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May1985 £1.



Storing this much information in ten seconds whole library of alignments can be built up and
is an impossible task for anyone. recalled at the press of a button.
But the ability to store and recall complex The Series 20 will handle /2rß and /4" formats.
settings in a matter of seconds, is just one of the And changing formats is a simple operation that
special features of the Series 20 master only involves one button and three screws. The
recorder. process takes less than a minute.
The Series 20 has a built in micro-processor Add to its amazing micro -processor capacity
which provides you with a concise series of a practical modular construction (which makes
status messages via a fluorescent display. All the Series 20 one of the most serviceable
audio settings can be adjusted by push button recorders on the market) and you have on your
controls. Information such as tape speed, position hands the ultimate master recorder.
and time can be selected as desired.
So, to get a head start write to Soundcraft
Within seconds each pre -set can be stored now for further information on the remarkable
for three different tape speeds, three eq stan- Series 20.
dards and five tape types; amounting up to 588
Don't forget.
different audio parameters.
Through changes of speed or tape types, a Soundcraft Series 20
Soundcraft Electronics Ltd., 5 -8 Great Sutton St. London EC1V 08X. Tek01 -2,53 6988. Tclex: 21198 SCRAFT G. Soundcraft Electronics UM. 1517 20th. St, Santa Monica. California 90404.7a (213) 4534591. TIex:664923.
Soundcraft Canada Inc, 1444 Hymns Blvd, Dorval. Quebec Canada H91' 1J6 Tel: (514) 6a5 1610 MA: 05 822582


Hazel Yarwood -Abbey Road disc cutter: Editorial: The art of disc cutting and mastering
50 Hazel Yarwood talks to Tim Leigh Smith about
her 35 years at this major London studio
5 applauded by Keith Spencer -Allen

54 Cutting at Master Room: Arun Chakraverty has

been running this disc cutting facility in London
30 Diary: AIRborne -Mastering Index -Tam cutting
system -DSP new order -Andy Munro goes solo
Worldwide cabling from Kelsey -Cable sound: a
since 1981. Janet Angus reports rationale at last ?- Agençies- People -Audio
Kinetics interfacing-.Contracts
60 Linn set up: Paul Messenger visited Linn in
Glasgow and writes about their venture into disc
cutting 36 New products: Shure's low profile SM91 -Crown
PCC 160 boundary mic-Gatex from US Audio -
Alphaton safety DI box -Stellavox Star TD9
multi -standard recorder-Shure amps-Dynamic
dbx 166

Bullet's Studio B with piano built into trap

62 Studiofile: Bullet Creative Group, Nashville
Sutton Sound Mobile Studio, London-Rooster,

82 Business: Information block -Balance codes -DSP

facts. By Barry Fox

72 Guide to Audio tape: a list of currently
available tapes

40 AES preview: Who's doing what at the 78th
Convention to be held in Anaheim

84 Ursa Major 8X32 Mk II: An operational report
by Richard Elen
74 The producer series -Martin Rushent: Ralph
Denyer talks to the producer of a wide variety of
86 Tascam M -520: Hugh Ford reviews this 20 -input
16-channel mixing console acts and part owner of Genetic Sound

EDITORIAL ADVERTISEMENTS Editorial and advertising offices:

Advertisement Manager: LINK HOUSE, DINGWALL
Keith Spencer -Allen Kerr Duffy GREAT BRITAIN
Production Editor: Sales: Phone: 01 -686 2599
Ann Horan Collette Ramsay International: +44 1 686 2599
Consultant: Secretary: Telex: 947709
Hugh Ford Mandy Paul © Link House Publications
Production Manager: PLC 1985. All rights reserved.
Contributing Editor: Jacky Thompson
Richard Elen Japan and Far East Agent: A LINK HOUSE
Carrie Love
Media Sales Japan Inc, Tamuracho
Bldg 3 3 14, Shimbashi Minato -Ku
Tokyo, Japan
Publisher and consultant to
US West Coast Agent: APRS for Studio Sound's
Herb Schiff, 1408 Santa Monica Mall Producer's Guide to APRS
Suite 200, Santa Monica Members 1984/85
CA 90401 USA
Cover: Photography by Roger COMMERCIAL MANAGER May 1985 Number 5
Phillips Phil Guy Volume 27 ISSN 0133 -5944

It is essential that microphones used for digital recording be capable of covering a

dynamic range of at least 96dB, since this is the range between the quantizing noise
of a 16 -bit system and its clipping level. Neumann condenser microphones have
always provided 110dB - some as high as 129dB (r e. IEC179) - but this is only one
of their many advantages. There is no doubt that your digital recordings will continue
to have their best chance at success if they are made using Neumann microphones.
We'll be glad to send you our catalog 120.

AUDIO EXPORT GEORG NEUMANN &CO GMBH 741 Washington St.. New York, NY 10014
1212) 741 -7411
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West Coast Sales Onice
Telex 7 -28 558 audex d Cables Audioexport (213) 841 -1111

F.W.O. Bauch Limited

49 Theobald Street, Boreham Wood, Hertfordshire WD6 4RZ
Telephone 01- 9530091, Telex 27502
This month's comment from Keith Spencer -Allen

We all have those days where little goes right. Some people disc cutting but approaches and quantifiable techniques will
I know have that kind of life. For me this has been one of give clues to what this art really is. I don't think that this
those months. Although this is the May issue, the now of is necessarily anything that most engineers try to foster
writing this is February in a heavily snowbound Europe unduly. In several places in this issue you will find quotes
and very little is running normally either inside or outside that almost express utter joy at being able to transfer a
this office. The weather and the frailness of human bodies master tape to disc with no electronic assistance (flat) which
have together conspired to produce an issue with a different would almost suggest that disc cutting is a negative art in
angle on the cover topics. that it is more important to know what not to do or not to
Planning an issue such as this with clearly defined cover touch rather than what to treat.
topics such as Tape and Mastering is theoretically very Further if you get a tape that needs something doing to it
straightforward. Our hopes of that `leading edge' (or cutting to complete the transfer, then the good cutting engineer is
edge?) technology story from Western Europe rest on a the one who treats the signals although your attention is
man whose car has a tank of frozen diesel and a voice at not drawn to it. Again this negative aspect appears, as
the end of the telephone adds that if the temperature drops success means that you can't hear that anythingwho has been
another 2 °, his tyres will freeze to the road. Meanwhile our done. There are of course the other disc cutters
round -up of attitudes and techniques is as unwell as most of specialise in further processing to enhance the finishedof the
the contributors to the piece- although while their affliction master although I feel that this is more an extension
is reputedly extra -terrestrial in origin, our article is rapidly recording process rather than the more specific aspect
6 ft underground. The tapes for review are anywhere other disc cutting.
than where they should be and so on and on. Undoubtedly there is an art to successful disc cutting and
These enforced changes to our preliminary plans are not whatever that really comprises we should celebrate all
unusual and in this case may prove to be somewhat forms of successful mastering.
fortuitous. Having fewer technically orientated features on This rather neatly brings me to CD mastering. I get the
the cover topics than planned has left room for the opinions impression that the average CD is now a much better item
to flow. Aside from a few notable exceptions, the cutting than a year ago and someone in the production chain is
engineer or his equivalent in the other mastering learning their craft (although it may be more pressure on
disciplines is a low profile position although not one to be record companies). At present, certainly in Europe, the CD
dismissed by any means. is being heavily marketed to those lapsed record buyers
Why is it that certain cutting engineers, for example, are who may have become disillusioned with vinyl discs, as well
much in demand and/or command enormous amounts of as some of the more hi-fi orientated markets. Quality of
respect when there is so little variety of equipment sound is very much the selling point at present although
available that most mastering rooms start at least with the certain personalities are far from happy about even that.
same basics and then tweak? The opinions expressed So far so good. I hope the quality continues to rise and
throughout this issue particularly on the topic of disc the minor bugs within the CD process disappear. The time I
cutting are always just the visible areas of a cutting or feel we may have to worry is when the record companies
other discipline that makes that individual result different feel they have saturated the current market and have a
from the next similarly equipped room. surplus capacity for CD production. To meet the mass
The world is also full of mediocre mastering engineers audience the CD will have to be marketed as a system of
who practise on the same equipment that is used by the in- convenience, simplicity and versatility rather than of sound
demand practitioners although don't achieve the results. quality. It would be an everlasting shame if such a change
The difference between the two groups has to be something in marketing should lead to a scale down in quality
that is difficult to explain and quantify -an art. We can requirements to meet mass market commitments as seen by
only hope to learn by listening, both to product and the record company. Unlike with vinyl discs, there are few
attitudes. producers of CDs and it would be easy for such a situation
There is really not enough to write about in the art end of to happen.
STUDIO SOUND is published on subscription enquiries, including Avenue, New York, NY 10022.
the second Friday of the preceding changes of address (which should be Total average net circulation of

STUDI month. The magazine is available

on a rigidly controlled requested
basis only to qualified personnel
(see back page for terms) or for an
in writing and preferably including
an old address label or at least the
7 -digit label code) should be made
to the Subscription Department,
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Studio Sound and Broadcast

annual cost of £18.00 UK, $40 US
surface mail, $75 US airmail,
£24.50 overseas surface mail or
£46.50 overseas airmail to non -
Link House, Dingwall Avenue,
Croydon CR9 2TA, Great
US mailing agents: Postmaster
Engineering incorporates Sound
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Instrumental. Printed in England.
qualifying readers or where more please send address corrections to
than two copies are required in a Studio Sound, do Expediters of the
studio or small organisation. All Printed Word Ltd, 515 Madison
AsoNAfor Complete Cassette Production
The new semi -automatic WINDER 2005
compliments the ASONA line of loop -
bin /slave duplication systems.
Approximately 950 C -60 cassettes can
be produced per shift with one winder.
The winding and splicing phases are
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to be aperated by one person, or five
machines by two persons.
Length preselection is provided for Winder ZOOS
blank tape, automatic cue -tone detec-
tion for recorded tape. The WINDER 2005
Robust construction, with a minimum is designed for
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tión. Completely self- contained; may be plugged in
Low maintenance requirements,. low
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We can tailor a cassette production system to your needs.
Write or call for a proposal.
ASONA is manufactured in West Germany by AUVIS ASONA GmbH & Co. KG, Bahnhofstraße 60,
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Tel.: (0)7825 -1068, Telex: 754325 auvis d



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6 Studio Sound, May 1985

Eight ways a Soundcraft customer benefits
by buying direct from Turnkey.(at least)
Our unmatched experience with Soundcraft Savings can be dramatic by buying this way.
products, means we can offer the very best Mikes & Monitors. We are very flexible once
way to buy the finest recording equipment; we start doing business together. We will
Newest Products, usually from stock. gladly demonstrate your selection of both
Like this 600 Series console. Designed to speakers and microphones or offer a demo -
work up to sixteen track, Offering the flexibil- loan.
ity of much bigger consoles at a price within Tape Machines by Soundcraft and others.
reach of the smaller studio. We offer a wide choice so you may select the
Consoles from the 200 series through to format which suits your application the best.
the acclaimed TS24 in -line console. Backup Our experience with Soundcraft is
Finance is a speciality of ours. Our credit second to none. We hold most spares in
licence permits us to put you in touch with stock, and our service is efficient. Regular
finance companies. Our long established check -up or line -up may be arranged.
contacts are familiar with the ins and outs of Peace of Mind. By dealing with one company
the recording industry. from start to finish of your studio, you have the
Installation is handled by our Tech Services reassurance that any problems can be
Department. They schedule to complete on directly addressed and sorted out fast.
time. Our degree of assistance may be as Call Jon Ridel or Garry Robson to find out
much or as little as you require. more about Soundcraft, and our full range of
Acoustics from basements to major studio studio supply and installation services.
projects, our experience is extensive. We Nobody knows Soundcraft better.
can advise on schemes you may implement All brochures avaiable on request,
for yourself or arrange total refurbishment.
Peripherals and Processing. We stock the
widest range of studio products. It's best to
buy all your equipment as a package. This ¶a key studio systems
offers the opportunity to strike the best deal. Brent View Road. London NW9 TEL Tel; 01 -202 4366

Acoustic Designer

Mikes & Monitors


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Quality that speaks for itself !

Trident Audio Developments Ltd.
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Tel: Chertsey (09328)60241.Telex: 88139282 TRIMIXG
Trident U.S.A. Inc. 280 Mill Street, Ext, Lancaster, Mass 01523 U.S.A.
TRIDENT Tel: 617 - 365 2130/ 617- 368 0508 Telex: 951546 294105 TRIDENT
8 Studio Sound, May 1985

How to choose the perfect MTR for your studio.

Whilst the Otari MTR90 multitrack steals the card or the tally interface may well come in
limelight, there are dozens of other MTRs for useful. (432)
specialised, precision mastering. Finally, there's yet another custom PCB
To begin with, there's the 10 or 12 family, which lets you operate the transport controls
depending on whether you want normal or via an RS232 interface. (864)
extended capacity reels. (2) With nearly a thousand versions to choose
You then choose two, three or four tracks. from, it's reassuring to know
that our exper-
A choice between standard mastering, the tise with Otari helps us help you find exactly
added facility of centre track time code, or a the modelwithoutfor your application.
four channel machine for cassette or It goes saying that the perfor-
mance of these recorders is state of the art.
specialist applications. (6) that the MTR series
The MTR 12 stereo versions also give you We have discovered
the choice of running quarter or half inch performs tight in on spec. So whenever we
deliver a machine we send along an
tape. (8) and line up.
Your last easy decision is between a low engineer for final comissioning
profile or overbridge style cabinet. (16) Our technical expertise with these tape
Now get started on the accessories. recorders has resulted in Turnkey becoming
There are three types of remotes. A ten the recommended agent for service.
memory brain, a simple search version and Call Garry Robson or Jon Ridel for more
transport functions only. (48) information on these machines. No one offers
of supply
Isolating options are next. Plug in high perfor- a more comprehensive service
mance transformers are available on both installation and backup.
inputs and outputs. (144)
And if you intend to run locked to time ¶ m key studio systems
code then the high speed read processor Brent View Road. London NW9 TEL Tel; 01 -202 4366

no effect?
Stellavox SP 8

The Nt
lightweight portable with
heavyweight features.
cToldfl ..Ptr ltiun,
LBU SMPTE Time -code generator version available.
* Universal option includes mono neo-pilot cornpatble. mono sync t. ,an,i
stereo sync hrotone.
.k Optional plug-in 50 60 Hz synchronizer.
Very low power consumption (90 -110 mA).

* 6 Simultaneous inputs: 2 x mike; 2 x variable line: 2 x taxed line.

* Passive big reel adaptor allows up to 12" spools to be used. including NAB.
Call ... Hilton Sound Ltd
SWITZERLANO o Hauterive-Ne,

SiTlva2068 Switzerland.Tel: 038 33 42 33.
Telex:35 380.
UK Distributors: FUTURE FILM DEVELOPMENTS. 114 Wardour Street,London W1V 3LP. England
01 -708 0483 (24 hrs)
Tel. 01-434 3344 & 01- 4371892 Telex 21624 ALOFFDG. CablesAllotrope- London Wl The studio effects hire service

the know -how, the back -up and the goods



The TELEX 61 20 -just one of a wide range of cassette duplicators for the production of audio
and data cassettes. Efficient and durable. TELEX equipment is backed up by 15 years of AVCOM
experience and reliability.

Tony Martin, AVCOM SYSTEMS LTD, Stanlake Mews, London W12 7HS Tel no 01 -740 0051 Telex 892513

1 fl Studio Sound, 7.iav 1985

The best sounding offer in signal processing
that you have ever heard.
Its a fact. You need to audition effects before repeat hold with sync switching. Whilst there
you decide to buy. seems to be nothing but delays in the pro
With the introduction of a number of new -audio market today, this one offers excep-
exclusive product lines, we are offering the tional quality at its modest price.
opportunity to evaluate these for yourself, at Aphex began with a black box and an
no obligation. enhancement effect. Once their products
Symetrix Arguably, the best in dynamic were only rented, now you may buy them
control from America. Their top of the range outright. Their Model B is well within any
model 522 includes two channels combining studio's budget and utilises established
(1)compression/limiting (2) downward techniques to restore clarity and presence to
expansion, (3) noise gating and (4) ducking. recordings.
In addition, sidechain and cross patching is Their Compellor is their highly successful,
provided. intelligent conpressor. You set the input level
Model 511 is a single ended noise reduc- and that's it. The Compellor provides smooth,
tion unit that provides an alternative to con- inaudible compression, increased loudness,
ventional encode/decode systems. Combin- freedom from gain riding and the desired
ing the techniques of expansion and dynamic density, - all automatically.
noise filtering, it may be used to clean up
existing recordings.* These signal processors represent the latest
Studio Technologies continue their success techniques in studio effects. They are availa-
with the AN 1 stereo simulator. Employing ble only from Turnkey.
delay and comb filter techniques a spacial To audition any one of them, call Tony
stereo effect is easily achieved with any Williams, and arrange for a free demoloan.
mono signal. This is the one you're least likely It's the only way to choose.
to give back once you've tried it. *
Digitech is a new name created by the 'Dod'
company for their high end, studio effects. ¶ nkey studio systems
The RDS 3600 is a long delay which offers full Brent View Road London NW9 7ELLTe1; o -202 4366
C-duce (c- diirs), v. To lead sound engineers C- ducees (c -dii s1s), n. Dire Straits, Stevie
astray from habitual use of microphones, stands Wonder, Chick Corea, Toto, Willie Nelson, Kris
and isolation booths. To include commitment to Kristofferson, Spandau Ballet, Grand Ole Oprey,
studio quality sound with maximum separation at a Abbey Road Studios, PRT Studios, Lansdowne
cost effective price. To persuade abandonment of Studios, Olympic Studios, Limehouse Studios,
setting-up problems and clutter in the studio or on Sydney Opera House, National Theatre, Royal
stage, by attractive thing or quality. Opera House, BBC Radio & TV, Danish Radio,
Swiss Radio, German Radio, Dutch Radio, London
C- duceable (c- di,sáb'1), a. Drums, Weekend Television, Anglia Television, Scottish
Congas, Bongos, Timbales etc., Acoustic Guitar, Television, Mobile Studio, et a1.
Mandolin, Lute, Balalaika, Violin, `Cello, Double
Bass, Harp, Banjo, Piano, Harpsichord, Celeste, C- -ducer (c- diirsaa). n. Studio quality
Dulcimer, Zither, Speaker Enclosures, Solid contact microphones.
Electric Guitars et cetera.

d GÚ12 4RH
C -TAPE DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Tel: (0252) 3191R71 Telex: 858623mpshire

PERFECTONE Continuous Motion Projector

for 16 and 35mm Film

- optical compensation by rotating and segmented mirror unit

- capstan drive system similar to the Perfectone Capermag machines
- basic speed 24/25 f.p.s. for 16/35mm film in forward and reverse mode
- variable speed forward /reverse up to 100 f.p.s. with projection 16/35
- high variable speed without projection in forward /reverse mode up

to 750 f.p.s. for 16mm and up to 300 f.p.s. for 35rnm film
- still projection
- optical and magnetic replay for 16 and optical only for 35mm film
- projector is capable of running as «Master» or «Slave»
- light source Xenon lamp 1000 W or 1600 W


: 51 12 12 TX 34383 Perbi CH
12 Studio Sound, May 1985
Budget pop to esoteric. Our top ten mikes
From the hundreds to choose from, there's of owning the quality that this microphone
just a handful that remain firm favourites offers.
amongst sound recording engineers. AKG D222 An updated version of the D202,
These then are the top eleven best sellers two way dynamic. As with a crossover in
(in no particular order) from our wide range. loudspeakers, this arrangement ensures the
AKG C451 For well over a decade, this has highest quality possible in dynamic mic-
been the studio condensor system to buy rophones. The transducers are acoustically
Interchangeable capsules for omni,
first. suspended, there's a hum compensation coil
cardioid, peaking and shotgun plus a wide and equalisation.
range of mounting accessories. AKG D 12E Normally seen with its distinctive
Sennheiser MD421 It has been christened shape stuck inside a kick drum, this is
the black rogue. It breaks all the rules with a another of AKG's updated classics. The
plastic case, shotgun tests, internal stand integral 'bass compartment' boosts low fre-
clamp and built in tone control - yet it remains quencies around 100Hz. A large diameter
a firm favourite for both vocal and instrument diaphragm accepts high levels of bass sound
applications. without distortion.
Fostex 505 A very popular new microphone Shure SM58 Probably the most familiar
from the personal multitrack people. shape in microphones. Its legendary perfor-
Unidirectional and with built in mesh mance has been refined over the years to the
windshield. Surprising value in quality point where it is just as acceptable in the
dynamics. studio as it is on the road.
AKG D80 It's that shape again, yet a proven
winner from AKG. Originally intended as a Full specifications on all the microphones
vocal microphone for rock'n roll, it has found are available on request.
its way into many budget set ups as a good all In addition to extensive stocks of these
rounder. models, we also keep other popular mic-
Shure SM57 A classic, popular vocal mic- rophones in our warehouse. Any microphone
rophoine that's rarely seen in its unbattered from these manufacturers is available to spe-
state. Cardioid patern, or unidirectional as cial order.
the Americans would have it. We offer a comprehensive range of stands
and mounting accesories. Also cables and
AKG D190 General purpose, rugged mic- in -line transformers.
rophone featuring a sintered bronze
Neuman U87 The microphone that all others
are compared to. Despite its high price tag, 'ragnkey studio systems
every studio knows the importance Brent View Road. London NW9 TEL Tel; 01 -202 4366

reasons for choosing
The MTR90 Mk. II is now the world's
best- selling multitrack. It offers an
audibly superior performance,

1. simplicity in operation and

maintenance and superb tape handling
combined with extreme reliability and
excellent characteristics when locked
to video. It is also several thousand
pounds less than its only serious

The MX70. The MTR90's new baby

brother. This completely new, state -of-
the -art multitrack draws on the wealth
of design experience gained with the
MTR90 over 6 years, and offers smaller
studios, broadcasters and video
facilities Otari performance and
reliability at lower cost.

The MTR12 is now available in a huge

range of formats -1/4" mono, 1/4" and

3. 1/2" 2tk 1/4" DIN stereo, and 1/2" 4tk.,

plus centre -track timecode and self-
resolving Nagrasync and Monopilot
versions. A choice of speeds (30/1 5/7.5
or 15/7.5/3.75 ips) and cabinets
( console or overbridge) is also

The MTR20 is the ultimate analogue

recorder. Incorporating the most
advanced computer control and line-
up system on any studio recorder in the
world, this truly remarkable new
machine will become the mastering
recorder that clients and producers
insist upon.

14 Studio Sound, May 1985

4 reasons for choosing
it from ITA.
1. We have 12 years experience with
Otani. We offer you a PERSONAL
service, and our sales staff really do
understand the product.

The BBC, Limehouse Studios,

2. Riverside Studios, Swan Yard, Anglia

TV, Jacob's Studio and Windmill Lane
are just a few clients who bought their
Otaris from ITA. Full client list


3. CAPABILITY. Our range of services go

from simply supplying your Otani to
designing and building your studio and
specifying and installing everything
in it.

Our Otani back -up is second -to-none.

4. Years of experience coupled with a huge

spares stock gives you security of mind.


-,r- MI

1 Felgate Mews, Studland Street, London W6 9JT. Telephone: W -748 9009. Telex: 21897.
. ipa .B" 4-track NAB 90 uS.31

Over the years,


ill -25

pre- recorded cassette sales have steadily increased to the point that with some
releases they now equal the sales of phonograph records. This growing market penetration made
it essential that the technical quality of the pre- recorded cassette be improved to equal or better
-20 -15 -10
-5 .5

that of the phonograph record. Dolby HX Pro' headroom extension, developed by Dolby
Laboratories and Bang and Olufsen, represents a breakthrough in cassette duplication quality.
Electrosound and Cetec Gauss are the first two companies to be licensed to manufacture
duplicating slaves which include the new circuitry, which results in startling improved high
frequency response.
This new generation of duplication slaves provides such an improved response that the
limitations of the duplicating master, typically recorded at 3.75ips, becomes the major quality
constraint. Dolby Laboratories now makes available the first Dolby HX Pro package for a
duplication master recorder, the Otari* MTR10. The module is easily field retrofitted, and
requires no significant change in normal alignment procedures. Retrofit kits are also available for
other popular machines.
Dolby Laboratories Inc., 731 Sansome St., San Francisco, CA 94111, Telephone
415 -392-0300, Telex 34409. 346 Clapham Road, London SW9, Telephone 01-720 -1111,

Do DOLBY HX PRO Telex 919109. "Dolby," the double -D symbol, and "HX Pro" are trademarks of Dolby
Laboratories Licensing Corp.
* Otari is a registered trademark of Otani Corporation. S84/5342/5684.

Theatre Projects Sales

10-16 Mercer Street, London WC2H 90E Tel: 01-240 5411 Telex: 27522

16 Studio Sound, May 1985

Acoustitile & Acoustisheet `'J 405-303 -34 - 44 - FM4
in stock all in stock

U87 - U89 - KM84 U47

& Accessories

in stock

el 0-6 .0 0 45
0 d 0 CS CS 41 411

Patch Panels 17 versions & Patch Cords All Effects and Reverb -

Access Trade counter now opens 8am to 5.30pm BARCLAYCARD

Phone for free 50 page fully illustrated catalogue
Camden Town Station 1 minute's walk
/111,1116, Orders 01 482 1692 Administration 01 485 4908

16 Stucley Place Hawley Crescent Camden Town London NW1 6NS

After 57 years of research,
Sanken offers a microphone
that you cannot hear.
Reputation is the most compromise in dimensional quality of the Sanken is of
powerful salesman of design. Where the response paramount importance in
microphones. A studio's of one capsule falls off, the his work.
locker will contain a wide second takes over. Diap- They are Steve Levine's
selection of flavours. Bright hragms are made from favourites for piano and
ones. mellow ones and micron thick titanium, vocals at Red Bus.
punchy ones. A selection of assuring stability under all The Sanken captures
coloured sound for every conditions. The housing is sound without adding
application. Even reference nickel pated solid brass. colour, it is the most
to the leaders in the mic- accurate microphone you
rophone stakes turns to ENTHUSIASTIC USERS can own.
words like warm, or tight. As well as its extensive
While there's room for all applications by NHK, the THE CASE TO TEST
these, there's also need for a Sanken has been highly Endorsement is not enough.
microphone that comes as acclaimed in the West. Audition the Sanken for
close to the truth as possible In America, Mix Magazine yourself by asking your local
- offering transparency and said 'transparency that cuts distributor for a demoloan
adding nothing to the sound. through the track: of a pair of these remarkable
When Hugh Ford microphones.
SANKEN'S FIRST EXPORT reviewed the CU41 for
Sanken have been in the Studio Sound he discovered
microphone business for 'texbook performance' polar
over half a century, much of response.
the time working in close The first owner /users of
cooperation with NHK, these precision devices are
Japan's state broadcaster. equally enthusiastic.
Over the past four years Tony Faulkner, the
they have developed a classical music recordist uses
microphone for use with them extensively. He states
digital audio systems. that the medium of digital
The unique design audio exposes colouration The Sanken CU41 is the
employs a dual capacitor that was acceptable on acclaimed state of the art in
capsule, permitting no analogue recording. The microphone technology.
Sole Export Agent; Pan Communications Inc. 5 -72 -6 Asakusa, Taito -ku, Tokyo 111, Japan
Distributors; Turnkey, Brent View Rd. London NW9 7EL. England Radelco Italielei 179,
B -2000 Antwerpen, Belgium 3M France Boulevard de l'Oise 95006, Cergy Pontoise, France.

The introduction of the Tandberg Series TCD 900 shatters the

barrier of Cassette decks for professional use.
For the first time
superior sound
capability, outstand-
ing mechanical and
electronic design,
and total control flexi-
bility based on a
8 -Bit microprocessor
with 32 K of EPROM
memory are combi-
ned in one machine.

TCD 910 Master

TCD 910 is designed to replace the conventional combination


of both reel and cartridge machines. TCD 911 Playback Cassette Deck
Features include: Offers the same quality of construction and design as TCD 910
- High precision 4 motor tape transport. with special features such as:
- Discrete, Tandberg designed, three head system with built -in - Playback pitch control.
record azimuth adjustment. - External playback azimuth control. The TCD 910 combined
- Superb sound quality with Tandberg's exclusive discrete with the TCD 911 makes for an ideal match of performance
circuitry and latest generation Dolby B and C. and price.
- Built in autolocator with 10 cue points in real time, auto cut
search and cue /review.
- Auto stop and /or rewind after cut.
- Wide range of options and accessories. PROFESSIONAL CASSETTE DECKS


18 Studio Sound, May 1985
Ever dreamed of
a control room which is...
...flat without EQ down
to 20Hz,
o of listening fatigue
at high monitoring levels,
...or isolated to digital standards?
Recently completed projects
After Silence Fort Worth. Texas
Atlantic Records New York
CBS Sony Hong Kong
Danmarks Radio House Studios Copenhagen
Davout Studios (Upgrade) Paris
Eurosonic Studios 'Studio Hawaii' Madrid
Lark Studios (Upgrade) Caramarte. Italy
Sedic Studios Tokyo
Sony Digital Evaluation Suites Indiana, USA
Projects now in design and/or construction
Caliber Studios Chicago
Ginza Theatre Tokyo
Hawaii International Studios Honolulu
Jam Creative Productions Dallas
January Sound Dallas
KHNL Television Honolulu
Nightwing Studios Louisiana
RCA Records New York City
Record Plant Los Angeles
RoxSan Cabaret Honolulu
Saturn III Studios Dallas
Solar Studios New Jersey
Southcoast Studios Austin. Texas
Tape One London
The Audio Shoppe Ilonolulu
Twickenham Film Studio London
Warehouse Studios Newcastle, UK
250ft Yacht Studio Los Angeles /Holland

International Representative:
Sierra Audio Acoustics -Kent Duncan, President
A` P.O. Box 3837. Arcadia. California 91006
Phone (818) 445 -2660 Telex 662745 (K. DUNCAN)
Dallas Head Office -(214) 466 0916
5710 LBJ Freeway. Suite 180. Dallas, Texas 75240
Regional Representatives:
Alangrove Associates, London (01) 723 3836. 402 7071 -Alan Stewart
EMT -Franz, Lahr, W Germany 07825 1011 -DrFrank Hirsch
Studer Revox, Austria (0222) 473309. 47465 -E Mussmao
3M France, Cergy. France (03) 031 6420 - Serge Lobbe

Far East
Ace International, Hong Kong & PRC (3) 745 2343 - Michael Pang
Linfair Engineering, Taiwan 321 4454 -Linfair Chang
Studer Revox, Singapore 250 7222/3 - Val Ortega
Audio Industries, Los Angeles (213) 851 4111 - Ike Benoun
Audiotechniques, New York (212) 586 5989 - Gene Parry
Audiotechniques, Stamford (203) 359 2312 -Ham Brasions
Soundlink, Honolulu (808) 263 4800 -Jim Linkner
Southwest Pro Audio, Dallas (214) 243 4477-Dennis Lowe
Southwest Pro Audio, Austin (512) 443 4567 - Greg Klinginsmith
General Traders, Tokyo (03) 291 2761 - Tatsuo Yamada
III 1111
u coceo

111111111110111 111111111
Limp= _awinw wow WIMP!"

A range of five transmitters includes the
miniature SK 2012 (illustrated) and the
SKM 4031 vocalist model
Five complementary receivers include
$sENNNEIsEw the (same size as SK 2012) and
EK 2012
nari+oport theEM 1036 six channel diversity system
SK 2012 TY NOyn Frequency ranges: (VHF 25 -240 MHz
GwrMt: 48102 (UHF) 470 -900 MHz
MHz 686,250
FTZNr. Rf2-48182 Advanced transmitter and receiver
Set Kir, 1111 circuitry virtually eliminates
intermodulation products
Sennheiser's integral compander system
gives a dynamic range of up to 96dB
For further information on any Sennheiser
product, please contact us on 0753

Hayden Laboratories Ltd, Hayden House,

Chiltern Hill, Chalfont St. Peter, Bucks.

Actual size *rk



10111 ME
R1s la a.,,..,.
sm R 1111111111111_s1M


Sole UK When Dan Priest of top 46 -track West

London Magritte Studios decided to go 46-
Distributor For track he wanted top quality audio at a realistic

TRIDENT price. He chose TRIDENT.

This 40 -input TRIDENT Series 80B

incorporates 3 -band equaliser and fader
reverse on the monitors, a monitor section
Larking that can be switched between two 24 -track
machines and a very comprehensive

audio sales patchbay which gives access to both

multitrack machine inputs and outputs. He
now has 68 line inputs, all with EQ, all
routable to the remix bus and all for under
Luton: Guildford Street, Luton, Beds.
Telephone: Luton (0582) 450066
Telex: 825488 DONLAR
Magritte Studios
Stoke -on- Trent: Stafford House,
15 Holloway Lane
Clough Street, Hanley, Stoke -on- Trent.
Telephone: Stoke -on -Trent (0782) 24257 West Drayton
Tel: 018979670
20 Studio Sound, May 1985
JUNE 72 13 74 7985
The Don Larking Audio Sales Over The Road Show has MOVED. selection of top quality manufacturers including: Aiwa, Aphex,
Round the corner at the TARA HOTEL, KENSINGTON the Over Applied Microsystems, Bel, Fostex, Lexicon, MXR,Quad, Rauch,
The Road Show is even bigger and better than last year. Rebis, Soundcraft, Soundtracs, Standeasy, Studer/Revox, Tannoy,
Come and SEE and HEAR and TRY equipment from an incredible TC Electronics, Trident, Teac/Tascam, Westlake and Yamaha.


Scarsdale Place, Kensington, LONDON W8 5SR



iiir ittttfittt
rrrrr %S%ti%%%


Brand new from SOUNDTRACS, the M Series modular range provides a total solution to PA and 8 -track
recording. Utilising the very popular CM4400 equaliser, the M Series has all the added features required
in a high standard live balancing console.

