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Pre-Bid Meeting

Topographic Surveying Services

Procurement Presentation
PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (“Principal”) 15 February 2024

Include the information of classification category in line with the presentation’s data: Confidential Information, Restricted Information etc.
1. Introduction from Principal
2. Introduction from Bidders
3. Instructions to Bidder
4. Technical Proposal
5. Pricing Schedule
6. Technical Presentation
Introduction from
PT Sumbawa Timur Mining
Introduction from Bidders
Estimate Schedule
No Stage Estimate Date

1 Invitation to bid issuance 12 February 2024

2 Pre-Bid Meeting 15 February 2024

3 Clarification Submission 16-19 February 2024

4 Bid Proposal Submission 23 February 2024

5 Bid Evaluation (Technical and Negotiation) 23 February – 21 Mar 2024

6 Notification Successful/Unsuccessful 29 Mar 2024 / end of March

7 Contract issued 5 April 2024

8 Contract start 1 Aug 2024

Instructions to Bidder (“ITB”)
ITB Documents
Description Documents Remarks for Your Proposal
Instruction to Bidders (ITB)
01. General Instruction to Bidder Non-returnable

02. Special Instruction to Bidder Non-returnable

Returnable – only for the
03. Form Attachment to ITB
applicable forms
Draft Agreement 04. STM Terms & Conditions (Low Risk REV7)_ prevail Non-returnable
05. Appendix A- Description of Services Non-returnable
06. Appendix B- Pricing Schedule Non-returnable
06.a. Appendix B-1 Pricing Schedule Returnable
07.Appendix C- Code of Conduct Returnable Appendix C-2

08. Appendix D- HSR Policy Returnable Appendix D-1

09. Appendix E- Declaration Subcontractor Returnable (if any)

10. Attachment-1 Contract Summary Expenditure Non-Returnable

11. Attachment-2_Bilingual_Supplier Risk Assessment Returnable
12. AAttachment-3_Bid Clarification Register Returnable (if any)
13. Attachment-4 - Matrix MCU Non-Returnable
14. Confirmation Sheet (we will attach in this prebid meeting MoM) Non-Returnable
Special Instructions
Bid Proposal
Currency : IDR
Proposal Validity : 90 days
Pre-Bid Meeting : 15 February 2024
Clarification Period : 16-19 February 2024
Using Bid Register Form (word) and send through e-mail
Bid Proposal Submission Due Date : 23 February 2024
Bid Proposal Submission : By email to
Please DO NOT cc and bcc to any Principal’s personnel
(including myself) when submit the Bid Proposal

Screen shoot proposal submission email to:
Other Requirements
Bid Proposal
Insurance : Minimum coverage public liability insurance from US$ 1 million per
occurrence, see clause 14.6
See other insurances in clause 14.6 of Terms and Condition
Terms and Conditions clarification : • If you have any clarification to our standard terms and condition,
please use Bid Register Form (word) and attached in your proposal.
• If you don’t have terms and conditions clarification, we assume that
you agree to use our standard terms and conditions and there is no
any negotiation to terms and conditions after contract award. To
confirm your acceptance, please use our form-4 in tender file 03.
Form Attachment to ITB
One on One Technical Meeting W4 Feb 2024 (26-28 Feb 2024)
KBLI of Service Provider : Aktivitas penunjang pertambangan dan penggalian lainnya, KBLI 09900
SIUJP of Service Provider : Sector Eksploration Sub-Sector Topographic Mapping
Subcontractor : Shall not exceed 40% of amount contract value
Bid Proposal Submission
Email Subject : Bid Proposal_BIDDER’S NAME_STM-CN24-005, Topographic Surveying
Bid Proposal Documents
No Description File Name Format
1 Participation Statement Letter A1_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Participation Statement Letter PDF
2 Clarification Form A2_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Clarification Form PDF and
3 Request For “Subcontract Authorization” Checklist A3_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Req. for Subcont. Auth. Checklist PDF
4 Annex 1 Sub-Contractor Details A4_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Annex 1 Subcont. Details PDF/Word
5 Authorization to Subcontract by Principal A5_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Auth. to Subcont PDF/Word
6 Bidder Statement on The Authenticity of Documents A6_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Statement on The Authenticity PDF/Word
7 Initial Risk Assessment Questionnaire A7_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Risk Assessment PDF
8 Principles of Conduct for Third Parties A8_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Code conduct Third Parties PDF
9 Audited Financial Statement for the last 3 years. The Financial A9_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Audited Financial PDF
Statement should consist of: Balance Sheet, Proft & Loss, Cash
Flow, and Notes to Financial Statement
10 Supporting document, your company legal document such as A10_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Legal Document PDF
AKTA, NIB KBLI 09900, Izin Usaha, SIUJP, etc.

