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Part ABase Module

A 1 Introduction
CEDRUS-5 is a Finite Element program for the linear elastic, static and dynamic analysis
of plate structures (both for bending and in−plane actions). It is especially conceived,
however, for reinforced concrete slabs and provides the corresponding reinforcement
for limit states as well as the reinforcement contents.
Besides the basic module for plates the following modules are available as options:
S Plates subjected to in−plane actions (plane stress states)
S Ultimate load capacity for slabs
S Optimum design (with possible plastic redistribution) of the slab reinforcement
S Dynamics
S Prestressing
The handbook available in printed form comprises Chapter 2 Basic Theory" with a de-
scription of the general principles and scope of CEDRUS-5, without treating matters of
program handling, and Chapter 3 Working with CEDRUS-5", which with the help of
an example gives an introduction to the use of the program.
. It is highly recommended that each user for getting started with CEDRUS-5 works through
these two short chapters completely, before venturing on a serious calculation.
Besides these two printed chapters there is also the Help System of CEDRUS-5, which
during program execution provides context-sensitive help on all aspects of program
handling. It is also equipped with search functions for any technical terms and thanks
to the many hyperlinks (navigation aids to further information) one can obtain the re-
quired information quickly. Some information is also given in Chapter 3 on the use of
the Help System.
CEDRUS-5 is suitable for the solution of complex problems. But this means that there
are various sources of error, from the static modelling to data input, numerical problems,
interpretation of results and finally possible programming errors, which for such exten-
sive software cannot unfortunately be eliminated despite all care taken in the develop-
ment work. Thus the main requirements for the successful application of CEDRUS-5 are
an adequate theoretical background and checking the results by means of rough cal-
culations and plausibility considerations.
CEDRUS-5 is continually being improved by the Cubus corporation. Therefore, criti-
cisms, suggestions and special wishes from the side of engineering practice are always
welcome. Our clients will, of course, be informed of any major changes or develop-
We reserve the right of small deviations of the program from the printed description in
the sense of self-evident changes in the dialogue.

A 1.1 Changes since CEDRUS-4

The goal of CEDRUS-5 was a better integration of the national codes (namely Eurocode
and Swisscode) in the fields of materials, dimensioning procedures and load combina-

Part A Base Module A 1 Introduction

tion generation. Besides these aspects a lot of productivity tools and functions have
been implemented. The most important changes are listed here:

User Interface
S Functionality was added to the graphics editor: Objects can now also be stretched,
rotated, searched for properties, selected with polygons, renumbered, labelled with
the point coordinates (and the labels easily displaced via context menu). Dialogs do
automatically shrink when objects are constructed. The structure can be rendered.
Short-cuts <F12>/<F11> for ’Calculate’ and ’Create print entry’ and help documenta-
tion in pdf−format are now available. A ’direct conversion’ (from clipboard) function
was introduced (e.g. making DXF−import even easier than before).
S Automatic generation of a net box (default).

S Introduction of ’project materials’ and the corresponding material manager (Menu
Settings>Materials). Project materials are containers for all material specific values
(material class according to the code, mass, Poisson ratio, temperature deviation co-
efficient etc.).
S Stiffness factor for zones (material boxes, downstanding beams).
S Analysis parameter sets (Menu Settings>Analysis parameters).
S Support for Swisscode.
Loads, Actions, Limit State Specifications
S Actions and Limit State Specifications were reorganized, automatic generation ex-
tended to Swisscode/Eurocode.
S Load cases have now text Ids.
S Load case ’Dead load’ is autom. generated. The self weight is defined via acceleration
loads (and the mass from the project material).
S Loads for differential temperature.
S Detailed legend of load objects with netto sum.
S Improved load transfer from floor to floor. (dialog ’Load export’ in the tabsheet
Results, Output
S Envelop values for area supports.
S Report generator.
S Result combinations of nonlinear calculations.
S Dimensioning according to Swisscode.
S Punching according to Swisscode.
S Improved numerical output.
S Output of edge stresses.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

A 2 Basic Theory

A 2.1 Element Model and Solution Method

CEDRUS-5 is a Finite Element (FE) program primarily for the calculation and design of
reinforced concrete slabs. The linear-elastic FE calculation also permits supports in-
capable to resisting tensile forces. The element models used are hybrid triangular and
quadrilateral elements of arbitrary shape with the three displacement degrees of free-
dom vz (bending), rx, ry (rotations about the axes x,y) in the corner nodes.




Bending actions are considered, but not membrane forces. The most important element
properties are:
S Quadratic functions for moments within elements.
S Cubic functions for displacements at element boundaries.
S Section forces in corner nodes as well as at the centre of an element.
S Possibility of area supports (if desired without tensile fixture).

The elements are among the best available today for this area of application. They were
first proposed by Pian and are to be found in numerous programs. For a detailed study
of this element model refer to the following:
S J.P. Wolf: Generalized Stress Models for Finite Element Analysis", Institute of Struc-
tural Engineering, ETH Zurich, Report Nr. 52, 1974 Birkhäuser, Basle.
S U. Walder: Beitrag zur Berechnung von Flächentragwerken nach der Methode der
Finiten Elemente", Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH Zurich, Report Nr. 77,
1977 Birkhäuser, Basle.

The FE method in CEDRUS-5 essentially involves the following steps:

1. Determination of the element matrices for the hybrid method.
2. Determination of the load vectors (right hand sides of the system of equations).
3. Summation of the element stiffness matrices to form the global stiffness matrix.
4. Solution of the resulting system of equations for the unknown nodal displacement
parameters (possibly iteratively in the case of supports that do not take tension).
5. Calculation of the section forces in the elements for the now known nodal displace-
ment parameters.

One should observe that the FE method is an approximate numerical method. The
numerical solution, however, converges for an ever finer element mesh, within the limits
of numerical accuracy, to the exact theoretical solution of Kirchhoff’s plate bending

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

A 2.2 Modelling

A 2.2.1 Geometry of the Plan Outline

The geometry of the plan outline is basically fixed by the following conditions:
S Outline: An arbitrary closed polygon.
S Recesses and openings: Arbitrary closed polygons.
S Downstanding beams: Wall−like lines or polygons of specified width and arbi-
trarily directed closure lines. Downstanding beams may intersect, but at most two
at any one place.
S Walls: Wall−like lines or polygons of specified width and arbitrarily directed closure
lines. Walls are modelled as line supports. The position of the support axis can be
chosen anywhere within the wall (centrical, eccentrical). The wall outline has a vis-
ual function and is irrelevant to the calculation model.
S Columns: Rectangles or parallelograms to model columns. The user has the choice
between point or area support.
S Material separators: Lines or polygons which divide up the slab into several zones
with different material attributes.
S Hinges: Lines, along which and normal to the direction of the line only shear forces
and no moments are transmitted.
S Lines of symmetry: Along these lines the slab may bend but normal to them it
may not rotate. Thus one has a special type of linear support, which may only lie

on the slab boundary.



standing Opening



Material separators


The distance between the corner or end points of the outline elements as well as the
distance of these points to lines of the outline elements may not be less than a minimum
permissible length. In the case of walls only the wall axis is relevant in this respect. This
minimum length depends on the FE method and is preselected by the program. It can,
if necessary, be changed by the user, provided appropriate attention is given to numeri-
cal effects.
Material properties and the slab thickness are constant within each zone. For later pro-
gram versions a linear variation within a zone is planned. Note, on this question one
can get help within the program itself.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

A 2.2.2 Slab Thickness and Material

A slab can be subdivided into different zones by material separators. Downstanding

beams automatically create their own material zones and also act as material separators.
In the case of columns one has the choice of giving them their own material properties
or using the material of the zone in which they lie. In the first case the boundary of the
column also acts as a material separator.
CEDRUS-5 recognizes the following material models: isotropic, orthotropic, drilling-
soft and downstanding beam which are described in detail in the following sections.
Downstanding beams have implicitly a downstanding beams material, while columns
with their own material are isotropic. Any of the material models listed above can be
assigned to the other zones.
In the description of the material models the following notation is used:
mx , my ,mxy : slab moments
(Ë xy + 2 ē w  , w + bendingdeflection)
kx , ky , kxy : slab curvatures ēxēy
E,n : elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio
d thickness of the slab

Isotropic Material

Isotropic material is directionally independent and is completely described by two elas-

tic constants, i.e. the modulus of elasticity (or Young’s modulus) E and Poisson’s ratio
n as in Kirchhoff’s plate theory. The relationship between plate curvatures and plate mo-
ments is governed by the following elasticity matrix (i.e. a matrix containing the elastic

Ë xy
+ 12 *
1 *n
n 1
fEEd 3 0 0 2(1 ) n)
ȳ mm
ȧm xy

whereby d = thickness of the element, fE = factor of the stiffness (deafult=1.0)

Drilling-Soft Material

If the third diagonal coefficient of the elasticity matrix for isotropic material is chosen
to be very large, then the slab is very soft in drilling action with respect to selectable
directions (x,y) and therefore no drilling moment mxy can be resisted. In special cases
this can be useful, e.g. if one wants to have no drilling reinforcement thereby accepting
larger values of mx and my. It should be noted, however, that in certain cases without
drilling moments equilibrium is not possible.

Orthotropic Material

Orthotropic material exhibits different properties in the two directions x and y normal
to one another. It is described by the following elasticity matrix:

Ë xy
ȱdd dd 00 ȳ mm


Ȳ0 0 d ȴ m

(d 12 + d21 x 0)

Here the condition d11 *d22 > d12 *d21 must be fulfilled. The x-direction (material direc-
tion) is selectable.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

Downstanding Beams
Downstanding beams (just called beams in the following) are treated in CEDRUS-5 as
d orthotropic elements using the following elasticity matrix:

ȱ 12 0 0 ȳ
Ëy ȧEh
+ ȧ 0
1 12 ȧ m
0 ȧ m
Ë xy f
E Ed3
24 ȧ
m xy

Ȳ0 0
Ed ȴ3

whereby h = fictitious height of underbeam

d = thickness of neighbouring element (=input value)
Illustration fE = factor of the stiffness (deafult=1.0)

Thus the beam elements have the full stiffness in the longitudinal direction (on h see
below), whereas for the transverse and drilling stiffness the thickness of the neighbour-
ing slab is used.

To determine the fictitious beam height h model 4 described below is used. It lies be-
tween the extreme cases represented by models 2 and 3.

n Model 1: T-section with effective width B


This model corresponds best with reality. It cannot, however, be applied, since CE-
DRUS-5 does not take membrane effects (i.e. membrane strains) into account.

n Model 2: Beam eccentric


Since the neutral axis in slabs lies in the middle, the stiffness here is too high.

I n * I nslab + bh ) bhe2(I nslab + IpartofslabofwidthB * b)



Model 3: Beam centric

n The stiffness of this model is too small, since the eccentricity is neglected.

I n * I nslab + bh


Model 4: Lies between model 2 and model 3 = CEDRUS-5 model

ǒ Ǔ
n 3
I n * I nslab + bh + 1 bh ) bhe 2 ) bh h+Ǹ
3 3
; 3
h 3 ) 6e 2h
12 2 12 12

For intersecting beams, in the zone of intersection an orthotropic material is used which
exhibits in the direction of the higher underbeam, if present, the bending stiffness, while
normal to it as well as for drilling action that of the other beam. More than two beams
may not intersect at a point. If an beam connects laterally to another one, it shold inter-
sect this one (and not just touch) in order to permit a correct introduction of its shear

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

A 2.2.3 Area-Supported Elements

Area-supported slab zones exhibit a uniformly distributed reaction pressure for each
finite element and the average settlement is determined on the basis of the given modu-
lus of subgrade reaction and the support pressure. If the modulus of subgrade reaction
ks has a very high value, an element may theoretically be free to bend and rotate, but
on average it cannot exhibit settlement. With an area-supported element alone or even
several acting on one line, therefore, a stable support of the slab is not guaranteed.
A good visual model for the area-supported element is the liquid filled cushion:

Subgrade reaction ks:

support pressure
liquid filled cushion ks = [kN/m3]

stiff plate settlement
elastic support

A use of area-supported elements is the supports of columns. The support elements are
described in the next section.
Another use of area-supported elements is the Modulus of Subgrade Reaction
Method. Area-supported elements can be employed with or without tension capabil-
ities. In the latter the program reaches the correct solution by means of iteration.

A 2.2.4 Columns / Point Supports

The column object of the CEDRUS-5 Input Module offers the following modelling possi-
bilities. Special columns, which cannot be modelled in this way, must be modelled with
other support types.
For each column the settlement sdz (or the modulus of subgrade reaction ks for area-sup-
ports) and rotational stiffnesses srx, sry can be specified. If one provides reasonable va-
lues of elasticity modulus and column height, then the stiffnesses can be calculated
automatically by the program using the following formulas:

4EIx 4EIy
s dz + EA ; s rx + ; s ry +
h h h
E: elasticity modulus of the column
A: sectional area of column = area of input column object
Ix ,Iy : second moments of area of column section
h: column height
There are two support models for columns: area supports and point supports.

Point Supports
Since point supports, because of the moment singularities resulting from plate theory,
involve rather problematic modelling, they should mainly be used only when an area
support is difficult to include in the input. Whereas for an area support the sides of the
column quadrilateral represent fixed lines for the FE mesh, with point supports it is only
a question of a point. With point supports the column dimensions are used for punching
shear verification and to determine the stiffnesses of the column.

Area Supports
In the FE model area supports are modelled with area-supported elements. By means
of an arbitrarily directed parallelogram a limited area-supported zone is input together

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

ÏÏ with the effective column cross section, which can either be a rectangle or a circular

1) section. In the following cases it is better if the supported zone is not identical with the
column section:
1) Columns of circular section of rather small diameters cannot be modelled with a rea-
column section sonable FE mesh.
supported area 2) For small diameter columns one chooses with advantage the support zone to be
somewhat larger than the column section, in order to obtain a more homogeneous FE

mesh and also more realistic column moments.

ÏÏ The user has to decide whether an area support should be with a single finite element
or with subdivision into several elements.
Area supports with one element are necessary if a column should not resist moments.
If in spite of this a bending stiffness is specified, then this is distributed by the programm
automatically in the form of bending stiffnesses to the four corner nodes.
2) Area supports distributed over several elements are unavoidable if their sides are
divided up by other geometrical input objects like material separators. They may be de-
sirable if one wants a finer FE mesh over a column. Distribution over several elements,
however, means that such a column always exhibits a certain bending stiffness, since
Support area each element acts like an independent support spring. With the value of ks for the modu-
subdivided into lus of subgrade reaction of the supported elements the bending stiffness for a rectangu-
several elements lar column section resulting from the area support (see figure alongside) is given ap-
b proximately by:

s r + ab k s


If one determines ks from the settlement of the column (see following figure), then as-
suming that the supported zone is identical with the rectangular column section ks=E/h
and thus

s r + Eab .

If the column section deviates from the shape of the support zone, then these consider-
ations about stiffness can be adapted accordingly.


A column of the same dimensions fixed at its base (column extreme right in figure), on
the other hand, exhibits a bending stiffness four times higher:

s r + Eab


N + Eab M + 1 @ sr M + 1 @ sr


1 1

ks + N + E
ab h


Since it is not allowed to fall below the stiffness sr , this value represents a minimum
for the input. Higher stiffnesses, as for a column with one element, are modelled by a
rotational stiffness uniformly distributed over all column nodes.

A 2.2.5 Walls / Line Supports

Line supports are input in CEDRUS-5 basically as wall objects. Wall objects are polygons
of selectable width with information about modulus of elasticity and wall height.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

The computational model, however, is a line support, whose axis can be feely chosen
within the inputted wall. These support axes are fixed lines in the FE mesh and thus
are subject to the conditions of minimum distance between each other and to other
structure objects. The wall outline only serves a visual purpose and is not bound to any
geometrical consistency condition.

The settlement stiffness sdz and the bending stiffnesses srx and sry of the walls are de-
fined per unit length of wall and can be freely input or determined by the program on
the basis of wall thickness and height and elasticity modulus. They are defined as fol-
sdz : force per unit settlement; sdz = Et/h
srx : moment for a unit rotation about support axis; srx = Et3/3h
sry : moment for a unit rotation normal to support axis

The program does not calculate any stiffness for sry. This stiffness component is difficult
to model, but is only of secondary importance and usually is either set to blocked" or

A 2.2.6 Lines of Symmetry

Lines of symmetry are special line supports, along which the slab is free to bend, about
whose axis, however, it cannot rotate. Symmetry conditions are really only meaningful
at slab boundaries, which is why lines of symmetry are only allowed to lie on the plan

Lines of symmetry are used to demarcate parts of the slab in the model, be it a genuine
line of symmetry or if by means of a symmetry condition one obtains the most favour-
Lines of able boundary condition. Note, that with symmetry conditions the loads too always act
An example of genuine symmetry is given by the circular slab − even if with the condi-
tion of a symmetrically acting load it is rather academic. Here the input of a sector with
the corresponding symmetry conditions along the radial boundaries suffices.

Lines of symmetry on walls are not allowed. If a wall, however, has to act as a line
of symmetry then the rotation about its support axis is blocked. But the user is respon-
sible for reducing the settlement stiffness by 50%.
Point supports on lines of symmetry are permitted. Their x-direction, however, has
to coincide with the direction of the lines of symmetry. The program then blocks the
rotation about the x-axis, but does not reduce any stiffnesses due to symmetry. The user
has to supply the corresponding values. A simple possibility is to halve the elasticity
modulus of the column.

Point supports at the intersection of two lines of symmetry are also allowed. If
these form an angle of 180 degrees, then one has the same case as if the line of symmetry
would run right through (previous section). Otherwise the input direction of the column
is unimportant and the program blocks both rotations. The user is again responsible for
the correct input of the settlement stiffness.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

A 2.2.7 Hinges

Normal to hinges only shear forces and no moments are transmitted.

Hinges are preset (i.e. fixed) lines in the FE mesh and thus are subject to the conditions
of minimum distance between each other and to other structure objects. Several hinges
in a chain are allowed but no branching.

The hinge lines are implemented in the program as double nodes with the correspon-
ding nodal connections.

