Pe 3 Compiled Module in Physical Education 3 Lessons Compilation

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PE 3 - Compiled Module in Physical Education 3 - Lessons


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The University shall primarily provide advanced education, higher

technological, professional instruction and training in the fields of education,
agriculture, forestry, fishery, maritime education, ecology, engineering,
philosophy, information and communications technology, letters, arts and
sciences, nursing, medicine and other relevant fields of study. It shall also
undertake research and extension services in support of the socioeconomic
development of Antique, and provide progressive leadership in its areas of


Leading University in Science and Technology by 2022.


The University shall provide quality, relevant, and responsive scientific

technological and professional education and advanced training in different
areas of specialization, and shall undertake research and extension services
in support to socio-economic development of Antique, the Filipino nation, and
the global community.


To elevate the university into national and international distinction, it shall

endeavor to:

1. Deliver quality instruction of international standards;

2. Implement innovative and research development system;

3. Undertake responsive and collaborative means for technological transfer;

4. Develop viable and sustainable resource generating strategies; and

5.Establish effective, efficient, and supportive administration.



The University should be able to:

1. Ensure that at least 30% of the faculty members are doctorate degree
holders and the rest are master’s degree holders in their respective fields of
specialization by 2022 in line with its vision and upgrade researchers’ and
extensionists’ capability through continuous trainings and exposures;

2. Provide state-of-the art physical and instructional facilities;

3. Re-align curricular offerings preferably towards science and technology-

based courses;

4. Achieve at least level 3 accreditation status in all programs;

5. Publish researches in national and international refereed journals;

6. Strengthen national and international linkages with public and private


7. Formulate and implement investment plans for financial sustainability;

8. Collaborate with funding agencies for resource generation;

9. Conduct periodic management review for quality delivery of service to the


UA Quality Policy

We commit to hone global citizens through the delivery of quality education

of international standard anchored on scientific researches articulated
through responsive instruction, extension and production, reinforced by
effective and efficient support services and driven by quality management

We, in partnership with our stakeholders shall strive for continual

improvement considering the statutory and regulatory requirements, client
satisfaction and industry dynamic while keeping the spirit of the Filipino and
the ideals of an Antiqueño.
MODULE 1 Sports Management

Some love sports some love taking chances and other challenges,
these traits, together, make a winning combination for a career in sports
management, which includes any and every business aspect of sports and

The field of sports management encompasses a wide range of

business related careers involved in sports and recreation. Sports
management jobs might involve balancing a team’s finances, managing the
logistics of a sporting event or working as a liaison between coaches, players
and the media.


Why do people need sports?

Sports are one of the most popular leisure time activities, Sports help us to
keep our body fit, nice and attractive, it can help us to lose weight and build
muscles, and at the same time it is good for active relaxation and very
important for our physical and mental health.

LESSON 1 Physical Fitness: Legal Basis of Physical Education


Physical Education as mandated in 1987 Philippine Constitution wherein all

levels of education must be included in the curriculum which emphasizes the
development of total individual through physical, social, emotional, psychological
and spiritual well-being.
As mandated by the law of the Philippine Constitution Article IV
Section 19 that Physical Education should be included in the curriculum in
which provides guidance for teachers teaching physical skills and physical
activity instructions in which emphasizes the development of the different
aspects of every individual, physically, socially, emotionally, mentally and
spiritually well-being. Also, it can mold an individual physically literate whom
embodies a physically active lifestyle. Individuals who are physically literate
have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to lead healthy life style, as well as
to assist others in acquiring these skills.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

1. understand the legal basis of physical education

2. appreciate the legal basis of physical education

3. identify the legal basis of physical education

The Legal Basis of Physical Education

Article 1 of the International Charter of Physical Education and Sports,

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), Paris, 1978 and Recommendation 1, Interdisciplinary Regional
Meeting of Experts on Physical Education, UNESCO, Brisbane Australia, 1982,
states that:

“The practice of Physical Education and Sports is a fundamental

right for all, and this right should not be treated as different in
principle from the right to adequate food, shelter, and medical

Article XIV, Section 19

The State shall promote physical education and encourage sports

programs, league competitions, and amateur sports, including training for
international competition, to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence
for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry.

All educational institutions shall undertake regular sport activities

throughout the country and in cooperation with athletic club and other
PSC Legal Mandate

The Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) was created through

Republic Act No. 6847 in 1990 to serve as the sole policy-making and
coordinating body of all amateur sports development programs and
institutions in the Philippines. Its primary function is to provide the
leadership, formulate the policies and set the priorities and directions of all
national sports promotion and development, particularly giving emphasis on
grassroots participation.
LESSON 1: SPORTS MANAGEMENT Introduction and Definition


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. explain the definition of sports management

2. describe the different types of sports

3. explain the importance of sports management;


-is the process of planning, executing and evaluating any particular job or
project to achieve optimum quality output. It is an act of doing the right thing
at the time, at the right place, by the right people designed to achieved the
best result.

3Ms of Management

* Material

* Manpower

* Methods Used

What is Sports Management?

