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Assalamualaikum wr.wb Good morning viewers. You are still with me, ………. From AL-FATAH TV,
Wednesday 25 October 2023. For five minutes more, I will accompany you, to listen to some bright news,
some actual news, and some latest news in this sunny morning. And here is the first news …. (Content) ….

A one-step method enables scalable and more environmentally friendly production of plant-derived plastic
monomers, paving the way towards the mass production of a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based

An international team, including Kiyotaka Nakajima of Hokkaido University, Japan, and Emiel Hensen of
Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, has developed an energy-efficient method to
synthesize bio-plastic ingredients. The new technology will contribute towards the realization of sustainable
'green products, such as completely bio-based beverage bottles. This study was conducted jointly with
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation and the findings were published in ACS Catalysis.

Bio-based plastics are emerging as a next generation material and are expected to replace petroleum-derived
plastics. A plant-derived polyester, called polyethylene furanoate (PEF), is a promising 100% renewables-
based polymer derived from plants that can replace the giant of the plastic industry, polyethylene
terephthalate (PET), due to its better physical, mechanical, and thermal properties. However, realizing large-
scale PEF production is seriously hampered by an inefficient production of the monomers.

The researchers expect the new technique will not only improve the feasibility of commercial PEF
production in the chemical industry, but also help advance a more ubiquitous use of bio-plastics, as well as
provide insight for the development of other bio-based chemical applications from various biomass-derived

Well, viewers, that’s all the news. Stay tuned for the next update on AL-FATAH TV. I am and all of crews
say “Have a wonderful day”, see you next time and Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

NAME : Tisya Geninda


Assalamualaikum wr.wb Good morning viewers. You are still with me, ………. From AL-FATAH TV,
Wednesday 25 October 2023. For five minutes more, I will accompany you, to listen to some bright news,
some actual news, and some latest news in this sunny morning. And here is the first news …. (Content) ….

At least 162 people were killed and hundreds more injured as a 5.6 intensity earthquake shook Indonesia's
main island of Java on Monday, reports said.

The quake struck Cianjur town in west Java, at a depth of 10 km, according to US Geological Survey data.
The area where the quake struck is densely-populated and prone to landslides, with the make shift houses
reduced to rubble in many areas, the BBC reported.

Rescuers were working into the night to try to save others thought to still be trapped under collapsed

Regional Governor Ridwan Kamil said 162 people were killed, over 700 injured, and more than 13,000
people displaced by the disaster, the BBC reported.

He apprehended that the numbers of injuries and fatalities were likely to increase because there were "a lot
of people" still trapped at the scene.

Earthquakes are common in Indonesia, which sits on the "ring of fire" area of tectonic activity in the Pacific,
with a 2018 quake in Sulawesi leaving over 2,000 dead.

Well, viewers, that’s all the news. Stay tuned for the next update on AL-FATAH TV. I am and all of crews
say “Have a wonderful day”, see you next time and Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

NAME : Amila Sirota

CLASS : X Merdeka

Assalamualaikum wr.wb Good morning viewers. You are still with me, ………. From AL-FATAH TV,
Wednesday 25 October 2023. For five minutes more, I will accompany you, to listen to some bright news,
some actual news, and some latest news in this sunny morning. And here is the first news …. (Content) ….

On Friday, some areas of the capital, Santo Domingo, saw twice the monthly average rainfall in one day.
Meteorologists said that while they had been aware of heavy rains approaching, they had been surprised by
the strength of the sudden downpour.

Poor drainage meant that the water accumulated quickly, turning streets into quick-flowing torrents.
In some parts of Santo Domingo, 232mm (9.1in) of rain fell in a matter of hours, twice the estimate for the
month, Weather Bureau Director Gloria Ceballos said.

View of a car dragged by the current in the Los Ríos neighborhood flooded by the rains, in Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic, 05 November 2022.

Several people are still missing. Of the six people who died, two drowned, two were electrocuted and two
were crushed by collapsing walls.

Hundreds of homes have been damaged and the agricultural sector has also been hard hit. President Luis
Abinader said an estimate of the damages would be released on Tuesday.

He added that poor drainage had compounded the flooding in the capital: "It's a problem that continued to
grow, the city and greater Santo Domingo area grew without a real drainage system."

Well, viewers, that’s all the news. Stay tuned for the next update on AL-FATAH TV. I am and all of crews
say “Have a wonderful day”, see you next time and Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

NAME : Revika Utami


Assalamualaikum wr.wb Good morning viewers. You are still with me, ………. From AL-FATAH TV,
Wednesday 25 October 2023. For five minutes more, I will accompany you, to listen to some bright news,
some actual news, and some latest news in this sunny morning. And here is the first news …. (Content) ….

In South Korea, families of the victims of a Halloween crowd crush in Seoul have lashed out at the
government of President Yoon Suk Yeol for failing to prevent the tragedy.

The crush in the capital's Itaewon district on October 29 left 158 people dead, including two Japanese
citizens and many other foreigners. Another 196 people were injured.

Local media say police and the fire department received numerous calls hours before the accident saying
there were too many people, and warning that some could be crushed to death. But the authorities reportedly
did nothing.

Families of the victims spoke at a news conference in Seoul on Tuesday for the first time since the accident.
A mother who lost her son said the whole family has been suffering so much they want to die.

She said the accident was caused by the authorities' inaction. She called it murder.

Other families also criticized the government and the police, while some attendees cried as they listened.

A special investigative team from South Korea's National Police Agency has been looking into how the
police in charge of the Itaewon district and top local municipal officials responded to the accident.

