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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of nutrition for overall health.
Skills: Identify and choose nutritious foods.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards maintaining a balanced diet.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Nutrition and a Balanced Diet
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Nutrition Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (charts or posters about nutrition)
Pictures of different types of food
Whiteboard and markers
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical activity to energize the students and prepare them for the lesson. It
could be a quick stretching exercise or a fun movement activity.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Ask students if they have any recent health-related news or topics they'd like to share. Encourage them
to discuss any health issues or news they find interesting.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Nutrition and a Balanced Diet."
Explain why it's essential to learn about nutrition for maintaining good health.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Use visual aids (charts or posters) to show examples of different types of food, including fruits,
vegetables, grains, protein sources, and dairy products.
Discuss the importance of each food group in providing essential nutrients to the body.
Engage the students by asking questions about their favorite foods and which food groups they belong
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Provide each group with pictures of various foods.
Instruct them to categorize the foods into different food groups (e.g., fruits, vegetables, proteins) and
discuss why they belong to those groups.
Encourage students to make healthy food choices within their groups.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their findings to the class, explaining their choices and discussing the nutritional
benefits of the foods they sorted.
Facilitate a brief discussion on the importance of making balanced food choices for overall health.
Allow students to share personal experiences or insights related to nutrition.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask any questions or seek clarification on nutrition-related topics.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement to students for their participation and engagement in the
Assign a small homework task, such as keeping a food journal for a few days and noting the different
food groups they consume.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the concept of personal hygiene and its importance.
Skills: Demonstrate proper personal hygiene practices.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards maintaining good personal hygiene.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Personal Hygiene
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Personal Hygiene Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams depicting personal hygiene practices)
Soap, water, and towels for a demonstration
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Start the class with a short energizing exercise or stretching activity to prepare the students for the
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've come across. Encourage
discussion and questions related to health.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Personal Hygiene."
Explain why personal hygiene is crucial for overall health and well-being.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Use visual aids to present a list of personal hygiene practices, including handwashing, dental care,
bathing, and nail grooming.
Discuss the importance of each practice and how it helps prevent illness and maintain cleanliness.
Conduct a live demonstration of proper handwashing, emphasizing the importance of scrubbing for at
least 20 seconds.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Provide each group with scenarios related to personal hygiene, such as a situation where someone
forgets to brush their teeth or wash their hands before eating.
Instruct each group to discuss the scenario and come up with solutions for maintaining good personal
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their scenarios and solutions to the class.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of personal hygiene and how it can prevent the spread of
germs and diseases.
Encourage students to share personal experiences or stories related to personal hygiene.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about personal hygiene practices.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation and engagement.
Assign a simple homework task, such as creating a personal hygiene checklist, which students can use
to track their daily hygiene practices.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of physical activity and exercise for overall health.
Skills: Demonstrate basic exercises and stretching techniques.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards maintaining an active lifestyle.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Physical Activity and Exercise
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Physical Activity Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams depicting exercises)
Space for physical activities
Mats or towels for floor exercises
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical exercise routine to energize the students and prepare them for the
lesson. It could be a series of simple stretches and movements.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered. Encourage
discussion and questions related to physical activity and exercise.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Physical Activity and Exercise."
Explain why physical activity is essential for overall health and well-being.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a list of basic exercises and stretching techniques, including jumping jacks, squats, lunges, and
simple yoga stretches.
Discuss the benefits of each exercise, such as improved cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and
Demonstrate each exercise and encourage students to follow along.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Assign each group a specific exercise or stretching technique.
Instruct them to create a short exercise routine incorporating their assigned exercise.
Groups should then demonstrate their routines to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their exercise routine and explains the benefits of the chosen exercises.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of regular physical activity and how it contributes to a
healthy lifestyle.
Encourage students to share personal experiences or stories related to staying active.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about exercise techniques and the
importance of physical activity.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation and engagement.
Assign a simple homework task, such as creating a weekly exercise plan, which students can use to
incorporate physical activity into their routines.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of mental health and well-being.
