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[This is an anonymous document, no permission is needed to link & circulate it.

Selen Tatsuki/Dokibird and Nijisanji EN – a different truth

NOTE: I am not minimising the impact of mental illness and suicide attempts on peoples’ lives. Harassment & bullying are serious accusations, with severe consequences for
both the accused and the accuser. Believing one side to be entirely truthful without the need for evidence has time and time again proven to be a mistake, yet this has
happened for the past 2 weeks.

NOTE 2: This is obviously not a conclusive document. I have covered some key points which are often left out of the current conversation (whether intentionally or not). Please
be aware I am continuing to add sources - this is not finalised.

EVIDENCE LIST: (WIP) <- link to document solely with clips, tweets & other sources disputing 'NIJISANJI black company' claims etc.

If you have the time, please read the whole document. If not, here are some takeaways:

The simplistic narrative of ‘Nijisanji black company’ and Selen’s claims that she made no profit in the past year are incredibly misleading. Calling these out does not make
someone a ‘company bootlicker’ (ANYCOLOR has many flaws), instead it demands a focus on the facts.
Thus, try and look beyond such narratives of evil corporation vs helpless victim Selen. It sounds crude to put it this way, but this is how most of the discussion has been
There are important contradictions and omissions between the different statements made by ANYCOLOR, the livers and Selen. Since the final NIJISANJI EN statement so far,
Selen’s attitude towards legal activity and the overall situation appears to have changed somewhat
As long as Selen provides no evidence of this bullying and harassment, every liver under NIJISANJI EN will continue to suffer immense levels of harassment that has
prevented every liver from carrying out their jobs, to different extents

Please read these statements & watch this video for context (in chronological order):

Selen’s contract termination notice

Dokibird’s first tweets post-termination
Statement from NIJISANJI EN on Elira Pendora’s channel
Dokibird’s response to Elira, Vox and Ike’s video statement

1: Nijisanji = ‘evil company’

The current narrative seems to go like this: Selen as the ultimate victim, unjustly fired by an evil company which has constantly shown favoritism against her, sabotaging her
projects and stifling her potential. This black-and-white claim easily draws people to support the underdog, Selen, who has broken free of corporate shackles to rise as a solo

Supporting the remaining livers is equated to either (a) supporting people who bullied Selen, (b) supporting an evil company – can’t separate the liver from the corpo, or (c)
actually harming said livers, who are also victims trapped in an ‘abusive relationship’ with the company.

These arguments ignore the fact that all parties involved are adults who signed a contract detailing what ‘Activity Rules’ must be followed, including the vigorous copyright
checks, permission applications and so on required for hosting events, posting covers and original songs, and playing new games. Luca explicitly stated: "When people shit-talk
the company we work for, I don't like that... It demotivates us. Obviously we've voiced out our own problems... but would I prefer to not stream anymore, to quit doing this?
Absolutely not. Every workplace has its bad stuff. I've worked all sorts of jobs, nothing compares." "I signed a contract that dictates everything I'm supposed to do, not do. I can't
be mad at that, I signed it. That's all I have to say about it." [3:57:06 in VOD]

Clearly, there are many more restrictions on corporate livers than independent vtubers, thus being in such a company is not for everyone. Being part of a Japanese vtuber
agency means you represent a corporation, not just yourself. You are not an independent (indie) streamer, your actions reflect on the company as a whole and thus affect other
livers. Notably, many criticisms directed towards NIJISANJI are symptomatic of how other major Japanese vtubing corporations function, such as Hololive. (More detail & sources
here.) In Japan, big for-profit organisations like Holo and NIJI have to be especially careful when it comes to copyright compared to independent streamers. Hololive previously
experienced being copyright struck, resulting in a number of videos across Hololive channels being privated. On another instance, an apology was previously also issued to
Nintendo for failure to comply with streaming guidelines. (source) This is not a dig at Hololive, but an example of how seriously corporations take copyright & due process in
Japan - always better to be safe than sorry when one person can cause problems for the entire company, even with the bureaucracy this necessitates

Other EN livers who got as much as they could from being in NIJISANJI, or wanted to pursue less restrictive creative avenues, chose to end their contracts and graduate amicably
– for example, Nina Kosaka, Mysta Rias, Pomu Rainpuff and Kyo Kaneko. Zaion LanZa is often used as a ‘gotcha’ when it comes to NIJISANJI, without taking into account the
detailed statement of Activity Rule-breaking, within the short couple of months she was active, published upon her termination.

