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800 Reviews of Books

researched political profile of a tireless crisis man- strates, Wirtschaftsdemokratie was a flimsy ideologi-
ager who contributed unselfishly to the fragile cal garment even in the favorable climate of Wei-
political stability of the Weimar Republic. In so mar's stable years. Analytically, it put too positive a
doing, von Hehl helps us understand why contem- value on industry's trend toward cartelization by
poraries never ranked Marx among the great ignoring or playing down its reactionary political
leaders of the day and why the Center party implications. Similarly, Social Democratic theorists
produced so few outstanding leaders for such optimistically misread the impact of state interven-
troubled times. tion both in its control over the economy and in its

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RENNIE W. BRANTZ potential to represent the common interest rather
Appalachian State University than to adjust to the competitive norms of the
business world. Meanwhile, the economic progno-
sis of the Social Democrats remained superficial.
Gi:INTHER 105NKE. Organisierter Kapitalismus, Sozial- It comes as no surprise, then, that the SPD and
demokratie und Staat: Eine Studie zur Ideologie der unions were at a theoretical loss in 1929-30, when
sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterbewegung in der Weimarer the depression struck and right-wing elements
Republik (1924-1932). (Studien zur modernen Ge- substituted presidential government for the par-
schichte, number 37.) Stuttgart: Franz Steiner. liamentary regime. KOnke shows, however, that
1987. Pp. xii, 388. DM 88. the critics within their ranks possessed little more
wisdom. In most respects the left opposition
Giinther KOnke's study of Social Democratic ide- shared the perspectives of the ideological leader-
ology in the second half of the Weimar era offers ship. More credit is given to the formulators of the
a valuable new synthesis on a much-debated WTB plan of 1932, not because it was an economic
theme. Focusing on the analysis of "organized cure-all but on the ground that it could be a
capitalism" and the introduction of Wirtschafts- trigger for activist policy. Yet already with the
demokratie as the socialist goal, K.5nke pursues an unions' program Umbau der Wirtschaft of Novem-
"examination of ideological 'attitudes' [Einstellung- ber 1932 the effort to escape a passive ideology
en], which are defined in the sphere of society and was over. In the larger scope KOnke argues that
economy and lie at the root of political action" Weimar Social Democracy chose a different pos-
(p. ix). This is not as exceptional a methodology as ture than Karl Marx would have assumed. Here
the author implies, but he employs it most effec- he is unpersuasive, an exception in this very well
tively. The result is less new information—most of articulated analysis.
the sources are published—than a deeper compre- DAN S. WHITE
hension of the historica! context. Although the State University of New York,
density of his prose tends to match the solidity of Albanv
his content, KOnke advances our understanding of
the orientation of Weimar Social Democracy.
"Organisierter Kapitalismus" was an optimistic ERNST TOPITSCH. Stalin's War: A Radical New Theory
concept. Emphasizing structural change, it por- of the Origins of the Second World War. Translated by
trayed capitalism as having developed to the point A. TAYLOR and B. TAYLOR. New York: St. Martin's.
where, in spite of itself, it was setting the founda- 1987. Pp. 152. $19.95.
tions for a socialist economy. Some of the signposts
of this hypothesized progress—the extension of This brief book, originally published in German in
state involvement in economic affairs during 1985, contains the ruminations of a professor of
World War I, the phenomenon of rationalization philosophy at Graz University on the órigins and
in American industry—are familiar in the litera- nature of World War II. We must learn here that,
ture. KOnke gives them their due but in addition in the good professor's view, most of the old fairy
demonstrates how much both the existence of the tales are true after all. Hitler really did want peace
republican state and the organizational mode of and was thwarted in this laudable aim first by the
Social Democratic thinking and action disposed British, who encouraged Poland to resist fair Ger-
authorities like Rudolf Hilferding and Fritz Naph- man demands, then by the British and French
tali to hold to the institutional bias of their guiding when they refused to make peace after the defeat
analysis. The goal of Wirtschaftsdemokratie, which of Poland, and thereafter by the Soviet Union,
they elaborated in the late 1920s, fit comfortably which decided in the summer of 1940 to attack
into this context and sanctioned the placid reform- Germany, then deliberately provoked Germany
isrn of the Social Democratic party (SPD) and during the visit of Foreign Commissar Vyacheslav
unions as correct policy leading to the inevitable Molotov to Berlin in November 1940 (so that the
socialist future. Soviet Union could appear as the innocent victim),
Al! the same, as KOnke convincingly demon- and finally planned to attack Germany itself in
Modern Europe 801