A 2.2.8 Loads

CEDRUS-5 permits the following types of load:

1) Area loads (i.e. loads per unit area)
Rectangular or arbitrary polygons for:
− body force (e.g. dead or self-weight)
− uniformly distributed force
− differential temperature loading
2) Line loads
Constant or trapezium distributed
− forces
− moments (about loading line)
3) Point loads
− forces
− moments about x- or y-direction
4) Displacements of point supports (the corresponding displacement parameters of
the support nodes have to be blocked)
− settlements
− rotations in x- or y-direction
5) Influence fields for
− moments mx, my, mxy in the global coordinate directions
− bearing pressure of area-supported elements
By introducing a unit point load or a unit support displacement one can also obtain
influence fields for point displacements and point reaction forces, respectively.

The load types 1) to 3) are independent of the FE mesh, so that they can be arbitrarily
arranged geometrically.

Loads are combined to individual load cases, which can be combined or superimposed
in any way for the calculation of the results. The load cases can be assigned to particular
action types, like dead weight loads, surcharge loads, imposed loads etc., whereby in
standard cases a load superposition automatically carried out by the program to deter-
mine the design section quantities is possible (see Chapter 2.3).

The influence field load cases are a special case. Each influence field requires a load
case, which cannot be combined with other load cases. It should be noted that in the
region of the influence point a very fine FE mesh is needed to obtain sufficiently accu-
rate results.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

A 2.2.9 The FE Mesh

An important part of modelling in an FE calculation is to have a suitable mesh subdivi-

sion, so that accurate results can be obtained with acceptable input, calculation and data
storage expenditure. There is no simple recipe. One factor is element quality (see Ch.
2.1). Further, in an FE calculation it is always important to know which results are of
primary interest. To want to obtain all results exact in every detail according to plate
theory is uneconomic and also not necessarily desirable (e.g. infinitely large moments
at point supports and in recessed corners).

In CEDRUS-5 the FE mesh is automatically created within zones if certain parameters

are provided. The zone boundaries are automatically defined by polygon line chains
(mesh separators), which themselves represent mesh lines and thus fulfil the conditions
regarding the distance of separation between structure objects. Automatic mesh gener-
ation can also be suppressed in individual zones. In these zones the mesh is input man-

The following parameters influence automatic mesh generation within a mesh zone:
S Maximum element side length: This important parameter defines the fineness of the
S Minimum element side length: The minimum element side length is usually gov-
erned by the structure’s geometry. If in regions without geometrical restrictions of
the structure one does not want, if possible, to go below a certain element side
length, then with this optional parameter one can specify a corresponding value. But
only values in the range 0.1 to at most 0.5 of the given maximum element side length
are meaningful.
S Direction of the mesh lines. The mesh is created by two families of lines in the given
directions, whereby all input structure objects have to be taken into account and ad-
justed to. It is recommended, if possible, to choose these directions orthogonal to
one another.

The program considers area supports to be separate mesh zones, which are automati-
cally treated taking into account the input column attributes.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

A 2.3 Actions and Limit State Specifications

A 2.3.1 Basic Considerations

The aim of all structural analysis is ultimately the dimensioning of a structure. This is
based on limit states, which requires among other things the selection of design situ-
ations with the associated load cases.

Each load case is characterised by a leading action and a simultaneously acting accom-
panying action and thus consists of a weighted combination of actions.

An experienced engineer can − at least for preliminary dimensioning − often limit the
consideration to a few points and also without much effort can recognize the critical
load cases for the investigated design situations.

The strength of a program however lies in the systematic treatment of numerous sections
or points. For many dimensioning tasks it is best to work with limit values of section
forces, reactions or displacements. These are determined by the Cubus programs on the
basis of limit state specifications, which uniquely describe the combination rules for the
individual loading. How these limit state specifications are arrived at is described below.

A 2.3.2 Overview of the Limit State Specifications

A simple limit state specification at the highest level looks as follows in the programs:

The considered actions are dealt with in the left half of the dialogue, and in the right
half the investigated combinations of these actions with the corresponding combination
factors. How these combinations were obtained is clearly seen here: the permanent ac-
tions ’Dead Load’ and ’Surcharge/Live Loads’ are investigated with the factors γsup (here
1.35) und γinf (0.8). In addition there are the variable actions, of which on the one hand
the snow loads as leading action (γQ=1.5) and the wind load as accompanying action
(ψ0=0.6) and on the other hand the wind loads as leading (γQ=1.5) and the snow loads
as accompanying (ψ0=0.88) actions are considered. The load and accompanying action
factors depend on
S the code
S the actions
S the design situation
S the limit state under consideration

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

The design situation and the limit state are specified on creating a new limit state specifi-
cation by the user .

The list of actions in the left part of the dialogue is created automatically on the basis
of the input loads, each of which is assigned to an action. The right part of the action
combinations can be automatically generated, but also be arbitrarily defined by adding
to, deleting or modifying columns. Regarding automatic generation see Chapter A 2.3.6.

The programs CEDRUS-5 and STATIK-5 automatically create a limit state specification
for the limit state (Type 2) of the ultimate limit state (structural safety) for the standard
design situation.

The actions, which have not yet been discussed in detail, will be treated in the next

A 2.3.3 Actions

Each individual load case is strictly speaking an action. But as is evident from the previ-
ous chapter, the term ’Action’ is defined more narrowly here. Before it is defined pre-
cisely, the following terms are once again clearly defined:
Loads: As loads all elementary load elements are meant, which are available in a pro-
gram as actions on a structure (see also above in A 2.3.1).
Examples: concentrated loads, line loads, etc.
Loads are always summed up together in loadings (see below).
Load Cases are a type of container for individual loads. On the load side they represent
the basic unit for which results can be calculated, and also from which actions are

Definition of the term ’Action’

Actions are load cases grouped to form individual categories like dead loads, live loads,
wind loads, snow loads, etc., which then finally are combined to form design situations
in the limit state specification.

How actions are formed

During input new load cases are always assigned to an action. Thereby the most used
actions available in the codes for the chosen structural type can be selected, whereby
the user can also define his/her own actions.

For the creation of limit state specifications all load cases assigned to the same action
are treaded as one. A user is still free to choose how the loadings interact to form an
action, i.e. whether e.g. they can all act together or are mutually exclusive (e.g. action
truck load: each position of the truck is a load case that is mutually exclusive). The corre-
sponding specification is called an action specification and is explained in detail later.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

The Dialog with the List of Actions

In order that on the one hand one has an overview of the actions that can arise in an
analysis with their properties and on the other hand to be able to define ones own ac-
tions, the programs have been provided with a special dialog:
Load factors and
combination factors

Code prescribed action

(cannot be changed)

Actions created
by user

The Properties of an Action

Action type
For an action type there are the following selection possibilities: ’permanent’, ’variable’,
’prestressing’, ’accidental’ or ’undefined’. The type influences the way in which action
combinations are formed in the limit state specification.

Load Factors and Combination Factors

To each action category there belong load factors and, depending on the type, combina-
tion factors. In the case of the actions prescribed in the codes these values cannot be
modified in the dialog. If this is necessary a user−defined action must be defined.

Action Sets and Action Groups

Several actions can together form an action set (e.g. several load models for a bridge).
Such actions are not considered separately in forming the action combination, but the
set appears as a whole in an action combination (e.g. as leading or accompanying ac-
The codes speak in this connection of action groups. This term is also supported in
a general sense in the Cubus programs. By it is understood the combinations, in which
the actions of a set have to be differentiated.
Example: The vertical and the horizontal live loads of a road bridge should be able to
occur as follows:
1) vertical loads full, without horizontal loads,
2) vertical loads * 0.75, horizontal loads full.
Solution: The loads are defined by two actions, which together form a set. The set ap-
pears in two so called action groups with the following combination factors,: (1,0) and
Which combinations should together form a set is specified in the above action dia-
logue. All actions which have the same names in the Set column form together an action

The Action Specification

To the full definition of an action there belongs the combination specification for the
participating loadings. Whereas permanent actions often consist of just one loading, for

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

variable actions a complicated superposition may be necessaray. Take for example as

an action the live loads acting on a multispan beam, for which loads have to be con-
sidered in an unfavourable position in the individual spans and in addition with a ve-
hicle load in different positions.

One can imagine as a simple combination scheme − denoted here by E1 − the compari-
son of all possible loading combinations. This may be represented in a loading scheme
sequence as follows:
Action = Loading combination
( E1 )

Loading combination = Loading ( * factor )
( E1 )

Example: Spans with unfavourably applied live load for a three span beam


3 loadings A, B and C are introduced for the individual spans.

The specification of the action Live Load according to the scheme E1is:

A or B or C or AB or AC or BC or ABC

In the case of a five span beam one would already have 31 load case combinations to
compare one with another. If two spans and perhaps a vehicle load in n possible posi-
tions were added, then the user would find it rather challenging in terms of combina-
torial analysis and soon lose track of the number of loading combinations.

According on the other hand to the extended superposition scheme − denoted here
by E2 − a compact and clear definition of all possible loadings is possible. This is best
illustrated in a loading scheme sequence:

Action = permanent Loading step ( E2 )


wobei: plus

Loading step = Loading combination

Loading combination = Loading ( * factor )

The scheme is based on an unconditional (permanent) or optional superposition of

loading steps. In contrast to the scheme E1, no complete loading combinations are de-
scribed, but instead there is an instruction on how the results have to be superimposed
in forming the limit values and how the limit values are formed.

From optional loading steps the value of the result for an extreme value in a point is
only considered if it is decisive, that is the extreme value is increasedby the correspon-
ding amount. Thus a positive value increases a maximum value and a negative one de-
creases a minimum value.

A loading step consists in the simple case of a single loading or of a loading combina-
tion. It can however also consist of a series of loadings or loading combinations, of
which only one can occur at any one time (e.g. different vehicle positions). In this case,
in the evaluation of the loading step there is in each point a minimum and a maximum
value of the considered result quantity.

The specification for the above example for scheme E2 is:

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

A plus B plus C
In the case of a five span beam with loading in the spans A,B,C,D,E and an additional
vehicle in 9 positions (a,b,c,..,i) the specification is:
A plus B plus C plus D plus E plus a or b or c or d or e
or f or g or h or i

The user can specify an arbitrary number of actions following the superposition scheme

. The scheme E1 is contained in E2 as a special case (without ’PERMANENT’ and ’PLUS’).

Automatically−generated Action Specifications

The programs automatically create for each action (exception: prestressing actions) an
action specification according to the folowing rules:

Permanent actions: all associated loadings are added up. Such an action consists
therefore of a fixed loading combination.

Variable actions: Each loading that is assigned to a variable action is also given during
input the superposition attribute, ’additive’ or ’exclusive’. Additive loadings (a1,a2,...)
can occur simultaneously, exclusive (e1,e2,...) are mutually exclusive (e.g. vehicle in
different positions). These actions are formed corresponding to the superposition
scheme E2 described above as follows:

a1 plus a2 plus a3 plus . . . plus e1 or e2 or e3 or ...

In cases, which are not covered by this simple rule, the specification must be done man-
In the programs these specifications are performed in a dialogue, which looks as follows
and is self−explanatory:

A 2.3.4 Limit Values of nonlinearly−determined Results

When using loading combinations or the specification ’plus’ in the above schemes the
programs superimpose results that were obtained for the participating loadings. Such

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

superpositions however are not permitted in nonlinear analyses as well as those ob-
tained by second order theory.
In order nevertheless to obtain useful limit values for such cases, one has to consider
the following points:
S One has to limit oneself to a single action, so that in the limit state specification no
action combinations result,
S In the specification of the single action one may only use the superposition scheme
E1, that is only B1 OR B2 OR B3 ... , whereby the B1 may only be single loadings.
In order nevertheless to be able to work with the input loadings, the programs pro-
vide the combination loadings. Here the loadings are combined before the analysis
with the necessary factors to form a new loading, which is then equivalent to a nor-
mal loading.

A 2.3.5 Limit State Specifications with Action Sets

Working with action sets is necessary or recommendable when all loading configur-
ations of an action cannot be obtained or only with a lot of effort using the superposition
scheme described above for action specifications. This case is certainly necessary for
the following example:

Excerpt from the dia-

logue ’Actions’

The automatically generated action combina-

tions each consider the action set with the
two defined groups (lower dialogue)

In the case of a multi−span bridge, the action Road Traffic Loading with the condition
that it must be considered in the two above groups, could scarcely be specified without
dividing it into two separate sub−actions. This way of handling the problem also gives
a better overview, as one can follow more easily what has actually been done.

A 2.3.6 Automatic Generation of Action Combinations

Depending on the design situation and the limit state, for which a limit state specifica-
tion is foreseen, the action combinations can be automatically generated.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

They are formed according to the following scheme (code−dependent), whereby it is

assumed that an action is always defined in the same way as a leading action, as also
an accompanying action. The correctness of the hazard scenarios formed in this way
has always to be checked in each case by the engineer and if necessary adapted to the
actual requirements.


Basic combination (without accidental loading):

Sd + ȍg G,j ƪ
@ G k,j ) gQ,1 Q k,1 ) ȍy
0,i ƫ
@ Qk,i () g p @ Pk)

Accidental action combination:

S d,A + ȍG k,j ) A d ) y1,1 @ Q k,1 ) ȍy 2,i @ Q k,i() g p @ P k)


Gk : char. values of the permanent loads (actions dead load, surcharges)

Qk,1 ,Qk,i : char. value of the first or further varaiable actions
Pk : prestressing
Ad : design value of the accidental action
g G : partial factors for permanent actions (1.35 and 1.0)
g Q : partial factors for varaible actions
g P : partial factors for actions due to prestressing
y 0, y1, y 2 : combinationvalues for occasional, frequent and quasi−perm. actions.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

SIA 260:
Standard design situation

E d + E(gGG k, gPP k , g Q1 Q kl , y0i Qki) (

g G : load factor for permanent actions

Gk : characteristic value of the permanent action
g P : load factor for prestressing actions
Pk : characteristic value of the prestressing action
g Q : load factors for variable actions
Qk : characteristic value of a variable action
y 0 : reduction factors for variable actions

Note: For a variable accompanying action y 0i Qki (the decisive one) is considered.

Accidental design situation

E d + E(G k, P k , A d, y2i Q ki) (

Ad : design value of the accidental action

y 2i : load factor for the accompanying action i

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

A 2.4 Load Transfer from Floor to Floor

A 2.4.1 Overview

The transfer of the vertical loads is a central problem in the dimensioning of buildings.
It deals with the dimensioning of vertical elements, foundations and floor slabs. The
problem is very complex and it is not easy to find a good model with a reasonable effort.
Here rae a fews points that should be noted:
floor i with wall ans
column supports: S Why not just build a finite element model of the hole building, introduce loads
everywhere, press a button and print out the results? This approach is not unrealistic
and has been implemented a long time ago (with little success in practice however).
It has advantages and disadvantages:
Reaktionen: + You have a simple model: Equilibrum is always garanteed and you could even con-
sider soil−structure interaction and the influence of horizontal forces.
− Such a model does only seem to deliver high accuracy and the results are exremly
Loads sensible to stiffness assumptions (especially with high rising structures, see notes
on floor i−1: below). It does in no way take into account the nonlinear behaviour of the structure
(cracking of concrete, long term behaviour) and construction stages. Therefor it can-
not give more accurate results than the much simpler model, which analyses isolated
parts (i.e. floors) of the structure and then transfers the loads from one floor to the
next below.
S Both models, the hole structure model and the from−by−floor model, have to deal
with the problem of stiffness assumptions. If the vertical elements, supporting a slab,
are irregularly distributed, it can lead to stress concentrations in the slab. These
stresses and the corresponding reactions do not match the reality, because due to
the nonlinear behaviour of the slab (i.e. cracking, creep etc.) stress redistribution
(and with it also reaction redistribution) takes place. In order to overcome this prob-
lem one must choose a reasonably high stiffness for the vertical elements.
S The distribution of the reactions of a slab are known to be rather ’wild’ on the
supporting walls. For the floor below these reactions should be intoduced as loads
with a much simpler distribution, ’flatened’trough the walls.
S The self-weight of a wall is usually modeled as a constant line load. The engineer
has to decide, if this model is realistic for his concrete problem.
S In order to model the load transfer for most buildings it is sufficient to have, besides
the dead load, a single load distribution for all the variable loads. It’s up to the
engineer to decide, if this simplification is accurate enough or if a series of loading
patterns have to be investigated and propagated to the underlying floors.
S According to the national codes the loads effective for the dimensioning of the
structure usually consist of several different actions with different partial safety
factors (e.g. snow load, live load cathegories like office space, storage space etc.).
For the dimensioning of the individual floors it can be usefull, to model all of them
accordingly. For a hole structure (i.e. by load transfer from floor to floor) however
one could end up with hunderets of load combinations to investigate at the bottom
floor, leading to ’strange’ results. A single variable load transferred from floor to floor
is a better approach.
S National codes allow for reduced partial safety factors when transferring live load
from floor to floor (e.g. if more than two floors share the same live load cathegory).

Realization in CEDRUS-5
For a slab calculation CEDRUS-5 models pure bending action only, i.e. the vertical load
transfer can only be realized with importing the reactions from the floor(s) above as

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

loads and exporting the reactions of the walls and columns as loads to the floor below.
In previous versions of CEDRUS this scheme was also supported, but it was not as tightly
integrated into the application, since the user had to do all the steps by hand. This is
no longer the case. In CEDRUS-5 the calculation of a hole building, i.e. the load transfer
from the top to the bottom floor, is very straightforward:

How the load transfer is implemented and how easy it is to actually do it, is explained
in the following two sections.

Import load cases = Export combinations of the selected floors

directely standing on top of the actual

Permanent loads Live loads marked Prestress loads marked

marked for export (incl. for export (incl. corresp. for export (incl. corresp.
coresp. import loads) import loads) import loads)

Export combination-G Export combination-Q Export combination-P

actual slab
(floor) Solver (result generation)

Dead load of Reactions of Reactions of Reactions of

walls and columns Export comb.-G Export comb.-Q Export comb.-P

Export load G Export load Q Export load P

Action ’Dead load’ Action ’Live load − general’ Action ’Prestressing’

The floor below can import the export loads G,Q and P
as import load cases

A 2.4.2 Load Export

The load export, i.e. the transfer of the reaction forces at wall and column supports as
well as the dead load of these elements to the underlying floor, is realized over so−called
export combinations. These are special load case combinations, that are automatically
solved and make the ’loads to be exported’ ready for import in the underlying floor.
Which load cases are combined to what export combination can be controlled by the
user. Since load cases usually have different action cathegories and you may want to
analyse them individually, one export combination would be needed for each of the
actions. Although this is possible to do (and can be done by hand), this leads to a system
too complex. Therefore CEDRUS does automatically generate three export
combinations only: one for all the permanent loads, one for all the variable loads and
one for prestressing.

