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LESSON 7: THE WORKPLACE Perceptions of Work

The Nature of Work Work as Divine Punishment

Work - Because of pride and disobedience.

- An activity that is necessary for our physical - Initially, a punishment.
survival and well-being. - Later, form of praying, a way of fulfilling
- Essential on providing us our basic needs one’s duty to God or a means of salvation.
for food, clothing and shelter. - Protestantism- (Calvinism)- known for
- Preservation of life is our most important teaching about the divine nature of work.
duty because life makes possible the - The value attached to had work, thrift and
performance of our other duties. efficiency in one’s worldly calling is eternal.
- Preservation of life is also our right - The wealth gained through hard work is a
- An activity where man earns a living for sign of an individual’s election to God’s
himself and for others through the use of his favor.
knowledge, talents and skills.
- Essential for the continued existence and Work as a right
welfare of society.
- Provides the duty and right of the state to - Everyone has the right to work based on
structure the processes and labors man’s natural right to self-preservation.
necessary for its survival. - To preserve one’s life requires one to have
- Social activity with moral and legal a right over the means with w/c to satisfy
implications basic needs. (Food, clothing and shelter)
- Right of person to work also entails his full
Meaning of Work and real right over the fruits that proceeds
from his labor.
Work - Renumeration of worker expects from doing
- Entails conscious and sustained physical work should be treated as his property.
and metal efforts to do.
- Performed for remuneration, as means of Work as a source of self-pride and self-respect
- Sometimes understood as employment, - Work is necessary not only for self-
occupation or profession. preservation but for personal growth and
Employment - Work affords a person with a greater sense
- Implies work for which one has been hired of independence, self-worth and
and is being paid by an employer independence.

Occupation Work as a Determinant of Personal Qualities

- If work is the result of training and - Perceived for social significance in defining
performed in regular basis a person.
- The quality of worker is reflected by the
Employee quality of his work.
- An employed worker - Well organized worker implies a reliable and
conscientious worker
- Worker who is paid in exchange for the Work as a Determinant of Social Class
physical labor
- Karl Marx, two classes
Profession - Working class/ proletarian- who sell physical
- A form of occupation, which makes use of labor for wages in order to live.
specialized type of work. - Capitalists or bourgeoisies, those who
- Defined as a calling in which members manage the business, or control the activity
profess to have acquired special knowledge of the firm.
by training or experience or both., so they - Knowledge workers
may guide or advice or serve other sin that - IT professionals, software developers,
special field. engineers, layers, doctors and professional
Work as a basis of Cooperation Policies Enforced in the Workplace
- Expresses set of expectations from workers.
- Work to survive and to prosper materially. - Company expects the best form workers
- Businessmen do business for profit. and provide them with principle to guide
- Workers offer services as hey lack capital. them in the conduct of their work.
- Workers need businessmen just as - Company strictly enforces rules and
business need the workers. regulations which workers are duty bound to
observe and respect; otherwise, they can be
Factors that Affect Work suspended or dismissed form employment.
Personal and Societal Values Public Opinion and Perception
- A person’s nature of values determines how - The impression a person makes will
he performs his work and guides his actions determine the success or failure of his work,
- His personal values are also derived from - A worker that has the skill and is equally
the society he moves around in. blessed with a sense of morality, good
- The value system that a worker upholds public relations and dedication is well-loved
determines his perception towards work, the and respected by the people
decisions he makes and performs.
- Personal and societal values are effective Religion
for regulation of work. - Religious belief of workers exerts
considerable effect on how well people
Code of Ethics perform their work.
- A company or any profession adopts code - People who possess religious values tend
of ethics as an embodiment of their moral to work honestly and diligently; more
ideas. respectful to employers and clients, more
- An act involved in the performance of a obedient to law and authority.
particular kind of work may be perfectly
legal but is not necessarily ethical. Types of Activities
- Failure to observe codes of ethics may
result in public distrust, loss of confidence, 1. Formal Activities
becoming an outcast in profession or being o Includes all acts that is official and
ostracized in workplace. considered to be the official duty of
- CoE help ensure the development of an employee. Example: as a teacher
workers and professionals who are not only it is expected that he/she should
competent in their respective work and teach his/ her students via
professions but also who work with a sense conducting a class.
of morality and decency. 2. Non-Formal Activities
o These includes practices that are
Law customary in certain work groups.
- Sets standards of how work is to be done. Example: In offices “pakikisama, and
- Regulates work as it imposes certain mababang loob” is observed.
limitations to workers.
- Violating these limitations may lead a Workplace across Nations and Culture
person to be criminally or legally liable
risking his employment or profession, his Culture
freedom or even his limbs.
- For professional worker, his education does - defined as a set of values, practices,
not excuse him from his duty to observe the traditions or beliefs a group shares, whether
limitations imposed by law. due to age, race or ethnicity, religion or
Professional Associations - other factors that contribute to workplace
- Promotion of higher standards for the diversity and cultural differences in the
practice of professional work is the main workplace are differences attributable to
reason why professional societies are work styles, education or disability.
formed. - Generational Impact
- Medical and legal associations are formed - Educational Differences
to preserve and enforce higher standards of - One’s Personal Background
medical and legal practice - Ethnicity
Noting Generational Impact Ethnicity

- A diverse workplace includes employees - Ethnicity or national origin are often

considered traditionalists, baby boomers, examples of cultural differences in the
Generation X, Generation Y and Millennials. workplace, particularly where
- Each generation has distinct characteristics. communication, language barriers or the
For example, employees considered baby manner in which business is conducted are
boomers tend to link their personal identity obviously different.
to their profession or the kind of work they - Affinity groups have gained popularity in
do. Baby boomers are also characterized as large organizations or professional
being committed, yet unafraid of changing associations, such as the Hispanic
employers when there’s an opportunity for Chamber of Commerce or in-house groups
career growth and advancement. whose members are underrepresented
- Employees considered belonging to ethnicities, such as the Chinese Culture
Generation Y, on the other hand, also value Network at Eli Lilly.
professional development, but they are - The pharmaceutical conglomerate
tech-savvy, accustomed to diversity and organizes affinity groups to bridge cultural
value flexibility in working conditions. differences and establish productive
working relationships within the workplace
Being Aware of Educational Differences and throughout its global locations.
- Differences exist between employees who Duties of Workers and Employers
equate academic credentials with success
and employees whose vocational and on- 1. Respect the human dignity of the workers
the-job training enabled their career 2. Appreciate their work
progression. The cultural differences 3. Never treat them as slaves for making money
between these two groups may be a source 4. Never assign them task beyond their strength.
of conflict in some workplace issues when Do not employ them in work not suited for their age
there’s disagreement about theory versus or sex
practice in achieving organizational goals. 5. Pay them commensurate wages
- For instance, an employee who believes 6. Provide for their health and social recreations
that a college degree prepared him for 7. Provide time to practice their religion
managing the processes and techniques of 8. Advise them on how to use their money wisely
employees in the skilled trades may not be 9. Instruct them to love their families
as effective as he thinks when compared to 10. Provide them with the opportunities and
employees with years of practical promotions
knowledge and experience.
Duties of Workers to their Employers
Impact of One’s Personal Background
1. Work honestly and comply with all agreements
- Where an employee lives or has lived can 2. Never injure capital or steal from employer
contribute to cultural differences in the 3. Never outrage the person of the employer
workplace. Many people would agree that 4. Never employ deceit or violence in presenting
there is a distinct difference between the cause
employee from a small town and the 5. Never consort with agitators or men of evil
employee from a large metropolis. principles
- New York, for example, is known for its fast
pace and the hectic speed of business Disputes and Disagreements
transactions. Conversely, an employee from 1. Wage and salary that are not fair and
a small, Southern town may not approach commensurate to the difficulty of the job and the
her job duties with the same haste as responsibilities inherent to it.
someone who is employed by the same 2. Poor working conditions.
company from a large city where there’s a 3. Unreasonable personnel policy
sense of urgency attached to every job task. 4. Lack of job security and stability or employment
5. Lack of opportunity for advancement and self-
6. Inconsiderate supervisors or managers
It needs to be noted also, that among workers there way of doing things but technical valuation
are cases that these employees tend to have may not be necessarily be ethical
certain disagreements.
Ethics and Morals
Top 10 Workplace Annoyances based on the
Survey of 6,000 Employees done by the TMP Ethics vs Morals – In most cases, when one of us
worldwide. does something, we try to act according to what
society believes is right. More often, we listen
1. Loud and irritating mobile phone rings closely to what our own beliefs about right or wrong
2. Outdated equipment’s are telling us, even if they’re different from society’s
3. Job jockeying views. These two have to do with ethics and
4. Body odor and bad breath morals.
5. Colleagues who do not change an empty roll Ethics – rules that a social system provides us with
6. Colleagues who arrive late and leave early
7. Know-it all colleagues Morals – our own principles
8. Colleagues who do not reload paper trays or fix
jams on printers
9. Messages taken down incorrectly
10. Colleagues who take items from your desk • Moral or Ethical may be ambiguous.
without asking
Morals – used to refer to specific beliefs or attitudes
that people have or to describe acts that people
• Individuals personal conduct is referred
LESSON 8: ETHICAL DIMENSION OF HUMAN to as his morals and if he falls short on
EXISTENCE behaving properly, this can be described
Ethics • Moral Judgement and Moral Reasoning
• Is about matters such as good thing that we Ethics - Discipline of studying and understanding
should pursue and the bad thing that we ideal human behavior and ideal ways of thinking.
should avoid; • Acknowledged as an intellectual
• The right ways in which we could or should discipline belonging to philosophy
act and the wrong ways of acting. • Acceptable and unacceptable= ethical
• It is about what is acceptable and and unethical
unacceptable in human behavior. • Professional ethics
• May involve obligations that are expected or
fulfill, prohibition that are required to respect Philosophy - is Greek in origin, and it is the
or ideals that are encouraged to meet composite of two Greek roots: philein, a Greek
• A subject to study regarding the grounds for word for “love,” and sophia, the Greek word for
the values with particular and special “wisdom.” the love or pursuit of wisdom.
significance to human life. • Philosophy is not merely a static
compendium of great thoughts
Clarification and Terminology espoused by great thinkers—it is an
activity that reflects passion,
Kinds of Valuation
commitment, and intellectual ambition.
A. Aesthetics - Derived from Greek word • The ultimate goal of this passionate
aesthesis (sense of feeling) and refers to activity is not mastering a certain
the judgments of personal approval or amount of information but rather the
disapproval that we make about what we achievement of “wisdom.”
see, hear, smell, or taste. • What exactly is “wisdom”? Think of
B. Etiquette - Concerned with right and wrong several people you know whom you
actions but those which might be would consider to be “wise”: What
considered not quite grave enough to qualities do they possess? It’s likely that
belong in the discussion although they are knowledgeable
C. Technique and Technical - Greek word regarding certain areas of life, it’s their
techne - which are used to refer to a proper ability to use and apply this knowledge
with great intelligence that distinguishes • Example: capital punishments,
them. euthanasia
• Among the ancient Greeks, people from
Mediterranean, made a mental effort to Moral Decision – What a person makes when
make sense of the world and of human he/she is placed in a situation and confronted by
life in a unique way. the choice of what act to perform
• Example taking something that person
did not pay for.
The Two General Fields of Learning Moral Judgement – What a person makes when
he/she is an observer who makes an assessment
The Sciences - Deals with natural, physical on the action or behavior of someone
phenomena • Example taking something that person
did not pay for.
The Humanities - Deals with human phenomena
• Fear of punishment & desire for rewards
can be a reason for someone to act in a
certain way.
• Thinking may take on the level of
abstraction, that is detaching itself from
the particular situation and arriving to a
certain recognition to the proper reasons
for not acting in this way

