Project 7

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Project: Conversation 3- Permission and prohibition

C: Clari.

M: Melany.

C: Hi Melany, how are you?

M: not well, I’m worry because my son spend more time in videogames by his computer. He stay
long time in his bedroom.

C: Oh, that’s problem, but how old is your son? And did you hear the new regulation about that?

M: I didn’t hear this.

C: I’m explain you. The government must restricted the internet use for childrens in public space
or cybercafe, is only allowed between 10am to 6pm and only two hours/day and only 8
hour/week. I think that is a good regulation for our familys and childrens.

M: Yes. I agree with you, but this rule is only for public space. On another hand , at home is
difficult to control the childrens.

C: You are right. Exactly the regulation said, in school are allowed the internet use only during the
class and there aren’t allowed to use social media and videogames platform. And in public space is
only permitted for two hours/day.

M: I think, is a good rule because internet is dangerous for children and can be affect their
emotions and can be distracted in class.

C: Of course!, And there are a lot of websites and social medias that it lie childrens, specially
teenagers and small childrens. And in my opinion a good recomendation can be that the parents
can show educational websites with their childrens only one hours/ day.

M: you are right!, I must more strict with my son.Thanks for your nice conversation and advice.

C: I also wanted to tell you that I had some problems in my business because I said that it is
forbidden to enter with helmets for safety reasons, but there is a couple that does not obey that
you would recommend.

M: Well, in this case the only thing I could recommend is that you do not allow them to enter your
business or that you put a security person

C: It´s a good idea I will take it into account

M: Thanks and see you tomorrow!

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