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AIP Program/Project/ Implementing Schedule of Expected Outputs Funding Source Out-Sourced Amount

Reference Activity Office Implementation for Funding PS MOOE CO TOTAL

Code Start Date Completion Date
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Barangay Barangay Captain Jan. Dec. Barangay
Administration Administration Services
1000-001 Program

1000-001-001 Personal services

Honorarium and benefits of GF Proper
1000-001-001-001 Honorarium Barangay Officials: 9 elected (1
Barangay Captain & 7
600,000.00 600,000.00
Sangguniang Barangay members
1000-001-001-002 Cash Gift and 1 SK. Chair person) 2
appointed(secretary, Treasurer
55,000.00 55,000.00
provided on time.
1000-001-001-003 Bunos 50,000.00 0
1000-001-001-004 Mid-Year 50,000.00 50,000.00
1.3.2 Year End 55,000.00 55,000.00
1.4 Productivity
Enhancement 74,000.00
Incentive (PEI) 1.5
Monetization 1.6
Other Bunoses 0

11 Sub-Total 760,000.00 760,000.00

AIP Program/Project/ Implementing Schedule of Expected Outputs Funding Source Out-Sourced Amount
Reference Activity Office Implementation for Funding PS MOOE CO TOTAL
Code Start Date Completion Date
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2. Maintenance
and other
Operating Services

1000-001- Barangay
002-001 2.1 Trainings and Captain
Seminars JAN. DEC. At Least 3 Trainings GF Proper 50,000.00 50,000.00
Services Conducted/Attended by
the 10 Barangay Officials
1000-001- Ten official travel of 10
002-002 Barangay Officials
2.2 Traveling
services JAN. DEC. supported GF Proper 50,000.00 50,000.00

002-003 2.3 Provision of Office supplies for the
Office Supplies JAN. DEC. whole year Barangay GF Proper 25,000.00 25,000.00
operation provided

002-004 2.4 Fedelity Bond Fidelity bond of the
Premiums JAN. DEC. Barangay Treasurer paid GF Proper 10,000.00 10,000.00
and updated

002-005 2.5 Printing And Printing and binding of
Binding JAN. DEC. Barangay documents GF Proper 5,000.00 5,000.00

002-006 2.6 Titling of the
Barangay Government JAN. DEC. Titling of______ha. GF Proper 50,000.00 50,000.00
Site Barangay government site
processed and facilitated
002-007 2.7 Other MOOE Supplies and other
(supplies and other JAN. DEC. materials expenses GF Proper 0 0
Materials Expenses) supported

002-008 2.8 Procurement Other office
Other Office Supplies JAN. DEC. supplies provided GF Proper 0 0
AIP Program/Project/ Implementing Schedule of Expected Outputs Funding Source Out-Sourced Amount
Reference Activity Office Implementation for Funding PS MOOE CO TOTAL
Code Start Date Completion Date
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1000-001- Three
2.9 Consultative Meetings/Trainings/assembli
002-009 Meetings,Ceremonies
and Other Related JAN. DEC. es and or Other related GF Proper 25,000.00 25,000.00
Activities Activities conducted and
1000-001- Timely Payment of
002-010 2.10 Payment
Monthly of Electric JAN. DEC. Monthly Electric GF Proper 10,000.00 10,000.00
bill/Consumption bill/consumption
2.11 Subsidies

002-009- 2.9.1 League of Subsidy to League of
001 Barangays JAN. DEC. Barangays Provided GF Proper 25,000.00 25,000.00

002-009- 2.9.2. Notarial
002 Services JAN. DEC. Notaria Services Aquired GF Proper 3,000.00 3,000.00

002-009- 2.9.3. Barangay 10 Barangay tanod Provided with a
003 Tanod JAN. DEC. monthly honorarium of GF Proper 67,200.00 67,200.00
Php650.00(head) and Php 550.00
each member regularly
10 Lupong Tagapamayapa provided
002-009- 2.9.4. Lupong with a monthly honorarium of Php
004 Tagapamayapa JAN. DEC. 550.00(head) and Php 450.00 each GF Proper 55,200.00 55,200.00
member regularly

6 Barangay Health workers provided
002-009- 2.9.5.Barangay with a monthly honorarium of Php
005 health Workers JAN. DEC. 700.00(head) and Php 600.00 each GF Proper 51,000.00 51,000.00
member regularly

