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Nama : M.

NIM : 221810201025

Tornado is killer

Tornado is air that rotates so fast that it forms a connection between the cumulonimbus
clouds and the ground which is bad for life. The adverse effects of a tornado are damage to land
and houses, taking lives, and destroying ecosystems. Tornadoes can destroy ecosystems because
they have strong speed and swallow anything in their path. Tornadoes can cause disturbances in
electronic waves in the ionosphere. Large hurricanes have a negative impact on agriculture, for
example heavy rains and strong winds can damage crops and kill livestock. Typhoons at sea can
cause ship sinking and damage to marine ecosystems. The occurrence of tornadoes can also
damage a natural tour, both land tourism and sea tourism. The impact of a tornado can have a
negative impact on life peoples, animals and plants, we should be vigilant and continue to pray to
God because dont knows when a disaster will come.

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