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sexist cheap shots

by pilar gonalons-pons and shelly ronen

core, this book advocates for the return that depicts men as overpowered by high
to a conservative social order. Lest this sex drive and women as responsible for
sound too much like the “elegy for a keeping desire under control. His main
lost era” (p. 6) he denies he is writing, story is as follows: Before the Pill, women
Regnerus at least wants to recast delay- kept men’s sexuality in check for their own
ing sex until marriage as the true feminist sake (to avoid pregnancy). Sex was expen-
panacea. Cheap sex, he says, is not a sive because women demanded marriage
reflection of women’s empowerment in or commitment before “giving it” and
society, but a result of women’s “subjuga- this meant that men had to work hard
tion to men’s interests” (p. 214). to become marriageable to “get some.”
One could (and should) criticize Reg- After the Pill, women no longer had any
Cheap Sex: The Transformation of nerus’s conservative agenda and marriage incentive to keep their legs closed and
Men, Marriage, and Monogamy evangelism; we would have a lot to say began—mistakenly thinking they were
By Mark Regnerus about that. For example, and perhaps becoming liberated—flooding the market
Oxford University Press most offensive to our taste, was that with inexpensive sex. Thus women inad-
280 pp. the text seemed to require the reader to vertently produced their own misery—and
accept a priori moral condemnation of men’s, too. The result is that marriage rates
Reading the news today one cannot help casual and LGB sex. Not to mention that fell and men’s economic position in society
but notice that the gendered sexual order disgraced former editor of alt-right Breit- declined. An innocent observer might be
is in crisis. As shockwaves of the #MeToo bart News Milo Yiannopoulos makes an persuaded by the co-occurrence of the
movement run through different occu- appearance as an expert on pornogra- rise in casual sex with the decline in mar-
pational sectors, we scholars of gender, phy and social cohesion, introduced only riage rates and men’s employment. But
sexuality, and family look on with ample as a “provocateur and British writer” (p. any well-trained sociologist knows that
curiosity and cautious hope. The enor- 129)! But, setting aside Regnerus’s political correlation is not causation.
mous shift in public attitudes toward agenda, we chose to evaluate the book’s If Regnerus’s theory is right, we
sexual harassment—dare we remember claims on the merits of its methods and should observe that marriage and men’s
what happened when Anita Hill testified theory. Neither is persuasive. careers decline the most with the greatest
about sexual harassment by Clarence First, let’s consider the book’s meth- access to cheap sex. And this is simply
Thomas in the early 1990s?—provides ods. Regnerus frames his assertions with not true. Let’s take our own workplaces:
the backdrop for the release of Mark Reg- interview data that regrettably suffer elite college campuses. There, young men
nerus’s Cheap Sex, helpfully subtitled The from selection on the dependent vari- are pursuing education and careers in
Transformation of Men, Marriage, and able. By interviewing only unmarried contexts that arguably offer the greatest
Monogamy. Indeed, Regnerus focuses individuals who engage in casual sex, access to cheap sex. We do not observe
his book on social transformation that he gives the impression that casual sex these men dropping out en masse.
verges on crisis. always leads to “nothing” and neglects Instead, these elite college men go on
But it may not be the crisis that read- that plenty of committed relationships to careers and get married (in fact, more
ers expect. begin with casual sex. Additionally, the than any other group of men, as Alli-
At the heart of Cheap Sex is the book makes sweeping claims about son Aughinbaugh, Omar Robles, and
argument that contraceptive technolo- change over time without presenting Hugette Sun find in a 2013 Bureau of
gies (i.e., the Pill), the rise of online any data (primary or secondary) from Labor Statistics report). Thus, it cannot
pornography, and online dating eased the past about these supposed changes. be that cheap sex is responsible for the
access to sex, flooding the modern mat- These sampling methods, as well as the “missing men” (p.11) who fail to pursue
ing market with “cheap sex.” But more rudimentary analysis of survey data and stable employment and become “mar-
than merely observing this shift, Regnerus instrumental use of personal anecdotes, riageable.” Might we suggest that labor
raises an alarm: cheap sex, in his estima- give the impression that Regnerus’s proj- deregulation and the rising precarity of
tion, is responsible for declining marriage, ect is more ideological than analytical. the working class might offer some more
men’s falling economic achievement, and As to theory, the logic of Regnerus’s valid explanations?
women’s relational dissatisfaction. At its argument rests on classic sexist ideology The cornerstone of Regnerus’s

