Factors That Contribute To CPU Reballing Cost

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Factors that Contribute to CPU Reballing Cost

CPU reballing is the process of swapping out a CPU’s solder balls. We must replace
the original solder balls when they deteriorate or break, which can cause several
problems like overheating, crashing, or other faults.

CPU reballing is viable if you’re looking for a low-cost phone repair solution. Yet,
this procedure is difficult and calls for numerous supplies and tools.

It takes a lot of time, too. As a result, doing it at home is not something that anybody
can do. Thus, the CPU reballing cost is quite considerable.

The price of CPU reballing may differ depending on several variables. The following
elements affect the CPU reballing cost:

Type of CPU:

One of the most crucial elements influencing the price is the type of CPU that we are
rebalancing. The CPU reballing cost increases with CPU complexity. This is so that
reballing on more complicated CPUs with more pins may be done with greater
accuracy and competence. For instance, an Intel Core i7 processor will cost more to
reball since it is more complex than an Intel Core i3 chip.

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Accessibility of the CPU:

CPU Reballing

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The accessibility of the CPU is a significant aspect that affects the CPU reballing cost.
The expense of reballing will be less if the CPU is rapidly and easily accessible. On
the other hand, the cost will be higher if the CPU is challenging to reach and
necessitates substantial disassembly.

Complexity of the BGA:

Another element that may have an effect on the price of reballing is the complexity of
the ball grid array (BGA). Reballing BGAs with more layers, smaller pitches, and
finer traces costs more since it takes more accuracy and ability. This is because it
takes more dexterity and experience to remove and replace the solder balls on a more
sophisticated BGA.

Type of solder:

Costs may vary depending on the solder used in the reballing procedure. For example,
leaded solders typically cost less than lead-free solders. This is because lead-free
solders are more challenging to use and require greater accuracy and experience. On
the other hand, the cost of the reballing procedure may increase since lead-free solders
are more expensive to buy than leaded solders.

Quantity of CPUs:

Another element that could affect the price is the number of CPUs we are rebalancing.
The cost per CPU will decrease the more CPUs we need to rebalance. This is due to
the fact that reballing numerous CPUs at once makes the procedure more effective.

Age of the CPU:

The price of reballing may also depend on the CPU’s age. For example,
older CPUs might be more expensive to reball since they might be harder. In addition,
changing the solder balls on older CPUs may be more challenging due to their
increased wear and tear.

Condition of the CPU:

The price of reballing may also depend on the state of the Processor. For example,
before reballing, damaged or corroded CPUs might need to undergo extra repairs. The
cost of the reballing procedure may increase as a result of this additional repair work.

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Required tools:

The final cost may also depend on the price of the tools needed to complete the
reballing procedure. Specialized equipment is necessary for reballing,
including soldering flux, soldering irons, and reflow machines. Depending on the
quality and quantity required, these instruments might range in price.

Training and experience of the technician:

The technician executing the reballing process’s training and experience may impact
the price. More educated and experienced technicians typically charge more for their
services. This is so that they can produce work of a higher caliber and work more

Cost of Stencil

In essence, stencils are plates that are usually made of metal and include tiny holes
corresponding to the size and spacing of solder balls on computer chips. They
simplify array device placement so that reballing teams can cut their time spent
reworking an array by up to 50%.

Both specialized and universal varieties are available. The former are rectangular
matrices, whereas the latter are square matrices with holes that match the BGA
chip pin configuration.

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We specially adjust the pattern to the pitch and diameter of the particular chip for a
specialized stencil. Most reballing kits come with at least one specific stencil, perfect
for reballing various chips.

The design and size of the pattern, whether it is reusable or disposable after a single
use, and the print quality all affect how much the stencil costs. It also relies on the
operator’s squeegee abilities and how flat the circuit board is.

Cost of Soldering Paste

We can join wires and other components using the soldering paste, a mixture of flux
and solder powder. Moreover, we may repair a broken circuit board using it. However,
until they are reflow-soldered, components are held in place by the solder paste’s
tactility. As a result, we may apply solder to components with greater accuracy, which
improves the parts’ dependability and performance.

Soldering paste requires the right chemistry and ingredients to be effective. It should
be resistant to high temperatures during the soldering process and free of substances
that can corrode or be toxic. It should also have sufficient metal to provide a solid
solder bond and form an electrical connection.

Soldering pastes come in various forms, each having a unique rheological

composition and quantity of metal powder. The quality of a solder paste’s printing,
drying, and bonding with the PCB pads depends on its rheology.

Thicker pastes can be applied using an ink-jet printing technique, whereas thinner
pastes are often screen printed onto the pads using a stencil. These techniques are
more precise for small pads and less expensive than stencil printing.

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Cost of Desoldering Wire

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Desoldering may be necessary while removing or changing components from a

computer or other electrical device. First, heat the solder joints to remove the
component from the circuit board and then remove the molten solder.

Many instruments, such as a soldering iron and desoldering pump, can be used for this.
A desoldering pump is a hand-operated device that draws molten solder away from a
component connection using suction. Applications for this kind of equipment include
component replacement and repair, among many others.

A hand-held device called a soldering iron heats up the connections between your
board components. Desoldering is made simpler by the heat-assisted transmission of
molten solder to the other components of the circuit.

You should choose the soldering iron that best suits your needs from the various
varieties available. To prevent the iron from overheating, the temperature setting may
need to be changed depending on the sort of component you’re trying to remove.

Cost of Tin

Many electronics depend on the presence of tin. For example, electric vehicles (EVs),
solar panels, circuit boards, and other items use it. Moreover, it contributes to creating
metal alloys like pewter and brass.

Tin is a rare metal, though. Moreover, it isn’t easy to mine since it is only present in
the Earth’s crust at a rate of roughly two parts per million.

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Supply problems, particularly in China and Indonesia, where lockdowns halted

manufacturing, were to blame for the price increase. In addition, the Covid-19
outbreak, which disrupted international trade and led to a shortage of shipping
containers, increased demand.

Tin prices, like most non-ferrous metals, are influenced by general market trends and
limitations on supply and demand. As a result, they frequently change in response to
cyclical economic situations, natural calamities, and major world economies.

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