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ACN_Dec 2018 Question answer

Q. 1 Attempt the following question (2*6)

A) Choose the correct answer from multiple alternatives.
I) which of the following service used by the TCP protocol?


Ii) What is the maximum number of IP addresses that can be assigned to hosts? Assume subnet
A) 14 B) 15 C) 16 D) 30
Iii) What is minimum size of Ethernet frame?

A) 32 bytes B) 64 bytes c) 128 bytes d) 256 bytes

Iv) What is maximum payload of IP packet?
A) 65535 bytes B) 65515 bytes c) 65495 bytes d) 65128 bytes
V) Which of the following describe function (s) of router?

A) packet filtering B) switching

c) path selection d) all above
Vi) Which protocol is used to find the hardware address of a local device?

Q. 1.B) Consider a point – to-point link 50 km in length. At what bandwidth would

propagation delay (at a speed of 2* 10`8 m/s ) equal transmit delay
For 100 bytes packet? What about 512 bytes packet?

Consider a point to point link 50 km in length. At what speed would propagation

delay (at a speed 2 x 108 meters/second) equal transmit delay for 100 byte packets.

Given length = 50 km = 50X1000 = 50000 metres, and speed = 2x10^8 m/s, packet
length = 100x8 = 800 bits

So propagation delay = length/speed = 50000/2x10^8 = 0.00025 seconds or 0.25

Now transmission delay = packet length/transmission speed = 800/ts ( assume
transmission speed as ts)

Now assuming if both propagation delay and transmission delay are equal we get,
800/ts = 0.25
So, ts = 800/0.25 = 3200 bits/milisecond

Speed = 3200 bits/miliseconds.

What about 512 bytes packet?

Solution : Propagation delay is 50 × 103 m/(2 × 108 m/sec) = 250 μs 800

bits/250 μs is 3.2 Mbits/sec. For 512-byte packets, this rises to 16.4 Mbit/sec.
Q. 2 Attempt the following question (2*6)
A) What is congestion and receive window of TCP? A TCP connection is using a
window size of 5000 bytes and the previous acknowledgement number was
2,001. It receives a segment with acknowledgement number 5,001 and window
size advertisement of 6000. Draw a time – line diagram to show the situation of
the window before and after transmission.

Congestion in networking refers to a situation where the demand for network resources
exceeds their availability, leading to reduced performance. The receive window in TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol) represents the amount of data that can be sent by the
sender and held in the receiver's buffer before an acknowledgment is required.

For your scenario:

• Initial window size: 5000 bytes

• Previous acknowledgment number: 2001
• Received segment with acknowledgment number: 5001
• Window size advertisement: 6000
Before transmission:

Sender Receiver

| |

| |

After transmission:

Sender Receiver
| |

| |

The sender's window has shifted to accommodate the new acknowledgment number (5001),
and the updated window size advertisement (6000) allows for a larger window, now ranging
from 5001 to 11000 bytes.

Q. 2.B) What is UDP? Give differences between TCP and UDP. Also give three names of
typical applications in which UDP is used as transport protocol.

What is UDP?
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a Transport Layer protocol. UDP is a part of the
Internet Protocol suite, referred to as UDP/IP suite. Unlike TCP, it is an unreliable and
connectionless protocol. So, there is no need to establish a connection prior to data
transfer. The UDP helps to establish low-latency and loss-tolerating connections
establish over the network.The UDP enables process to process communication.

Though Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the dominant transport layer protocol
used with most of the Internet services; provides assured delivery, reliability, and much
more but all these services cost us additional overhead and latency. Here, UDP comes
into the picture. For real-time services like computer gaming, voice or video
communication, live conferences; we need UDP. Since high performance is needed, UDP
permits packets to be dropped instead of processing delayed packets. There is no error
checking in UDP, so it also saves bandwidth.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is more efficient in terms of both latency and bandwidth.

UDP Header –

UDP header is an 8-bytes fixed and simple header, while for TCP it may vary from 20
bytes to 60 bytes. The first 8 Bytes contains all necessary header information and the
remaining part consist of data. UDP port number fields are each 16 bits long, therefore
the range for port numbers is defined from 0 to 65535; port number 0 is reserved. Port
numbers help to distinguish different user requests or processes.
Give differences between TCP and UDP.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is one of the main protocols of the Internet protocol
suite. It lies between the Application and Network Layers which are used in providing
reliable delivery services. It is a connection-oriented protocol for communications that
helps in the exchange of messages between different devices over a network. The
Internet Protocol (IP), which establishes the technique for sending data packets between
computers, works with TCP.
Features of TCP

• TCP keeps track of the segments being transmitted or received by

assigning numbers to every single one of them.
• Flow control limits the rate at which a sender transfers data. This is done
to ensure reliable delivery.
• TCP implements an error control mechanism for reliable data transfer.
• TCP takes into account the level of congestion in the network.

