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Pronouns - Review

Subject Object Possessive Possessive
Pronouns Pronouns Adjective Pronouns
I me my mine
You you your yours
He him his his
She her her hers
It it its its
We us our ours
You you your yours
They them their theirs

A. Complete with a suitable OBJECT PRONOUN

1. Hey! There's a new e-mail. Read ____ to me, please!
2. The little girl is very happy. Her mum gave ____ a lovely present this morning.
3. My father loves Greek monuments. He wants to go to Greece and visit all of ___.
4. The runners are very tired. We'll give ____ some water.
5. That's a very difficult game. I don't know how to play ____. Can you show ___?
6. Patrick is still in class. The teacher asked ____ to stay for ten minutes.

B. Complete with an OBJECT PRONOUN

1. Where's Sam? David is with ____.
2. Have you seen Alice? Yes, I saw ____ in the park yesterday afternoon.
3. Can you ask Costin if he wants to go to the supermarket with ____? I don't want to go
4. Would you like to play with ____? We need another player.
5. I think this activity is very difficult. I don't understand ____!
6. Robert and Theodore are speaking in class. Can you tell ____ to be quiet?
7. Our teacher is so nice! We'll give ____ a birthday present.
8. I love Peter and he loves ____. We're so happy together!
9. Lucas works in a bank. I see ____ every morning when he goes to work.
10. Pat and Tom live in Oxford. We never see ____.
11. Anna studies in Rome. We telephone ____ every week.

C. Answer the questions using a SUBJECT and an OBJECT pronoun

1. Does Peter like Italian food? Yes, ____ loves ____.
2. Do you listen to American pop songs? No, ____ don't like ____.
3. Are those flowers for you? No, ____ aren't for ____.
4. Did I give you the keys? Yes, ____ gave ____ to me.

Pronouns - Review
5. Does Anne love Peter? Yes, ____ loves ____.

D. Complete these sentences with a suitable pronoun.

1. Is this cake for me? Yes, it is for _____.
2. Give ____ a glass of water. I am thirsty.
3. Peter is hungry. Give ____ a sandwich.
4. Is your mother at home? Yes, ____ is sitting in the dining room.
5. Do you know John? Yes, ____ know him.
6. Do you know Betty? Yes, I know ____
7. The boys are there. Do you want to talk to ____?
8. This is my pen. Give ____to me.
9. Why is she here? Because ____wants to see you.
10. Are those boys English? Yes, ____ are.
11. Are you French? No, ____ am not.
12. It's Anthony's birthday, so I'm buying ____ a present.
13. You have the keys of my car, so please give ____ to me.
14. That's a nice cake. I want ____
15. We are going to the supermarket and Christine is coming with ____
16. Here are Paul and Robert. Do you want to see ____?
17. Caroline wants some biscuits, so give these biscuits to ____
18. We always take our bags with ____ when we go shopping.

E. Choose the suitable pronoun

1. Who is sitting behind ____ (I – me)?
2. John is with ____ (we – us)
3. Jane is between ____ (they-them)
4. We are near ____ (he-him)
5. That is a beautiful beach. Look at ____(it-her)
6. I want some cheese. Take ____(him-it) out of the cupboard
7. Peter is between ____(he-you) and ____(me-I)
8. There is a policeman among ____(they-them)
9. Here are some coins. Put ____(they-them) into the drawer

F. Change the underlined words. Write a pronoun.

1. She is taking an orange out of her bag. (her-it)
2. I am between Philip and Jane. (they-them)
3. You are near your friends. (they-them)

Pronouns - Review
4. Put these bottles into the fridge. (they-them)
5. Where is the shelf? (it-he)
6. Give Peter a coke. Peter (he-him) wants to drink a coke. (it-him)
7. Buy some lemons. I want to make some lemon juice with the lemons. (they-them)
8. Elizabeth is getting ready for the party. Look at Elizabeth. (she-her)
9. Here is the waiter. Ask the waiter to bring the menu. (he-him)
10. Mummy is coming with you and me to the supermarket. (us-we)
11. Take this apple. This apple is delicious. (she-it)
12. The shop assistant is behind the counter. The shop assistant is a beautiful girl. (her-

G. Possessives: Adjective or Pronoun?

1. Is this car yours? Yes, it's ____(my-mine)
2. Is that Alice's coat? No, it isn't ____(her-hers)
3. I think these bicycles are Molly's and yours. Oh yes, they are ___(our-ours)
4. Mary, this cardigan isn't mine. Is it ____(your-yours)?
5. Where is Molly and Andy's house? ____(Their-Theirs) house is in West Street.
6. Nick has his cap but Henry hasn't ____(him-his)
7. I saw Liz and Philip with ____(their-theirs) son, Bill.
8. Oxford is famous for ____ (its-it) colleges.
9. ____ (My-Mine) favorite sport is football. I play a lot in the summer.
10. I like ____ (my-mine) job.
11. They've got two children but I don't remember ____ (their-theirs) names.

H. Fill in the missing English pronouns to complete the following sentences.

1. Are you talking to ______? ( I )
2. Don’t ask ______. ______ doesn’t know. ( she / she )
3. Don’t ask ______. Ask ______. ( I / he )
4. Hasn’t ______ arrived yet? ( she )
5. ______ don’t understand. ( I )
6. Nobody told ______ the train was leaving. ( they )
7. ______ phoned yesterday. ( she )
8. This is Susan. ______ have known ______ for years. ( we / she )
9. We watched ______ for hours. ( he )
10. Why didn’t ______ ask ______ to come? ( she / they )


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