Skills: Identify strategies for managing stress and promoting mental well-being.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards mental health and self-care.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Mental Health and Stress Management
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Mental Health Resources
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams related to mental health)
Worksheets or journals for students
Stress balls or relaxation tools (optional)
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief relaxation exercise to calm the students and create a focused environment.
It could be deep breathing exercises or mindfulness techniques.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've come across, focusing on
mental health or stress-related issues. Encourage discussion and questions.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Mental Health and Stress Management."
Explain why mental health is crucial for overall well-being and how stress can affect it.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a list of common stressors that students might encounter, such as exams, peer pressure, or
family issues.
Discuss the physical and emotional symptoms of stress.
Provide strategies for managing stress, such as deep breathing, relaxation techniques, or talking to a
trusted adult.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Assign each group a specific stressor from the list.
Instruct them to brainstorm and share practical ways to cope with that particular stressor.
Each group should present their strategies to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their stress management strategies and discusses the importance of seeking help
when needed.
Facilitate a discussion on the significance of mental health, self-care, and reducing stigma associated
with seeking support.
Encourage students to share personal experiences or stories related to managing stress and promoting
mental well-being.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about stress management and mental health.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation and engagement.
Assign a simple homework task, such as keeping a journal of their feelings and stressors and using
stress management techniques discussed in class.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of a balanced diet in maintaining good health.
Skills: Identify different food groups and their role in nutrition.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards making healthy food choices.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Nutrition and Food Groups
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Nutrition Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (charts or posters depicting food groups)
Pictures of various foods
Whiteboard and markers
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Start the class with a quick physical activity to energize the students.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Nutrition and Food Groups."
Explain the importance of a balanced diet in maintaining overall health.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Use visual aids to display different food groups, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy
Discuss the role of each food group in providing essential nutrients to the body.
Engage students by showing pictures of foods and asking them to categorize them into the appropriate
food groups.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Provide each group with a list of foods and ask them to categorize them into the correct food groups.
Groups should then present their findings to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their categorized foods and explains why they belong to specific food groups.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of making balanced food choices for overall health.
Encourage students to share their favorite healthy foods.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about food groups and nutrition.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as creating a healthy meal plan for a day.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the concept of personal hygiene and its importance.
Skills: Demonstrate proper personal hygiene practices.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards maintaining good personal hygiene.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Personal Hygiene
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Personal Hygiene Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams depicting personal hygiene practices)
Soap, water, and towels for a demonstration
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a short relaxation exercise to create a focused environment.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've come across related to
personal hygiene.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Personal Hygiene."
Explain why personal hygiene is crucial for overall health and well-being.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a list of personal hygiene practices, including handwashing, dental care, bathing, and nail
Discuss the importance of each practice and how it helps prevent illness and maintain cleanliness.
Conduct a live demonstration of proper handwashing.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Assign each group a specific personal hygiene practice.
Instruct them to create a short skit or presentation demonstrating the proper way to perform that
Groups should then present their skits or presentations to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their skit or presentation and explains why the practice is essential.
Facilitate a discussion on the significance of personal hygiene and how it prevents the spread of germs.
Encourage students to share their personal hygiene routines.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about personal hygiene practices.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as creating a personal hygiene checklist.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of physical activity and exercise for overall health.
Skills: Demonstrate basic exercises and stretching techniques.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards maintaining an active lifestyle.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Physical Activity and Exercise
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Physical Activity Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams related to physical activity)
Space for physical activities
Mats or towels for floor exercises
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical exercise routine to energize the students.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've come across related to
physical activity and exercise.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Physical Activity and Exercise."
Explain why physical activity is essential for overall health and well-being.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a list of basic exercises and stretching techniques, including jumping jacks, squats, lunges, and
simple yoga stretches.
Discuss the benefits of each exercise, such as improved cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and
Demonstrate each exercise and encourage students to follow along.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Assign each group a specific exercise or stretching technique.
