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Teacher: Najat MEZZY Class level: Common Core

Textbook: Outlook Class size:

Unit 7: Arts Lesson type : Function
Title: Expressing past events School : ADAY

Class period : 1 hour Date :

 General Objective: Students will be able to ask about & express past events.

 Students Performance Objectives (SPO): At the end of the session, SS should be able to:

 Recognize different expressions of asking about and stating past events;

 Use the target structure by providing dialogues in the production stage.

 Material(s): Cue cards and BB.

Time Procedures Techniques

2 Warm-up
mint -T greets SS.
- T: Welcome to my class. Greeting
-T writes the date on the BB.
23 Presentation:
mint - T writes a dialogue on the BB and asks SS to read it and get its main idea. Setting the
Dialogue scene
Ali: How was your day?
Kawtar: It was fine. I was at the swimming pool and I had some fun with my friends there.
-T asks SS to look at the dialogue again and answer the following questions: Dialogue
-T: What is Ali asking about?
-SS: Asking about how was Kawtar’s day.
-T: Good, how do you know? Which expression does he use?
-SS: “How was your day?”
-T: What is Kawtar’s response? Q/A
-SS: “It was fine…”
-T draws a chart on the BB.
Asking about past events Expressing past events
-How was your ……? - It was………
- Were you in …..? - I was in……………..
-How long were you there? - I was there for ……hours/minutes…etc Chart
-When were you at…..? - There was/were………
-Where were you yesterday?
-What was/were the………?
-How many…..were there in......?
-T asks SS to give other expressions they know to fill in the chart.
- SS provide their potential answers.
-T fills in the chart.
Checking comprehension
-T reads out an exchange between X and Y and sees whether SS will notice something wrong. Negative
X: What was the weather like yesterday? checking
Y: Thank you.
-T: What do you think? => SS: Y needs to express a past event, not say “thank you”.
-T: Good. So what can you say? => SS: It was sunny/rainy...
10 Practice: Completion
mint - T asks SS to underline expressions that show past events. drills
-T asks SS to complete the dialogue on page 81, act. 4.
25 Production:
mint -T provides situations and asks SS to use expressions of asking about & expressing a past event.
Situation 1: A football match. Situation 2: Swimming pool. Situation 3: Your friend was on a trip.
Situation 4: Your friend was at the zoo. Situation 5: Your father was in the river. Cue cards
Situation 6: Library. Situation 7: forest. Situation 9: gym. Situation 10: Basketball match.
-SS come to the BB and present their dialogues.
-T asks SS to copy the lesson.
Prepared by: HASSAR Abderrazzak

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