How Was School

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How was school?

Daeniel Marajas

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there's a question that has become a constant refrain in
my world. "How was school?" My father's words, spoken with a genuine concern that goes
beyond the casual inquiry of a parent, have been the cornerstone of our relationship. Little did I
know that behind those four simple words lay a story of sacrifice, strength, and unwavering love.

My father is a remarkable man, the kind whose intelligence shines brightly, matched only by his
unrelenting work ethic. He's the embodiment of selflessness, always placing my well-being
above his own. He tirelessly provides me with stories, affirmations, wisdom, and knowledge,
sharing life lessons and honing my skills, especially in writing and speaking. He became my
mentor, my best friend, and my role model.

"Have you eaten?" is another refrain that punctuates our conversations. It's his way of ensuring
I'm well-nourished, not just in body but in spirit. He's the one I turn to when I need answers,
guidance, or simply a listening ear. We have those deep, soul-baring conversations, ones that
bridge the generational gap and bring us closer together.

But there are moments when the facade of unwavering strength cracks, revealing the turmoil he
hides. It's during our private moments that he shares his struggles and the pain he endures.
Yet, even in his vulnerability, his concern for me never wavers. He puts my needs and
happiness above all else.

It's a profound and bittersweet love that fills my heart. As his son, it pains me that I can't do
more to alleviate his suffering. My support is limited to words, and I know it's not enough. His
sacrifice means everything to me, for he's the reason I am where I am today, with a skill set that
has surpassed his own.

My father, the man who asked me "How was school?" each day, is the best father I could ever
hope for. His sacrifice is etched into every part of my life, and I am forever proud to be his son.

"How was school?" He asks, a question that carries with it a lifetime of love and devotion, and
my answer will always be, "It was better because of you."

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