2: Selen’s ‘no profit’ claim

NIJISANJI EN livers have gone on record time and time again expressing gratitude for the opportunities being in the company has brought them. This includes all the regular
benefits of employment, like becoming full-time streamers, paying their bills and rent, upgrading their PC setups and going on trips. Yet others - some of whom earn far less
than Selen - have spoken of paying off their student loans, buying property and land, producing numerous high-quality and expensive covers and living lives they could never
have imagined prior to joining NIJISANJI. (Sources here.)

In Doki’s return stream post-termination, she talks about making NO profit in the past year, because she spent ~$200,000CAD on projects. This has led to a barrage of claims
that NIJISANJI is not profitable for its livers and takes all of their income – including the 2% merch claim that has long been used in anti-NIJISANJI arguments. Despite this, Rosemi
and Pomu (6:48 in VOD) could quit their jobs, Aia paid off her student loan debt (36:07 in VOD), and Claude, 3 months after his debut, was able to cover all living costs, pick up
new upgrades and put an increasing amount of money towards repaying student loans ([30:10 in VOD]).

Covers and projects are expensive. Many other livers regularly release covers, original songs etc. and have spoken about the permissions process, constant back-and-forth with
management and the high cost. These are not profit-bringing ventures, they are done purely as passion projects, and there is a lot of bureaucracy involved. Maria has stated:
"All in all, making covers is not profitable. I don't do it because it's profitable, because it's not... I mostly do it for myself, because I enjoy singing and by doing covers I'm able to
see myself improve.", and that "90% of the time, cover songs are not monetized." [1:18:21 in VOD] Similar experieinces are shared by Axel from Holostars and Marine from

Should the company, in the future, contribute? For big events, this seems reasonable. Many NIJISANJI fans have been critical of management regarding the need for more
branch-wide projects, reinvesting into EN etc. and these points are valid. But these do not suggest Selen has been unfairly targeted, or had money withheld from her. As things
are, the company does not owe her reimbursement; these are personal projects that come from the livers own pocket.

What this shows instead is that Selen made over $200,000CAD in the last year while being in NIJISANJI – no small amount. She apparently chose to spend all of this on
highly ambitious projects, presumably such as her birthday concert, original song and ‘Last Cup of Coffee’ cover. Make no mistake, these are all beautiful projects and Selen
likely put her heart and soul into them. No one denies her contributions to the company, and moreover, the tournaments Selen helped run have always been fun and
appreciated by NIJISANJI EN fans.

Within the past year, other livers such as Pomu, Elira, Doppio and Shu have hosted tournaments as well, and the official NIJISANJI EN channel launched a Mario Kart tournament,
optimistically suggesting an increasingly shared burden of event management. Over half the branch were flown to Japan for the major NIJIFES annual convention (newly-debuted
Kunai: "NIJI flew me out at no cost to myself just to give me the experience, just so that I could write on the wall and meet other people" - [56:18 in VOD]), and all livers (except
the newly-debuted wave) were invited to partake in Anime Impulse. Selen’s final major tournament, the Prism Cup Minecraft event, was co-hosted and funded entirely by Vox

Again, is there plenty of room for NIJISANJI EN to improve its management, priorities, funding distribution, permissions processes, etc.? Of course. Contrary to repeated claims,
most NIJI fans are not ‘corporate bootlickers’ – they support the livers first and foremost. But there is a difference between well-meaning criticism directed to the company, and
the barrage of hatred and bad-faith takes that has flooded the livers’ social media, livestream chats and hashtags, often based on pure misinformation and tin-hat speculation.
Many of these people were never fans of Selen in the first place – there is a difference between criticizing NIJISANJI because you support Selen, versus capitalizing
on Selen’s situation to attack NIJISANJI in hopes the company and its livers will burn to the ground.

NIJISANJI’s PR leaves much to be desired, but they have been fighting an uphill battle as drama youtubers pounce on the situation to misinform hundreds of thousands – even
millions – of people unfamiliar with vtubers, or already prejudiced against NIJISANJI. These people are not simply supporting Selen, they are accusing her ex-coworkers of being
irredeemable bullies who directly caused her suicide attempt, despite Doki herself calling for an end to harassment. The end goal seems to be to force them to stop streaming,
to graduate, to end their careers – to ‘get out’ before it’s too late.

