Motu Propio Mysterii Paschalis

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1. What was the problem that prompted the reform of the Liturgical Year and Calendar?
The problem that prompted the reform of the Liturgical Year and Calendar was partly
due to the increased number of vigils, holy days, and octaves partly to the gradual
overlapping of various seasons in the liturgical year. It must be admitted that the faithful have
become accustomed to many special religious devotions that the principal mysteries of the
redemption have lost their proper place.

2. What initiatives and reforms have been undertaken by previous popes in order to make
the Liturgical Year as formative as it should be for the faith of God’s people and which
prepared the way to a greater reform brought about by Vatican II?
Saints Pius X and John XXIII came up with rules aimed at (a) restoring Sunday
celebration to its original rank and place of esteem in the mind of all as the first holy day of
all; and (b) renewing the celebration of Lent.
Pope Pius XII decreed for the Western Church restoration of the Easter Vigil as the
occasion for the people of God to reaffirm their spiritual covenant with the risen Lord during
the celebration of the sacraments of Christian initiation.

3. How might be the best way to characterize or define the Liturgical Year in relation
both to the mystery of Christ and to the life of the Church?
The cycle of the liturgical year possesses a distinct sacramental power and efficacy to
strengthen the Christian Life. The Church opens to the faithful the riches of the Lord’s
powers and merits, so that these are in some way made present in every age in order that the
faithful may lay hold on them and be filled with saving grace.

4. What is the general purpose or, better, yet, the vision of the Vatican II reform on the
Liturgical Year and Calendar?
The general purpose on Liturgical Year and Calendar is that through faith, hope and
love the faithful may share more deeply in the whole mystery of Christ as it unfolds
throughout the year.

5. What were some of the concrete reforming measures undertaken by the Vatican II
Church to restore the mystery of Christ to its centrality that has been rendered obscure
through the past centuries?
The following are the concrete reforming measures undertaken by the Vatican II to
restore the mystery of Christ to its centrality that has been rendered obscure through the past
centuries: the Church has always firmly and securely held that the feast of the saints proclaim
and renew Christ’s paschal mystery; the names of the saints have been deleted from the
General Calendar and permission was granted to restore the memorials and veneration of
other saints in those areas with which they have been traditionally associated. In
consequence, the single catalogue displays in equal dignity as representatives of all people
those who either shed their blood for Christ or were astounding in the heroic virtues.

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