42]. These modal- For example, given the high incidence of IE (6–
ities have high diagnostic accuracy in cardiac device- 32%) among patients with Staphylococcus aureus
related IE [42,43] Moreover, it has excellent diagnos- bacteremia (SAB) [37], standard clinical practice is
tic value in the visualization of perivalvular abscesses to perform echocardiography in patients with SAB,
[44]. The diagnostic parameters in solely the native as a significant portion of these patients have endo-
valve IE group, however, have not been validated so carditis in the absence of clinical signs [50]. Scoring
far [45]. systems have been developed to determine the
necessity for TEE. The best performance was
obtained from the VIRSTA score, with a high neg-
DIAGNOSTIC CHALLENGE IN CRITICALLY ative predictive value (>98%), but at the expense of
ILL PATIENTS a high number of patients classified as high-risk,
IE may manifest with various clinical presentations, thus requiring TEE [51]. Some risk factors had an
including atypical symptoms, particularly in ICU- increased positive likelihood ratio (PLR) for IE devel-
admitted patients. The Modified Duke’s Criteria can opment: presence of embolic events (PLR 12.7),
be employed to diagnose IE, but their applicability in pacemakers (PLR 9.7), prosthetic valves (PLR 5.7)
the ICU setting remains unvalidated (Table 1) [46]. and intravenous drug use (PLR 5.2); the only clinical
Common ICU presentations include pyrexia of factor with a clinically relevant negative likelihood
unknown origin, peripheral thromboembolism, ratio (NLR), however, was the clearance of bacter-
neurological complications like stroke or intracra- emia within 72 h (NLR 0.32 to 0.35) [52]. In patients
nial hemorrhage, hypotension, changing cardiac with SAB and without any high-risk criteria defined
murmur, tachycardia, heart failure, inflammatory as community-acquired SAB, high-risk cardiac con-
marker rise, acute kidney injury, and anemia [46]. ditions (prosthetic heart valve, prosthetic material,
Critically ill patients typically do not exhibit classical congenital heart disease, cardiac transplantation,
IE symptoms, posing challenges to their diagnosis. prior IE, pacemaker, permanent pacemaker (PM),

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Severe infections

or implantable cardioverter defibrillator) and intra- severe infections, monitoring of therapeutic anti-
venous drug, a normal TTE could rule out IE with biotic levels is a promising technique to improve
high sensitivity (97%, 95% confidence interval [CI] outcomes in critically ill patients with organ dysfunc-
87 – 100%) and high negative predictive value tion, although availability is still an issue [63,64].
(99%, 95% CI 96%–100%) [53]. Duration of therapy in EI is a challenge. Optimal
Candida endocarditis is an uncommon disease antimicrobial duration in sepsis is likely to remain
[54]. Therefore, routine echocardiography is not best determined through close collaboration between
recommended in patients with positive blood cul- intensivists, infectious disease and cardiology special-
tures for Candida. Currently, however, there is an ists, in order to weigh the relative contributions of
increased incidence of endocarditis due to Candida many aspects regarding pathogen, host response and
species during candidemia; in some cases, associated drug efficacy, as well as risk for embolic events or
with prosthetic valves or cardiac devices [55]. Exist- local complications such large vegetations, abscesses,
ing valvular heart disease is an independent variable false aneurysms or fistulas.
associated with IE [54]. The results of TTE suggest IE The accepted indications for urgent surgery in IE
in 2.9% of patients, and the result of TEE is positive are heart failure, along with uncontrolled infection
in 11.5% of patients in an unicentric study [56]. An (ongoing bacteriemia, local abscesses and fistulae)
echocardiography-focused investigation should be and emboli prevention (in cases of recurrent emboli
performed especially in those patients with persis- or large vegetations).
tent (3 days) candidemia despite antifungal ther- Patients with congestive heart failure caused by
apy [57]. Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) IE benefit from valvular surgery. In patients with
are not considered the typical microorganisms that New York Heart Association (NYHA) class I or II
cause IE, except Staphylococcus lugdunensis, that has heart failure, the mortality rate in surgically treated
an elevated incidence (14%) of IE postbacteremia patients was 8 vs. 15% in those not surgically treated
[58]. Few unicentric studies have explored the inci- (P ¼ 0.03); for those with NYHA class III or IV heart
dence of IE in patients with CoNS bacteremia. The failure, corresponding mortality rates were 23.4 vs.
incidence of IE is variable, as high as 11% in one 54.5%, respectively (P < 0.001) [62,65]. Also, cardiac
cohort [59], to 2% in Staphylococcus epidermidis bac- surgery may be performed safely after ischaemic
teremia [58]. The presence of valve prostheses (odd stroke, provided that the patient has no extensive
ratio [OR] 38.6) and persistent bacteremia (OR 2.6) neurologic damage and no cerebral bleeding. How-
were independent risk factors for IE [59]. ever, timing is still an issue. Recently, Dashkevich
et al. [66] assessed the impact of operative timing in
IE with cerebral embolism and suggested that post-
MANAGEMENT poning surgery to achieve clinical stabilization and
Most IE management recommendations are sup- better postoperative outcomes of IE patients with CE
ported by low quality evidence from observational is reasonable, however, worsening of the disease
studies and expert opinion [32,38]. This issue was process with deterioration and resulting heart fail-
recently revised in this Journal [60] and no new ure during the first 3 weeks after CE results in a
breakthrough evidence was published since then. significantly higher in-hospital mortality and infe-
Table 2 summarizes the antimicrobial options sug- rior long-term survival. Regarding ischemic stroke
gested by most recently published guidelines. treatment, as a frequent neurologic complication of
Rational for prompt antibiotic initiation and blood IE, a recent systematic review [67] suggested that
cultures sampled before first antibiotic dosis is the thrombectomy in IE associated stroke appears to be
same for septic patients. In patients with septic safer than thrombolysis, or combined treatment,
shock, urgent introduction of empirical antibiotics but with a low quality of evidence supporting this
is recommended, and this recommendation should choice.
therefore also apply to patients with known or sus- A multidisciplinary heart team plays an impor-
pected IE and septic shock [60,61]. It is crucial to give tant role in improving the management of patients
appropriate antibiotic therapy empirically. Since with cardiovascular diseases [68]. In the case of IE
staphylococci and streptococci account for 80% of this is not different. This serious and complex dis-
cases of IE, initial antibiotic therapy should be active ease has a multisystemic extension with specific
against these pathogens [32,38,62]. Presence of organ diagnostic and therapeutic challenges [69]. There-
dysfunction, renal replacement therapies, or extrac- fore, implementation of endocarditis teams, prefer-
orporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) should be entially in reference centers, is recommended to
considered in the choice of drug and dosage in optimize the care of these patients [69,70 ]. The
critically ill patients with suspected or confirmed implementation of multidisciplinary teams is asso-
infectiousendocarditis (EI). As highlighted for other ciated with reduced in-hospital mortality and 3-year