This all leads back to the original claim, that NIJISANJI (EN) is an evil ‘black company’ which works their livers in slave-like conditions, has hated Selen since day 1, and ‘could
come for your favorite liver next’. Occam's razor could suggest that yes, this simplistic narrative is true. The big, bad company vs just Selen. Alternatively, try to consider the
situation from the side of NIJISANJI – yes, please run with me.

3: Selen’s termination
Selen has repeatedly tweeted out impulsively when her projects fall through, omitting key context – such as her planned Fall Guys tournament (source), which it later turned out
was related to (a) assuming old approvals were still valid when they were not, and (b) announcing the tournment on a different date. As a result, it appears she was told to
change her tournament from international to EN only, which is unfortunate but hard to say unfair targeting/favoritism against her. This was never corrected on Twitter, only on-
stream, a recurring theme. Several other examples can be found in her now-restricted twitter account.

This culminated in her tweet following the privatization of her final song cover, which is misleading in that she fails to explain why management privated her song. Screenshots
of communication from Selen’s manager on Elira’s channel [see above] show that the cover was NOT permanently taken down as implied, but instead Selen failed to get the
final approval before its upload (on Christmas Day) and thus it would need to be private only until these checks finished. Telling her fans to instead reupload this music video on
their own channels was likely an impulsive reaction to feeling frustrated and let down, but has severe ramifications for what is allowed within a Japanese corporation that is
heavily restrictive on anything that could lead to copyright infringement.

Restrictive? Arguably yes, but a known fact that every single liver who releases covers, original songs – pretty much anything – has to abide to. This vigorous checking process
is not even limited to NIJISANJI, but other major Japanese vtuber corporations. Many people have blamed the company for not checking in with Selen in the 1+ years she was
working on this cover, or repetitively state that the song creator gave express permission for Selen to cover the song. This is not the problem: the screenshots show the
manager saying "The audio is ok to me!". It is the final checks on the visuals of the music video which needed additional time.

Selen has contributed immensely to NIJISANJI EN, and no one denies this. But her repeated behaviors and failure to change this in response to clear warnings from NIJISANJI over
the last 2 years suggest that she is not suited for such a corporate environment, which likely contributed to her declining mental state.

ANYCOLOR’s termination statement for Selen claims that:

she “demanded that ANYCOLOR should be legally responsible”

she was “being harassed by other affiliated Livers due to mismanagement”
and that should negotiations fell through, “she would proceed to release a statement regarding her claims to the public”

Selen states her lawyers sent this document to ANYCOLOR just before her termination, written (according to Doki’s twitter) “during my darkest time mentally” and that “the
document as it was written wasn’t going to be released anywhere.” NIJISANJI EN and some of its livers state that this document contained harmful false information, personal
information and a non-consensual audio recording of a conversation between Selen and Vox Akuma intended to prove ‘favoritism’ within the company (which Selen admits was
included, but claims it was just a “distribution test” – whereas Vox sees it as a breach of trust). It’s plausible this document was interpreted as a threat, confirmed Selen’s
breakage of Activity Rules, or something else entirely. Whatever the case, this seems to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.

People who believe ANYCOLOR is truly an evil company will easily write off the termination statement as full of lies, but I implore you reread it from a more neutral standpoint.
While NIJISANJI EN clearly lacks in the PR department, at a base level, the statement (1) denies the bullying claims, (2) says that Selen was not terminated immediately, but
given the chance to stay with the company as long as she admits she broke the rules and corrects her final tweet, (3) clearly outlines which of Selen’s actions led to her
termination, and (4) states that legal action was initiated by Selen.

Selen in turn, as Dokibird, states that she “will not be silenced anymore” and that she “was hospitalized for an attempt that was caused by a built up of bullying from
within&being in a toxic&poor environment.”

4: Is NIJISANJI EN really full of bullies?

What I find difficult to understand is that, if Selen has definitive proof of months of bullying from management and coworkers, why NIJISANJI EN is so adamant in denying these
claims even after internal investigation. I have seen many, many comments claiming ANYCOLOR is breaching NDA, that Selen can clearly sue them as a result, and so on – but
this is a major corporation that has lawyered up in response to Selen’s termination threats, and quite frankly, knows the law.