Instruct them to create a short exercise routine incorporating their assigned exercise.
Groups should then demonstrate their routines to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their exercise routine and explains the benefits of the chosen exercises.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of regular physical activity and how it contributes to a
healthy lifestyle.
Encourage students to share their favorite physical activities.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about exercise techniques and the
importance of physical activity.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a simple homework task, such as creating a weekly exercise plan.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of mental health and well-being.
Skills: Identify strategies for managing stress and promoting mental well-being.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards mental health and self-care.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Mental Health and Stress Management
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Mental Health Resources
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams related to mental health)
Worksheets or journals for students
Stress balls or relaxation tools (optional)
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Start the class with a brief relaxation exercise to create a focused environment.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to
mental health or stress management.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Mental Health and Stress Management."
Explain the importance of mental health for overall well-being and how stress can impact it.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a list of common stressors that students might encounter, such as exams, peer pressure, or
family issues.
Discuss the physical and emotional symptoms of stress.
Provide strategies for managing stress, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or talking to a trusted
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Assign each group a specific stressor from the list.
Instruct them to brainstorm and share practical ways to cope with that particular stressor.
Each group should then present their strategies to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their stress management strategies and discusses the importance of seeking help
when needed.
Facilitate a discussion on the significance of mental health awareness and reducing stigma associated
with seeking support.
Encourage students to share their personal experiences or stories related to managing stress.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about stress management and mental health.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as keeping a journal of their feelings and stressors and using stress
management techniques discussed in class.

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March - Week 1
I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of personal safety and accident prevention.
Skills: Identify potential hazards and demonstrate basic safety measures.
Attitude: Develop a responsible attitude towards personal safety.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Personal Safety and Accident Prevention
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Safety Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams depicting safety measures)
Safety props (e.g., helmets, seatbelts, reflective gear)
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Start the class with a short energizing exercise or stretching activity.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to
personal safety or accidents.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Personal Safety and Accident Prevention."
Explain the importance of personal safety in everyday life.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a list of common safety measures, such as wearing helmets when biking, using seatbelts in cars,
and looking both ways before crossing the street.
Discuss the reasons behind each safety measure and how it helps prevent accidents.
Show visual aids depicting safe and unsafe behaviors in different situations.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Assign each group a specific safety scenario, such as crossing the road or riding a bike.
Instruct them to create a short skit or role-play demonstrating safe practices in that scenario.
Groups should then perform their skits for the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their skit and explains the importance of the safety measures depicted.
Facilitate a discussion on the significance of personal safety and how it reduces the risk of accidents.
Encourage students to share their experiences related to personal safety.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about safety measures.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as creating a safety checklist for their daily activities.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of proper dental care for overall health.
Skills: Demonstrate correct brushing and flossing techniques.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards maintaining good oral hygiene.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Dental Care and Oral Hygiene
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Dental Care Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams depicting dental care)
Toothbrushes, dental floss, and a model of teeth (if available)
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief relaxation exercise to create a focused environment.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to dental
care or oral hygiene.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Dental Care and Oral Hygiene."
Explain the importance of proper dental care for maintaining overall health.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a list of dental care practices, including brushing teeth, flossing, and regular dental check-ups.
Discuss the importance of each practice in preventing dental issues and maintaining oral hygiene.
Demonstrate correct brushing and flossing techniques using visual aids or a model of teeth.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Provide each group with a toothbrush, dental floss, and a mirror (if available).
Instruct them to practice brushing and flossing using the correct techniques.
Monitor and provide guidance to ensure they are performing the tasks correctly.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group shares their experience of practicing proper dental care techniques.
Facilitate a discussion on the significance of oral hygiene and how it contributes to overall health.
Encourage students to share their dental care routines.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about dental care practices.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as maintaining a dental care journal for a week.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of regular physical check-ups and health screenings.
