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Warga Lokal (WL): Hi, are you a tourist? WL: Terima kasih!

Ngomong-ngomong, apa
nama Anda?
(Turis (T): Yes, I am. How can I help you?
T: Nama saya Putri. Senang bertemu dengan
(WL): I'm trying to practice my English. Can
we have a conversation?
WL: Senang bertemu dengan Anda juga, Putri!
(T): Sure! What would you like to talk about?
Apakah Anda sudah mencoba makanan lokal
(WL): Thank you! By the way, what's your di sini?
T: Ya, saya sudah mencoba Nasi Goreng dan
(T): My name is Putri. Nice to meet you! Sate. Rasanya lezat!

(WL): Nice to meet you too, Putri! Have you WL: Bagus, Putri! Tempat wisata favorit Anda
tried any local dishes here? di kota ini apa?

(T): Yes, I've tried Nasi Goreng and Satay. T: Saya sangat menikmati mengunjungi pasar
They're delicious! lokal. Ramai dan menawarkan berbagai
(WL): That's great, Putri! What is your
favorite tourist spot in this city? WL: Terdengar menarik! Apakah ada yang
lain yang Anda rekomendasikan untuk
(T): I really enjoyed visiting the local market. dilakukan di sini?
It's vibrant and offers a wide variety of
products. T: Anda harus mengunjungi pantai terdekat.
Indah dan sempurna untuk bersantai.
(WL): Sounds interesting! Is there anything
else you'd recommend doing here? WL: Saya akan pastikan untuk melihatnya.
Ngomong-ngomong, apakah Anda punya
(T): You should definitely visit the nearby rekomendasi untuk oleh-oleh lokal?
beach. It's beautiful and perfect for relaxing.
T: Anda bisa menemukan kerajinan tangan dan
(WL): I'll make sure to check it out. By the tekstil tradisional di toko-toko lokal. Mereka
way, do you have any recommendations for menjadi oleh-oleh yang bagus.
local souvenirs?
WL: Itu bermanfaat! Terima kasih, Putri, atas
(T): You can find handmade crafts and saran-sarannya.
traditional textiles at the local shops. They
make great souvenirs. T: Sama-sama! Nikmati waktu Anda di sini!

(WL): That's helpful! Thank you, Putri, for the

(T): You're welcome! Enjoy your time here!

WL: Hai, apakah Anda seorang turis?
T: Ya, saya turis. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?
WL: Saya sedang mencoba berlatih berbicara
Bahasa Inggris. Bisakah kita berbicara?
T: Tentu saja! Ada apa yang ingin Anda
Explain something (menjelaskan sesuatu) Contoh: "The birds chirped a sweet melodic
Explaination text adalah teks dalam bahasa
inggris yang bertujuan untuk memberikan 7. Rasa: manis, asam, pedas, gurih, segar,
suatu penjelasan yang jelas lezat, pahit
Tentu, berikut adalah beberapa contoh (Taste: sweet, sour, spicy, savory, fresh,
kosakata yang dapat digunakan untuk delicious, bitter)
menjelaskan sesuatu:
Contoh: "The soup has a rich and savory
1. Bentuk: bulat, persegi, segitiga, oval, flavor."
panjang, pendek, besar, kecil
8. Aroma: harum, segar, tajam, wangi,
(Shape : round, square, triangle, oval, long, menyengat, lembut, enak
short, big, small)
(Aroma: fragrant, fresh, sharp, fragrant,
Contoh: "The building has a unique triangular pungent, gentle, pleasant)
Contoh: "The flowers in the garden emit a
2. Warna: merah, biru, kuning, hijau, hitam, delightful fragrance."
putih, cerah, gelap
9. Keadaan: bersih, kotor, berantakan, rapi,
(Colour : red, blue, yellow, green, black, teratur, bercahaya, gelap
white, bright, dark)
(Condition: clean, dirty, messy, tidy,
Contoh: "The sunset painted the sky with organized, well-lit, dark
vibrant shades of orange and pink."
Contoh: "The room was tidy and well-
3. Bahan: kayu, besi, kaca, plastik, kulit, organized."
kain, lembut, keras
10. Emosi: senang, sedih, takjub, terkejut,
(Material : wood, iron, glass, plastic, leather, marah, tertarik, bosan
fabric, soft, hard)
(Emotions: happy, sad, amazed, surprised,
Contoh: "The table is made of solid oak angry, interested, bored)
Contoh: "She looked surprised when she
4. Ciri fisik: tinggi, pendek, gemuk, kurus, received the unexpected gift."
berambut panjang, berkulit gelap,
berhidung mancung
(Physical characteristics: tall, short, fat, thin, Contoh :
long-haired, dark-skinned, pointed nose) 1. Gethuk Jogja:
Contoh: "She has long, flowing hair and a fair Gethuk Jogja is a traditional Javanese snack
complexion." made from cassava. It has a soft and chewy
5. Kualitas: indah, menakjubkan, keren, luar texture with a slightly sweet taste. The cassava
biasa, unik, elegan, sederhana is grated and mixed with grated coconut, palm
sugar, and a pinch of salt. The mixture is then
(Quality: beautiful, amazing, cool, steamed until it becomes firm. Gethuk Jogja is
extraordinary, unique, elegant, simple) usually served in small bite-sized pieces, and it
is often enjoyed as a snack or dessert. The
Contoh: "The view from the top of the combination of the sweet palm sugar and the
mountain is absolutely breathtaking." fragrant coconut gives Gethuk Jogja a unique
6. Suara: keras, lembut, nyaring, merdu, and delicious flavor.
berisik, tenang, melodi
(Sound: loud, soft, loud, melodious, noisy, 2. Malioboro:
calm, melodic)
Malioboro is a famous street in Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. It is known for its vibrant
atmosphere and bustling activity. The street is
lined with shops, restaurants, and street
vendors selling a wide variety of goods,
including traditional handicrafts, batik
clothing, souvenirs, and local snacks.
Malioboro is a popular destination for tourists
and locals alike, offering a unique shopping
experience and a taste of Yogyakarta's rich
cultural heritage. In the evening, the street
comes alive with street performers, live music,
and food stalls, creating a lively and energetic
atmosphere. Visiting Malioboro is a must for
anyone looking to experience the vibrant spirit
of Yogyakarta.

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