. For the treatement of the dead load of the vertical elements (i.e. walls and columns) see
the section ’Calculating the Export Calculations’.

Automatically generated Export Combinations

CEDRUS−5 provides the follwing export combinations:

S ’!Exp−G’ for permanent loads (action type=’Dead load’).
S ’!Exp−Q’ for variable loads (action type=’Live load−general’).
S ’!Exp−P’ for prestressing loads (action type=’Prestressing’).

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

For each load case the user can specify with a check box in the dialog, if it should be
included in the corresponding export combination (e.g. a variable load case goes into
’!Exp−Q’) and what factor should be used for it (see next section).

Newly created load cases and import load cases are automatically activated for export.
All the export combinations are inculded in the list of load cases.

Reduction factor for load export

Some national codes allow for a reduced load transfer to the underlying floor, if a
number of floors share the same type of action (e.g. ’Live load − office space’). By
specifying a value < 1.0 this reduction can be taken into account. The reduction factor
is used for the generation of the automatic export combinations only.

. Automatically generated export combinations are only supported for the structure type

Manually created Export Combinations

The user can define his own export combination by creating a load case of type ’Export
combination’. The specification does not differ from a normal load combination.
Manually created export combinations are treated just like the automatically generated.

Calculating the Export Combinations

For the current floor export combinations are normal load combinations. However,
besides the load elements that are actually exported and shown in the tabsheet ’loads’,
the user cannot get any results for these combinations.

The self weight of the walls and columns is automatically added to the export
combination ’!Exp−G’ if

1. a load case ’dead load’ with an acceleration load for the hole slab
is specified and
2. the self weight is activated for the walls and columns.

For a newly created calculation the first condition is always fullfilled, since CEDRUS
automatically generates the load case ’dead load’. For the second condition however,
the user must make sure that the shown interface elements in the dialogs of walls and
columns are set accordingly:

The calculated reactions along a wall can vary a lot form node to node (see figure
below). The direct transfer of these reactions to the underlying floor is not a realistic

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

model, because the force distribution is ’flattened’ in some way by the wall. CEDRUS
does automatically equalize the reactions by calculating an uniformely distributed force
per section.
finite element nodes

Reactions (raw):

(flattened for

Length of section = ca. height of wall

(at least 1 section per input wall)

Nonlinear Export Combinations

In the load case dialog you could activate an export combination, like any ther load case,
to be solved nonlinearly, in order to avoid tension in the suporting walls and columns.
Although this is possible it seldom makes sense, since the tension part of the reactions
is usually eliminated by the procedure described above.

Transfer of the Exported Reactions

After changes on the structure or loading the load export is automatically started
whenever the system is solved, i.e. when the user requests an result output in the
tabsheet ’Result’ or he presses the ’flash’ button in the tabsheet ’Calculation’. The
calculated reactions from the export combinations are then ready to be imported by the
underlying floor.
. Changes in a floor effect all floors below that do import loads. Therefore you must recalculate
all the dependent floors in the right order.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

A 2.4.3 Load Import

As discussed in the last section, by default no steps must be taken for export of the reac-
tions of a slab. However, in order to import these reactions in the floor below, there
you must define the source, i.e. the floor above it. This is done in the dialog ’Load Im-
port’ that opens when you click on the corresponding button in the tabsheet /Loads/.
Since more than one source is possible (e.g. departement complex with several houses
as sources for the underlying slab of the parking garage), here you can specify a number
of slabs as sources. Every export combination of the specified slabs will become an
(read only) import load case listed in the dialog. The actual import is performed by
pressing on the ’Update’ button, what you should do everytime changes where made
in the upper floors.

The imported load cases have take their action types form the export combination and
will be treaded accordingly.

. The exported loads are imported in their original coordinate system. If the origin of the upper
floor does not match the actual, you can specify the offset dX and dY, which are added to the
(imported) coordinates X and Y upon import.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

A 2.4.4 Checklist for the Load Transfer

The checklist applies to the use of the automatically created export combinations.

For the floor exporting its reactions (load export)

1) Use the List of loadings (tabsheet ’Loads’) for the check if all the necessery loadings
are marked for the automatic load export (column ’AutoExport’/’On’) and if they are
related to the correct actions.
Note concerning the selfweight of walls and columns: They are exported toge-
ther with the loading that contains the dead load (given as dead load on whole struc-
ture). The weights of the walls are defined as force/m2 in the walls dialogue and the
weights of the columns as force/m in the columns dialogue.
The List of loadings must also the following two export combinations
S !Exp−G for permanent loads
S !Exp−Q for live loads
If you want to exclude negative reactions you can mark the export combinations in
the column ’NL’ for a nonlinear calculation. The properties for all supports with non
negative reactions must be set accordingly.
Have you imported loads from the floor above the following two import loadings
should also be listed::
S !Imp−G for permanent loads
S !Imp−Q for live loads

2) The system must be solved in order to create the load export files. This is done
automatically if you request any result in the ’Results’ tabsheet or if you press the
’Start calculation’ button in the ’Calculation’ tabsheet. Don’t forget to resolve the
system after relevant changes.
3) If the system is solved you can check the loads of the export combinations. For a
numeric check use the ’Legends of loading data’ in the ’Loads’ tabsheet. For a
graphical representation switch on the layer button of the corresponding export
loading (right margin of the CEDRUS-5-window).

For the floor receceiving loads (load import)

1) Call the ’Load import’ dialogue (Loads tabsheet).
2) Define the load import (if it doesn’t exist yet)
It normally consists of one link to one other floor (plate) from which loads are to
be imported (one line in the upper list of the dialogue). In the lower list of the dialo-
gue all export combinations found in the linked plate are shown. Note that they can
only be found, if the system of that plate is solved.
If you need to import from more than one plate, it is possible to define more than
one link.
3) If all the settings are correct press the button [Update] in order to copy the
specified export files into the actual project.
This [Update] has to be done again manually after relevant changes in the lin-
ked plates.
4) The imported loadings can immedialtely be checked − graphically by selecting the
desired loading from the combobox of all loadings and numerically through the le-
gends of the loading data. The load sums however are displayed only after solving
the system.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

A 2.5 Results

A 2.5.1 Raw Results

The solution algorithms of CEDRUS-5 produce raw results for each load case input:
S The nodal displacements
S Reactions of the support nodes and elements
S Section forces at the element centres in global coordinate directions
S Section forces at the element corners in global coordinate directions, which are then
immediately and zone-wise converted to averaged nodal values and are not given
as separate values
These calculated and binary stored raw results serve as a basis for determining the re-
sults types described below in the desired form of presentation.

A 2.5.2 The Structuring of the Output of Results

Output results are not created unless the user specifically demands them. Firstly, it is
defined for what the results are required (e.g. load case number), then comes the choice
of the quantities (e.g. section forces), a possible component (e.g. mx) and finally the
presentation form (e.g. isolines), which can still be influenced by certain parameters.
From a list one first chooses for what the results are wanted. The list contains
S All input load cases
S Any defined load case combinations
S All automatically or manually produced limit state specifications
S Required reinforcement
Load case combinations are fixed combinations of load cases provided with arbitrary
factors, of which the user can define as many as desired. In the output of results they
are treated in exactly the same way as individual load cases.

The quantities for load cases and load case combinations


With the deformations it is a question of settlement as well as the rotations about the
x- and y-axes, respectively, in each node of the FE mesh. The rotations of nodes not
acting as supports are output in the global coordinate system. For point and line sup-
ports the x-direction of the input object is adopted and the y-direction normal to it. The
x-axis of line supports shows the support direction.

Section forces:

The slab section forces consist of the moments mx , my , mxy and the shear forces vx , vy .
The following figure shows the forces acting on an infinitesimal slab element:
The output of the slab section force is carried out in zone-wise definable output direc-
tions. The transformation formulas are as follows (Mohr’s circle for the moments and
vector transformation for the shear forces):

Depending on the form of output the principal moments or the maximum shear forces
are output.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

y my
my z y
vy mx
mx mxy vy
vx vx
mxy mxy
mx mx
mxy vx
vy my f x

m x + mx cos 2 f ) m y sin 2 f ) 2m xy sin f cos f v x + v x cos f ) v y sin f

m y + mx sin 2 f ) m y cos 2 f * 2m xy sin f cos f v y + * v x sin f ) v y cos f
m xy + * (m x * m y) sin f cos f ) m xy(cos2 f * sin 2 f) v max + Ǹv x 2 ) v y 2


The reactions, arranged node− and element-wise, are output according to the individual
supports. In the graphical output of the line supports the possibility exists, of combining
the nodal reactions in sections, provided the section length is given.
For nodes with prescribed support movement, for the corresponding load cases no reac-
tions can be output.

Storage of reactions:

The reactions can also be stored and introduced as loading on an underlying floor.

Quantities for limit state specifications (envelope values)


One can obtain the envelope values of bending deflection with the associated rotations.


All kind of reactions results are available as envelope values, except the combined nu-
merical-graphical output, .

Reinforcement moments:

The slab section forces are combined to reinforcement moments according to the com-
bination rules specified in the limit state specifications.
The reinforcement moments at a point are the four moments required to determine the
slab reinforcement in two orthogonal directions. Their calculation is based on the well-
known linearised plasticity conditions (cf. e.g. SIA 162 (1989) Art. 3 25 23):
mbx+ = Max ( mx +mxy , mx −mxy )
mbx− = Min ( mx +mxy , mx −mxy )
mby+ = Max ( my +mxy , my −mxy )
mby− = Min ( my +mxy , my −mxy )
mbx+: positive reinforcement moment in x-direction (bottom reinforcement )

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

mbx− : negative reinforcement moment in x-direction (top reinforcement )

mby+: positive reinforcement moment in y-direction (bottom reinforcement )
mby− : negative reinforcement moment in y-direction (top reinforcement )
The output directions are defined for each zone.

Maximum shear forces:

The maximum shear forces for a load case are calculated from v max + Ǹv x 2 ) v y 2 and
cannot be directly combined to envelope values, since a particular direction, which can
be different for each load case, is associated with this maximum value. Nevertheless,
in order to obtain reasonable results for such limit states, CEDRUS-5 uses the following
vmax is not determined for each load case, but the shear force in all eight directions
shown left.
22.5° In each of these eight directions the maximum value (all positive values) and the mini-
mum value (all negative values) are evaluated in building the limit state values and at
the end from the sixteen values carried through the evaluation the maximum absolute
value is output as the envelope value.
In this way the combination of envelope values is possible and one obtains a value
which is normally sufficiently accurate. The associated directions are also part of the
numerical output, in addition to the envelope values.

Required reinforcement

The required top and bottom reinforcement of the slab in two orthogonal directions (axt
and ayt for the top, axb and ayb for the bottom) is determined on the basis of design limit
values of the reinforcement moments described above.
For the dimensioning of the reinforcement in slab zones the following points are
S Dimensioning is based on the chosen limit state specification, i.e. envelop values
in the from of reinforcement moments (see above).
S Each limit state specification has an associated analysis parameter set, which is
specified in the limit state specification dialog. The analysis parameter set (denoted
APxx) is a series of criteria for the design of a reinforced cross section. Generally two
different concepts for the dimensioning of the longitudinal reinforcement are sup-
Strain limits for concrete in compression and reinforcement in tension: This cri-
terion is activated in the analysis parameter set ’AP2: ULS verification’. The AP2 is
assigned by default to the limit state specification ’!Ultimate limit state’.
Tensile stress limit for the reinforcement: This criterion, providing a minimum
reinforcement ratio for crack control, is activated in the analysis parameter set ’AP1:
SLS verification’. The AP1 is assigned by default to the limit state specification ’!Ser-
viceability’. The tensile stress limit is a parameter of AP1 and must be set by the user.
Besides the two criteria the user can specify a number of other parameters in the
sets APx, e.g. the partial safety factors for the materials and the strain−stress relation
for concrete and reinforcement steel.
S The dimensioning according to the specified code and the selected analysis para-
meter set is based on pure bending action of a rectangular cross section. The result
is the required reinforcement area per unit width, if necessary acting in tension and
compression (Therefore it could result in a bottom reinforcement at a column sup-
port, without a positive reinforcement moment!).
S The dimensioning for punching shear is realized independent of the bending design
in the punching verification (see A 2.6).

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

cover reinforcement

S The vertical position of the reinforcement is defined via the reinforcement cover,
specified in the dialogs of the material zones and downstanding beams.
. Note: the reinforcement cover is the vertical distance from the edge of the concrete body to
the center of gravity of the reinforcement layer.
S In the same dialogs the material properties for concrete and reinforcement and
the reinforcement direction are specified.
For the dimensioning of beam sections all the points mentioned above also apply. The
following addition points, however must be noted:
S The dimensioning is based on a beam section cut off from the slab. The extension
of this beam is defined by the user-defined width of the section:
width of the section

over the
cross section


In a beam section, like in any rectangular cross section, there is just one reinforce-
ment layer to be dimensioned at the top and one at the bottom. If, due to different
material zones, the upper or lower edges are not constant (like in the figure above),
the zone with the most eccentric edge is used for dimensioning. Note that the dimen-
sioning is based on pure bending only, i.e. not taking shear into account.
S Downstanding beams are treated just like ordinary beam sections, with the effective
slab width determining the width of the section.
S In all beam sections the reinforcement direction is automatically taken from the
direction of the section.
S The reinforcement moments to dimension for are calculated by integrating the calcu-
lated slab moments over the width of the section.

Forms of Presentation

The following table provides information about the possible forms of presentation for
the different derived quantities:
*) Sections: These are simple sections through the corresponding contour plot. In the
case of design limit values and reinforcement these section results can only be deter-
mined in zones, whose output direction coincides with that of the section direction or
the normal to it, respectively.
**) Beam-sections: These are sections with a selectable width, which cuts out therefore
a beam" from the slab. They may be obtained for those quantities, which are defined
per unit length, e.g. section forces, reinforcement moments and reinforcement cross sec-

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

Principal value graph.


Beam-sections **)
Results and their form of presentation:


Load case file

Contour plot

Sections *)
Load cases and displacements / / / / /
load case combina-
reactions columns/walls / / /
reactions area support zones / / /
stored reactions /
section forces / / / / / /
Limit state values: displacements / / / / /
reactions columns /
reinforcement moments / / / / /
maximum shear forces / /
punching shear verifications /
Reinforcement: reinforcement sections / / / / /

tions. The value of the result in a point of the beam is given by the integral of the quan-
tities. On the other hand, in the case of reinforcement not the required reinforcement
contents are integrated but the cross section of the cut out beam (e.g. a T−section in
the case of an underbeam) dimensioned for the integrated action.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

A 2.6 Punching Shear Verification

With the punching shear verification the aim is to confirm that no punching of columns
or other concentrated forces through the slab is possible. The verification is considered
to be proven if the following condition is fulfilled:
V d v VRd
Vd design value of punching shear load
V Rd design value of punching shear resistance
The punching shear verification in CEDRUS-5 proceeds in four steps:
1. CEDRUS-5 requires so-called punching shear objects for the punching shear verifica-
tion. Columns are a priori punching shear objects whereas for other actions of a
punching shear nature (wall ends, concentrated loads) such objects have to be input
in the form of polygons to define the areas to which load is applied. Each punching
shear object contains all necessary parameters and the critical circumference (see
below) in the form of a polygon, which normally is generated automatically.
2. In this way the punching shear resistances are determined and output in table form
together with all the parameters used.
3. Finally, on the basis of a chosen load combination CEDRUS-5 can also calculate the
punching shear loads and these are compared in a punching shear verification table
with the resistances.
In the following it is explained how the design values of punching shear resistances and
loads are calculated.

A 2.6.1 The Punching Shear Resistance

In most codes the punching shear resistance is given by the total shear resistance along
a so-called critical circumference u around the punching shear load. Thus the size of
the punching shear resistance depends basically on the circumference length, the slab
thickness and an "admissible" shear stress and, on the basis the concrete quality and
the geometry, can be determined at the stage of structure input.

V Rd + f (u, t, dm)

u length of critical round section (=critical circumference according to SIA)
t nominal value of limiting shear strength
dm effective static height (average)

In order to treat and be able to document the punching shear resistances in CEDRUS-5,
2) for each action with potential punching shear (wall end, concentrated load) a punch-

ÏÏÏ 3)
ing shear object is introduced. This is an attribute box, to which belong a load applica-
tion area and a punching shear polygon to determine the critical round section.
The load area for a column in CEDRUS-5 is identical to the column section. For other
1) Punching shear obje punching shear loads the load area is input in the form of a closed polygon.
The punching shear polygon is automatically created on initialising a punching shear
2) Load area object according to the code rules and the geometry, whereby the slab boundaries are
(column section taken into account and portions of a polygon lying outside the slab are set to inactive.
or polygon) Circular arcs are approximated by polygon sections of constant side length.
3) Punching shear
polygon In principle, the punching shear polygon is closed. But it may consist of any number
of active and inactive parts, where only the active parts contribute to the decisive circum-
ference u. The inactive parts are displayed graphically in a weaker style.
The program tries to recognize whether it is an internal, edge or corner column. If at
a certain distance from the column boundary no boundaries or recesses are encoun-

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

inactive polygon part slab boundary

ÏÏ ÏÏÏ inactive part

active part active polygon part

tered, then the column is treated as an internal column. Otherwise, the angle subtended
by the punching shear polygon between the slab entry and exit points is a criterion to
differentiate between boundary and corner columns. The maximum length of u is li-
mited depending on the code. It is compared with the length of a standard boundary
or corner column and, if necessary, supported brought back from the boundary.
Important restriction: The program is not always able to suggest a reasonable punch-
ing shear polygon (complicated geometry of slab boundary, zones of different thick-
nesses, etc.). Downstanding beams are also not considered, i.e. the proposed solution
therefore has to be checked in each case and if necessary corrected using the
Graphics Editor or manually.

Strengthened slabs
If the existing resistance is inadequate, one can resort to shear reinforcement. The
punching shear resistance with shear reinforcement depends on the code and the prod-
uct and is determined with the information provided by the supplier. The corresponding
value (designated by VRd’) is input in the program.
The increase of punching shear resistance due to shear reinforcement is limited and is
again code-dependent:
SIA: V R,max + 1.5VR
EC2: V Rd2 + 1.6VRd1 (1.6 = country-specific value)
With strengthening in the form of steel constructions (mushroom or collar construc-
tion) there are no such upper limits. Here too the the resistances VRd’, which have to
be supplied by the producer, are input in the program.