Sports Management is an act or manner of planning, organizing,

leading, controlling and coordinating of many diverse efforts so that at the
end effective progress will be made toward the achievement of the goals and
purposes of an organization or institution assigned to conduct a sport

• Autocratic Theory
An Autocratic sports manager is a person who is vested with the absolute
power and final authority. Such person believes in strict obedience to a
command and authority is delegated from the top without due regards to the
opinions of the subordinate.

• Laissez Faire (Anarchic) Theory

Complete freedom is given to set the goals, make decisions, and do as

pleased. It is a “leadership social situation.”

• Democratic theory

It is the direction and oversight of an organization which assures that aims

are shared in the making, that policies and methods are agreed by those
involved, that all participants feel both free and eager to contribute their
best creative effort, that stimulating personal leadership is assured and in
consequence the total outcome maximizes the aims of the organization.

• Behavioristic Theory

This theory emphasizes group dynamics, human motivation, and

interpersonal relationship. The emphasis is on the promotion and
maintenance of human effectiveness thru meeting needs of the individuals
challenging them with lofty ideals.

• System Theory

A system is a group of interrelated and inter-dependent elements operating

together and interacting in an orderly manner to achieve a desired effect. In
system theory, there are sub systems and supra system or cluster of system.
In system theory, each system has its own environment and functions within

• Eclectic Theory

Each theory has its own strength and weakness, the eclectic system
expounds the theory that there are many theories that may be applied to
a situation and not one theory alone.
The management of sports requires good relationship. Effective
leadership is a process of the interaction, and inter-relatedness as well as
interdependence of the following elements as a whole, namely;
• The Personality
• The Syntality of the Group
• The Goal and Objective,
• The situation or the climate of the environment

• Planning

it involves establishing of goals and arranging in logical order from

immediate to long range. It includes deciding what needs to happen in the
future and generating plans for action. It also includes assessments,
estimates of the situations, resources, special needs, etc.

• Organizing

it involves identifying the responsibilities to be performed, grouping the

responsibilities into departments of division, and specifying organizational
relationships. making optimum use of the resources require to enable the
successful carrying out of plans.

• Staffing

are job analysis, recruitment, and hiring for appropriate jobs. Effective
staffing means filling the position with the right people. It prevents
duplication of work and identifies individual responsibilities.

• Directing

is determining the needs to be done in a situation are and getting people to

do it. This involves motivating and leading employees to work for the
achievement of the goals of organization.

 Controlling

it involves the setting and achieving Checking progress against plans of

performance standards and application of policies and procedures.


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:explain on how an
organization works as a whole.

1. identify the factors that will lead to the failure of sports management

2. understand the importance of a successful sports management.



-Is a band of living organism grouped together aimed at achieving a goal or a


* More people do the thinking

* More shoulders carry the task that makes it lighter

* Promotes cooperation, division of labor and unity

* Develops leadership and fellowship

* Prevents or controls abuse of ruling power


The success and failure of any sports program rest on the following factors:

1. How well it is planned.

2. How systematic ones plans, implement and execute.

3. How qualified are the personnel who will implement the plan selected and

4. The quality and quantity of the guidance extended to plan implementers.

5. How resourceful are the person involved in the program

6. How valid and reliable are the measuring instruments used to evaluate the
achievement of the program to institute corrective and enrichment


* Clear

* Specific

* Simple

* Flexible

Failure in Management may result to:

* Unnecessary waste of effort and time

* Wastage in material resources

* Frustrations on the part of the leaders and the participants

* Withdrawal of moral and financial support from the program sponsors

* Unfinished projects or programs


Sports Tournament

-Is the meat of the sports development programs. It gives life and color plus
additional thrill to physical and social development of people in the society.

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. explain the definition of tournament and sports management

2. identify the different types of tournament

3. explain the advantage and disadvantages of each tournament

4. practice plotting the different types of tournament

Sports Tournament

-Is the meat of the sports development programs. It gives life and color plus
additional thrill to physical and social development of people in the society.


• A meeting for contest in athletics or other sports.

• A trial of skill in some game in which competitors play a series of
• Meeting at an appointed time and place for the performance of
exercise and sports.

Objectives of Tournament

• Improves the physical qualities of its personnel.

• Provides recreational activities for each members.
• Promotes closer relationship among personnel members.
• Reduces the wide gap between the superior and the followers.
• Minimizes undesirable activities within the organization.
• Strengthen the feeling of belongingness to a group.
• Provides desirable and pleasant topics for discussion during leisure.
• Facilitates business of official transaction within or outside the office.
Tournament System

The type of tournament to be used depends on some factors namely:Available

• Available Space
• Available Supplies and Equipment
• Objective of the Organizer
• The Number of Entries
The Elimination Tournament

The first step in arranging single and double elimination tournament is to

know the number competing or participating in the event. When the
number of teams competing is not an even (power of two) (example 2, 4, 8,
16, 32, etc) some teams become “byes.”

Byes must be arranged as to avoid having an uneven numbers of teams left

to complete in the semi-final or final rounds.

Remember, “All the Byes” must be placed in the second round.

