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Bread and Pastry Production NC II

Institutional Assessment

Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: ____________________

1. You have one (1) hour to complete this test
2. This paper consists of Section A and Section B.
3. Section A consists of Multi Choice Test with 15 questions. Answer all questions and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer. Section B consists of 20 questions. All questions and
write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.
4. Write your examination number code in every answer sheets that you submit
5. Do not write on the question paper.
6. Return the question paper to the proctor at the end of the 1 hour test.

Section A: Multiple Choice Question

Instruction: Choose the correct or the best answer and WRITE the letter that corresponds to your choice
on the answer sheet provided.

1. This oven is so quick and efficient because they channel heat energy directly to the molecules
inside the food.
a. Rotary Oven
b. Microwave Oven
c. Convection Oven

2. This oven used conduction heat to bake products. Conduction heating is a process in which
heat travels directly from a hot stone or deck, to the loaf of bread or pastry or sheet pan being
a. Rotary Oven
b. Microwave Oven
c. Convection Oven

3. This is the quickest way of preparing all types of cake other than the fat less sponge
a. All in one Method
b. Creaming Method
c. Melting Method
d. Rubbing Method

4. This is the method used for preparing fat-less sponges, swiss roll and also Genoese sponges.
a. Rubbing Method
b. Whisking Method
c. Creaming Method

5. This Amino Acid is derived from the consumption of food because the body cannot produce it.
a. Essential
b. Non Essential
c. Conditional Amino Acids

6. Functionally and applicably diverse protein source used in baking.

a. Wheat Protein
b. Whey Protein
c. Soy Protein

7. A substance used to make baked goods ride by the formation of gas, esp. carbon dioxide, in
the batter or dough, as baking powder, baking soda or yeast.
a. Fat
b. Leavener
c. Liquid

8. This creates lighter texture and creaminess to the baked goods.

a. Baking powder
b. Flour
c. Fats

9. Also known as Soduim Bicarbonate, a natural alkaline.

a. Baking soda
b. Bakers ammonia
c. Baking powder

10. This type of pastry is one of the “Flaked Pastries” that used for making savoury pie crust and as
wrapping for meat and poultry as well as volau-vents, cream horns and mile feuilles.
a. Short crust Pastry
b. Puff Pastry
c. Flaky Pastry
d. Choux Pastry

11. This incredibly light specialty pastry is used in the making of eclairs, profiteroles and cream
a. Short crust Pastry
b. Puff Pastry
c. Flaky Pastry
d. Choux Pastry
12. Foods that have had some processing but are still not the final products
a. Primary Ingredients
b. Secondary Ingredients
c. Components
d. Composites

13. They are food products obtained from cereals, root vegetables and fruits. This can be used to
thicken liquids.
a. Flour
b. Starch
c. Smart Starches

14. Mainly from animal sources, can increase blood cholesterol that leads to heart disease.
a. Fat
b. Oil
c. Saturated Fat
d. Polysaturated

15. Whisking stretches the protein and adds air bubbles

a. Emulsification
b. Coagulation
c. Aeration

Section B: TRUE or FALSE

Instruction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

1. Crust is the internal texture of baked products.

2. Crumb is the “feel” of the dough.

3. Stand mixer is a typical stand mixer that includes a wire whisk for whipping creams and egg
whites; a flat beater for mixing batters; and a dough hook for kneading.
4. Oven is an electric handheld mixing and blending tools that has two removable metal beaters
and variable speeds.
5. Rubber spatula is a large utility spoon for the kitchen mad usually from a single piece of wood.
6. Mixing Bowls comes in granulated sizes and has sloping sides used for mixing ingredients.

7. Utility tray used for baking rolls.

8. Mortar and pestle used to flatten or roll dough.
9. A pointed metal or plastic tube connected to the opening of the pastry bag and used to form
desired designed is called pastry tip.
10. Conventional oven contains fan that circulate the air and distribute the heat rapidly
throughout the interior.
11. Short crust pastry used to make eclairs and profiteroles.

12. The flour holds the ingredients together.

13. Leavener is a substance causing expansions of dough and batter by the release of gasses with
in such mixtures, producing baked products with porous structure.

14. Fresh fruits or vegetables are foods that have received more complex processing which makes
them into composites or products.
15. Emulsifying uses of eggs to help mix two liquid that would normally stay separate, such as
water and oil.

16. Flavoring removes the dryness from foods. Fats, eggs, fruit, sugar, milk or oil are used for
17. Sweetening improves the flavor of certain foods by adding sugar or fruits, sugar will help to
soften the sharp taste of grapefruit.

18. Different foods have different working properties when treated in certain ways or combined
with other foods. The table lists the working properties you need to know about.
19. Cheese is a solid from of milk 33% each of fat, protein and water.

20. Pies should have small gas holes as is texture.

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