Moral valuation – decision and judgement

- Principles

Principles - Rationally established grounds by

which one justifies and maintains her moral
Descriptive and Normative decisions and judgments
• Descriptive study of ethics reports how • We can maintain principles but we
people, particularly groups, make their can also ask what good reasons for
moral valuations without making any doing so.
judgment either for or against these
valuations Moral Theory - A systematic attempt to establish
• Studying moral across cultures- the validity of maintaining certain moral principles.
historians, sociologist or an - A system of thought or ideas------
anthropologist. framework

Normative Reasoning

• Normative study of ethics as is of then • A person’s fear of punishment or desire for

done in philosophy or moral theology, reward can provide him a reason for acting
engages the question: in a certain way. (e.g., “I did not cheat on
o What could or should be the exam because I was afraid that I might
considered as the right way of get caught”. “I looked after my father in the
acting? hospital because I wanted to get a higher
• Normative discussion prescribes what allowance.”)
we ought to maintain as our standards • In a certain sense, fear of punishment and
or bases for moral valuation desire for reward can be spoken of as giving
someone a “reason” for acting in a certain
Issue, Decision, Judgement and Dilemma way. But the question then would be: Is this
reason good enough?
Moral Issue - Issue is also used to refer to those • The promise of rewards and the fear of
particular situations that are often the source of punishments can certainly motivate us to
considerable and inconclusive debate.
act, but are not in themselves a determinant background to back up our moral
of the rightness or wrongness of a certain valuations.
way of acting or of the good or the bad in a • In addition, there is an advance here over
particular pursuit. the law because religion is not simply
prohibitive, but also provides ideals to
✓ Beyond rewards and punishments, it is possible pursue.
for our moral valuation – our decisions and • HOWEVER, there are some problems with
judgements – to be based on a principle. Thus, one this.
may conclude that cheating is wrong based on a o On the practical level, we realize the
sense of fair play or a respect for the importance presence of a multiplicity of religions.
and validity of testing. Each faith demands differently from
its adherents, which would
✓ From this, we can define principles as rationally apparently result in conflicting ethical
established grounds by which one justifies and standards.
maintains one’s moral decisions and judgments. o We can see a further problem where
one requires the believer to clarify
her understanding of the connection
Sources of Authority between ethics and the Divine (e.g.,
Is it holy because it is loved by the
The authority of the LAW gods, or is it holy in itself and that is
why is loved by the gods?)
• It is supposed that the law is one’s guide to
ethical behavior. The term positive law The authority of one’s own CULTURE
refers to the different rules and regulations
that are posited or put forward by an • Our exposure to different societies and their
authority figure that require compliance. cultures makes us aware that there are
• Taking the law to be the basis of ethics has ways of thinking and valuing that are
the benefit of providing us with an objective different from our own, that there is in fact a
standard that is obligatory and applicable to wide diversity of how different people
all. believe it is proper to act.
• Taking the law to be the basis of ethics has • From the reality of diversity, it is possible for
the benefit of providing us with an objective someone to jump to the further claim that
standard that is obligatory and applicable to the sheer variety at work in the different
all. ways of valuation means there is no single
o The prohibitive nature of law. The universal standard for such valuations, and
law does not tell us what we should that this holds true as well in the realm of
do; it works by constraining us from ethics.
performing acts that we should not • Therefore, what is ethically acceptable or
do. The law cannot tell us what to unacceptable is relative to, or that is to say,
pursue, only what to avoid. dependent on one’s culture. This position is
o There are certain ways of acting referred to as cultural relativism.
which are not forbidden by the law, • Cultural Relativism
but are ethically questionable to us o First, conform to what we
(e.g., contractualization) experience, which is the reality of
the differences in how cultures make
The authority of one’s RELIGION their ethical valuations.
o Second, by taking one’s culture as
• The idea that one is obliged to obey her the standard, we are provided a
God in all things, and as a foundation for basis for our valuations.
ethical values which is referred to as the o Third, this teaches us to be tolerant
divine command theory. of others from different cultures, as
• Many of us had been brought up with one we realize that we are in no position
form or religious upbringing or another, so it to judge whether the ethical thought
is very possible that there is a strong or practice of another culture is
inclination in us to refer to our religious acceptable or unacceptable
• Criticism of cultural relativism by James • On the positive side, cultural relativism
Rachels promotes a sense of humility, that is, urging
o Because different cultures have us not to imagine that our own culture is
different moral codes, we cannot say superior to another.
that any one moral code is the right • As with earlier discussions on law and
one. religion, this is not to set aside culture
▪ Disagreement may mean that entirely as if it were irrelevant. Instead, we
the question of who is right or urge to think more carefully about how one’s
wrong is not immediately understanding of her belonging to a certain
evident, but it does not culture could be more fruitful and
necessarily mean that there meaningful for her ethical discernment.
is no one correct resolution.
o Second, we realize that we are in no
position to render any kind of
judgment on the practices of another
▪ But what if the practice
seems to call for comment?
(e.g., What if a particular
African tribe thought that it is
advantageous and therefore
right for them to wipe out a
neighboring people through a
terrible practice of genocide?
What if some Middle Eastern
country was highly repressive Senses of the Self
toward women reaching to Subjectivism
the point of violence?). Are
we in no position to judge • Starting point- recognition that individual
any of this as wrong? thinking is the heart of all moral valuations.
o Third, we realize that we are in no • One is confronted with the situation and is
position to render judgment on the burdened with the need to make a decision
practices of even our own culture. or judgment.
▪ We would be unable to say • Leaps to the more radical claim that
that something within our individual is the sole determinant of what
cultural practice was morally good/ bad, right or wrong
problematic, precisely
• No one can tell me what is right or wrong.
because we take our culture
No one knows my situation better than
to be the standard for making
myself I am entitled to my own opinion. It is
such judgments. (e.g.
good if I say that it is good
arranged marriage)
o Fourth, perhaps the most evident Psychological Egoism
contemporary difficulty with cultural
relativism is that we can maintain it • Human beings are naturally self-centered,
only by following the presumption of so all our actions are always already
culture as a single, clearly-defined motivated by self-interest.
substance or as something fixed and • A theory underlying all human actions.
already determined. • It does not direct one to at in any particular
▪ But it is also becoming way.
increasingly difficult to • It points that there is already an underlying
determine what exactly basis for how one acts.
defines one’s culture. • Ego or self has desires and interests that
• We can conclude this criticism of cultural needs to be satisfied towards it
relativism by pointing out how it is a problem • Other directed behavior is a self-serving
in our study of ethics because it tends to desire.
deprive us of our use of critical thought. • Theories
o Simplicity - It has a unique appeal to • It makes the lives of its customers more
a theory that conveniently identifies comfortable.
a single basis that will somehow
account for all actions is a good Being Strategic: Adding Value to the Business
o Plausibility - It is possible that self- • It talks about its customers; it does not talk
interest is behind a person’s actions. about its internal priorities. It acts to deliver
▪ It is clearly the motivation value-added through improvements made
behind many of the for clients. It is how strategic Human
actions one performs Resources operates.
which are obviously self- • It has to build strong and trustful
serving; relationships with them. These relationships
▪ It could very well also be make the role of HR Business Partner
the motivation behind an mission-critical.
individual’s seemingly • Additionally, the Human Resources Leader
other-directed actions has to maintain a reliable connection with
• Focus on Freudian approach - It ends up the CEO of the business.
nullifying the possibility of any normative
HR: Customers and the Network
ethics in its view of the already- determined
human being • The HR department always has two plans –
Ethical Egoism one for its customers and the second one is
purely internal
• Differs to psychological egoism - Does not • Nobody believes that any improvements
suppose all our actions are already within the HR functions as strategic ones. It
inevitable self-serving. is just a slight adjustment of functioning
• Prescribes that we should make our own based on functional needs.
ends, our own interests, as the single • Additionally, the HR leader has to be widely
overriding concern. recognized and respected in the
• We act in a way that is beneficial to others, organization. She can usually provide a
but we should do that only if it ultimately different perspective when looking at the
benefits us business issue. She can act as the
• Glaucon concludes, that if we are to be Employee Advocate in such a moment. Not
honest with ourselves, we would admit that just protecting the interests of the
what we really care for is our own self- organization, she can always speak in the
interest rather than some notion of justice or name of employees.
moral goodness. • There is one thing not to forget. Human
Resources must promote functional goals
and objectives. All employees must be
aware of strategic imperatives driving the
LESSON 9: STRATEGIC AGENDA OF HUMAN organization’s HR agenda (see more on HR
RESOURCES Marketing).
Human Resources Creating and Developing a Sustainable,
Competitive Advantage
• presents an internal issue as an
organization-wide initiative. • Human Resources is the only competitive
• It puts its internal clients and critical external advantage in modern Western society if the
audiences into the center. HR team runs it properly. Also, it is difficult
• Also, it acts as a bridge between the to copy. Each organization has a different
external communities and the interior background and a set of values, which
landscape of the organization makes copying almost a mission
People Management • Human Resources cares about Corporate
Culture. It sets general expectations and
• ◦ It acts as a valuable business partner that
guides what behavior is preferred. It also
owns initiatives and programs.
