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IMaPORTANCE OF CROP PROTECTION I AGRICULTURE 129808 and other pet ovganim ais pst, dsaases and weeds commenced tthe te Since the dawn of Agriculture pests, diseases and canpetiion by weeds have reduced the produetaty of cops ant farmers have tren looking for ways ai! means of limiting these losses and of pong healthier crops in othe words they have bee okng steps to protect thee crop. im general the mora intense the systems of elation, the lager are the potential loses due to hatmfal organs I Inewtabe that pathogens and pests wil net or attack rops and that weeds compete with ops or water val utes, thereby reducing ids, Plants wl nt produce reliable viel of high quality unless thoy are kept heathy. not is, cop protection product playa signieat role STATE OF CROPS wiTHOUT cRoP PROTECTION in apicutura ecosystems, thousands or even lions of individual fa single crop speves ave planted Consider ets. Pests are gansta might compet wth or damage crop spec the ad animal and fangs tht reduce erop yi. In wheal tis estimated that without cp protection ae otherwise unchanged cutwation practices crop lowes wo wide are 16,7 due to dieases, 1,3 ru to dseass, 30% due to insects an 20% de to weeds, In maze the average losses sullered worldwide without crop potetin estimated to be 11,7 due to diseases, 19. ests ad 28 31, 1990. nS The estimated aver 25% 8 for tee Southern Aiea the eomparatve loisesare Cotton, the loss worldwide without crop protectin estimated to be 83.5% 10,2% due to diseases, 237% ae to ict pests and 36.3% eto weeds. Souther African camparaie figures ore and 25% (Oerke eta, 1959), Scanned with CamScanner ‘nop PROTECTION meTHODS satura Matted - Tiss conceed ih mania ofthe endnment insu a manne that seve. Carl con! paces inches: een of gad uo an. planing-aeia alg ofan 9uldheg ga, angst of oy ac iste laie amour of erable quay possessed by he plant wi ltces the slit damage dove ty the pest. Host restnce 10 pest cud be exhsted a 3. Biological Control - This isthe use of living organisms as pest contol agents, Biological control have Ue following advantages; ‘ntercroppng close se 2 Most Plant Resistone (Save and no danger is iwolved during aplication (int provides tasting control once thd natural enemies have been established i tis economia inthe long run {w) The pest isnot kel to develop resistance 4. Chemical contol ~ this involves the use of natural or synthetic chemicals that cause the death, repulsion or atraction of pest. Such chemical. called pesiides, Pesticides are cassilied according to the type of pest they conta, insecticides are used to control insects, hezhiides to contol weed, {ungicde to control fung, nematicides to control nematodes, rodentcdes to control rodents g mites and svcd Tor bids, 5. Regulatory or Legal Control - This concerns Government 1 rom one country o region to another, Legal conto auld be; uations to prevent the sor of pest U0 Absit probit . (i) Quarantine (a) Postentry quarantine serces (wu Rested materials 6 Integrated Pest Management (Pk -This is amethad of controling pest in an economical efficient {and ecologically sound manner. It wizes all suitable techniques ether to reduce pest population and maintain them at level below those causing economic injury or to manipulate the population so that they are prevented from causing Injury. IPM strives to prevent the needless destruction of the environment and human heath, Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner

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