Well, viewers, that’s all the news. Stay tuned for the next update on AL-FATAH TV. I am and all of crews
say “Have a wonderful day”, see you next time and Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb



Assalamualaikum wr.wb Good morning viewers. You are still with me, ………. From AL-FATAH TV,
Wednesday 25 October 2023. For five minutes more, I will accompany you, to listen to some bright news,
some actual news, and some latest news in this sunny morning. And here is the first news …. (Content) ….

Yang Guang and Tian Tian have to return to China under the terms of a 10 year loan, which was extended
by two years due to the Covid pandemic.

The pair, who will not be replaced, have failed to produce offspring since their arrival in December 2011.
The zoo has been paying £750,000 (seven hundred and fifty thousand poundsterling) annually to China for
the pandas.

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), which runs Edinburgh Zoo, said the details of the
pandas' departure would be confirmed closer to the time.

It has now announced plans to give the pandas a "giant farewell".

RZSS members, patrons and giant panda adopters will be offered the chance to meet and feed Yang Guang
through the bars of his enclosure.

Other experiences available to everyone will include panda talks and brunch events.

David Field, RZSS chief executive, said as the UK's only giant pandas, they had been "incredibly popular
with visitors".

In total, there were eight unsuccessful attempts at artificial insemination, with the last one in 2021 when the
giant panda breeding programme was stopped.

Well, viewers, that’s all the news. Stay tuned for the next update on AL-FATAH TV. I am and all of crews
say “Have a wonderful day”, see you next time and Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb



Assalamualaikum wr.wb Good morning viewers. You are still with me, ………. From AL-FATAH TV,
Wednesday 25 October 2023. For five minutes more, I will accompany you, to listen to some bright news,
some actual news, and some latest news in this sunny morning. And here is the first news …. (Content) ….

One of the world's rarest turtles, a Yangtze giant softshell, has died in China, leaving just three remaining.
Also known as Rafetus swinhoei, the female turtle died in the Suzhou zOo in southern China.

Experts had tried to artificially inseminate the creature, which was over 90 years old, for a fifth time shortly
before she died.

The species is critically endangered due to hunting, overfishing, and the destruction of its habitat.
One male is left in the Chinese zoo while two other turtles live in the wild in Vietnam. The elusive nature of
the turtle means it has been difficult to identify the latter's gender.

Local staff and international experts had attempted to artificially inseminate the female 24 hours before she

They said, "There were no complications from the operation and she had been in fine health after the
procedure, but deteriorated the next day."

The cause of her death is being investigated and the turtle's ovarian tissue was collected for future research.

Well, viewers, that’s all the news. Stay tuned for the next update on AL-FATAH TV. I am and all of crews
say “Have a wonderful day”, see you next time and Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

NAME : Ahmad Syafaat


Assalamualaikum wr.wb Good morning viewers. You are still with me, ………. From AL-FATAH TV,
Wednesday 25 October 2023. For five minutes more, I will accompany you, to listen to some bright news,
some actual news, and some latest news in this sunny morning. And here is the first news …. (Content) ….

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - PT MRT Jakarta President Director William Sabandar said that the MRT overall
construction is 91.8 percent completed as from February 28, while the second phase of the construction
commences in December of 2018.

William further explained that the group will be tasked to identify, discuss, coordinate, and provide analysis
of the MRT project construction and its preparation heading towards its operations in March 2019.

PT MRT will also add a new member of the board of directors that is responsible for the company's business
development and a new commissioner member. The decision to do so will be decided in today's
shareholder's meetings [RUPS].

Two MRT units that will arrive in Jakarta at the end of March are now being thoroughly inspected at a
Nippon Sharyo factory in Japan to ensure that the components are working normally. In total, MRT Jakarta
ordered 16 train units that consist of six wagons each.

Once the MRT trains arrive at the port of Tanjung Priok, it will be sent to the Lebak Bulus depot in South
Jakarta to be re-inspected and have its electricity installation tested in August 2018. The train units will
undergo its operational test in December.

Well, viewers, that’s all the news. Stay tuned for the next update on AL-FATAH TV. I am and all of crews
say “Have a wonderful day”, see you next time and Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

NAME : Nuru Hafizoh


Assalamualaikum wr.wb Good morning viewers. You are still with me, ………. From AL-FATAH TV,
Wednesday 25 October 2023. For five minutes more, I will accompany you, to listen to some bright news,
some actual news, and some latest news in this sunny morning. And here is the first news …. (Content) ….

The head of East Nusa Tenggara's (NTT) Komodo National Park, Sudiyono, has denied reports saying that
komodo dragons at the park are under stress as a result of tourists.

His remarks came as a response to reports saying that an increase in the number of visitors at the park
caused stress on the lizard species, the largest in the world.

Sudiyono said no special studies were carried out that proved the komodo dragons were stressed, however,
he noted that the dragons were more aggressive if they were disturbed while eating.

Speaking on recent cases in which Visitors were attacked by komodo dragons, Sudiyono said the attacks
occurred because the visitors were not with their guide. Visitors must be accompanied by a guide at all
times, according to park rules.

In regard to the rising number of visitors, Sudiyono said the situation was automatically controlled by the
limited number of available guides and the visitors taking part in other activities, such as diving, snorkeling,
and island-hopping.

Head of the NTT tourism office, Maurius Ardu Jelamu, previously expressed concerns over the supposedly
stressed-out komodo dragons.

Well, viewers, that’s all the news. Stay tuned for the next update on AL-FATAH TV. I am and all of crews
say “Have a wonderful day”, see you next time and Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

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