Advantages of TCP

• It is reliable for maintaining a connection between Sender and Receiver.

• It is responsible for sending data in a particular sequence.
• Its operations are not dependent on OS.
• It allows and supports many routing protocols.
• It can reduce the speed of data based on the speed of the receiver.

Disadvantages of TCP

• It is slower than UDP and it takes more bandwidth.

• Slower upon starting of transfer of a file.
• Not suitable for LAN and PAN Networks.
• It does not have a multicast or broadcast category.
• It does not load the whole page if a single data of the page is missing.

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a Transport Layer protocol. UDP is a part of the Internet
Protocol suite, referred to as the UDP/IP suite. Unlike TCP, it is an unreliable and
connectionless protocol. So, there is no need to establish a connection before data
transfer. The UDP helps to establish low-latency and loss-tolerating connections establish
over the network. The UDP enables process-to-process communication.
Features of UDP

• Used for simple request-response communication when the size of data

is less and hence there is lesser concern about flow and error control.
• It is a suitable protocol for multicasting as UDP supports packet switching.
• UDP is used for some routing update protocols like RIP(Routing
Information Protocol).
• Normally used for real-time applications which can not tolerate uneven
delays between sections of a received message.

Advantages of UDP

• Itdoes not require any connection for sending or receiving data.

• Broadcast and Multicast are available in UDP.
• UDP can operate on a large range of networks.
• UDP has live and real-time data.
• UDP can deliver data if all the components of the data are not complete.

Disadvantages of UDP

• We can not have any way to acknowledge the successful transfer of data.
• UDP cannot have the mechanism to track the sequence of data.
• UDP is connectionless, and due to this, it is unreliable to transfer data.
• In case of a Collision, UDP packets are dropped by Routers in
comparison to TCP.
• UDP can drop packets in case of detection of errors.
Differences between TCP and UDP
The main differences between TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User
Datagram Protocol) are:

Transmission Control User Datagram Protocol

Protocol (TCP) (UDP)

UDP is the Datagram-

TCP is a connection-oriented oriented protocol. This is
protocol. Connection because

orientation means that the there is no overhead for

Type of communicating devices opening a connection,
Service should establish a connection maintaining a connection, or
before transmitting data and terminating a connection.
should close the connection UDP is efficient for broadcast
after transmitting the data. and multicast types of
network transmission.

TCP is reliable as it The delivery of data to the

Reliability guarantees the delivery of destination cannot be
data to the destination router. guaranteed in UDP.
TCP provides
extensive error-
mechanisms. UDP has only the
Error checking basic error-checking
mechanism It is because it mechanism using
provides flow checksums.
control and
of data.

Acknowledgment acknowledgment
segment is

Sequencing of
data is a feature of
Transmission There is no
Control sequencing of data
in UDP. If the order
Sequence Protocol (TCP). is required, it has to
this means that be managed by the
packets arrive in application layer.
order at the

TCP is UDP is faster,

Speed comparatively simpler, and more
slower than UDP. efficient than TCP.

There is no
retransmission of lost
Retransmission of lost packets is
Retransmission packets in the User
possible in TCP, but not in UDP.
Datagram Protocol
TCP has a (20-60) bytes variable UDP has an 8 bytes
Header Length
length header. fixed-length header.

Weight TCP is heavy-weight. UDP is lightweight.

It’s a connectionless
Handshaking Uses handshakes such as SYN,
protocol i.e. No
Techniques ACK, SYN-ACK

TCP doesn’t support UDP supports

Broadcasting. Broadcasting.

UDP is used
TCP is used by HTTP, by DNS, DHCP,
and VoIP.

The TCP connection is a byte UDP connection is a

Stream Type
stream. message stream.

Overhead Low but higher than UDP. Very low.

This protocol is used

in situations where
This protocol is primarily utilized in
quick communication
situations when a safe and
is necessary but
trustworthy communication
Applications where dependability
procedure is necessary, such as
is not a concern,
in email, on the web surfing, and
such as VoIP, game
in military services.
streaming, video, and
music streaming, etc.

give three names of typical applications in which UDP is used as transport protocol.