SOUT1D iA: >CN * Available 24- or 32 -input formats

Affordable Quality * 8 sub -groups and stereo master
Sole UK
Distributor * 4 -band equaliser
* 6 aux buses channels
Larkin 6 aux buses monitors
audio sales Additional 4 -bus matrix system and sub -group for stage
Luton: Guildford Street, Luton, Beds.
Telephone: Luton (0582) 450066
Telex 825488 DONLAR * 100mm faders
Stoke-an- Trent: Stafford House,
Clough Street Hanley, Stoke -on- Trent
* Routing direct to master
Telephone: Stoke -on -Trent (0782) 24257
* Effects returns with EQ to group returns /group outputs
2 l




C CC j StR


iSTEM 2800


flurquu (Electronics

Studio Sound, May 1985

D UTER KEYBOARD experience

MD acB you gital equipment shown
-' .


of all the
pr oduction ent. otrt'
EVERY TYPE this advertisem
Microphone transformers (all types), Microphone Splitter combiner trans-
formers. Input and Output transformers, Direct Injection transformers for
Guitars, Multi- Secondary output transformers, Bridging transformers, Line
transformers, Line transformers to British Telecom standard. Isolating
Test Specifications, Tapped impedance matching transformers,
Gramophone pickup transformers, Audio Mixing Desk transformers (all
types), Miniature transformers, Microminiature transformers for PCB
mounting, Experimental transformers, Ultra low frequency transformers,
Ultra linear and other transformers for Valve Amplifiers up to 500 watts.
Inductive Loop transformers, Smoothing Chokes, Filter inductors, .\-1-1o1
Amplifier to 100 volt line transformers (from a few watts up to 1000 E '
watts), 100 volt line transformers to speakers, Speaker matching
transformers (all powers), Column Loudspeaker transformers up to 300 -101 'F'' - o
T% 1,p1 ix::i S
?P '

waits or more.

V °±> -
FORMERS. Many standard types are in stock and normal dispatch times are
short and sensible.
with Midi. i: ¡iiriOi

--- f
speciality and we have overseas clients in the COMMONWEALTH, E.E.C.,
U.S.A., MIDDLE EAST. etc. synthesizer
Send for our questionnaire which, when completed enables us to post quo-
tation by return.
DX-7 R-1000

Manufacturers and Designers

-T.1L..}:':. '.. ll1
Now with latest
E. A. SOWTER LTD. (Established 1941), Reg. No. England 303990 3.4 Software.

The Boat Yard, Cullingham Road, Ipswich IP1 2EG, OBERHEIM

Suffolk. P.O. Box 36, Ipswich IP1 2EL, England.
Phone: 0473 52794 & 0473 219390. Telex: 987703G DMX tut DSX

OB -8
ose per voice.

15 VCA's -5 LFO's-
4 RAMP converters -
MODE tiller-

)(PANDER eVery single voice.



v.}:v{;'.'{:{y.}? v:4.:.. ,.: .+i: 7P:,' v1{..:

u, ;,r,,rlram ln,


I± 11111111 11111 110




911:4 Programmable
digital delay
® y_y i -
and harmonizer i-- reverberate
Now with DNI}C -15ß0S
KeY7azd Interlace.
developing tomorrow's music industry leaders since 1979 Studio House, Ada
High Lane Village, Nr Stockport
TREBA3 insrrrurc Of RECORDI(1G ARTS 06632 4244 SK6 8AA. Telex 665721 SOTA.

Remember the old days? That homely

atmosphere you got in the control room as the
musicians and their roadies gathered round the
console to help you with faders on the final mix?
That wonderful sense of achievement that greeted
you as, finally the drummer's roadie managed to
bring the brass section in on cue after the
hundredth attempt? What you needed was an
extra pair of hands - and that was on sixteen -track
Nov, thank goodness, those days are
passed. Now you have Master Mix, by Audio
Kinetics. The independent console automation
system. Its easily fitted to your automation -ready
console, and to many others with the addition of
the Master Mix VCA fader system. You'll hardly
know it's there - until you need it Master Mix
doesn't interfere with your normal mixing process
- it enhances it It remembers your fader
movements, your channel muting, your chores. No
longer do you have to go over the same complex
sequences time and again, because Master Mix
remembers it the first time. Instead, you can
concentrate on the music. Isn't that what you were
trying to do in the first place?
And the free pair of hands? They're yours.

Audio Kinetics Ltd.

Kinetic Centre, Theobald Street,
Boreham Wood, Hertfordshire,
WD6 4P1 England
Tel: 01 -953 8118 Telex 299951
Audio Kinetics Inc.,
4721 Laurel Canyon Blvd.,
Suite 209, N. Hollywood,
'í. NAGRh' IV'


Post another advance in recording
technology for NAGRA! The new
NAGRA IV -S TC incorporates unique
Time Code circuitry which permits time code
record /playback (via switch selection) of the five
film or video SMPTE /EBU standards.
What's more, there's an eleven key, slide -out, mini keyboard
to enter or read data and check system operation, plus a seven
segment eight digit LCD readout.
Of course, the recording quality, the functionality, are what you've
come to expect from NAG RA just this side of perfect

KUDELSKI S.A. CH -1033 Cheseaux / Switzerland phone (021) 91.21.21

USA Nagra Magnetic Recorders Inc. (212) 840.09.99 New York and (213) 469.63.91 Hollywood NAGRA KUDELSKI
U.K. Hayden Labs. (753) 88.84.47 Chalfont St. Peter Italy Nagra Italia srl (06) 591.09.32 Roma
F.R.G. Nagra Kudelski gmbh (089) 65.66.33 Munchen France Nagra- France (1) 271 53.30 Paris Ci Pa 551C!í1 for perfection


until you've contacted us!


PO Box 19 Stratford -on -Avon (0789) 68579

26 Studio Sound, May 1985

JUNE 12 13 & 14
WEI 10.00 to 18.00 hours 10.00 to 18.00

L J e-1


Alpha Audio Drawmer Marketing & Sales Pangbourne Musical Dist.

Audio Services Elliott Bros. Penny & Giles
Alangrove Associates Eardley Electronics Philip Drake Electronics
Autograph Sales Electromusic Playback Studio
Audio -Music Marketing E.M.O. Systems Quad Electro
Applied Microsystems Film -Tech Electronics Quested Monitoring
Audio Systems Components Formula Sound Recording Studio Design
Ablex Audio Video Future Film Developments Rebis Audio
Audio Video Marketing HHB Hire & Sales Roland (UK) Limited
ACES (UK) Ltd Harrison Information Sifam
Advanced Music Systems Hidley Design Studio Innovations
Avcom Systems Harman (Audio) Sonifex
Audio Kinetics H.W. International Shuttlesound
Ampex Hayden Laboratories John Hornby Skewes
Audix Hill Audio Sony Broadcast
Audio & Design /Calrec HH Electronics Solid State Logic
Audio Developments I.T.A. Studio Sound
Agfa -Gevaert IC M Swisstone Electronics
Alice (Stancoil) "International Musician" Surrey Electronics
Arny's Shack (Tools) Industrial Acoustics Sound Engineer
Amek Systems KEF Electronics Scenic Sounds
Allen & Heath Brenell Kelsey Acoustics Soundcraft
Allotrope Klark Teknik Soundtracs
AKG Acoustics Keith Monks Space Logic
Britannia Row Lindos Electronics Sellmark Electronic
Beyer Dynamic Lennard Developments TAM /England
Bruel & Kjaer Mosses & Mitchell Tannoy
BASF United Kingdom Minim Electronics Tweed Audio Electronics
Bel Marketing Magnetic Tapes TRAD
F.W.O. Bauch Michael Stevens Turnkey
Branch & Appleby Musimex Tandberg
Brooke Siren Systems Modutec Trident Audio Developments
Clear -Corn Intercom Music Lab Technical Projects
Cadac Electronics Marquee Electronics Uher Sales & Service
Cetec International Midas Audio Wellard
Canford Audio Neve Electronics Yamaha -Kemble Music
Cunnings Recording Assoc. NEAL Zonal
Connectronics Otari
DDA Professional Recording Exhibitors at
Dolby Laboratories Peavey Electronics 12.3.1985


The art of 0


SONEX a high-performance is
acoustical foam that upgrades
SEPTEMBER 13 -20, 1985
your studio inexpensively. UNIVERSITY OF SURREY
Ideal for a temporary This highly -successful series is designed for sound
isolation booth, it engineers, artist engineers, managers, directors and
can also eliminate other personnel involved in the recording of sound for
records, radio, television, theatre, video, film and
slap echo and educational purposes.
harsh resonances
in the main room The Course includes lectures on each link in the chain
of operations, Microphone to Finished Product, to
or silence noisy record sound for:
tape equipment in Professional Recording Studios Radio
the control booth. Television Video
Write for our color using a large range of modern equipment assembled
brochure today. especially for this Course + workshops.
SONEX is manufactured by
Illbruck and distributed exclu-
Prospectus from:
sively to the pro sound market by
Alpha Audio. APRS
Chestnut Avenue,
Alphaeudiò 2049 West Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23220 (804) 358 -3852
Chorleywood, Herts., U.K.
Telephone: 0923 772907
Acoustic Products for the Audio Industry

For every occasion SOUND CONTROL

Fast, efficient installation and servicing
Contact John Connolly at
Tel: (0232) 772491/771555

Cables from A4 size STUDIO SOUND binders are now
available (each holds 12 copies).
Keep your copies of STUDIO SOUND in
smart black binders with the title in gold
block letters on the spine.
At only £3.50 each
including inland and overseas postage
and packing. Send your order with
cheque or postal order to: Modern Book-
binders Ltd., Chadwick Street, Blackburn,
Lancs BB2 4AG (state clearly your name
ConnQCrronics and address and the relevant magazine
20 Victoria Road 652 Glenbrook Road
New Barnet Hertfordshire Stamford INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDER
EN4 9Pr England CT 06906 U.S.A (Limited number of old
'l..lh.n,. 01 1 -1!1 '. t. 1 '10.11 Telephone 12031324 2889 size binders available).
Telc, 643678

28 Studio Sound, May 1985

I Precision Manufactured
(Iphaion Audio Interfaces
Our audio interfaces are made to the highest
possible industrial standard and fulfill the toughest
safety and electrical requirements.
Take for example:
Our DI /Safety Box SM -500
specially designed for
the safety- conscious
broadcast engineer.
Total electrical isolation
from the musicians
instrument to his own amp
and to the mixing console.
(Isolation voltage 2500 volts).
Our Active Two -Channel Audio Distributor MPV-1a DUDIOFILE
for broadcast mobile recording and/or transmission.
Splits each channel into four ways with gain of
0 dB, 6 dB, 12 dB, or 18 dB. Isolation voltage 2500 V
between primary and secondary. Built -in 48 V
Phantom -Supply.
We manufacture:
Audio Transformers Audio Distribution Trans-
formers o Audio Distribution Systems o Direct
Injection Boxes Impedance Matchers o Voltage

Pads Miniature Precision Microphones.


Write for specification sheets:

West -Germany: alphaton, P.O. Box 1129, D -6233 Kelkheim
USA: alphaton, 506 Indian Creek Drive, Roanoke, TX 76262


Timing is our speciality,
so it won't take a second to
tell you about our unique range of tape timing pro-
The SPIN TIME, a real time counter for the A77,
PR99, 5050 and AG440.
The CM50, an autolocator currently available for 20
different multitrack machines with all the features
you would expect to find in a top -line autolocator
and at a reasonable price. Popular interfaces for the
CM50 are the A80, MM1100 and M79. The older the
machines, the greater the transformation in deck
The I -CON, incorporating all the features of the
CM50 with the addition of channel select keys and
now our EBU compatible synchroniser for locking
audio to video or even audio to audio. Check with us
for machines available or call us or any of our dealers
for information on all our products.
Applied Microsystems Limited
Bagshot Road, Chobham, Woking, Surrey GU24 8BZ.
Telephone: (09905) 6267. Telex: 8952022 CTYTEL G.
AUSTRALIA; Klanon Enterpnses, (03) 613541. CANADA; Gan Electro Acoustics, M16)868-0528 DENMARK; Wallstreams Lane, Worsthorne Village, Burnley, Lancs,
AB Music, (061 198733. FRANCE; Studio Du Hidou. (76) 880158. GERMANY; S.C.S., (7159) 7222 HOLLAND;
P A.C.. (040) 424455. ITALY; Stanek, (051) 321063. NORWAY; Audiotron, (02) 3520 96. NEW ZEALAND; BB10 3PP. England.
Masan Communications. (444) 3583 SOUTH AFRICA; Eltron, M11)293066. SWEDEN; Stage 8 Studio. (031)
2240 90. SWITZERLAND; EMM Studio. (O6t) 728972. U.K; Don Larking Audio Sales, (0582) 450066. In the
USA, call (213) 654 -5096. Tel: (0282) 57011 Telex 63108 AMS -G.
DIARY Delivery, mastering

A nail- biting moment as a bringing a section of central
second 56- channel SSL 4000E London to a standstill. The
console with Total Recall is SSL landed safely and will
hoisted into AIR studios via a shortly be in operation in
fourth floor window while Studio 2.

Over the last 10 years we

have carried quite a few Mastering index practice: Tony Bridge of the
Master Room discusses
articles on tapes, mastering Jun 82 Calibration tapes: Broadcast changing criteria in the wake
and cutting and we thought Reviews by Hugh Ford Aug 83 A technical of adventurous recording
you might find this mini index Dec 84 Handling and storage introduction to compact disc: techniques
useful. When some of these of tape: Hugh Ford gives by Hugh Ford Sep 78 Direct cut myths and
articles were written, advice on how to look after Dec 83 Letters: CD questions problems: Adrian Hope visits
particularly in the early days your tapes and CD mastering the Teldec plant in West
of CD, knowledge of the Apr /Jul 84 Business: Barry Germany
subject was limited and Compact disc Fox on CD sampling standard, Nov 79 Into the groove: John
readers may wish to recap in Feb 78 Cutting sound with Time base errors and CD, and Valvo of Cybersonics
the light of experience. light: Paul Messenger Laservision v CD introduces a new disc
discusses the development of a Oct 84 CD mastering -how it mastering lathe
Tapes PCM- encoded disc which is cut should happen: Basic rules for Aug 82 Making tapes for disc:
Feb 75 Recording tape/Test and read by laser light success outlined by Bill Foster Ted Fletcher with advice on
tapes: Surveys and Nov 81 The compact disc: of Tape One stereo phase and disc cutting
comparisons by Angus Sony's Alan Kilkenny Oct 84 CD mastering -how it Aug 84 The modern lacquer
McKenzie describes the Compact Digital happened: Richard Elen disc: Hugh Ford visits
Aug 77 Magnetic tapes: Audio Disc system and reports his findings after Capitol's US manufacturing
Reviews by Hugh Ford outlines how it will change the completing his first CD tape plant
Apr 79 Audio tape: Reviews way engineers work master Aug /Oct 84 The cut and after:
by Hugh Ford Jul 83 Inside the compact Feb 85 Business: CD mono
Barry Fox on the problems of
- A two -part article from Mike
Jones on keeping up standards
Apr 79 From rust to tape: disc: The basic structure of
Steve Billige of Racal -Zonal discs and players described by replaying stereo CDs in mono
examines how different Rod Duggan of Sony Broadcast Cassette mastering
formulations and preparations Jul 83 Compact disc Disc mastering Nov 83 Advances in cassette
can mean different recording mastering: Hints and tips on Jul 75 Disc cutting in theory: duplication: an in -depth look
and handling characteristics preparing digital and analogue Technical theory from Hugh at the whole process from
Apr 81 Audio tapes: Hugh masters for CD manufacture Finnimore mastering onwards, by
Ford reviews from Chris Hollebone of Sony Jul 75 Disc cutting in Mike Jones.
30 Studio Sound, May 1985
Lyrec's Secret Army

When we were talking to Lyrec about That over 60 of those are in the In short, we think that Lyrec have
distributing their products in the UK we UK? That Lyrec machines are in use with been hiding their light under a bushel
were surprised and impressed by what broadcasting organisations all over the and that it's high time for us to bring
we heard. world and the BBC alone have 30 of their secret success into the open.
Did you know:- That Lyrec are a the newly introduced 'FRED' two track Remember, unlike Swiss or Japanese
Danish company who have been editing machines? products, Lyrec machines are made in
manufacturing tape machines for over the EEC and therefore, carry no import
30 years? That Lyrec are Europe's largest
maker of high speed loop -bin duplicators?
That there are over 300 Lyrec multitrack
machines in use in Europe?
u duty.
So if you are looking for impeccably
engineered tape machines at a very
reasonable price talk to us about Lyrec.

Distributed in the UK by: NEWS FLASH...........

Scenic Sounds Equipment Limited,
Unit 2, 10 William Road, London NW1 3EN. Tel: 01- 3871262, 01 -734 2812 Telex: 27939 SCENIC G

Lyrec Manufacturing A/S, Hollandsvej 12, DK -2800 Lyngby, Danmark. Tel: 02 -87 63 22. Telex: 37568 Lyrec dk.
Developments, cable sound
Tam cutting system Andy Munro goes solo
Tam has released preliminary include half-speed cutting for From March 1st studio design independent and may be
details of a new cutting system both LP and Disco -single high consultant Andy Munro began reached at Warehouse D,
for analogue records. The level cutting, feed -forward trading as Munro Associates Metropolitan Wharf, Wapping
system will comprise a new high frequency head from new premises in London's Wall, Docklands, London El
design of Phonotech cutting protection, add -on kit for Docklands. He is now totally 9SS. Tel: 01 -480 7121.
head, together with a set of preview tape machines
re- designed TAM electronics to
complement the head.
running at half speed (to
correct EQ) and improved head
Worldwide cabling from.
Standard facilities will safety circuits. Kelsey
Kelsey Cabling, the custom and Court Acoustics, has
New DSP order cabling department of Kelsey
Acoustics which has
announced that these facilities
are now being offered on a
Neve Electronics has achieved installation in the 2200-seat manufactured tape interface worldwide basis to both trade
a first with an order for the concert hall section of systems, mixer /microphone and end users.
first all-digital sound mixing Cologne's new 200 m DM stage -box systems and home Further details from Kelsey
system outside the UK for the cultural centre, the mixer is recording looms for various Acoustics Ltd, 28 Powis
German radio network WDR due for delivery during the manufacturers and distributors Terrace, London W11 1JH.
(Westdeutscher Rundfunk). Spring of 1986, with the hall including Soundcraft, Tel: 01 -727 1046.
Specified by WDR for due to open in mid '86. Studiomaster, HHB, Trident
For nearly a decade,
observations that connecting Cable sound- a rationale currently employed. The
Hitachi Cable engineers have
cables can affect sound quality
have steadily been gaining
credence, although there was
at last? apparently come up with an
experimental rolling process
This hypothesis does at least to `high end' analogue high for LC copper, which should
no apparent objective rationale offer a possible explanation for fidelity interconnections is enable foils to be fabricated for
to support or refute subjective high purity being obvious, inevitable, and will future specialist PCB
claims. As long as cable sound advantageous, and further probably be beneficial. Perhaps applications.
remained substantially indicates how the number of more important, however, will Certainly there could be an
inexplicable, it could only be crystal boundaries within the be the substitution by LC wire opportunity for significant
approached on an empirical conductor (which will be of the vital, necessary qualitative improvements in
`suck -it-and -see' basis, which proportional to length, given generator coils in analogue recording studio sound,
has been a source of great the same basic metallurgy), machinery, such as those in particularly at the microphone
frustration to engineers. may also be a factor. tape heads, pickup cartridges, end where long leads can be
However, take enough Working from this microphones and loudspeakers. difficult to avoid but probably
empirical observations in hypothesis, researchers like Comparison of two cassette also in critical components like
relation to the appropriate Dutchman A J van den Hul recorders, one of whose heads tape heads. Whether there will
construction techniques, and have suggested that significant had been rewired with LC, is be further applications in
certain patterns seem to improvements might be reported to give very mixing desks, signal processors
emerge. Martin Colloms achieved by increasing the size impressive results indeed. or the other paraphernalia
recently conducted a mammoth of the crystals formed during There is little, if any, proof which are themselves
survey for Hi -Fi News & refining, in an ideal case so for the crystal domain inherently highly complicated,
Record Review, which that the wire is drawn from a hypothesis as yet, though LC- only time will tell.
examined a great many single `monocrystal'. refined copper does show By their very nature,
parameters. Subjectively the Researchers at Hitachi Cable certain characteristics digitally encoded signals are
most important factors proved in Japan (a large autonomous different from conventional unlikely to benefit in any way
to be the length of the subsidiary of Hitachi, forms, such as a 20% reduction from LC technology; though
conductor and its purity, unrelated to audio or video in self-capacitance. The fast, their binary nature
assuming minimum standards products) have applied a empirical results of subjective should ensure that they are
were achieved for construction refining technique similar to observations will have to serve entirely immune from subtle
and resistance. that used for silicon in as arbitrator at present, degradations.
Although there has been semiconductor manufacture, though early indications are It could well be that
plenty of myth and mumbo where local zone heating that these may be sufficiently conductor technology has been
jumbo with which to contend, increases the crystal size. positive to convince many a limiting factor in high
there is one hypothesis which When drawn, the LC (long sceptics. quaity analogue audio for
offers some support for these crystal) wire crystal domains If the hypothesis is valid, the some years and may indeed
observations, based on the become extended some 1,000 implications for analogue have held back its capabilities
metallurgy of the conductor. times compared to those in audio could prove dramatic, vis-a-vis digital. Until much
Metals can never be 100% conventional wire, with a both in professional and more experience has been
pure, and are composed of corresponding reduction in the consumer circles. For the first gained in a wide variety of
comparatively small crystal number of boundaries along a time there may be a real applications, it would be
domains. It is therefore logical length. Martin Colloms' initial vindication for the hitherto dangerous to predict the effect
that the impurities will reports indicate that it sounds heretical `more means less' of long- or mono -crystal
congregate at the crystal extremely short for a given claims applied to audio technology. But it could just
boundaries, forming molecules length compared to circuitry. More disturbing possibly provide a sufficiently
with insulating and semi- conventional cable, and this perhaps is that PCBs have large shot in the arm for
conducting properties such as negates the disadvantages of inherently poor- sounding analogue audio to make digital
oxides and sulphides, and long runs to a significant conductors according to the life just a little bit harder.
these may act as some sort of degree. crystal structure theory, due to
impediment to the signal. The application of this cable the manufacturing techniques Paul Messenger
32 Studio Sound, May 1985
acoustics Your Professional Partn

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with the AKG C 414 EB -P48

The C 414 EB -P48 is the latest
development in a long line of famous The C 414EB -P48 features:
AKG large diaphragm microphones,
all employing the acclaimed CK 12 Large, one -inch dual- diaphragm
one inch dual diaphragm capsule. system Exceptionally wide dynamic
The electronics of the new Four different polar patterns range
C 414EB -P48 are a completely selectable on the microphone Low inherent noise
new departure, and the key to the Pre -attenuation (0, -10, -20 dB) For 48 -volt phantom powering
digital -level performance of the and bass attenuation selectable only, with less than 1 mA power
microphone. on the microphone consumption
"Send this coupon for information about
AKG products
AKG Acoustics Ltd. Name
® 191, The Vale, London W3 7QS
Street á
TF: (441) 7492042, TX: (51) 28938 akgmic g
Town J

Agencies, options, people, contracts

Agencies appointed a network of dealers

to cover San Francisco, New People
Scenic Sounds Equipment York, Chicago, Boston, Seattle,
have announced acquisition of Minneapolis, Nashville, Salt Greg Badger has been Soundcraft Electronics as
the Lyrec agency in the UK. Lake City, and Florida. appointed director of product manager, following
The appointment took effect in Audio Kinetics Inc, 4721 engineering for Aphex Sound eight years with Neve
December 1984, and their first Laurel Canyon Boulevard, Field Systems, a new division Electronics as technical
contract was '/4 and '/z in Suite 209, North Hollywood, of Aphex Systems which will services manager. He is based
machines to London's Music California 91607, USA. Tel: specialise in surround stereo at the Great Sutton Street
Works, along with a newly (818) 980 5717. products for the film and head office and takes
installed Amek M2500 console. Brooke Siren Systems Ltd audio /video industries. Aphex responsibility for the entire
ITA has been appointed UK have appointed a new agent Systems have also announced range of Soundcraft
distributor for Ursa Major for Italy: Audio Link, Via the appointment of Paula Electronics products as well as
products. Details of the full Tartini 13, 43100 Parma. Tel: Lintz as director of sales and the tape machines from
product range, including the 0521 772009. Audio Link also marketing. She has been with Soundcraft Magnetics.
StarGate and 8X32 digital have an office in Milan: Via Aphex for over six years, her Dave Cottam, formerly with
reverbs and the MSP126 Dei Transiti, 20127 Milan. Tel: previous position being sales Feldon Audio, has joined ITA's
Multitap stereo processor from 02 2850334. manager. sales team where he will be
ITA, 1 Felgate Mews, Professional Recording Cherry Lane Technologies, a involved in promoting the
Studland Street, Equipment Company in south division of Cherry Lane Music professional recording products
Hammersmith, London W6 west London have been Co Inc, has announced that to the larger studios and video
9JT. Tel: 01 -748 9009. appointed sole UK and Eire Roger Powell has joined as facilities. Stephen Knight
Audio Kinetics, seeking to agents for Perfectone SA. director of product comes to ITA as sales
improve sales and service PRECO, 319 Trinity Road, development. Roger is well consultant for the Republic of
backup in the USA have London SW18 3SL. known as musician, composer, Ireland. He may be contacted
synthesist and instrument on Dublin 896026.
designer, perhaps best known Telex Communications in
Audio Kinetics interfacing as a member of Todd
Rundgren's Utopia.
Minnesota has reorganised its
international department, and
The list of consoles to which News from Q.Lock is that The AES has announced the Michael Olinger, formerly
Audio Kinetics' MasterMix several new machines have appointment of Mr. Milton international sales manager
Automation System can be been interfaced including the `Bill' Putnam as convention has been appointed vice -
added now includes Amek Mitsubishi X-800 digital chairman for the May president, embracing
M2500 and Angela, Calrec multitrack, Mitsubishi X-80 convention in Anaheim. responsibility for management
UÁ8000; Harrison MR2, MR3, and Telefunken MX-80 digital Crown International has of the international
MR4, TV4 and the Raven; machines and the Studer A80 appointed four new department and several special
Soundcraft TS24; and Studer video layback transport. Audio engineering speciality assignments related to off-
900. Kinetics have also interfaced managers: Tom Lininger goes shore technology transfers.
Non-automation ready the older Otani MX7800 in from microphone engineer to David Amey has joined
consoles can be equipped with response to customer demand. manager; Tom Szerencse is Monitor Systems Technology
MasterMix by the addition of The Q.Lock now also has a engineering group manager; from Tannoy where he was
the Audio Kinetics VCA fader battery backup enabling John Bachman also moves to UK sales manager. MST are
which is available in various memory retention in the event engineering group manager worldwide distributors of
styles to suit different consoles of power failure and overnight and Jim Marks is appointed Rauch Precision power audio
such as Neve and Trident. powerdown. sustaining engineering products and UK distributors
manager. of Turbosound loudspeaker
Four engineers have been enclosures, and David becomes
Contracts apointed at JBL Inc. Drew
Daniels, a former JBL man
head of sales.
Nick Ryan has joined
CTS Studios, London, have reinforcement, and one comes from CBS Fender as Edward J Veale and
taken delivery of three Studer 40- position Raven mainframe applications engineer for JBL Associates. He was previously
A800 24 -track 2 in machines. for the theatre's electronic and UREI; Roy Cizek, technical director of Sarm
Feldon Audio have recently music and recording studio. formerly a design engineer Studios West and East in
purchased a second PCM-3324 Five consoles have also been with Altec Lansing, joins JBL London.
24-channel digital recorder. supplied to Australia: two as senior engineer; Henry In New York, Bearsville
Plantinum Studios of TV-3s and one Pro-7 went to Martin is a new senior Studios' owner Albert
Victoria, Australia, have TCN -9, an independent TV engineer and engineering Grossman has announced the
installed a 40- channel SSL station in Sydney and a manager for JBL; and Paul appointment of Steven
console with primary computer specialised MR-4 delivered to Apollonia has joined as an Bramburg as studio manager,
and Total Recall, a Studer A80 Soundfirm TV and film post - acoustical engineer. who was previously vice -
2 -track '/z in and AMS DDL. production facility Melbourne. Gordon Parker, head of president and general manager
Harrison of Nashville have Bearsville Studios, New BBC's engineering designs of Boogie Hotel Studios.
recently fulfilled a number of York recently took delivery of department has retired and is Houston, Texas -Richard
contracts including the first a Neve 8088, originally custom succeeded by Ian Miller, Avery has joined Midcom Inc
Harrison console into built for the Who at Ramport previously head of studio as vice -president /sales
Denmark: an MR-4 52/36 Studios, London. group. manager. Before Midcom he
automated console expandable Canada's first digital Otani Germany have was responsible for design and
to 48 inputs to Medley Records recorder has been installed at appointed Harald Viering as production control at Interface
of Copenhagen. Norwegian Toronto's Amber Studios. The sales manager. He has Electronics, and has a
Theatre (DNT) in Oslo, due to Mitsubishi X-800 32 -track and extensive experience of the background of audio
open this Spring, has taken X-80 digital 2 -track package professional audio, video and engineering as well as design
five consoles -three HM-5s and contract was placed with broadcast business. and manufacture of mixing
one ALIVE for live sound GERR Electro Acoustics. Alan Archer has joined consoles.
34 Studio Sound, May 1985
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Imagine six of the most amazing syn- ers, MIDI and CVs simultaneously, and
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The Oberheim Xpander ... the fantasy
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realized. Realize your fantasy at your
15 Mode Filter. and FM on every single
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Imagine being able to control each of
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A Matrix Modulation system that lets
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Imagine being able to interface all of
Herts SG4 OSE
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NEW PRODUCTS Equipment, modifications, options, software

Shure's low profile SM91

The SM91 is a unidirectional provided.
condenser microphone just The housing takes the form
introduced by Shure. The of a shallow, elongated
company claims the SM91 is
the first unidirectional
pyramid of perforated steel in
matt black on an aluminium Gatex from US Audio
boundary effect surface base. The housing is lined The Gatex is a 1 U 19 in rack range.
mounting microphone, with, at with a replaceable fine steel mounting noise gate /expander Features of the Gatex
its heart, a new Shure mesh screen and foam pad which has four channels with include: feed-forward circuitry
cartridge giving high output wind/dirt barrier. separate front panel controls ensures accurate gain control;
and wide frequency response Designed to operate on for adjustment of threshold DC control of all functions
with excellent off-axis virtually any flat surface, thé levels, range and release eliminates noisy potentiometer
performance. SM91 will exhibit a half times. Two 3- position switches problems; threshold control
A small, sturdy, low cardioid with as much as 6 dB are labelled `source' selecting range from -40 dB to +20 dB
distortion preamplifier with increased sensitivity. in- out -keying by external with a complementary range
good headroom is supplied Shure Brothers Inc, 222 signal, and `mode' for noise control enabling attenuation
with the mic. Powered by a Hartrey Avenue, Evanston, gate operation and a choice of adjustment from subtle noise
standard phantom supply or IL 60204, USA. Tel: (312) two expander slopes, 1:2, or reduction to an 80 dB 'cut-off;
two 9 V batteries, the 866 -2200. 2:3. Three LEDs complete the programme controlled sustain
preamplifier includes a UK: HW International, 3 -5 front panel facilities: green automatically alters release
12 dB /octave LF cut switch, Eden Grove, London, N7 8EQ. indicates full on or unity gain; time according to programme
battery on /off switch and LED Tel: 01 -607 2717. yellow ongoing expansion; and content. US Audio see a wide
condition indicator. A 25 ft red maximum attenuation as range of applications in the
small diameter twin screened Late news: Shure has just determined by the range recording, performance, film,
cable with two 3 -pole introduced an omnidirectional control. PA and conference markets for
Switchcraft connectors is also version -the SM92. The heart of the system is a the unit.
new Valley People TA -104 US Audio Inc, PO Box
VCA which promises low 40878, Nashville, TN 37204,
distortion and wide dynamic USA. Tel: (615) 297 -1098.