clearly states what practices are not processes and procedures. Also, it is aimed
accepted at all shortterm. Everything should be achievable
within 12 or 18 months.
Forming the winning Human Resources Team • On the other hand, the HR strategy is a long
term and mixes both internal and external
• Nowadays, a leadership team expects that landscape. It covers both customers and the
the HR Function is proactive, and it drives future of Human Resources.
its plan. That is the reason why the upgrade
• The simplified view is that a plan is a tactical
of the HR team is required. It is about
tool for improving business performance
forming the Human Resources team that
day by day. Of course, the strategic
understands the business and delivers
program uses and fully utilizes all outcomes
extraordinary results.
coming from the strategy implementation
• There is a critical success factor – the role
of HR Business Partner. She acts as a Strategic HR Agenda: Topics
bridge between business units and HR
Centers of Excellence. However, she • ◦ First, we need to understand and describe
manages expectations on both sides and a competitive Human Resources function. It
judges all the proposal’s options before has a specific agenda, and it has critical
making a final decision. business goals in its scope. It outlines its
• A great HR Manager always delivers a priorities around crucial business
proposal that fits with the business strategy, processes, and it understands how the
demonstrates respect to employees, and business generates revenues and profits.
keeps the productivity upgrade in mind. • The next section describes the most
Such suggestions make the business more common challenges in Human Resources
profitable and highly competitive on the Function. As always, they are both internal
market. and external ones. However, all critical
• Each HR Leader is responsible for stakeholders expect Human Resources to
developing her HR team every day. Her contain them in all proposals and solutions.
fellow leadership team members highly Specifically speaking, it includes the
value a constant upgrade in HR skills and following challenges: business
competencies. Being a part of serious sustainability, globalization, technology, an
discussions about the business requires you aging workforce, change management,
to understand how the company operates. employee productivity, and employee
• That is why the business acumen in Human engagement. As HR Professionals, we have
Resources is essential. to recognize them all and be ready to adapt
• Additionally, the HR leader must ensure that our proposals as we do improve the
all team members are operating out of their performance of our organizations.
comfort zones. By giving opportunities to all • Nowadays, it is all about Competitiveness
team members and mixing project teams, and Competitive Advantage. There is
she delivers excellent learning opportunities always just one winner in a free-market. The
to everyone. organization that knows how to compete
• Operating out of the box is appreciated by with all its competitors. Everyone knows the
the business. People in the organization like winner and everyone wants to buy its
to see HR folks stretched and providing a products and services. Human Resources
high-quality service to other teams. Also, influences an excellent source of
managers like to discuss issues and competitive advantage. It understands how
challenges with colleagues who to lead, manage, and develop the
demonstrate a willingness to help, a drive to workforce. Human Resources can find
solve problems, and understanding to root creative ways to make the organization
causes. competitive by changing values, processes,
and procedures. Additionally, such a
How to Recognize a Difference between Strategic change can be a long-lasting and
HR Plan and HR Strategy sustainable competitive advantage
• A true leader pushes productivity up to the
• a strategic plan centers around customers limit. The HR leader has to play the role of a
of Human Resources. It does not include brake from time to time. Her role is to
any development of people related
protect the rights of employees. Employees • Being internally visible is a part of success.
require an advocate who protects them Being widely recognized is essential. HR
against the leadership team. They expect Marketing is a discipline in which most HR
that Human Resources will play this highly functions fail. The next section covers the
demanding role, because else in the vital HR Marketing, including the presence
organization should act as an Employee in social media. Human Resources has to
Advocate. It is a challenging role because learn how to attract and influence critical
HR Managers are often in severe conflicts internal and external audiences. Nobody will
with line managers. How can the HR recognize HR results if they do not know
department succeed in this challenging and what Human Resources does.
conflicting role? • The war for Talents is full of small victories
• Employee Engagement is an overused word and losses. Human Resources has to build
in recent years. The workplace was not a vibrant brand name, set of values, and
about keeping and increasing productivity; influencing approaches that are attractive to
everything was about happiness and the most important target groups. These
employee engagement. However, when it is groups are usually just two – employees
done right, it has tremendous results. It and potential employees. The most
boosts productivity, decreases turnover, and successful organizations also include ex-
strengthens Employer Brand. On the other employees and retirees. They know how to
hand, it has to be well-balanced with spread the word, and as a result, the critical
different requirements. The next section job vacancies target the right audiences,
covers how to keep employees engaged and the best candidates are revealed.
and highly productive • HR is going digital, being quicker, more
• The business is about constant change. On responsive, and cheaper. These are the key
the other hand, most employees prefer imperatives of Digital HR. Human
stability over the unstable world. We are Resources has to act as the change
resistant to changes because we champion. It has to find affordable digital
understand that they represent a threat to solutions that make the employee’s life
us. Human Resources ensures that cycle smooth, digital, auditable, and
employees understand changes and accept enjoyable. It is not about massive and
them. Supporting and teaching Change monolithic HR systems; it starts with small
Management is the highly strategic role of things and processes that have a
HR Managers. considerable impact.
• The non-performing business has a zero • And as a last item on the list, it is about
chance of survival. Competitors will grab a Strategic Human Resources Management
market share, and the organization will run (SHRM). It is about identifying critical
out of money. Satisfactory employee processes and procedures that increase the
performance is a fundamental prerequisite performance and productivity of the
for a successful company. Another essential organization. Just a few selected HR
strategic item, Managing Performance, is a processes are part of SHRM. Also, it is not
critical success factor of Human Resources. about re-setting HR strategy; it is about
It has to manage low performers out and applying the right processes and
promote top performers as success stories. procedures at the right time. As a bonus, it
Also, it has to encourage line managers to also covers strategic thinking and strategic
improve their performance management planning
• Strategic Workforce Planning combines the What is the HR Strategic Plan?
strategic goals of the organization and the
workforce. It helps to uncover gaps in skills • The HR Strategic Plan builds on the HR
and competencies and provides useful Strategy, the strategic agenda of Human
inputs to recruitment and staffing Resources, and then creates objectives for
procedures, learning, and succession individual functional HR departments
planning. Sure, it is time-consuming, but according to it. Importantly, however, it also
based on its results Human Resources can includes standard departmental activities so
develop employees, find new talents on the that when planning, it does not happen that
market, and make the business competitive. all capacity is then exhausted by a standard
HR procedure and there are no available
resources left for the planned What benefits does the HR Strategic Plan bring?
• A good plan also includes dependencies on • The main benefit is that the HR strategy and
other departments in the company and all the basic HR processes work. There are
suppliers who may be involved in the no unexpected surprises and no one is
implementation. fighting for additional resources because
• The team needs to understand how the HR capacity is planned with the day-today
data model works and which key data will operations in HR in mind.
not be immediately available, but will take • Employee Engagement in Human
time to prepare. Resources is another significant benefit.
• A good plan must also account for this and With a plan in place, they can find
inform well in advance that input will be opportunities for themselves and can
required into projects volunteer for tasks in a project activity. In
this way, the plan also contributes to
Operating Rhythm professional development as employees
can learn new competencies.
• In the end, it is often a good Operating • Clear communication within the department
Rhythm that determines the success of an and towards the company is a significant
HR strategy implementation. If the team benefit. Human Resources often forgets to
does not establish good communication and communicate its main activities, but
coordination processes before the communicating the achievement of
implementation begins, it usually goes important milestones in the strategy is
badly. Gradually, interest in working on the important. And it’s also a good platform for
implementation will wane, conflicting getting feedback from internal clients. Which
priorities will remain unresolved, and helps to cement the relationship with them
gradually people will stop talking about the
new strategy. This is why operational HR Role in Strategic Planning
rhythm is so important.
• Human Resources must establish an • The strategic plan is not the operating plan.
implementation team in which all managers The operating plan is a forecast for the
are represented and must have a dedicated following few months (from 6 to 18 months).
program manager. This team must be led The strategic plan is a vision for the
by the Chief Human Resources Officer and organization for following several years
this role cannot be delegated. Doing so (from 2 to 5 years). The strategic plan sets
would indicate that implementation is not the priorities for the top management and
important enough for him or her HR role is a proper strategic planning in the
• ◦ This team must have regular meetings area of HR Management
where: • Strategic human resource planning is the
o reviews the status of each activity, process of forecasting future human
o reviewing the deliverables, resource needs and ensuring that the
o plan activities for the next period, organization has the right people in the right
o revise the plan as work progresses, places at the right time. It involves analyzing
o approve communications according labor market trends, assessing
to the communication plan, organizational capabilities, and planning for
o works with identified risks and future growth.
approves alternative solutions, • Strategic planning is closely linked with HR
o prepares presentations for the HR Strategy because Human Resources are