11 Declaration Form Subcontractor (if any) A11_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Declaration Form Subcontractor PDF
Bid Proposal Submission (Cont’d)
Bid Proposal

No Description File Name Format

10 Technical Proposal Letter B1_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Technical Proposal Letter PDF
11 Technical Document B2_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Technical Proposal PDF and
Refer to: Word
1. Appendix-A-Description of Services & Technical
Presentation in this Prebid Meeting.

2. Appendix D-1 – Pre-qualification OHS & including its

supporting documents
12 Price Proposal Letter and Commercial Requirement C1_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Price Proposal Letter PDF
13 Price Schedule C2_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Price Schedule PDF and
14 Statement of Insurance C3_Bidder’s Name_ STM-CN24-005_Statement of Insurance PDF
Pricing Schedule
Price Conditions (Appendix B – Price Schedule)
• The rates applied for this Contract shall be fixed for during Contract period. Except as provided otherwise herein, the
prices include, but is not limited to, all overhead and profit and all the Service Provider’s labor costs and payroll burdens,
management, supervision, subsistence allowance, bonuses, overtime, religious holiday allowance (THR), medical check-
up (MCU), transport allowance, fringe benefits, BPJS Health, BPJS Employment, BPJS Pension, uniform, training, facilities
and services, computer, communication equipment/tools, equipment, the Service Provider’s facilities, all personnel safety
courses, personal protective equipment (PPE), transportation including all mobilization and demobilization cost,
accommodation, meals, all insurance, taxes (exclude VAT), overhead charges, all expenses (includes office supplies,
external law enforcement, car rental etc), liabilities, obligation and risks. Services items and other services required by
this Contract and all other costs or expenses of any kind, which directly or indirectly relate to accomplishing the Services.

• The Service Provider shall be fully responsible for the payment of all taxes, charges, fees and all other duties arising directly or indirectly
out of the performance of this Contract, including but not limited to the Service Provider's Personnel income tax, wages, salaries and
benefits and the Service Provider shall comply with the provisions in this Contract, the Applicable Law (UU No. 13 year 2003, PP No. 35, 36
& 37 year 2021 as well as the amendments, addenda, and/or substitutions thereof) and the agreed terms and conditions in the
employment agreement between the Service Provider and the Service Provider's Personnel. The Service Provider's failure to comply with
this requirement may result in withholding payment of the Service Provider's invoice for this Contract or termination of this Contract for
the Service Provider's default.
Price Conditions (Appendix B – Price Schedule)
Unit Rate Estimate Total Price
No Description Estimate Qty UoM Remarks
A Personnel to Provide the Services
1 Geodetic Engineer (2 persons) 48 Man-Month - All-in as per applicable regulations
2 Field Asistant (2 persons) 48 Man-Month - All-in as per applicable regulations
B Supporting Operational to Provide the Services
1 PPE 10 Lot - 1 Lot for 1 person per year
2 Light vehcile, 4 WD, DC including driver 24 Months - Equipped safety equipment as Principal's standard.
As per Principal's specification. 2 unit for personnel & 1 unit for LV. At the end
3 Radio HT 3 Unit - of Contract, these radio shall be handed over to Principal and will be
Principal's property (belong to Principal).
As per Principal's standard. Local employee shall be MCU at Prodia Bima.
4 MCU 10 Lot -
1 Lot for 1 person per year
5 Hotel accommodation for 2 persons 24 Months - For 2 geodetic enginner.
Flight ticket including travel cost during travel in
6 24 Months - For 2 geodetic engineer.
and travel out as per roster schedule
Lunch willl be provided by Principal for engineer and local (fied assistence +
7 Meals dinner & breakfast For 2 geodetic enginner 24 Months -
LV driver)