Alphaton safety DI box

German based manufacturers secondary windings of the
Alphaton have introduced a isolation transformer included
new direct injection box, the in the circuit are claimed to
SM-500, particularly aimed at withstand a test voltage of
the safety conscious performer 2,500 and the device has been
or engineer. certified safe by the official
The SM-500 has three inputs West German Safety Board.
for levels up to 1 V, 10 V and Screens are not routed
Crown PCC 160 boundary mic 50 V. These are intended for
instrument electromagnetic
through the box and separate
Faraday shields are provided
In addition to their range of directional properties. pick -ups, line level outputs for each winding to minimise
PZM microphones, Crown have A smooth response from from instrument amplifiers hum. Low distortion and flat
introduced a new boundary 50 Hz to 18 kHz, uniform off- and speaker output from frequency response (40 Hz to
effect microphone known as axis response with 25 dB rear power amplifiers respectively. 15 kHz ±0.5 dB) are quoted.
the PCC 160 phase coherent rejection and the ability to Two outputs are provided, one
cardioid. This differs from withstand inputs of up to isolated high impedance (2 k12) Alphaton Electroakustik,
previous PZM models as it 120 dB SPL without distorting on a 1/4 in phone jack and one
Siemensstrasse 19, D -6233
uses a sub -miniature are claimed. balanced low impedance Kelkeim, West Germany.
supercardioid electret element The PCC 160 can be (200 S2) on an XLR socket.
Tel: (06195) 74032.
which, together with the self- phantom powered from 12 to The box isolates electric USA: Alphaton
contained electronics, is 48 V or battery operated and instruments from their Elektroakustik, 506 Indian
mounted in a slim, heavy has a side -mounted connector amplifiers or from recording Creek Drive, Roanoke, Dallas,
gauge steel case. The PCC 160 to facilitate unobtrusive consoles. The primary to TX 76262. Tel: (817) 430 -3351.
is designed to give a `half placing of the low profile
supercardioid' pattern when charcoal grey unit and is
used on relatively large supplied with a 15 ft cable and
surfaces such as a stage floor, XLR -type connector.
table, news desk or lectern The high sensitivity is
top. In contrast to previous quoted as -52 dB ref 1 V/µbar
models, Crown emphasise that and low internal noise
this microphone should not be <22 dBA. Output impedance is
operated any closer than 8 in 150 f2 balanced.
to any other boundary Crown International, 1718
perpendicular to the primary West Mishawaka Road,
boundary surface. In other Elkhart, IN 46517, USA. Tel:
words, if the PCC 160 is (219) 294 -5571.
placed on the floor it must be UK: HHB Hire and Sales,
a minimum of 8 in away from Unit F, New Crescent Works,
any walls to avoid Nicoll Road, London, NW10
compromising the pronounced 9AX. Tel: 01 -961 3295.
36 Studio Sound, May 1985
The CDP-3000 Systrm
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The Compact Disc System specifically designed for the
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NEW PRODUCTS Equipment, modifications, options, software
Stellavox Star TD9 multi-
standard recorder
The TD9 is a versatile accessible EQ. A plug-in
modular tape recorder. The sync card is also available
TD 9-BASE provides the basic for multitrack heads.
machine framework and deck The short signal path of this
into which opto- electrical design ensures good transient
tensiometers, tape guides, response and contributes to
headblocks and electronics
units are plugged to suit a
the high performance of this
machine, claim Stellavox. Shure amps sufficient output to drive
headphones at high levels.
chosen format. Up to four audio line -in' Shure have introduced two Shure claim that bridging is
All tape transport functions modules may be plugged into new items in their range of achieved without degrading
are microprocessor controlled the rear of the machine to compact, portable field - the source signal so several
which allows some diagnostic provide balanced and floating production products aimed at FP12s may be used together.
feedback and offers some inputs and outputs. There is the Electronic News Gathering Other features are switchable
extension facilities such as also a plug-in synchroniser (ENG), Electronic Field mic and line level inputs,
various synchronisers, locator, module with pilot 50/60 Hz for Production (EFP) and on- balanced loop- through XLR
varispeed, remote control, neo pilot, synchrotone and FM- location film production locking connectors, headphone
computer interface RS 422 etc. sync and a supply control markets. jack sockets and a slide switch
The TD9 recorder offers a module incorporating a small The FP11 is a mic to line to select high or low output
choice of Vi in and 1/2 in stereo monitor amplifier. amplifier designed to provide impedance. A gain control
magnetic tape or 16 mm Other features include 14 in 84 dB of gain adjustable in knob is also provided on the
perfotape (PE -film) operation reel capacity, mains or 24 V 6 dB increments by means of a front panel.
and headblocks are available DC operation, easily precision rotary switch The FP11 and the FP12 are
in no less than 12 different replaceable plug -in cards for mounted on the front panel. each powered by a single 9 V
track configurations from capstan and deck function Also included on the front alkaline battery and test
mono to 4 -track with or control, a pre -listen accessory panel are a slide switch to sockets are provided for
without sync tracks of any for use with cutting systems select the integral peak limiter battery checking. Both units
type. There is even provision and rugged construction to in or out, an LED indicator, a are built into rugged metal
for using 0.15 in cassette tape! cope with inimical field battery on-off slide switch and boxes with silk screen printed
The servo capstan system conditions. an aux -level mini phone jack front panels and circuit
gives six tape speeds with Stellavox, CH -2068 input. The LED indicates the diagrams on the side panels.
internal adjustment of 25%I or Hauterive /NE, Switzerland. onset of limiting, when the
control by external signals, Tel: 038 33.42.33. limiter is in, or the 6 dB below Shure Brothers Inc, 222
and the bi- directional flat reel Telex: 952783. clipping point, when it is out. Hartrey Avenue, Evanston,
motors give fast spooling UK: Future Film The second item is the FP12 IL 866
60204, USA. Tel: (312)
times. Developments, 114 Wardour headphone bridging amplifier,
Headblocks contain not only Street, London W1V 3LP. Tel: designed to bridge across UK: HW International, 3 -5
the heads arranged in the 01 -434 3344 & 01 -437 1892. either microphone or line level Eden Grove, London N7 8EQ.
desired format but also the Telex: 21624. signals and to produce Tel: 01 -607 2717.
requisite plug in `audio cards' USA: Zellan Enterprises Ltd,
for each track including
transformerless record and
250 West 57th Street, New
York, NY 10019. Tel: (212)
Dynamic dbx 166
playback electronics with 245 -1598. Telex: 125122. First announced at the New chain monitor button lets the
York AES in October 1984, user listen directly to the side
the model 166 dynamics chain signal post EQ.
processor from dbx is a three - The 'peak -stop' was borrowed
in-one 2- channel device from dbx's 'intelligent clipper',
incorporating a noise gate, featured in the model 165A
compressor/limiter and peak compressor; this is claimed to
clipper in a single unit 19 in set an absolute limit on peak
rack mounting format. output level where reliable
Front panel controls for each overmodulation protection is
channel include expander/gate required.
threshold, compressor /limiter Attack time for the noise
threshold, peak stop level, gate is said to be tailored to
ratio, output gain, channel allow the unaffected passage of
bypass, side chain monitor and initial transients. A horizontal
a stereo link button for row of eight LEDs indicate the
independent or master /slave amount of gain reduction and
operation. The model 166 compression taking place.
allows simultaneous use of all
three functions and the dbx Inc, 71 Chapel Street,
compressor incorporates dbx's Box 100C, Newton, MA
familiar 'over easy' action 02195, USA. Tel: (617)
which operates on a rather 964 -3210. Telex: 922522.
more gentle curve than the UK: Scenic Sounds
usual 'hard -knee' curves found Equipment, Unit 2, Comtech,
in some compressors. There is William Road, London NW1
provision for side chain 3EN. Tel: 01 -387 1262.
insertion of EQ, etc. The side Telex: 27939.
38 Studio Sound, May 1985
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ANAHEIM For the first time in from their range of noise reduction
systems, telcom C4 available in
AB Systems: Power amplifiers from
single -channel to multi -channel units several years the AES multitrack and single -channel formats
also including versions for more
with integral crossovers, also monitor
speakers and sound reinforcement
Convention finds itself specialised use. Aphex: Full range of
Aphex units including the Aural Exciters
speakers. Accurate Sound: High on the West Coast at and the Compellor dynamics unit. New
units include a modular Aural Exciter for
speed tape duplication equipment and
tape machines. ACO Pacific: Anaheim, California or rack systems and a single -channel
Microphone systems for measurement version of the Compellor. Applied
and music recording use. Adams - more precisely, the Research & Technology: Products
Smith: Synchronising systems featuring
the 2600 modular system. Advanced
DisneyLand Hotel. The selected from original MXR range
including the 01A digital reverb, the
Music Systems: The complete range of
digital audio processing systems. New
convention will be pitch transposer, etc, now available from
the re- structured company under new
products include the latest versions of held between May 3 to ownership and trading as ART.
Nonlin, Reverse, Chorus and Echo Audico: Cassette production
programs for the RMX16 together with 6 and will comprise the equipment also including tape loaders,
new bar code programs; a volt /octave
interface for DMX15 -80S allowing normal wide range of timer /rewinder /exerciser and basic
rewinders. Audio +Design (Calrec):
control of sampled material; a remote
control for the A/V Sync; a modified,
technical papers and Full range of products including
Ambisonics mastering package, new
specialised version of the DMX15 -80S
known as Timeflex for time compression
associated activities Compex 2 comp/limiter, digital fader,
modified Sony PCM processors and
and expansion; and the DMX15P together with a details of Calrec UÁ8000 console.
profanity delay. AEG -Telefunken: Audio /Digital: Range of digitally
Full range of professional analogue tape products exhibition. related equipment. Audio
machines. Agfa-Gevaert: Audio and
video tapes including PEM 297D, digital
This preview has been Engineering Associates: Selection of
distributed products including Coles and
1/4 in tape and PEM 469 professional

studio tape. AKG Acoustics:

compiled using the Schoeps microphones, and new version of
the Studio Technology's stereo simulator
Microphones, headphones, reverb systems lists of exhibitors and known as the AN2; and auto switching
and accessories. Featured new products stereo simulator for broadcasters and
include range of `ultra -linear' capsules information available from AEA a new version of the MS30
CK61 -ULS and CK62 -ULS design for
at the time of writing MS/XY box. Audio Intervisual
C460 preamp, also new version of TDU Design Systems Facilitators: No
8000 delay line. Alpha Audio: Sonex moving fader automation system. details known. Audio Kinetics: Full
acoustic foam and a studio automation Ampex: Full range of Ampex audio range of products including MasterMix
system. Amek Consoles: Selection and video tapes. Part of display console automation system and the
from the Amek/TAC range of mixers dedicated to 10th birthday of 456. TimeLink. The Q.Lock system will feature
including the BC101 series 2, the TAC Anchor Music: Speaker systems new enhancements including battery
Matchless and the Scorpion. It is also including compact portable active back -up memory. Audio Precision:
likely that exhibits will include the GML models. ANT: Selection of products New range of audio test equipment.
Audio -Technica: Wide range of
The dbx model 166 dynamics processor microphones, phono cartridges and
headphones. Audio Video
Consultants: Magnetic tape duplication
systems, audio and video loaders,
labelling and insertion equipment.
AXE: Diverse products including the
KT-1000 programmable digital
metronome /synchroniser with the ability
to store 50 different user programmable

Kenneth A Bacon Associates: No
details known. Barcus -Berry
Electronics: Wide range of contact
transducer microphones. BASF
40 Studio Sound, May 1985
Knowing exactly "what's on the tape" is of paramount importance
to the professional recording engineer and producer. Unfortunately,
many recording, mixing, mastering and listening rooms are less than
ideal, making truly accurate monitoring difficult.
For over a decade, permanently installed Westlake Audio studio moni-
tors have been the worldwide choice of professionals who demand
accurate reference monitors. Now, that same precision is available in
the Westlake Audio BBSM series of Portable Reference Monitors.
The BBSM's pinpoint stereo imaging, wide bandwidth, totally symmet-
rical polar pattern and coherent wave front, even when monitoring as
close as 18 inches, are a result of a unique combination of drivers, cross-
over and mounting configuration. Best of all, this has been achieved
in a size that makes these Reference Monitors easy to carry with
you from studio to studio.



BRITANNIA la 01.226 3377

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to dawn beat-

Westlake Manufturing Research
and Devacelopment
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BRITANNIA ROW LTD Newbury Park rt. U nia 91320
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EMT 266X transient limiter

Crest Audio: Power amplifiers

including models 2501A, 1501A, 2001A E
and 1001A. Crown International: Electro Sound: High speed tape
Full range of products with featured duplication systems including units
power amplifiers being the Micro Tech incorporating Dolby HX. Electro-
and Delta Omega series and the new Voice: Selection from wide range of
PCC160 boundary microphone. Also on products including new items, DH2012
show will be the full range of PZM HF compression driver, the ELX-1
microphones and the TEF audio portable mic /line mixer and the Sentry
measurement system. 100EL studio monitor with integral
power amplifier. Emilar Corporation:
D Wide range of loudspeaker drive units.
Eventide: Sound processing
The David Hafler Co: Power
amplifiers and preamps. Featured will be equipment including SP2016 digital
the P220 and P505 amplifiers. dbx reverb /effects processor with new
Inc: Full range of dbx products including software; the Harmonizer range with
noise reduction systems, rack mount new model; the Timesqueeze system, and
signal processing systems and the 700 the Specsystem software package for
series digital processing system. spectrum analysis with personal
Featured item will be the model 166 computer systems. Everything Audio:
dynamic processor. Digital No details known.
Klark Teknik USA active monitor Entertainment Corporation: The
Mitsubishi range of digital recorders F
Systems: Professional audio and video including the X-800 32 -track and X-80 Fostex: Full range of Fostex products
tapes, cassettes, magnetic film and 2- tracks. Featured will be special including tape machines, signal
calibration test tapes. BGW Systems: versions of X-80 and range of processing units, microphones, speaker
Full range of power amplifiers and ancillary /interface products. DOD systems and mini reference monitors.
accessory products. Biamp Systems: Electronics: Graphic equalisers, delay
Small mixing consoles and signal lines, parametric equalisers and other G
processors. Broadcast Electronics: rack mount signal processors. Dolby GML: George Massenburg Labs
Broadcast mixing consoles. Bruel & Laboratories: Full range of noise products including the moving fader
Kjaer Instruments: Comprehensive reduction products for mastering, automation system and a range of
range of test and calibration products duplication use and multitrack equalisers. Gotham Audio
and music recording microphones. applications, portable 2- channel units Corporation: Wide range of products
and cards for VTR installation. Also from a number of manufacturers
C featured will be DP85 digital system. including Neumann and EMT. Also
California Switch & Signal: No
details known. Cerwin Vega: Live
sound speaker systems and monitor
speaker systems. Cetec Gauss: Studio 10 OUTLET DISTRIBUTION AMPLIFIER 3
monitors, individual drive units and tape A compact mains powered unit with one balanced input and ten AC and
DC isolated floating line outputs.
duplication systems. Cetec Ivie: Wide Exemplary R.F. breakthrough specifications giving troublefree opera
range of products including audio- tion in close proximity to radio telephones and links.
analysis systems, pink and white noise Excellent figures for noise. THD, static and dynamic IMD.
generators, microphones, preamps and Any desired number of outlets may be provided at microphone level to
amplifier systems. Cetec Vega: suit certain video and audio recorders used at press conferences.
Wireless microphones and wireless ' Meets IEC65 -2, BS415 safety and I.B.A. signal path requirements.
intercom systems. Community Light Also available as
or ten outlets.
a kit of parts less the case and all XLR connectors for one

& Sound: Sound reinforcement systems.

Broadcast Monitor Receiver 150kHz 30MHz Stereo Disc Amplifier 3 and
Compusonics: The DSP-2000 series of 4 ' Moving Coil Preamplifier ' Illuminated PPM Boxes' PPM Drive Boards
digital audio mixer /recorders from 4/4 to Stabilizer and Frequency Shifter Boards
a and Ernest Turner Movements
24/8 and incorporating hard and
SuperFloppy disk drive. ; 9
Peak Deviation Meter Programme and Deviation Chart Recorders.
Stereo Microphone Amplifiers Adv.ii, Active A0,1,1

SURREY ELECTRONICS LTD., The Forge, Lucks Green, Cranleigh,

Surrey GU6 7BG Telephone 0483 275997
Connectronics Corporation: Cables
and connectors for audio applications.
42 Studio Sound, May 1985




2,e: (£§j[<


" ª /©

details on the Gotham /EMT Systex associated products. JRF Magnetic Sound Labs: Selection of products
digital recording/editing system based on Sciences: Magnetic head sales and including the 833 studio monitor and
a hard disk. service. JVC Corp of America: sound reinforcement speaker systems.
Digitally related equipment, equipment Monster Cable Products: Wide
H for PA applications and signal processing
range of cable products.
Harrison Systems: Wide range of
consoles including the new HM4 front -of- N
house live system and the MX-8 rack
mounting stand -alone unit or premix
K Nady Systems: Nady Cordless and
Nasty Cordless radio transmission
King Instrument Corporation: Fully
expander. Heino Ilsemann: automatic audio cassette loader with systems and various transmitter /receiver
Automation cassette loading and automatic pancake/hub changeover and units. Nagra Magnetic Recorders:
labelling systems. Hill Audio: Range tape threading, alternator /feeder and Professional tape recorders including
of Hill products including high power display for machine monitoring. T-Audio twin capstan multiformat
amplifiers, mixing consoles for sound Klark-Teknik Electronics: The recorder and the IV-S stereo machine
reinforcement, monitoring and DN780 digital reverb /processor along with built -in SMPTE /EBU timecode
multitrack use, a compact rack mount with the USA active monitor generator record/playback circuit.
mixer and stage speaker systems. loudspeaker system. Also the rest of the Neotek Corporation: Mixing consoles
Klark Teknik range of graphic EQs and for multitrack applications. Neutrik
I DDLs will be exhibited. Products: Connectors and sockets
ICM: Wide selection of C -0 cassette including the new X series of XLR -type
shells and library cases. Innovative units. Also featured will be the
Electronic Design: No details known. L Audiograph modular measuring system.
Inovonics: Audio processing, Lexicon: The full range of Lexicon Network Music: No details known.
recording and instrumentation products products and latest software updates on New England Digital: On show will
including audio analyser, average /peak the 200, PCM60 and 224X digital reverb be the latest developments of the
limiter, octave -band compressor and the systems and the other digital signal Synclavier music system including a new
MAP II broadcast audio processor. processing products. velocity pressure sensing keyboard,
Integrated Media Systems: No advanced synthesiser software and music
details known. International Music
Corporation: No details known.
M printing enhancements. There will also
be full details of the new 16 -bit
Magnafax International: Magnetic
polyphonic sampling system which
Jreinforcement tape duplication systems and auto tape
degaussers. Marshall features sample rates of up to 100 kHz.
speakers and systems, signal processors,
studio monitors, power amplifiers and
Electronics /Mogami: The full range of
Marshall signal processing devices and
also Mogami cable products. Meyer
Orban Associates: Range of signal
processors including the 424A and the
Publison Infernal Machine 90 digital effects generator 422A compressor limiters in addition to
broadcast compression systems and
de- essers. Otani Corporation: Audio
and industrial products including the
MTR- 90/II, MTR- 12 /II, MX-5050 series,
MX-70, BTR-5 and MTR -20 machines
along with the DP-80 and DP-4040 series
cassette duplicating machines.
pItCN-ONfuri,?b0 IftOf_875, 4bu gr0 at,
Philips Television Systems:
Professional CD systems. PPS
Electronics: No details known.
Pristine Systems: No details known.
Professional Audio Services &
Supply Co: No details known.
Publison Audio Professional: Signal
Nagra T -Audio twin capstan multiformat recorder processing products including the
Infernal Machine 90 digital effects
generator which offers internal delay of
up to 5 min, and the Nature Boy 6- octave
polyphonic keyboard.

QSC Audio Products: Range of
power amplifiers. Quantec:
Demonstration room for the Room
Simulator QRS, the infra -red remote
control option, and the new QRS/L
simplified version of the QRS which has
the same features but only a single input
and two outputs.
Recortec: No details known.
Renkus Heinz: Range of loudspeaker
drivers, horns and passive crossover
networks. Rhone-Poulenc systems:
Tape and mastering products. RPG
Diffusor Systems: Acoustical design
diffusing panels. Rupert Neve:
44 Studio Sound, May 1985
BASF Studio Master Series.
The new Tape Generation.
BASF Studio Master 910 BASF Loop Master 920 BASF Digital Master 930
The chromium dioxide master tape for high- This professional chromium dioxide tape is
This sophisticated recording tape of high
dynamic was designed especially for the speed duplication systems. At 64 -times especially tailored to the requirements of
high professional demands of modern multi- duplicating rate, the master is usually re- digital sound recording (PCM), where the
track technology. corded at 9.53 cm/s. It is only the typical high storage density makes exceptionally
chromium dioxide properties featured by high demands on the evenness of the coat-
The wear resistance of the magnetic layer ing. The typical chromium properties are
ensures reliable operation even after Loop Master 920 which offer that extra qual-
ity needed to allow exploitation of all the brought out excellently in this latest form of
hundreds of passes. sound storage. The antistatic magnetic layer
advantages of a high -class cassette tape (eg.
In spite of its considerable high MOL (+ 11.6 BASF chromdioxid Il). In spite of the mecha- and the black, conductive matt back protect
dB over reference level 320 n Wb/m), BASF nical stress to which it is subjected in the the recording against dust-induced dropouts
Studio Master 910 has an unusually good "loop bin': the durable magnetic layer means and ensure smooth, steady winding without
print ratio of 57 dB and is therefore also that the recording level remains extremely damage to the tape edges.
suitable for long -term archiving. The BASF constant, particularly in the high frequencies,
typical constancy of the electroacoustic even after running thousands of times.
properties and the excellent winding charac-
teristics also ensure easy hub operation.

Coupon: Please send me further info

mation on the BASF Studio Master Series.,
Name /Company

BASF United Kingdom Ltd.

4 Fitzroy Square
London W1P 6ER
Tel: 01 -388 4200
Telex: 28649

BASF Aktiengesellschaft
Gottlieb -Daimler- Str.10
D -6800 Mannheim 1
Tel: 06 21/40 08-1
Telex: 4 62 621 basf d
Precise details not available at time of
publication but will include analogue
and digital console products and

Saki Magnetics: Range of hot -pressed
glass-bonded ferrite tape heads.
Samson Music Products: Range of
phase reflex hi -band hand -held wireless
microphone systems, Wy frequency
booster and range of accessories.
Sanken Microphones/Pan Sony's DTA -2000 digital tape analyser
Communications: Range of high quality
microphones. Schoeps /Posthorn Displays of new phase- coherent studio
Recordings: Full range of Schoeps designs recently completed and
microphones and accessories. Shure discussions on the use of their variable
Brothers: Dynamic and condenser mics, acoustics system. Solid State Logic:
phono cartridges, sound reinforcement SL 4000 music recording console;
products and accessories. Sierra SL 6000 video production console and
Audio Acoustics /Tom Hidley Design: featuring the new SL 5000 broadcast

power amplifiers
*3000 watts in 5% inches dx1000
1000W into 8, mono
HIGH EFFICIENCY dual power supplies 600W into 4, per channel
from TOROIDAL transformer and 300W into 8, per channel
computer grade capacitors. 1500W into 8, mono
800W into 4, per channel
FULLY PROTECTED against damage to 450W into 8, per channel
either load or amplifier. dx2000
Sanken CU -41 twin capsule cardioid mit
2000W into 4, mono
SPACE SAVING occupies only 3 units 1200W into 8, mono
1000W into 2, per channel
of 19" rack space.
(51/4 ") 600W inm 4, per channel console system, together with the Master
RELIABLE output devices can handle 300W into 8, per channel Synchroniser Controller, Events
6times rated power.
3000W into 4, mono
Controller options and programmable EQ
1600W into 8, mono system. Sony Corporation: Selection
UNIQUE ultra linear r from the company's wide range of
1500W into 2, per channel
800W into 4, per channel
coupled r 450W into 8, per channel products including the AV-500 /AVS-500
Sync Master; the RM-3310 remote for the
PCM 3324 multitrack; the professional
CD system CDP-3000 /CDS-3000; the
K-1105 digital console, the PCM-3102
digital mastering recorder; the
12- channel compact analogue console
MX-P61; the range of studio mics and
digital equipment; and a selection of tape
machines and consoles from MCI.
Soundcraft: Examples of the full
range of Soundcraft products including
the TS24 in -line console, the new 500
and 600 series consoles, the series 20
mastering tape machines and the new
range of power amplifiers.
Soundcraftsmen: Power amplifiers,
equalisers and other signal processors.
Sound Ideas: Sound effects library
recordings. Sound Technology: Test
equipment including distortion
measurement equipment and
microprocessor controlled automatic tape
recorder test set. Sound Workshop:
Several ranges of multitrack consoles
'dx3000 bridged mono
and the Diskmix automation system.
Sprague Magnetics: Tape machine
heads including multitrack. Studer
Revox: Wide range of products including
Hill Audio, Inc., 231 Marquis Court, Li[burn, GA 30247 USA (404) 923 -3193 TLX 293827 HLAI the 900 series consoles, the new digital
Headwater Industries, 635 Caron Ave., Windsor, Ontario N9E 5B8, Canada (519) 256 -2454 D-820 DASH format recorder and the
Hill Audio. Ltd., Hollinabourne House, Hollingboume, Kent MEI7 IQJ, England (062 780) 555 TLX 966641 HILL analogue equivalent A820, the new
46 Studio Sound, May 1985
Mark IV versions of the A8OVU
mastering machines, the Mk II PR99
recorders, the A725 professional CD
player; the Mk II versions of the A80MR
and S80QC duplication mastering

Tandberg: Full range of professional
products including TD 50 '/a in reel -to-
reel 2- channel tape recorders. Tannoy:
Selection of studio monitor loudspeakers,
the Wildcat high level PA series and the
SR840 professional power amp.
Tascam: Aside from the normal range
of Teac/Tascam products, there will be
three new products launched: the MS-16
16 -track tape machine; the M-300 series
mixing consoles; and the T-2600 series
high speed cassette duplication system.
Tektronix: Test equipment including Tascam M-308 mixing console from Teac
the SG5010 and AÁ5001 programmable
instruments for carrying out a variety of
measurements. 3M: Full range of the
company's magnetic tape products
including magnetic tape and cassettes.
TOA Electronics: Complete line of
professional sound systems from
microphones to speaker systems, largely
intended for the live sound market.
Transco Products: Master recording
blanks. TTL: High speed automatic
cassette loader. Turbosound: Range
of live sound systems.

Ursa Major: Demonstrating the Space
Station; the StarGate 323 digital reverb
and the Mark II version of the 8X32
which features four new programs -Cask,
Percussion plate, Chamber and Reverse
reverb, and a lower price than the
original version. Featured will be the
MSP126 stereo processor.
Valley People: Full product range
including new level interface unit.
Versadyne International: No details
Westlake Audio: Studio monitors
including near -field types in addition to
full product range. Whirlwind Music:
Cables and connectors assembled into - Solid State Logic 4000 E
patch cables, stage boxes, multiway
systems, etc.
40 inputs, Total Recall
Y - Studer A 800, A 80 and A 810
Yamaha International: Professional - Urei 8138 Monitors
sound products including digital reverb,
digital delay, mixer and power amps.
- Superb live acoustics
Featured item will be the new REV-7 - Residential
digital reverb.
- Lake view from all areas
Studio Sound: We will be exhibiting - only 90 minutes from London
the latest issue together with copies of
our new sister publication Broadcast
Systems Engineering, in addition to our Contact: Silvia Hagen or Jim Duncombe
other reference publications. Both Telephone: Zürich 98015 21, Telex: 59170
editorial and advertising staff will be in Powerplay Recording Studios, CH -8124 Maur /Zürich
attendance at the stand or around the
convention and we look forward to
meeting anyone who wishes to drop by
for a chat.
Why do the world's
leading studios turn to
Solid State Logic?
Every day, music of all kinds is being made on
this planet. And every week, another studio
somewhere in the world switches on their new
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Perhaps it's that Solid State Logic
lets them hear the sounds and the
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Yet when the desire strikes, the SL 4000 E
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From the studios of China Records in Beijing world's leading console design group.
to the famed broadcast concert halls of the In every channel, SSL presents the tools
BBC Symphony Orchestras, Solid State Logic sets required to perfect your sound. Superb four band
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Ask the producers. You'll find SSL at the top in compressor /limiters. Noise gates, Expanders. And
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SSL. Because, purely and simply, SSL delivers the sound, it lets you structure the signal flow itself.
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more than two dozen useful variations within
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Groups and SSL's unique patchfree
audio subgrouping direct the
audio paths throughout the
desk to serve your
individual requirements
and preferences.

48 Studio Sound, May 1985

Making Life Easier
To give the artist and engineer
complete freedom to explore these
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people take to find a pen that works,
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Which means that you can stroll into
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vJVi ....
anywhere in the world and recreate
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or last year's incredibly compli-
cated but not quite final
Control accuracy is within a quarter Other system elements include events
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of the best 16 bit digital converters and recorders. systems are designed so that economical upgrades
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We can build an SL 4000 E Series Master
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When it comes to keeping a studio booked,
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Total Recall is just one aspect of further details.
the SL 4000 E Series Master
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Practical innovations such as the
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SSL Studio Computer provide the world's Oxford New York Los Angeles
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SSL Integral Synchroniser and Master Transport Stonesfield Oxford
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Selector offer computer- assisted control of up to Tel: (099 389) 8282
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five audio or video transports in perfect lock. Tlx: 837400 SSL OXG

afterwards and we did the editing. There
wasn't a separate editing department in
those days; we did the whole
preparation, generally with the artist
"Of course we didn't record everything
in tiny little bits like they do
nowadays -it was decent sized takes. The
music really had a chance to breathe. An
odd horn fluff or that sort of thing would
be removed but that's all. The players
resented being stopped, they wanted to
go on. I remember working with Solomon
on the Hammerklavier Sonata which has
a huge double fugue. He was playing
wonderfully but always somewhere in
the fugue there was a little slip-maybe
a split note, just nothing-and I said to
him, `Mr Solomon, we can edit that."'No,
I can play it!' he said, 'I can't take you
on my concerts, can I ?' So we all went
and had some supper, then we came back
and he did play it. And that is one of the
records that people are still buying, it is
still one of the performances.
"As the place got bigger we began to
specialise and about 1960 I asked to go
on the cutting because it appealed to me.
The cutter has the final say; you are in
fact making something. If you have a

HAZEL YARWOOD sense of responsibility towards the music,

then you are going to maintain the
dynamics that the artist has given you.
"I would hate anyone to think that we

ABBEY ROAD DISC CUTlER `interfere' or `improve'. It's not that at

all. It's a very crude system, despite the
sophistication nowadays. Imagine
After 35 years of disc cutting at Abbey Road, scratching the groove out. Pick -ups are
still difficult things, they've got to be
Hazel Yarwood talks to Tim Leigh Smith on considered, dynamics have to be taken
care of. You've got to know what will
her retirement play and what won't play. So each job is
considered individually. When
Hazel Yarwood is not famous in microgroove which was just beginning accountants pressure us to hurry and do
the record business and she then. I think that was the greatest `so many per day' then we fight this, and
would not wish to be, but in advance that has been made in the always have, because if you want the
the field of classical disc gramophone business: from 78s to Long standard then the work has to go into
cutting her name commands Playing records with the extended the record.
considerable respect. EMI's frequency range and the extended "A record is a miniature, if you like, of
Abbey Road Studios last dynamic possibilities. The microgroove the real performance -it's got to be
summer reluctantly allowed Hazel to after the 78s really was sensational in diminished in some way -but we try to
retire from full time work -her career at my opinion, it was marvellous. But we grade the dynamics to keep them
the studios began 35 years ago in the had a chairman in those days who consistent with the performance in the
last days of the 78 rpm record. thought the Long Playing record was studio. And this is one of the things that
Hazel Yarwood says she has been in just a gimmick. So we didn't record makes the job fascinating from our point
love with the Arts all her life. At school anything for Long Play, we simply stuck of view because, in terms of the artists,
she studied music (the piano) and the the 78s together and put those on to it really sorts the men out from the boys.
theatre (speech and drama). After microgroove. And that's how I started, You really listen to what they're doing
successfully completing the relevant transferring 78s and putting them on to and, as it were, you see the music
exams she decided to concentrate on extended range microgroove." through their eyes.
acting. She studied with Elsie Fogerty "We all know there are machines that
whose students, at one time or another, At the time EMI had could knock the peaks down and make
included such subsequently enobled transatlantic links with CBS, the record safe. You could possiby make
thespians as Peggy Ashcroft, Edith which had developed the the record without even listening to it.
Evans and Laurence Olivier. microgroove LP, and RCA, But you wouldn't have an artistic
The second world war was in full flight which had responded with the product at the end. It's not just the
when Hazel joined the Pilgrim Players to 45 and suitable autochangers peaks, sometimes the tape is too quiet.
tour the British Isles, appearing in (complete with a little dog You have to find a place where the
theatres, hospitals, cathedrals, church peering into the speaker). It was hardly conductor's making a diminuendo or
halls and huts. As the war came to an likely that both standards would be crescendo, whatever you want, and just
end she got a part in a play called Pink successful. In the meantime EMI 'aid and abet' it a little bit. And you
String and Sealing Wax which took her microgroove releases were selected have to do that artistically in my
on tour across Europe to Germany and performances from the 78 catalogue opinion. You can't sit there reading a
then on to the Middle East. Returning to transferred to tape with crossfades or book and just let the automation do
Britain Hazel found the commercial edits to create a long playing master. everything, you've got to keep alert as to
theatre far less attractive than the Arts That was Hazel's first job. what's happening. So telephones are
Council -sponsored 'art for art's sake'. She "Then of course it was realised that unanswered; in fact nobody can contact
decided to return to music and joined the Long Playing records were here to stay me at the studios because the bell is
staff at Abbey Road in 1950. so we began recording specifically for switched off and I put the telephone
"In those days we all did a bit of that. I had a spell in the studios, behind me so I can't see the light."
everything -now people tend to virtually doing the same thing. Not The best compromise between signal -to-
specialise -but I was taken on primarily balancing, just looking after the tape. noise and distortion inevitably means far
for tape preparation and to cut We did the playback to the artists more than just keeping the level within
50 Studio Sound, May 1985
set limits. recording. There's something about the system. We knew pretty well how to cope
"There are known limits -the BSRA communication that is still there for you. with the lacquers and the amplifiers that
have certain tolerances-but there are And that is what music is, what all art we were using. Here was a whole new
times when you can exceed those and is, communication; if you don't have that monster and we didn't know what to
there are other times when you cannot you have nothing. So I wonder what expect. In point of fact we fell into it, if
attain them. A piano for example is a we're playing at sometimes. that's the word, very quickly. I think we
very difficult instrument to get on to a "In the days when I was working in were so appreciative of the advantages
disc. You have to be very, very careful the studios, the experienced recording that it was a pleasure to start working
with levels, you can't let them just bang artists would ask how loud they could on it.
away at will. A lot depends on the style play, to be safe -or how softly they could "I wish we'd had DMM in the great
of the original recording. If the engineer play -and they would do it. But life has days of music making. I mean the 1950s
has used my favourite technique-the changed, we don't have that sort of co- and the 1960s when London was the
crossed mic for stereo -you get a good, operation now. There's not so much need centre of music making. The orchestras
clean, natural sound, and I think you get to have the music. Everything's been were marvellous and any artist who was
a purer waveform on the tape. It is much done several times. We had a sense of anybody, wanted to come, and did come,
easier to pile the level on when you're pioneering then. The St Matthew Passion to these studios. We weren't pressured as
cutting from a tape like that than these we are now by the accountants. I think
multitrack efforts where everything's I'm right in saying that the pop side did
so well that it financed quite a bit of the
"Also, if the engineer is recording in a The microgroove classical recording. Perhaps we were
allowed to be a little bit extravagant and
strange hall, the conductor may be
perfectly happy with the sound he's after the 78s was get what we wanted.
"It's always a fight on a disc because
hearing but when we get the tape it may
be that some of the low tympani notes sensational in my it's a crude system. We've got distortion
towards the middle, pre- and post -echo,
can't be heard so we feed in a little bass.
It's much easier to do this titivation opinion, it was and so on. DMM has done away with
some of those difficulties. It's added
working from a clean sound. If the
engineer's been raising a solo clarinet for marvellous others but I think we've gained much
more than we've lost. In a perfect world
a little bit, for example, he raises the
I suppose it would be a simpler system
spill from everything else along with
that fader so you get a muddy sound." for example had never been put on to but there are so many ifs and buts. At
disc, just sections of it, and here we the moment the fight to get the copper
aturally this sort of tweaking were, enabled to record this wonderful blanks right is as great as any fight we
is regarded as a last resort. If music. So we did have a sense of ever had with lacquers.
something needs to be done pioneering and adventure; breaking new "So many people have to do their bit of
the job correctly. You're not working in

then the rule Hazel applies is: ground.
"How little can I do to make "And we didn't talk about what we isolation. Somebody's got to make those
this an acceptable disc ?" She were recording either, because the coppers. This is why I hate to lose one. If
certainly does not want the microgroove catalogue was very small. I make a mistake I get mad at myself.
listeners to be aware of the process. In There were all these marvellous operas There's a lovely blank copper, good noise
fact she quite
is reluctant to talk about and oratorios and symphonies waiting to figures on it, flat as a flounder, and
it. be put on to microgroove. Naturally we because I've just lost a moment's
`I don't think these things should be wanted to be ahead of Decca and Philips concentration and done something
talked about much outside the business. and the other companies, so it was all damned silly, that's gone to waste. It
We've lost the mystique really but let's very secretive. Outsiders weren't allowed disturbs me. It's the same when the
just keep a little bit of it. It's only in. We used to wonder if the firemen factory loses something that we've
comparatively recently that critics have would be allowed in if we had a fire." struggled with, we've perhaps spent a
talked about pre- and post -echo. We had whole morning trying to get it right and
pre- and post-echo in the 78 days but it Direct Metal Mastering has been then a little bit of paper comes in saying,
was never talked about because they a major step forward in disc `Sorry-copper damaged,' and we have to
didn't hear it, they weren't aware of it. cutting. As Abbey Road had start again."
But now, in a sense, everybody's an the first DMM lathe in Britain, Hazel obviously feels a considerable
expert; they've got their hi -fi and their general manager Ken personal investment in each disc she cuts
tape recorders. Townsend remarked that Hazel but without intruding on the original
"It's a pity to shatter too many Yarwood had become the first performance.
illusions. I wish artists sat there and lady of Direct Metal Mastering. I was talking about this very thing
played from start to finish without any "I wasn't looking forward to it, and with Tony Faulkner. He's an
editing. I wish they did, we would get independent balance engineer and he
better records if they did. If people start said he regards his microphone placing
as `eavesdropping on the performance'. I
hearing edits they won't listen to the
music any more. It's hard enough If you have a sense thought that was a lovely way of
describing it. He's not going to interfere;
anyway now because some of the
performances are so cold. Instead of of responsibility he's going to put his mics in the best
possible position and then let the
using the technology, I think we've let
the technology use us. We work to the toward the music performance take place. This is how I
feel about the disc. If there's something
possibilities: `It's now possible, so let's do
it'. then you are going a little bit rough and there is a
possibility of smoothing it over then one
"In the 78 days Schnabel, bless him,
didn't have editing and he had to stop to maintain the does that, but again that's not
interfering that's just making the most
every four minutes, or whatever it was,
at the end of each side. How he got a dynamics that the of what is there."
performance under those conditions
don't know but he did. He recorded the
artist has given According to Chris Buchanan,
manager of transfer
whole Beethoven piano repertoire and
it's still unequalled in my opinion. I go you operations, when Hazel's
lacquer-cutting lathe was
home and listen to it, clicks and bangs
and all, because he's playing, the music finally taken out of service it
is coming from his mind, into his fingers, that's strange because I like change. was in better condition than
by some miracle on to the disc, and there Now I don't want to be unkind, but we new because she set aside a
it stays. didn't care very much for the first discs few minutes every day to clean it. Hazel
`It's always a miracle to me how, if that we'd heard coming from Germany. says this is simply showing respect for
you have been moved in the studio, you They had parameters and they worked to the equipment.
are still moved when you listen to the them. We never had with the other "The locomotive drivers on the old D
"The person listening to the records

AZELYARWOOD really has to understand the cutting.