Determining the number of Byes

Formula: -N

Bye = nearest power of 2-Number of teams participating


-N (8 next power of two to 6)

Bye = 8 – 6 (- minus 6 total number of teams)

Bye = 2 ( equals to 2 byes)


- is a process employed to place the competitors who by virtue of

previous performance and reputation are considered superior, in separate
brackets in order to minimize their chances of meeting in early round.Usually
, “byes” are assigned to seeded teams (as you can see on the diagram
below, with two seeded entries, one should be placed on the top of the upper
bracket and the other at the bottom of the lower bracket) and should play on
the second round.
Example Diagram of 6 (six) teams Single elimination:



This type of tournament eliminates one half of the competitors after their
first defeat. A single defeat eliminates a team. This is also called the “knock
out system”


• The tournament can be finished within a short period of time

• Less expensive and needs less equipment, facilities and officiating
• It is interesting to watch which team remains in the championship
• Taking everything equal, the last game will be among the
best competing teams

• The championship may not be the best team

• It Emphasizes elimination
• There is not enough time to select the best players due to few
numbers of games played
• It is not commensurate to the time, effort and expenses.

Formula: G=N-1

Example: 7 Teams



G=6 (number of games)

Number of BYES = 8 -7 = 1 Bye

Example Diagram of 7 (seven) teams Single elimination:


This type of tournament is superior to the single elimination as it gives a

chance for a team to play at least two games. A team with two loses either
consecutively or not is eliminated. A good team, however, losing its first
game still has a chance to win the championship.


• It permits each team to play at least two games.

• More games are involved and greater interest is engendered.
• It is more interesting to watch or wait for the surviving teams.
• The last game will really decide the championship between two best
• There is enough time in selecting the best players as more games are
played by winning teams.
Not all teams play the same number of games.
• Not all teams have a chance to play against each other
• It is hard to follow the schedule
• A team’s next opponent will not be known immediately after the first

Formula G=2 (N-1)

Example: 4 teams




G=6 (number of games)

Number of BYES = 4 - 4 = 0 Bye


If Winner - 5 wins in game 6, there shall be a play off (winner 4 has no loss which
means, winner 4 is twice to beat).
1. All letter “G” with numbers i.e. G1, G2, G3 etc. stands for game
2. All alphabets in Capital Letters like A,B,C, etc. stands for a team.
3. “W” stands for winner and “L” stands for loser. W1- means winner of
the game number 1and L2 means loser of game number 2.
4. All teams going towards the right side of the diagram are on the
LOSING bracket and those who go to the left are on the WINNING
5. In the Championship game the team from the right side of the bracket
has to defeat the team from the winning bracket (left side of the
diagram) twice. The team on the right side has a loss while that on the
left has no loss.
6. For team pairings, when seeding is not used, draw lots for letter
assignment of each team is used.


If sufficient time and facilities are available, the round robin tournament is
the best tournament to employ.

• It produces the true champion

• All teams have a chance to play against each other
• All teams play an equal number of games
• It is easy to determine the best player
• It is easy to prepare the schedule and definitely know one’s next
• It commensurate to the time, effort and expenses


• Needs more financing, facilities, equipment, supplies, etc

• It takes a longer time to finish the tournament
• Some games are found to be dull and uninteresting
• Some weak teams may default their games especially when their
opponent is strong
Determining the number of rounds is important to plot schedule of the
game. There is another easy way to determine the number of rounds. If the
number of teams are odd the number of rounds will be the same to the
number of teams (example: 7 teams = 7 rounds), but if the number of team
is even, minus the number of team to one (1), (example: 8 teams -1 = 7
To draw up a round-robin schedule, place as many numbers as there
are teams in two vertical columns. The number should be arranged
consecutively down the first column and up to the second. With each number
representing a team, this arrangement provides pairing for the first round.
Thus, Team 1 plays Team 8; Team 2 plays Team 7; Team 3 plays Team 6;
and Team 4 plays Team 5 in the first round. To obtain pairings for
subsequent rounds, rotate the numbers counter-clockwise around one of
the numbers which remains fixed. In the following examples, number one
(1) is fixed with the other number rotated around it.

In a Double Round- Robin Tournament the above is also used,

however, the cycle from Round 1 to 7 is repeated. Before the start of the

Round-Robin each team should draw lots for their assigned number
for pairing purposes. It is also suggested that in a Double Round-Robin after
one cycle is completed that another drawing of lots (number) be made to have
another sequence of pairings of teams.
When an uneven number of teams are entered, the above plan is used.
However, in this case the “Bye” should be placed in one of the positions and
the other numbers rotate around it. The number opposite the “bye” signifies
the team which receives the bye in that particular round. In the following
example the bye is placed in the upper left hand corner and the other numbers
are rotated clockwise around it.

Normally when there is a 2-way tie, the winner of the game where the
2 tied competitors played against each other is awarded the higher final
standing. When 3 or more are tied within the division, it goes to games won
minus games lost. In sports where several games are in match, winning in a
smaller amount of games as opposed to having to go to a tiebreaker awards
the player winning quicker the higher standing. When it is still tied, it usually
goes by total points scored minus total points scored against.

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