Legal details aside, practically all the remaining 32 NIJISANJI EN livers have shown explicit support towards the video statement made by Elira Pendora, Vox Akuma and Ike
Eveland – refuting claims of harassment, showing evidence of Selen breaching Activity Rules, and expressing shock at the legal documents shown by Selen’s side.

A major claim circulating online is that management forced both this support and this statement, that these livers are ‘puppets’ to the corporation who were ‘forced at gunpoint’
to ‘betray’ Selen in a last-ditch effort to rebuild NIJISANJI’s public image. Ren clearly states this is not true here.

Once again, the livers are infantilized, deemed powerless in the clutches of a big, bad, evil company; or alternatively, manipulated by ANYCOLOR into hating Selen with cherry-
picked information from these documents. This is deemed as the ‘charitable’ interpretation – because otherwise, they must be terrible people who betrayed Selen for a quick

In reality? These livers are all adults. They have repeatedly been able to express their own disapproval of company actions, and solidarity with ex-livers, on twitter and in their
streams. It seems incredibly disingenuous to reduce their own statements in this way, in the face of documents they claim contain falsities, doxxable information and audio
recordings. Yes, these statements WERE read from a script, as they even said in the beginning of the stream that they ran what they wanted to say past the lawyers first to
ensure no legal trouble.

These three livers, Elira in particular, have been swamped with intense hate and harassment as a result. Was it smart of ANYCOLOR to allow these livers to make a statement on
Elira’s channel? Debatable. But perhaps, they also did not want to be ‘silenced’ – the entire NIJISANJI EN branch has been deemed harassers that perpetuate a toxic work
environment and need to be put in their place. If these allegations are not what Selen has made them out to be, this was their chance to share their views on a matter that is
directly affecting the ability of the livers to continue their jobs. Bear in mind Ike and Vox were two of her closest friends within the company prior to this.

5: Discrepancies in Selen’s statements

Over the last few days, Dokibird has repeatedly stated that she wants to move on and she wants new beginnings. Now, she has a massive following of people – some fans from
her life in NIJISANJI, many more people who were sucked into the drama and want to support a victim of the evil company ANY COLOR and use her as a reason to barrage the
remaining NIJISANJI EN livers with vitriol – who rally in her support at every moment.

Yet now, following detailed responses from both ANYCOLOR and the NJISANJI EN livers themselves, Selen appears taken aback by the fact the livers have found out about the
legal documents. She wants to move on and back out of legal involvement.

Selen has said, “Please don't make it like high school. Treat everyone like adults and with some empathy and kindness,” and that she will not release receipts or private
documents. The problem is that it has come to a point now where people are using her name and her cause to both infantilize and demean livers, while spamming their tags
and chats with hatred, conspiracy theories and doxxing photos. If there are truly individuals in the company that harassed her, all of the innocent people are suffering because
(a) no clarification on the bullying claim has been provided, and (b) arguably, Selen went multiple days of silence on this exact matter before throwing out a single “don’t harass
anyone!” in her return stream.

Let me point out some contradictions based off the statements given by both parties:

Selen wants to move on, but has stated that she was the initial party to hire lawyers and threaten to go public with claims backed by her legal document. She now claims
this document would never go public.
Selen claims Vox’s voice recording was not malicious and instead accidentally included. How, then, did a random recording from over a year ago appear in a legal
document sent to ANYCOLOR? Why did neither she nor her lawyers notice it, if it was an accident? And how does Vox know of its general content and reason for inclusion?
Selen, by her own admission, has gotten too heated in the moment and sent messages to her manager so extreme that her own friends have questioned her decisions.
Source here. I bring this up because she at first claims to be completely innocent, a victim of mismanagement, yet once NIJISANJI EN release screenshots of the
conversation with her manager that disprove her claims about the music video, she backs down. People have criticized NIJISANJI’s screenshots for not containing Selen’s
replies – so why does Selen not bring forth proof of her mistreatment once and for all?
For someone who is alleged to have damning evidence of harassment and toxic workplace environment, it’s strange that Selen suddenly brings up difficulties in translation
of legal documents, multiple lawyers and complications in communication, walking back from her initial stance of “I will not be silenced” and shifting the blame to potential
miscommunication errors