He's got to know whether it's something
we can do something about, whether it's


a factory problem, whether it's purely
processing, whether it's to do with the
original recording. He really has to be
steam trains always kept their engines between analogue and digital masters. able to pin -point it."
immaculate. It's a form of selfishness in Her concern is the music rather than the
a way. If you look after it, it looks after technology. or many years at Abbey Road the
you. And lacquers have to be kept "I know very little about the disc cutter was the balance
pristine don't they? You couldn't have technology actually. This isn't false engineer with a simple mixer
dust flying around the room -and modesty. I'm surrounded by technical feeding the lathe in the studio
Heaven help anybody who came in engineers -`my boys' as I call them-and control room. The jobs are still
smoking a fag, they were immediately they are all delightful. I just say I need very closely related and two
chased out. some help and in they come and attend experienced balance engineers are
"And remember, the company made its employed full -time preparing CD
own equipment when I started. We made masters. There are those who think of
our own microphones, tape machines,
everything. In fact we started cutting We had pre- and disc cutting as the first stage of a
mechanical production process rather
microgroove on machines designed for
amateurs to cut 78s on at home. We've post -echo in the 78 than the final stage of the artistic
recording process. Naturally Hazel is on
always been a bit like that, we'd start on
some old clobber and then go ahead and
days but it was the side of the Recording Angels.
"Ever since we started, and long may
develop. And we certainly did have a
respect for the apparatus."
never talked about; it last, it has been the end of the studio
process here; co- operating with all
The DMM lathes were developed in
Germany but Abbey Road contributed
they didn't hear it concerned, let me say. The balance
engineers can help or hinder what we do
the concept of the pre- cutting run-
through. The necessary modifications
theJ weren't aware
they just as much as we can complement or
destroy their work. We used to have a
were suggested soon after the first lathe
was installed in Britain and
of it rather cynical joke in the old days, we
didn't mean it at all because sometimes
subsequently implemented by the we were over -praised, but we used to say
designers. The run -through is a standard to things. If you're a cutter you've got to if a record was good people would ask,
part of the cutting process and certain be surrounded by marvellous engineers `Who made the tape ?' but if it was bad,
cuts would be very difficult without it. because they prepare everything for you. `Who cut this ?' It still tends to remain: if
"For example the fourth act of Otello It's nice if they understand what it is there was something wrong they would
runs for approximately 35 minutes. It's you want. say, 'You should have done something,'
late Verdi with a lot of heavy stuff in "Naturally you want to use the but if you did something and that wasn't
there, and we were asked if it was a apparatus to the very best advantage, right, 'Why did you touch it ?' "
possibility. We said it was a possibility and you really have to have somebody When everyone has approved the white
but it was not advisable because we who can explain how you should be label test pressings the record is
would lose certain dynamics. Before operating certain things. This is not a released. Although it may lack the
laying the law down I insist upon thing that we've always had here. For rainbow hues of the compact disc, a well
hearing the tape, because it depends on instance we never really liked the cut and properly processed LP is still a
how much stereo spread there is, how Dolbys. The engineers set them up so joy to behold. Hazel believes in the
`forward' the voices are in relation to the that they operate as accurately as microgroove disc and she believes in
orchestra, what the dynamics are -if possible but I hate the quick die away music.
you've got a conductor who really plays that you get from Dolbys. You get the In John Wyndham's classic The
Verdi as per the score -and all kinds of same thing from the digits as well. Midwich Cuckoos there is a scene in
things like that. That's progress -you win a few and you which a visitor is asked to wait silently
"Then I do what we call a `dry run', a lose a few." until a gramophone record ends. When
run -through without a disc. You put the The final stage of disc cutting is the music has `tied itself into a neat
automation on so that it's opening and checking the pressings before they go bow, and ceased', the host explains: 'One
closing the threads and you make any feels that once Bach has started his
scroll that has to be made; I tend to be pattern he should be allowed to finish it,'
mean with them so as not to lose space.
Then you can see where you are along
It Was all very and asks, `Is the art of the musician less
worthy of respect simply because he is
the radius of the disc at any given
moment. That's important if you've got
secretive. We used not present in person ?' It is no surprise
that Hazel whole -heartedly agrees with
an enormous bass drum for example. If it
comes towards the centre of the disc you
to wonder if the this attitude. She has an ardent dislike
of the technology that encourages people
can't let it be as wild as you could were
it on the outside. Similarly sopranos are
firemen would be to treat music as mental chewing gum.
"You make a contribution, as the
rather difficult in terms of frequency, so
they can shriek a little bit on the outside
allowed in if we listener, if you've got a disc. You've got
to be careful taking it out of the cover
of a disc but certainly not towards the
had a fire otherwise you can damage it. You put it
on our turntable, you clean the disc and
"Of course that was another enormous then you've got to find the beginning of
battle in the early days; we had into production. In addition to formal it. You are, in my opinion, contributing
distortion on the tape. We adored Maria Quality Control the cutters listen to something. You're involved! You've got
Callas and loved working from her their own discs. to make some effort. This business of
recordings but in a sense we dreaded it "We are in a position to reject them, sitting back, pressing a button, and
because her top notes would be harsh. It should we wish to do so, before the having the thing start up ...I hate it
wasn't her fault, it was just the kind of artist's manager hears them. It's very when I hear people say they've got a
voice and the kind of recording that was important because things can go wrong marvellous new player you can put in
possible in those days. A lot of that has at the factory; or we may have your car so you can listen to your
gone with the digits." overstepped the mark somewhere, symphonies on the way home. What are
Both digital and analogue are being perhaps been a little ambitious with the we coming to? Wallpaper music!"
cut to copper. For one thing EMI is re- dynamic range so it graunches a little Hazel Yarwood's contribution to the
issuing some of its classical catalogue in bit. Then we'll say, 'We can improve quality of microgroove disc has been
DMM cuts. From Hazel's point of view that,' and always somebody says, `Go enormous. Long may she be able to
there is not a great deal of difference ahead and take care of it.' continue.
52 Studio Sound, May 1985
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The Master Room is situated in
London's West End, and is Janet Angus talks to application, he started doing cuts at
night for extra money. These `extras'
owned and run by one Arun
Chakraverty, ably assisted by Arun Chakraverty who included David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust
album, Lou Reed's Transformer and
Kim Randall. Arun is a quiet,
unassuming character who, once
runs this West London some work for Robert Fripp amongst
others! Why did he move into cutting?
he gets talking exudes a
surprising confidence which, presented in
cutting facility Simply because he felt there were more
prospects in that than in maintenance.
print could be misconstrued as swollen- multi -millionaire status. In 1974 Arun went to CBS as cutting
headedness, but somehow you don't He first came to London to study at the engineer working with artists of the Rod
question anything he tells you. His University for an electronics degree. On Stewart, Elton John, ELO, Abba, Neil
confidence must come from somewhere -
the most likely source being his hugely
graduating in 1967 he went to work at
the Telecommunications Research
Diamond and Eagles ilk. But alas even
this was not sufficient to make the man
successful career to date. Centre. With this sound technical happy, and frustrated by large company
The Master Room is very peaceful and background (as opposed to technical politics, he accepted a post as studio
pleasant to work in and we talked on for sound background) he went to RCA as manager at Stone Castle studios in
hours without realising how fast the maintenance engineer. Having Milan. Whilst out there, Rod Stewart
time was flying by. Arun is an extremely maintained the cutting rooms for two requested that he come over to England
ambitious man, his driving force being a years and finding the equipment to cut his records-it was no good hiding
desire to acquire millionaire, if not extremely simple in its make up and in Italy. One and half years later Arun
Arun Chakraverty at his Neumann VMS80 lathe -groove quality is monitored on screen

54 Studio Sound, May 1985

best." The record deck is a Technics
"The digital delay is extremely
important for the digital work, because
there is no preview head on those
machines so you have to delay the sound
to the cutting head. Therefore all the
music going on to the disc has to pass
through the delay and the Studer is
really 99% close to the original sound.
You have got to have the best, and you
have to keep a spare because without it
you can't do anything."
The lathe is a VMS80 with Neumann
SX74 cutting head and PG74B cutting
head drive amplifiers. Installed by the
machine's designer, brought over from
Berlin, astonishingly enough certain of
the Master Room's clients haven't even
noticed the change!
Any regular cutting room visitor will
know that the above equipment list is
pretty standard fare-the console has a
few extras, the monitors may be
different, but really there is not a lot of
scope for variety. Even the lacquers are
all much of a muchness: "There isn't
much choice -there are only two or three
types and they are basically more or less
the same. They all have their ups and
downs. The standard of lacquers hasn't
changed over the last 10. years. They are
not easy to manufacture; there are a lot
of things that could go wrong. We use
Capitol Apollos at the moment and they
are 90% OK, which is OK.
"It's the same with the cutting stylus:
you might use it for five hours or 30
hours it's up to you. If something needs
all the precision you don't look at how
Kim Randall at Master Room's custom -built console long it has been on, you just change it."
was very depressed in Milan "I didn't I have used all faders instead of the
like the Italian music!" and he normal rotary controls. Most cutting So what makes Master Room so
eventually jacked it all in and came back room consoles use rotary controls -they special? What makes any
to the UK. The big problem then was must have a reason but I don't know cutting room different to
that there were no jobs vacant. Except at what it is. I prefer the faders, they are another, assuming the engineer
the Master Room that is. easier to use and get precise settings." knows what he's doing? "In the
"It was horrible here. There was just Dolby A360s and the Studer DD16 end it is really business. I think
very basic equipment and it was all old digital delay line are also mounted in we are the most expensive
and broken: they had a very primitive the console. cutting room in the country. Most of our
Ortofon console with no proper facilities, The tape machines are all Studer work is for major record companies: very
an old- one-Studer A80 which needed A80s -two '/z in and four 1/4 in. For quality conscientious people. Anything
attention, and a Neumann lathe. It was digital mastering there is the Sony PCM we do here costs money. I make myself
the sort of place that everybody went to 1610 with two 5850 U- Matics, the second available at any time -the Thompson
once and never came back." being for production masters or compact Twins came in at 3 am. Duran Duran
This was when Arun took his big disc production masters. "We've also got recorded and mixed in Australia,
gamble. Realising that the facility could the Sony F1 system which is very good delivered the tapes here and wanted a
not survive long in the state it was in he for domestic use but no good really for cut and 12 production copies for EMI in
decided to stay and eventually buy them this type of work. We only recently got it two days -it was hard work but we did
out. This he duly did in 1981 -so sure because people would say `oh we could it.
was he of the strength of his position, he take a copy home to listen to if you had "I spend around four or five hours with
actually had the new console built to his one of those.' Music on Fl sounds a bit a client; you can't have a whole day,
own design, bought a new Studer weak and bit tinny like the difference even if you are prepared to pay for it.
machine and a new cutting head all with between a clean cassette and a clean There might be an emergency like
his own money and moved them in 1/4 in master." something going wrong at the factory
before the sale was executed. Kim and The UREI Time Aligned monitors and new lacquers are required, you can't
the lathe were all that stayed! dominate the back of the room, but it is tie yourself up with one client like that.
They quickly modernised the place and the Yamaha NS10Ms which are You can have any service here but you
gradually built up the equipment, predominantly used. "The NS10Ms came have to pay for it." And not even a trace
culminating in the purchase of a brand from the Power Station -Rhett Davies of a twinkle in his eye.
new Neumann VMS80 lathe six months brought them when he came in '82 to cut Is any of the work in the classical
ago. Roxy Music's Avalon, and I asked him to music field? Not here it seems, although
The console was actually put together leave them behind. They sounded while at RCA he was cutting 40 -50 sides
by Clive Green to Arun's design: it has amazing. These days I only go by the a week. "But on classical music you
four sets of Court equalisers -two Yamahas. There is no EQ on the don't have to be creative, you just have
graphic and two parametric -and NTP monitors. We use BGW power amps on to reproduce exactly what is on the tape.
and Valley People compressor/limiters. both sets of monitors: 750B on the With rock music you often have to add
All the machine remotes are built in to UREIs and 150A on the Yamahas. A lot the spice which has been left out."
the console. "It is very similar to a of people make the mistake of using And then suddenly appropos of nothing
studio console in its appearance so that cheap amps on the Yamahas and don't in particular: "It would be impossible for
an engineer or producer coming in here get a good sound. We tried Crown and anyone to hire me because they couldn't
will feel immediately comfortable with it. Studer as well but the BGWs were the afford it." Arun is obviously, and D
justifiably very proud of what he has because I am the owner. When Status
achieved. Having the owner working the
studio himself he feels is the key to
CUTTING Quo first came here they couldn't believe
they weren't allowed to smoke, but now
everything. The profits so far have not
been lining his own pockets either.
AT they like it.
"Things like keeping duplicate sets of
cutting, if it isn't too
British problem. "The Americans are
equipment you can't do in most places.
Why Because I am working here I know what
obvious a question? The very strict about it. If you talk to an equipment I need to keep all my clients
main motive would appear A &R director he doesn't know how it happy. The working owner must be
to be the money. "I would happened. That's the area that has to dedicated and ambitious. I could be
pack it up if I had two change: they are so busy they don't have happy with £10,000 a year but I want
million," he said, dead time to know what happens to the . millions and you have to earn it.
pan. Wouldn't we all? "I masters; and often the original master is "I can come in any time, and I can do
would have liked to work in A&R but just sitting here doing nothing." anything I want. If a client is important
the problem is who is going to give me enough I could send the tape to New
that much money?" Cheap factories also seem to be York on Concorde -it might cost me
For some time he has had a studio culprits, but how do you know £1,200, but it might be worth it."
project in mind which he intends to which are good and which to The ingredient for success is seemingly
move into in around five years time. He avoid? "All the major record unidentifiable, the driving ambition, the
sees the cutting room's life as it is now, companies have their own dedication, the musical and technical
being very short lived. "Things are going factories and they are all background combine in some way to
to change, they have to and we won't be brilliant" seems to be the create something special. It certainly
talking all this equipment anymore. answer to that. Another stage that can isn't an ability to smooth talk the
"The reason we are so successful is go wrong is if a factory damages a clientele. "I have built up a list of clients
because it is just Kim and me, although lacquer it will have to be re -cut, and which have a mutual respect for me. I
we have recently brought in a couple of maybe the record company will don't get on with people who consistently
other people to assist from time to time. unthinkingly send it somewhere else. bring me bad work. There are a lot of
But I can do all my own maintenance- Sometimes the result is depressing. producers and engineers who won't come
that's my background, and half an hour "Virgin, EMI, CBS, Polydor and to me because they know I might say
each morning and evening takes care of Phonogram are all very good about it, something unpleasant. I don't care; I'm
most of that. they always send it back to the original going to tell them the truth and if he
"But for recording and cutting room where, after all, you have gone doesn't like it I will never see him again..
engineers, mostly it's a dead end job. through it with the artist or producer. We gain and we lose, but I think we
Most university graduates don't waste We used to cut Tubular Bells 10 years gain more than we lose. We all make
their education in this field -they go into after the initial release. But the mistakes, but we must be able to admit
industry. Cutting is so easy you are just companies that don't do it -they think that-all the time I am learning so many
transferring sound from one thing to because the artist has passed the initial things from different people.
another: you can't progress or advance at cut and pressing, he will never know." "All the good engineers are still doing
all, you can either do it or you can't. Which brought us on to the subject of good work and all the bad engineers are
"In a good cutting room, the main the compact disc, leading to a certain still doing bad work. There are very few
thing is to have the ability to make the amount of good humoured scorn: good producers-everybody is busy but
disc sound identical to the tape. To do "Everybody thinks compact disc is going they are not all good. 70% of the tapes
that is very easy, but there are so many to sound amazing, but it all depends on we get are good and 30% you have to
areas along the electronic chain on the the tape supplied to the manufacturer. spend time on to make it reasonable.
way to the mechanical head where it Nobody knows anything about it, but it "Because I know my equipment inside
could go wrong. And then when you is all down to the tape I make. I could out I can guarantee that if you ask for a
have used a stylus for 10 hours you lose send a terrible tape, but nobody cares disc exactly the same as the tape I can
some of the high frequencies. You must because they've been told that all CDs provide it. If we couldn't we would pay
be able to cut records flat and record the sound brilliant. Transferring on to CD for everything and any damage that had
sound exactly like the tape. If you can't will not improve very bad source sounds. been done. The rest is down to the tape.
do that then forget it. With Avalon, Sony in Tokyo kept the People who say it's a great cut: it's all
"We do get tapes which are absolutely CD for demonstration, but even that has nonsense, it's all down to the tape. There
wonderful and then I will cut them been processed to get it on to CD and are very few engineers and producers
normally absolutely flat. You A/B the therefore I still think the original 1 in who can provide a tape that can be cut
tape and the disc, and because of the sounds better." flat. I would be delighted if they always
mechanical process all sorts of things As for the room's acoustics: "I don't did -it's cheaper, takes less time,
start to happen and you can't get it believe in cutting room acoustics. People involves less hassles and everybody is
100% identical but you can get 95%. If who say they will design those for you happy. Then you could have a robot to do
your tape is really good: no distortion, are just trying to sell something. I don't it!"
good tone, good frequency response, then think anyone can design good cutting
even if the cutting room is not very good room acoustics -it is basically just good Ihope to have done Arun justice in
and only gets it 80% it will still sound decoration, fresh air and cleanness." The this article because there is a danger
good. If a tape has been to two or three only aural matter is the monitoring. in presenting his ideas of making
rooms and they can't get a good sound him sound extremely arrogant. But
then I know the tape is no good. ttempting to explain what it this could not be further from the
"If a tape is rotten you can never make is about Master Room that truth, he is charming and almost
it sound brilliant." justifies a price tag 20% unassuming in his manner. It is

A problem which faces many artists is higher than any other in the simply that he is very confident of his
record companies who pay for good country, Arun touched on the own competence and does not see his
cutting in the UK, but have their subject of equipment. And skill as being in any way remarkable.
production master copies put out to although most rooms have the And he certainly knows how to make a
cheap facilities who deliver bad copies same basic facilities, they do tend to be business pay!
which are then sent abroad for re-cutting sparser. "The cutting engineer should be Kim Randall takes care of all the
and overseas distribution. This is a false able to get anything he wants instead of administration and accounts and is very
economy which all too often the artist waiting two years to buy anything. If much an integral part of the facility. The
will be totally unaware of. By saving you are the owner you can sign cheques three years in which the two of them
maybe £10 on the copying fee they are and buy it straight away." have built the business up have been
signing that record's death warrant in The atmosphere and appearance of the very strenuous.
the destination country. Most American, studio is kept up by enforcement of a What of the future? "I would like to
Japanese and German copies which rule stuck on the console: no smoking, set up a cutting room in New York. If
arrive in England are of a very high
standard, and it seems to be a peculiarly
eating, drinking or feet on the console!
"I can only impose restrictions like that
we're talking about me becoming a
millionaire, that's the way to do it."
56 Studio Sound, May 1985
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the top of the range drum kit, combines the realism of
digital with the flexibility of analog while the SDS8 offers
the traditional Simmons sound at an affordable price. New
from Simmons are the SDS1, a drum pad with integral
sound source and the EPB, an EPROM programmer which
lets the user sample his own sounds for either the SDS7 or

All of these instruments are available for you to see

and hear at our demonstration suite in W2. So next time 1:

you're looking for something very special, try the best

rhythm machines. ~
Syco 20 Conduit Place, don W2
Telephone m'/zyz+m for uoappointment.
Telex 222?88Y00G
Syco.We are
Linn Products of Glasgow have
spent the last decade or so
revitalising the UK hi -fi industry,

along the way becoming one of the
largest specialist firms operating
in this market. The secret of their
success has been based upon the
LP12 turntable, and the discovery that
the turntable was a significant factor in
determining sound quality.
Prior to this the turntable had been
regarded as an essentially passive
component, which merely had to satisfy
simple steady state measurements for
speed consistency and noise but this is
not the place to go into the whys and

wherefores of turntable design. The best
justification for Linn's new perception of
the turntable must simply be the healthy
growth of the company.
Becoming increasingly depressed by the
declining standards of LPs generally,
disenchanted by the supposed extra
quality available on the `audiophile'
discs which were appearing (particularly
the trend to half -speed mastering), and
appalled by what they regard as the
Well known for top end hi -fi equipment and
abysmal sound of digital recordings, disenchanted with reproduction quality of
some five years ago the people at Linn
started to involve themselves in the LP discs, Linn have entered the field of disc
production process.
They now have a successful, if small, cutting. Paul Messenger investigates
record label, Aloi Records, and have The cross -slide drive to the cutting Once again the virtues of simplicity
worked extensively with Calum Malcolm head itself is normally via an infinitely are championed in the cutter drive
at Castle Sound near Edinburgh. But the variable gearbox, and this also electronics. Linn built their own
really interesting part technically has contributed to the noise problems, so the feedback circuitry to control the complex
been the development of a cutting drive shaft is now belt driven from a cutter head characteristics themselves,
facility at the Glasgow factory, which wall- mounted motor, with preset and and have mounted this as close to the
they and others use, not to mention all variable speeds. head as possible. To get the high
their other investigations into the other The precise position of the head, voltages at high frequencies which are
processes of record production. determined by a shaft encoder, is stored required to produce the inverse RIAA
The first step was to examine critically in a computer. This recommends curve, two bridged Naim NAP250
the records which were available. It varipitch settings, in accordance with amplifiers are used, one for each
appeared that they expressed a required playing time, etc, but the actual channel; current demands are
preference for LPs cut at Compass Point, control remains deliberately manual, via comparatively light, but clipping needs
which used a Scully lathe rather than a potentiometer. Linn dislike the to be avoided at all costs to keep high
the more widespread Neumann. `constant correction' digitally controlled frequency information.
Linn purchased a couple of secondhand varipitch system used with Neumann/ In their early investigations, Linn
Scullys, which they combined, and were Studer setups, and are deeply suspicious established that the inner groove `pinch
generally pleased with much of the of the desirability of applying a DC effect' or high frequency scanning loss,
design, having a natural affinity to belt correction signal several times per due to the difference in profile between a
drive systems from their extensive revolution. brand new cutting stylus and replay via
knowledge of the LP12. However, the a top quality Vital hi -fi stylus, amounted
Scullys had not been well treated in Though they are very pleased to nearly 3 dB. Accordingly an
their earlier homes; the bearings were with the basic mechanics of the appropriately increasing amount of treble
well worn with too large tolerances, and stripped-down Ampex ATR100 boost is automatically applied at the
early results were a little disappointing. which they use, there is no room cutting head to compensate.
The first priority was to get the speed for the necessary extra varipitch They also looked at, but abandoned,
constant and correct, so an extensive head on this machine, and they the possibility of `pre -distorting' the cut
rebuilding was undertaken, retaining the are unhappy with the Ampex to allow for pivoted tone arm geometrical
Scully castings but replacing bearings digital delay system, whereby the off- tracking errors in the lateral plane.
with ones based on the LP12 for starters. tape signal controls the pitch, and the Besides accepting the fact that two
Technical manager Martin Dalgleish cut is made via a digital delay line. Most wrongs don't make a right (and that
described how he and his assistant had of the electronics of the Ampex have maybe someday someone might manage
to sneak into the factory during the been replaced by custom Linn electronics to make a radial tracking tone arm that
three week summer break to get their to suit the particular application and works properly) the extra pivoting
hands on the precision tools necessary to avoid unnecessary circuitry. required between head and carriage was
make the components, as these were The cutting head itself is the latest bound to provide its own set of
normally too busy on production work. Ortofon 821 series. As usual, Linn took difficulties.
Having reduced the mechanical noise, this apart, and flew to Denmark to Some outside users find difficulty in
wow and flutter in the bearings, motor discuss certain points. The only coming to terms with the fact that no
noise became apparent, and this was significant modification they made was processing or equalisation is applied to
solved in part by mounting appropriate to remove the case and fix the magnet the signal from the Ampex. Theoretically
motors on the concrete wall and floor of structure itself firmly to the carriage. the cutting master should be pre -
the lab. The cotton belts supplied for the Ortofon use a plastic case to electrically equalised as required, and Linn see no
Scully proved problematic, so the ground isolate the innards, as their experience reason to provide yet another series of
neoprene belt used in the LP12 was shows that most cutting rooms manage equalisers to further degenerate quality.
adapted, and a more powerful version of to get at least one earth loop going They have however, bent to the extent of
the 24 -pole Philips synchronous motor without this precaution. The mechanical considering installing custom compressor/
was adopted, driven from a Hewlett - isolation effect of this case is sufficient to limiters based on Amek designs, which
Packard signal generator via a small affect quality above 10 kHz, but very few they have found vastly superior to many
90 V power amplifier to provide speed studios seriously seem to attempt to cut others. Tapes which they have not
variations. anything accurately at these frequencies. originated, and particularly those from
60 Studio Sound, May 1985
live recordings with strong resonances
related to mic positions, have sometimes
given problems which they hope this will
The research programme has so far
resulted in a rather remarkable cutting
facility, but Linn are not blind to the
other problems which can afflict album
quality. On the pressing side they have
finally resorted to importing Teldec
vinyl, having despaired of getting
adequate quality with even the top
grades supplied from the UK.
They have also studied metalworking
in some detail, going to the edge of the
precipice involved in the £200,000
investment necessary to install their own
operation, but baulking at the difficulty
of getting enough people to use a
Glaswegian facility to make it
They remain concerned at the quality
variations they find outside, both sample
to sample and company to company.
Martin Dalgleish described in glowing
terms the `sensational' metalwork shown
him by American Rick Goldman, who
visited Glasgow. Sadly, said
electroplating genius is now working
as a waiter, unable to find a commercial
operation in which he can use his talents
without unacceptable compromise.
Martin described
metalworking as still very
much a black art, success
being as much a matter of
instinctive experience and
great care as the
equipment itself.
Cleanliness and great purity in the
water, the electrolyte, and the nickel are
vital; the chemicals need to be exactly
right; clean filters are also essential. If
the tank is run too hard for too long
periods, problems of purity start to
appear quite quickly.
The precise timing and rates of the
different stages of the plating also play a
vital part, though cause and effect
remain nebulous enough to make
generalisations difficult. Pressed, Martin
said there was some indication that
plating too fast tended to give low
frequency noise, too slow increased high
frequency noise. an addition to the Colette- family
Having heard the results of the lathe
on Aloi and other discs, it is a little sad
they have decided, for the moment in
any case, to stop short of the metalwork
stage. Compared to the investment going
- Contact -
AUS Klarion Enterprises Pty. Ltd., P.O.Box 379, South Melbourne. Victoria, 3205. Tel.: (03) 613801
into CD mastering, the sum required to A Studer Revox Wien Ges. m.b.H.. Ludwiggasse4. 1180 Wien. Tel (0222) 473309 -
advance the state of the LP art seems B Heynen B.V.. Bednjtsstraat 2. 3500 Hasselt 2. -el.: 011 -210006
trifling. BR Centelec Equipamentos e Sistemas Eletrönicos Ltda.. 22440 Rio de Janeiro /R.J.: Tel.: (021) 287 -6198
As a company, Linn display a CDN Studer Revak Canada Ltd.. 14 Banigan Drive. Toronto. Ontario. M4H 1E9. Tel.: 416 -423 -2831
SF Loanamaa Electronics Oy. Uimarinpolku 27 A.00330 Helsinki 33. Tel: 90- 488566
Glaswegian earthiness that is unafraid F Societe d'Exploitation du Groupe ELNO, 18 -2C. rue du Val Notre -Dame. 95100 Argenteuil. Tel.: 982.29.73
to call a spade a spade, yet will HK Audio Consultants Co.. Ltd.. 58 Pak Tai Street Tokwawan. Kowloon. Hong Kong B.C.C.. Tel.: 3- 7125251
invariably critically re-examine its IL Kolinor Ltd.. 18 Ha arba'a Street. Tel -Aviv. Tel. 03 - 263298
suitability to the task of removing earth. J Imai & Company Ltd.. 1 -6 ToMlhisacho. Shinjuku Tokyo. Tel.: (03) 357 -0401
Favourite adjectives can be accepted as NI. Heynen B.V., P.O.Box 10. 6590 AA Gennep, Tel.: 08851-1956
engaging frankness, or rejected as N Siv. Ing. Benum A /S. Boks 2493. Solli, Oslo 2. Tel.: (02)442255
downright rudeness when used to Roje Telecomunicazioni S.p.A.. Via Sant' Anatalone 15. 20147 Milano, Tel.: 415.41.41/2/3
G.E.R. Av. E.U.A.. 51 5" Dto. 1700 Lisboa. Tel.: 884021
describe the fruits of another's labours. P
E Singleton Productions. Via Augusta. 59. Desp. 804 - Edit. Mercurio, Barcelona-6, Tel.: 2377060
Yet this attitude has been an essential Natab. Nordisk Audio Teknik AB. P.O.BOX 60'6, 55006 Jönköping. Tel.: 036 -140680
ingredient in their remarkable success in CH PAJAC - Jaques Zeller, Morges 12. 1111 Echid'tens. Tel.: 021 - 72 24 21
analogue turntables, and more latterly GB Scenic Sounds Equipment Ltd.. Unit 2. Comteeh. William road. London NW 1. Tel.: 01- 3871262
loudspeakers. The disc mastering work USA Posthorn Recordings. 142 West - 26th Street_ 10th Floor, New York City. N.Y. 10001, Tel.: (212) 242 -3737
has already borne valuable fruit, and
there is a new Behemoth of a monitoring Schalltechnik Dr. -Ing. Schoeps GmbH,
loudspeaker. As they continue to turn Postbox 410970 D -7500 Karlsruhe, Telex 7826902, Tel. (0721) 42016/42011
some of their attention towards
professional audio, Linn Products will
merit more than a passing glance.
Bullet certainly have the right
address for a studio in Bullet Creative Group, Centrepiece of the room is a
48-channel SSL 4000E console
Nashville, situated in Music fitted with 40 channels (thus
Square West. Nevertheless, Nashville allowing room for expansion),
the traditional image of the together with Total Recall.
Nashville studio ends at the This allows for "greater
building and studio complex rentability of the studio" when
itself. Bullet are housed in a clients have mixdowns to do
very modern looking tower over a period of time.
block where you would expect Monitoring is on UREI 815
to find corporation offices, not speakers mounted in a bridge
recording studios. Access is by over the front windows and
lift with a separate service lift isolated away from the
for heavy equipment. structure in order to minimise
The studios were in slight transmission interference. Two
turmoil when I arrived as large video monitors are also
various changes in the installed in the bridge for the
building layout were in console computer display and
progress and sessions were video tapes. Secondary
being set up. However, monitoring consists of two 'hi-
Merissa Ide, who is in charge fi' style speakers attached to
of publicity was able to take the console meter bridge with
me under her wing and give Control room A and through o the machine room a solitary Auratone for
me a guided tour of the glorious mono.
facility. leads to a balcony that copying from and to 1 in C- The outboard effects are
Bullet Creative Group Inc overlooks the studio and fronts format, 3/4 in and 1/2 in formats.
housed in a twin wooden rack
can be regarded in some ways the video control rooms, the Back to the control room for which also serves as a handy
as the prototype for a new latter being situated over the Studio A. This is in keeping tabletop for manuals and a
kind of studio for the '80s and audio control room and with the studio in that it is record player. Rather than
after: the complete audio/ isolation room. As well as large and spacious. The decor have fixed effects setups,
visual studio where both the A providing access, the balcony is reserved without being Bullet tend to have a pool of
and V have capital letters. serves as a camera platform Spartan and the lighting can equipment that can be
The main Studio A is fully and lighting gallery. be regulated from office installed into each studio's
capable of providing first class At the time of my visit the brightness to low and moody. racks depending on the needs
audio and video facilities
anything from a single to a
- video studios were undergoing
some final transformations so I
The atmosphere is fairly
bright with parquet floor and
of the session and this
includes: EMT 251 digital
live television show can be was not able to see the facility wooden panels each side and reverb and 240 stereo plate,
produced there. in its final state. The two to the front of the room. Lawson plate, Lexicon 224 and
The studio itself is a main control rooms are Windows are also in Prime Time, AMS DMX-16
40x46 ft sound stage that can situated over Control Room A abundance with vision into the reverb and DMX-15 processor,
hold a large orchestra in and consist of a video main studio, machine room several live echo chambers
comfort or give a group production control room in and separation room. The (these, of course, are fixed!),
enough room to spread out and Studio A and a production control room is set at 90° to Eventide H949 Harmonizer,
play `live'. No walls are studio for on -line editing and the studio with symmetrical Roland Dimension D and
parallel and the basic interior post-production. These could be windows overlooking the Aphex II, UREI LA -4 and dbx
design consists of wood likened to the on -air and studio on the left and the 161 compressors, Loft flanger
panelling with a parquet floor. production studios in a small machine room on the right. and an Audioarts stereo
There is considerable trapping television station. Two windows at the front look parametric EQ.
installed behind the exterior Equipment, either projected into the isolation room and are Studio A has a separate
surfaces with various fabric or already installed, for studio separated by an attractive machine room and this offers
covered ports around the room. video production included panelled pillar (though what several advantages not the
As may be surmised, the three 180° Cycs, Sony BVP this may be doing with least being the fact that it
acoustic is fairly lively with 330A camera with pedestal, reflections is another story). gets the recorders out of the
small concert hall Sony BVH 1100A C- format The ceiling consists of a control room (and provides a
characteristics but a controlled VTR, 16 -input audio console large open trap which extends job for a tape -op). Normal
bass response. The room can and lighting with Kleigl down and over the side working consists of a Studer
also be damped if necessary by dimmer control. Similar windows, thus effectively A800 24 -track machine with a
pulling floor to ceiling drapes equipment would be available cleaning up floor to ceiling high speed 1/2 in A80 master
in front of some of the wall for location video production. reflections and any other loose recorder. However, 48 -track
surfaces. Various acoustic It was planned that the `mud' that may be around. recording-or should I say
screens were also in evidence editing suite be equipped with The rear wall consists of a 46 -is available and usually
for separation purposes. A a Grass Valley 1600 switcher, mixture of hard and absorptive means pinching the A800 from
striking aspect of the studio is Laird Telemedia character surfaces and is also set well Studio B and wheeling it in.
the high ceiling (about 30 ft) generator, CMX 340X editor, back from the console area. Dolby is also available
and the lighting grids. The Studer A80 2 -track recorder, Part of the reason for this is throughout for those clients
ceiling itself is absorbent in graphics camera, insert stage, that the main access to the that require it.
order to avoid floor to ceiling three VTRs and NEC E-Flex studio is through the control Access to the isolation room
reflections and is criss- crossed DVE with perspective. room and this rear space acts is through sliding glass doors
by a television studio lighting Off -line editing was also as an `open corridor' to it and in the studio and in fact, the
grid. The sound stage is fully available with a Panasonic thus keeps people away from room could house a whole
capable of taped or live TV NV-A960 editing system and the console and its operators. rhythm section if required.
shows. Bullet also have a video tape The floor at the rear is Megalomaniac drummers will
A staircase along one wall duplication service with carpeted as well. have more than enough room
62 Studio Sound, May 1985



i11111i ON* 111111 arl° all M1111 di" dill

A& di& mi=r. gig& 1116 dig&

! J.
-ç ' .'I. I.
+ L
J. L
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4. l




