Damage Statement Writing Frame

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The final part of the test for Negligence is to show that the Defendant’s breach caused the loss/harm /injury suffered by the claimant: there are two
parts to this; firstly did the defendant in fact cause the damage (known as factual causation), and secondly, was the damage not to remote from the
defendant (known as remoteness of damage)

Test Outcomes ( statements used to Case law to refer to

apply the law)
Factual Causation “But for the Defendant’s breach
‘But for’ test of duty, the loss / injury suffered Barnett v. Kensington and
by the Claimant would not have Chelsea Hospital
occurred. Therefore the
Defendant is the factual cause of
The hospital were not the
OR factual cause of the man’s
“But for the Defendant’s breach death: but for the doctor’s
of duty the loss / harm suffered breach of duty by sending
by the claimant would have him home he would have
occurred anyway therefore the died from the arsenic
Defendant is not the factual anyway.
cause of Damage”
Test Outcomes (Statements used to Case Law
apply the law)
Remoteness of Damage Is the consequence “The loss/harm suffered by the The Wagon Mound
claimant IS a reasonably foreseeable
reasonably foreseeable as a consequence of the Defendant’s
result of Defendant’s breach breach. The damage is not too Held: The damage caused to the
of duty? If it is not – the remote and the Defendant is Claimant’s wharf by fire was not a
Defendant is too remote (not liable.) therefore liable for the damage.” reasonably foreseeable
consequence of the defendant’s
OR breach of duty by spilling the oil.
Therefore the damage was too
“The loss/harm suffered by the remote and the defendant was
claimant was IS NOT a reasonably
not liable for the damage.
foreseeable consequence of the
Defendant’s breach. Therefore the
damage is too remote and the
Defendant is not liable for the
damage. As in the case of the
Wagon Mound”
Following on from above… “This type of loss/ injury is exactly Bradford v. Robinson Rentals
The TYPE of loss / injury must be the type you would expect from the The damage was not too remote;
reasonably foreseeable (but the defendant’s breach, therefore the damage from the cold was
precise manner does not need to be damage is not too remote. ” OR reasonably foreseeable even if the
foreseeable” precise manner (frostbite) was not.
“This type of loss / injury is NOT the
type you would expect from the Doughty v. Turner
defendant’s breach, therefore the The damage was too remote – it was
damage is too remote” not reasonably foreseeable that an
explosion would occur and the
claimant would suffer burns
Thin Skull Rule RULE: You must take your claimant “Even though the precise extent or Smith v. Leech Brain
as you find them - the precise extent seriousness of the damage could not
or seriousness of the injury doesn’t have been foreseen by the The burn suffered by the claimant
have to be foreseeable defendant, because it was made was a foreseeable consequence,
(i.e. you cannot shift liability to them worse by the claimant’s even though his death, was not.
due to their vulnerabilities or weakness/vulnerability, the damage Nevertheless the defendant
weaknesses) is not too remote because you must company were liable, as you must
‘take your claimant as you find ‘take your victim as you find them.’

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