Selen makes a speculative statement in response to Elira’s video message: “It makes me wonder if my medical and hospital records was also released without my
consent,” before clarifying an hour and a half later that “thankfully only my diagnosis and reason for hospital stay was reported without further private info being
disclosed.” In this time, people took it as fact that ANYCOLOR was breaching NDA, was liable to be sued for leaking health documents, and further cemented their ‘black
company’ claims. This speculation then backtracking, no matter the intention, is a consistent behavior from Selen
Selen’s response focuses heavily on how she feels: “I made the document thinking that it was never going to be public,” the recording “was not intended to be anything
other than a distribution test” – and above all, she “thought that was the last time I will hear or think about the document and that this, personally and my own opinion,
was the end of the lawyers and legal involvement.” Unfortunately, whatever she feels about the situation, it appears to have spiraled out of her control and considering the
immense slander & defamation that ANYCOLOR and the livers have experienced as a result, it makes sense they would follow up on the legal action that Selen started
Likewise, Selen plays heavily on emotions in her most recent statement, such as: “I am not perfect and I have faults. I had to watch my dad cry and break down in front of
me.” Using the emotional reactions of her family members to shield herself from blame in a situation which is increasing complicated seems manipulative and deviates
from the heavily fact- and evidence-based statements from other parties

Throughout all of Selen’s recent statements since the NIJISANJI EN livers spoke up against her and ANYCOLOR released additional statements, her stance on the situation has
weakened. Whatever happens next, many of these livers most affected were her coworkers for over 2 years. Selen’s ‘Last Cup of Coffee’ music video, costing $15,000 according
to her, seems partially a dedication to her fanbase, but also very much a love song to her times in NIJISANJI – the same way that her birthday concert involved many NIJISANJI
livers dancing and singing with her. It is hard to reconcile these projects that came out days before her attempt with the months and months of harassment she claims to have
experienced from this same environment. According to Vox, after receiving warnings due to multiple rule breakages in May 2023, Selen falsely informed other livers she was
about to be terminated [9:24 in VOD]; and she has also considered graduation multiple times previously. Leaving the company has always been an option, but Selen continued
to invest huge amounts of money and time in projects for NIJISANJI and planned her future for the upcoming year on-stream.

Perhaps you think I am being too hard on her. I have long appreciated Selen’s contributions to NIJISANJI, but in the face of immense scrutiny placed upon the NIJISANJI EN livers
now, who have been harassed constantly over the past 2 weeks and had their every word picked apart; for the disgusting and misogynistic arts depicting livers in abusive
situations and even borderline revenge porn arts designed to humiliate and objectify livers who speak up; for the thousands of people flocking into stream waiting rooms on
little basis to either call a liver ‘based’ for standing up to NIJI or to slaughter them when they don’t… These are intense, ongoing and well-documented examples of harassment
designed only to destroy the lives of people who remain in the company.

The discussion thus far has been immensely one-sided, and unfortunately for Selen, a vocal majority on her side reflect the fact that NIJISANJI has long been on the receiving
end of a hate train, perpetuated by 4chan narratives, drama youtubers and fans of other corporate vtubers.

6: What is the truth?

Only Selen and the involved NIJISANJI EN parties will ever know the full sequence of events that led to this point. Please view these statements, alongside the previous
paragraphs, and come to your own conclusions with the knowledge you may already have of the situation.

Selen and NIJISANJI EN have long clashed in their approaches to getting things done – Selen appears to take things into her own hands and skip over bureaucracy, assume
approvals without double-checking, and push the boundaries on what is allowed in the corporate vtubing sphere. The company has stated how many warnings Selen has
been given over the course of her 2.5-year career in NIJISANJI.
According to Elira, “several EN members were concerned and we reached out to Selen and we expressed our concerns. We were genuinely concerned, and we wanted to
understand the situation because we were all in the dark about it.” Vox adds on that “some livers, myself included, asked Selen why she tweeted about the cover in the
way that she did, expressing we felt that it was unnecessary and harmful.” This event was directly referenced to by Selen’s lawyers as an example of harassment
Vox believes he was manipulated by Selen’s partial truths, omitted context and blatant lies into a state of anger against the company to the extent he considered
graduating with her
ANYCOLOR did not terminate Selen as a result of her attempt, or even for the initial response to her cover being privated – instead, they claim Selen refused to take
responsibility for breaching the Activity Rules (which would have allowed her to stay within the company) and instead “demanded that ANYCOLOR should be held legally
responsible.” Now, Selen says that she never intended to take legal action or have her legal documents be seen by anyone but her lawyer.

