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sinister couple

A couple always walk in front of my house. They walk together in the morning, holding hands firmly, like
two young people in love. Seeing them helps me believe that this special feeling really exists. One day, I
stopped seeing them. I couldn't help but worry. Luckily, they returned shortly after. The man used a cane
and walked with difficulty. His wife did not let go of his hand. One afternoon the man was yelling at me
along with his wife. I answered the greeting, then I told my parents about this couple and they told me
that it was a couple that had already died. And they were looking for children to take away.

1: What is the story about?

The story is about an old couple.
2: Why did you change a love story for a horror movie?
Because the original story is more interesting
1: How did you get the idea?
because it discovers what these old people really did when they were alive.
2: Why did you choose this story?
because I was surprised by what these people did to the children they took away.
1: How long did it take you to make this movie?
It took me two years to record it.
2: In which city did you film the scenes for the movie?
The film was recorded in the city of Chiclayo.
1: How much did it cost to film this movie?
The film cost an average of three million, three hundred and fifty thousand, two
hundred soles.
2: What year did you start filming the film?
Despite recording in 2007 and finishing in 2009.

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