Aee 402

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ABE 402: FARM MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES ov / Gump %s defined as all the productive resources under the control of a farmer oF / Th. It iS also_an area of land/water devoted to agriculture or aquaculture process. A fart can be several plots of land, herd of livestock or body of water, 5 ¢ 2 wha focal TYPES OF FARMING SYSTEM ARs tins Se St Ns jonoculture System: here variety of crops or variety of livestock reared on it. 3 ombination of crops and livestock on the same farm. pls ord. Specialist System: where single produce is the focus e.g. dairy: farm ee fa continually. It i pose of se ind fi roduct relationship. To determine most profitable cropping and animal | To understand cost of resources and know the Far Natural resources (Land, water and climate) + Labour (Human resources or effort) * Capital (result of past investment or effort) * Management (deeisign taking) JUNCTION OF FARM MANAGEMENT 7 \ GOAL OF FARM MANAGEMENT: The various goals of farm management inclu FUNCTIONS OF A FARM MANAGER + hen to earry out the production operat + Timing of production operation: wh «Acquisition and utilization of financial resources © Utilization and marketing of products Implementation of the decision taken Evaluatign of the decision implemented 4. Take corrective measures when the decision imp! 5 jon and operation of the farm enterprise. Jemented is unfavourable Organi Profit maximization Business growth Business survival For food production and income to satisfy other needs. FARM MANAGER: could be an employee or the owner to day and longtime management of the farm. 3,4. Planning and running of the farm business, - Setting budget and production target of the enter Recruiting, training and superyi Carrying out practical works “hs Ability to determine Ability to access and Ability to think and ana Ability to ensure tf NS: maximum output 120 oecurred at input level of S ENTERPRIS! tion of a farm d a farm devoted to the production of one kind of crap oF ENTERPRISE OR PRODUCT COMBINATION endent enterprises: here the ater} here the products are treated separately since they have no i affect the other. E.g. maize and wheat ng on each other, Increase in one does separately | ve the products are treated as one and are produce together. Increase he quantity of one decides the quantity of the other. E.g. cotton and cotton seed. palm oil and palm kernel - plementary enterprises: here the product does not affect each other but increase the ners’ income. E.g, poultry Complementary enterprises: here the production of one enhanees the produetion of the ie. through the use of by-product of one by the other. Eg. poultry eum fish uming ~ Competitive enterprises: here the product compete for the use of resources, inerease in ne leads to reduction in the other There are 3 determinants for profitable combination in this enterprise MRIS: 1 b. Prices of the products Cost of producing each of the product inal vate of technical substitution REASONS FOR ENTERPRISE COMBINATION, 3 | To make maximum profit from the use of the limiting farm resources combination. fo utilize the mutual benefits that exists among the ‘of crops and or livestock to meet family food need Need for variet 4. To reducing pest and disoases problems. Entexprise combination is used in one input to two produet relationship. | Principal of Comparative Advantage: it is the economic principal of choosing what to produce in chferprise combination, It states that: | } csr the greatest retunn: gh ¢ should be used where it will Lach unit of resours See Example: Given 7 units of labour and labour H400/unit. maize = #100/bag. groundnut #1S0/bag a

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