70% of Studio applications, for automation, are for 2. Automated trip of the 30 internal memories against
pre -programmed muting, the remaining 30% utilising the SMPTE or EBU time code.
more powerful memory of fader level. 3. Video syncronisation using SMPTE or EBU to open or
Now the CM4400 can be linked to a Commodore 64 PC shut channels automatically -a
later update will be an
with a suitable communications port via a SMPTE /EBU events controller linked to this.
reader writer. With software loaded onto the ' 64 by , 4. Full operation of the CM4400 muting or routing from the
floppy disc,) there is now available: REMOTE 64 PC keyboard.
1. Automated muting of over 1000 mutes against SMPTE 70% of all automation applications available for only 70% of
or EBU time code. conventional costs!
U.K. Distributor

10unDT i C4 o Larking

affordable quality
Soundout Laboratories Limited
audio sales
Luton: 29 Guildford Street, Luton, Beds
Telephone Luton 105821 450066
91 Ewell Road, Surbiton, Telex 825488 DONLAR

Surrey KT6 6AH Tel: 01 -399 3392 Stoke -on- Trent: Stafford House,
Clough Street. Hanley. Stoke -on- Trent.
Telex: 8951073 /SNDOUT /G Telephone Stoke -on -Trent 107821 24257

America Soundtracs Inc., 745 109th Street, Arrington, Texas 7601 I. Tel: (817) 469 1600 (MI) MCI MUSIC Inc . 745 One Hundred and Ninth Street, Arlington, Texas, 76011. Tel: 1817) 469 1600 Austral
Pty., 63 Kingsway, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205. Tel: 0361 3541 Austria Kain Ges.m.b.H. 8. Co. KG, Kain Ges.m.b. H. 8. Co. KG. Hi -Fì Stereo Center, 120 Wein, Steinbauergasse 25, Tel: 0222 -838235


SAIT. Electronics SA., Chaussee De Ruisbroek 66, B-1190 Bruxelles. Tel: 02/376.20.30 Canada Omnimedia Corporation Ltd., 9653 Cote de Liesse. Dorval, Québec H9P 1A3. Tel: 514 636 9971 '
Finland MS Audiotron, Laitilantie 10, 00420 Helsinki 42. Tel: 90 5664644 France Phase Acoustic, 163 -165 Bd Boisson, 13004 Ma ,çe -N5,..
AS, Industrivej 9. 3540 Lynge. Tel: 02 187617 -

28 Germany Amptown, Hamburg. Tel: 040 6460040. Session Musik, Walldorf. Tel: 06 2272876. Sound & Drumland, Berlin. Tel: 030 882791 I. Musik Shop, Munich. Tel: 089 341 1 1. Der
1 Tt'Zy
Hong Kong Tom Lee Piano Co. Ltd., 6 -9 Cameron Lane, /F, Kowloon. Tel: 3- 7221098 Italy Linear italiana S . JS á
0911 445454. R 8, H Studio Sound, Waldkirch- Kolinay. Tel: 07681 5043 1

Korea Computech. Kwanghwamyn, K P 0 Box 1706, Seoul Lep

50. Tel: 02-6884741 Israel Barkai Ltd., 5 Krinizi St., Ramat Gan. Tel: 03-735178/732044
Hondsruglaan 83 A 5628 DB Eindhoven. Tel: 040 -424455 New Zealand Linn Tek, 47, Lowe Street, Gisborne. Tel: 7976484
Netherlands Piet
Norway BE siving Benum as- Boks 2493, Solli, 02 Se
S .
NN.N gal
Singapore Lingtec Pte. Ltd., 246 MacPherson Road 07 -0' (}S á. rib - 4. Tel
Amperel Electronica Industrial LDA. Av. Fontes Pereira, De Melo, 47, 4 °. D 1000 Lisboa. Tel: 532227/532698
07-471951/07-471952 South Africa Eltron (Pty) Ltd., 2nd Floor Film Trust Building, 112 Polly Street, Johannesburg 2001. Tel: 11 -29 -3066
Electronic undaTalilandKitcOhareon Studio
Spain Fadin. Q` ,,L13.
p 0-
:rid -17. Tel:
. wan Tai

orrpo on, Wantai Building,

Tradin4086700/4086808 Jilin Road,4Taipei, Taiwan 104 ROC. Machine Tool and Musical td.. 73 Asadang Road? h `)J;;OCN red Kingdom Don
Larking Audio Sales Ltd., 29 Guildford Street- Luton, Beds. Tel: 0582 450066
STUDIOFILE the control room door. The
for the largest kits as well as
space to thrash around in. The Bullet continued window is at 90° to the
console and thus near to it for
acoustics can be adjusted from in the
quickly. The treatment and 4 -band parametric EQ,
bright to fairly subdued, as room consists principally of running into the previously good visual communication.
can the lighting, and thus the parquet floor and panelled mentioned A800 24- track. The booth is mainly used for
room can be used for a variety walls that are trapped behind, Monitoring is by UREI 813 vocals and speech, or overdubs
of purposes, one of these being the port for the traps running speakers with `typical dime with instruments such as flute
a keyboard studio. An obvious along the lower edge of the store hi -fi speakers' on the or acoustic guitar.
advantage of this `small walls. The ceiling is also console for secondary As their name implies,
studio' is that where a large absorbent and the overall monitoring. The use of UREI Bullet Creative Group Inc also
orchestra has to be recorded conception similar to that of monitors in both Studios offer `creative services'. These
with electric instruments, the Studio A. provides a certain continuity can range from advice on a
latter can be isolated from the One striking aspect of Studio between the two rooms, first recording session to the
acoustic instruments on the B is the enclosed Baldwin especially where tracks are planning and realisation of a
main studio floor. grand piano. This is housed in laid in B and mixed in A. complete audio-visual
As well as straight music its own trap with just the Outboard gear can be drawn production, such as a video
recording, Studio A provides keyboard being in the studio. from the list given earlier, clip or television special. The
scoring and mixing facilities This means that an open lid though I did notice an aim of Bullet is to be able to
for film -or at least its video sound can be used in a group Audio +Design Vocal Stressor provide a complete service to
copy -via a Sony BVH 1100A situation with the pianist still perched on top of the console; clients under one roof thus
1 in C- format VTR with an being very much a part of the these seem to be very popular relieving groups of the
Audio Kinetics Q.Lock sync. band. It also means that the units in the US. necessity of going to different
Across the other side of the piano remains in a fixed place Although Studio B is studios for recording and a
building is Studio B. This is and can be miked up for an primarily used for track -laying post-production for the video
set up mainly for track laying optimum sound. In fact, a with mixdown in Studio A, clip. It is this integrated
and sessions requiring a fast selection of microphones are there are Studer A80 master audio-visual aspect that sets
turnround, such as jingles. The installed, including PZMs, and machines available so each Bullet apart from the more
studio is fairly small and holds these can be run into the studio can function as an traditional Nashville studios.
a group of say up to seven or console as required -pick a mic independent operation. Terry Nelson
eight musicians with comfort. and pick a sound! In addition to the main Bullet Creative Group Inc,
The acoustics of the studio Control Room B features a room, Studio B also has an 49 Music Square West,
enable a good ensemble sound Neotek series 111 console with isolation booth separate to the Nashville, TN 37203, USA.
to be obtained easily and 28 inputs, master logic control studio and on the other side of Tel: (615) 327 -4621.

Opposite Liverpool Street largest you can drive before

station does not, perhaps,
sound like the most romantic
Sutton Sound Mobile Studio, you need to start producing
HGV licences. Kenneth
setting for a music /recording
venue. Once inside the
London Shearer (of the Albert Hall
flying saucers fame) carried
Bishopsgate Hall, however, recording', Gramophone June Managing director Mark out the acoustic treatment,
you turn your thoughts to the 1982. Sutton explained that they which consists of alternating
wealth of opportunities which The principle thing about have not always been a mobile hard (heavy duty vinyl) and
the institute offers. the hall is its acoustic. At the unit. In 1968 they were soft (high frequency
The Bishopsgate Institute time of my visit, they were located in Soho Square at absorbers -acoustic foam)
warrants some explanation just about to redecorate and which time they were panelling. None of the surfaces
here as its main hall has been the result will be recording a mixed bag is even and therefore standing
the scene of many a fine breathtaking. At the moment including Jethro Tull, T Rex, waves have been eradicated.
recording and indeed concert much of the ornate detail has Emmerson Lake and Palmer, The walls and ceiling vary in
for many years. The Institute been lost under fading and Derek Nimmo. thickness from 2.5 to 4 in, and
is a charitable and educational paintwork: intricate patterns Already, Sutton's work was are covered with a thick
trust which was opened in on the ceiling, grand pillars ingratiating him with the hessian cloth.
1894 with funds from the around the walls. The lower major record companies. His The main feature of the van
Bishopsgate charities and half of the walls are wood recordings of John Williams is obviously the desk which is
grants from the City Parochial panelled which, at the moment for CBS led to Sutton Sound's 20/8/2 and was custom built by
Foundation. are painted but will be own productions with Mark Sutton's then partner
It comprises the main hall stripped and polished. With musicians of the David Michael Hall. They went for
and associated back rooms, parquet floor and decorative Munrow and John Ogdon ilk. this option because they
reference and lending leaded windows the room is One can see immediately a required facilities on the desk
libraries, and various smaller comfortable to play in. strong contrast in the two which were not readily
halls fulfilling a number of Approximate dimensions are types of work they were now available at the time.
functions. Here we are 80 x48 x42 ft with a good sized involved in. It was in 1974 Although it is essentially
primarily concerned with the stage at one end. The full size that Mark realised really he 20/8/2 it is possible to have
main hall which has audio and Steinway concert grand piano, wanted to concentrate on outputs from all 20 channels if
video tielines running out to reputed to have belonged to serious, ie classical, music and necessary. "It has a very wide
the mobile which parks at the Myra Hess, sits on the therefore mobile work. Trying dynamic range and low noise
side of the building. The platform and is used for to find suitable halls proved to for its date,' explains Mark.
mobile uses this venue as its recording. For rehearsal be an unrewarding task, and "It's a vintage desk! After all
base, and its prolific output purposes there is a lesser with a mobile, there isn't that it's 16 years old now."
has received wide critical Bechstein baby grand sitting much gear humping to be The monitors built into the
acclaim, eg `Nor has a wide in the hall. The stage has a done. Thus the Sutton Sound wall behind the desk are
range of the lovely sounds the piano lift, and once lowered mobile was born. Tannoy Lancasters: "They are
guitar can produce been more the piano may be moved into a It is built into a Bedford driven by a Quad 303
faithfully caught in a special store room at the back. Luton van, which is the amplifier. I find Tannoy
64 Studio Sound, May 1985
18Es unique titanium diaphragm and'Diamond Surround -bring
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High frequency sound has always fought with the technology that brings it to the ear. The driver
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To find out which system is designed to meet your specific
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Box 2200.
Northridge. CA 91329 U.S.A. DOL
TELEX 6749931WU) 47204241ITTI
U6I barman international JBL INCORPORATED 1984

speakers are very sensitive." the recording world. Mark also
The tape recorders are
Philips Pro 20s, of which he is
Sutton Sound continued lectures at the Guildhall
School of Music and Drama
the proud owner of eight. one day a week as Professor of
Noise reduction is with Dolby Recording Techniques (ie
A301 s and other equipment in techniques from the
the mobile includes GBC TV performer's point of view). He
monitor and camera ( "This is started this work in 1978 with
absolutely essential ") for responsibility for buying
visual communication with equipment. As in the new city
your recording musician, and a Barbican Arts Centre, of
260 -way patchbay underneath which the school is a physical
the desk. There is a home wing, the sound side of the
made talkback speaker, and a new school, it seems, was
telephone link to the main totally miscalculated. "They
Bishopsgate switchboard. had put one audio line in to
In addition to the permanent all the music rooms, which
equipment in the mobile, there made stereo a trifle difficult!
are various other set ups Mark Sutton at the mobile's custom-built console And they had allowed £50 in
which for reasons of theft the budget for microphones!"
nervosa as well as ergonomics, the subject of miking abroad, working for almost all Happily, the organisation is
are stored either in Mark's orchestral works. "It's usually the major record companies, much better now.
Westbourne Grove office or his a stereo pair versus many smaller ones too as well His association with students
home. These include a Sony microphone on everything. In as Sutton Sound productions. is continued in a special
PCM 1610 digital processor between there is a stereo pair Records and cassettes can be scheme which he launched in
with DAE1100 editor, and he with some fill mics. For manufactured in any quantity 1975. He invited the principles
has also ordered the new example I will always mic up at very competitive prices. of all the music colleges to
Studer D820, hoping to get the a harp. It's a funny thing but There are great plans afoot send along their best students
first one that arrives in the you can always hear a harp at in the hall itself. There is a (approximately 10 each) who
UK. a concert simply because you room backstage which was laid would be given 11/2 hr
He also has a portable rig can see it, but it's not out as if for meetings and recording time to make a 20
which he will use without the necessarily so in a recording. which Sutton sometimes sets min tape.
van, consisting of the Sony F1 My miking techniques are up as a control room. By The demo tape is a well
and a 6/2 Central Recording probably best explained with knocking a window through known phenomenon in the
Services desk. This will be for the following analogy: it is the wall it would be possible rock and pop world, but it has
smaller scale budget work. like painting a picture. You to command a very good view really come into its own in the
Bayswater is also the home of start with the basic colours of both hall and stage. So the classical field too. You can
a further pair of Dolby A301 s, and then you touch in idea is to build a fully audition for jobs in orchestras
five Akai cassette machines subtleties on top. Thus you professional (and permanent) all over the world by sending
with Dolby B and C ( "I'm give presence and clarity to control room in here. It is in a demo, and so the equality
getting another five "), four the sound. 22 x 13 ft, and Kenneth of that demo becomes very
Lockwood monitors and Quad "In the Bishopsgate Hall I Shearer has already put some important indeed.
electrostatics for comparison use the room as a tool. It has thought into its possibilities. Sutton Sound's working days
listening. a very generous acoustic -the The aim, apart from are thus tremendously varied,
Getting nearer the source of reverb goes from 2.5 to 4.5/5 s; anything else, is to attract from analogue to digital; from
the music, Mark talked a bit so you can move the mics more recording work to the large -scale concert hall to
about the microphones he uses nearer and get reverb and building which Mark would small -scale demonstration
and the techniques he clarity in one go. It's a very manage on behalf of the tape, and all seem to be
employs. "I definitely like good room to work in. foundation. "It seems so ideal. thoroughly enjoyed.
Neumanns -I use lots of U87s "I enjoy the different There is even a little recess The Sutton Sound literature
and KM84s, and I will be disciplines of engineering and outside the room where the states that they will willingly
getting the new KM83 omni producing-on small things I U- matics could go -I find discuss and advise on the
version; AKG 451s and D202s. will do both. With larger them very noisy and feasibility of recording
I have used the Calrec projects I will either get an distracting with all their requirements without
Soundfield microphone assistant or have someone clicking and whirring when obligation, and it is certain
occasionally, but I'm not that sitting next to me with the you're trying to listen to that you will find Mark a
wild about its surround effect score." something else." thoroughly agreeable advisor.
in stereo. The majority of the mobile's Sutton Sound operate Janet Angus
"I get very worried by the work is London based various advisory services for Sutton Sound Mobile, 80
two extremes of thought that although it has travelled young performers not fully Queensway, London W2
exist," expanded Mark, on extensively in the UK and conversant with the ways of 3RL, UK. Tel: 01 -262 9066.
The basement of a four -storey
terraced house in a residential Rooster Studio, London They built the ceiling in
sections and lifted it on to the
street is the location for one of together with friend and Isolation from adjoining walls. They then climbed up
West London's small but consultant Vaughan Maybury. buildings was of course above this having left one
comfortable 24 -track studios. The idea was to make the essential and achieved on one block out so they could get up
Owner Nick Sykes conducted acoustics as dry as possible to party wall by lining it with between the new and the
my tour which began at the aid separation in such a small lead before commencing the original ceilings and bolted the
bottom of a steep flight of studio area. Vaughan has Rockwool /cavity/blockboard sections together. Sheets of
stairs. since returned to his home in construction. The other party plaster board were then nailed
Nick realised his ambition to New Zealand leaving Nick to wall is separated by the stairs to this and a skim of plaster
build his own studio in 1981 run his studio alone. and corridor. floated over the top. They then
66 Studio Sound, May 1985
Create space
The DN780 -Reverberator/Processor
Klark-lèknik's ongoing investment in -
The result is simply greater realism.
research leaps into the age of variable space From natural concert hall reverberation
with the new DN780 reverberation simulator.
Its Very Large Scale Integration technology
and a superfast Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
allow the worlds first practical application of
through remarkable small room and plate
sounds to an impressive "infinite space"
effects programme, the DN780 will uncannily
place you in the musical environment of
lldil TEH1111i
specifically developed algorithms, creating your choice.
"added density" m4 reverberation: reflections British designed, British made
with much smaller intervals between them. Trusted throughout the World

Manufactured by Klark-Teknik Research Limited Klark- Teknik Electronics Inc. Distributed in the UK by Autograph Sales I.' 'ted
coppice Trading Estate, Kidderminster DY 1711J,
1 262a Eastern Parkway, Farmingdale, 2 Spring Place, London NW5 3BA.
England. Telephone: (0562) 741515 Telex: 339821 NV 11735, USA. Telephone: (5161249-3660 'telephone: 01-267 6677
raised it above the studio
walls on acro props and Rooster continued Nick has two synths
available -an Emu
dropped the whole lot on to a the watchful eye of Eastlake. console -actually it's the front Drumulator, which he uses on
fresh mortar bed so it Tongue and groove wood bay window area. HH V200 his own productions, and a
squeezed out between the panelling lines the walls with and V800 take care of the mid- Roland Juno 106. There is also
ceiling and the walls like a little tree bark between the range and top, and Yamaha an upright reconditioned piano
toothpaste thus sealing itself. wall- mounted monitors. the bottom end. The rack also in the studio which still gets
Acoustic panels following the "We had no air conditioning contains ATC crossover used from time to time.
BBC design were built by in the original control room network, V200 MOSFET for Five Nakamichi ZX7
Nick and Vaughan and and it was horrendous so I set foldback, etc, and desk power cassette recorders enable
assembled round the walls in aside as much money as supply. artists to take away copies of
the studio and control room. possible when we re -did it to "The Quested has some their day's work, one is wired
These consisted of tuned get a decent air conditioning rather nice facilities where in for copying straight from
Helmholtz resonators and system," says Nick. you can mute each part of the the desk.
Rockwool of varying Original equipment consisted system. It's got mute buttons Investment in digital
thicknesses, within an 18 in of a Soundcraft Series 2 desk on each channel so you can equipment may be on the
square board construction all and 3M 56 16 -track tape cut out and check things are cards for the future and Nick
covered with hessian. machine. These were replaced working. The wonderful thing will be looking at 32 -track in
"We built all these boxes in the redesign by an Amek about this system is that you order to increase his capacity
ourselves, there were Angela and Otani MTR -90 MkI don't have to touch it. This at the same time. This, of
thousands of the things. They 24- track. In March 1984, crossover was set up with a course, will mean a change of
are bass absorbers with a however, Nick couldn't resist pink noise generator and then desk but as the necessary
layer of Rockwool on the front the temptation to buy a second just left and it's been running models just aren't readily
to absorb the top end so the hand Harrison MR3 36/24 for a year without any available in the UK yet
whole room really is one giant desk from Park Gates Studios problems." discussion on this topic is
bass absorber. There are panel who were upgrading with an Desk monitors have tended slightly academic.
absorbers of different types in SSL. He also now has an Otani to change from time to time Although Nick is an
the ceiling so the whole room MkII multitrack, and MTR-10, but at the moment are engineer he usually leaves this
is tuned," says Nick. MTR -12 and MCI 2- tracks, Yamaha NS10M which Nick is job to a number of young
Although the control room and Sony PCMF1 and very happy with. freelancers whom he does his
has since been refurbished, PCM701. Dbx noise reduction is best to encourage. Nick began
decor and treatment in the Nick: "I personally think available if required and there engineering in the theatre and
studio area remains and the that for recording you can't is a pair of telcom cards on the toured with the major musical
sound is very flat and beat a Harrison desk. It's mixdown machine. production Hair during the
comfortable. According to Nick designed for the engineer -it's "When I'm recording here '60s. He has also toured with
the room is very popular with got a fair number of functions and I know I'm not going to diverse live shows abroad.
vocalists. that would fox the average have to send the tapes out After eight years of this he
"In fact most of the work non -technical person. The size anywhere else I tend to use settled down to studio life
gets done in the control room is ideal for this size of studio the dbx system on certain working mostly at R G Jones,
now, we only do the odd vocal as they pack in what other tracks. Things like drums I London.
and guitar overdub in the manufacturers would need don't treat but one can keep He has also recently toured
studio and maybe some live another 3 or 4 ft for." the noise floor on the tapes to South America to record
drums. People bring in The desk is wired for quite low with that particular material for an album by
whatever drum machine, etc, automation and Nick is combination." Incantation. All experienced
is flavour of the week and considering MasterMix as and Effects include Lexicon 224X and classically trained
plug it in and that's it. I'm when the coffers will allow. with LARC and 224 with musicians, this band
wondering what's going to Monitoring is by Quested. upgraded software. Rooster is specialises in Andean music
happen in 10 years time when Nick feels that the soft dome well equipped for its size; as and their instruments present
there'll be no -one around mid -range unit used in these there are no ambient rooms, a new set of problems for the
who's actually recorded real speakers gives a smoother the design philosophy behind engineer. It's difficult to get
strings; the average engineer sound than the usual horn and the studio was to work round the sound of the pan pipes, for
will be puzzled by what to do goes so far as to say that this digital reverberation. This instance, without distortion
with a real bass drum because system has played a large part with the many other effects from the musician's blowing.
he'll be so used to having his in the popularity of the studio. units available can simulate Other recent projects include
sounds sampled with digital Power is rack mounted in a any environment that may be studio sessions for the Cocteau
boxes." room to the left of the required. Twins, Go West and jazz duo
A small drum booth lies to Morissey Mullen.
the right of the studio, under Rooster's control room; the studio is on the right
The last word to Nick: "The
the stairs to the ground floor, carrot for me now is to get
with visual contact to the involved in the production
studio, a floated concrete floor side. Engineers put a huge
and the same acoustic panels. amount into what they do and
A good selection of mics is financially get very little out
available including of this business -unless you do
Crown /Amcron PZMs and Nick something like this which
has recently been trying out a requires a great deal of
Schoeps boundary mic as well. courage. It's more than
The studio and control room investment -it's investment of
are similar in size measuring your whole life."
approximately 17 x 10 x 8 ft. Ann Horan
The control room was Rooster Studio, 117 Sinclair
refurbished and re- equipped at Road, London W14, UK. Tel:
the beginning of 1984 under 01 -602 2881.0
68 Studio Sound, May 1985
Presenting lexicon's PCM 60

Superior Digital Reverb Within Reach.

Whether you're looking for a long, rich Don't invest in a reverb until you demo
Lexicon proudly announces the PCM 60 Inside the PCM 60's refined package are
the same realistic rooms and plates that reverb for vocals; a warm spaciousness the PCM 60 at your Lexicon dealer. With
Digital Reverberator -the first reverb
have made Lexicon famous. And Lexicon for instrumentals; a bright or sizzly plate the most demanding program sources,
with the Lexicon sonic quality demanded
engineers have carefully designed the for percussion; or a natural ambience listen to the PCM 60 and compare it with
by so many performing artists and
PCM 60 for rugged use and easy for dialog or all forms of electronic the competition -you'll find no one else
studios at an amazingly low price.
operation: over 100 distinct and useful music, the PCM 60 does the job with comes close. For the serious musician or

reverberation effects are only a few Lexicon style. small studio, the PCM 60 is worth your

pushbuttons away. investment.

Lexicon, Inc., 60 Turner Street Export: Gotham Export Corporation,

itLdon, Waltham, MA 02154

617 891 -6790 Telex 923468
741 Washington Street, New York, NY 10014


Unit 2,10 William Road, London NW I
: 1262.01 73G 4 2812
3F N

Fellelex: SCENIC
Akai (UK) Limited- Electronic Music Division, Haslemere Heathrow Estate, Silver Jubilee Way, Parkway, Hounslow Middlesex TW4 6NF. Telephone: 01 -897 6388 Telex: 892555 AKAIUK G. Stockists:
Bruce Miller 363 Union Street, Aberdeen, Scotland. Cambridge Rock 8 Burleigh St, Cambridge, Cambs. Music Land 148 -152 North Road, Cardiff S. Wales. Future Music 10 Baddow Road Chelmsford. Essex. Peter
Bonner Musical 12a Grove Road, Eastbourne. E. Sussex. Gordon Simpson Ltd 6 Stafford Street, Edinburgh. Scotland. Kingfisher Music Co 20 Kings Road, Fleet. Hampshire. McCormacks Music 29 -33 Bath Street,
Glasgow. Scotland. Hesseys Music Centre 62 Stanley Street, Liverpool.
Akai, world renowned for its audio -visual
technology now brings you the first comprehensive
'music creation system'. A system that allows you to
build your own recording studio in the minimum of
space at an affordable price. Its sound creation
possibilities will extend the creativity of even the
most innovative artiste.
Akai's quality and design experience is made
available to the musician, songwriter and producer.
The Micro Studio System offers complete and -
unique recording and musical facilities, beginning
with the MG1212 12-channel mixer /recorder and the
AX80 programmable polyphonic synthesiser. Both
combine the best facilities for sound creation in
compact, convenient, flexible and stylish packages.
And that's not all - with MIDI interface the
system can be extended to include other products
that are compatible.
See Akai and experience its sound creation. Now. A new world of sound creation

Freed mans 627-631 High Street, Leytonstone, London E11. London Rock Shops 26 Chalk Farm Road, London NW1. Turnkey 14 Percy Street, London W1. Syco Systems 20
Conduit Place, London. W2. Chromatix
12 Oak Road, Ealing Broadway Centre, London W5. Rod Argent Keyboards 20 Denmark Street, London WO. E & S Electronics 2 Upper Fant
Road, Maidstone, Kent. Al Music Centre 88 Oxford Street. Manchester.
Rock City Music Ltd 10 Moseley Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Carlsbro Sound Centres 182 -184 Chesterfield Road. North Mansfield, Notts. Monkey Business 66 Victoria Road, Romford, Essex. John Holmes Music
21 -23 Faringdon Road, Swindon, Wilts. Rockbottom 68 -70 London Road, West Croydon, Surrey.
This listing only includes tapes suitable for professional analogue or digital mastering
purposes. Audio tapes for cassette duplication, audio cartridges and hi -fi applications
are excluded
Manufacturers and agents Type Tape widths (up Larger reels Additional
to 101/2 in reels) information
1 in1in2in 121/2 in 14 in
AGFA -GEVAERT (West Germany)
Agfa- Gevaert AG, Kaiser -Wilhelm- PEM 468 1/2 in 2 in
Allee, D -5090, Leverkusen -Bayerwerk. PEM 469 2,500 ft length
UK: Agfa- Gevaert Ltd, 27 Great West PEM 428 2 in Long play version of PEM
Road, Brentford, Middlesex TW8 9AX. 468
Tel: 01 -560 2131. Telex: 28154. PER 368 Long play on 5 or 7 in
USA: Agfa- Gevaert Inc, 275 North reels for portable recorders
Street, Teterboro, NJ 07608. Digital tapes expected
Tel: (201) 288 -4100. Telex: 0134410.
Ampex Corp, 401 Broadway, 406 1/4, 1/2, 1 14, 1/2, 1
Redwood City, CA 94063. Tel: (415) & 2 in & 2 in
367 -3809. Telex: 348464. 407 Long play equivalent of 406
UK: Ampex Corp Magnetic Tape, 456 1/4, 1/2, 1 1/4, 1/z, 1 `Grand Master'
International Division, Acre Road, & 2 in & 2 in
Reading RG2 OQR. Tel: 0734 875200. 457 Long play (for Fostex)
Telex: 847611. 466 High energy for digital
reel -to -reel
BASF (West Germany)
BASF AG, Gottlieb -Daimler-Strasse SP 54 2 in Mainly for broadcast studios
10, D -6800, Mannheim 1. 910 2 in `Studio Master'
UK: BASF UK Ltd, 4 Fitzroy Square, 930 `Digital Master' for DASH
London W1P 6ER. Tel: 01 -388 4200. format, 4,800 ft on 101/2 in
Telex: 28649. HG L250/ `Digital Mixdown' for
USA: BASF Systems Inc, Crosby Drive, L500 Betamax format PCM
Bedford, MA 01730. Tel: (617)
271 -4000. Telex: 951856.
MAXELL (Japan)
UK: Maxell UK Ltd, 3a High Street, UD 50 -120B 2,500 ft length
Rickmansworth, Herts WD3 1HR. UD 35 -180B Long play version of UD 50
Tel: 0923 777171. XLI 50 -120B 2,500 ft length
USA: Maxell Corp of America, 60 Oxford XLI 35 -180B Long play version of XLI 50
Drive, Moonachie, NJ 07074.
Tel: (201) 440 -8020.
SONY (Japan)
UK: Sony Broadcast Ltd, Pro -Audio D -1/2 -1460/ 4,800 ft (digital for DASH)
Dept, City Wall House, Basing View, 2920 1/2 in 9,600 ft (format PCM -3324)
Basingstoke, Hants RG21 2LA. 1/4 in version expected

Tel: 0256 55011. Telex: 858424. D- 3/4-75 BRK formulation for U -matic
USA: Sony Corp of America, Sony format PCM, various lengths
Broadcast Prods, 677 River Oak,
Parkways, San Jose, CA 95134, USA.
Tel: (408) 946 -9090.
TDK (Japan)
UK: TDK Tape Distributors UK Ltd, LX 50 -120M Suffix M for metal reel
Pembroke House, Wellesley Road, LX 50 -120BM Suffix B for back treated
Croydon CRO 9XW. Tel: 01 -680 0023. LX 35 -180M Long play version of LX 50,
Telex: 946727. LX 35 -180BM suffixes as above
USA: TDK Electronics Corp, 12 Harbour GX 50 -120BM Only available back treated
Park Drive, Port Washington, NY 11050. GX 35 -180BM Long play version of GX 50
Tel: (516) 625 -0100.
3M (USA)
3M Audio /Video Products Division 226 2 in 2,500/5,000 ft length
3M Center, St Paul, MN 55144. Tel: 265 1/2 & 1 in Digital for 3M DMS, 7,200 ft
(612) 736 -2549. on 121/2 in reel
UK: 3M UK Ltd, PO Box 1, 3M House,
Bracknell, Berks RG12 1JU. Tel: 0344
426726. Telex: 849371.
Zonal Ltd, Holmethorpe Avenue, 610 Mainly for broadcast studios
Redhill, Surrey RH1 2NX. 611 Long play version of 610
Tel: 0737 67171. 675 Back treated
Telex: 946520. 676 Long play version of 675
72 Studio Sound, May 1985
G! a te C
boo ("V"--\
S oto
Quantec heralds a new era. A revolution in acoustic versatility. Every sound environment
is obtainable at the push of a button.
Acoustics are no longer bound by the specific configuration of a room, but can be used
to emphasize a scene, enhance or improve a sound or enrich a musical composition.

