Lecture 4

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Stage 1
❖ 10 Reason of rejection in stage 1.
❖ What is seen by assessor in PPDT.
❖ Stage 1 tips
PPDT ( Picture Perception & Discussion Test )
➢ Picture Display
➢ Story Writing
➢ Narration
➢ Discussion
Picture Display
➔ Blur picture will be displayed for 30 seconds.
Story Writing
➔ 5 minute for writing story.
★ 1 min for filling details in box.
★ 4 min for writing story.
➔ 1 minute for narration.
★ Prepare for 50 sec ( Safe side ).
➔ 15-20 minutes
Officer Intelligence Rating ( OIR )
➢ 2 Sets
➢ Verbal & Non verbal.
➢ Time 20 - 30 minutes.
➢ 45,50 question.

★ Note :- Oir is very very important for clearing stage 1

★ Tip :- If you’re unable to solve question do reverse engineering. ie Watch
option 1st.
10 Reason of Rejection in stage 1
1. Poor communication skills.
2. Low grasp.
3. Negative thoughts
4. Preconceived ideas, stubbornness, low iq.
5. Lack of problem solving skill.
6. Poor time management.
7. Wrong perception of gender age & figures.
8. Poor imagination
9. Violent or dominating behaviour.
10. Poor self esteem / sad kind.
What is seen by assessor in PPDT
1. Observation
2. Perception
3. Narration ( V imp )
➔ Content
➔ Manner
➔ Expression
What is seen by assessor in Discussion
1. Participation
2. Firmness on Views
3. Manner & mannerism.
4. Empathy.
5. Ability to encourage & involve other.
6. Response & reaction to others.
7. Tact in interaction
➔ Ability to maintain emotion
➔ Facial expression
➔ Voice tone
➔ Body language
8. Impact on others.
Stage 1 Tips
★ Things to keep in mind while writing story :-
1. Do not be wishful be practical.
2. No negativity.
3. Avoid overwriting & cutting.
4. A original plot.
5. Do not describe pic make story on it.
6. Write a story which you can handle.
7. Do not choose a -ve character as Hero.
Stage 1 Tips
★ Narration
1. Do not stammer, avoid pauses.
2. Do not be very loud but audible.
3. Good tone , pitch.
4. Describe only 3-4 character max.
5. Don't waste your time in describing

main character in narration.

Stage 1 Tips
★ Discussion
1. Do not make it fish market.
2. If fish market is there than try to calm it only once.
3. Never nominate yourself.
4. If nominated by group do not narrate your own story.
➔ You can add few points of your story.
Stage 1 Tips
★ Point to focus on picture
1. Clothes
2. Expression
3. Background.
Stage 1 Tips
★ NOTE :-
➢ 100 - 150 People in pic - Crowd
➢ 10 -12 people in pic - Group
➢ Mood in case of positive background could be in +ve even face is neutral.
➢ If male is in -ve mood then take female as main character ( vice versa )
➢ If group is going with -ve stories then suggest only once then go with group.
➢ A ‘P’ ( person ) is always in neutral mood.
➢ Write complete action.
★ Purpose of circling 1st character is to see whether you mark + or -
character. (psychology)
Stage 1
❖ 10 Reason of rejection in stage 1.
❖ What is seen by assessor in PPDT.
❖ Stage 1 tips


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