Required bending resistances

In order to achieve the maximum punching shear resistance, the bending resistances
also have to fulfil certain requirements. In all codes supported by CEDRUS-5 the re-
quired bending resistance mRd is made dependent on the existing punching shear load
m Rd w hVd
m Rd minimum required design value of bending resistance, so that the required
shear capacity can properly adjust itself
h moment factor, dependent on column type (internal column, edge column,
corner column η = 0.125 .. 0.5)
In CEDRUS-5 this condition is reformulated, so that from the reinforcement content ρ
prescribed by the user firstly a bending resistance and then from it the design value of
a maximum punching shear load Vd,max is calculated:
V d,max + hRd

The bending resistance mRd is estimated assuming a rectangular concrete compression

distribution as follows:

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

Reinforcement area: A s + òbh (b: width of slab strip, h: slab thickness)

Thickness of the compression zone:

A sfy
x+ (rectangular compressive stress distribution)

m Rd + 1g (dm * x )A sf y (g: resistance value for steel, d m: average effective static height)
In the case of scew boundaries and/or for rotated output directions the plastic resis-
tances are transformed into the corresponding directions parallel and normal to the

Notation for the tabular summary

Together with the other stucture input data the program produces a table listing all the
factors described above. In order to be able to name and compare the different inter-
mediate results, the notation has to be taken from the EC2 code, even in the use of the
SIA code in some places, according to the summary given below:

Case a: Slab without punching shear reinforcement:

V Rd1 Design value of shear capacity (according to SIA: V Rd1 + VRńg)

Case b: Slab with punching shear reinforcement:

V RdȀ Design value of the total resistance, input by user.
V Rd2 Maximum design value of the punching shear resistance for a slab with
punching shear reinforcement (according to SIA 162: V Rd2 + VR,maxńg )

Condition resulting from bending resistance:

V d,max Maximum attainable design value of the punching shear resistance due to the
existing bending resistance (with or without punching shear reinforcement)

Case c: Total resistance supplied by user:

When using steel constructions or in other cases where support for the de-
termination of the resistance is not given by the program, the total resistance
has to be input by the user:
V RdȀ Design value of the total resistance, input by the user.
Additional resistance:
V Rd) A value input here is added in each case to the design value of the punching
shear resistance, and thus to any input total resistance as well. The value may
also be negative. One possible application of this could be the resistance
correction for prestressing cables. If, however, the prestressing load case
with the deviation forces arises in the load specification for the punching
shear verification, the influence on the punching shear load is taken into ac-
count and no correction is required here.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

The critical value for the punching shear verification is given the name VRd (without
further indices) in CEDRUS-5 and, depending on the case, is obtained as follows:

Case a: V Rd + min(VRd1, V d,max) () V Rd))

Case b: V Rd + min(VRdȀ, V Rd2, Vd,max) () V Rd)) where V RdȀ w VRd1
Case c: V Rd + VRdȀ () V Rd))

SIA 162 − Specifics

The punching shear resistance without shear reinforcement (without normal force) ac-
cording to the code SIA 162 is:

V R + 1.8 @ t c,red @ u @ dm u g @ Vd

t c,red Nominal value of the limit shear stress according to Art. 3 25 403 and Table 2
(depends on concrete quality and slab thickness)
u Decisive circumference at a distance of 0.5 dm from the column boundary;
Limits for u: internal column=16 dm, edge column = 8 dm , corner column = 4
dm Average effective static height of the slab in both directions
If the existing resistances do not suffice, then the value VR can be increased with shear
reinforcement by at most 1.5 times:

V R,max + 1.5VR + 2.7 @ t c,red @ u @ d m

whereby according to Art. 3 25 414 the total punching shear load has to be resisted with
punching shear reinforcement. The corresponding calculation is usually carried out
with a product-specific design program.

The tabular listing within the structure data looks as follows for a slab without punching
shear reinforcement:
PUNCHING SHEAR RESISTANCES (according to SIA Code 162 Section 3 25 4)
Values for slabs without additional punching shear reinforcement (Concrete: B35/25, Steel: S500)
Id Typ β ρx ρy τc,red h dm utotal urecess ucrit VR
[%] [%] [N/mm2] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [kN]
DS1 E 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.900 0.25 0.21 0.76 0. 0.76 260.23
DS2 R 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.900 0.25 0.21 1.23 0. 1.23 418.401
DS3 I 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.900 0.25 0.21 1.86 0. 1.86 632.682

Limitation of punching shear resistances due to existing bending resistances (of ρx, ρy and dm)
Id Typ αa αr mxR myR mL-Bord-R m//-Bord-R Vd,max VRd1 VRd
[°] [°] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
DS1 E 166.750 166.750 277.917 216.859 216.859
DS2 R 9.0 180.0 166.750 166.750 166.750 166.750 555.833 348.667 348.667
DS3 I 166.750 166.750 1111.667 527.235 527.235

For cases b and c (see above) as well as for the input of additional resistances the follow-
ing table is also output (and then the last two columns are not shown in the above table):
Summary and critical values (including taking account of punching shear strengthening)
Id VRd1 Vd,max VRd2 VRd’ VRd+ VRd
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
DS1 216.859 277.917 325.288 300.000 0. 277.917
DS2 348.667 555.833 523.001 500.000 0. 500.000
DS3 527.235 1111.667 790.852 0. 527.235

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

Finally the following legend is printed out:

Type : Column type I=internal column, R=edge column, E=corner column (italics = automatically created)
β : Factor to consider a non−uniform distribution of the shear force according to Art. 3 25 404
ρ : Reinforcement for longitudinal reinforcement (ρx, ρy = tensile reinforcement in x− and y−direction)
τc,red : Nominal value of limit shear stress according to Table 2
h : Slab thickness
dm : Average effective static height
u : Length of critical round section ucrit = utotal − urecess
αa : Output direction (=x−direction of reinforcement), αr : direction of slab boundary
mxR/.. : Bending resistances in x− and y−direction, as well as normal and parallel to slab boundary
VR : Punching shear resistance Art. 3 25 403 VR = 1.8 τc u dm
VRd1 : Design value of punching shear resistance VRd1 = VR/1.20
Vd,max : Limit on punching shear resistance due to existing bending resistance: Vsd = mR / (η γ )
Moment factor η depending on column type I: η = 0.125, R: η// = 0.25, R: ηL = 0.125, E: η = 0.5
VRd2 : Maximum punching shear resistance with additional shear reinforcement VRd2 = VRd1 * 1.50
VRd’ : Total punching shear resistance specified by user
VRd+ : Correction of resistance due to prestressing
VRd : Critical value for the the punching shear verification (**** =not checked)

SIA262 (Swisscodes) − Specifics

The basic relation in eq. (51) is very simular to all the other EC based codes:

v Rd + kr·t cd·d

The major difference consists in the calculation of the parameter k r, which cannot
be calculated by hand with a reasonable effort anymore. k r depends on the provi-
ded reinforcement and the geometry of the system. In order to get k r the following
values must be determined (width v Rd calculated by iterating width eq. (51)):

k r + kr(h, d x, dy, l x, l y, ò x, ò y, v Rd)

The first three geometrc values (slab thickness, effective heigth) are taken from the
material box of the zone (calculated from slab thickness and concrete cover).

The two values for the spans (l x, l y) and the geometric reinforcement content (ò x, ò y)
x must be provided by the user (In future versions CEDRUS will alternatively deter-
mine these values for a given punching force). If the output direction was rotated,
f x the values for d x, dy, l x, l y, ò x, ò y are determined in the new orientation.

The Swisscode differentiates between clamped and simply supported configuration.

The program does take this information from the support condition of the column
object. For a simply supported configuration both rotational degrees of freedom
must not be blocked.

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

Edge column simply supported

Case A

clamped support
border of the slab u−calculated witdh A nom

active portion of the polygon

inctive portion
of the polygon

A nom
Case B

In order to check the assumptions made a series of intermediate results is given in a table
(e.g. m Rd and r y ).
In the help menu of the program a number of examples with all the different column
types can be found (see Help>Examples).
This is the resulting output table within the legend of the structural data:

PUNCHING Table 1: Summary

Id Typ ke ρx ρy τc,red h d lx ly uBrutto uAussp umassg
[%] [%] [N/mm2] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
DS1 +E 1.00 0.635 0.635 0.90 0.200 0.155 5.700 5.700 0.587 0 0.587
DS2 +R 1.00 0.635 0.635 0.90 0.200 0.155 5.700 5.700 1.012 0 1.012
DS3 +I 1.00 0.635 0.635 0.90 0.200 0.155 5.700 5.700 2.087 0 2.087

EC2 − Specifics
The punching shear resistance without shear reinforcement (without normal force) ac-
cording to the code EC2 (or Version SIA−ENV1992−1−1 and GRN−91):
V Rd1 + u @ t Rd @ k @ (1.2 ) 40ò 1) @ d m u b @ V Sd
V Rd1 Design value of the shear capacity without shear reinforcement
t RD Basic value of design shear strength according to Tab. 4.8
u Length of the critical round section
dm Average effective static height
ò1 Average reinforcement content
k Factor, dependent on dm: k = (1.6− dm) ≥ 1.0, dm in [m]
b Factor to consider the effect of eccentric load
Internal column b=1.15, edge column b=1.4, corner b=1.5
V Sd Design value of the total shear force to be resisted
With shear reinforcement this value can be increased by up to 1.6 times:
V Rd2 + 1.6 @ V Rd1

E-DIN 1045-1 − Specifics

V Rd1 + u @ 0.14 @ Ë @ (100ò 1fck) 3 @ d m u b @ VSd

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

Ë +1) Ǹ200d v 2.0 ( d in [mm])

u Length of the considered round section

f ck Characteristic cylinder compressive strength
dm Average effective static height
b Factor to consider the effect of eccentric loading:
internal column β=1.05, edge column β=1.4, corner column β=1.5
V Sd Design value of the total shear force to be resisted

DIN 1045 − Specifics

With the "old" DIN Standard 1045 the punching shear load depends on the column di-
mensions, the effective height of the slab and an admissible shear stress, not however
on u. This procedure is not supported by CEDRUS-5 but instead the above described
formula from 1045-1 is used. The strengths of the old materials are then approximately
determined according to the following formula:

fck=βR/α (α=permanent condition factor according to EC2, α= 0.85)

Comparison for ρ = 0.005:

Quality after C12/15 C20/25 C30/37 C35/45

E-DIN 1045-1
DIN 1045 B15 B25 B35 B45
α fck [N/mm2] 10.2 17 25.5 29.8
βR [N/mm2] 10.5 17.5 23 27
(100 ρ fck)1/3 1.82 2.15 2.47 2.60
(100 ρ βR / α)1/3 1.83 2.18 2.38 2.51

OeNorm B4700 − Specifics

The punching shear resistance without shear reinforcement (without normal force) ac-
cording to the Austrian Code OeNorm B4700:

V Rdc + 1.2 @ t d @ Ë c @ (1.2 ) 2000 @ d @ ò) @ u @ dm u b @ V Sd

V Rdc Maximum column force without punching shear reinforcement
td Nominal value of shear stress according to Table 4
l Adjacent column width
(in CEDRUS-5 probably fixed for slab, e.g. l = 8m)
Ëc Factor, dependent on dm: k = (1.6− dm) ≥ 1.0, dm in [m]
dm Average effective static height
ò Average reinforcement content ò + Ǹò x @ ò y v 0.015
u Length of the critical round section
b Factor to consider effect of eccentric loading of internal column β=1.15, edge
column β=1.4, corner column β=1.5
V Sd Design value of the total shear force to be resisted

The determination of an "adjacent" column width is fairly difficult to implement for a

general-purpose program. Since in practice it is hardly likely that one will meet with
slabs, which are more slender than d/l = 1/35, the corresponding term has been simpli-
fied. Therefore. for the determination of VRdc in CEDRUS-5 the following formula is

V Rdc + 1.2 @ t c @ (1.2 ) 57 @ ò 1) @ u @ dm

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

A 2.6.2 The Punching Shear Load

The design values of punching shear loads are determined by the program if a punching
shear verification is demanded on the basis of the chosen limit state specification and
is listed in the verification table.

Since with the punching shear verification it is a question of an ultimate load verifica-
tion, the starting point is a limit state specification for ultimate load verification. To deter-
mine the critical punching shear loads the program carries out its own limit state calcula-
tion, which determines for each punching shear object the maximum (and minimum)
sum of all reaction forces and loads, which act within the critical load area. The sign
of the largest absolute value must be in agreement with the punching shear type speci-
fied in the punching shear object (column=positive or concentrated load=negative).

As critical load area a polygon is assumed, which encloses the loaded area at a dis-
tance of one half the average effective static height. In the SIA code this polygon usually
coincides with the punching shear polygon. In EC2 and other codes the critical round
section, however, is at a greater distance from the loaded area and it would not be per-
missible, e.g. for prestressing cables in the column region, to deduct the deviation forces
in the complete region within the punching shear polygon. For this reason it was de-
cided not to consider the punching shear polygon also for the definition of the critical
load area.

If prestressing load cases are included in the limit state specification, the effect of the
deviation forces are likewise considered within the punching shear polygon.

A 2.6.3 The Punching Shear Verification

For a punching shear verification the following steps are necessary:

1. Introduce punching shear objects or input the corresponding attributes for all en-
dangering actions.
2. There must exist a suitable limit state specification for the ultimate load, which takes
account of the important loading positions.
3. This limit state specification has to be chosen in the Results Register of CEDRUS-5
and a punching shear verification has to be demanded. As result the following table
is created:


Id Dtype VReac VLoad β Vd Vd ’ VRd Verif.

[kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
DS1 Column 123.45 −4.23 1.00 119.22 − 138.76 ok
DS2 Column 142.50 −88.43 1.25 67.59 −15.40 120.75 ok
DP1 Load 0.00 −80.66 1.00 −80.66 − −105.20 ok
DP2 Load 45.90 −204.22 1.00 −158.32 − −145.38 Vd>VRd

Dtype Column: main punching shear load positive; Load: main punching shear load negative
VReac Reaction part of Vd
VLoad Load part of Vd
β Load factor to consider a non−uniform distribution of shear force
Vd Design value of punching shear load corr. Dtype: Vd = β*(VReac + VLoad)
Vd ’ Is proved, if the other extreme of punching shear load has a different sign to Vd
VRd Design value of the punching shear resistance

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

Part A Base Module A 2 Basic Theory

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

This chapter will help one to become acquainted with the main features in CEDRUS−5
− by concentrating on the most important steps of a complete calculation. To prevent
one from losing the thread, we dispense with the treatment of many details that are fully
described elsewhere.

The most important source of information is the Help System of CEDRUS-5, whose
intensive use we strongly recommend. It can be called in various ways:
S By clicking on the menu Help" in the program’s menu bar. A list with corresponding
hyperlinks of all available help documents appears. One of these is called How to
use the help system". It provides instructions on the use of the Help System.
S By pressing the key <F1>one obtains specific help on the current action (e.g. point
input) or on the input element that the mouse pointer currently highlights.
S Many of the dialogue windows which appear during input have their own Help Sym-
bol for information on the corresponding dialogue.

It is assumed that one has an adequate basic knowledge of the use of the Microsoft Win-
dows operating system. This includes the handling of windows (move, zoom), together
with the Start Menu, Task Bar, Clipboard and the Windows Explorer.

. As in Windows, in general one always works with the left mouse button. Clicking or selecting
a symbol on the screen means: move the mouse pointer onto the symbol and then press briefly
the left mouse button. The right mouse button is only to bring up a context menu to the screen
(see later) in a particular situation.

A detailed description of the Graphics Editor as well as of the CubusViewer is given in

Parts D and C of this manual.

A 3.1 Presentation Conventions for the Examples

For all application examples the following presentation conventions hold:

S All actions to be carried out are indented and marked as follows:

" Description of action

S All bold print in the description of an action has to be typed exactly with the follow-
ing exceptions.
S Special keys enclosed in <..> (e.g. <Enter>=<o>, <Esc>, <F1>, etc.)
S The mouse buttons are abbreviated with <LMB> and <RMB> (left and right)
S Buttons on the screen are shown in square brackets (e.g. [Cancel])
S Words in italics like Click, Select, ... are clearly predefined user actions
S An entry to be chosen in a menu is given within apostrophes, separated for multi−
selection by ’>’ (e.g. ’Options’ > ’Language’ > ’German’)

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

A 3.2 Starting the Program

CEDRUS−5 can be started in two ways:

1) By executing the program file CEDRUS5.EXE, e.g. via the Start Menu of Windows
(for standard installation: [Start] > Programs > Cubus > CEDRUS-5). CEDRUS-5 re-
sponds with an empty window and the following menu bar:

This method of starting is recommended above all if one wants to continue with one
of the last calculations worked on (these are listed in the File menu).
2) Via the CubusExplorer. The CubusExplorer is an independent program for managing
calculations with different Cubus programs and is also called using the Start menu
of Windows.

For our example we use Start Method 2). The procedure is described in the next chapter.

A 3.3 Opening a Calculation

" Start the CubusExplorer via the Windows Start menu.

If you are doing this for the first time, the following display on the left could appear.
Click on the ’+’ beside ’My Computer’ and one obtains the display on the right.

The CubusExplorer is very similar to the Windows Explorer. The main difference is that
in the window on the left only those directories are displayed which one wants and
these are usually those which contain calculation data from Cubus programs. For a de-
tailed description of the CubusExplorer see the Help menu.

For our example we want to create on a harddisk (here C:) a folder (directory) named
CD5Data", in which we then store our first calculation. Basically one has complete free-
dom with the directory structure for managing the projects. One can reorganize it at any
time and rename or move folders.

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

" First click on the symbol of the desired harddisk and then
on the symbol on the left to create folders or make them

The window then displayed shows the directory structure of the selected harddisk. One
can now select one of the shown folders or subfolders and using the symbol [Choose]
introduce it into the CubusExplorer to display it.
We want to create a new folder,.
" First select for this purpose the object (Harddisk or
Folder), where the new folder should reside - in our case
the harddisk D:.

" To create a new folder click on upper right.

Then a new folder appears on the chosen directory level.
" We now rename it to CD5Data" and then introduce it
with the button[Choose] into the CubusExplorer.
" lSelect the newly created folder and click on this button
to create a new calculation
Below this button a list of all installed Cubus applications pops up:

" Choose the symbol for CEDRUS-5, whereupon in the

middle window of the CubusExplorer a new calculation
entry with the standard name CD5-Calculation" appears.
Rename it Example1" by clicking again on the chosen
name or by pressing the right mouse button and using the
command Rename.
Thus, one has created the desired calculation folder.
" Start CEDRUS-5 with the button [Modify] bottom right
in the CubusExplorer.