team and company-wide one of the most important factors in
communications. achieving an organization’s strategic
o Only when the implementation team objectives. A well-run HR department can
functions properly will the strategy help an organization attract and retain the
be implemented without major best employees, manage employee
delays and to the extent agreed performance, and create a workplace
culture that supports the organization’s
• The role of HRM in planning procedures is
to ensure that the company has the
resources to achieve its goals. This includes organization. HR has to understand to these
ensuring that the company has the right directions and has to translate them into
employees with the correct skills, as well as right initiatives and steps.
the necessary financial and other resources. • No one will translate directions for HR, but
HRM must also plan for any potential issues HR will be evaluated against directions not
that could impact the company’s ability to the initiatives. HR has to get buy-in of the
achieve its goals, such as a shortage of top management for initiatives as they are
qualified workers not clearly described in the strategic plan.
• The HR Professionals have to be part of the The role of HR is the right translation and
strategic planning as employees will sticking to the implementation of the plan.
execute the strategic mission of the
organization. The HR Role is to take the full Strategic Roles of Human Resources in Modern
responsibility for the alignment of Organization
employees’ skills and competencies with the
strategic plan • The modern organization is focused on the
• First, HR has to demonstrate that it is the aggressive growth, bringing innovative
respectful business partner for the strategic products, finding niches in the market and
planning. HR has to take the full being the top company in the industry. The
responsibility for connecting people, ideas modern organization designs products and
and tools together. It has to demonstrate services, which can be sold with the high
that it can lead the development of the HR margin as the organization can keep its
part of the strategic plan competitive advantage
• Second, HR has to demonstrate that it • The HR Role in the modern organization is
understands the business of the different from the classical (old-time)
organization. Becoming the partner in company. HR is not focused on the
strategic planning requires understanding to administration; HR people are focused on
basic financial indicators. It requires detailed the key business imperatives.
knowledge about the products and the • Building competitive advantage as HR Role
competitors present on the market. The HR • Each HR proposal in the modern
Role is in bringing ideas for innovations and organization is focused on developing or
new products development. It does not retaining the competitive advantage. The
require deep technical skills; it requires an top management gives HR full
open mind and being creative. responsibility, and it implements
• Third, HR has to prove its understanding to improvements in the area of HR
modern HR Management trends. The Management. It does not ask for the
competitive organization needs state-of-art approval of each initiative. It implements
Human Resources in the house. HR cannot improvements to make the organization
be a passive function in the organization. It work better with employees.
has to monitor market for the new trends; it • HR actively searches gaps in the
has to develop new approaches, and it has organization. It maps gaps and prepares
to innovate the traditional approaches. Cost and Benefit analyses of implementing
projects to realize the improvement. HR has
HR cannot follow HR Best Practices; it has to be no administration role. HR is not the
set the Best Practices for the industry advisory department. HR is fully responsible
for the development of employees in the
• The traditional HR has no value added; organization. HR is fully responsible for the
such HR function is not invited to the right staffing procedures.
process of the strategic planning. The role • The HR Professionals become responsible
of HR is in designing innovative for delivering goals at their internal clients.
approaches, which help to reach the current They do not advise managers how to
imperatives from the strategic plan. achieve targets. They share the
• Fourth, HR has to determine the art of responsibility of achieving targets. It is an
connecting the strategic plan with the real enormous difference. The competitive
business. The strategic plan does not advantage in Human Resources cannot be
describe details. The strategic plan does achieved differently
describe strategic directions of the
Developing and retaining talents as HR Role The diversity is not about the number of
women in management. The diversity is
• The modern organization depends on the about the mixture of different personalities.
quality of its employees. The modern • The role of HR is in finding diverse talents
organization invests into the development of as managers can enrich their teams.
employees. Employees build the
competitive advantage. HR is responsible
for the development of employees. The HR
Role is in identification of the best LESSON 10: PREVALENT MORAL ISSUES AND
development opportunities of employees. DUBIOUS PRACTICES IN THE WORKPLACE
• HR identifies the needs of managers and
Moral Issues - frequently confront a person as
the organization. HR works with the
he/she performs his/her work and as he/she tries
business strategy and identifies gaps in the
living as ethically as possible in the workplace
organizational design. The employees have
- are confusing, largely because they
to be prepared for the coming challenges,
lie in the gray area, so to speak, of right and wrong.
and they have to be trained
• HR is responsible for finding rich sources of Unethical Practices - undermine the integrity of the
talents, and it is responsible for setting workplace
talent management programs. The success - Some practices are, in
of HR is measured by the turnover and themselves, root causes of frustrations not only
fluctuation of top talents. The retention of among workers, but also among clients and
the top talents is not just a task for the line customers. They contribute to a work environment
management. HR Role is in preparing right that is not conducive to personal growth and
HR tools to retain top talents in the development.
Unethical Practices on the Part of Employers
Leadership Development as HR Role
Sexual Harassment
• The leader represents the organization. The
leader has a different role than the manager • The authority, position and influence of
has. HR Role is in developing the future employers open opportunities for them
leaders. HR is responsible for the to ask sexual favors or make sexual
development of the current leader of the advances from their employees.
organization. • Stories abound of some sexually-
• HR is fully responsible for the succession starved employers proposing promotion
planning in the organization. Managers and for their chosen employee in exchange
leaders have to identify the potential for a one-night stand. Turning down
successors, and they have to cooperate these requests or resisting sexual
with HR in the leadership development advances suddenly makes the
program. workplace an intimidating or hostile
• The HR role is in designing processes and environment for the employee.
programs for the development of the future • There are also stories of employers
leaders. HR runs the selection procedures demanding sex as a prerequisite for
and evaluates programs on the regular employment. The stigma attached to
basis. The leadership development is the sexual harassment, the cost of court
key HR responsibility trials and the loss of jobs and
opportunity to work make the protection
Building Diverse Teams as HR Role afforded by law inadequate.
• Though the government is trying to
• The diversity increases the competitiveness
make the workplace safe for workers,
of the organization. The products born from
sexual harassment is still a major and
the healthy conflicts are better. The diverse
sensitive problem that undermines the
team does not share the common point of
workplace. The problem should be
view from the beginning. The solution is
addressed because it seriously violates
born from heavy discussions.
the dignity and rights of worker-victims.
• HR has to oversee the recruitment process
to build the diverse team in the organization.
Bribing Government Officials Securities and Exchange Commissions as
religious corporations, not declaring and
• employers bribing government officials in under declaring real assets, not issuing
exchange for cornering some highly official receipts, and not registering cash
profitable business deal or project registers
• Stories of rigged public biddings are no • What is lacking is strong and persistent
longer Unusual especially in government enforcement and compliance with these
offices. Sometimes, a contract is already laws. To combat tax evasions, we need
awarded long before public bidding takes dedicated and determined government
place. officials, revenue officers and equally strong
• Lagay, “kickbacks”, porsiyento or komisyon legal prosecutors.
and other effective “devices” are used by
employers to bag public contracts without Resisting and Interfering with Trade Unions
going through the usual bidding process.
These employers gain back the millions • Trade u! were born out of the need to
they spend on lagay by scrimping on protect workers from this exploitation. This
materials either in quality or quantity why, in the view of decadent employers,
resulting in Substandard buildings, the trade unionism goes against the principles
same or similar results extend to poor of profit maximization.
quality roads and bridges which, in the long • Some employers express outright
run, can result in injuries, loss of lives and resistance to trade unionism by denying
loss of property. their workers their right to association and
• This practice is largely to blame for the keeping from forming or joining trade
problem of corruption been plaguing the unions. Some firms have standing policies
government service for decades that make membership in trade unions
grounds for work expulsion. In cases where
Paying Employees Below Minimum Wage employers forced to allow employees to
form trade unions, these employers usually
• Greed drives some employers to deny their use their money to influence the selection of
workers their fair share business. The lack union leaders.
of alternative employment is exploited by • Yellow labor unions, with union leaders
some employers to keep wages low. whose loyalty in real it go to management,
• Aware of the helplessness of workers to find is another case of decadent employers
employment, employers sometimes scoff at making a mockery of the labor code. There
the wage rates prescribed by labor literally are also cases where employees are
forcing workers to accept wages way below advised by the company to join workers’
the minimum wage. They their employees to associations which the company, not the
sign payrolls that reflect minimum wages in workers themselves, has put up!
order to unethical and illegal practice.
• Unscrupulous employers who practice this Cutthroat Competition
not profit from paying their employees below
the minimum wage, they also profit in the • Competition is good as long as it is fair
bigger deductions they receive from their • if done through disparagements,
income taxes due the government since infringements and deceptions, competition
wages are deductible items. can hardly be ethical and beneficial.