Vore t n st a ve r b e ra to r,

Syco.We are

7 :3
artin Rushent offices and Martin's home,

has come to where they have managed to
regard magazine build up what many creative
interviews with a people would regard as the
certain amount of ideal working and living
trepidation, but environment.
at the same time,
was the most helpful producer he music of a given
I've interviewed, arranging for
copies of past interviews and
albums to be sent to me. He's
been feted by the media and
when Dare catapulted the
Human League to major act
From the Stranglers to Fats
period can seem
radically individual,
yet with the passage
of time, that
individuality can
appear to become far
status, as co-producer of the
record with the group Martin
Domino, Martin Rushent's style is less marked. For example, the
Stranglers' records -which
found himself eagerly sought to let the individuality of the Martin produced way back
after by the media, hungry to
learn his `secrets' and keen for artists shine through. Ralph during the punk new wave
era-do not now sound so
him to explain how to harness
emerging computer- synthesiser Denyer managed to catch him outrageous.
"It wasn't, really. Well I
technology. He was called
`Techno-wizard behind the new
between takes don't know. (Laughs.) We're
getting into a very touchy
synth -pop age' and `The good for getting something off countless others. In 1973 he area for me, which is about
personification of the ultra his chest and to a degree produced Curved Air and how I perceive music sitting
modern record producer'. rationalising his thoughts. found success in the singles within an industry. We're
During the 80s he certainly Once over his interest passes, charts as a producer during talking about fashion now."
did embrace the emerging and the focus of his attention the mid '70s with the Stretch Would Martin agree there
technology. Dare credits him reverts 100% to making record Why Do You Do It? He are certain fundamentals
with programming the Roland records. As photographs were has produced the Stranglers, involved in music making and
MSQ 700. The album was taken in the studio half-an- Generation X, Ian Gomm, 999, record production that remain
followed by the electronic dub hour or so after the second Danny Kirwan, Altered fairly constant?
version, Love And Dancing interview he asked, "What Images, Buzzcocks, Pete After a pause he continued,
which enhanced the hi -tech magazine did you say this was Shelley, JJ Burnel, Fats "I'm just trying to find the
image even further. for, again ?" Domino (with Tim Read) and right words to explain. There
His work with the League He says he doesn't make a the Human League. He co- is not a lot of music around at
was preceded by a far more habit of reading his own press. produced Rachel Sweet, the moment -nor has there
intriguing album which he
made with Pete Shelley called
He does discuss things and as Telephone, Trickster and
a result it is easy to see how
been for some time really -
Yachts with Alan Winstanley. which is of true quality. It's
Homosapien. An image was he could be quoted out of During the last year or so he all very fashion linked."
being built up of a man who context. At the time of our has worked with Hazel Martin feels the way in
was nothing short of a studio first meeting, he was going O'Connor and a number of which most people currently
alchemist. In the media, through a period of critical new acts. perceive the music they hear
Altered Images were tagged as self-examination. By the time At the beginning of the '80s has a lot more to do with
Rushent's creation. we met during February this he reached the point where he promotional visual imagery
Listen to albums he has year, he was obviously in a was able to set up Genetic than the music.
produced and it is immediately much more relaxed frame of Sound studios with the help of "Sometimes I despair of the
clear that his aim to achieve mind. his partner, record producer pop business. There are those
`transparent production' is Starting as an Advision tape- Alan Winstanley. A few acres days when I just go: phew!
successful. Altered Images op at the age of 19, he became of Berkshire countryside "At the moment I am very
records are pure adolescence an engineer and worked with accommodates Martin and depressed to see young kids
on vinyl, whereas Pete Yes, Led Zeppelin and Alan's studios, administrative being made to jump through
Shelley's Homosapien is an hoops. That's the way I
adventurous album of perceive it: that here you are,
considerable depth and Human kids will do anything to get a
League's Dare heavily record deal. It's just not a
atmospheric danceable pop healthy situation right now
music. where the amount of money
His work allows the spent on promotional items -I
individuality of the act he is mean the video and all the
working with to shine through things that go with it -are
untarnished. This is born out really more important than
by the evidence on vinyl. He the actual music itself. I find
feels he represents the it very difficult to have a
antithesis of the type of discussion about music at the
producer he was portrayed as moment, within the context of
being two or three years ago. pop because it seems there
He talks very openly and isn't any really.
seems to treat interviews as "To me, music should be a
being somewhat therapeutic reasonably clean outpouring
even though he feels he has from a soul. It's impossible to
been misrepresented in the have that, it always gets
past. He had obviously made tainted along the way -and
up his mind he wasn't going artists have to eat too, but
to be drawn into discussion there are degrees and degrees.
that would allow technicalities I think Wham's single Wake
to be blown out of proportion. Me Up Before You Go Go for
I was left with the feeling example, has nothing to do
Martin finds interviews quite with anything. It's a piece of
74 Studio Sound, May 1985
The new Modular Aphex Aural presence ... improves intelligibility
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popular Aphex R -1 Rack System. ...and generally improves acoustic
Ten across! Or nine across in the performance. All without the unnat-
dbx F900 Rack System. So you ural distortion which can be caused
can now add the psychoacoustic with other signal processing.
excitement of an Aural Exciter to See the Modular Aural Exciter at
every audio channel without filling your sound professional's soon. And,
your entire rack with stereo Aural while you're there, check out the
Exciters. modular Aphex EQF -2 Equalizer/
Like the famous Type II Aural Filter and the CX-1 Compressor/
Exciter, the new modular version Expander.
restores natural brightness and nixAphex Systems Limited
Atlantex Music Ltd.,
3 Cadwell Lane, Hitchin
Hertfordshire SG4 OAG
Telephone: (0462)31511
Telex: 826967


Aural Exciter is a registered trademark of Aphex Systems Ltd., North Hollywood, CA ©1984 Aphex Systems Ltd.


East Coast Audio Sales, Nores Oy, Helsinki M. Casale Bauer, Bologna Neotecnica, Madrid
AUSTRIA 3M France Matsuda Trading, Tokyo AB Betoma, Solna
AKG, Vienna Cergy Pontoise Cedex
BENELUX GERMANY Maser Comm Auckland
, PAS, Basil
Trans European Music, AKG, Munich
GREECE Auvi Private Ltd. Linfair Engineering, Taipei
CANADA Omikron, Athens
AKG Acoustics, Scarborough SOUTH AFRICA
HONG KONG Electronics,
Tru -Fi
DENMARK Audio Consultants, Wynberg, Sandton
SC Sound, Taastrup Kowloon
candy floss, which is fine. I because they're today now and
imply that I did would not be a few assumptions. You've got
don't object to people selling they were tomorrow when I the truth. I don't record drums a well made kit that is well
pieces of candy floss. But I was making them. So maybe the same way every time and I maintained, has good quality
don't want to get into heavy I'm being a bit unfair on today don't mic up the bass the heads and the drummer knows
raps about music, because because I always hate what's same way every time. One of how to tune his kit. You've
there isn't any to talk about happening today, I'm always the difficulties that assistants got a room that has a
right now. There's no cultural more excited by what may have in working with me is reasonably normal acoustic.
movement happening. There's happen tomorrow." they don't know what I'm You've got a drummer who
no real street thing happening. going to do next. They think: can play. That kit -when you
"Those things that Conversation drifted `I'll set up a 202 because stand in front of it -is going to
outwardly appear to be for towards dealing with that's what he used yesterday.' sound good. All you have to do
real, have actually been very the pressures of the "And I'll go: `No, no, no! I is put two or three mies on
carefully conceived, packaged music business and want a C451.' it- record it -don't stick any
and put together and sold very
well. I think Two Tribes is a
how they can be
de- humanising.
"I don't know why. I just felt
like it at the time and
gaffer tape on the drums -
none of that. Just put it on
perfect example. You have a "I'll tell you what is sometimes it works. tape and it will sound great. If
little band from Liverpool who de- humanising: ultra -success Sometimes I might be really you start to worry about little
come in and sing a few lines in the music business. It can overloading the head but it's tom -tom rings, or the odd bit
here and there. Everything de- humanise you as an giving me a really good sound of snare rattle, or a slight
else is producer. The whole
image of the band has been
individual. It sort of partially
did it to me, I think, from
so, go with that." sizzle on one of the cymbals
and you start getting into that
created by a media person who when the League broke really s Martin says, in trip -you'll go on forever and
works for ZTT. It doesn't ring big. It's really weird when his case he aims for you'll end up with a shitty
true to me. I can't see Frankie people come up to you in the transparent sound. Because you get too

Goes To Hollywood and all street and go: `I think your production. He feels involved in trying to glue it
that. I can see Trevor's work's great.' that even with the up and make it perfect. You
excellent work but that's all I "After a while you start to best intentions, say can't, a drum kit is not a
see. But to me -and you can believe all this, you really do when technical perfect instrument. Therefore
dig back and you'll find the and that's what starts to de- explanations or diagrams are you'd better accept its
quotes -I feel that a producer's humanise you. Before that, presented only to give an imperfections because if you
work should be transparent. OK, I was a mildly successful example, this is more than don't, you'll just run around in
I've always felt that and I've producer and I used to have to likely to encourage the wrong circles. If you want perfection,
always tried to make my work argue my points with bands attitude. He considers that it use a machine.
transparent. So that it's the about the way things should is wrong to try to gain "That's the answer these
band that comes through, the be done. And they would information by noting a days. But that's the thing
artist that comes through, and argue back with me and recording technique set out in about drums. I mean, I
what I do you shouldn't be somehow, we'd get a rapport an interview and then remember doing it myself. I
able to see. When I get round going." listening to the record. remember as a young
to making my album, then Now they come in bowing Hugh Padgham had engineer, using piles of gaffer
you'll see me. I may or may down? expressed similar views when tape and trying to stop each
never do that. But that's when "Exactly. Now they come in interviewed for Studio Sound. tom ringing and all that.
I'll say: This is what I do. and it's like: `Just tell us what Martin mentioned that Hugh "I'm amazed sometimes by
"But where," he said, to do. You've got all the worked as his assistant at one the quality of some of the
accentuating key words by answers, man.' time and continued: demo -tapes that turn up,
thumping on a desktop, "are "And of course, I haven't. "Hugh, I know is a well recorded by someone who has
all the new talents? Where are Because I'm just an ordinary sensible lad and he'd be the just been doing it as a semi-
the people that can actually Herbert like them. And I can first to admit that you can't pro in their home. If this guy
stand there, without any fancy be right, wrong and mediocre. make a Phil Collins record could be put in front of the
frills or wonder studio Before it was fairly easy. Now without Phil Collins. That's it gear and knew where the
technology, and can sing a it's sort of- sometimes it gets in a nutshell. You can sit and knobs were, he'd make a great
great song that makes your a bit strange." pour over details what mies to record because he's got the
hair stand on end? I don't When it was suggested to use on what and all the rest of ability. You know what it's
know. How do you get it Martin that we might do some it and it doesn't help. All I like, you get all this
played? simple schematic diagrams to ever did was copy the blokes complicated gear and it's like
"I think that Time After help convey how he worked in front of me in the studio a shield between you and the
Time by Cindy Lauper (No 1 during the Dare and where I worked, that's all. ordinary person. I'm sure that
in America at the time of Homosapien period and then "From that point on, it was studios, some producers and a
interview) is a fantastic record.
perhaps another for the experimentation to make it lot of engineers, use this
Great song, it's got obviously more sophisticated better. And I was constantly outwardly complicated looking
atmosphere, everything, right? set-up he uses now, Synclavier fooling about with microphone technology to baffle people into
She can't get arrested on and all, Martin was not positionings and all that, and submission, in the same way
British Radio because it's a having any of it. He felt that then I found the moment I that civil servants use all
song. It's not a piece of wasn't the way to talk about stopped worrying about it, I those documents and stuff, to
production and it's not little making records. He felt that did it twice as good. The baffle you into submission.
fag boys in shorts either. You miking diagrams were moment I stopped trying to You go into any bureaucratic
know ?" definitely not appropriate. make it better and adopted a type government organisation
Isn't that typical of record "I outlined my technique a relaxed pose and just said to to get anything done and it's
marketing today? way back and that applies myself: `That's the way it is hopeless. Because you get hit
"Well yeah, I mean, it's that throughout. If I hear a good going to be.' up with all these documents,
genre. idea, I record it as quickly as "You listen to a drum kit. A forms and stuff.
I'm always against what's possible in any fashion I can drum kit is a really good "Making a record is really
happening now. I say that as a get together and that is the example because they're quite simple. You have a good
general thing. I never like whole technique. In a nutshell, always a bloody problem. song, and good idea and you
what's happening today. that's it. I'll plug it in and if They're everyone's biggest approach it in a relaxed
Either yesterday's today, or it sounds really good, that's it, nightmare because everyone fashion and you make
today's today. I always think isn't it? I might do a tweak knows how important a drum something that really appeals
there's something better. later on to make it blend but I sound is and they are to people. The only difference
When the records that I've don't follow any rules and to hideously difficult to record if between some demos and some
made come out, I hate them give you anything that would you let them be difficult. Make records is that the records
76 Studio Sound, May 1985
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were made on gear that that the dice fall on those sort feel claustrophobic in there. mean? I'm supposed to be
doesn't distort so much. I of things. "You see, I've always been making nursery rhymes for
think there is a lot of what I "I never worry if producer -artist orientated adults and sometimes people
call 'Techno-snobbery'. I have something's distorted. I mean, rather than studio owner- forget that."
occasionally read some there are things on Dare that engineer orientated. Studios For Dare (a huge commercial
interviews that give the are hideously distorted but no- are for the artist and they success and an influential
impression that I advocate one ever notices because they should be designed and run album) Phil Oakey recorded
that but I don't. I'm very anti sound good where they are. with the artist in mind, not several of his vocals singing in
it actually. I think things
should be kept as simple as
That's really what it's about.
Recording is about being free
with the engineer in mind -
which is what goes wrong a lot
the toilet at Genetic Sound
thus underlining what Martin
possible. At least that's how I in your technique and it's a of the time. says about too much emphasis
feel now. Maybe five years ago lot of hard work too. "The way people listen to being placed on technicalities.
I felt differently, I can't "You develop new ideas, you records is not the way that "I'd rather that he sang it in
remember. But certainly now, use them once and then throw producers and engineers listen the studio from the technical
I think the simpler everything them away. It's a constantly to records. You'll go into a point of view. But he wasn't
is, the better. That's why some changing process-or it should record company office, and going to sing very well in the
of the records being made at be. I think the moment I ever you'll play something you've studio. He actually thought
the moment -they're too big, reached a point where I could done and you'll notice that thethat he was going to sound
too complicated and too actually sit down and write speakers are out of phase. good in the toilet. And I would
involved. I call them `dirty the technique out, thén it's all There's no bottom end -it's say that four or five cuts on
records'. Too much noise and over. Because if I can write disappeared down a hole in Dare were done in the toilet.
not enough substance. Now, out the technique that applies the middle and you'll say: `Do And it was good fun too
I'm not saying that I'm to the last three years of work you know your speakers are because he was standing in
making the records that that I've done, then I've gone out of phase in here ?' the toilet and I nipped to the
should be made now, because stale, haven't I? I would be "He says: `Well, this isn't outside of the building, leant
I'm not. They're the ones I'd repeating myself." my office, it's the company's in through the window and
like to make. I listen to listening room.' flushed the toilet, which
Quincy Jones and I think he's Turning to Genetic "And you say: `But your freaked him out completely
stunning, right? He'll have Sound, what was speakers are out of phase!' because he was standing with
four sounds going and it will important to Martin in "He says: `Oh, is that bad?'headphones on so he didn't
sound enormous. Everything is terms of the design? "You say: `Well, yes. Hang hear me. He took the
tailored and it fits, and it What did he tell on a minute.' headphones off and the toilet
works, and it just blows me designer Eddie Veale "You flip the wires over and was flushing for no reason.
out of the door: Now that, I'm he wanted? he asks you: `Is it alright now ?' That was good fun: that broke
impressed by, as far as "Well, I wanted a control "Because they're not the ice."
producers go. room that has got the sort of listening to what you're
"Quincy is drawing from 40 acoustic that my front room's listening to. They're listening By the time of the
years of musical influence? got. I didn't want a `control to the songs and the second of our
Well, by the time I hit 54, so room' control room. performances and either it's interviews, Martin
will I. And I hope that I will "I've got concrete ceilings, working or it's not. They're was obviously in a
sound as modern and current brick walls and stuff, and it listening for enthusiasm and much happier frame
as he does. Now there's a real really is a bright room. And people coming through the of mind. He was
record producer. He's in a when you sit in there, your speakers. working with a new
class of his own. Because it is mouth doesn't drop out at the "Sometimes I think the electronic band called Hard
experience and knowing what corners. People can relax in a standards that we set Core, was about to start work
works instinctively. And that room like that. It's big; I ourselves are too high and we with another new band called
instinct is built up from years didn't want one of those allow it to get in the way of Jericho and was talking to
of doing it wrong." telephone boxes. Acoustically, what we're doing. You see, I'm such diverse talents as PP
Martin went on to make the the environment is fairly not supposed to be making bits Arnold and Feargal Sharkey.
point that an advantage of normal so that people don't of hi -fi. Do you know what I "I don't want to get locked
being free and open to into one sort of thing again
experimentation with because for a while I did and
recording technique and it gets boring. ,So I want to
making mistakes, is that you work with some electronic
can sometimes end up with an bands, some guitar bands and
unexpected bonus on tape. solo singers. Spread it around
"To record a snare, really a bit. It's more fun. If I do the
distorted, is technically wrong same thing over and over
and not something that again, I just get fed up with it
somebody would do out of all."
choice. To destroy all the front Martin had previously
end transient and stuff by expressed disappointment that
over -modding by about 20 dB Cindy Lauper's Time After
on tape? Lunacy. But because Time wasn't getting anywhere
I misaligned one of the tape in the UK charts and that was
tracks on that Stretch record a sad reflection of the charts.
the snare went on to tape at But a couple of weeks later, it
22 or 23 dB over the top. Now, started to do well.
not many people can "Yes it did. Well, it's nice to
remember that record (laughs) know I can pick the hits. I
but those who can always say thought that was a hit right
what a great snare sound it from the beginning. That
was. That's the one thing they record made me think. The
remember. So you make a few lyrics were really good, it was
mistakes like that, that people well produced and it had
pick up on and that some of something special. I just
them actually like -and you couldn't see why it was having
realise it doesn't matter such a tough time.
anyway. It's down to theway "I suppose that we people in
78 Studio Sound, May 1985
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the business that make the leaves the other one totally to do the whole thing but to essentially to make sounds
stuff-or are involved in the unsatisfied and I can't live be part of the process with a based on those of existing
making process-have this and work in the music live band. And that's instruments as opposed to
feeling that anything good business only having part of something that is starting to creating new sounds.
should sell automatically and my desires satisfied. develop quite rapidly now. "Yes, I think it will come. I
of course it doesn't happen "I couldn't exist making Those sort of techniques where don't know whereabouts in the
because the main reason for great music all the time and you can use the computer's transitory stage we are; the
the way that records sell is no money. I couldn't survive ability to enhance the live end of the beginning, the
the way they're promoted. You like that because my lifestyle stuff that you've recorded. beginning of the end or the
can actually sell vast is such that I need the money. Although it's early days middle or whatever, I don't
quantities of pap if you've got But again, I think you can because there are complexities know. But there must be a
a really good marketing make good music and loads of of timing and feel to be dealt point where electronic music
campaign going and all the money. I could have run off to with, you can, for example, matures away from its roots, if
rest of it. And if you don't get America and produced those beef up a drum kit quite easily you like.
behind a really good record, mega-bands but it's not for now and there are other areas "We need to use these things
well. sometimes it just .doesn't me, it's not what I wanted to that we are looking at where to create sounds that bear no
do it on its own. It gets buried do. I nearly did in '84 but I you can start to improve relationship to the sounds you
if no -one hears it. Sometimes I backed off at the last minute." things. So that's quite an hear in everyday life and
make a record and I think: I'm Martin has acquired a fairly interesting technique." that's the exciting part of it.
really proud of that. impressive array of computer Martin was reminded that at The real problem is getting
"The record company and and synthesiser -based our previous meeting he had the money to do that. You see,
everybody thinks it's great equipment. He absorbed the been in the middle of a period for a bunch of artists to sit
and the marketing man screws new technology and became of self-assessment. In spite of around for two or three years
up and doesn't put his conversant with how to platinum records, awards and being totally creative -with no
campaign together. You put operate it. Does he consider all his success, he was able to influences about earning a
everything you've got into that this creates something of take quite a scathingly living or anything -that costs
something and because some a barrier between himself and objective look at what he was a lot of money. They need the
guy's going on holiday that new young bands coming into doing and to consider the gear, they need the studio and
week or whatever and doesn't the studio? Martin was quite validity of his work. they need to eat. It's been the
get his act together, it's gone." amused by reference to him as "I think you have to really. problem with pure art all
a Technology Baron. You go through these periods through history. It was great
As readers may have "No, I don't think there is a in your life when you have to in the old days because artists
gathered, Martin is barrier. A lot of the new bands examine and re- examine your would have patrons.
not a producer who take to the technology like motives for doing things, the "You could say that the
feels he can adopt a ducks to water. Most of them quality of what you are doing record companies are the
chameleon role in have got quite complicated and evaluate where you are. patrons of the music business
terms of constantly but it isn't like that because
producing records
solely to meet current market record
I came into the they're only patrons as long as
you do what they tell you to
I think that when a business for two reasons: do. The moment you do
something they don't want you
producer feels that music is
going up a blind alley, you can one, to make good records; to do, they say: `Thankyou and
either follow it for the bucks
or say: `Wait a minute, I'm two, to make a lot of money "So they could hire a bunch
of electronics musicians on
not sure that I want to go up contract -like Hard Core -for
this alley, there's another synthesiser equipment of their And I suppose you caught me example. They've heard what
road.' " own so it's not like they're at a period when I was doing Hard Core can do and they
Martin feels that for those in coming in to a world they that. OK, I've done that, I've like it. They think they can
the recording industry who don't understand at all. And gone through that mental sell it and make a lot of
wish to take the purely usually, by the end of a exercise which sometimes lasts money out of it. Fine.
commercial path, things have record, they're quite several months before you Supposing Hard Core -having
never been better. Studio and conversant with some areas realise: Yeah, what I'm doing signed the contract -decide:
advanced instrument that they didn't know about is alright. `Look, we don't want to do this
technology provides the before. Part of the "OK, I could be something anymore? What we want to do
facilities to add impact and responsibility of the producer more useful to the world, like is push the barriers of
dynamics to music. Videos can is not only to make the record a doctor. But doctors need electronic music on.' And they
add remarkable power to a but also to educate or help the their music otherwise they come in with a record that
sales campaign which can be educational process. So I never can't function. If you ask a doesn't sound as if it is going
combined with marketing object to people asking me doctor to imagine a world to get played on the radio at
expertise to provide a tour de questions what's going on and without records, a lot of all because it's too
force. why it's happening and why doctors would say: `What am I adventurous and all the rest of
"We've got all the marketing we are doing something in a going to listen to at night it. Now it could be a great
stuff. We can hit them right particular way. It's all part of when I've finished treating all record for pushing the barriers
up and just flog 'em whatever the role. No, I don't think so. I these dying people ?' of electronic music on but it
we're churning out and they'll think if a young band of "So you start to think: `Oh might not get released, you
buy it. That sometimes works 18- year -olds from 1964 walked well maybe what I do is know? Then how are people
but it's not what it's really into a studio today, they important.' going to eat and continue to
about and it's not what I came wouldn't know where to start. "You go through periods work? They're not. So whilst
into the record business for. I But that's not true of young when you think: `All I do is sit everybody who is involved in
came into the record business bands coming in off the street around all day making pop electronic music is saying
for two reasons: one, to make now. I mean, Hard Core do records. I mean, what good is yeah, let's go for it -it is
good records; two, to make a their own `Micro- composing' that? And are they any good, moving very slowly because
lot of money. At the moment I and everything. They're well these pop records?' " we all have to eat to varying
can go up the blind alley -the into it. There's nothing here Martin had also previously degrees. Some of us have got
whole business can if it wants that intimidates them at all. mentioned the paradox that used to eating very well
right? -and we're a bit
to -and we can all make a lot "The transition that is being despite quantum leaps in
of money, which satisfies one
of my desires, right? But it
made now is to making good
records using computers, not
computer -based equipment, the
technology was still being used know what I'm saying ? "
reluctant to give it up. Do you

80 Studio Sound, May 1985

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Barry Fox investigates the facts behind the industry news
Information block and magazines," wrote a Mr Tony
Chrismas of the Marketing Division.
performance. So only a low data rate
would be needed to encode the control
The engineers who made ex- Genesis "We then leave it for those journals to information.
Steve Hackett's album Till We Have decide who they wish to cover the story The problem is that there is some
Faces for Lamborghini Records in or attend the press conference on their confusion over the spare space available
Ambisonic surround -sound, may wonder behalf." in the data stream. My information is
why it hasn't scored any publicity with To the best of my knowledge no that the sub coding frames run at 75
the surround -sound-hungry hi -fi press. magazine dealing with audio was invited blocks /s which is equivalent to a user
Here's why, with some extra background. to BTG's meet. More to the point, only a data rate of 150 kbyte /s. Obviously this
Until recently UHJ recordings had quango underwritten by taxpayers' would be more than enough to record a
been made with a single surround -sound money could continue in business string of alternative mixdown options.
microphone which gave artists no chance without realising that most of the words But how much of this data stream is
to overdub and post -mix. Now, thanks to written in specialist magazines are spare and available for tasks like
the work of Reading firm Audio +Design, written by outside contributors and optional mixes?
it is possible to mix multitrack columnists. A magazine editor would I have asked Philips for information.
recordings into UHJ format. The Hackett have to be psychic to know which But on the company's past track record I
album (LMG LP 4000) was a newsworthy contributors are researching what certainly won't hold up publication of
example of what can be done. stories, and then appropriately forward this item until I get a reply.
I heard about the Hackett release only incoming invites. In any case, when I get
through an audio engineer working on invites forwarded from a magazine,
Ambisonic technology who took the postal delays often mean the event is
initiative and telephoned me. Soon
afterwards I saw the pop music press
over by the time I receive it.
The sting in the tail is that BTG know
DSP facts
carry news items about the new album. my home address and interest in The DSP launch produced some
An obviously puzzled reporter, wrote Ambisonics only too well. Recently BTG interesting background facts. Like Tape
"Ambisonics is a system of surround - commissioned a market research group, One, who showed early faith in the Neve
sound which is supposed to create a live at considerable expense, to produce a DSP mastering desk, CTS got a very
effect." report on the best way to market good price deal on its DSP console by
I heard nothing from Lamborghini Ambisonics to the audio industry. I know committing themselves back in March
Records. I heard nothing from the because BTG gave the research group 1982. When CTS signed, the price was
British Technology Group, that infamous my home address and phone number, £310,000. If you want one now you will
quango which has spent over £'/zm of telling them that they should try picking pay nearer £'/2 million. Also CTS took
taxpayers' money on backing my brains. advantage of the Government's scheme
Ambisonics, and has often got hot under for encouraging British companies to buy
the collar when I've criticised its British technology. CTS got £'/4 million
handling of British technology. I checked
with colleagues in the hi -fi and audio Balance codes on a 1 yr interest-free loan. Fortunately
for CTS, the clock on this loan did not
press and couldn't find anyone who had An interesting idea was thrown out start ticking until the official unveiling.
heard anything from BTG or recently by engineers at the BBC after So interest and repayments don't start
Lamborghini. What I did find was a BTG Angus McKenzie shook them with a falling due until early 1986.
newsletter, aimed mainly at the wonderful demonstration of how no -one In a previous column we touched on
recording industry trade, which had been can actually use the full dynamic range the DSP vital statistics; 150 circuit
issued over a month prior to the Hackett offered by compact disc. He set the gain boards, each with 250 chips, making a
release. It embargoed any mention of the of a CD replay system at a reasonable total of 3 million solder joints. You can
LP to the press! level for crescendo peaks. Even in a compare the DSP either with one of the
Almost without exception the record cottage in the deep country you won't fifth generation computers which the
companies deal only with the pop and then be able to hear pp strings. This set Japanese are threatening or a System X
music press. They would not know a hi -fi some BBC minds ticking. Why not use all- digital telephone exchange of the type
journalist if he bit them on the leg. As the PQ codes, which are on all compact which British Telecom is trying rather
far as the record industry is concerned discs, to record control codes representing unsuccessfully to sell abroad.
hi -fi people are those damned nuisance several alternative sound balances? The Volatile data is stored in '/2 Mbyte of
people, who moan about faulty pressings. compact disc as sold would play with a on -board RAM. Set up codes are stored
How curious, then, that the Lamborghini dynamic range wide enough to satisfy on 5 in floppy disks, which load and re-
press release, which I got from an even the most unrealistic hi -fi buff. But set the desk in around 11 s. So what
engineer and not from Lamborghini, the PQ codes would contain, along with happens if there's a power cut between
quotes passages from the hi -fi press beginning and end of track marker flags, saves on to disk? There is 64 K of
describing Ambisonic technology. How control data to represent more realistic battery- powered CMOS RAM which will
even more curious, that BTG didn't send manual balance. Radio 3 nominally runs hold the data overnight, or if the mains
out press releases, or tell Lamborghini on 26 dB range but in practice pushes to goes down.
who to contact. All in all it's not 35 dB. Pop music on Radio 1 is far CTS has its own emergency generators
surprising that the Hackett record was narrower, nearer to on and off. So why but they do not kick in automatically. If
released with a dull wet thud. not a compact disc with a Radio 3 and the power goes off while tape is winding,
I had planned to raise this at the Radio 1 balance option built into the PQ it will spool off and tangle. The last
annual press conference held by BTG. codes? thing you want is for the power then to
But I wasn't invited and heard about it Bear in mind that this is not a come back on again without warning.
only afterwards. So I wrote to the proposal for automatic gain control. It's a What fascinated me was the way the
Chairman of BTG, Colin Barker. A real -time encoding of a real live human £1/2million, fifth generation super brain,
minion replied with waffle which further balance engineer's work. There's an old with all that sophistication under the
helps explain why Ambisonics is so adage about even the best automatic bonnet, relies on just one £100 cheap and
handicapped by BTG. compressors sounding like an cheerful floppy disk drive tucked away in
"It is BTG's policy to send press incompetent, unfeeling engineer with the corner. For that kind of money I
releases and invitations for press very fast reaction time. A good engineer would expect a hard disk Winchester as
conferences to all appropriate newspapers moves smoothly and slowly ahead of the well.

82 Studio Sound, May 1985

Selected effects from HHB.
The staggering range of signal processors that has To help you make the right choice, HHB has selected
become available on the back of low -cost computer tech- a few that we think are special, representing best quality
nology can be overwhelming. and value for money.

AMS RMX16 Digital Reverb: Undoubtedly KLARK-TEKNIK DN780: Flexible new digitai
the state -of- the -art in digital reverb.12 fac- reverb from KT, offering choice of Plate, Hall,
tory presets, 9 user stores for user -edited Chamber, or Room simulation, as well as
sounds plus loadable programs. Up to 800ms delay, ADT, SOS, and multi -tap echo. Up to
pre- delay, 9.9 sec decay. Hi- and lo- filters.
DDL capability. Stereo. £4680.00.

LEXICON PCM60 Digital Reverb: Brings


'd v


ü 65


CIO= ±
990ms pre -delay, 99 sec decay; also reflec-
tion pattern and intensity controls, filters.
39 presets + 50 user stores. Stereo. £3580.00.

famed Lexicon 224X quality at a realise, YAMAHA'S R1000: The lowest cost, high
price. Plate or Room simulation, each with
4 decay and 4 size presets. Hi- and lo- filters.

rü:. 1'--.-.,w,t j. .
quality digital reverb. It features 4 presets
and a nifty 3 band parametric EQ for flexi-
bility of effect. Digital quality at the price of
Stereo. £ 1475.00.
. Y Y Y d a spring. £449.00.
BEL BD80 DDL: Amazing value with full band-
width, 2 sec delay as standard, up to 8 secs DELTA -LAB ADM 1024: We are glad the
available. Digital sampling with loop I1£
Effectron II range isonce again available here,
editing facility. Internal or external trigger (> because of all the many sec DDL's now on

of sample. Modulation and phase controls. the market, we think this one is the best.
£695.00 (2 secs) + £200.00 per extra 2 secs. Features one second delay at full bandwidth,
a fine time control, modulation etc. £399.00.
DRAWMER DS201: This sophisticated low -
cost dual noise -gate, offers attack, hold and DRAWMER DL221 Compressor /limiter: Linear
decay controls,frequency-conscious keying, performance and flexible control, plus a
gate or duck function, 80dB attenuation separate limiter and side -chain functions
and stereo link. £275.00. a make this a steal at £325.00.

All these units (and more) are permanently on Access, Barclaycard/Visa, American Express. Finance
demonstration at HHB if you need to try before you buy. arranged. (All prices exclude VAT and are correct at time
If not, why not take advantage of our mail -order of going to press.)
service for best possible prices and free delivery. IJ HHB Hire and Sales, Unit F New Crescent Works,
Call now on 01- 9613295. IrI Nicoll Road, London NW10 9AX. Tel: 01- 9613295.