Applications of UDP:
• Used for simple request-response communication when the size of data
is less and hence there is lesser concern about flow and error control.
• It is a suitable protocol for multicasting as UDP supports packet
• UDP is used for some routing update protocols like RIP(Routing
Information Protocol).
• Normally used for real-time applications which can not tolerate uneven
delays between sections of a received message.
• UDP is widely used in online gaming, where low latency and high-speed
communication is essential for a good gaming experience. Game
servers often send small, frequent packets of data to clients, and UDP
is well suited for this type of communication as it is fast and
• Streaming media applications, such as IPTV, online radio, and video
conferencing, use UDP to transmit real-time audio and video data.
The loss of some packets can be tolerated in these applications, as
the data is continuously flowing and does not require retransmission.
• VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services, such as Skype and
WhatsApp, use UDP for real-time voice communication. The delay in
voice communication can be noticeable if packets are delayed due to
congestion control, so UDP is used to ensure fast and efficient data
• DNS (Domain Name System) also uses UDP for its query/response
messages. DNS queries are typically small and require a quick
response time, making UDP a suitable protocol for this application.
• DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) uses UDP to dynamically
assign IP addresses to devices on a network. DHCP messages are
typically small, and the delay caused by packet loss or retransmission
is generally not critical for this application.
• Following implementations uses UDP as a transport layer protocol:
o NTP (Network Time Protocol)
o DNS (Domain Name Service)
o NNP (Network News Protocol)
o Quote of the day protocol
• The application layer can do some of the tasks through UDP-
o Trace Route
o Record Route
o Timestamp
• UDP takes a datagram from Network Layer, attaches its header, and
sends it to the user. So, it works fast.
• Actually, UDP is a null protocol if you remove the checksum field.
1. Reduce the requirement of computer resources.
2. When using the Multicast or Broadcast to transfer.
3. The transmission of Real-time packets, mainly in multimedia

Q. 3) Attempt the following questions. (2*6)

A) What is TCP? Draw and explain TCP state transmission diagram.

What is Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)?

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is one of the main protocols of the
Internet protocol suite. It lies between the Application and Network Layers
which are used in providing reliable delivery services. It is a connection-
oriented protocol for communications that helps in the exchange of
messages between different devices over a network. The Internet Protocol
(IP), which establishes the technique for sending data packets between
computers, works with TCP.
Working of TCP
To make sure that each message reaches its target location intact, the TCP/IP model
breaks down the data into small bundles and afterward reassembles the bundles into
the original message on the opposite end. Sending the information in little bundles of
information makes it simpler to maintain efficiency as opposed to sending everything in
one go.

After a particular message is broken down into bundles, these bundles may travel along
multiple routes if one route is jammed but the destination remains the same.


• It is a reliable protocol.
• It provides an error-checking mechanism as well as one for recovery.
• It gives flow control.
• It makes sure that the data reaches the proper destination in the exact
order that it was sent.
• Open Protocol, not owned by any organization or individual.
• It assigns an IP address to each computer on the network and a domain
name to each site thus making each device site to be distinguishable
over the network.

• TCP is made for Wide Area Networks, thus its size can become an issue
for small networks with low resources.
• TCP runs several layers so it can slow down the speed of the network.
• It is not generic in nature. Meaning, it cannot represent any protocol stack
other than the TCP/IP suite. E.g., it cannot work with a Bluetooth
• No modifications since their development around 30 years ago.

Explain TCP state transmission diagram.

A TCP connection goes through a series of states during its lifetime. Figure 8.28 shows
the state transition diagram. Each state transition is indicated by an arrow, and the
associated label indicates associated events and actions. Connection establishment
begins in the CLOSED state and proceeds to the ESTABLISHED state. Connection
termination goes from the ESTABLISHED state to the CLOSED state. The normal
transitions for a client are indicated by thick solid lines, and the normal transitions for a
server are denoted by dashed lines. Thus when a client does an active open, it goes
from the CLOSED state, to SYN_SENT, and then to ESTABLISHED. The server carrying
out a passive open goes from the CLOSED state, to LISTEN, SYN_RCVD, and then to

The client normally initiates the termination of the connection by sending a FIN. The
associated state trajectory goes from the ESTABLISHED state, to FIN_WAIT_1 while it
waits for an ACK, to FIN_WAIT_2 while it waits for the other side's FIN, and then to TIME
WAIT after it sends the final ACK. When the TIME_WAIT 2MSL period expires, the
connection is closed and the
FIGURE 8.28 TCP state transition diagram

Q. 3.B) What are the advantages of fiber optic technology in communications systems?

• The data density per optical fiber is much greater than traditional conductor
transmission and has more data packets.
• Optical fiber communication has advantages such as high-speed data
transmission, data security, and data reliability.
• Optical fiber cables have higher bandwidth than copper conductor cables.