Tax Evasion Business Espionage

• Some wealthy employers pay private • company spies and steals valuable or
accountants to find which they can best essential information from other competing
evade paying the right taxes. These companies
employers, unscrupulous revenue officials, • Espionage is done as a means of unfairly
go to the extent of forging public revenue staying ahead of competitors, sometimes at
offices, it is called ‘fixing’) to hide real the expense of the competitor’s hard-earned
properties and incomes. resources. Stolen information (for example,
• Ways to evade paying the proper taxes stolen formula and trade Secrets) may be
include registering businesses in the
used by the company as a basis in • It is done as one way of stealing trade
producing better products secrets, or benefiting from the skills and
• In some cases, the information may be used competencies of employees who were
to destroy the reputation of the other trained by competitors.
company • Some writers of business ethics argue that
there is nothing wrong with this act since it
Infringement contributes to the growth and development
of the company. The individual is still free to
• one tries to imitate, reproduce or counterfeit accept the invitation or not.
another company’s registered products
• This argument is missing the point. The
• the case of pirated film and music compact issue is inducement. The focus is the
discs (CDs) employer, not the employee, who seeks out
• the production and distribution of fake and induces employees to abandon their
signature products companies and join him. The solution is not
to leave the employee to decide for himself
Negative Advertising
after the inducement was done. The fair
• any form of advertising designed to destroy solution is for employers to refrain from
the image of a competitor inducing, which is tantamount to bribing
• Advertising is a legitimate means of employees to leave their companies. They
promoting products and services to the should leave employees alone and let them
public. It is an effective way of boosting truly decide for themselves.
sales, hence, increasing profit. In short,
Employing Children
advertising is an important tool in achieving
the goals of the company. However, • Employers pay’ less wages to children, but
advertising may also be used to discredit or they use these children to perform work that
to destroy the reputation of the products and adult workers usually do.
services of the competitors. • As abolition of child labor is the common
• Negative advertising, for instance, can send goal of the day, decadent employers exploit
a message, directly or implied, to the public children for their own selfish ends. Because
which is calculated to undermine the of these selfish employers, many working
products and services of competitors. children find work an ordeal, characterized
Information, purported to be statistical data, by excessively long hours, low pay,
can also be used to mislead people. occupational hazards, and physical and
• Statements like Eight out of ten people have psychological abuses.
changed their brand of beer are you one of • Poverty forces the children to work and
them? (Was there any study?) or Most unfortunately, decadent employers are
dentists use this toothpaste (How many are always around to exploit their plight.
most, and who are the dentists being However, it is not only the employers who
referred to? The lone dentist in the should be blamed for the exploitation of
commercial?) or My feminine wash is not children. The government has some share
gamot. Yung iba may gamot Kung wala in the blame.
akong sakit, bakit ako gagamit ng gqmot?
(Any clinical study to prove this?) Double Standard
Pirating Employees • Double standard is used here to refer to the
unethical practice of discrimination at the
• Hiring suggests that a job vacancy exists workplace. Discrimination refers to the
and an independent person freely applies to unfair treatment of a person or group on the
fill it up. basis of prejudice
• Pirating employees, on the other hand, does • Discriminating their workers. Some
not necessarily imply any vacancy to fill up. employers discriminate workers (e.g., in
Rather, it suggests inducing employees terms of promotions, assignments,
from other companies (most of the time obligations, and pay rates) and applicants
from competitors) to leave their companies for employment by their gender, age,
and join another company. disability, sexual preference, race and
Gender Discrimination employer’s economic troubles, In the United
States, there is an Age Discrimination in
• Some employers set gender as a basis for Employment Act (ADEA). The Act provides
determining who will get promoted, how that workers over the age of 40 cannot be
much wage a worker should get, what arbitrarily discriminated against, because of
assignment to give, and what training a age in any employment decision. The single
worker can possibly undergo most important rule under the ADEA is that
• In today’s workplace, male workers are no worker can be forced to retire.
generally (and unfairly) preferred over
female workers. Reasons for this include Disability Discrimination
unsubstantiated claims such as women are
emotionally unstable (men are also • Not all disabled persons are unfit to work.
emotionally unstable, in fact, more suicidal Sometimes, some of them even outperform
than women!); women are weak (physically able persons in some work in the
yes, and it is an appropriate basis if work workplace. And, it is an unethical practice
requires physical strength — but, in most for some employers to discriminate against
cases, women and men can perform the persons because of disability
same work needed in the workplace and • Of course, it does not mean that employers
women sometimes perform the work much should open all types of work to people with
better!) disability. For instance, a blind person
• Sometimes, gender discrimination is not cannot become an air traffic controller or be
only about promotions, and pay rates but a company driver. But there are certain
also about personal treatment at work. The types of work that a disabled person can do.
classic example is that of a boss who Blindness, for instance, does not limit the
repeatedly makes comments which are ability of a person to become an effective
Some variations of, Women are stupid. teacher or to be a good lawyer. Blind people
Repeated study about this suggests that the cannot see, but they can move, hear, learn
most oppressive form of harassment is the and speak.
daily jibe, that such conduct wears a person • The fact that this kind of discrimination
down and this is insidiously demoralizing. happens in the workplace even today is a
clear manifestation that there are unethical
Age Discrimination employers with discriminatory policies that
do not focus on essential tasks but only on
• For some, age discrimination is one of the marginal job duties. Unless employing a
horrors of becoming old. There are reports disabled person would cost much to the
about employers who cut their workforce in company could unduly change the work
half, singling out older workers. Downsizing environment, it is unethical for employers to
or right-sizing is not unethical in itself den disabled persons the right to work.
• Sometimes, companies, in order to stay in
business. Are forced to downsize. But, if the Discrimination Against Gay and Lesbian Workers
basis of selecting who will be laid off is age,
then it becomes unethical. There are also • This form of discrimination is also called
instances when old workers are laid off and discrimination based on sexual orientation
replaced by younger workers, ignoring the • On the job, this form of discrimination
fact that these old workers can still perform painfully continues. Every day, gay and
their jobs efficiently lesbian workers are subjected to
• In the Philippines, we have a so-called homophobic comments (e.g., gays are
retirement age. If a worker is below the good-for-nothing faggots) and jokes. Their
retirement age and if there are no justifiable promotions are denied and their jobs are
reasons for him to retire, it is unethical and lost, because of their employers’ doctrine of
illegal for his employer to force him to retire upholding The Company Image
simply because he is presumed to be too • Unfair treatment of gay and lesbian
old to work. In short, there has to be a valid employees in the workplace is aggravated
reason, not related to age, for employment by the lack of legal protection against
decisions, especially layoffs. discrimination of gays and lesbian workers
• Examples of valid reasons would be poor • Sexual orientation is in no way related,
job performance by the employee, or an neither could it affect a person’s
competency to work. Hence, the right of gay always feel threatened. Their attention to
and lesbian workers to work decently, and work is disrupted because they are
their right to be treated fairly must be preoccupied with what their employers must
protected and observed. be thinking about them
• These unethical employers fail to provide
Religious Discrimination their employees the needed motivation to
work. They will surely fail to secure the
• This form of discrimination applies to the support and cooperation of their employees,
unethical and illegal practice of some except for the few bootlickers who are the
employers to discriminate against only people who enjoy their company. The
employees for their religious beliefs and gossiper and the person who promote
affiliations. gossiping are both immoral.
• Muslims are often singled out in
applications, in the promotions and in times Insulting Employees in Public
of downsizing, are the first to go. A Muslim
in the workplace often suffers ridicule. • Scolding an erring employee is fine, as long
• There are also cases when insensitive and as it is done properly. But to scold
unethical employers insist their religious employees in public and to censure them
beliefs on employees who hold different using profane language is unspeakably
convictions, to the point that employees feel unprofessional and unethical. Employees
offended and intimidated. Of course, are human beings who, like their employers,
employers have the legal right to discuss value self-esteem and self-respect.
their own religious beliefs with an employee, • However, there are employers whose
if they, are so inclined. But they cannot favorite pastime is to insult or to bawl their
persist to the point that the employee feels employees in public. They are ill-mannered,
beholden to their employers’ beliefs or ego bloated individuals who have illusions
intimidated or offended. that they are paragons of perfection and
excellence. They are quick to judge and
Favoritism quick to censure that sometimes it is too
late before they realize that it is not the
• Favored employees are the first people to employee's fault but someone else's; and in
be promoted even if they are unfit for some instances, their faults. These
promotions. They are often given the best employers make themselves hated and
assignments and afforded the best in despised by their workers.
training opportunities.
• Favoritism is demoralizing to the rest of the
workforce. But unethical employersjust love
playing favorites. Some sociologists relate Unethical Practices on the part of Employees
favoritism in the Filipino workplace in some
way to the Filipino concept of tokenism. Lagay, Lusot and Lakad
• Favoring an employee (and the benefits that
• Lagay is a Filipino term, which could either
proceed from such favor) is a token or
mean “to bribe”, referring to the act of giving
reward for an employee’s personal loyalty to
and/or receiving a bribe, or it could refer to
the employer or for doing a personal service
anything given to someone (e.g..
or for doing things that please the employer.
government employee) to induce him to act
Entertaining Gossiping/ Malicious Talk/ dishonestly-or spur him to work well and
Backstabbing fast (for instance, money, property, or
special favors)
• Gossiping, malicious talk or backstabbing • Generally, lagay stems from the difficulties
are common in the workplace today largely and disgusts which the public commonly
because decadent employers approve and experience when they transact with
encourage these practices. government bureaucracies.
• Some unethical employers find interest in • Filipinos describe this situation using the
snooping at the personal lives of their analogy of an unlubricated gear, without
employees rather than thinking about their grease, the gear will not turn. Thus, lagay
general welfare. As a result, employees comes from, the phrase lagyan ng langis
para dumulas, meaning, to “grease” (give tokenism can, at least, provide these
bribe) to speed up the transaction. employees who are not well -
• lusot, which literally means evading compensated, with another source of
something, perhaps blame for an income or with a way to augment their
unaccomplished task, by escaping through meager salaries
a hole or an opening • Lagay, or whatever other names it is
• In the workplace, it is commonly understood called, is not ethically and economically
as the act of getting out of a “tight fix” or a defensible. It is sinful and unchristian. It
difficult situation and connotes the cunning feeds on greed and lust for money. The
maneuver of letting your or someone else’s giver and the taker of the bribe are both
interest, escape any obstacle often through morally responsible for its incursion into
unjudicious means our way of life. It is important, especially
