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1. The resultant of the concurrent forces in figure below is 300kN pointing up along the y axis.

s. Compute the values of a.) F and b.) Ө to give this resultant.

ANSWER a.) 55.2deg, b.) 592kN

2. Determine the a.) Resultant and its b.) magnitude of the concurrent forces shown in the figure.
Answer a.) 5091.97, b.) 17.13deg

3. The force system shown consists of the couple C and the four forces. The resultant of this system is 500kN.m counter clockwis e couple. Which of the following give
the value of a.) P, b.) Q and c.) C. TIP: In a couple, resultant is zero in magnitude but has a moment. ANSWER: P=200kN, Q = 260kN, C=1440kN.m

4. Compute the moment of force F = 450lb and of force P = 361lb about the points a.) C and b.) D.

ANSWER: Md = 810lbft, Mc = -1200lbft

5. From the given set of parallel forces shown. Which of the following gives the a.) resultant force and its b.) location from the left support. ANSWER 90kN, 5m
6. The three forces shown in the figure are required to cause a horizontal resultant acting through A. If F = 316N, determine the value of a.) P, b.) T and c.) Resultant.
Answer R = 500N, P = 475N, T = -225N

7. Three cylinders are piled in a rectangular ditch as shown. Cylinder A has a radius of 4m and weighs 15kN, Cylinder B has a radius of 6m and weighs 40kN Neglecting
friction, and Cylinder C has a radius of 5m and weighs 20kN. Determine the reaction at cylinder A exerted by the a.) wall and the b.) ground. Answer Reaction exerted
on the wall 80kN, Reaction by the ground 75.042kN

8. Determine the reaction of each support for a.) A and b.) B on the beam loaded as shown in the figure. Answer Ra = 372kN Rb = 558kN

9. Compute the reactions at a.) A and b.) B for the truss shown. Answer Ra = 1085.7N, Rbh = 300N, Rbv = 1214.3, (Rb = 1250N Angle 76.1deg)


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