434 Volume 29  Number 5  October 2023

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Endocarditis in critically ill patients Nedel et al.

Table 2. The antibiotic regimens suggested in international guidelines (adapted from reference [60])

American Heart Association European Society of Cardiology (ESC)

(AHA) guidelines, 2015 [32] guidelines, 2015 [38]

Empirical treatment in the To be adjusted based on clinical course and risk If community-acquired:
ICU factors Ampicillin þ (cl)oxacillin þ gentamicin
If nosocomial:
Vancomycin þ gentamicin  rifampicin
Staphylococcal Methicillin-susceptible: Methicillin-susceptible
endocarditis, native Antistaphylococcal penicillinv Antistaphylococcal penicillin
valve(s) Methicillin-resistant: Methicillin-resistant
Vancomycin or daptomycin Vancomycin or daptomycin
Staphylococcal Methicillin-susceptible: Methicillin-susceptible:
endocarditis, prosthetic Antistaphylococcal penicillin þ gentamicin þ Antistaphylococcal penicillin þ gentamicin þ
valve(s) rifampicin rifampicin
Methicillin-resistant: Methicillin-resistant:
Vancomycin or daptomycin þ Gentamicin þ Vancomycin or daptomycin þ gentamicin þ
rifampin rifampin
Streptococcal endocarditis, Four-week course Penicillin G or ceftriaxone Four-week course Penicillin G or ceftriaxone or
susceptible strains (MIC amoxicillin
penicillin < 0.25 mg/l)
Enterococcal endocarditis, Ampicillin þ ceftriaxone 6 weeks Ampicillin þ ceftriaxone
Gram-negative HACEK- Ceftriaxone 2 g/day for 4 weeks in NVE and for Ceftriaxone 2 g/day for 4 weeks in NVE and for
related species 6 weeks in PVE OR 6 weeks in PVE.
Ampicillin (12g/day) OR If they do not produce beta-lactamase, ampicillin
Ciprofloxacin (1000mg/24h orally or 800mg/24h (12 g/day i.v. in four or six doses) plus
IV) gentamicin (3 mg/kg/day divided into two or
three doses) for 4--6 weeks
Gram-negative non- Cardiac surgery þ prolonged courses of combined Early surgery plus long-term (at least 6 weeks)
HACEK-species antibiotic therapy for most patients with IE therapy with bactericidal combinations of beta-
caused by non-HACEK Gram-negative aerobic lactams and aminoglycosides, sometimes with
bacilli, particularly P aeruginosa. additional quinolones or cotrimoxazole.
Combination antibiotic therapy with a b-lactam þ
aminoglycoside or fluoroquinolone for 6 weeks
Fungi Fungal IE is a ‘‘stand-alone indication’’ for surgical Antifungal therapy for Candida IE: Liposomal
replacement of an infected valve; and amphotericin B (or other lipid formulations) with
amphotericin B is the initial drug of choice for or without flucytosine OR an echinocandin at
fungal IE. high doses;
Antifungal therapy usually is given for >6 weeks. Aspergillus IE: voriconazole is the drug of choice.

IE, infective endocarditis; NVE, native valve endocarditis; PVE, prosthetic valve endocarditis.

mortality in native valves and PVE [70 ]. Addition- diagnostic investigations and clinical-surgical treat-
ally, the endocarditis teams were associated with ment that takes these particularities into account. A
improvement in management processes, such as multidisciplinary approach is essential because of
the duration of antibiotic therapy, time to targeted the complexity of the various steps involved in
antibiotic therapy, time to surgery, and time to diagnosis and treatment. These steps include differ-
perform echocardiography [70 ]. ent diagnostic techniques, selection of appropriate
antimicrobials, consideration of extracardiac com-
plications, and determination of the necessity and
CONCLUSION timing of cardiac surgery.
IE is a life-threatening infectious complication that
requires high clinical suspicion and systematic clin- Acknowledgements
ical laboratory investigation for its diagnosis. In None.
recent years, we have come across a new epidemi-
ology of the disease, related to cardiac devices that Financial support and sponsorship
are increasingly used routinely, which requires new None.

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