• Making a lusot requires lakad, or the act of for employees, to develop a higher
an employee to personally attend to the sense of morality: to resist corruption
problem. This is done by sidestepping other
employees’ responsibilities, ignoring the Palakasan
rules, and violating applicable laws just to
• the unethical practice of giving preferential
right a wrong or get things done. Hence, the
treatment to a particular client to the unfair
end of lakad is lusot
disadvantage of others. Social scientists
• To complete and to make the system of
claim that the problem of palakasan arises
lagay-lakad-lusot more profitable, the
from our “informal and familistic” society.
decadent employee works in connivance
This is manifested in our inclinations to
with other people who are not formally
prioritize the interests of persons whom we
connected with the office, and are well-
have some emotional attachments to, or
trained and well-versed in searching for,
those whom we personally know.
and in induci ng clients with problems. The
• To reap the undue benefits of requires a
public has come to know these people
“connection” within the inner stratum of the
asfixers. These decadent employees,
together with their fixers, make it possible
for people with unstable minds to legally • a person who is malakas or a “special
possess firearms, for people who hardly client” is not necessarily related personally
know how to drive to have driving licenses, to the employee. He/ could be anyone
for people with pending criminal cases to capable of paying the price to be treated
have police clearances, and for drug users special. In this case, is, in some way,
fo nevertheless pass drug tests. These related to the issue of palakasan, as the
employees are liabilities in the civil service; former could result in preferential treatment
society is better off without them. Discourtesy
• We enshrined lagay and other unethical
practices by tolerating them, even in our • It is not uncommon to see arrogant
homes. The practice has permeated our employees in the workplace. They can be
homes, the sanctuary that is supposed to be unfriendly, unapproachable, impolite and
the very first education ground of our can make the company’s clients feel
children, our future citizens, our future uncomfortable.
workers and our future leaders. • Some employees are always too busy
(usually with things not related to the
Justifications for lagay performance of work) to recognize the
• ome justify lagay by saying that there is presence of their clients. You seldom see
nothing wrong when one present “gifts” them talking to their clients or customers.
to employees for a job well done. It is They spend their time talking among
part of our culture, they say, to give themselves as if the salvation of the world
tokens as gestures of our goodwill; that rests in their hands. And when they do talk,
it is just our way of saying thank you it is usually when they personally know the
client or the customer, if they are in the
• Others justify lagay by pointing to the
mood to argue with their clients or
fact that employees, especially in
customers, or when they humiliate or
government offices, because this
ridicule them.
• There are also employees who lack materials (and time) before accomplishing
patience, or the right attitude in dealing with the work right.
clients who have problems. They leave the
complaints of these clients unattended, too Pilferage
tired to answer their questions, or always
too busy to mind their plight. This practice is • stealing small items owned by someone
morally wrong, and it is a blunder some else
employees constantly commit It will help if • Some unscrupulous employees, most
employees keep in mind two things: especially in the government service,
o The reason why they are employed, shamelessly perpetuate this practice. These
or why their institution or firm exist, people bring home office supplies like bond
is because of these “faceless” clients papers, folders, staplers, scissors, pastes,
or customers. even paper clips, staple wires and fasteners
o Customers or clients, being human, • These people justify their acts by saying
greatly value kindness, respect and that there is nothing seriously wrong in
recognition. bringing home “small stuffs”. What they
refuse to realize is that the act is a form Of
Improper use of Office Materials stealing. Taking something not yours, no
matter how small, is still stealing. It is theft;
• Some employees believe that using office it is not only unethical but punishable by
materials for personal purposes is part of law. Corruption usually starts with desiring
the privilege of their office. They think it is all small things, bringing home “big stuff’
right to call home for a few minutes, or that usually starts with bringing home small
there is nothing wrong when they use office ones,
computers to type and print a few pages of
their children’s term papers or assignments. Gossiping and Bootlicking
• While it is true that employees enjoy the
privilege of using office equipment, these • Some offices are beehives of the juiciest
are provided to them to make the storytellers, people whose days are not
performance of their official duties more complete without discussing someone
efficient, and not’ for any personal else’s life. Problems and miseries. They
purposes. The loss brought by improper use never run dry of stories, most of the time
of office materials is numerous; failure of they make up malicious stories, which can
other clients to make important official calls land them in jail for slander or malicious
because of a personal call by one mischief.
employee, delay in the completion of work, • While most employees indulge in idle talk
loss of valuable materials, and loss of out of the pleasure, they derive in minding
money are some of them. the affairs of others, some do it to gain favor
• Regardless of personal reasons, using from their employers who entertain, if not,
office materials for purposes other than encourage gossiping. These employees are
what they are intended for is unfair and bootlickers or “apple polishers”, persons
unethical. who desire to be promoted at the expense
• Another problem with office materials is the of tarnishing the image and dignity of their
tendency of some employees to use them co-workers.
carefully. One example is the poor handling • The practice must be avoided, because it
of fragile office materials, such as demoralizes employees. Employees should
photocopying machines and computers. contribute in making the workplace a place
These pieces of equipment do not last long, where mutual trust, confidence and respect
because employees intentionally, or out of could flourish, a place where all could
sheer carelessness or lack of concern, prosper and live a satisfying and fulfilling life
misuse them.
• A related problem is the wastefulness of
employees as they do their work. Because
they seldom work with focus and diligence,
some employees have to redo their work
many times over, thereby wasting precious
Other Ethical Issues on Focus other party into concession and/ or to prod
the other party and find out its extreme
Strikes points or “sticking points”
• bluffing is a matter of necessity and an
• Strikes comprise not only concerted work important tool for successful bargaining. In
stoppages, but also slowdowns (deliberate bluffing is publicly known and accepted that
reduction of worker’s individual production), people tend to perceive it as a natural"
mass leaves, sit-downs (when employees element of public and private life
stop working, but refuse to leave the
• But do the advantages of bluffing
premises of the firm, refuse to leave the
necessarily make it ethical? The answer will
plant and the machines, and do not allow
come to us immediately the moment we
others to operate these machines), and
realize that bluffing is a form of deception, a
other such similar activities.
form of lying or an act of bad faith. Bluffing
• Strike is a legitimate social act: the law involves the presentation of false
provides for it; The Constitution and the information about issues subject to
Labor Code protect the right of workers to bargaining. The fact that it is accepted and
collective actions such as strikes. publicly known does not mean that the
• Perhaps we could make a better judgment if practice is ethical
we will consider the primary reasons why
workers go on strike. Here are some of the Whistle-blowing
several causes of strikes:
o 1. To compel recognition of a labor • the act by an employee or a worker of
union exposing some public the action of his
o 2. To exert pressure on the company company that he perceives to be wrong or
during bargaining or work contrary to the general interest of society.
negotiations Whistle-blowing is also defined as the act of
o 3. To exert pressure on union an employee of exposing immoral or illegal
demands for wage increases and practices of a co-employee.
other benefits • Whistle-blowing is a great concession to the
o 4. To protest unfavorable actions dictate of conscience generally arise from
taken by the employer clashes between and among the duties we
• strike is used as a means to assert the need must render to our various social affiliations.
of workers to be treated well by their • It is not easy, for example, for any worker to
employers, to work with dignity and to come out in the open with accusations
secure for themselves a wage that could at against his or her employer. Even though
least enable them to support and secure the the accusation is true, if it would mean
health of their families losing his job (which could result in his
• a strike, as long as it is legal, legitimate, and inability to send his children to school, etc.)
done properly, could clearly serve not only one should think it over. It could also mean
the interest of those who participate in the ending a promising career and being
activity, but also the interest of the public in resented by some co-workers.
general. • Sometimes, the more important talking point
is not whether going public is ethical or not
Bluffing but when and how the truth is to be told to
the public. Sometimes, it is not a question of
• The contradictory interests of employers whether society benefits from whistle
and employees is why, from time to time, blowing, but whether whistle blowing is
they are forced to enter into a competitive done rightly or not
process of negotiating.
• there are certain things we first need to
• Bluffing means conscious misstatements, consider first, or procedures we should not
exaggerations and or concealment of disregard before telling the truth, or before
pertinent facts. Through bluffing, either party “blowing the whistles”. If a problem arises in
can convey to the other an overstated the workplace, it is just fair that employers
portrayal of its ability to inflict or to endure should be informed and that the -solution or
cost. settlement of the problem should be tried
• To impose great cost. Generally, the first within the organization. If all fails, then,
practice of bluffing is intended to force the
whistle blowing becomes reasonable, as a done with a genuine conviction that
worker or as an employee, we need to it is for the interest of the public and
observe the proper procedure as a matter of not in pursuit of any selfish concern.
• The worker, in’ exposing his version of the Issues of Health and Safety in the Workplace
truth, must take great care to tell only the
Rapid industrialization, modernization of
things he could prove. This is because
agriculture, introduction of new technologies
unsubstantiated accusations made public
(including deadly machines) and new work
could unfairly ruin the image of the company
procedures have given rise to new hazards and
• For some moralists, it is also important to
risks of accidents and diseases. These
consider the underlying intention of the act
developments, plus persistent problems of poor
of whistle-blowing. It should be done (if one
working conditions, have resulted in great
decides to blow the whistle) good faith, in
increases in the number of people killed and injured
view of serving the public interest, or as a
at work.
performance of a greater moral duty, and
not as a means to advance some selfish Dangers in workplaces threaten not only the
interest. workers but also the public. Increasing awareness
• Thus, whistle-blowing, in order to be ethical, of the widespread nature of occupational health
demands the right intentions. It must be hazards, and the high economic costs of accidents
perceived only as a last resort, when all and illnesses have resulted in the emergence Of
other options fail in stopping an unethical safety and health in the workplace as important
act from occurring. The following are some concerns for workers, employers and governments,
basic steps. We must perform before taking especially in developing countries. It is hoped that
our case outside the company: such awareness can be a good basis for joint
o 1. Be sure that the act is unethical or efforts to reduce risks at work.
illegal. Ascertain what harm it would
cause the interest and well-being of Facts and Figures
the public. Gather information on
current applicable laws (identify what • Deaths. The ILO estimates that about
laws are violated), possible fines or 200,000 workers worldwide die annually,
penalties and other relevant and it is presumed that over half of these
information. figures are from the Asian and Pacific
o 2. Confront your direct superior first regions. In China, for example, 1 3,000
(if you are asked to inform on workers died in 1994 in two industries