• The Service Provider specifically agrees that the Principal are not obligated to guarantee nor to provide enough work to
equal the estimate Contract Sum. The quantities of work provided on Compensation Table (BoQ) are only estimates
used for the purpose of defining estimate Contract Sum. They do not in any way represent the Service Provider
commitment for request the Services of any minimum of Services during Contract period. The quantities of the Services
ordered by the Principal may vary substantially from these estimated quantities and the Service Provider will only be
paid for actual Services required and performed the Services in a good manner.
• Unit rate in IDR shall be without decimal.
Technical Proposal
Technical Proposal shall contain the minimum item as below:

No Description Detail Descriptions

1 Bidder’s Past Bidder provides experience for topographic survey services with other companies or
Experience current and past client which include information:
a. Provide company profile containing experience professional, reputation,
organization chart for this project, etc
b. Provide experience list for topographic survey (similar services to our SoW)
including detailing services provided
2 Technical Provide methodology complete the Services in compliance with scope of work
including technical specification referred to Appendix A (SoW)
a. Provide Standard Operating Procedure for topographic survey referred to
SNI/Kepmen/Permen and/or any applicable regulations
b. Provide manpower plan - FIFO and Local & including its duties & sample roster
c. Reporting: Provide form weekly and monthly report for the topography survey
d. Provide timeline execution plan of the Services after award (preparation, local
recruitment, manpower, etc.)
Technical Proposal
No Description Detail Descriptions
3 Personnel Qualification Information personnel qualification (experience and certificate)
a. Provide education certificate, resume and experience - Geodetic Engineer
b. Provide competency certificate of Geodetic Engineer - POP, Juru Ukur
Tambang, Pilot Drone
c. Provide others certificate (internal/external) related to topographic survey
such as training for operating survey tools, training for survey software, etc
Safety Evaluation Criteria
OHS PQ Assessment Document & Form
Tables Primary Weightings Criteria Sub-Criteria
Documentation (e.g. procedures, policy, certification, trainings certificates, companie’s
01.Behaviours and Commitment of communicates, checklist and others)
Report performance HSE KPI and Management Review.
Training Matrix and Plan (including onboarding Training) (Submit evidence of internal
training or induction plan from the service provider (relevant topic with the risk-hazar
02.People Management and Training identification and reporting, manual handling, etc)
Mandatory training related to H&S has been defined for each existing function
HIRAC Process and Hazard Identification Documentation
03.Perception and Risk Management Periodic Review Process and Employee Involvement (submit meeting evidence with
employee participation reflected on several management meetings and socialization,
audit, etc)
HS Supliers and Subcontractors Evaluations Process (procedure review subcon)
HEALTH, SAFETY 100% Occupational Health Programs (Ergonomic, Chemical Handling,etc)
AND RISK HSE Programs and Implementation
04.Health Safety and Risks Equipment Certification (Lifting Equipments, BOP, Gas Detector Calibrations, Certificate of
(Problem Solving and Continuos Improvement) Applicability analysis for health and safety,
environment and risk management solutions are performed and, if applicable, solutions are
05.Management of Changes MOC Procedures and Implementations
06.Emergency Emergency Response Procedures (related to the Services)
Legal Compliance Register (identified and evaluate regulation/law)
07.Compliance Internal or External Audit (submit internal & external audit procedure, audit external
SMK3, etc)
Subtotal Sub Score

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