1941. Not only did the Soviets provoke the poor less concerned with unearthing new evidence or
peace-loving Germans into attacking them, they advancing new interpretations than he is with
were also responsible for the cruelty characteristic underscoring the need for caution and a due
of the war in the East. regard for the complexities of historical experi-
When the more elaborate ruminations cannot ence. In the end, he argues, the behavior of the
be based even on a distortion of the evidence, the church eludes conclusive historical judgment. The
author simply uses his imagination. The plans for book's cover, fittingly enough, is a subdued study
the Soviet attack in 1941 are described in consid- in halftones.

Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/ahr/article-abstract/94/3/800/132292 by guest on 18 September 2019

erable detail (pp. 110-11) but with no evidence This is not to say that H rten lacks a distinct
cited for them. Where the evidence shows that the point of view. One of his book's virtues, in fact, is
memoir literature is faulty, as for example in the its transparent sensitivity to the values and presup-
quotation attributed to Hermann Cdtking for Sep- positions that inform historical analysis. In
tember 3, 1939, at a meeting he did not attend H rten's case these values are clearly those of a
(p. 39), Ernst Topitsch prefers to rely on a fake loyal Catholic who regards the Third Reich as a
example that suits his theory. Historians will be totalitarian negation of everything the church
interested to learn here that the German ambas- claims to be and profess. For this reason he wants
sador to France was murdered in 1938, that Brit- to insist—and this constitutes his challenge to
ain and France took part in the Soviet-Finnish fellow scholars—that the governing factor in as-
War of 1939-1940, and numerous other novel sessing the church's actions after 1933 cannot be
the scope of its (political) resistance but rather the
Since the author believes that "most German
integrity of its (spiritual) witness in the fact of
documents relating to the war were published
systematic neopagan persecution. Hence, the title
soon after the war ended" (pp. 4-5), when in fact
at that time the overwhelming majority of such of his book. For historians qua historians to sit in
documents were still closed, he has not found it judgment over the church's motives and purposes
necessary to do any research in either German would be to exceed the bounds of their profes-
or other archives. The only thing radically new sional competence. Historical research may help
about this book is a reputable publisher printing establish facts and suggest insights, but it cannot
such trash. pretend to provide a sufficient basis for final
judgments in matters ecclesiastical. These are
University of North Carolina properly the province of theology. Only the
church itself, in short, has ultimate authority to
judge its actions.
HEINZ HR'FEN. Verfolgung, Widerstand und Zeugnis:
Not all scholars are likely to find such arguments
Kirche im Nationalsozialismus; Fragen eines Histori-
compelling. Specifically Catholic assumptions
kers. Mainz: Matthias Griinewald. 1987. Pp. 130.
aside, Hrten's notions about the task of history
DM 19.80. will strike many historians (including, I suspect,
many who are practicing church members) as both
The church struggle, it need hardly be said, has overly tidy and strangely circumscribed. His insis-
become one of the hardy perennials of modern tence on a totalitarian model for understanding
German historiography. In this small volume, the Nazi regime also seems a bit simplistic—and a
Heinz Hikten offers a mosaic of reflections, bit surprising, because H rten's deft review of
rooted in a comprehensive reading of recent recent work on everyday life in the Third Reich
scholarship, on the problem of defining and eval- would lead one to expect similar attention to the
uating ecclesiastical resistance to Nazism, chiefly ongoing debates over the actual workings of the
that of German Catholicism. Numerous brief but Hitler state. Perhaps such omissions are part of the
thematically linked sections—nearly fifty subhead- price of H rten's treatment, which is concise and
ings for just over a hundred pages of text— deliberately selective throughout.
attempt to identify the central "zone of conflict" Casual perusal might suggest that H rten is an
(p. 20) between church and regime, to explore the uncritical apologist for the Vatican and the Ger-
multiple and sometimes contradictory levels of man bishops. That would be a pity, for such is
meaning in terms such as resistance, and to sug- hardly the case, and on the whole H rten's mus-
gest a possible typology of criteria by which to ings are marked by considerable learning and
evaluate the church's institutional and theological good sense. If he fails to arrive at clear-cut answers
stance after 1933. to many of the questions he poses, this failure
Hrten's discussion is thoughtful, judicious, and only confirms the obvious—neither the passage of
low key. Writing primarily for nonspecialists, he is time nor the writing of much history has managed

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