wrongful acts e.g., dumping of a alone. (considering how many other
toxic material and writing a fallacious industries there are in China, the figure
report) and inform your superior could be thousands more!) In Thailand, the
about the case. If this fails, then number of fatal cases has increased sharply
confront management and con. from 352 in 1988 to 665 in 1991. Perusing
Vince them that the act is wrong. over the list of injuries and deaths, the ILO
Now, this requires tact and report shows that tens of thousands of
diplomacy; Perhaps, the company Asian workers die because of work
does not know anything about the accidents in hazardous industries.
problem, but it is willing to do things • Injuries. As many as 120 million workers
to solve the problem or issue soon worldwide are injured or become ill
as it is properly informed. annually. In the case of work-related
o 3. If all other options fail, then face fatalities, half of the estimate comes from
the unpleasant choice whether to developing countries. In Malaysia, the
bring your case outside the number of people reported to have been
company, and do what you think is affected by work accidents increased from
right, or be silent about it and keep 88, 127 in 1988 to 124,898 in 1991. In
your job. After trying all available Thailand, based on information from the
alternatives, the first option is Workmen’s Compensation Fund, the
considered to be the most ethical. number of people reported to have been
o 4. If you opt to bring your case affected by work accidents increased from
outside the company, it must be 49,874 in 1988 to 103,296 in 1991.
• Diseases. According to the ILO, there is a is to provide equal employment
high prevalence of workers suffering from opportunities for both women and men. This
work-related diseases in developing requires that due regard be paid to family
countries. For example, in Singapore, needs while working to enable all individuals
500,000 workers have been reported (from to amply develop their potential: child-care
1991 to 1994) to be suffering from work- services, flexible working time
related diseases like dermatitis. asthma, arrangements, non-penalizing career breaks
silicosis, asbestosis, poisoning and gassing. and leave schemes. Access to training also-
In Australia, 12,000 workers were reportedly needs special attention. In fact, all these
suffering from work-related diseases. In measures contribute to securing the safety
Korea, there were several thousands. and health of working women and mothers.
Considering the underreporting Of cases
(note the difference between the reported According to the ILO, the problems of these special
cases in Singapore and Australia), ILO groups are connected to the overall problem. Of
estimates that hundreds of thousands of protecting all workers. Legislation that has
people in the Asia-Pacific region are likely to weaknesses in addressing safety and health at
be suffering each year from occupational- work generally cannot deal adequately with the
related diseases. particular problems of these specific groups. The
same can be said of enforcement of laws and
Unsafe Work Situations for Specific Groups regulations, risk evaluation and control, technical -
advice, training and information services.
• Working Children. In many sectors, Therefore, comprehensive policies and programs
working children are often involved in should be developed to address occupational
unsafe work. Urgent attention must be paid safety and health issues, and establish priorities to
to children in hazardous employment. Their meet local needs.
protection requires legislative action,
education and training, and assurance that The Role of Employers and Employees
at least very young children are not allowed
to work. Innovative health care systems Employers should ensure that:
must be implemented to protect them.
• workplaces, machinery, equipment and
• Migrant Workers. Migrant workers usually
processes under their control are safe and
work in new settings, under conditions
without risk to health;
which are unfamiliar to them, and are less
• chemical, physical and biological
protected for various economic and social
substances and agents under their control
reasons. Their precarious employment
are without risk to health when appropriate
conditions often mean that they have to
protective measures are taken
endure unsafe working conditions. Many of
them have difficulty in following instructions • adequate protective clothing and protective
and safety warnings in a language foreign to equipment are available, where necessary;
them. The places where they work, in and
particular, in small and medium-sized • measures to deal with emergencies and
enterprises, construction, agriculture and accidents, including adequate first-aid
plantations, are often not effectively covered arrangements are available, where
by legislation on occupational safety and necessary
Workers are responsible for:
• Disabled, Older and Indigenous Workers.
This special group tends to accept unsafe • taking care of their own safety and that of
and unhealthy working conditions. Many of others who may be affected by their acts or
them work outside the organized sector and omissions at work;
are not union members. Because of the • complying with instructions given for their
circumstances of their employment, they are own and others’ safety and health, and with
not given support to improve their other safety and health procedures
conditions. Special protective measures • using safety devices and protective
should be developed for them. equipment correctly and not rendering them
• Working Women and Mothers. This inoperative;
special group forms an increasing
proportion of the workforce. The basic issue
• reporting to their immediate supervisor any  they can also tend towards attention-
situation which they’ believe could present a seeking behavior, which can overwhelm
hazard, and which they themselves cannot those around them.
correct: and
• reporting any accident or injury to health at Agreeableness
 more likely to work cooperatively with their
LESSON 11: WHO AM I, MY PERSONALITY, team members, foster more trust and
AND IMPACT AT WORK present a helpful attitude.
 create fair environments when in
What is personality? management positions • work well in team
Personality  trust, compliance, modesty, altruism,
sympathy, cooperation,
- originated from the Latin persona, which
referred to a theatrical mask worn by  become too submissive to those around
Roman actors in Greek dramas them, creating an imbalance in the team
- “personality”, they are referring to that managers need to watch for.
something more than a role people play. Neuroticism
- a pattern of relatively permanent traits and
unique characteristics that give both  excitable, often very dynamic
consistency and individuality to a person's  tendency to analyze self and world more
behavior realistically and critically
 Sensitive employees tend to experience the
Positive and Negative Tendencies of certain
more extreme spectrums of human emotion
Personalities at Work
and are likely to be more reactive and in
Openness tune with those of a similar disposition.
 hostility, depression, impulsiveness, anger,
 displaying receptiveness to new tasks, vulnerability, self-consciousness,
employees with this trait also tend to be
more intellectually curious and creatively Negative Influence of certain Personality Types at
minded. Work
 adapt well to unexpected changes:
The Loner
imagination, feelings, actions, ideas, values,
adventurousness, artistic interests  purposely anti-social person who even
 can become bored with routine jobs sometimes acts sorta snobby about it
 their refusal to interact or be a team player
creates unnecessary team divides and silos
 high levels of effort and motivation – which make it harder for their team to get
 low levels of absenteeism and turnover things done effectively
 only personality trait that is consistently  Easy Identifier: wears noise canceling
linked to career success over time headphones even when not connected to
 order, self-discipline, competence, any type of musical device
achievement-striving The Slacker
 can become consumed with details and
miss the big picture  Never seems to get things done on time
 Has a laid-back attitude and has been
Extraversion caught sleeping at work on several
 more outgoing, sociable activities, occasions
 they are very well suited to team projects.  Cannot be relied on
 the ones who will provide energy and drive  Easy Identifier: often wears shorts and
communication during collaboration; flipflops (or no shoes at all) to work and can
be found with their feet on their desk at any
 warmth, friendliness, assertiveness, activity
given time
level, positive emotions,
The Naysayer  Not to mention their perfectly coiffed hair
and how they condescendingly flex their
 Always has something to complain about muscles while they speak to you.
and never has suggestions for solutions  These people are too busy loving
 To find them in the office, listen for the themselves to contribute to the team or
sound of deep, emotional sighs and an finish their work on time.
Eeyore-toned voice
 Their negativity about work brings the whole The contrarian
office down and depletes motivation
 Easy Identifier: keep their shoulders  The person always finds a way to contradict
hunched and an upset expression on their what you say. No matter what you do,
face. Always trying to find somebody to you’re wrong and they know best.
listen to them complain and gossip about  They’ll even make things up just to sound
their boss, job, and coworkers like they know what they’re talking about.
 Unwilling to compromise or collaborate
Excessive Emailer because they think everything should be
their way.
 Live for email.  Impossible to agree on things and get work
 They love to CC anybody and everybody done.
and unnecessarily click reply all to almost
every email thread. Impact of People at Work
 They are the main reason your inbox is
packed, making you waste hours trying to Impact and Meaning
sift through what’s important and what’s not.
• Meaning helps clarify the why one does the
Butt Kisser work
• Impact helps see the what or the results of
 They always say yes in an attempt to one’s work
impress their boss and coworkers so when • Why am I doing something? I’m doing
they don’t get things done, they are never something to have an impact.
repercussions because the boss still
operates under the illusion that they had a
crazy work load.
 Do not deliver tasks on time - The employee has the opportunity and the
responsibility to make the choice to engage
Black Hole in that environment created by the manager.
- Employees must understand and be
 As if approval processes aren’t tedious committed to the organizational and team
enough already. goals.
 They don’t seem to notice an always has - If employees can’t see the impact of their
feedback to give making approvals into a work or the end -state of it, then they should
process of 70 iterations before you can call ask their manager/organization for more
work “final”. clarity around how their work impacts the
 This results in lots of extra rework and overall goals and strategy
Impact of Work to People
 Always change their mind
Over sharer
• body’s response to change (causes
 Always overshares intimate details about
breathing and heart rate speed up and
their life and constantly posts awkwardly
blood pressure to rise)
private things on Facebook and Twitter.
• Strain – the physical and psychological
The Tool consequences of stress
• Tension and pressure that result when an
 Working out is their second job and they individual views situations which present a
love to talk to you about it. demand that threatens to exceed his or her
capabilities or resources
• Handling a major life event, such as
changing jobs or moving to a new home
• Handling more than one major life event at
the same time, for instance, dealing with a
family illness while changing jobs
• Juggling many roles and responsibilities,
such as spouse or life partner, parent,
friend, employee, and caregiver for aging
• Going from one challenging situation to the
next without taking time to relax
• Being overwhelmed by technology such as,
keeping up with cell phone messages, e-
mails, and text messages
Types of Stress
Stress Responses
• Eustress
o Helpful type of stress • Freeze – little changes in mood or emotions
o Prepare the muscles, heart and • Fight-or-Flight Response
mind for the strength needed for o Fight – fighting back
whatever is about to occur o Flight – escaping
• Distress • Tend-and-Befriend Response
o negative type of stress; what the o Tend – nurture, protect and support
mind and body undergo when o Befriend – strengthen interpersonal
normal routine is constantly adjusted relations
and altered
o Acute stress - Comes immediately Stress Management
with a change of routine (intense but
passes quickly) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
o Chronic stress - Will occur if there is
a constant change of routine for - For: Addiction, anxiety disorder, bipolar
week after week disorder, low self - esteem, phobia,
schizophrenia, suicidal thoughts
When do I Experience Stress? - Not used for ADHD/ Autism
- Cognitions: Beliefs leading to anxiety,
• I experience stress if I believe that I don’t anger/ depression – thoughts
have time, resources or knowledge to - Behaviors: Realize consequences of beliefs
- Problem focused
- Focused on emotions
- Focused on thoughts
- Focused on behaviors
- Client-centered
- Collaborative
- Present - centered