The Advantages of Optical Fiber Communication

Internet communication, cable TV, and television broadcasting systems benefit from the
use of fiber optics technologies in signal transmission. The advantages of optical fiber
communications include:

• High-speed data transmission

• Data security

• Data reliability

Q. 4. Attempt the following question (2*6)

A) Consider two regions, 1000-1200 nm and 1450- 1650 nm in a fiber low -loss spectrum.
Calculate the actual bandwidth provided by each region (Assume velocity of light in fiber is
2.0 * 10’8 m/s.)

B) What is DNS ? What is necessicity of DNS server in the network?

Domain Name System (DNS) in Application Layer

Domain Name System (DNS) is a hostname for IP address translation
service. DNS is a distributed database implemented in a hierarchy of name
servers. It is an application layer protocol for message exchange between
clients and servers. It is required for the functioning of the Internet.

What is the Need of DNS?

Every host is identified by the IP address but remembering numbers is very
difficult for people also the IP addresses are not static therefore a mapping is
required to change the domain name to the IP address. So DNS is used to
convert the domain name of the websites to their numerical IP address.

Types of Domain
There are various kinds of domain:

1. Generic domains: .com(commercial), .edu(educational),

.mil(military), .org(nonprofit organization), .net(similar to commercial)
all these are generic domains.

2. Country domain: .in (India) .us .uk

3. Inverse domain: if we want to know what is the domain name of the

website. Ip to domain name mapping. So DNS can provide both the
mapping for example to find the IP addresses of
then we have to type.
Q. 5 Attempt the following questions. (2*6)
A) What is WDM system? What are advantages of DWM system?

In fiber-optic communications, wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is a technology

which multiplexes a number of optical carrier signals onto a single optical fiber by using
different wavelengths (i.e., colors) of laser light.[1] This technique
enables bidirectional communications over a single strand of fiber (also
called wavelength-division duplexing) as well as multiplication of capacity.[1]
The term WDM is commonly applied to an optical carrier, which is typically described by
its wavelength, whereas frequency-division multiplexing typically applies to a radio carrier,
more often described by frequency.[2] This is purely conventional because wavelength
and frequency communicate the same information. Specifically, frequency (in Hertz, which
is cycles per second) multiplied by wavelength (the physical length of one cycle) equals
velocity of the carrier wave. In a vacuum, this is the speed of light(usually denoted by the
lowercase letter, c). In glass fiber, velocity is substantially slower - usually about 0.7 times
c. The data rate in practical systems is a fraction of the carrier frequency.

Advantages of WDM:
• Easier to reconfigure
• Full duplex transmission is possible
• It provides higher bandwidth
• Optical component are similar and more reliable
• High security
• This could be the best approach as it is simple to implement
Disadvantages of WDM:
• Signals cannot be very close
• Lightwave carrying while using WDM are limited to 2 point circuit
• Cost of the system increases with the addition of optical components
• Scalability is a concern as OLT has to have transmitter array with one
transmitter for each ONU. Adding a new ONU could be a problem unless the
transmitter were provisioned in advance. Each ONU must have a wavelength specific
• Difficulty in wavelength tuning
• Inefficiency in BW utilization
• Difficulty in a cascaded topology

Q. 5.B) What do you mean by MPLS technology? What are the benefits of using MPLS?
Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) is an IP packet routing technique that routes
IP packet through paths via labels instead of looking at complex routing tables of
routers. This feature helps in increasing the delivery rate of IP packets.

MPLS uses layer 3 service i.e, Internet Protocol, and uses router as forwarding device.
The traffic of different customers is separated from each other because MPLS works
somewhat like VPN. It does not work like regular VPN that encrypts the data but it
ensures packet from one customer cannot be received by another customer. An MPLS
header is added to packet that lies between layers 2 and 3. Hence, it is also considers
to be Layer 2.5 protocol.

MPLS Header –
The MPLS Header is 32 bit long and is divided into four parts –

1. Label – This field is 20 bit long and can take value b/w 0 & 220 – 1.
2. Exp – They are 3 bits long and used for Quality of Service(QoS).
3. Bottom of stack (S) – It is of size 1 bit. MPLS labels are stacked one
over other. If there is only one label remained in MPLS header, then
its value is 1 otherwise 0.
4. Time to Live (TTL) – It is 8 bit long and its value is decreased by one
at each hop to prevent packet to get stuck in network.
Figure – MPLS Header

What are the benefits of using MPLS?