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

Now the following dialog pops up. Here you can define the basic properties of your
calculation including the texts in ’Description’, which will be printed shown on the out-

" Leave the input fields like they are and close the dialog
with [OK].

. The user can, with the exception of the ’Structure type’, change all the properties in the dialog
at any time.

. After opening a new calculation there is the possibility of importing input data from an older
CEDRUS calculation or a DXF file. Use for this purpose “Import” in the File menu shown

A 3.4 The Control Tab Sheet

After a new calculation has been opened, there appears at the top of the CEDRUS-5 win-
dow the Main menu of the program in the form of a sheet:

The tab sheets are arranged from left to right as used in a normal calculation. They are
activated by clicking their tabs. Each sheet page possesses a number of functions which
can be called using the corresponding symbols. These symbols are also arranged from
left to right, as usually required in the course of a calculation.

The first thing to do with a new slab is define its structure. The corresponding tab sheet,
therefore, is already selected.

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

A 3.4.1 The Tab Sheet /Structure/

Status indicator Selectability switch: all on

all off
Symbols to input and check the
individual structure objects

The structure relevant to the FE calculation consists of a series of objects, like outline,
openings, etc.. For each of these object types there is a corresponding symbol, with
which new objects of the corresponding type can be input.

Plan Outline, Openings

We begin with the input of the plan outline:
" Click on this button in order to start the construction of
the outline.
Now on the left the drawing tools of the Graphics Editor become active. With these the
outline or parts of it can be created.
" Input the outline shown below with the polygon tool, by
clicking on it and then type, in correct sequence, the five
coordinate pairs of the corner points (x + <Enter>, y +
<Enter>, etc.). One closes the polygon by clicking on the
first point again. The direction, i.e. clockwise or anti-
clockwise, is unimportant.
(0,13) (10,13)


3 2 4

(0,0) (16,0)

The slab outline can consist of many pieces (lines, polygons, circular arcs), so that at
the end the desired outline polygon without any gaps is to be seen on the screen.
" Click on this button in the tools list to zoom all (see <F1>
for help).
. A slab may only have one outline.
. The Graphics Editor offers several possibilities for inputting new points, which can greatly
simplify the work, depending on the situation. To obtain this information use the Help key
<F1> on inputting a point.
Openings are input in the same way as the outline.
" Click on this button and draw" the opening shown here
with the available tools. The quickest way, of course, is to

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

use the rectangle tool for which one only has to input two
points directly opposite.
. An opening may not cut or touch the outline or any openings. An “opening” right on the
boundary of a slab, i.e. a recess, has to be included in the outline.

On the Input of Geometrical Objects

Here some important remarks are necessary, which not only concern the input of an
outline or openings, but all geometrical structure objects.
The geometrical definition of a slab structure consists essentially of points and lines.
Higher objects, like rectangles, polygons, wall−like objects etc. consist of several lines.
Since the FE mesh has to take into account all these points and lines, the following con-
ditions apply:
S All points must have a distance of separation of at least dmin. The value of dmin can
be inspected in the menu Settings>Tolerances and in special cases can also be
S The distance of a point from a line also has to be at least dmin.
S If two points are at the same place (e.g. two lines, which converge to a point), then,
depending on the method of inputting these points, it may be that because of round-
ing errors they do not have exactly the same coordinates. For this purpose CEDRUS-5
possesses a tolerance value dtol. If two points are closer that dtol, then they will be
merged by the program. The value of dtol can be inspected in the menu Settings>Tol-
erances and in special cases can also be changed.
Summarizing: If the distance between two points or between a point and a line is greater
than dtol but smaller than dmin the program rejects this during checking and issues an
error message.

Material Properties

The material and thickness properties of our example slab are specified as follows:

Concrete C25/30

Reinf. steel B500B
isotropic material

Columns 40x40 cm

Section A−A:






Using the first 3 symbols the material properties (material model, thickness, concrete
and reinforcement material...) of the slab are defined. Firstly, any existing lines of sepa-
ration (so−called separators) for different materials are input. Downstanding beams are
separate objects and their outlines always act as separators.

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

" In our example we have input two separators, which de-

marcate the zone of 35 cm thickness. Click on the symbol
for material separators shown on the left and draw the
two lines.

: Astuce: The simplest way of inputting these lines is to: Click on the Line Tool of the
Graphics Editor. For the starting point of the horizontal separator click on the bottom
right point of the opening. Then press the key <X> (= line in X-direction) and click on
the extreme right on the outline line. One continues in the same way with the vertical
separator, by drawing a line in the Y−direction upwards from the upper right corner
point of the opening.

With these separators one has divided up the slab into two material zones. In each mate-
rial zone an attributes box with the corresponding material properties is now required.

" Click on the symbol shown, whereupon the dialogue

window for material attributes appears. Set the following

Here all the materials form the material

list are selectable (Menu Settings>Ma-
terials, for more details press the help
button of this dialog).

" Click on the symbol [Create] and place an attribute box

by clicking with the left mouse button in the upper right
zone of the slab.

These material properties apply now at the position of the material box up to the zone
boundary through the edge of the slab or material separators.

. If the dialogue window for placing the box is in the way, move it by clicking on its header and
dragging it to a different place.

" In the dialogue window, which is still on the screen,

change the thickness to 0.25 and in the same way using
[Introduce] also place the attribute box for the second
material zone.

For further explanations on material properties click on the Help symbol of the dialogue

" To input the downstanding beam at the bottom boundary

of the slab click on the symbol shown. Here also a dia-
logue window appears to set the desired attributes of the

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

downstanding beam:

Choice of input axis and width of

downstanding beam.
Right" means that the input axis runs
along the right side of the downstand-
ing beam.

Upper surface of
downstanding Upper surface of
the adjoining slab

Slab thickness

Total height

" Apply settings according to above sketch of outline. Then

choose [Create] and define the downstanding beam line
by clicking on the lower left and lower right corners of
the outline.

Since the input for the downstanding beam is performed

using the polygon tool, the polygon, which here only con-
sists of one segment, must still be closed. This is accom-
plished by clicking again on the end point.
. If by mistake one inputs a point incorrectly with polygon input using the <Esc>-key one can
go back one point at a time.

For further explanations on downstanding beams press on the Help symbol of the dia-
logue window.

" After inputting all material objects one can check these
with the program using the symbol shown on the left.
This, however, is not absolutely necessary and is only
meaningful for complex conditions, since this check is
carried out automatically before solution by the program.

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

Undo / Redo

We want to draw attention here to a very useful function of the Graphics Editor. If one
has made an incorrect input or even several in a row this is not a problem with CE-

With the Undo Function (on left side of window) one can reverse stepwise (provided
the symbol is active) as many changes to graphics objects as desired. Key combination:

With the Redo Function one can reverse stepwise changes made using the Undo Func-
tion. Key combination: Ctrl+Y


Our example slab is supported as follows:

Storey height=3 m

Wall t=24 cm
freely supported

Ä S1

4 columns 40x40 cm
freely rotational

S2 S3 S4


For slab supports the five object types shown on the left are available. The first two serve
to define area support zones and function with respect to input regarding attribute
boxes and separator lines as for the material zones described above. They find applica-
tion with foundation slabs using the method of the coefficient of subgrade reaction or
with special column and wall supports, which cannot be satisfactorily modelled with
the other objects. For details refer to the Help System.

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

The last of the five symbols permits the input of lines of symmetry along slab bound-
aries. The remaining two types − columns and walls − occur in our example.
" Click on the column symbol. A dialogue window for col-
umns appears, in which one makes the following set-

One can differentiate between the effec-

tive column section and the supported
zone for the FE model.
For the determination of the column stiff-
nesses and the punching shear verifica-
tions the effective column dimensions
are required.
In the FE model there are two reasons
why one wants to model the supported
zone differently from the column sec-
1) It is very difficult to introduce a corre-
sponding support zone for a circular
column of small diameter.
2) The choice of a somewhat larger sup-
ported zone leads, for slender columns,
to better FE meshes and more realistic
column moments. The underlying idea
is a cone−shaped spreading out of the
support area from the top of the column
to about the middle of the slab, e.g. at 45
In our example we dispense with a sep-
arate input of the column section and
the supported area.

To introduce the different columns first select the suitable anchor point in the graphics
shown (within the Column dialogue window), then select the symbol [Create]. By input-
ting a new point or by clicking on an existing point one inputs a new column. The input
point corresponds to the chosen anchor point.
" For column S1 in our example choose the anchor point in
the middle, click on [Create] and input a new point at the
position (8.0,6.0).
" For column S2 choose the anchor point bottom left, click
on [Create] and click on the outline point bottom left.
" For column S3 choose the anchor point lower middle,
click on [Create] and input a new point at (8.0,0.0).
" For column S4 proceed as for S2.
. If by mistake one inputs a point incorrectly, remember the Undo Function!
For the column model there are a number of variants and attributes. Regarding these
read the corresponding chapter of the Basic Theory and consult the Help System of the
Column dialogue window.

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

" Besides the columns there is also in our example a wall.

Click on the Wall symbol, whereupon again the corre-
sponding dialogue window appears.

Although they have to be input as gen-

uine walls with a certain width, in the
FE model walls are modelled as line
supports. The line support is
introduced on the input axis, unless
one inputs a distance from the support
line (from the input axis). Positive val-
ues signify a position looking right in
the input direction.

The input axis can lie on the left, in the middle or on the right of the wall (in the input

. Although in reality the wall axis does not lie on the slab boundary, in practice it is often simpler
and acceptable from the modelling point of view, to input the wall in this way. Otherwise, since
the FE mesh has to take account of the support line, very small elements between the boundary
and the support line would result.

The width, height and E-Modulus of the wall are used by the program to determine the
stiffness and dead load but are otherwise not of importance.
" Set all input fields according to the preset values of our
example and then click on [Introduce]. The simplest way
of inputting the polygon points is as follows:

1) To produce the first point of the wall polygon click

on the upper right opening point.

2) The second point lies on a horizontal line through

the first. Press therefore the <X>− key and click on the left
slab boundary.

3) The remaining four points can be clicked directly.

For detailed information on the Wall dialogue window click on its Help symbol.

The Selection of Objects and the Right Mouse Button

These remarks highlight very important properties of CEDRUS-5, which it is indispens-

able to understand. Whereas, before now, to input new structure objects one has
worked with menus (e.g. Column symbol to input a column), this way of working is
not very suitable for modifying existing objects, as can be seen in the following exam-

We want to move the opening as well as the adjacent end of the separator line shown
bottom right by 50 cm to the left. One does this in the following steps:
1) If a Structure object symbol is still active, click on it to switch it off. Thereby all Struc-
ture objects are now selectable (if a symbol is active, then only the objects of that
type are selectable).
2) Now one has to select those objects, which have to be subsequently moved. First
of all, the most important points on selecting objects are explained:
S Objects are normally selected by clicking with the left mouse button or by means
of a window. If the window is opened by drawing from left to right, only those

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

objects which lie completely within the window are selected, whereas on draw-
ing from right to left also the cut objects are selected.
S Selected objects are presented in red (colour can be set).
S When selecting by clicking or by means of a window any objects already or still
selected are automatically deselected beforehand by the program. If one wants
to suppress this action, during selection one presses the <Shift> key. With a
pressed <Shift> key objects already selected can be deselected.
S Geometrical objects normally consist of lines, rectangles or polygons. If one
wants to select the end or corner points of such an object, one first has to select
the object. In the selected state its points are visible and can then be selected in
the usual way.
For our example one has to select the left end point of the horizontal material separa-
tor as well as the opening. For the reasons given above we proceed as follows:
a) Click on the material separator and then on the left end point of the line. On select-
ing the point the selection of the line is lost, which also corresponds to our intentions.
b) In addition to the selected point the opening should now be selected. With pressed
<Shift> key click on the opening.
3) Now press the right mouse button, and the menu shown below appears, which
lists the modifying possibilities for the selected objects. This menu is called a context
menu. If nothing is selected, the context menu appears in the graphics area.
4) Click on Move" in the context menu.
5) The text at the mouse pointer tells one that one
should choose the move point. Click on a corner
point of the opening. As a result of the movement
or the new position of this selected move point
one fixes the new position of the selected object.
6) The point now to be input defines the new posi-
tion of the move point. In our case there is no tar-
get point to grab, so we input it. This is simplest
with the method Relative Input.
Press the key <R>. The relative point, marked by
a small red triangle, must be placed on the move
point. If it is not there click on this point. As con-
firmation the Triangle symbol to mark a point is
moved to this point. Now type in the relative
coordinates (−0.5 ↵,0↵).
Successful? In any case reverse the changes with the Undo function.

. The described procedure (select objects, then call the context menu with the right mouse but-
ton) is called object−oriented working. The more different the selected objects are, the smaller
the number of active functions in the context menu, since it comprises the number of all appli-
cable methods for these objects . CEDRUS-5 works strictly according to this principle.
. On the different techniques for selecting objects see the corresponding chapter in the Help
Document of the Graphics Editor. Important hints are also to be found in the following section.

. Modifying object attributes is a very important function, which is also carried out using the
right mouse button. The row “Attributes” in the context menu is only active, if a single object
or several identical objects are selected. Important information on this topic can also be found
in the Help Document of the Graphics Editor under “Working with Attribute Dialogues”as
well as in the next section.

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

Printed Documentation of the Structure Input

The structure input is now complete, but we still want to produce a printed documenta-
tion of the input. For this there are two possibilities.

The first provides a tabular documentation and is performed using the symbol on the
left in the Structure Tab Sheet. Click on it and the information appears in a separate win-
dow. If one wants to print the document, there are two symbols for this purpose in the
header part of the document window. The first prints the document immediately, while
the second stores it in an output list to be printed later. Regarding this see the comments

A graphical documentation of the Structure Input is obtained by clicking on a Print sym-

bol upper left in the CEDRUS-5 Window. Here too the upper symbol causes direct print-
ing, whereas the lower one creates an entry in the output list. Always that is printed,
which is seen in the working area or, more precisely, in the current visible layer. One
can switch on and off individual layers at will. For this purpose use the layer switch
on the right side of the working area. The symbols to print the graphics working area
can be used at any time. Before printing or entry in the output list a dialogue window
always appears, which serves the following purposes:
S Possible choice of figure detail
S Preselected scale
S Modification of or addition to the preset figure title
S Modification of the short title for entry in the output list
For further details on this dialogue window use its Help symbol.

The CubusViewer

The CubusViewer serves to preview and print all previously made entries in the output
list. In the left part of the CubusViewer is the list of all entry titles and in the right the
print preview. The CubusViewer offers the following possibilities (the details may be
consulted in the Help menu):
S Activation/deactivation of individual entries
S Move entries (order of printing)
S Change scale of individual entries
S Insert page break
S Choice of page layout / paper format
S Definition of ones own page layout
S Choice of printer
S Zoom in the print preview
S Deactivating print preview for a quicker handling of the entry list
S Choice of print output in colour, black/white or with grey shades
S Print the active entries
S ...

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

A 3.4.2 The Tab Sheet /Loads/

In this sheet all the load cases and the corresponding loads can be input and modified.

" Click on the tab and one obtains the following tab sheet:

load case input of load legend of load

handling objects data

Load import

List of actions

active load case select active load

switch to next/pervious
scaling factor
load case
for 3D view

We want to introduce the following load cases for our example:

S Dead load, consisting of the self-weight of the slab and a uniformly distributed load
of 0.6 kN/m2 for the surfacing
S Live load of 2 kN/m2 (Category A) field−wise unfavorable on four fields.

The first load case with the self-weight is automatically generated by the program and
set as the active load case. For the load case, the self−weight is realized with a accelera-
tion load for the mass of the slab, with the mass calculated form the volume of the slabs
and the mass per unit volume of the concrete material (see menu: Settings>Materials).

All we have to do is add the surface load:

" Use for this the symbol for uniformly distributed loads and
set the value of the load in the dialogue to −0.6.

. Due to the global coordinate system, in which the Z-axis points upwards, the downwards act-
ing loads, inclusive of the value for the body force, have to be input with a negative sign.

" Click on the button [hole structure] and place the box
somewhere inside the outline of the slab.

Now the input of the live load. These, analogous to the case of dead weight, can be
defined individually or more easily, as shown below, using an so called ’generator load
case’. Proceed as follows:

" Click on the symbol to create a new load case. The fol-

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

lowing dialogue window appears:

load case type (cannot be chan-

ged later)

short id


A correct input of the action cate-

gory and subcategory allows a pro-
per automatic generation of limit
state specifications
Note: The avaiable actions depend
on the structure type

" Set the input fields according to the dialog shown.

Now the newly created load case is active for input. The symbols for inputting load ob-
jects are also now active in the tab sheet.

" Click on the symbol for area loads and set the load value
to −2.0 kN/m2.

" Now draw with the rectangle tool of the Graphics Editor
the four load rectangles, which together cover the whole
If you click on the button twice, the rectangle tool will stay
active and you can input multiple rectangles easily. To quit
this mode press the ESC key.
4 load rectangles
From the Generator load case just defined, which for the subsequent solution is auto-
matically marked as inactive, the program generates as many individual load cases as
were defined, in our case 4, named after the generator GU in the form of GU%Fx.

. If afterwards one wants to modify the generated load cases, one always has to make the correc-
tions in Generated Load Case. CEDRUS-5 regenerates the corresponding load cases on leav-
ing Generated Load Case each time.

. To simplify matters, the input load cases can be drawn without any difficulty over openings
and also across the slab boundaries. The program only considers the load on the effective slab

" Click on the symbol List of load cases" and one can see
a list of the previously defined and generated load cases.
The Inactive symbol with the Generator is switched on.

. Besides the generator ’unfavorable pattern’ a second named ’moving load’ is supported by
CEDRUS. In that case you input a series of load objetcs (e.g. the load pattern of a truck) and
a nubmer of positions, where this load objects should be placed. CEDRUS will automatically
generate a load case for each position and make proper (i.e. exclusive) superposition of these
load cases in the limit state specification.

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

The Dialog ’Actions’

" Click on this button in the tabsheet to open the list of ac-

The dialog shows all actions, that have been assigned to load cases. If you want to use
actions, that are not available for selection in the load case dialog, you can define them

The actions and their partial safety factors are used for the automatic generation of limit
state specifications. For details see Chapter A 2.3 as well as the online help. of this dialog.