handle a situation.


• Adapting to constant, rapid change

• Worrying about your finances and the
Best and Worst food to eat when Stressed

Foods or drinks to avoid:

• Processed foods
• White flour products -- can be extremely
inflammatory. And inflammatory foods tend
to put a strain on our digestive system,
acting as an additional
• Alcohol
• Caffeine
• Sugar

Food to take when stressed

• Avocado and Banana - loaded with
potassium, a vital mineral for keeping blood
pressure low.
• Tea - Calm frazzled nerves with a soothing
cup of your favorite tea blend
• Fatty Fish - The heart-healthy omega-3 fats
in fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna
manage adrenaline levels to help keep you
calm, cool and collected
• Whole-wheat pretzels - Not only will you feel
How to deal with Stress? fuller from the fiber, but also the
carbohydrates offer an energy boost and
1. Keep a positive attitude. trigger the brain to release a feel-good
2. Accept that there are events that you cannot chemical called serotonin.
control. • Carrots - Munching on crunchy foods helps
3. Be assertive instead of aggressive. Assert your beat stress. Nutrient-rich carrots, celery and
feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of becoming other crunchy, fresh veggies offer satisfying
angry, defensive, or passive. crispness that won't bog you down with too
4. Learn and practice relaxation techniques; try many calories.
meditation, yoga, or tai-chi for stress management. • Milk - Have a glass to get more B vitamins,
5. Exercise regularly. Your body can fight stress protein, vitamin D and bone-building
better when it is fit. calcium to relieve tense muscles. Stick to
6. Eat healthy, well-balanced meals. TRY r e s e a r the low-fat (1 percent) or skim varieties. Try
ch drinking some milk around bedtime to bring
7. Learn to manage your time more effectively. on more restful sleep.
8. Set limits appropriately and learn to say no to • Yogurt
requests that would create excessive stress in your • Nuts - Stress runs you down, which leaves
life. you open to sickness. Almonds, pistachios
9. Make time for hobbies, interests, and relaxation. and walnuts can boost your immune system
10. Get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs with vitamins and zinc
time to recover from stressful events. • Chocolate - Research indicates that dark
11. Don't rely on alcohol, drugs, or compulsive chocolate may lower levels of stress
behaviors to reduce stress. hormones. Chocolate also contains sugar (a
12. Seek out social support. Spend enough time carbohydrate), so it releases mood-
with those you enjoy. improving serotonin. It's all right to indulge;
13. Seek treatment with a psychologist or other just keep the portions in check.
mental health professional trained in stress • Other methods: Laughter therapy- HOHO
management or biofeedback techniques to learn HAHAHA •Brushing the brain • Flossing the
healthy ways of dealing with the stress in your life. brain

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