Skills: Identify the benefits of health check-ups and screenings.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards maintaining regular health appointments.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Health Check-ups and Screenings
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Health Check-up Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams depicting health check-ups)
Information pamphlets about common health screenings
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Start the class with a quick physical exercise routine to energize the students.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to health
check-ups or screenings.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Health Check-ups and Screenings."
Explain the importance of regular health check-ups for early detection of health issues.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a list of common health screenings, such as vision tests, dental check-ups, and vaccinations.
Discuss the benefits of each screening and how they contribute to overall health.
Use visual aids to explain what happens during a typical health check-up.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Provide each group with information pamphlets about a specific health screening (e.g., vision test).
Instruct them to create a short presentation explaining the importance of that screening.
Groups should then present their findings to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their presentation and discusses the significance of health check-ups and
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of early detection and prevention in maintaining good health.
Encourage students to share their experiences related to health check-ups.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about health check-ups and screenings.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as discussing with their family about the importance of regular
health check-ups.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of sleep and its impact on overall health.
Skills: Identify the factors that contribute to a good night's sleep.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards maintaining healthy sleep habits.
II. Subject Matter A. Topic: Sleep and Healthy Sleep Habits B. References: Health Education Curriculum,
Sleep Guidelines C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams related to sleep)
Sleep journals or logs (optional)
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief relaxation exercise to create a calm environment.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to sleep
or healthy sleep habits.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Sleep and Healthy Sleep Habits."
Explain the importance of sleep for overall health and well-being.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present information about the recommended amount of sleep for their age group.
Discuss factors that contribute to a good night's sleep, such as a comfortable sleep environment, a
regular sleep schedule, and limiting screen time before bedtime.
Use visual aids to illustrate these factors.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Assign each group a factor that contributes to healthy sleep habits (e.g., avoiding caffeine before
Instruct them to create a poster or infographic highlighting the importance of their assigned factor.
Groups should then present their posters or infographics to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their poster or infographic and discusses the significance of their assigned factor.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of sleep and how it affects various aspects of health,
including concentration and mood.
Encourage students to share their bedtime routines.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about sleep and healthy sleep habits.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as maintaining a sleep journal for a week to track their sleep habits.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of healthy eating habits and their impact on overall health.
Skills: Identify and classify foods into healthy and unhealthy categories.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards making nutritious food choices.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Healthy Eating Habits
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Nutrition Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams depicting healthy and unhealthy foods)
Food items for a sorting activity (e.g., fruits, vegetables, junk food)
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a short energizing exercise or stretching activity.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to
healthy eating habits.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Healthy Eating Habits."
Explain why healthy eating is important for maintaining overall health and well-being.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a variety of food items to the class, including fruits, vegetables, and junk food.
Discuss the differences between healthy and unhealthy foods and their impact on the body.
Use visual aids to help classify food items into the appropriate categories.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Provide each group with a set of food items.
Instruct them to categorize the items into healthy and unhealthy groups.
Groups should then present their classifications to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their categorized food items and explains why they classified them as healthy or
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of making nutritious food choices and how it affects energy
levels and overall health.
Encourage students to share their favorite healthy snacks.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about healthy eating habits.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as keeping a food diary for a week to track their eating habits.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of personal hygiene and cleanliness.
Skills: Demonstrate proper handwashing techniques.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards maintaining personal hygiene.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Hand Hygiene and Proper Handwashing
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Hygiene Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams depicting handwashing steps)
Soap, water, and towels for a handwashing demonstration
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief relaxation exercise to create a focused environment.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to hand
hygiene or cleanliness.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Hand Hygiene and Proper Handwashing."
Explain why proper handwashing is crucial for preventing the spread of germs and illnesses.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a step-by-step guide to proper handwashing, including wetting hands, applying soap, scrubbing
for at least 20 seconds, and rinsing thoroughly.
Discuss the importance of handwashing before meals, after using the restroom, and after sneezing or
Demonstrate the correct handwashing technique using soap, water, and visual aids.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Provide each group with a handwashing station (a bowl of water, soap, and a towel).