Selen blames ANYCOLOR and other NIJISANJI EN livers for preventing her continued streaming, as well as for perpetuating a toxic environment where she was a victim of
harassment. Despite allegedly being given multiple opportunities to graduate amicably prior to this final build-up – and even telling other livers she was planning to
graduate several times prior, she repeatedly changed her mind and continued working in this environment
Selen has spoken very negatively of her home situation in a since-deleted twitlonger (archived here) which details deep financial, physical and mental pressures. I bring
this up only because she refers to her family’s reaction in her most recent statement, and it adds another layer of mental stress to the picture (note: this is public
knowledge, and the link can still be found on her Dokibird twitter account). In this twitlonger, she talks about how “the only thing that’s been keeping me going is
streaming,” a statement she has repeated since her termination

7: An important note
To make it clear: I do not believe Selen is lying about her suicide attempt, nor about being in “the darkest point of her life” after her termination.

But I would argue that people hone in on this fact alone, and refuse to actually listen to any of the statements made by other parties and even Selen aside from this. I was
deeply hesitant to include this point, but I hope you will understand why I am doing so.
Dokibird has previously been public with her borderline personality disorder (BPD). Please consider the following extracts from the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health:

“People with borderline personality disorder may experience intense mood swings and feel uncertainty about how they see themselves. Their feelings for others can
change quickly, and swing from extreme closeness to extreme dislike. These changing feelings can lead to unstable relationships and emotional pain… People with
borderline personality disorder also tend to view things in extremes, such as all good or all bad. Their interests and values can change quickly, and they may act
impulsively or recklessly.”

“Other signs or symptoms may include: Impulsive and often dangerous behaviors, such as spending sprees… Intense and highly variable moods, with episodes lasting
from a few hours to a few days… People with borderline personality disorder have a significantly higher rate of self-harming and suicidal behavior than the general

This is not an attempt to diagnose Selen with BPD – you can find references to it still up on her twitter account (source), and it used to be in her twitter bio. It is not a secret. Nor
am I claiming that her allegations are false, reducing her to her disorder (there is no confirmation that she has all, if any, of these traits because of BPD), or even using it as a
scapegoat explanation. Obviously, a simplistic list of symptoms cannot encapsulate her lived experiences or explain away the hardships she has faced.

I do not mean this maliciously. I truly believe this may provide an important perspective on many of her patterns of behavior in the past 2 years, including impulsive and drastic
reactions she later regrets, overspending on personal projects, and feeling pushed to the edge in the days following the privatization of her cover and influx of messages of
confusion and worry by other livers. People constantly state her attempt as concrete evidence of active bullying from within the company, and this is a suggestion of how this
may not be the case.

8: Conclusions
NIJISANJI EN can suffer from incompetence in their management and PR, AND the livers can wish to stay in the company, strive for improvement and rally for a better 2024.
Selen can have suffered mentally in the stress leading up to her termination BUT this does not immediately implicate her coworkers as malicious bullies who deserve eternal
punishment. There is likely no black-and-white here: both statements from ANYCOLOR and Selen may hold weight.

If you read until now, thank you. You may disagree with what I have written entirely – and it’s simply not feasible for me to cover the expanse of evidence, speculation and
hatred that has unraveled so far. But I ask you to try and have a critical view on the situation. Apply logic and reason, don’t just fall into the herd mentality (as multiple livers
have recently stated). Think about whether it’s right to trust crackpot /vt/ narratives which claim certain livers are actually managers running the company who pick and choose
opportunities; think about whether you have actually watched these livers, whether you have watched Selen, and what discussions have been allowed to happen in the
community when it’s not under the spotlight of thousands of drama vultures.

Do these people care about the livers under NIJISANJI? Do they even care about Selen/Dokibird? Most importantly: do they care about the truth, or do they care about being right
and silencing anyone who disagrees by weaponizing someone else’s mental illness as a complete shield against criticism & valid concerns?

The world has listened to every word Selen has had to say, but has refused to take a single statement made by NIJISANJI EN – not even the company, but the 32 livers under this
branch – at face value. Do you really think all of these people are being held hostage by a mean and evil company, silenced from showing support for someone who was their
friend for 2.5-years if there wasn’t a reason for them not to?

At the very least, everyone involved in the situation has requested an end to the harassment.

Please listen.

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