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1 (a) Fish, mammals and birds are all groups of vertebrates.

(i) State the names of the two other main groups of vertebrates.

................................................................... and .......................................................... [1]

(ii) Complete Table 1.1 to compare the features of fish, mammals and birds.

Table 1.1

feature fish mammals birds

organ involved in gas

gills lungs

circulatory system double

body covering fur


presence of external ears



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(b) Fig. 1.1 is a micrograph of part of some fish gills.

magnification ×110

Fig. 1.1

Fish gills are adapted for gas exchange by diffusion.

(i) Define the term diffusion.





..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) Suggest one adaptation, visible in Fig. 1.1, that shows that fish gills are efficient structures
for gas exchange by diffusion.



..................................................................................................................................... [1]

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(c) Some pollutants decrease the concentration of dissolved oxygen in rivers. This can result in
the death of fish.

(i) State one type of pollutant that can result in a decrease in the concentration of dissolved
oxygen in rivers.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Researchers investigated the effect of the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water on
gas diffusion distance in tissues. The thickness of fish gills was used to determine the
gas diffusion distance.

The researchers changed the concentration of dissolved oxygen by bubbling different

concentrations of oxygen into water. The temperature of the water was kept constant at
15 °C.

Their results are shown in Fig. 1.2.




gas diffusion 2.0

distance / μm



6 7 8 9 10 11 12
dissolved oxygen concentration / mg per dm3

Fig. 1.2

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Fig. 1.3 shows the relationship between the concentration of dissolved oxygen and water



/ mg per dm3

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
temperature / °C

Fig. 1.3

Complete steps 1 to 3 to determine the effect on gas diffusion distance of increasing the
temperature of the water from 15 °C to 25 °C.

Step 1
Find the concentration of dissolved oxygen from Fig. 1.3 at:

15 °C: ................................. mg per dm3 25 °C: ................................. mg per dm3

Step 2
Use the values from step 1 to find the gas diffusion distances from Fig. 1.2:

................................. µm ................................. µm

Step 3
Calculate the difference in the values from step 2.

................................. µm

[Total: 11]

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1 All living things can remove toxic materials and other substances that are in excess of

What is this process called?

A egestion
B excretion
C nutrition
D respiration

2 Two animals have an identical sequence of amino acids in one of the proteins found in their cells.

What does this indicate about these animals?

A They have been eating the same types of food.

B They have not been exposed to substances that cause mutation.
C They must be members of the same genus.
D They share an ancestor.

3 The diagram shows some tissues in part of a plant root. The arrows represent the movement of
water into and across the plant root tissues.

How many different tissues are shown?

A 2 B 4 C 5 D 7

4 The length of a mitochondrion in a photomicrograph is 15 mm.

The actual length of the mitochondrion is 3 m.

What is the magnification of the photomicrograph?

A 5 B 45 C 5000 D 45 000

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5 The diagram shows some cells.




Where are these cells found?

A alimentary canal
B blood
C bronchus
D plant roots

6 Which statement about diffusion is correct?

A The process requires energy from respiration.

B The particles must cross a cell membrane.
C The net movement of particles is up a concentration gradient.
D The process involves the random movement of particles.

7 The diagram shows the uptake of mineral ions by root hair cells.

inside root
hair cell

cell membrane


mineral ion passing

into the root hair cell
from the soil

Which type of molecule is labelled X in the diagram?

A glucose
B lipid
C protein
D starch

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8 The bases on one of the strands of a DNA molecule have the sequence shown.


What is the corresponding sequence of bases on the other strand?


9 In a photosynthesis experiment, a plant is left in bright sunlight for several hours. A leaf is then
removed from the plant and tested for starch, using iodine solution.

The diagram shows the leaf from the plant that was used in the experiment.

white area

green area

Which diagram shows the result of the experiment?

iodine solution
turns blue-black
iodine solution
stays brown

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10 An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of pH on enzyme action. The graph shows
the results.