Instruct them to practice proper handwashing and time themselves for 20 seconds.
Monitor and provide guidance to ensure they follow the correct steps.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group discusses their experience practicing proper handwashing.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of diseases.
Encourage students to share their handwashing routines at home.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about hand hygiene.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as creating a handwashing poster with the proper steps.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of exercise and physical activity for overall health.
Skills: Demonstrate basic exercises and stretching techniques.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards maintaining an active lifestyle.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Physical Activity and Exercise
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Physical Activity Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams related to physical activity)
Space for physical activities
Mats or towels for floor exercises
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Start the class with a short physical exercise routine to energize the students.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to
physical activity and exercise.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Physical Activity and Exercise."
Explain why physical activity is essential for overall health and well-being.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a list of basic exercises and stretching techniques, including jumping jacks, squats, lunges, and
simple yoga stretches.
Discuss the benefits of each exercise, such as improved cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and
Demonstrate each exercise and encourage students to follow along.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Assign each group a specific exercise or stretching technique.
Instruct them to create a short exercise routine incorporating their assigned exercise.
Groups should then demonstrate their routines to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their exercise routine and explains the benefits of the chosen exercises.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of regular physical activity and how it contributes to a
healthy lifestyle.
Encourage students to share their favorite physical activities.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about exercise techniques and the
importance of physical activity.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a simple homework task, such as creating a weekly exercise plan.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of water and hydration for overall health.
Skills: Identify the benefits of drinking water and recognize signs of dehydration.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards staying hydrated.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Hydration and the Importance of Drinking Water
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Hydration Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams related to hydration)
Water bottles or cups for a hydration demonstration
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical exercise routine to create an energized atmosphere.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to
hydration and drinking water.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Hydration and the Importance of Drinking Water."
Explain why staying hydrated is crucial for overall health and well-being.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present information about the benefits of drinking water, such as maintaining body temperature,
flushing out toxins, and supporting bodily functions.
Discuss the signs of dehydration, such as dry mouth, dark urine, and fatigue.
Conduct a hydration demonstration by measuring and comparing the water content in different foods
and drinks.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Provide each group with a list of common foods and drinks and their water content.
Instruct them to categorize the items into "Hydrating" and "Not So Hydrating" groups.
Groups should then present their classifications to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their categorized items and explains why they classified them as hydrating or not.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of staying hydrated and how it affects various bodily
Encourage students to share their hydration habits.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about hydration and the importance of
drinking water.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as tracking their daily water intake for a week.

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May - Week 1
I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of personal safety during outdoor activities.
Skills: Identify potential hazards in outdoor environments.
Attitude: Develop a responsible attitude towards outdoor safety.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Outdoor Safety and Risk Awareness
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Outdoor Safety Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams depicting outdoor safety)
Outdoor equipment (e.g., helmets, reflective gear for demonstration)
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a short energizing exercise or stretching activity.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to
outdoor safety or risk awareness.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Outdoor Safety and Risk Awareness."
Explain the importance of being cautious and prepared during outdoor activities.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a list of common outdoor hazards, such as uneven terrain, weather changes, and wildlife
Discuss how to recognize and avoid these hazards.
Demonstrate the use of safety equipment, such as helmets for biking or reflective gear for visibility.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Provide each group with a scenario related to outdoor activities, such as a hiking trip or a bike ride.
Instruct them to identify potential hazards in the scenario and come up with safety measures to
address them.
Groups should then present their findings to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their identified hazards and safety measures.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of outdoor safety and how being prepared can prevent
Encourage students to share their experiences or stories related to outdoor safety.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about outdoor safety.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as creating an outdoor safety checklist for a specific activity.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of mental well-being and recognizing emotions.
Skills: Identify and express different emotions effectively.
Attitude: Develop empathy towards others' emotions and mental health.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Emotions and Mental Well-Being
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Mental Health Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams depicting emotions)
Emotion cards or charts
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Start the class with a brief relaxation exercise to create a calm atmosphere.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to
emotions and mental well-being.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Emotions and Mental Well-Being."