If you check all the actions in the dialog you will notice, that the action ’Live load gen-
eral’ you didn’t specify so far is listed. This action was automatically introduced for the
so-called ’load transfer’ mechanism, i.e. export of the reaction forces to the floor below
where you can import them. All load cases with the property ’export automatically’
turned on (=default) are combined to so-called ’export combinations’ and exported for
the next floor. So by default you don’t have to do anything to export your reactions.
If you want the self−weight of the columns and walls to be included in the exported
loads, make sure you activated the checkbox ’Consider weight of ..’ in the property dia-
logs of the walls and columns! For more details check the chapter A 2.4 of this manual.

The Dialog ’Load Import’

As discussed in the last section, by default no steps must be taken for export of the reac-
tions of a slab. However, in order to import these reactions in the floor below, there
you must define the floor that resides above yours. This is done in the dialog ’Load Im-

" Close the dialog ’Actions’ and press this button.:

After specifying the floor (or floors) that do transfer load to your slab you actually per-
form the load import by pressing the [Update] button (see chapter A 2.4).

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

A 3.4.3 The Tab Sheet /FE Mesh/

The FE mesh required for the computational method is automatically generated by the
program. One only has to supply certain parameters, usually only the maximum element
side length. This is done, as for the material properties, by placing an attributes box
for FE mesh zones. The mesh parameters may vary from zone to zone. In this case the
corresponding zone separator lines are required and per zone one attributes box.
. by default the program automatically places an attribute box inside the outline including de-
fault parameters for the control of the mesh generation. So there is no need to place a box your-
self. However it is always up to the user to make sure, that the generated mesh is appropriate
for your analysis, since the program cannot do this. You can inspect the mesh by making
it visible with this layer button.

" In our example we want to work with an element mesh

length of max. 0.8m. If a box is generated make sure the
value is set to 0.8.

If no box is present, click on the symbol for attributes

boxes and in the dialogue window that appears set the
maximum side length to 0.8. Click on [Create] place the
box anywhere on the slab.

With the symbol shown left one can now cause the mesh to be generated. This, how-
ever, is not really necessary. The mesh generation is in any case carried out automatically
by the program when needed.

In special cases one can also define zones with a manually created mesh. Regarding this
and also the other mesh parameters one can find more information in the Help function
for the dialogue window of the attributes boxes.

. General information on FE meshes can also be found in the chapter Basic Theory, Section

. A modification of an automatically generated mesh is not possible in CEDRUS-5. If one feels

that the generated mesh is not really suitable, try a finer mesh, try changing the other mesh
parameters or try using more mesh zones.

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

A 3.4.4 The Tab Sheet /Calculation/

This tab sheet contains the following briefly described symbols. If one does not have
any input to make here, one can change directly to the Results Tab Sheet. The standard
solution procedure is automatically carried out by the program when results are re-

Results for all input and active load cases are located in the Results Tab Sheet and can
be inspected at any time. But if one wants combination of other results (with arbitrary
factors), then one has to define these combinations using the symbol shown on the left.
The details can be obtained with the Help function of the dialogue window that ap-
This is the symbol for the input of limit state specifications. In standard cases, as in our
example, the limit state specifications are automatically created on the basis of the as-
signment of the load cases to particular actions and given the name !Serviceability SLS"
and !UltimateLoad ULS". These unmodified specifications can be seen by clicking on
the symbol and for printing they can be entered into the output list. The details can be
obtained with the Help function of the dialogue window that appears.
" Click on this button and check the generated limit state

With this button you can open the dialog for the definition of a dynamic analysis (op-

With this button you can start the system solver, which will calculate the raw results and
update the export loads. As mentioned above, this is never necessary and is done auto-
matically whenever a result is being asked for (see next section).

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

A 3.4.5 The Tab Sheet /Results/

1 2 3 4

With the Lightning" symbol far left one starts the calculation and the display of a result
corresponding to the settings in the tab sheet.
In the different parts of the tab sheet set the following (the contents of each zone de-
pend on the settings shown to the left of it):
This zone contains a list with all input load cases, load case combinations, limit state
1 specifications and reinforcement for each limit state specification. Click on the small
symbol with the arrow in the text field and choose the desired entry in the list that ap-
Depending on the settings in the region (1) other output quantities are also available
here. Choose the desired quantity from the list, if there is more than one to choose from.
Choose the form of presentation here. The available choice depends on the selected
output quantity. If one points the mouse to a symbol an explanatory text appears. The
six symbols shown in the above tab sheet (for section force results) signify, from left
to right: isolines, principal value plots, numerically labelled mesh, tabular output, nor-
mal sections and beam sections (sections for which the results quantities are integrated
over a certain width).
If an output quantity has different components, then these can be individually chosen.
Finally, there are the following two symbols:
With this symbol sections are defined. These have to exist before the section results can
be obtained as mentioned above under (3). A dialogue window appears in which cer-
tain parameters are specified, before one [Introduces] the sections. Details can be ob-
tained from the Help function of the dialogue window. Here just a few possibilities for
the settings are mentioned:
S Sections can be provided with a certain width. Such sections may be used for the
creation of the results both for beam sections and for normal sections. The section
type is always fixed in the region (3) of the Results Tab Sheet.
S Each section is assigned to a section group (Preset to Group 1). Section groups are
sublayers of the section layer and so can be switched individually to visible or invis-
ible. This improves clarity when one has many sections.
S Also note the settings in the Tab Sheet /Options/ in particular the possibility of mak-
ing the variation of the slab’s top and bottom surfaces visible. This is less important
in regard to results but much more as a check on the variation of slab thickness.
. Downstanding beams are in effect beam sections and just like other sections can be selected
for beam section output. The section width corresponds as default value to the width of the
downstanding beam. One can change it, however, by selecting a downstanding beam (in the
Results Tab Sheet) and adjusting it in its attributes dialogue to the “effective structural
In some types of presentation one can specify additional parameters, like equidistance
for isolines or the exaggeration factor in the case of sections. For this purpose the dia-
logue window of the symbol shown on the left is available.

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

Properties of Output Zones and Downstanding Beams

The material zones defined in the Structure Tab

Sheet also contain some output properties. If
one selects the corresponding attribute box (for
the active Results Tab Sheet) and request its at-
tributes, the dialogue window on the right ap-
pears. If the boxes are not visible, one can acti-
vate them with the corresponding layer switch
on the right side of the window. Regarding
specifiable attributes it is a question mainly of
the output direction for section forces and re-
inforcement as well as the concrete surface
cover for the reinforcement.

It is possible for certain outputs to make zones inactive.

Downstanding beams also have a similar attributes dialogue in the Results Tab Sheet,
whereby there the effective structural width is available as an input field.
. In the case of downstanding beams the symbol “Active for the Output of Results” is by default
switched off. This means that in the downstanding beams for area outputs (isolines, principal
value plots, numerical graphics) no results are displayed. This is because otherwise the iso-
lines in the downstanding beams would be very close together and in the other zones hardly
The effective struc-
any others would be seen. For beam section output the downstanding beams are of course al-
tural width = the
ways active.
width of the beam
section automatically
generated for the re-
sults output 3D Presentation

Certain methods of presenting the results are intended for a 3D view. In this case the
program automatically switches to the 3D mode (parallel projection), in which the pro-
jection direction can be freely chosen. This takes place in the self−explanatory dialogue,
which in the 3D view is always visible on the screen, or it can be performed more
quickly with the mouse:

Keep the keys <Ctrl> and <Alt> pressed and move the mouse with the left button
pressed. A horizontal mouse movement rotates the projection direction about a vertical
axis and a vertical movement rotates the projection direction about a horizontal axis
(one which is normal to the current projection direction).

In order to check the thickness of the slab and the donwstanding beam, try out the ren-
dering functionality (=press the camera−button).

With this button on the left side of the window one can switch back and forth between
2D and 3D presentations.

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

A 3.5 The Layer Switches

The graphics shown here on the left contains all layer switches. By clicking on the sym-
bol of a layer its visibility is switched on and off. This is important above all in the Results
Tab Sheet. In the input (e.g. in the Structure Tab Sheet) the layers are automatically set
correctly by the program.
Click with the right mouse button on a layer switch and
the context menu shown right is opened, which can vary
slightly depending on the layer type. The menu items
should be self−explanatory (get Help if necessary using
the key <F1>). This refers to the layer that was clicked.

Certain layers contain a series of sublay-

ers, whose visibility one may also some-
times want to switch on and off individu-
ally. Click in the context menu on the
menu row Sublayer visibility" and the
dialogue shown left appears, in which
the symbols of the corresponding sub-
layer can be set as desired.
This is of interest, e.g., for the following layers:
S FE Mesh": One can switch on the node and/or element numbers.
S In the case of the figures for numerical-graphical results the values at the nodes and
element centers can be labelled. Since these are in their own sublayer, they can be
switched on and off individually.
As may be seen from the adjacent figure, the layers are subdivided into certain groups.
The blue head of each layer group also has a small self−explanatory context menu (click
with the right mouse button). Some layer groups still need further explanation:

The Layer Group “User”

If the figures to be printed should be complemented with further information like di-
mension lines or additional labelling the layer group User" has been provided, in which
the symbol for a first User layer has been preset. If one wants to spread the added infor-
mation over several layers, then in the context menu at the top of the group User" one
can create as many additional User−Layers as desired.
In order to be able to draw within a User layer, this must first be made the active layer
(note, this is not the same as making it visible). Click with the right mouse button on
the symbol of the desired User-Layer and then in the context menu on the row active"
or use the corresponding menu entry in the context menu of the graphics area (this ap-
pears when nothing has been selected and one clicks with the right mouse button any-
where on the working surface). Now one can use all the active drawing tools of the
Graphics Editor.

The Layer Group “Results”

The last 6 results figures created remain, provided the calculation is not closed, in inter-
mediate storage and are made available here with continuously numbered symbols.
Above all, the following possible application was in mind:

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

1) One can place several results figures on top of each other", by switching on the
corresponding results layer. For this purpose one has to keep the <Shift> key
pressed, since otherwise the results layers already switched on will be switched off
2) One can switch quickly between the last couple of results.
3) The storing of results figures can also be useful in the structure or load input. In the
input of critical vehicle loading positions one can, e.g., show previously calculated
influence fields.
On this some further remarks:
S The limitation to six figures is deliberately, since the figures can take up a lot of stor-
age space. This number cannot be changed by the user.
S When storing the results buffer is always deleted. This is also done because of stor-
age economy and while otherwise loading a calculation can last a long time.
S By entering in the output list any number of figures can be stored and inspected
again at any time (see below).

A 3.6 The Documentation of a Calculation

Print directely As mentioned earlier, all printable data, whether in text or graphics form, can be sent
to the printer at the corresponding places in the program directly or be entered in an
Print entry output list for printing later.

Print preview If you press one of these buttons a dialog pops up, where you can perform the following
(CubusViewer) task:
S Choose a viewport
S Define a scale (can be changed later in the CubusViewer ).
S Edit the short title and the legend of the figure (printed out).
For the complete documentation of a calculation one works with print entries, since
before printing one wants to see a preview of the whole Report" and still be able to
make corrections regarding sequence, scales, page breaks, page numbers, etc..
The following list highlights all points in the program, where print entries are possible
in a typical sequence that one would require for a report:

S For documenting the structure input in the Structure Tab Sheet one would preferably
enter at least one figure showing the slab. Make sure that all desired layers are active.
If one is dealing with a big slab with many structure objects, it is perhaps advisable
to enter several figures with different layer switches or extra figure sections.
Also remember that for objects with labelling boxes the amount of labelling can be
influenced for most objects in their attributes dialogue in the Tab Sheet /Options/.
Further, do not forget the possibility of dimensioning the figures with a view to an
optimal documentation and to amplify them with drawing detail. This is done in
layers of the group User".
S The tabular listing of structure objects, which can be created with the symbol shown
(extreme right in the Tab Sheet /Structure/), serves as legend for the figures of the

FE mesh
S For documenting an FE calculation one also needs the FE mesh. Activate the FE mesh
layer with the layer switch shown on the left and make the print entry.

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

If one uses tabulated results it may be necessary to include a figure with the node and
element numbers. These can be added by clicking with the right mouse button on the
FE mesh layer switch and activating the desired sublayer in the menu Sublayer visi-

S Tabular documentation, which will be discussed again afterwards, can be aug-
mented by figure entries. In the Tab Sheet /Loads/ one can go from load case to load
case and make an entry for each load case of interest. The possibility also exists of
combining in one figure several load cases by activating the corresponding load case
There is also the further possibility of augmenting the figures with dimension lines
and drawing detail. Remember the possibility here of being able to create additional
layers in the layer group User", so that any structure dimensions or dimensioning
of other load cases do not have to be deleted first, but only made invisible.
S In the dialogue window Load Case List", which can be called with the symbol
shown on the left, one has the possibility of creating an entry in the load case list
with a symbol made available.
Click on this symbol and a document is created with the tabular listing of all load data
of the load cases selected in the dialogue window. The document appears on the
screen in its own window and in its header it has the now well known symbol for mak-
ing entries in the output list. The selection of load cases is carried out in the usual way
in Windows. <Ctrl><A> to select all load cases is likewise supported.

S All figures and text documents of results can be entered in the usual way in the out-
put list. In the case of figures, layers that cause interference should be made invisible
while any interesting structure, load or FE mesh layer should be made visible to be
included with the displayed results. We also remind users of the possibility described
earlier of laying several results figures on top of each other.
S To complement the display of results one still needs the documentation of any load
case combination and limit state specifications. The symbols for these entries are to
be found in the corresponding Input dialogue window in the Tab Sheet /Calcula-

Document style

Finally, we would like to point out the possibility of structuring the document style ac-
cording to ones own wishes. In the CubusViewer one can extend the list of standard
available styles with ones own creations" and each time before printing the desired
style can be chosen. For designing a style there are the following possibilities (details
can be found in the Help function of the CubusViewer):
S Paper format and page margins
To design the page header and the page footer the following objects can be placed in
any arbitrary position on a page:
S The character strings Object, Structural Component", Author" and Specialist"
can be set in the menu Options>Page Header Information"
S The character strings with the program identification, page number, date and time
S Arbitrary character strings (individual font settings), lines and BMP files (firm logos).

Part A Base Module A 3 Working with CEDRUS-5

Table Of Contents

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2. Program start and organisation of the data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2.1 Starting up the program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Organisation of the data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 Window handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3. Geometrical building model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3.1 Storeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.1.1 Master storeys / storeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.1.2 The other storey properties in the building definition dialogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Creation and management of master and storeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.3 Working with master storeys and storeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Restrictions on the input of slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Additional input for buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.3.2 Plate strips for a frame model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.3.3 Wall pillars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Properties of pillars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3.4 Reinforcement of pillars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3.5 Control of visibility of the pillars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3.6 Basement floors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.4 Creating the geometrical building model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.4.1 Assembly of building from storeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Ground surface topography/ basement storeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.4.2 Creating and updating the geometrical building model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Graphical documentation of the building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Tabular documentation of the building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4. Special means of controlling visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4.1 Subsystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.1.1 The Subsystem dialogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2 Clipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.3 Name filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.4 Fading in of other CEDRUS-5 floor layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5. Stacked slab model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

5.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.2 Working with the stacked slab model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.3 Load transmission through columns and pillars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.3.2 Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.3.3 Wall pillars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
The footprint of wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Load distribution over the footprint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
One−sided bearing on supported slab parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Justification of assumed constant pressure distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

CEDRUS-5: Buildings Module 1

Table Of Contents

Limitations of the load transmission model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

5.4 Generation of the stacked slab model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.5 Analysis of stacked slab model and results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.5.1 Starting the analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.5.2 Results for the columns and walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.5.3 Slab results for the individual storeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

6. Frame model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.2 Properties and parameters of the frame model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.2.1 Modelling the slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
How are downstands/upstands modelled as girders? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
What are plate strips and how are they modelled as girders? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Remarks concerning the model ’Slab Stiffness’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6.2.2 Modelling of pillar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
With or without resistance to horizontal forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Plane or standard pillar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.2.3 Modelling the columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
6.2.4 When are vertical elements one above the other? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Point bearing of pillar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Segment support of a pillar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Point support of column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.2.5 Generated loading and distribution of masses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.3 Generation of frame models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.4 Output for frame model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.5 Steps to obtaining a suitable frame model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6.5.1 Preparatory work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6.5.2 The cantilever wall model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Controlling visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Making changes to generated cantilever wall model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.5.3 The frame model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6.5.4 The plate stiffness model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

7. Example of Earthquake Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

7.1 Problem description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
7.2 Solution, Part 1 with CEDRUS-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
7.2.1 Program start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
7.2.2 Input of bottom storey (ground floor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
7.2.3 Input of master storey for the upper storeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
7.2.4 Introducing the upper storeys US1, US2 and attic storey AS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
7.2.5 Generation of geometrical building model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
7.2.6 Stacked slab model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Results in the vertical elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Results in the storeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
7.2.7 Frame model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7.3 Solution, Part 2 with STATIK-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
7.3.1 Checking the genererated model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
7.3.2 Analysis of natural vibrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
7.3.3 Equivalent force method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Hints on using equivalent force method: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

2 CEDRUS-5: Buildings Module

Table Of Contents

7.3.4 Response spectrum analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Torsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Horizontal interstorey drift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
7.3.5 Dimensioning (reinforced concrete analyses) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Reinforcement of load−bearing walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Dimensioning for equivalent forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Dimensioning on the basis of response spectra results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

CEDRUS-5: Buildings Module 3

Buildings Module 1. Introduction

1. Introduction
CEDRUS-5, in its basic version, is an efficient and easy−to−use program to analyse indivi-
dual reinforced concrete slabs. It reaches its limit, however, if the analysis of buildings
as a whole is important, whether it be for a top−down analysis of the loads or for the
transmission of horizontal forces, which is the case, above all, in seismic analysis.

Since, in a CEDRUS analysis with a floor slab, columns and walls, practically all informa-
tion concerning the actual storey of a building has to be input, the obvious next step
is to generate a geometrical building model by arranging CEDRUS slabs one on top of
the other.
master storey PG building=
1 x PG
4 x OG

master storey OG

Therefore the new Cubus Buildings Module (defined below) was developed as an ex-
tension to CEDRUS-5. In the current version it consists of two program options:
 G: This permits the generation of the Geometrical Building Model and contains
the Stacked Slab Model for an automatic top−down analysis of the loads.
 H: With this option different Space Frame Models are created for the program
STATIK-5. These models contain complete STATIK-5 input including loads and mass
distributions, so that analyses can be performed immediately in STATIK-5.