002-009- 2.9.6. Barangay Nutrition Scholar Provided
006 Bholararangay JAN. DEC. with a monthly honorarium of Php GF Proper 18,000.00 18,000.00
Nutrition Scholar 1,500.00 regularly

002-009- 2.9.7. Utility 1 Utility Worker and 1 Care taker
Provided with a monthly honorarium
007 Worker and Care JAN. DEC. of Php 1,250.00 each regularly GF Proper 30,000.00 30,000.00
002-009- 2.9.7. Utility 1 Utility Worker and 1 Care taker
Provided with a monthly honorarium
007 Worker and Care JAN. DEC. of Php 1,250.00 each regularly GF Proper 30,000.00 30,000.00
AIP Program/Project/ Implementing Schedule of Out-Sourced Amount
Reference Activity Office Implementation Expected Outputs Funding Source for Funding PS MOOE CO TOTAL
Code Start Date Completion Date

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Senior Citizen's Prisident and
009-007 2.9.8. Senior Citizen's Secretary provided with a
Prisident & Secretary JAN. DEC. monthly honorarium of Php GF Proper 7,200.00 7,200.00
300.00 each regularly

009-007 2.9.9. Child CDW(Female) provided with a
Development Worker JAN. DEC. monthly honorarium of Php GF Proper 30,000.00 30,000.00
(CDW) 2,500.00 regularly

SUB-TOTAL 512,800.00 512,800.00

3. Acquisition of
Property,Plant, and
1000-001-003- Barangay
001 3.1. Acquisition of 1 unit of table ang 2
Laptop and Printer Captain office chaire procured GF Proper 50,000.00 50,000.00
Apr. Apr.
002 3.2. Purchase of 1 unit of digicam
Camera purchased
GF Proper 50,000.00

SUB-TOTAL 50,000.00 50,000.00

1000-001- Peace and Order Peace and Order
003 Program Services
001 3.1. BADAC/MASAM Punong JAN. DEC.
4 Quarterlyk meetings conducted
and particcipated by 100% of the GF Proper 5,000.00 5,000.00
ASID Quarterly Barangay member of the council
002 3.2. Provision of Punong 1 set of uniform (10 caps and
10 jackets with Print)
Uniform of Barangay JAN. DEC. GF Proper 10,000.00 10,000.00
Tanod Barangay Provided to 10 Barangay

SUB-TOTAL 15,000.00 50,000.00 15,000.00

TOTAL for General Public Services [655,000.00] 527,800.00 50,000.00 1,337,800.00
AIP Program/Project/ Implementing Schedule of Out-Sourced Amount
Reference Activity Office Implementation Expected Outputs Funding Source for Funding PS MOOE CO TOTAL
Code Start Date Completion Date

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3000 Social Services

Basic Services
andFacilities Program

3000-002- 1. Enhancement of
001 Barangay Facilities

Rehabilitation/ GF(SA)20%BDF 50,00.00 50,000.00

3000-002- Improvement of
Barangay May June Multi-Purpose Hall -GAD
001- Multi-Pupose hall Captain rehabilitated and
improved 100,000.00

3000-002- 2. Health and

002 Nutrition Program

3000-002- 2.1.Rehabilitation of Barangay Oct. Nov.

Roofing of Health
40,232.80 40,232.80
002-001 Health Center Captain
center rehabilitated and
2.2 Improvement of Barangay
Level 2 Water System
Level 2 Water Sysem
Captain Aug. Oct. Project fo Sitio
Bahaga,Centro,Cambaga GF(SA)20% 15,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00
Project ko,and Butanyog BDF

3000-002- 2.3. Training (Idol ko Barangay Idol ko si Nanay learning GF Proper-

002-003 si Nanay) Captain Aug. Sept. Sessions conducted and
participated by 40 Mothers BDPC
10,000.00 10,000.00

3. Child
3000-002- Child Development
003 Services

3000-002- 3.1. Provision of 100% of request of supplies GF Proper-

supplies and Learning Aug. Sept. and learning materials
Provided BDPC-GAD
20,000.00 20,000.00
Materials Child
3000-002- Worker GF Proper-
3.2.Support to Oct. Oct. Children's Month celebration 5,000.00 5,000.00
003-002 Children's Month supported and participated by
20 children's, 12 Males and 8
celebration Females
3000-002- Worker GF Proper-
3.2.Support to Oct. Oct. Children's Month celebration 5,000.00 5,000.00
003-002 Children's Month supported and participated by
20 children's, 12 Males and 8
celebration Females

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