Explain the importance of understanding and managing emotions for mental health.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a range of emotion cards or charts displaying various feelings, such as happiness, anger,
sadness, and fear.
Discuss common situations that may trigger different emotions.
Encourage students to share their own experiences and emotions in different situations.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Provide each group with emotion cards or charts.
Instruct them to create short skits or role-plays that portray different emotions in specific scenarios.
Groups should then perform their skits for the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their skit and discusses the emotions depicted.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of recognizing and expressing emotions and how it affects
mental well-being.
Encourage students to share how they cope with challenging emotions.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about emotions and mental well-being.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as keeping an emotion journal for a week.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of personal hygiene and cleanliness.
Skills: Demonstrate proper tooth brushing and oral hygiene techniques.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards maintaining personal hygiene.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Oral Hygiene and Tooth Care
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Oral Hygiene Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams depicting oral hygiene)
Toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss for demonstration
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical exercise routine to create an energized environment.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to oral
hygiene or tooth care.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Oral Hygiene and Tooth Care."
Explain the importance of proper tooth brushing and oral hygiene for maintaining healthy teeth and
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a step-by-step guide to proper tooth brushing and flossing techniques.
Discuss the importance of brushing teeth at least twice a day and flossing regularly.
Demonstrate the correct tooth brushing and flossing techniques using visual aids and dental props.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Provide each group with toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss.
Instruct them to practice proper tooth brushing and flossing techniques.
Monitor and provide guidance to ensure they follow the correct steps.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group discusses their experience practicing proper oral hygiene techniques.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of oral hygiene and how it contributes to overall health.
Encourage students to share their oral hygiene routines at home.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about oral hygiene.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as maintaining an oral hygiene journal for a week.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of healthy sleep habits and their impact on overall health.
Skills: Demonstrate proper bedtime routines and relaxation techniques.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards maintaining healthy sleep habits.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Healthy Sleep Habits and Bedtime Routines
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Sleep Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams related to healthy sleep habits)
Sleep journals or logs (optional)
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Start the class with a short relaxation exercise to create a calm environment.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to
healthy sleep habits or bedtime routines.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Healthy Sleep Habits and Bedtime Routines."
Explain the importance of getting enough sleep and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present information about the recommended amount of sleep for their age group.
Discuss the benefits of a consistent bedtime routine, including reduced sleep disturbances and
improved sleep quality.
Demonstrate relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, to help
students unwind before bedtime.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Instruct them to create a bedtime routine checklist that includes activities like brushing teeth, reading,
and relaxation exercises.
Groups should then present their checklists to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their bedtime routine checklist and discusses the importance of healthy sleep
Facilitate a discussion on the significance of sleep for physical and mental well-being.
Encourage students to share their bedtime routines and sleep-related challenges.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about healthy sleep habits.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as following their created bedtime routine for a week and noting
any improvements in their sleep quality.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of physical activity and its impact on overall health.
Skills: Demonstrate various physical exercises and stretching techniques.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards maintaining an active lifestyle.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Physical Activity and Exercise
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Physical Activity Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams related to physical activity)
Space for physical activities
Mats or towels for floor exercises
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Start the class with a brief physical exercise routine to energize the students.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to
physical activity and exercise.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Physical Activity and Exercise."
Explain why physical activity is essential for overall health and well-being.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a list of basic exercises and stretching techniques, including jumping jacks, squats, lunges, and
simple yoga stretches.
Discuss the benefits of each exercise, such as improved cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and
Demonstrate each exercise and encourage students to follow along.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Assign each group a specific exercise or stretching technique.
Instruct them to create a short exercise routine incorporating their assigned exercise.
Groups should then demonstrate their routines to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their exercise routine and explains the benefits of the chosen exercises.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of regular physical activity and how it contributes to a
healthy lifestyle.