Definition of terms:
 Buildings Module: This is an extension of the program CEDRUS-5, which facilitates
the analysis of a building as a whole.
 Geometrical Building Model: Here the aim is to provide a detailed a description
of a building, primarily geometrical, in which the aspects of structural modelling are
not yet considered.
 Stacked Slab Model: This is a structural model that deals with vertical loading. The
top−down analysis of the loads via vertical elements proceeds automatically for the
building and the individual floor slabs are dimensioned with the CEDRUS-5 plate
 Space Frame Models: Here structural models are also considered that are suitable
for treating horizontal forces, mainly for seismic analyses, using the program STA-
The following chapters describe starting the program, creating the geometrical building
model, the stacked slab model and the generation of space frame models.

A simple example illustrating the A to Z, i.e. from the input of the slabs up to the respon-
Example se spectrum analysis for the building, is described in Ch. 7.

Buildings Module 2. Program start and organisation of the data

2. Program start and organisation of the data

2.1 Starting up the program

When you start CEDRUS-5 to create a new analysis using the menu ’File> New’, the follo-
wing submenu appears:

Select ’Building Analysis’, if you want to perform a building analysis or ’CEDRUS analy-
sis’, i.e. you just want to carry out a slab or a shear wall analysis.

A building analysis can also be started directly using the Cubus Explorer. In the dialogue
select ’CEDRUS-5 Building’.

After starting an analyis the program window looks as follows:

Element name
Window arrangement


Subsystem control


The building’s document window is open (you can find more on window management
in Section 2.3.). At the top the tabsheet for working with the geometry and the various
analysis models is shown.

In the lower part the building definition dialogue is located, which is used to manage
and modify the master storeys (left side) and the storeys (right side). Master storeys
are standard CEDRUS slabs. They serve as originals for storeys, which are listed in the
table on the right. The corresponding details are described in the chapter on the geome-
trical building model. Here it is important to note that in a building analysis there can
be n master storeys and m storeys. Presentation in the Cubus Explorer, is shown in the
next section.

Buildings Module 2. Program start and organisation of the data

2.2 Organisation of the data

A building analysis is a specific analysis type and as such is on the same level as analyses
with other Cubus programs. It is also a collector of master storeys, storeys and computa-
tional models. The following graphics show an excerpt from the Cubus Explorer which
illustrates this fact:

List of analyses with Cubus The highlighted building analysis

programs ’Manual1’ includes master storeys,
storeys and a created STATIK-5 ana-
lysis model

All auxiliary analyses belonging to the building analysis, i.e. the master and floor slabs
together with the generated computational models are stored in subfolders of the buil-
ding analysis. For illustration purposes they are shown in the above figure, but are nor-
mally invisible.

However, when importing (Menu ’File> Import ...’) the auxiliary analyses are visible if
they are imported. A storey for example can be imported into a normal CEDRUS-5 plate

2.3 Window handling

When you start CEDRUS-5, the CEDRUS-5 Program Window opens. You cannot start
the program repeatedly and therefore there is only one CEDRUS-5 program window.
CEDRUS-5 however is a multi−document application (operating system terminology),
which means here that you can have several plate analyses open at the same time. Each
of these analyses has its own Document Window.

Work with the Buildings Module, so that the geometrical building model has its own
Document Window, i.e. the Building Window, which is always open. In addition, ho-
wever, one or more master or floor slabs are often still open, each of which has its own
Document Window. It often happens that a window in which just at that moment one
wants to work is covered by other windows or that one needs to rearrange the windows.
For these situations there are the following possibilities:
1) In the menu ’Window’ the desired Document Window can always be selected and
thus brought to the foreground. The menu also contains an automatic arrangement
possibility, e.g. ’alongside one another’ or ’beneath one another’.
2) If you are working directly with a slab, then with the button shown on the left you
can get into the Building Window directly.
3) If you want to bring the Document Window of an open slab analysis to the front,
in the shown Building Definition dialogue you can select the slab and then click on
the button to Modify/View the slab.
4) In the Building Window there are buttons for standard arrangements of the Docu-
ment Window. Usually, and especially for less experienced users, the arrangment
’Window maximised’ (outside right) is the most useful

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

3. Geometrical building model

3.1 Storeys

List of master storeys List of storeys and floor slabs, resp.

Building Definition dialogue

A geometrical building model is defined in the right half of the Building Definition dialo-
gue by the lists of storeys already considered. If the Building Definition dialogue is not
visible, it can be opened using the button shown on the left in the Building Window.

Each storey has a floor slab and the other properties listed in the dialogue (see below).

Storey G3
height z of storey G2

floor slab G2
Storey G2

Storey G1

Storey G0 foundation slab =

floor slab G0

The columns and walls of the storey are supporting the floor slab. In the program the
walls are usually called ’pillars’, because they are not only supporting the slab vertically
(see ’stacked slab model’) but also horizontally (see ’space frame model’).

The floor slab may be missing for the basement floors (no foundation slab) and then con-
sists simply of an spread support area.

3.1.1 Master storeys / storeys

The geometry and loads of a storey can be input directly of they can be a duplicate of
a master storey. If they are a duplicate of master storey, they are dependent on it, and
changes to the master storey always affect the dependent duplicate slabs. How the de-
pendencies come about or are applied is decribed in the following.

Master storeys serve therefore as templates for floor slabs and are not a part of the
geometrical building model.

Both master storey and storey analyses are effectively normal CEDRUS-5 plate analyses.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

3.1.2 The other storey properties in the building definition dialogue

ID: Storey identification. These are assigned automatically according to in-

creasing height z and can change with a corresponding change of the
height .
z: Height of top of storey in the geometrical building model. The height
can be modified at any time, also in such a way that a new storey is crea-
Description: Free description of storey.
master storey:If the storey depends on a master storey its name stands here. By clicking
on an edit field in the column ’master storey’ a selection list becomes
active, from which one can select the desired dependency or delete it
by selecting ’none’ (figure on left). If an independent storey is made de-
pendent on another storey, then its original content is lost.
ψ2: Factor to take into account the modified storey loads for the masses and
in the limit value specifications for accidental dimensioning situations
(reduction factor for the quasi-permanent value of variable actions).
If on one floor there are loads in different categories wit different y2 , then
a mean value must be taken, so that the total part of the live load corres-
ponds more or less to the correct value.
dx,dy: To move the position of the storey by dx,dy.
w: To position at an angle w (about the point 0,0 of the slab).
Folder: Here, in contrast to the ID, this is an identification directly connected to
the slab, which is used above all for storing data within the program.

 In the generation of floor slabs frommaster slabs the loads are also included. Therefore
it is useful, besides the geometry, to define the loads in a master storey as well.
TheBuilding Definition dialogue is only available in the Document Window of the buil-
ding analysis and can be activated with the button shown on the left. If this window
is visible but not active, click on it. For further information on window management
see Section 2.3.

3.2 Creation and management of master and storeys

The creation and management of master and floor slabs is carried out in the Building
Definition dialogue.

Some of the buttons described in the following exist in both the master storeys and the
floor slabs. Naturally, they always act on the corresponding slab type.
With this button you can create a new master or storey. Thus it is opened immediately
and is ready for use.
Slabs can also be duplicated. Select the slab to be duplicated and then click on the but-
ton shown on the left.
This is a very useful function, since the various slabs of a builing often have much in
common and the quickest way of creating a new slab is by modifying an existing slab.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

The selected slab can be modified using this button. The same can also be achieved by
double−clicking on the chosen data entry. Modifying means that the familiar CEDRUS-5
plate program is started, and that the slab from its input to the solution can be treated
like a normal slab. Regardin the use of the slab in the geometrical building model some
additional data has to be input, which is done in the tabsheet ’Building’. More on this
is to be found in the section on working with slabs.

Floor slabs can only be modified if they are not dependent on a master storey. If necessa-
ry delete this dependence by clicking in the edit field in the column ’master storey’ and
select ’(none)’ in the selection list.
With this button the selected storey and any existing results can be viewed, but not mo-
dified (see also previous button).

Select the slab that you want to delete in the list and then click on the delete button.
Slabs that are not yet in theprocess of being edited, i.e. are not yet opened, cannot be
With this button you can create a floor from the marked master storey. The generated
storey is a copy of the master storey. Provided a dependence of the storey on the master
storey exists, after changes to the master storey the storey is automatically recreated.

If you want to include a storey in the list of master storeys, mark it and then click on
the button shown on the left. There is no dependence between the master storey and
the storey from which it was created.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

3.3 Working with master storeys and storeys

3.3.1 General

Master storeys and floor slabs are quite normal CEDRUS-5 plates. When one starts edi-
ting, a Document Window is opened with the CEDRUS-5 plate program. Then as usual
one can input the slab or import an existing slab using the Menu ’File > Import > ...’ and
and then edit it. Both CEDRUS-4 and CEDRUS-5 plates can be imported and also those
from other building analyses.
If floor slabs depend on master storeys, they can be viewed but not modified. If you
want to edit a dependent storey , then the dependence has to be deleted beforehand
(Edit field in the columns ’Geometry’ or ’Loads’ in the Building Definition dialogue).
If slabs are input or modified, they always have to stored, so that dependent parts in
the Buildings Module can be notified and updated accordingly!

Restrictions on the input of slabs

For the sake of compatibility with the latest Buildings Module there are some limitations
with the slab input. The following objects cannot be input in the current program ver-
 Symmetry lines (in any case not meaningful in the case of buildings)

Additional input for buildings

With regard to the geometrical building model and the analysis models derived from
it, in some cases additional input is necessary. This is input in the tabsheet ’Building

Here it is a question of
 the input of plate strips, which are used in a frame model,
 the properties of pillars and their grouping
 any reinforcement needed for pillars.

3.3.2 Plate strips for a frame model

 Plate strips are used in frame models (see Ch. 6.).

Besides downstand beams, which are always taken to be girder members in a frame
model, plate strips of chosen width can also be input, which also appear as girder ele-
ments in a frame model.
In order to define such plate strips, click on the but-
ton on the left. The following dialogue appears, in
which the width of the strip can be set.
Click on [Introduce] in the dialogue and draw the
axis of the plate strip as a line.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

Plate strips are only meaningful if they are supported by other elements and do not ter-
minate in some arbitrary position within a plate. Such a support element could be a verti-
cal element (columns, pillars) or a downstand beam or other plate strips. The program
automatically merges the axes of the input plate strips and these elements. The result
of this action can be verified using the button shown on the left. It is shown as a Result
Layer, whose visibility can be controlled with the corresponding button in the Layer
group ’Results’.

3.3.3 Wall pillars

For the input of the slab the walls are input as wall polygons. A wall consists of one
or more wall segments (polygon sides). Whereas subdividing the walls into individual
wall polygons during the slab input is carried out optimise input efficiency and has no
influence on the analysis model, for the mode of action of the walls in the geometrical
building model more information is needed. In the geometrical building model therefo-
re there are only pillars, which are derived as follows from the wall polygons:

A pillar consists of one or more wall segments. The user determines which wall seg-
ments are grouped to make a pillar. A pillar can consist of wall segments of different
wall polygons.

By default every wall segment is a pillar. For arbitrary grouping and regrouping there
are two functions, for whose use the tabsheet ’Building’ must be active:
 Grouping several pillars to form a new pillar: Select the pillars to be grouped
together and select ’Group Together’ in the context menu .
 Ungroup an existing pillar: Select the desired pillar(s) and select ’Ungroup’ in con-
text menu. Thereby all wall segments of the selected wall become individual pillars

Properties of pillars

The pillars have the properties dialogue

shown here.

The interpretation of the properties de-

pends on the analysis model to be gene-
rated. The corresponding description
can be found in Chapter 5 for the stacked
slab model and in Chapter 6 for the frame

One of the properties of the pillars is the

reinforcement. This is only needed in
the frame model and is described in Sec-
tion 3.3.4.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

3.3.4 Reinforcement of pillars

For the dimensioning and verification of reinforced pillars, reinforcement or a reinforce-

ment layout is necessary.

The reinforcement of a pillar consists of the following elements:

 Wall pillar nodes: At each free end, at each crossing point and at each corner point
of a pillar there is a so called pillar node. As soon as one activates the button on
the left, all pillar nodes become visible and the following dialogue appears

reinforce - reinforcement
ment cage concentrated

in the centre
of the ficti-
concrete node tious reinfor-
cover length cement cage

You can then select the pillar nodes and with [Use] assign these the properties set
in the dialogue.
Choose ’Reinforcement Cage’, so that the given As of the axial reinforcement is assu-
med to be uniformly distributed along the depicted lines of the cage.

In the dimensioning of a pillar the total reinforcement of all its pillar nodes
is increased proportionately until the dimensioning criterion is fulfilled.

The concrete cover applies globally and is set in the following dialogue:

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

 Wall pillar sections: Between the pillar nodes a uniformly distributed single or
double layer of reinforcement together with stirrup reinforcement can be provided.

reinforcement per section

(between the cages):


edge reinforcement

The input Asl value applies for both reinfor-

cement layers in the case of edge reinfor-

The reinforcement of the pillar sections is fixed and is not increased during

 The result output of the dimensioned reinforcement (with STATIK-5) refers to the same
names (i.e. IDs for piller nodes and pillar sections) as used here.

3.3.5 Control of visibility of the pillars

With the buttons shown in the following figure certain properties of the pillar can be
activated and de−activated:

Circumscribed polygon for pillars to improve visibility of the wall segments grouped
together in the pillars.

Visibility of node reinforcement

Visibility of wall reinforcement

Visibility of shear walls used in the dimensioning (see FAGUS-5 Manual)

3.3.6 Basement floors

Basement floors are floor slabs that have a finite bearing surface (support over a given
area) or such that consist exclusively of a bearing surface Attribute Box with a possible
zoning. The latter serves the sole purpose of defining the ground surface. More on this
is to be found in Section 3.4.1.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

3.4 Creating the geometrical building model

3.4.1 Assembly of building from storeys

The geometrical building model is based on storeys, which are listed in the Building
Definiton dialogue in the column ’Storeys’.

The storeys are sorted automatically according to their height z and designated ’G0’,
’G1’, ’G2’... . The storey height is measured with respect to the top of the storey.

At one level, i.e. at the same height, there may be several storeys. There may, e.g., be
two tower blocks overlying the same underground garage or in addition to a normal
storey there may at the same level be another base slab (see below).

At the beginning of a new building analysis there is always a storey of height 0.0 genera-
ted by the program, which consists of just a bearing surface attribute box and thus serves
as an infinitely spread out basement storey without a base slab (see below). This storey
can be changed arbitrarily or even deleted. If one has a base slab, this storey can be
modified accordingly.

Ground surface topography/ basement storeys

All vertical elements of the storey are supported by the storey immediately beneath it.
This may be a normal floor slab (possibly elastically supported) or it may be purely a
basement storey that consists of a bearing surface attribute box and possibly a zoning
(given by boundaries of bearing surfaces). If no support storey is found, the program
gives a corresponding error message.

floor slabs
bearing part of storey

pure base slab

(with zone limits)

basement storey G0
base slab (unlimited zone)
(input in storey G1)

Here the basement storey G0 was input without a boundary (only a bearing surface attri-
bute box). One could also have input it as a bounded zone next to the base slab. The
succeeding basement storeys however have to be input with a boundary, as otherwise
all elements would be supported at the corresponding level.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

3.4.2 Creating and updating the geometrical building model

The creation of the geometrical building model out of storeys in the Building Definition
dialogue can be carried out automatically or controlled by the user. Automatic creation
or modifying means that after each modification and storage of a master storey or storey
and after each change of the storey attributes (e.g. height) the geometrical building mo-
del is automatically updated. In large projects this may take some time and so normally
user−controlled updating is recommended. The settings for this are made in the dialo-
gue, which is opened with the button on the left:

The user−controlled creation or updating of the geometrical building model is done

with the button on the left. As soon as an existing geometrical building model is no
longer the current one, this is signalled to the user by the dimmed representation of the
old model and an active updating button. If another model has not neen created, the
Building Window is empty and the updating button is active.

Graphical documentation of the building

When a valid geometrical building model exists, it is shown in the Building Window.

The presentation can be controlled using the usual methods. These include
 the presentation tools of the Graphics Editor on the left side of the Program Window

 the Layer switch of the group ’Floor Slabs’ for the visibility of the different floor slabs
and the walls and columns supporting them

 the Layer switch of the group ’Geometry’ for

slabs, columns,
walls, walls that only carry vertical loads
foundation zones, representation according to structural element type or material.

With subsystems, the clipping box and the filter for component names there are also
new and very effective control elements for the visibility of buildings. These are descri-
bed in Chapter 4.

Tabular documentation of the building

With the button shown on the left a tabular documentation of the whole building can
be created. The following figure illustrates this in a compact form. In the uncondensed
representation, all slabs, walls and columns are listed individually.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

Button for compact

presentation, in which
the wall segment re-
sults are not included


In the Building tabsheet a building analysis provides the following levels for resetting
the model:

With this option any given geometrical model is reset and the button to create the model
is active again. This button is hardly of any practical importance, since the model if re-
quired (after modifications) is automatically reset by the program.
With this option the complete geometrical building model is reset. This also is carried
out by the program, if required. After situations in which errors are detected, however,
by resetting a transparent initial situation is provided.

With this option the highest option level for resetting the amount of data of a building
analysis can be drastically reduced. The program opens every existing slab and resets
it, i.e. the FE net and any existing results are deleted.

Use this function if you want to send someone a building analysis per e-mail or for
archiving purposes.

Buildings Module 4. Special means of controlling visibility

4. Special means of controlling visibility

Besides the usual means of controlling the visibility of individual objects in an analysis
with the CEDRUS plate program, in the building models there are additional possibili-
ties, which are described in this chapter.

4.1 Subsystems

Subsystems are a very important means of limiting the visibility of a large structure to
selected parts of the structure. An arbitrary number of subsystems can be defined, whe-
reby a part of the structure can belong to several subsystems.

 Subsystems are an instrument for controlling visibility and have no influence on the geo-
metrical model or any other analysis model of the building.

The definition of the subsystems as well as the selection of the active subsystem for the
sake of visibility is carried out in the subsystem dialogue, which is called with the right
of the two circled buttons. With the left button one switches between a complete view
and a subsystem view. The subsystem view limits the visibility to the current active sub-

4.1.1 The Subsystem dialogue

The Subsystem dialogue contains a list of the subsystems already defined.

