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‎ ll you can possibly need or desire is

‎already yours. You need no helper to
‎give it to you; it is yours now.

‎Call your desires into being by
‎imagining and feeling your wish
‎Premise ‎fulfilled.

‎ or it is magic, this pruning shears of


‎It really is not only the achievement
‎of objectives, but if you do it daily, it
‎will awaken in you the spirit of Jesus,
‎which is continual forgiveness of sin.

‎ ntil perfect self-control is attained,

‎so that, in spite of appearances, you
‎feel all that you want to feel, use
‎sleep and prayer to aid you in
‎realizing your desired states.

‎These are the two gateways into the

‎ meek man is a self-disciplined

‎man. He is so disciplined he sees
‎only the finest, he thinks only the

‎He is the one who fulfills the
‎suggestion, “Brethren, whatsoever
‎You don’t need proof, you already ‎things are true, whatsoever things
‎have it… ‎are honest, whatsoever things are
‎just, whatsoever things are pure,
‎whatsoever things are lovely,
‎Not my will, but thine be done ‎whatsoever things are of good
‎report; if there be any virtue and if
‎there be any praise, think on these

I‎f we walk as though we were

‎already the ideal we serve, we will
‎rise to the level of our assumption,
‎and find a world in harmony with our

‎We will not have to lift a finger to
‎make it so, for it is already so. It was
‎always so.

‎ our beliefs, your fixed attitudes of

‎mind, constantly modify your
‎consciousness as it is reflected on
‎the mirror of your mind.

‎Your consciousness, modified by
‎your beliefs, objectifies itself in the
‎Release unnecessary control ‎conditions of your world.

‎To change your world, you must first
‎change your conception of it.

‎ o use it wisely, use it lovingly and

‎any time you use your imagination
‎lovingly on behalf of another you are
‎at that moment literally mediating
‎God to man.

‎Imagination is the redemptive power
‎of the world and you are actually
‎mediating God to man by using it in
‎a loving, wonderful way.

‎ rayer—the art of believing what is

‎denied by the senses — deals
‎almost entirely with the

‎Through prayer, the subconscious is
‎suggested into acceptance of the
‎wish fulfilled, and, reasoning
‎deductively, logically unfolds it to its
‎legitimate end.

‎ ow a thought and reap an act. Sow

‎an act and reap a habit. Sow a habit
‎and reap a character. Sow a
‎character and reap a destiny.

I‎ feel myself to be now all that I

‎desire to be now, from which all that
‎is lovely, ideal, and true to how I
‎know myself to be now is
‎automatically added unto me as far
‎as the senses perceive.

‎I allow the feeling to inspire me,
‎guide me, and reveal that I am ideal
‎now in every area of my life as I
‎realize that all I can possibly need or
‎desire is already mine, needing no
‎helper to give it to me as it is already
‎Autosuggestion ‎mine now.

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