"More Talkback, less argunent:'

A good, easy to use Talkback System - Contact TecPro for Talkback systems that are: - due to wide band width and
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Reliable - proven by over 5 years of use in
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Unit 2, Samuel White's Industrial Estate,
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Telepone: (0983) 291553 Telex: 869335 TECPRO G
PO Box 1069, Palatine, Illinois 60078, USA.
Telephone: (800) 562-5872 From IL AK HI (312) 359 -9240
Telex: 280 502 (PROTON PALTN)
REVIEW A user report by Richard Elen
and peaking by 25 to 40 ms. The decay is

again very smooth and uniform, and
there is no clicking on transient inputs.
The decay can be set to a maximum of
4 s, and the early reflection delay is 9 ms
left, 5 ms right, with the initial

8X32 MK II
reverberation delay at 8 ms.
The effect is very modern and
dramatic. It is explosive and gives a
fashionable noise on snare drum, which
can be exaggerated effectively by gating
the returns, where it becomes a bit like
an AMS Non-Lin setting but sufficiently

Ireviewed the original 8X32 in Studio
Sound in August 1983 and remember
largely a discussion of these four new
different to be interesting. I like sounds
like this: the only trouble is that so does
everyone else.
It is also interesting when used to add
to tuned percussive sounds from an
instrument like a Fairlight, where the
being impressed by it. Always willing relatively mildly -coloured reverberation
to have a listen to a digital picks out and enhances the `quasi -pitch'
reverberation unit I was pleased to Cask of the sound, giving a series of tuned
look at the 8X32 Mk II. As its name suggests, Cask is intended crashes which are very exciting
The Mk II looks exactly like the old to simulate a very small enclosed space especially when used as part of a Page R
one, which is hardly surprising. The so it is based around a great many sequence. It does start to become a bit
8X32 is a software -based machine, and closely spaced early reflections and has a messy on longer decay times, however,
quite dramatic enhancements can be very high echo density. Ursa Major say as the density is so high that it gets in
made to the operation of the unit simply that it has the highest density of any of the way. Gating it or using short reverb
by replacing the firmware PROMs their programs to date. decay settings is the secret here.
(Programmable Read -Only Memories) This program has a very fast build-up
inside the unit. If you are an 8X32 indeed, reaching full density in under
owner, you get such updates free of 25 ms. In addition, you can't hear any Chamber
charge. discrete reflections at all, and you don't The third of the new programs features a
There has been one (internal) hardware get a set of rapid clicks if you put gradual build -up, achieving peak density
modification since I reviewed the original percussive instruments through it. in about 65 to 130 ms. The decay is quite
unit: when the remote control unit
which duplicates the front panel
- Meanwhile the decay is smooth, and may
be set in 15 steps from 0 to 2.0 s. The
uniform and smooth, and Ursa Major
describe the program as having,
controls-was released, so was a new delay on early reflections is a short 8 ms `moderate density', which I suppose is
CPU board to cope with it. People who left, 3 ms right, and there is about 4 ms about right. It is only slightly coloured,
bought a remote unit and had the old between that and the onset of initial and has a low echo density in the first
CPU card could swap it free of charge for reverberation. 100 ms. The decay time can be set up to
a new one, and all subsequent machines It sounds quite remarkable, and is 8 s, and the early reflection delay is
had the new card fitted. reminiscent of the kind of reverberation 31 ms left, 13 ms right base delay, with
The new program release is Edition I remember hearing as a child while an initial reverb delay of 44 ms
E8-0, which replaces E4 -1, which was the shouting in the passages of Underground (approximate base delay to cluster
first revision of the original 8X32 subway stations, but without the midpoint).
programs. A major change is that there multiple reflections: a `tunnel echo', but This is obviously an attempt to model
are eight of them, rather than four. As a quite short. Cask is quite a good name an echo chamber whose size is
result, you have to change the CPU for it as it does indeed sound like somewhere between those used in the
PROMs as well as the two program PROMs, lowering the audio source into an oil Plate and Hall programs. It's very nice
because the front -panel protocol has been drum or a large- diameter pipe as you on chamber music (honest ... no puns)
changed to allow access to eight turn up the reverb level. because of the smoothness and clarity of
programs instead of the original four. My only complaint with this program the reverb.
The technique is simple: they have is that it is rather bright in its natural It suits strings very well where you
revised the button -pressing sensing form; it becomes somewhat more usable need to retain the sound of the
system so that it treats the `reverb clear' when the HF decay is dropped. Its instruments rather than just get a wash
button as a shift key when pressed in smoothness and freedom from clicks of string -like sound. It also suits vocals,
conjunction with one of the program make it feasible for use on drums and flutes and a number of synthesiser
buttons. So pressing the first program percussion without too much trouble, sounds, particularly those without too
button alone will activate Plate I, while although it must be remembered that much in the way of an initial attack as
pressing the same button with the this sound is very highly coloured. transients can `ping' a little with this
`reverb clear' button will activate Cask, Flanging the returns is also quite an program. Otherwise, the reverberation
one of the new programs. When you call experience, as is the effect of adding decay sounds particularly pleasant on
up one of the `shifted' programs, the Cask to Simmons drums. I like the this program. I would like to have used
program LED flashes rather than sound, and I'm sure I'll find a use for it. it more on female vocals, where it was
remaining steady. giving every indication it would sound
It should be noted at this point that particularly useful.
the first four programs are identical to Perc
those found in the previous release: Plate Percussion Plate also has a very high,
I, Plate II, Hall and Space -all Revision rapid build-up. According to the R rev
1. The four new ones are Cask, Perc, manual's description, Perc has a level of The final program in this set is Reverse
Chamb, and R rev-all Revision O. The density second only to Cask, and an Reverb. It is most definitely an effect
content of this `mini- review', then, is explosive build -up starting in under 1 ms and one could imagine it as the Space
84 Studio Sound, May 1985
program run backwards. What does it excellent choice for many studios looking sufficiently detailed -with the addition of
do? Well, it is supposed to sound like for a remoteable, versatile digital an extra six sides of yellow paper
what happens when you turn the tape reverberation unit. In addition, the unit describing the new program set.
over, put echo on something, record it, is disconcertingly lightweight and is The only question for UK users will be
and turn the tape over again. Backwards probably resilient enough to take on the the cost -effectiveness of the device
echo, I always called it. road. against other systems at the present
I think it does sound rather like The service manual for the unit time, bearing in mind the strength of the
backwards echo. The book says that it contains 41 pages of highly detailed US dollar. Very few US- manufactured
has a very slow, open and uneven build- service instructions and illustrations, units are cost -effective in the UK today,
up over the first 100 to 250 ms, and that plus 10 field service bulletins and or even in some parts of Europe, and
the decay has a low echo density, similar running design changes, parts lists and with such a lively range of British pro -
to the Space program. Transient material full circuit diagrams. It is well put audio gear, it will pay the UK purchaser
does produce discrete reflections. There is together and appears to cover all the to examine home -grown products first.
little coloration here, and the early areas one needs to know. The 8X32 The quality of the equipment is very
echo density is low but very even. The Mk II owner's manual is basically the high, and subject to exchange rates, is
decay time may be set up to 20 s (phew), same as the original -which is quite good value for money.LJ
and the early reflection base delays and
initial reflection base delay are 168 ms
left, 186 ms right, and 75 ms
The description is largely a paraphrase
of the manual because I would describe
it like this: the initial reverberation is
heard first, as an increasingly loud series
of reflections. Then the two early
reflections-which are set to 168 and
186 ms whatever it says on the front
panel -come along. Meanwhile, the
reverberation has been building up, and
muIIronin> 12:4 :2:1 16:4:2:1
it comes to a peak shortly after the
'initial' reflections have whizzed past. All from one 19" rack mount console
Ursa Major recommend that you set 3 band Equalisation RIAA equalised inputs
the early reflection delay time and level
to zero, and the initial reverb delay to 2 auxiliary sends Peak LED on inputs
zero, level 8 for the most pronounced 90mm smooth action faders 12 way LED displays on masters
effect. Then increase the decay time Mic and Line inputs Phantom power on every input
slightly to help smooth the sound. It
certainly works, although I don't think Subgroup direct outputs 5532 Op -amps throughout
you would generally want to use this a
great deal. It's useful and interesting to
have around. What you do need to watch
is where the most noticeable part of the
sound is, especially if the effect is
running on a longish timebase, because
if you are using the effect on a rhythmic
source, the location of the sound with ,r y(
regard to the beat of the music might be : `-
a bit disturbing.
There are a vast number of
; 1-t-;¡ £.üy:`7ty:
1 , . yr +k

possibilities here, too, like delaying the

reverb by a beat or so, delaying the
original sound and reinserting it at the
end of the effect, and so on. I didn't
really have the time to pursue this
sound to its ultimate destination, but I
think it has a goodly number of

The new Edition E8 -0 for the Ursa Major
8X32 -making it the 8X32 Mk 11-adds HBI Audio, Inc.
significantly to the possibilities of what 231 Marquis Court
Lilburn, GA 30247 USA
was already an excellent digital (404) 923 -3193
reverberation unit. Each of the new TI.5 293827 HLAD
programs has its application and all the Headwater Industries
635 Caron Avenue
programs are well-designed for their Windsor, Ontario N9E 5B8, Canada
purposes. Usefully, they tend to (519) 256-2454
Hill Audio, Ltd.
minimise percussive repeating clicks on Hollingbourne House
transients, which were a problem on Hollingboume, Kent ME 17 1Q), England
(062 780) S55 Hill Audio
some of the original sounds with certain TLX 966641 HILL
The complete 8X32 system is an
Hugh Ford reviews a small recording mixer


t*Art.*' 1* irstivifir
ir *iv* `
',lip shvi=r104 -11 $
it, it it

IF .i lr
J . ! *!

. aw,..". ,
MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION Nominal input level: -54 dBV (2 mV) at 1 kHz. The Tascam model M-520 is the
Minimum input level: -62 dBV (0.8 mV) at big brother of the Tascam M-512,
General kHz; TAPE TRIM to maximum.
20- input; 8 -PGM output; 2- monitor output (x2);
Maximum input level: -25 dBV (56 mV) at the former having 20 inputs
4 -AUX output; 16 -tape monitor; 8- balanced amp. 1 kHz; TAPE TRIM to minimum. with 16 -track monitoring and the
Mic input (low impedance) (channels 1 -20) latter 12 inputs with 8 -track
Mic impedance: 200 to 600 S2 nominal (matched Line input (channels 5-20 plus spare sub
for miss of 600 S2 or less). input)
monitoring. In both cases four
Input impedance: 2 kS2, balanced, XLR -type Input impedance: 100 kf. auxiliary sends are available.
equivalent. Nominal input level: -10 dBV (0.3 V). The lightweight frame of the desk is
Nominal input level: -60 dBV (1 mV). Maximum input level: +18 dBV (8 V). formed from a combination of alloy and
Minimum input level: -70 dBV (0.3 mV) MIC
TRIM to maximum. PGM /AUX 1, 2, 3, 4 OUTPUT plus stereo
steel and is remarkably strong for its
Maximum input level: +18 dBV (8 V), MIC ATT master A/B output, direct output and access weight with a separate rack mounting
to 30 dB; MIC TRIM to minimum. send output (input 1 -12 /Bus 1-8) power supply feeding the desk via a
Instrument input (channels 1, 2) Output impedance: 100 S2. multiway locking connector. The power
Input impedance: 100 kf). Minimum load impedance: 2 kft.
Nominal input level: -50 dBV (3 mV). Nominal load impedance: 10 kS2. unit which is 3U high has a power on /off
Maximum input level: +10 dBV (3.15 V); TAPE Maximum output level: +18 dBV (8 V). switch and LED indicator at the front
TRIM to minimum. and the output connector with a fixed
Minimum input level: -58 dBV (1.3 mV); TAPE Balanced amp input (separate type) 2 m long power lead at the rear.
TRIM to maximum. Input impedance: 22 kS2.
Tape input (Tape -channels 1 -16, 2TR A/B- Nominal input level: -10 dBV (0.3 V). Within the power unit the line voltage
channels 17 -20). Maximum input level: +15 dBV (5.6 V). selection is by means of soldered
Input impedance: 47 kS2. connections with protection being
Nominal input level: -10 dBV (0.3 V). Balanced amp output (separate type)
Maximum input level: +18 dBV (8 V). Nominal load impedance: 600 S2 balanced. provided by six properly identified fuses.
Phono input (channels 3, 4) Nominal output level: +4 dBm (1.23 V) / +8 dBm There were no problems with mains
Input impedance: 47 kf. (1.95 V) switchable. safety and the unit was tidily
86 Studio Sound, May 1985
20. 112 HEK HO CAP SCREW - ..

18 20 11/2 HEX
< 20 1/2 HEX
lia 20 11/2



- 1I< -20 EVE BOLT


System Mounting

Great Sound In Small Packages

We went into the field to find what The PI100's one -piece molded
you wanted most: a wide -angle polyethylene enclosure is tough
speaker system that works like a corn - enough to go outdoors.
ponent array, but installs with ease All three new units are two -way,
and looks great anywhere. Then we full -range systems featuring EV's own
designed our new FR15 -2, FR12 -2 and constant -directivity design which
PI100 speaker systems to make your radiates sound over well- defined
job easier. coverage zones: 90° x 40° for the
FR15 -2; 100° x 100° for the FR12 -2
All systems are factory- fitted with
and PI100. They're all substantially
threaded inserts to
more sensitive (96/97 dB, 1W/1m) and
facilitate suspension. And,
more rugged (100/200 watts long -term
with an optional telescop-
average power capacity) than most
ing bracket, the FR12 -2
competing systems.
and PI100 can also be
wall or ceiling mounted in The FR 15 -2, FR 12 -2 and PI100
six versatile positions. For speaker systems from Electro- Voice.
constant -voltage opera- Outstanding performers that install
tion, an optional TK60 line with ease and look as great as they
transformer kit replaces the normal listen. Let us tell you more.
direct input panel.
The FR15 -2 and FR12 -2 have oak - Shuttlesound Limited
grained, vinyl-covered enclosures, for Unit 15 Osiers Estate, Osiers Road, London SW18 1 EJ
use indoors. Telephone: 01 -871 0966 Telex: 27670 Shutso G
y TT
MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION constructed with domestic quality printed red warning LEDs plus the locking pre -
Maximum output level: +28 dBm (19.5 V). circuit boards. fade listen buttons. The 100 mm channel
Quality of the mixer section is similar fader at the bottom of each channel has
Access receive input (input 1 -20) with all components being well arbitrary calibrations from zero to 10
Input impedance: 22 kat. identified. Module interconnection is by and a shaded section where the normal
Nominal input level: -10 dBV (0.3 V).
Maximum input level: +18 dBV (8 V). means of harmonica connectors. -10 dB point would be placed.
The VU meter bridge with 12 From the summing points the eight
Access receive input (Bus 1-8) plus program illuminated VU meters is an integral group buses are fed to an insert point
sub input, aux sub input and monitor sub part of the rear connector panel, the which is linked at phono sockets at the
Input impedance: 22 kO. complete assembly hinging at the back rear of the desk. The feed then goes to
Nominal input level: -10 dBV (0.3 V). for access to the rear of the connectors the eight 100 mm group faders and on to
Maximum input level: +18 dBV (8 V). and their subsidiary printed circuit the eight programme outputs at the rear
Oscillator output boards which also connect to the modules in the form of duplicated and paralleled
Frequency: 40 Hz /1 kHz /10 kHz switchable. via harmonica connectors. With the phono sockets.
Output impedance: 470 12. exception of the XLR mic connectors, two The four auxiliary buses are similarly
Nominal output level: -10 dBV (0.3 V). 1/4 in jacks for instrument connections on routed to the rear without insert points
Headphones output channels 1 and 2, and XLRs for the and with rather stiff 60 mm faders.
Nominal load impedance: 8 2. eight assignable balanced outputs, all Similar faders are used for the stereo
Maximum output power: >100 mW, 8 52. connections are by RCA phono master outputs A and B which have
Frequency response connectors. duplicated phono connectors.
Line input to PGM output, Aux output and Each module is of the equivalent width Six locking pushbuttons select the
Mon output: 20 Hz to 20 kHz ±1 dB (reference of four channels. With the exception of monitoring source from the monitoring
30 kHz +1 dB / -2 dB). the input configurations, which are
Headphones output: 50 Hz to 20 kHz ±2 dB
section, aux 1/2, aux 3/4, 2 -track A and
(reference 30 kHz ±3 dB). unusual, all 20 input channels have 2 -track B plus a spare input with a
identical facilities. All channels have an further button allowing monitoring in
Equaliser electronically balanced mic input with mono.
Type: sweep. 48 V phantom powering switched by a
Level: boost/cut ±15 dB. Stereo output A has its feed also sent
Frequency (low): 50 Hz to 500 Hz. slide switch adjacent to the input via a level control to the headphone jack
Frequency (mid): 100 Hz to 5 kHz. connector. Similarly all inputs can be with a separate level control being used
Frequency (high): 2.5 kHz to 15 kHz. switched to tape inputs with channels 17 for the solo level to output A and the
Signal to noise ratio (at nominal input levels, and 18 being assigned to 2 -track unit `A' headphones. Both are muted by talkback
EQ out, UNWTD /A -WTD) and channels 19 and 20 being assigned which is fed to output B.
1 line to 1 PGM output and 1 tape to 1 PGM
to 2 -track unit `B'. Each of the 16 monitoring sections
output: 86 dB /87 dB. The third switched input is dedicated
16 lines to 1 PGM output and 16 tape to 1 have a paddle switch to select tape
PGM output: 73 dB /75 dB. to instrument inputs at jacks and phono input, bus input in a 1/9, 2/10, etc,
1 line to access send and 1 tape to access sockets on channels 1 and 2, an RIAA format and an off position. Each section
send: 90 dB /92 dB. equalised `phono' input in channels 3 then has a level potentiometer and a
1 line to direct output and 1 tape to direct
output: 88 dB /90 dB. and 4 and line level inputs in the panpot feed to the monitor select
1 mic to 1 PGM output: 68 dB/70 dB (150 12 remaining 16 channels. switching.
source). At the top of each input module is a On the meter bridge, the first eight
1 mie to access send and 1 mic to direct
output: 68 dB /70 dB (150 12 source). -30 dB mic pad switch and a mic phase VU meters with peak LEDs may be
1 inst to 1 PGM output: 72 dB /74 dB. reverse switch below which a paddle switched in groups of four (1 to 4 and 5
1 phono to 1 PGM output: 65 dB /68 dB. switch selects one of the three input to 8) between the eight programme buses
Balanced output: 90 dB /95 dB. sources. Each input source is buffered and duplicated external connections at
and the mic /line input has co -axial gain the back of the meter bridge. The
Crosstalk trims. The output from the input selector
Better than 70 dB (1 kHz, nominal input level); remaining four meters are associated
better than 60 dB (15 kHz, nominal input level). switch has an overload indicator before with two 3- position paddle switches in
being fed to the insert point in the form the monitoring section such that meters
Total harmonic distortion of a link at the rear of the modules; a 9 and 10 can be off or monitor stereo
1 mie input to 1 PGM output: 0.025'% (at 1 kHz,
EQ OUT, nominal input level above 50 dB and second output is provided at this point. outputs A (L/R) or auxiliary buses 1 and
MIC ATT 30 dB on, with 30 kHz LPF and 400 Hz The next section feeds the four 2. Meters 11 and 12 deal similarly with
HPF connected). auxiliary buses which may be derived stereo outputs B and auxiliary buses 3
1 line input to 1 PGM output: 0.029 (at 1 kHz,
EQ OUT, nominal input level, with 30 kHz LPF from the tape input or the selected input and 4.
and 400 Hz HPF connected). either pre- or post -fade and equalisation. The final user feature is the oscillator
Twin gang co -axial potentiometers and talkback section of the desk at the
Intermodulation distortion (SMPTE method) control the levels to auxiliary buses 1/2 far right. Oscillator frequency can be
1 mie input to 1 PGM output: 0.064 (EQ OUT,
nominal input level above 50 dB and MIC ATT and 3/4 with each pair having a mute switched to 40 Hz, 1 kHz or 10 kHz with
30 dB on). switch with a warning LED. a second switch selecting slate, off or test
1 line input to 1 PGM output: 0.0454 (EQ The three section equaliser has its tone. The latter is fed via momentary
OUT, nominal input level).
Fader attenuation: 80 dB or more. in /out pushbutton with warning LED. pushbuttons to the eight programme
Overload indicator: 25 dB above nominal input The three variable frequency sections buses, auxiliary buses 1 and 2 or 3 and 4
level. overlap and have a detented cut/boost in the test tone setting.
Peak indicator: 10 dB above nominal output potentiometer co -axial with the The inbuilt recessed talkback
Dimensions: (whd) 1082x240x798 mm/ frequency control. microphone is fed via a slate level
42T;, x31á in. Below the equaliser sections are the control to the bus selection switches in
Weight: 47 kg /103 lb. assigns with bus selection having eight the slate setting and via a talkback level
Power requirements: 100/120/220/240 VAC,
50/60 Hz, 90 W. pushbuttons in the conventional odd/even control and the talkback switch to stereo
layout. At the bottom of the section a output B whilst muting stereo output A.
Manufacturer: Teac Corporation, 3 -7 -3 Naka- non-detented panpot pans between even
Cho, Musashino, Tokyo 180, Japan. and odd buses.
UK: Harman (Audio) UK Ltd, Mill Street, Slough
SL2 5DD, Berks. Also within the assign sections are the Inputs and outputs
USA: Teac Corporation of America, 7733 channel on /off buttons with green The balanced microphone inputs had a
Telegraph Road, Montebello, CA 90640. warning LEDs, and the solo buttons with sensible impedance of approximately
88 Studio Sound, May 1985
When no
manufacturer will
discuss equalizer
perfor mance,
Spectre Sound
still does.
Haue you ever noticed how few, if any, graphic
equalizer manufacturers will discuss the measured
performance of their product? At Spectra Sound,
we believe that measured performance is an essential
factor in the selection of an equalizer.

The Model 1500: Performance You

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The measured performance of the Spectra Sound
1500 is second to none. Unmeasurable distortion,
(I.M. and T.H.D), and extremely low noise, (104dB,
+4dBv, unweighted), represents a significant, perfor-
mance improvement over any other professional
twenty seven band graphic equalizer.
In addition, band -centers are calibrated by hand to be
within two percent, and an output impedance of
below one ohm, (typically .3ohm), minimizes the
disastrous effects of long cable runs.
The 1500 is also affordable
Surprised? Well don't be. In fact, the 1500 is priced
well below the majority of twenty seven band graphic
siggo 3750 Airport Road
equalizers on the market. Ogden, Utah 84405
(801) 392 -7531
In a day where performance is often judged by price, Spectra Sound Is a wholly

the 1500 is truly a bargain. owned subsidiary of Spectra Sonos

1.8 kS2 constant with gain setting and FIG.1
the presence or absence of the nominal TASCAM M-520
30 dB pad which had an actual
-..C:::: C
attenuation within 0.05 dB of nominal.
Phantom powering provided 47 VDC
::: ::::
from the correct source resistors.
Common mode rejection varied from 70dB
C::::C:: I::: COC:::: ram I1M MIMI

- =::::OC
channel to channel but the performance
w::::1 .M...ii:MINIUM
C h9
of three channels as shown in Fig 1 was
quite good. Maximum gain to the insert
point was 61.6 dB for three channels
with the gain trim having an average
41 dB range allowing maximum inputs
_ __.
.,. ï,?EEE,
M.. __::::===_c_::::-_
.... .i. ...- ----::::C E:
Ch1f =.:::

...- ..
between 0.82 V and 7.5 mV without the 20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k

Hz Hz Hz

pad -a quite adequate range.

----- -...-
Examination of the other unbalanced TASCAM M -520
inputs gave consistent results for each
C... -I1

.. -------------._--------
_ I 111... I 101M..
C...... .. ....
type of input with the tape inputs and ....MMEMO
line inputs having a maximum gain of 11IMMI IMOMIIIIM... I IMIIM.. 1
1I 1111..
.M. 111111=..


8 dB to the insert points with a gain

. ::

trim range of 36 dB. The input handling
M...:: MIC
=... =M.I,..
CC::===.ÇÇ_'Ç:::ÇÇ ...
capability was 9.6 V at minimum gain or MIIMMlaMIMII..'.11111=...IIla IIMMI MMIIM=... M.
IMMI. 111111111=11MI_...
3.8 V at maximum gain -suitable for
CC::° -:::o
:.. Mi:
.... ------'CC::::
semi -professional equipment, but,

11111111.. 1111=1111..
CZ :: 111=111111=1MMI..=...
possibly restricted in professional
:..::CCCO:::: ===.... E==::::
M=--..... ..CC::::lE}C: 0:'.'.:
........ ..
In both cases the input impedances :'.:'.00CO::::ÇÇ:'_'_ÇgÇ'_g
-- ::....
CC:'.'.:..IIMMI.. C::::
were high, being 47 k2 for the tape

inputs and 100 kSl for the line inputs,
C:..::_=-====:::m-::: ::::
----.... CM::::
both in parallel with approximately
70 pF.
The third type of input available on
channels 1 and 2, is the instrument
:'.::COCC:::C:: C.... =
CC :: ---
===°: NMI

10k 20k 50k 100k
input with an impedance of 218 k52 in 2 Hz 5 10 20 Hz 50 100 200 Hz 500 1k 24 Hz 511 Hz

parallel with 40 pF. These inputs could

handle 3.8 V at minimum gain or 40 mV TASCAM M -520
at the maximum gain of 47 dB with a
gain trim range of 40 dB. The insert
:::CC::::C::::CC''. CC::::
M.... 0
return had a similar impedance with a
signal handling capability of 8.9 V.
Available on channels 2 and 3, the
equalised phono inputs had an .......w.:::
C ::: C:C
CCCQ:::C ... M... :::: O

impedance of 47 kf2 in parallel with -- -_C
20 pF well suited to magnetic pickups.
Similarly the maximum gain of 52 dB I C::

--..- =_ __ --En::
with a trim range of 36 dB associated
with input overload limits of 60/25 mV
was satisfactory.
Gain from the insert points to the
channel outputs had a maximum of 8 dB 10


20 Hz
00 200 Hz 500 1H
2k Hz
5k 10k


Hz lo0k
with the gain being unity at the shaded
section of the channel fader located at which remained reasonably constant laws a lowed accurate setting.
80% travel. with gain and level. Particularly in view of the provision of
In general the unbalanced outputs had The response from the phono input phono inputs the absence of high- and
a source impedance of 100 52 with a drive measured via an inverse RIAA network lowpass filters could be a nuisance.
capability of 9.7 V-satisfactory for most is shown in Fig 3 and shows a slight Overall the frequency response from
purposes- however, the unassigned unwanted boost at high frequencies. In the line inputs to any output irrespective
balanced output amplifiers with the addition, the extended low frequency of routing was within +0/ -0.7 dB
input impedance of 22 k12 and gain of response is undesirable, particularly in reference 1 kHz from 20 Hz to 20 kHz
11.7 dB offered a high level balanced
output of 24 V from a low source
view of the lack of any highpass filter in
the mixer.
falling to -3 dB at 10 Hz and 39 kHz
an entirely satisfactory performance.
impedance of 22 S2 suitable for driving Reference to Fig 4 shows the
professional equipment. characteristics of the low, mid and high
frequency equalisers. All three are Noise
shown at their maximum cut/boost Noise at the insert point in the channel
settings and at the extreme and mid modules was measured under various
Frequency response point frequency settings, the performance conditions with all modules giving
Fig 2 shows the frequency response from being very close to the nominal closely similar results. First considering
the microphone and line inputs to the performance. While the nominal the microphone inputs terminated in
channel outputs at maximum gain with cut/boost is ±15 dB, however, the actual 200 12 the noise performance was very
1 V output. Clearly the response is very performance varied slightly with the good as shown in Table 1.
flat within the audio band with a frequency setting. This is of little Measurements at the channel outputs
sensible roll -off at high frequencies practical consequence and the control showed that insertion of the equalisers
90 Studio Sound, May 1985
---, /\(

16 -16 -2 16 -8 -2
:81 'ris
ettittiti 9

- __ ,. - . i ..J t »..'..I / d
N t- h h
N. to
.. ....0 Sr .h4 Y. O. Y

1, (
I"Í r _ _L ,.

The 16/16/2 is designed to complement budget 16 -track recorders. It The 16/8/2 is compatible with 8 -track recorders and has all the versatility of
features its own external P.S.U. which can supply even a fully expanded the 16/16/2, like optional expander modules for the mic. channels (an extra
16/16/2 (a 32/16/2!). All mic. channels have 48V Phantom Power, 16 mic. channels may be fitted without altering the unit's P.S.U.) and a
parametric E.Q. network, and 3 auxiliary sends. Full 16 channel monitoring is double patch bay. Mic. channels feature 48V Phantom Power, parametric E.Q.
included in the 16/16/2 package. 12 segment 2 colour bargraphs are fitted network, 3 auxiliary sends and 90mm faders. Full monitor and foldback
to the 16 sub -mix stages and the master output which is also fitted with 3 systems are included. Master outputs have 3 -band E.Q. and 2 colour 12
band E.Q. As well as optional expander modules for the mic. channels, a segment bargraphs. These bargraphs are also fitted to the 8 sub-mix stages.
double patch bay is available. Applications for the 16/8/2 include small 8 -track studio mixing and live
sound reinforcement.

16 -4 -2 6-2-1
s. O. O. O. - 0.

1- {- i11- f. { t-11111111 qt

The 16/4/2 is the mixer that the 16/8/2 and 16/16/2 developed from and TheSTUDIOMASTER 6 -2 -1 mixing console offers features and performance
consequently contains all their superb features. It is expandable to 32/4/2 on normally obtainable from mixers costing twice the price. Mic. channels feature
its existing P.S.U. and a patch bay is also available. Mic. channels have three band e.q., effects and monitor sends as well as the usual gain and pan
parametric E.Q. network, 48V Phantom Power, 3 auxiliary sends and 90mm controls. 2 colour, 12 segment bargraphs allow monitoring of channels,
faders. Full monitor and foldback systems, 3 -band E.Q. on the master outputs auxiliaries and both stereo and mono sum outputs. This outstanding
and 2 colour 12 segment bargraphs are all supplied on the 16/4/2. Uses of specification makes the 6 -2 -1 ideal for sub -mixing, P.A. and recording.
this mixer include live sound reinforcement and for use with 4 track recorders
in small studios.

Mosfet 500 Mosfet 1000

With distortion not exceeding 0.005% (1kHz sinewave at 200 watts /4ohms) This high power amplifier delivers twice the power of the MOSFET 500 with
this amplifier provides reliabye amplification of outstanding fidelity in all the Same 0.005% distortion (1kHz sinewave at 400 watts /4 ohms). This
applications. The extensive protection circuitry ensures failsafe protection amplifier has already proved itself under the most stressful of applications and
against D.C., thermal overload and short circuit conditions. The front panel is fast becoming the standard against which all other amplifiers are measured.
carries LED indication allowing instant monitoring of the amplifier's The Mosfet 1000 delivers high power with total fidelity in all applications.
operational status. The Mosfet 500 is ideally suited to all professional
applications requiring medium power, accurate reproduction.

Studiomaster, Faircharm Industrial Estate, Chaul End Lane, Luton, Bedfordshire.
Tel: (0525) 221331 Telex: 825612 STUDIO G
We would welcome you at the Frankfurt Fair (February 9th - 13th 1985).
We are Stand No. 91C88 in Hall 9.
7 4L
Measurement methods Min gain Max gain Measurment methods Instrument Tape/line Phono
22 Hz to 22 kHz RMS -88.8 dBm -66.4 dBm 22 Hz to 22 kHz RMS -73.5 dBm -99.0 dBm -55.5 dBm
A- weighted RMS -90.7 dBm -68.3 dBm A- weighted RMS -76.5 dBm -102.5 dBm -62.5 dBm
C'CIR- weighted RMS -83.0 dBm -59.5 dBm CCIR -weighted RMS -68.0 dBm -92.5 dBm -59.7 dBm
CUIR- weighted quasi -peak -79.5 dBm -55.5 dBm CCIR- weighted quasi -peak -64.0 dBm -89.5 dBm -56.0 dBm
CCIR /ARM ref 2 kHz -90.0 dBm -66.5 dBm CCIR /ARM ref 2 kHz -74.5 dBm >-100.0 dBm -66.5 dBm
A- weighted noise referred to input -111.7 dBm -129.9 dBm A- weighted noise referred
to input -123.5 dBm -110.5 dBm -114.5 dBm


.mm-...-m--NN.NEM.IMMIM...MIM- ::::CC-::M:::C ---::::
----...MMEIMMMEEE%- -M°O
IMME...EEMIM---N._ ----M.
- .E-MIM.EFEM.-..E.E..E :;...


M.MEM- IMM...-MM..

__ .IMM.i-
0.01 I.

--. .. MM---...---:::-
= IMM-.-.
--.::t M:::
YYIM-_ ..=_


i .M M.MIMM.ME_...M
M. .._.MM.___ME...M__
AMMIMEMEE :ÌM.MIMFIM.ME...IMIM 20 Hz 50 100 200 500

Hz 1k 2k Hz 5k 10k 20k


...MIMC M-
- MIM wm

ECC-- C__MM.M.
CmME... ..M.M == 11 ::
150 Hz 500 Hz

m 0 -1 I.
NIMM.. NM...

M:--_E:NMM_ MEIMN=. Was
2 Hz 5 10 20 Hz 50 100 200 Hz 500 1k 2k
_IMN-...IMNME.. N.IM......z ....mM.
CZ::'T.ÇC DF2ti:___ CE::--

0.01'4 =::::
.. :7C--7E
y.M .M-_NIM=_IM_NM..ii

-_.MIM___IMMM.-- =rI... =M.IMMM.: M.MM M.IM-M...MM.N.MM.M.IMNM.I
_IMM_MIE:-.-- ===

'MMM--_- M. Me


i .---C
500 5k 10k
Hz 1k 2k Hz 20k Hz 50k 100k 200k

IIMI= MM .MIMMM::i.,101M
M.E E-:
M.:- Mo.


--:: EEEI::::
C77-M:::.:TC--M:N: --M::: C

01 %

11-MEN.E Il ME

MM6.1IMM. I1
IM-i :E:
M. IMMM..-
E M-.EEE --M M-IMM--..0
.-. --EEE
::ME..EM.= ...-::::

360Nz .N.MIM
C®:.'. C C-CE:'CC
::EE -_C:'E.
IM-M ...MM.M. - -M:öEIMNMEM.
100 Hz

M.M.M M. EEE-1
Hz 200
...IMM..E.-EMIMMME..NIM -CGE:C=C: 001/.
M anal
-::w ñ:: M.-M.ME IM
SO 100 500 1k 5k
z 1k Hz 10k 20k
MN___..._ MI
FIG. 4C 20 Hz 50 100 200 Hz 500 1k 2k Hz 5k 10k 20k

C 1 .MMNIMMM...M.= IM-M..-
--__:_::--:::_ ===-MENE=EC
-- F----.------------
MNE: _===_:EEEe=
-__-IM---iiiii..MMNIMM----------E-- -. E-
--------_---_--E----------_- EE-=


!_::--_ -I-IM... --

-M.MIMEN 0 1Y.
Ì! Mi .M..MM

1MIMM. \v_,\
IM__ ..MIMM.

DF 2

...m M.