Encourage students to share their favorite physical activities.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about exercise techniques and the
importance of physical activity.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a simple homework task, such as creating a weekly exercise plan.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of good nutrition and its impact on overall health.
Skills: Identify and classify foods into healthy and unhealthy categories.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards making nutritious food choices.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Healthy Eating Habits
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Nutrition Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams depicting healthy and unhealthy foods)
Food items for a sorting activity (e.g., fruits, vegetables, junk food)
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a short energizing exercise or stretching activity.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to
healthy eating habits.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Healthy Eating Habits."
Explain why healthy eating is important for maintaining overall health and well-being.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a variety of food items to the class, including fruits, vegetables, and junk food.
Discuss the differences between healthy and unhealthy foods and their impact on the body.
Use visual aids to help classify food items into the appropriate categories.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Provide each group with a set of food items.
Instruct them to categorize the items into healthy and unhealthy groups.
Groups should then present their classifications to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their categorized food items and explains why they classified them as healthy or
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of making nutritious food choices and how it affects energy
levels and overall health.
Encourage students to share their favorite healthy snacks.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about healthy eating habits.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as keeping a food diary for a week to track their eating habits.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of personal hygiene and cleanliness.
Skills: Demonstrate proper handwashing techniques.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards maintaining personal hygiene.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Hand Hygiene and Proper Handwashing
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Hygiene Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams depicting handwashing steps)
Soap, water, and towels for a handwashing demonstration
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief relaxation exercise to create a focused environment.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to hand
hygiene or cleanliness.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Hand Hygiene and Proper Handwashing."
Explain why proper handwashing is crucial for preventing the spread of germs and illnesses.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present a step-by-step guide to proper handwashing, including wetting hands, applying soap, scrubbing
for at least 20 seconds, and rinsing thoroughly.
Discuss the importance of handwashing before meals, after using the restroom, and after sneezing or
Demonstrate the correct handwashing technique using soap, water, and visual aids.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Provide each group with a handwashing station (a bowl of water, soap, and a towel).
Instruct them to practice proper handwashing and time themselves for 20 seconds.
Monitor and provide guidance to ensure they follow the correct steps.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group discusses their experience practicing proper handwashing.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of diseases.
Encourage students to share their handwashing routines at home.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about hand hygiene.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as creating a handwashing poster with the proper steps.

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I. Objectives
Knowledge: Understand the importance of water and hydration for overall health.
Skills: Identify the benefits of drinking water and recognize signs of dehydration.
Attitude: Develop a positive attitude towards staying hydrated.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Hydration and the Importance of Drinking Water
B. References: Health Education Curriculum, Hydration Guidelines
C. Materials:
Visual aids (images or diagrams related to hydration)
Water bottles or cups for a hydration demonstration
III. Procedure
A. Friday Routine Exercise/ Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)
Begin the class with a brief physical exercise routine to create an energized atmosphere.
B. Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes)
Allow students to share any recent health-related news or topics they've encountered related to
hydration and drinking water.
C. Health Sessions (30 minutes)
Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, which is "Hydration and the Importance of Drinking Water."
Explain why staying hydrated is crucial for overall health and well-being.
Main Activity (15 minutes)
Present information about the benefits of drinking water, such as maintaining body temperature,
flushing out toxins, and supporting bodily functions.
Discuss the signs of dehydration, such as dry mouth, dark urine, and fatigue.
Conduct a hydration demonstration by measuring and comparing the water content in different foods
and drinks.
Group Activity (10 minutes)
Divide the class into small groups.
Provide each group with a list of common foods and drinks and their water content.
Instruct them to categorize the items into "Hydrating" and "Not So Hydrating" groups.
Groups should then present their classifications to the class.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes)
Each group presents their categorized items and explains why they classified them as hydrating or not.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of staying hydrated and how it affects various bodily
Encourage students to share their hydration habits.
Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification about hydration and the importance of
drinking water.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement for active participation.
Assign a small homework task, such as tracking their daily water intake for a week.

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