theory, which he spends most of his book hold men’s sexuality at bay, these same is not focused on demonstrating sexual
on, is the idea that men have higher sex women are more likely to be blamed for voracity, and reconstruct femininity in a
drives than women. That is, men want violence perpetrated against them. That way that acknowledges sexual desire.
sex more than women do, and women is rape culture. And the myth of men’s For the first time in a long time we
want relationships more than men do. To insatiable sexuality harms men as well as have a real opportunity to tilt the levers of
convince readers, Regnerus uses survey women. Recent research by sociologist social change towards greater protections
data showing that men report mastur- Jessie Ford found men sometimes engage for women from sexual violence. This
bating more often than women. He also in unwanted sex because it is an expected is a transformational moment precipi-
uses studies comparing gay men and way to perform masculinity. tated by a crisis in masculine entitlement
lesbian couples that suggest gay men All in all, if the accomplishment of and impunity. Cheap Sex’s argument,
have more sex than lesbians. He asserts masculinity wasn’t so reliant on enacting troublingly packaged as scientific find-
that women who pursue casual sex do a myth of high sex drive, these gendered ings, represents ideas that encourage a
so either because they feel it’s the only divergences in sexual behavior would backlash against #MeToo. Regnerus is
way to attract men’s attention or because
they have erroneously bought into liberal
lies about the sexual revolution. By his
Mark Regnerus is grasping for the wrong crisis
account, expressing sexual desire makes in masculinity.
women unhappy and depressed, and he
concludes that this is evidence that sex soften greatly, likely receding into an grasping for the wrong crisis in mascu-
drive doesn’t come naturally to them. insignificant source of population diver- linity. Rather than holding men account-
We argue that these pieces of evidence sity. Why would Regnerus ignore how able for their transgressions, Regnerus
are not, as Regnerus holds, conclusive social forces shape gender differences would have us let them continue hiding
proof of inevitable biological destiny, but in sexual expression? We suspect it is behind their uncontrollable sex drive,
proof of how cultural ideas about gender because it would contradict his ultimate and women’s failure to gatekeep appro-
shape our sexuality and sexual relations. political project, which is to claim that priately. Rather than putting educational
A wealth of feminist scholarship shows there is only one way forward out of this and marital shifts in political economic
that men are not inevitably trapped in crisis and it is for women to lock up the context, Regnerus would have us blame
the urges of their sex drive, rather, they gates on sex! women’s growing enjoyment of sex.
are trapped in our beliefs that they are. According to Regnerus, if women We don’t need gatekeeping. We
This idea is foundational to how we refuse access to sex, men will regain their don’t need books like Cheap Sex with
think masculinity differs from femininity, interest in work, careers, and marriage their cheap analyses.
as scholars Raewyn Connell and Anne (so that they can leverage these things We need norms that guarantee that
Fausto-Sterling have argued. to “get” sex). The economy will bloom all sex is mutually consensual, and fun,
Because we as a society believe again. And this is to women’s advan- and desired. We need better education,
that men have higher sex drives than tage too, Regnerus writes, since they accountability, and non-punitive penalties
women, we encourage and expect them will see their true desires for relationships for violations of consent. And while we’re
to express and pursue their sexual desires realized. Not only is denying men sex at it, we need good jobs that provide
with a lot more leeway than we allow better for their prospects of becoming everyone with a sufficient living that can
women to do the same. Because we also marriageable, but it will allow for true facilitate economic independence and
believe high sexual drive is a core feature female solidarity—bringing up the price individuals’ ideal family formations. It
of masculinity, men feel compelled to of sex requires a collective, Lysistrata- won’t be cheap, but it will be worth it.
continually express their desire for sex style strike. This mélange of collective
in doing masculinity: by masturbating, action with a return to regressive gender Pilar Gonalons-Pons is in the sociology department
making aggressive advances on sexual politics is very troubling. We believe a at the University of Pennsylvania. She studies how
partners, or displaying availability for sex real remedy would look very different. work, families, and public policies structure inequalities.
24/7. And because we believe that men’s We should stop exaggerating whatever Shelly Ronen is in the sociology department at Haver-
ford College. She studies cultures of work, theories of
sex drive is more brutish and difficult to differences biology might produce in sex
moral worth, and gendered sexuality.
control, we burden women (who are drive and behavior; we have to defend
understood as having little sexual desire against the misuse of biological legiti-
to begin with) with the responsibility to macy for social-political ends. We must
control it, to be “gatekeepers” in inter- fight against essentialist justifications for
action, deciding when the time is right. sexual violence against women. We need
When it is women’s responsibility to to reconstruct masculinities in a way that

Contexts, Vol. 18, Issue 1, pp. 64-65. ISSN 1536-5042, electronic ISSN 1537-6052. © 2019 American WINTER 2019 contexts 65
Sociological Association. DOI 10.1177/1536504219830680

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