___- :::

MIM.MMEIM_::: _.-_ Zit: IMNO..M


2 5 6 5kHz 15kH
Hz 500 1k 2k Hz 5k 10k 20k Hz 50k 100k 200k T00 Hz 500 1k 2k Hz 5k 10k 20k 50k 100k
Hz 200k

92 Studio Sound, May 1985

in their flat positions degraded the noise 7 kHz increasing to better than 65 dB at
20 kHz.
flatness being -0.2 dB at 40 Hz and
-0.78 dB at 10 kHz -room for
by 7 dB irrespective of the measurement
method used, however, the use of improvement here.
The nominal frequencies were
equalisation had the expected results.
Noise for the high level inputs was
Metering and overload reasonably accurate with 40 Hz being
measured with them shorted, and for the indication 39.64 Hz, 1 kHz being 1.0318 kHz and
10 kHz being 10.336 kHz. Second
phono inputs with a dummy cartridge of The peak indicators in the input modules
625 fl in series with 700 mH impedance. harmonic distortion was 0.6% at the
operated 5 dB below clipping from the lower frequencies and 0.3(4 at 10 kHz
Table 2 refers to noise at the channel microphone or high level inputs with
insert point for various inputs at with the third harmonic approximating
their response time for a clear indication 0.4% at all three frequencies with the
maximum gain. 1 dB below clipping being 1.5 ms-
Noise in the stereo outputs at higher harmonics at least 10 dB lower.
perhaps a little on the slow side.
maximum gain (ie 20 dB gain from the At VU meter bridge, 0 VU
channel insert points) with no channels
allocated was -75 dBm band limited or
corresponded to -8 dBm at the Summary
programme outputs (normally +4 dBm in Within the limitations of its design this
- 77.5 dBm A-weighted increasing to professional systems) with the rise and is a lightweight unit suitable for the
- 70/ -73 dBm with six input channels fall time of the meters being on the fast small studio and general live sound
routed. In operational use the gain would side at 200 ms. However the average
be at least 10 dB less resulting in a good mixing. Not much in excess of the
rectifier characteristics were correct. minimum of facilities are provided for
noise performance at least 10 dB better Within the VU meters the red clip
than the preceding figures. multitrack recording.
indicators operated at 0 dBm giving a In terms of performance the unit does
clear warning on 300 is bursts at what the manufacturer says and in some
Distortion clipping and down to 10 dB below
clipping. This level may be adjusted
respects (such as input noise) the
Before dealing with harmonic and performance is very good. No severe
within the mixer by means of pre-set defects were found and the unit is
intermodulation distortion it should be controls.
mentioned that the squarewave suitable for its intended use.
performance from any input to any The standard and form of construction
are semi -professional but this is
output can only be described as perfect,
with a complete absence of ringing or
Other matters inevitable in a mixer of this type. The
droop. The output from the internal test layout is clean and all controls can be
Distortion between the microphone or oscillator was found to be -8.42 dBm at readily identified and their settings
line inputs and the channel outputs was 1 kHz (0.42 dB below 0 VU) with the reasonably easily assimilated.
almost identical with typical results for
harmonic distortion being shown in Fig
5 and those for CCIF twin tone
intermodulation distortion in Fig 6. Both
these figures were plotted at +20 dBm
equivalent peak sinewave output and at
maximum gain. Reducing levels slowly
reduced the harmonic distortion and
rapidly reduced the high frequency
intermodulation distortion. In both cases
the gain setting made little difference.
Measurements of distortion from the
line inputs to the stereo outputs,
embracing most of the mixer, showed
some increase as anticipated. Fig 7
shows the individual second and third
harmonic distortion with the far less
objectionable second harmonic
predominating. Reducing levels and
altering gains could reduce the distortion
levels without any dramatic effects.
CCIF intermodulation distortion is
shown in Fig 8 -the third order
intermodulation products fell rapidly
with level.

Crosstalk was measured between 20 Hz The SCHOOL OF AUDIO ENGINEERING offers an international network of formal
and 20 kHz under a number of training schools each complete with In -House Multitrack studio. Our one-year Certificate
conditions, and with the exception of and Diploma level courses provide extensive theory lectures and practical hands -on
`leakage' across the tape input selectors experience in all aspects of audio engineering for live sound, broadcast and studio. Each
at 60 dB, was good. Across the channel student is guaranteed practical time in our studios. Also available are short 6 day courses.
faders, channel mutes, between input
channels and across the solo function it / /talk) ¿fl5Ifl('('t1i79
was less than 90 dB up to 3 kHz
increasing at 20 kHz to <75 dB.
Left /right crosstalk in the complete International Head Office. Sydney, Ausuaóa. 699 7931.
system was better than 75 dB up to
3M M79 24 -track with XT24 autolocate 10, 500.00 JBL 4333 speakers per pair 800.00
Studer A80, 16- track, 15 -30ips 8,500.00 Crown DC300A 450.00
3M M56, 16 -track 4,750.00 Crown D60 120.00
Studer A80, RC stereo 3,000.00 Electrospace time matrix P.O.A.
Studer A80, stereo, VU 3,500.00 Marshall time modulator 500.00
Scully 280 series, 8 -track on 1" 1,400.00 Eventide digital delay 1745A 400.00
3M M79, 16 -track 6,250.00 Audio & Design F500 RS selective processor 500.00
Lyrec TR55 stereo 2,300.00 Fairchild 600 Conex 350.00
Proline 2000 stereo 1,200.00 H.H. S500D amp 475.00
Quad 8, 32 -24 -24 8,000.00 H.H. V800 Mos Fet amp 250.00
Soundcraft 16 -24, 24 mon 8,600.00 MXR Digital delay 350.00
Neve "Kelso" 10 -2 5,500.00 Scamp modules, large stock P.O.A.
Allen & Heath system 8, 16 -16 1,400.00 Roland DC10 110.00
EMT 140 Echo plate, stereo remote 2,400.00 Tascam 32-2B, as new 425.00
EMT 140TS Echo plate, remote 2,200.00 A.K.G. BX20 reverb 1300.00
Masterroom MR3 reverb with DC2 control 950.00 KEF LS5 /1 loudspeakers per pair 150.00
BEL 2 -track noise reduction 250.00 KEF LS5 /1 loudspeakers per pair 225.00
Dolby M16 noise reduction 5,500.00 Helios P.S. desk 16 -8 -16 3,000.00
Dolby M24 noise reduction 7,500.00 Quad 405/2 amps, new 195.00
Eventide instant phaser 175.00 Quad 303 amps, new 127.00
Klark Teknik DN34 450.00
Drawmer multi- tracker 350.00 The above prices do not include V.A.T.


TRAD 149b. St. Albans Road,Watford, Herts, WD2 5BB, England
Tel: Watford (0923) 47988/9 Telex: 262741

A superb range of innovative loading
and duplicating technology

the leaders
Tape Automation Ltd, Unit 2, River Way, Harlow, Essex CM20 2DN.
Telephone (0279) 442946, Telex 265871 MONREF G quoting Ref: 84 AUL001
: .


94 Studio Sound, May 1985

`On track, on spec, on time'
In the pipe -line:
When Greengate Productions first introduced the Full- function step time sequencer with power-
DS:3 the published specification stated that three ful screen editor.
software updates would be included in the initial
purchase price of the 4-voice polyphonic 15kHz Duration recording sequencer (Records the
sampler. duration of key -down in addition to all other
The first of these; Keyboard Splitting; is now with
our customers. Any sound in memory to any key Powerful looping facility -
select envelope,
at any pitch. Many studios, producers, musicians, select loop points, select loop width: All on
TV Stations, composers and film /video editors screen and audibly for the very best sound.
will attest to the versatility of this option. Software
selectable sample times complete the package. Dynamic MIDI interface. Includes the 255 step
Drum Pad dynamic for virtually all electronic
drum systems.
Sample time durations up to 10 seconds with
full 15kHz bandwidth.

When you invest in a Greengate Digital Sampling

Sequencer you become a member of a developing,
well supported community. On track.


Please send me further information on the

DS:3 Digital Sound Sampling Sequencer:

Greengate Productions, 24 Missden Drive, Hemel Hempstead,
Herts, England, HP3 8QR, Tel: (0442) 3496
British Imports Limited, 2410 Nth Hathaway Lane, Santa Ana,
p r o d u c t i o n s California 92701, Tel: (714) 542 9178
il Gil PO ER

B302 £259 B502 £429
(XLR VERSIONS AVAILABLE IN BOTH MODELS) - True modularity to really meet your requirements,
in theater and multipurpose hall installations.
-A family of some 20 different input, grouping,
TO - fader, metering and output modules.
Special modules for control room and
headphone monitoring, test signals, talkback,
SURPRISINGLY LOW COST. PLUG -IN DRIVER P.C.B. -- remote control etc.
Heavy duty steel chassis.
STUDIO OR ON THE ROAD. TELEPHONE OR WRITE FOR - Transformer balanced inputs and outputs.
Wide range meters, 60dB display.

if .i_._'. - : -:IA
. ./..,x'1.4 -- Stores up to 600 cues (scenes) on

- Assignable
Controls up to four tape recorders.

fader and meter to set and

The Homesdale Centre 216 -218 Homesdale Road -- output

control output
System operation by single cue entry push
Bromley Kent England BR1 2QZ 01 -460 7299
-- Optional
Pocket terminal for remote
speaker switching
and cueing.


ffD Miniature Jacks ffD

New Trimm Mini Jack. SCENE

=culimen AUDIENCE

Extremely rigid frame; Gold Alloy or Palladium contacts;
Solderor Wire Wrap and.Pre- Normalled: to MIL-STD-202.
Details and prices on request.


o tiVi K0A[.

P.O. Box 3DG, 114 Wardour Street, London W1A 3DG, England.
Telephone: 01 -434 3344 & 01- 4371892. Telex: 21624 ALOFFD G.
Cables: Allotrope -London W 1.
Laitilantie 10 00420 HELSINKI 42
96 Studio Sound, May 1985 FINLAND 90- 5664644
GoAfr 2T
Telex: 125778 msa sf
Advertisements for this section must be pre -paid. The rate is 50p per word, minimum £12.50. Box Nos. £3.00 extra. Semi- display rates on
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(masters and demos), pressings, sleeves,
Aeh Leabridge
Ime -audio
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studios. Free brochure. TAM STUDIO,
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QUALITY HIGH -SPEED and real-time audio
and video cassette copying and processing. Any
quantity. While you wait. 24 -hour, 7- days -a -week
service. Central London W2. GWBB Audiovision.
Tel: 01 -723 1583/5190. (X)
Real time & high speed duplication
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cards printed or blank rate card from Audicord
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100 C -60 cassettes beautifully copied in stereo OUR MODERN
Still only £59.50 (plus VAT)
We can copy from 100 to 5,000 high quality
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58 High Street,
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0460 20988 OPEN - REEL COPYING

available from- YOU NEED IT... WE SUPPLY IT
REAL TIME CASSETTE COPYING LIMITED Precision wound cassettes, high speed duplication. Both
All work carried out on Nakamichi machines to the highest
-399 using Ampex, Basf, Capital open -reel copying. Full printing
standard. Normal or chrome tape available. The Courtyard, 152 -154 Ewell Road, 01
facilities (side labels & inlays). Major suppliers of Ampex
Surbiton, Surrey KT6 6HE England 2476 7
We also supply blank cassettes wound to length. open -reel tape. Also razors, leader tape, splicing tape
AGFA, BASF Chrome and Maxell XLII tape available_
spools and boxes, etc., etc.
1 GAUDEN ROAD, LONDON SW4 6LR Rainhill Tape Specialists
TEL: 01 -627 4758
31 Eccleston Street
NO RED TAPE AT Prescot, Merseyside L34 5QA
051 -430 9001

axis audio

Real time cassette duplication via Nakamichi from 4" COPY MASTER 30min £35
Sony PCM -F1 or open reel Dolby A or DBX. Also 12 TRACK MAKE -UP 45min £85
fast copying via Graff. Compression, equalisation 10 REAL -TIME CASSETTE COPIES C10 £11
and editing facilities. all prices exclusive of VAT
WEST S Tapes Ltd. MIKE OR JOHN ON 01 -609 8081
Rapid supply of high quality blank bulk cassettes C1 -C120 AZIMUTH PRODUCTIONS LTD.

5 -screw C -Zero - no minimum or maximum order.

Phone Dave West 01 -502 2447 PA -VS offers a full studio
West 5 Tapes Ltd, Unit 34, Oakwood Hill VIDEO EQUIPMENT equipment maintenance
Industrial Estate, Loughton, Essex. service and a comprehensive
COMPRESSORS/NOISE GATES studio and studio equipment
design service.


Approved REVOX modifications undertaken QUICK TURNROUND - LOW PRICES
A personal service by experienced engineers,
plus collection and delivery
34 Danbury Street, London N1 13.1U 37 WEST END, LAUNTON, OXON. AND CONSULTANTS
Telephone 01-359 9342 (24 hours)
O3692 53986
Consultants in acoustics
30 years' experience in the custom design of all kinds of
recording and TV studios, remix, dubbing and viewing suites
new and conversions. Down to 25 Hz.

A NEW service in London offering Tel: 0442 54821

a new solution to an old problem.
Not only do we pick up,- repair
and return your equipment, we are
also the London service point for


CALL Alan Cundell now on

Studio environments built to the highest standards.
Our services include:
Fully engineered floating floors, suspended ceilings. high density doors, sound
lock lobbies, concrete and brickwork, double glazing, low frequency absorbers,
attenuated ventilation systems, insulating sealants, acoustic screens, electrical

ERVICING 01 -586 8303 and electronic installation, equipment sales and commissioning.
U.K. and international projects undertaken.
Planning, design and materials export.
PRO-AUDIO MAINTENANCE ), Eli,,lheth MpwN - London NWi 4UH 01 -985 7573 -
London, England

98 Studio Sound, May 1985
MIDI 01 -995 4730
Super Jupiter £30 Linn 9000 computer£50 TANNOY MONITOR GOLDS, REDS,
Oberheim Xpander £30 Lin Drumm Mk3 £25 SILVERS, X /Os CONES, CABINETS ETC.
SCI Prophet T8 £35 Simmons SDS7 £25 EMT 927, 928, 930 ST. Neumann U47. STC 4038.
35 BRITANNIA ROW LONDON NI 8QH MS0700 sequencer £15 MXR OlA dig reverb£25
Valves PX4, PX25 KT66. Midland Radio Supplies,

BRITANNIA Large range includes Juno 106, DX7 keyboards, RX11,

TR707 drum machines, digital delay /reverb/harmoniser
systems and Portastudio or 8-track home recording packages.
021 -430 7817. (J)

ROW 01 226 3377 WANTED 16 TRACK 2 "MACHINE (or similar).

Non- working or otherwise. Must be cheap, can be
nasty! Will collect, cash waiting. Tel: 01 -803 3422.
The First Name in
()Sound Equipment Hire
Lexicon 224X Larc
AMS 15 -80s 6.4s/1 -6s 2pc De- Glitch
AMS RMX -16 Digital Reverb
Drum Computers, Keyboards, etc

01 -228 0984 580 4314

126 Great Portland Street. London WIN 5PH. Telex. 28668 AUDIO G

* Sony PCM-3324 24-track digital recorders.

EXPERIENCED Recording Engineer (U.K. &
U.S.A.) Musician background /fluent in many
styles of recording and studio techniques.
Looking for responsible position in London or
European studio. Box No. 922.
* Sony PCM -1610 2 -track digital recorders.
* Sony Fl and 701 2 -track digital recorders.
* Plus the most comprehensive range of audio effects
equipment available.
and ancillary

DIGTTAL Electronic editing facilities for 24-track digital.

New fully equipped 2-track digital editing and transfer suite.


channel. 700 bridged. £800 o.n.o. Contact Bob
Gray 01 -651 1112 for details.


In mint condition £1,000. Contact Ron Miller, 5
Polmuir Road, Aberdeen. Phone 0224 643557.
SONY':...... « -1]

PCM 1610 DIGITAL AUDIO PROCESSORS 24 HOUR SERVICE RING: 0860-313-990 REVERB AKG BX 15. Mint condition -little
used. £800. Contact John Shaw 04023 42553.

PCM Fl DIGITAL AUDIO PROCESSORS Dual channel surplus, as new, stock. Vastly
SLF1 BETAMAX RECORDERS MUSICI reduced to clear. £275 (carriage £5 each). Ralfe
Electronics, IO Chapel Street, London NW 1 5DN.
J HIRE (01 -723 8753.)


HHB Hire & Sales. Unit F New Crescent Works, Nicoll Road.
London NWIO 9A X. Telephone 01- 9613295. Telex. 923393.
International size 1.5 mW, 2.5 mL, 1.9 mH
approx lights and ventilation. New price nearly
£10,000. Offers invited. Box 921.
A comprehensive range of
TEAC A -3440 4- channel '/a -track tape recorder
Digital and Analogue effects boxed as new and in immaculate condition. £900
including AMS, Lexicon, o.n.o. Phone: 01 -907 7058 (24 hour answering).
Studio Hire Eventide and Roland.
Full range of
effects. keyboards Plus Sony PCM systems, Tape
and drum
machines, Noise reduction,
computers etc.
Phone for a units, Signal processors,

quote. Microphones, Drum
Emulator II £100, Oberheim computers and Keyboards. bought, sold, installed and manufactured (under
X- Pander £35. AMS from £75. Immediate delivery and collection service - licence from ORTOFON). TAM /ENGLAND,
Phone Paul Tattersall on 01 -640 8487 13a Hamilton Way, London, N3 IAN.
01 -646 3137 01-3879356 Telephone 01- 346 0033. (X)


76 EVERSHOLT STREET, LONDON NW1 1BY. TEAC 244/34/38 discounts and HP and leasing.
Erricks Bradford 309266 (Julian). (X)


BRITANNIA Don Larking audio sales produce a free bi- monthly
newsletter which is mailed direct and contains lists
of new and used recording equipment for both the

ROW 01 226 3377

professional and home studio. Telephone now and
get your name on our computer. 105821 450066 or
telex 825488.

--N-O -R T H E R N


Once used by major studio. Guaranteed no joins. IN RECORDING & P.A.
Ampex 406 £25.00; Scotch 226 (25.00; Scotch FOSTER B16. Absolutely mint . _.. £2,900
SOtJNDTRACS 16:8:16. As new
250 £25.00; Scotch 206 £20.00 + VAT. Some £ 1,595

HIRE AND SALES 1" Tape available. Empty 2" spools £7.50.
Quantity discounts.
RAM RM10. Ex -demo
BOSE 802 (pair). Good condition
KLARR TEKNIX DNI5. 2x15 Band Graphic/Pre -amp £295

Action Sound 01 -434 4365

£ 100
A&DR SCAMP RACK & PSU (MAJ.) containing S24 TIME SHAPE &
OCTAVE EQ. Sparkling condition £495
YAMAHA D1500 " MIDr DIGITAL DELAY. Ex -demo £450
TASCAM 85 -16B. New in crate £7,100
AND USED ONLY AT OUR OWN STUDIO YAMAHA R1000's (limited stock), pair, special price £695,
E3,950 MXR Delay System £385 each
Tndent rk II2.5 seconds £480
1.595.00 Eventide harmonizer model H910 1ROLL NEW 2" TAPE, BASF £49
Trident 20 man (new)
8 16
Ishl f 4,800 Trident Flexi Mix 16 8 2 +2 compressors 12,250 DOLBY 361's from £495
Raindirk Concorde 28 24 in line console Lexicon 244 4 4 Digital reverb
inewl E1,295.00 14,500 DOLBY 360's from £350
A.H.B. System 8 16 8 2 Rhodes Chroma + case £2,000
16,2 Inew) Telephone LEXICON PRIME TIME £595
A.H.B. System 8 16 Pan Lockwood LEIS Mk3 with 15" Tannoy Golds £700
E1,475.00 t Quad 50E Power amps f75 each TRIDENT TRIMIX. 16 frame 10:8:2. As new
Dynamo) 3000 168 2 mewl £2,495
£1,775.00 Wall Custom Left Hand Fretless Bass Active 4 -Band Eq. TASCAM 52. New in box (second class stock)
Dynamo( 3000 16 16.2 Inew I
... £1,295
P.O.A. Ebony Board -American Walnut Body +case £490 J.B.L. 4430 (pair), new(ish). Used only in my own home hi-fi! . £ 1,895
T.A.C. Scorpion )now available) Orhan 674A Stereo Equalizer
P.O.A. £980 TASCAM 58. New (ex- showroom)
T.A.C. Matchless Oberheim OBB with flight case (2,200 £2,495
from £2,750.00
Trident 65 19" Rack Scamp Stereo Panser with P,S.0 £375 EMT 240 (GOLD FOIL) with REMOTE £2,695
Pro-Mark MX3
Audio Design F6004 limiter f 125 FOSTEX 600 POWER AMP. New £375
Audio Design F760XR compressor expander £285
M.T.R. 6 4'2 STUDER B67 METER BRIDGE. New £250
Tape Machines Ali oil-.', ecrhie,ve of VAT Phone Mike Ilka on 0582 412331 FOSTEX A8. Nice
£14,750 £850
Studer A80 s h 24-track RSD STUDIOMASTER 16:8:2 (ex -demo) £895
MC1 JH16 24 -track (slat J.B.L. 4411 pair (one with slightly damaged cab). New
£12;500 £695
£850.00 £195
Tascare 44 Inewl
Teac 3440 van speed
12,450.00 AMPS in flight case. 3 WEJ 100M MULTICORE DRUM. V. good cond.
Fostex B16 islhl
[ 1,150.00 £3,500
Fostex A8 mewl
[1,295.00 TASCAM LA8 BAL LINE AMP. 8 chan £295
Tascam 38 Is.hl
Tascare 32-28 Istereol
from [650.00 TASCAM 44 with DX44. New
Reyes B77s £995
£3.875.00 TASCAM 34 S/H. Mint
Studer B67 mewl £625
Effects, etc. TEAC A3440. Brand new /under guarantee £795
Lexicon PCM 60 MCI 500C 36 frame VU. 28 inputs fitted, 4 extra returns. Automated
Dynacord Dig reverb matching wrap-around side cheeks. £25,000
Yamaha Dig reverb HILL POWER AMPS:
Vestaflre RV2 stereo spring I00W (811) mono £75
Vestaflre RV3 sp'ing:Iv corn 2 x 80W (81I) stereo
[299.00 £150
Foster 3180 stereo reverb 2 x 165W (81t) stereo
[195.00 £250
GBS spring 2 x 275W (8fl) stereo
£210.00 £395
Vestaflre DIG:4'0 dig delay
£260.00 TEAC 225 SYNCASSETTE. Ex -demo (I only) £ 150
Ibanez 002000 Ay delay
E425.00 TEAC V350C CASSETTE DECK, New, only £89
Yamaha D1500 dig delay 1

[265.00 TEAC V7000, 3 heads, Dolby B and C, logic

M X.R. dig delay £285
£210.00 TASCAM 52 NAB/IEC Switchable on front panel. New
J 11dig: delay
S £1,595
A.D.A 2FX dig effects P.O.A.
A.M S. 1580s TEAC V330 CASSETTE DECKS (new) £85
M.X.R. el Reverb TASCAM 225 SYNCASSETTE (new) £165
Osad 405'2 am AHB SYSTEM 8 16: 4:2 (new) £845
Ouad 520 REVOX PR99. Mint £795
Quad 510
£225.00 One only each (very dusty from recent building work - new!):
Yamaha P2050
£ 350.00
Yamaha P2100 FOSTEX X15 £220 inc VAT
Microphones TASCAM 244 £595 Mc VAT
A.K G D80 TASCAM PORTA 1 £320 inc VAT
A.K.G. D190e
A K.G. D12
£ 50.00

£125.00 MUSIC FOSTEX 250 £595 inc VAT

MULTICORE SHORT runs ideal for studios "dead cheap" J.B.L.
£ 106.00 Northern Stockists and Distributors for
Shure SM57
[120.00 RSD /STUDIOMASTER Audio Consoles and Amplifiers. CHASSIS SPEAKERS (new), E130 1 only £120
Shure SM58 4 off 2303A 811 (12" bass)
Shure SM81
£102.90 CHEAP J.B.L. MONITORS 1216 (pair) £75
Sennhelser MD421U -5
Sennheiser MD419U Large stocks of new and used Recording and Audio Please add VAT to all prices.
Portastud o 244 Is h!
E395.00 equipment - extensive range of connectors and
Porrastudio 244 Is'hl
Yamaha MT44 cassette deck
1345.00 accessories -Send large S.A.E. for lists.
Auratone 5C super cubes
Visonic Davids 6001
18/42 Charlotte Street, Wakefield, W. Yorks WF1 1UH
Tel: 10924) 371766 BOS,E MAIN DEALERS
Visonic Davids 7001
J.B.L 4401
leach) £465.00
J B.L 4411
Also in stock, full range
Electro -voice microphones. Phone
For details of how

Prices do not include VAT or P r P

* We also have a limited stock
equipment for hire FOR YOU ON COMMISSION
to advertise in
this successful WELCOME

061 -483 9563 section contact

061 -483 4299 STUDIO HOUSE
Look forward to hearing from you Colette Ramsay High Lane Village, Nr Stockport
Northern Audio 4 Cheviot Road, Hazel Grove. Stockport. Cheshire

* This Company has no association with any

other recording equipment supplier.
01 -686 2599,
ext. 567 Z 06632 4244
SK6 8AA. Telex 665721 SOTA.

100 Studio Sound, May 1985
:.,... ,... ,,...
require a

at their Orpington Premises
Applications are invited for the newly- created post
of TECHNICAL ASSISTANT to the studio's HEAD Applicants should have had previous experience in the use of professional studio equipment,
OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. editing, copying and programme compilation. Be capable of using their own initiative and working
with the minimum of supervision.
The successful candidate will work in the field of Rediffusion Music is based in Orpington, Kent, and provide music and equipment for background
SOUND ENGINEERING for film post -production, music systems throughout the world.
and must have a thorough theoretical background
in electronics and light electrical engineering. To apply please contact:
Ability in project management is a priority, Mrs J A Jarvis
involving audio and control systems planning, Personnel Officer
specification and installation, with skills at the Rediffusion Music
drawing board and development bench. A working Cray Avenue
understanding of remedial and routine Orpington
maintenance is required, and experience with
video systems would be an advantage.
Telephone Orpington 32121
The prospects for advancement would be best for
an applicant having a good manner and II Inlernalinnal Technical
appearance, an even temperament, and the ability
to deal with clients, to handle administrative re Recmilment ConTi,,=
9 Carnah Slrerl. Lundnn tl

1ppoinlment Services Limited

l\ IN6
duties and to write clear English. The suggested
age range is 28 to 40 years.
Inconformity with studio practice, membership of
ACTT (the Association of Cinematograph, SENIOR TECHNICAL ENGINEER PROSPECTS in 1985?
Television and allied Technicians) would be required by F & P Appointments is a leader in
expected, and due weight would be given to the recruitment of professional
applications from present members. Non-
members should be willing to apply for acceptance
MARQUEE audio engineering staff at all levels
by this union. STUDIOS from junior test engineers through
to directorship level.
We currently have a large number
Please forward a full c.v. (quoting ref: ACN /GFL /C) Experience of state of the art of openings for qualified and
to: technology important to assist experienced staff in those fields.
These positions offer secure
Personnel Dept. us in planned re-development. future, good careers prospects and
Pinewood Studios
Pinewood Road Salary relates to experience. excellent salaries.
If you would like to discuss any
Iver, Bucks
Phone Recruitment requirements;
Tel: Iver (07531 651700 Larry Bartlett 01 -437 6601 expansion programmes; or see
what possiblities are available for
01 -434 4174

Solid State Logic

Oxford England
Solid State Logic manufacture automated audio mixing consoles for a variety of
applications. The company is expanding rapidly and is looking for a Broadcast Sales

This key function within the company involves liaison with prospective clients, identifying
their system requirements and specifying these for the production department. A high
level of understanding of SSL products will be required, and extensive training will be given.

Applicants should have a background in the broadcasting industry, either operational or

maintenance, and be between 25 and 35 years of age.
Applications in writing, please, enclosing cv to:
Antony David, Solid State Logic, Stonesfield, Oxford OX7 2PQ

TASCAM 85-16B with
DYNAMIX 24:16 D.3000

at budget
playback for
pr,,,;e enn9
s Ili silslslsw

Advanced Music Systems
Allen & Heath/Brenell
Alpha Audio
Amek Ltd
Aphex Systems Ltd
Applied Microsystems Ltd
Atlantex Music Ltd
Audio & Design (Recording) Ltd
Audio Developments
Audio Kinetics
27, 28

70, 71

24, 25


, Audio Service Co
Avcom Systems Ltd
23, 102

wiIO th Britannia Row
Bruel & Kjaer
FOSTEX P.O.A. C Tape Developments 12
A-8 Connectronics 28

1111 - DBX
Dolby Laboratories Inc
inmultitrack Don Larking Audio 20, 21
AHB 24:16
Drawmer Marketing & Sales 79
P.O.A. FOSTEX 350 Future Film Developments Ltd 10, 96
FWO Bauch Ltd 4, OBC

Greengate Productions 95
Hardware House 79
AHB AHB Hayden Laboratories Ltd 19, 26
SYSTEM CMC HHB Hire & Sales 83, 99
Computer Hill Audio 46, 85
8 24:16:2 arded
mixdown. Hilton Sound 10
Partner ITA
for 8.16 14, 15

114411,46 J.B L 65

hN /NNl1111í111I ".```:`.. Klark Teknik Research Ltd
+fuit ¡11!.ifl -` 67
t 1 Kudelski 26
RAM MEGA .I ...............1
2 EFEE t Lexicon Inc 69
MrdWar design,
.. Lyrec 31
ideal for 6 -16,
6 aux, 4 band
eq, hpf, Ipf. .111111111' Marquee Electronics 22
1'!ll ll Michael Stevens & Partners
ST RAM MICRO Mosses & Mitchell Ltd
ASTER MS Audiotron 96

\ Northern Audio
Pangbourne Musical Distributor 26

STUD Perfectone Products SA

O 12
ASTER Powerplay Recording Studios 47
Quantec 73
Sanken Microphone Co Ltd 18

Scenic Sounds
Schaltechnik Dr Schoeps
School of Audio Engineering
31, 57, 69
t;attrtP, r Solid State Logic
Sony Broadcast Ltd
48, 49
37, 53
Lili _ Sound Control 28
Soundcraft Electronics Ltd IFC
Soundout Labs 63
244 Sowter Ltd, E.A 23
Spectra Sonics Inc 89
Studer OBC
Studio Masters 91
PEGE!tI Studio Spares 17
Zç, Surrey Electronics

TASCAM 234 with t, t ;rwo variations Syco Systems Ltd 58, 59
PROMARK MX -3 on the musical
sketchpad Tandberg A/S
£760 18
pORVP-1 Tape Automation 94
r.. -:1:-1 ®o TASCAM Technical Projects 83
5.. ;:ra Theatre Projects Services Ltd 16
1 Great _
Trad Sales & Services 94
TASCAM 234 companions. TREBAS Institute of Recording 23
Trident Audio Developments 8
(6 LINES) Studio House, Turnkey 7, 9, 11, 13
HSKigh Lane Village, Nr StockporSOTA. t
006632 4244 6 8AA. Telex 66 5721
Studio Sound is available without charge to qualified readers: these are directors, managers, executive and key personnel actively engaged in sound recording in any part of the world. The Publisher reserves the
right to refuse applications considered inappropriate and restrict the number of free copies sent to any one company or organisation. Non -qualifying readers can buy Studio Sound at an annual subscription of
£18.00. All enquiries to: Subscription Department, Link House Publications PLC, Link House, Dingwall Avenue, Croydon CR9 2TA, Great Britain. Phone: 01- 686 2599. Published by the proprietors
!.ink House Magazines Limited, Link House, Dingwall Avenue, Croydon CR9 2TA and printed by Lawrence -Allen Ltd., Gloucester Street, Weston- super -Mare, Avon BS23 ITB.
Worldwide List of Audio Developments Ltd., Agents



Rank Electronics
Tel: 2 449 5666 Telex: 71289
Contact: Andrew Harrison
Austria Peertronic
Tel: 43 222 832224 Telex: 134072
Contact: Gunther Friedrich
Balkan States Constantin Stavrinids
Tel: 4121 39 5015 Telex: 26297
Contact: C. Stavrinidis
Canada Gerr Electro Acoustics Ltd.

Te1:416 868 0528 Telex:065 24385
Contact: G. Eschweiler
China Ace (Intl) Co.
Te1:852 3 7452343 Telex:40442
Contact: Michael Pang /Whymen Chan
Denmark Kinovox
Te1:452 187617 Telex: 40394

Contact: Steen Peitersen
Finland Studiotec KY
Te1:358 0 514133 Telex: 125284
Contact: Peter Stralman
France Simplex Electronique
Te1:331 271 5330 Telex: 230045
Contact: J.C. Thobois
Germany Nagra Kudelski GMBH
Te1:4989 656633 Telex:529893
Contact: J. Weber
Greece K. Stavrinidou
Te1:607 7782938 Telex:210934
Contact: K.Stravinidou
Hungary Cinac
Tel:4124 711600 Telex:451070
Contact: Henri Suter
India Cinerama PVT Ltd.
Te1:293873 Telex: 1171198
Contact: S. Agarwal
Israel Sontronics Electronic Equp. Ltd.
Te1:9723 442233 Telex:361579 -Ref SSK
Contact: S. Shmueli
Italy Audio International SRL
Te1:392 7384751 Telex: 322251
Contact: R. Beppato
Japan General Traders Ltd.
Tel: 813 2912761 Telex 24754

Contact: H. Saitoh
Korea Saetong Corp.
Tel: 783 6551 5 Telex: 23596
Contact: J.B.Kim
Kuwait Light & Sound Elec. Co.
Tel: 965 434307 Telex: 4528
Contact: A. Al- Baghli
New Zealand General Video Int. Ltd.
Tel: 644 881 169 Telex: 30129
Contact: Gerry Smith
Norway Siving Benum & Co.
Te1:472 44 2255 Telex: 17681
Singapore Rank O'Connors Sing. PVT Ltd.
Contact: Patrick Ching
Tel :27 11 337 6556 Telex: 485712
Spain Telco Electonic S.L.
Tel: 341 231 5601 Telex: 27348
Contact: J. Escrig
Sweden Intersonic N.B.
Tel: 468 744 5850 Telex: 11136
Contact: R. lsacson

Taiwan Linfair Lng. & Trading Ltd.
Tel: 886 23214454 Telex: 22563
Contact: Duncan Chang
Thailand Ace (Thailand) Co. Ltd.
Tel: 2812512 Telex: 72300
Contact: Bundhit Thongpen
Tunisia Soger Electronique
Tel: 2161254 230 Telex: 13447

Contact: C. Barouch
Nefan Ltd.
Tel: 465952 Telex 26304

Contact: A. Fresco Audio Developments Ltd, Hall Lane, Walsall Wood,

Zimbabwe Audex (PVT) Ltd.
Tel: 26370
Walsall, West Midlands, WS9 9AU
Contact: W. Mueller Telephone: Brownhills (0543) 375351 Telex No: AudevG 338224
U.S. Office Audio Developments Inc.
Tel: 818 843 7567
Contact: Ron Fuller
First we proved it.
Then we improved it.

Studer A800 MKIII


Over the past four years we've Neve /Necam automation, and for all
installed over 500 Studer A800 multi- SMPTE /EBU synchronizing and
track recorders in studios all around editing systems. We've also updated
the world. We've proven this machine the software for the microprocessor
on all counts -reliability, sonic controls to meet the most demanding
performance, production versatility, industry requirements.
and total client satisfaction. No other Improving the A800 was not an
recorder has earned such wide- easy assignment, but at Studer the
spread admiration among recording pursuit of perfection has become an
professionals. ingrained habit. Discover the
And now, with the introduction of difference yourself.
the A800 MKIII, we've improved on
the proven standard. We've removed
all transformers from the record and
reproduce paths. We've added
interfaces for Solid State Logic and
CH-8105 Regensdorf Telephone (01)8402960

FW.O. Bauch Limited

49 T leoba d Street, Boreham Wood, Hertfordshire WD6 4RZ
Telephone 01- 953 0091, Telex 27502

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