What are the labels for the x-axis and the y-axis?

x-axis y-axis

A pH rate of reaction
B pH time
C rate of reaction pH
D time pH

11 Four test-tubes were set up as shown in the diagram.

In which test-tube is the starch digested most quickly?


water-bath water-bath
at 15 °C at 35 °C

starch solution starch solution

and amylase and amylase

starch solution starch solution

and boiled amylase and boiled amylase

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12 Two similar leaves are set up in test-tubes as shown. One is exposed to light, while the other is
kept in the dark.

green leaf
green leaf

black paper

indicator solution

After a few hours, which colour would the hydrogencarbonate indicator solution be in each

light dark

A colourless blue-black
B purple yellow
C red blue
D yellow purple

13 The diagram shows the surface view of part of the epidermis of a leaf.

How many guard cells are present?

A 0 B 3 C 6 D 12

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14 The diagram shows part of the alimentary canal and associated organs.

Where does most water absorption take place?

15 The diagram shows a large food molecule changing into smaller molecules.

process X

What is process X?

A absorption
B chewing
C digestion
D secretion

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16 The diagram shows a newly planted seedling and the same seedling a few hours after being

seedling when planted seedling a few hours

after planting


What is the correct explanation for the change in the appearance of the leaves?

A Transpiration is faster than water uptake by root hairs so cells have become flaccid.
B Transpiration is faster than water uptake by root hairs so cells have become turgid.
C Transpiration is slower than water uptake by root hairs so cells have become flaccid.
D Transpiration is slower than water uptake by root hairs so cells have become turgid.

17 Translocation is the movement of sucrose and amino acids in the phloem tissue of a plant from
source to sink.

Which organ can act as a source?

A flower
B growing shoot tip
C new developing root
D storage root

18 Which component of blood produces antibodies?

A lymphocytes
B phagocytes
C plasma
D red blood cells

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1 Fig. 1.1 shows several villi from the ileum, which is part of the small intestine.

(a) State the name of one other part of the small intestine.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

area enlarged
in Fig. 1.2


goblet cells

Fig. 1.1

Fig. 1.2 shows the tip of a villus in more detail.

goblet cell

epithelial cells

Fig. 1.2

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(b) The epithelial cells of the villi absorb nutrients by diffusion and active transport.

(i) Describe how active transport differs from diffusion.



active transport requires protein carriers, while diffusion doesnt require.

..................................................................................................................................... [3]

(ii) Explain the importance of the microvilli shown in Fig. 1.2.



for larger surface area;
increased rate of absorption

..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) Goblet cells provide protection for the epithelial cells that line the intestine.

(i) State the name of the protective substance produced by goblet cells.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Suggest why a protective substance is necessary in the intestines.


protects the intestine from bacteria and viruses;
prevents self-digestion due to strong acid like HCl with pH 2;
protects from toxins;
prevents physical damage from particles passing through intestine

..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) Fig. 1.1 shows a lacteal in the centre of each villus.

Describe the roles of lacteals.





............................................................................................................................................. [2]
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(e) Complete Table 1.1 by identifying the level of organisation of each structure.

Choose your answers from the list. Each word or phrase may be used once, more than once
or not at all.

cell cell structure organ organ system organism tissue

Table 1.1

structure level of organisation

gall bladder

endoplasmic reticulum

intestinal epithelium

ileum organ


(f) Many fungi are decomposers that feed on dead plants. The fungi secrete enzymes to digest
large molecules.

Students made an extract from a species of fungus. The extract contained digestive enzymes.

The students carried out an investigation to find out if amylase and pectinase were present in
the fungal extract.

They made agar plates by filling Petri dishes with agar jelly containing either starch or pectin.
They cut four holes of the same size in the agar jelly in each Petri dish.

The holes in each Petri dish contained the same volume of:
A – 1% amylase solution
B – 1% pectinase solution
C – distilled water
D – fungal extract.

The Petri dishes were kept at 27 °C for four days. After this time a dye was poured into each
dish to stain the areas where starch and pectin remained.

Fig. 1.3 shows drawings of the stained agar in the Petri dishes. The clear zones indicate the
areas where no starch or pectin remained.

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Petri dish containing starch Petri dish containing pectin

in agar jelly in agar jelly


stained area

D clear zone
hole in agar jelly

Fig. 1.3

(i) State what conclusions can be made about the enzymes in the fungal extract and give
evidence from Fig. 1.3 to support your conclusions.











..................................................................................................................................... [5]

(ii) The investigation was repeated but at 5 °C instead of at 27 °C.

Predict the effect of the lower temperature on the results.



..................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 21]

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