The Benefits of MPLS Networks

Improve Uptime - by sending data over an alternative path in less than 50
milliseconds (if one exists). MPLS also reduces the amount of manual intervention
your network provider has to do to create a WAN, reducing the likelihood of human
error bringing down your circuit.

Create Scalable IP VPNs - with MPLS it's easy to add an additional site to the VPN.
There is no need to configure a complex mesh of tunnels, as is common with some
traditional approaches.

Improve User Experience - by prioritising time-sensitive traffic such as VoIP.

Multi-Protocol Label Switching offers multiple Classes of Service, enabling you to
apply separate settings to different types of traffic.

Improve Bandwidth Utilisation - by putting multiple types of traffic on the same

link, you can let high priority traffic borrow capacity from lower priority traffic
streams whenever required. Conversely, when the lower priority traffic needs to
burst beyond its usual amount of bandwidth, it can use any capacity that's not
being used by higher priority services.

Hide Network Complexity - an MPLS connection between two sites can be

configured to act like a long ethernet cable, with the hops involved hidden from
view. This is sometimes known as VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service).
Reduce Network Congestion - Sometimes the shortest path between two locations isn't the best
one to take, as congestion has made it less attractive (at least for the time being). MPLS offers
sophisticated traffic engineering options that enable traffic to be sent over non-standard paths.
This can reduce latency (the delay in sending/receiving data). It also reduces congestion on the
paths that have just been avoided as a result of traffic engineering.

Q. 6. Attempt the following question

A) What are the differences between single – mode and multi -mode fiber?

Single-mode fiber has a smaller core diameter, allowing only one mode of light to propagate. This
results in higher bandwidth and longer distances but requires more precise light sources. Multi-
mode fiber has a larger core, allowing multiple light modes, offering lower bandwidth and shorter
distances, but it's more tolerant of less precise light sources. Single-mode is commonly used for
long-distance communication, while multi-mode is suitable for shorter distances within buildings
or campuses.

Q. 6.B) What is SONET? Enlist the different SONET electrical transport signals and their
bit rates.

Synchronous Optical Networking (SONET) is a standardized protocol for transmitting digital

signals over optical fiber. Different SONET electrical transport signals include STS-1, STS-3, STS-
12, STS-24, STS-48, and STS-192, with corresponding bit rates of 51.84 Mbps, 155.52 Mbps, 622.08
Mbps, 1244.16 Mbps, 2488.32 Mbps, and 9953.28 Mbps, respectively.

Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)

SONET stands for Synchronous Optical Network. SONET is a
communication protocol, developed by Bellcore – that is used to transmit
a large amount of data over relatively large distances using optical fibre.
With SONET, multiple digital data streams are transferred at the same
time over the optical fibre.

Key Points:

• Developed by Bellcore
• Used in North America
• Standardized by ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
• Similar to SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) which is used in
Europe and Japan.
• Why SONET is called a Synchronous Network?
A single clock (Primary Reference Clock, PRC) handles the timing of
transmission of signals & equipments across the entire network.

SONET Network Elements:

STS Multiplexer:
o Performs multiplexing of signals
o Converts electrical signal to optical signal
• STS Demultiplexer:
o Performs demultiplexing of signals
o Converts optical signal to electrical signal
• Regenerator:

It is a repeater, that takes an optical signal and regenerates

(increases the strength) it.

• Add/Drop Multiplexer:

It allows to add signals coming from different sources into a

given path or remove a signal.
Why SONET is used?
SONET is used to convert an electrical signal into an optical signal so that it can travel
longer distances.

SONET Connections:

• Section: Portion of network connecting two neighbouring devices.

• Line: Portion of network connecting two neighbouring multiplexers.
• Path: End-to-end portion of the network.

SONET Layers:

SONET includes four functional layer:

1. Path Layer:
o It is responsible for the movement of signals from its optical
source to its optical destination.
o STS Mux/Demux provides path layer functions.
2. Line Layer:
o It is responsible for the movement of signal across a physical
o STS Mux/Demux and Add/Drop Mux provides Line layer
3. Section Layer:
o It is responsible for the movement of signal across a physical
o Each device of network provides section layer functions.
4. Photonic Layer:
o It corresponds to the physical layer of the OSI model.
o It includes physical specifications for the optical fibre channel
(presence of light = 1 and absence of light = 0).

Advantages of SONET:

• Transmits data to large distances

• Low electromagnetic interference
• High data rates
• Large Bandwidth

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