If these fields are active the sub-

systems are generated by the
program and cannot be modified

The representation is limited to

the active subsystems
(activated in column ’active’).

must be deactivated!

The Subsystem dialogue includes the following functions, which are only active if the
button [Preview] is deactivated:

 Define new subsystem.

 Delete the marked subsystem.
 The currently selected objects are assigned to the marked subsystem. Existing ob-
jects in the subsystem are removed beforehand.
 The currently selected objects are added to the marked subsystem.
 The currently selected objects are removed from the marked subsystem.
 The objects of the marked subsystem are selected (with <Shift>-Taste additively)
 Visibility is limited to the marked subsystem. The button is only active if [Preview]
is deactivated.

Buildings Module 4. Special means of controlling visibility

4.2 Clipping

By means of clipping the visibility can be reduced to a limited area of the global coordi-
nate region:

If this button is active

Clipping box = the remaining struc-
excerpt from the glo- ture is dimmed out.
bal coordinate space

The clipping dialogue, in which the dimensions of of the clipping box can be set, is
opened with this button:

The origin of the clipping box is defined in absolute coordinates.

The corner of the clipping box lying diagonally with respect to the origin can be defined
absolutely or relatively with respect to the origin.
The numbers can be modified in the corresponding edit fields or set using the slider
beneath it. After clicking on the slider this can also be conveniently operated using the
arrow key.

With this button the clipping box is adjusted to the maximum dimensions of the structu-

The view of the clipping box is only limited if this check box is active.
The contents of the clipping box(es) remain saved when closing the clipping dialogue.
An arbitrary number of clipping boxes can be defined. This is done using the following

Selection box for the current clipping box.

Create new clipping box.

Change name of current clipping box.

Delete current clipping box. If there is only one clipping box, it cannot be deleted.

Buildings Module 4. Special means of controlling visibility

4.3 Name filter

The visibility of the structure’s objects can also be limited by means of a name filter. As
soon as there is a string of characters in the edit field shown on the left, only objects
are shown that have this character string in their names.

In the example shown these are all objects that contain a ’P’, i.e. all pillars are shown.
Several character strings, separated by blanks, can be input. For an object tobe shown,
at least one of the input character strings must appear in its name.

An important application is when a particular object is sought, e.g ’G5:P3−1’, which

otherwise would be difficult to find.

 To find out how the individual objects are designated, move the cursor over the objects.
The prerequisite is that ’Preselect’ and ’Preselect−Hint’ are active in the input options:

4.4 Fading in of other CEDRUS-5 floor layouts

Often for the preparation of the geometrical and analysis models it is decisive whether
and how accurately, e.g., the walls or columns of two adjacent storeys lie beneath one
another. To check this, it is possible to fade in the outline geometry of any other slab
into an active CEDRUS-5 slab in a colour chosen by the user.
The slab to be faded in is stored by the program in a Layer, which can be activated and
deactivated with the Layer switch (Layer group ’Structure’).

The slab to be faded in can be selected in the menu ’Presentation> save CEDRUS layout’.

master storeys of building

floor slabs of building

for floor slabs, the overlying slab

any slab via path details

Select the path details to save any desired slab. It has to be a file with the ending ’.SIN’,
normally ’Recovery1.SIN’, which is found in the subfolder ’INP’ of the specified CE-
DRUS-5 analysis.

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model

5. Stacked slab model

5.1 General
The stacked slab model for the building is the analysis model used for the top−down
calculation of the vertical loads and to analyse the floor slabs. It consists of one CE-
DRUS-5 slab per storey, which
 can support loads from overlying storeys (load import)
 determines reactions due to imported loads and also due to loads of columns and
wall supports acting directly on the slab and transmits these, together with the
weights of columns and walls, to underlying floor slabs or the foundation (load ex-
 is analysed and dimensioned on the basis of the loads imported and acting directly
on the slab.
Therefore the stacked slab model, with the following differences, is based on the pre-
viously selected analytical model for the independent CEDRUS−5 slab analyses:
 Load export and import is carried out automatically
over the whole building. After, e.g., a modification
in the n-th storey, the forces resulting in the foun-
dation or the results for any storey can be recalcula-
ted by pressing a button.
 If an imported wall load does not rest completely wall load on slab with an
opening, not yet dealt with
on the slab, the corresponding part of the load is
not lost. For example, in the case of an opening
it is transmitted equally to the adjacent parts of the
recalculated for import
slab. (same total load)
For normal loads it still holds that only the portions
of the loads acting on the slab are taken into ac-
count (openings do not have to be cut out)

 If a column or a pillar does not meet the underlying

storey, a search is carried out further down until a
supporting storey or finally the foundation is

 The load transmission to unsupported parts of

slabs can be suppressed. above


no load on
walls be- unsuppor -
low ted slab

Treating all slabs of a building in a geometrical building model offers the following ad-
 Organisational advantages regarding overview, documentation, storage and archi-
 A view of the whole building permits more efficient checking and a better documen-
tation of geometrical data, such as storey heights and the precise positioning of the
floor slabs, walls and columns over one another.
 For a better documentation it is also useful to have a summary of dimensions sorted
according to the structural elements for the complete building.

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model

 The output of results for more than one slab is possible, e.g. to see the variation of
normal forces in walls and columns over all storeys.

5.2 Working with the stacked slab model

Working with the stacked slab model means working with CEDRUS-5 slabs, which orga-
nisationally are subordinate to the geometrical building model. Besides the results for
slabs, however, there are also results for the variation of forces in the walls and columns
over the whole of the building. The procedure can be summarised as follows:
1) Create a new building analysis (see Section 2.1).
2) Input the required master and floor slabs (see Sections 3.1 ... 3.3),
including the definition of the pillars and their properties (see Section 3.3.3).
3) Create the geometrical building model (see Section 3.4).
4) Create and check the stacked slab model (see Section 5.4).
5) Analyse the stacked slab model and check the results, i.e. primarily the variation of
forces in the walls and columns (see Section 5.5).
6) Results for the slabs of the individual storeys (see Section 5.5.3).

5.3 Load transmission through columns and pillars

5.3.1 General

An advantage of the stacked slab model over working with individual slab analyses is
an improved and clearly organised determination of the force transmission through the
vertical structural elements. For vertical structural elements in the geometrical building
model we have columns and pillars. The definition of pillars is given in the slab input
and is described in Section 3.3.3.
The load transmission is carried out in the load export and the load import.

Load export: By this we mean the loads that are transmitted from a floor slab as support
reactions to their columns and walls. The load export functions with the automatically
generated export combinations, which are well known from the basic module of CE-
DRUS-5 (see Sections A 2.4.2 and 2.4.4 {see Export} in the CEDRUS-5 Manual). The follo-
wing points differ from the plate program:
 No user−defined export combinations are possible. Thus one always works with the
two automatic export combinations Exp_G! for the permanent and Exp_Q! for the
variable loads.
 The convention in the plate program of taking into account the self−weight of co-
lumns and walls no longer applies. The weight of these elements is always automati-
cally taken into account.
 The load distribution for load transmission at the bottom of the pillars is determined
differently (see below).
Load import: The loads from above that act on the slab are combined in the two loads
Imp_G! for the permanent and Imp_Q! for the variable loads. In contrast to the basic
module, the loads for load export differ from those of the load import. This has two
 Exported are the support reactions of the slab to the walls and columns. In the case
of walls it is clear that the rather irregularly distributed support reactions at the top

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model

of the wall do not reach the bottom of the wall in the same way. Further, section
forces in the plane of the wall have an influence on the force distribution at the bot-
tom of the wall. There is more discussion below on force distribution at the bottom
of the wall.
 The weights of walls and columns are not included in the load export. They are inclu-
ded ’on the way’ so to speak.
 As described above for pillar properties, one specifies that wall loads are only trans-
mitted to supported parts of the slab. In this case, the exported support reactions
have to be recalculated for the zones that actually carry loads.
 It is possible that individual walls or columns ’by−pass’ a slab and the loads are trans-
mitted further down.

5.3.2 Columns

For load transmission each column seeks its base. This is at the level where the column
axis meets a floor slab or the ground, i.e. on the ground storey G0 or an extra introduced
foundation slab (for description of ground support see Section 3.4.1):

foot of

Transmitted to: slab column/wall ground

5.3.3 Wall pillars

In the geometrical building model walls are called pillars. It could be the case of a simple
planar wall element or a group of planar wall elements. For an exact definition and
input see under LEERER MERKER.
Amongst other things, pillars have properties that influence the load transmission into
the stacked slab model. These properties are summarised in a Properties dialogue,
which can be called in the tabsheet ’Building Elements’ of master and floor slabs using
the button shown on the left (see Section 3.3.3):
In the check box on the right of this dialogue
one can specify that a pillar only transmits its
load to supported parts of the slab (see figure
on next page).
By default this check box is deactivated, i.e. all wall loads are transmitted to all parts
of the slab that they meet.
The other case is intended for the support of large wall loads, for which, due to differen-
ces in stiffness, force transmission to unsupported zones of the slab is unrealistic. The
two settings are illustrated in the following figure:
The load transmission of a pillar is via its footprint. We define the term as follows:

The footprint of wall

A pillar transmits its loads via its footprint. The footprint always lies in a horizontal plane.
This plane is at the level where the pillar extended downwards first contacts a bearing

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model





Force transmission to slab Force transmission only to

irrespective of support supported parts of slab

surface. Bearing surfaces are floor slabs or foundation slabs. The footprint is the area
on which a pillar actually rests on the bearing surface. If a pillar meets in the same plane
both a floor slab and a foundation area, then the footprint is limited to the contact part
of the slab (case shown on right in following figure).

pillar pillar pillar

ÄÄÄÄ foundation

footprint floor slab foundation footprint


The setting for load transmission has an influence on the definition of the footprint in
the Wall Pillar dialogue.

If the load transmission is not restricted to parts of the slab (standard case), the footprint
is the same as the contact area of the pillar with the slab.

If the load is transmitted only to supported parts of the slab, the following figure shows
how the footprint is determined. It shows a pillar (horizontal rectangle), which rests on
various walls and columns. Only those walls and columns give footprints, whose axes
lie on the pillar axis or intersect it (tolerance=2mm). In the case of skewly cut walls and
with columns there is a square footprint:


no footprints, because the

line foot- axes are not centrical
Footprint: print

centre of partial footprint

point footprints

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model

Load distribution over the footprint

As mentioned above, the force transmission is via the footprint of the pillar. The load
distribution depends on the setting in the Wall Pillar dialogue:

If the check box shown is deactivated, the stress distribution is constant over the whole
of the base of the wall. The total exported load on a pillar is calculated as a constant
Footprint pressure over its footprint.

If ’Independent Wall Segments’ is active, then the selected grouping of wall segments
to pillars is of no importance. The load export is carried out separately for each wall
segment and for each segment it is calculated as a constant pressue over the footprint
of the segment. In this case, wall segments without a footprint are not allowed (see figu-
in the air re on left).

One−sided bearing on supported slab parts

As an example, the following figure shows an inadequate support, considered by itself,

of a wall on a column (setting ).

Wand The wall transmits its

whole load to the co-
Footprint of wall for lumn (Footprint).
the setting ’Intercept’


Here equilibrium is only possible by means of compensating forces in the floor slabs.
The prerequisite for such compensating forces in the slabs is the existence of sufficient
walls in the storey. Whether the condition is fulfilled, is not checked by the pro-
gram and is the responsibility of the user. It may be that one has to dispense with
the setting ’Intercept’.

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model

Justification of assumed constant pressure distribution

The moment at the bottom of a wall is determined as follows: Nt

M b = Mt − h * V V

Mt: moment at top of wall

V: shear force
Nb h
h: height of wall
Whereas Mt (and Nt) are known from the bearing forces of the V
slab analysis, we have no analysis model for the shear force V,
so that Mb and thus the stress distribution at the base of the wall
cannot be calculated accurately.

But from the following considerations and based on numerous FE plate analyses in
practice the assumption of a constant pressure distribution for normal buildings is well
1) Due to the vertical loading (for top−down analysis of loads Variation of M due
no eccentric live load positions are investigated) a normal to eccentric normal
force per storey
building will probably not experience any appreciable hori-
zontal displacements.
2) From 1) it follows that a single wall continuous over several
storeys may be assumed to be a horizontally fixed continu-
ous beam under axial loading. If the loading is eccentric, a
moment is introduced for every storey. Due to the horizontal
supports (shear forces V), however, this moment is successi-
vely reduced and the ratio M/N becomes smaller and smaller
towards the base.
3) The required shear forces for the reduction of moments des-
cribed under 2) can be external in the case of vertical loads.
They can only be built up if there are several walls running
in each direction. If there is only one wall, the loading will
not be strongly eccentric, otherwise assumption 1) is no lon-
ger fulfilled.

4) The question arises when and where one needs a reasonable distribution of the wall
forces. Probably in the lower storeys, where the loading is highest and in the founda-
tions. As shown above, this assumption is better towards the bottom of the building.

If, e.g., in a longer wall element one wants to have a more complex load distribution,
the wall can be subdivided into several segments. If however one wants to model the
wall element as a pillar, then in the Wall Pillar dialogue, described above, one can activa-
te ’Independent Wall Segments’.

Limitations of the load transmission model

As with every model, the stacked slab model described here also has its limitations. It
is left to the judgement and responsibility of the engineer, regarding which cases need
further consideration or analyses. This may be necessary, e.g., when one−sided live loa-
ding can pose a threat. The transmission of horizontal loading is also not taken into ac-
count in the stacked slab model. In the case of risk due to earthquake or wind action
it may be necessary to perform additional analyses using a space frame model (see Ch.

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model

5.4 Generation of the stacked slab model

Once all storeys have been defined, the stacked slab model can be generated using the
left lightening button in the tabsheet ’Stacked Slab Model’.
In emergency cases the model can be reset using this button .

In the generation of the stacked slab model the geometry of the building is investigated
and it is determined how the loads are transmitted (see Section 5.3). Whether, and in
the case of wall, in which zones the loads are transmitted can be made visible using the
Layer button of the Layer group ’Results’.
A thick line at the bottom of columns or walls shows that load is transmitted (1). No
load is transmitted in zones with a thin line (2).

Building Subsystem of stacked slab model

Load resulting
transfer: forces at
(1):yes base
(2): no below):


Different ways of load transmission for wall system at back and front!

5.5 Analysis of stacked slab model and results

5.5.1 Starting the analysis

After successful generation of the stacked slab model and checking of the method of
load transmission of the walls and columns, with the button shown on the left the ana-
lysis of load transmission in the whole building can be carried out. Thereby the
condition for the output of results in the individual floor slabs is fulfilled, since for this
the imported loads have to be known.

5.5.2 Results for the columns and walls

For walls and columns the forces at the base are output for each storey across the whole
building all the way down to the foundations. These results can be obtained for the
permanent loads G, the variable loads Q (see Section 5.3.1) and an arbitrary combina-
tion of the two parts.
The selection of the desired parts is carried out in the selection list shown on the left.
The selected parts can also be assigned a factor. These combination factors are set in
a dialogue, which is called with the button shown on the left.
One obtains the results in graphical form using the Layer switch in der Layer group ’Re-
sults’. With the <RMB> click on the switch, and then in the context menu the Labelling
can be switched on or off.

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model

With the button shown on the left a tabular summary of the forces at the base can be

G2:P5 G2:P4

Example of a tabular output: G2

G2:S1 G2:S2 G2:S3 G2:P3

G2:P2 G1:S3 Stück


G1:P5 G1:P3

Switch for a compact

display, in which the
wall segment results
are not included


3) 4) 5)

 Under a storey (e.g. G2) all forces at the base of those pillars and columns or of the
foundation slab are listed, which support this storey.
 To which storey the pillars and columns, which e.g. support the slab of G2, transmit
their forces, is not shown in the table.
 Foundation slabs of course transmit their forces in their own storey (see G1:F1).
 1) = Sum of forces of storey G2
2) = Sum of forces of storey G1
3) = Sum of forces at base of all pillars that rest on a foundation
4) = Sum of forces at base of all columns that rest on a foundation
5) = Sum of all bearing forces of foundation slabs
6) = Sum of all forces in the building = 3)+4)+5)
( = 2) + G2:P2 + G2:S1 )

5.5.3 Slab results for the individual storeys

Open the desired storey with the viewing button and proceed as with an individual slab.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

6. Frame model

6.1 General

With the frame model the Buildings Module provides, besides the slab model, a further
analysis model, which is useful above all for significant horizontal actions. The generata-
ble frame model is intended for use with the program STATIK-5, which − with its Dyna-
mics Module − also provides the necessary analysis tools for earthquake analyses.
With a frame model one can normally better simulate the mode of action of a building
structure, and it provides interpretable results that are suitable for dimensioning purpo-
ses. Naturally, there are also special buildings and situations, for which more complex
models are required. The Buildings Module of Cubus is open−ended, e.g. a model for
surface structures is under development.
The main properties and parameters of the frame model are discussed in the following.
A prerequisite for the successful application of the frame model is a thorough understan-
ding of the theoretical material discussed.
The road from the first geometrical modelling of the building (traditional CEDRUS slabs
stacked together) to a useful frame model is not always easy and presents a challenge
to the engineer in questions of modelling. In the final section 6.5 of this chapter one
can find instructions for a step−by−step solution of this problem.

6.2 Properties and parameters of the frame model

The following information solely concerns the the frame model generated in the Buil-
dings Module. In STATIK-5, with the corresponding possibilities of the program, the mo-
del can be changed at will
The frame model is characterised by the following properties:

6.2.1 Modelling the slabs

With respect to displacements in their planes the slabs are modelled as rigid membra-
nes. This is done by means of nodal connections. A node in each slab plane is a master
node and all other nodes in the plane are slave nodes with respect to DX,DY,RZ, rigidly
connected to the master node.
With regard to bending there are the following three models:
a) Complete flexibility: The flexural stiffness of the slab is not taken into account. The
slabs only serve as rigid ’Spacers’ for the nodes in a slab’s plane. We speak here of
a purely cantilever wall model.
b) Frame model: Besides the vertical members horizontal members (girders) are also
introduced. In this way we obtain a frame model. All downstand beams and any pla-
te strips (see below) are modelled as girders.
c) Model with plate stiffness: The flexural stiffnes determined in the plate program
is introduced in the STATIK-5 model as a super element for all nodes in a slab’s plane.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

This is equivalent to modelling the slab with an FE program. This model is suitable
if the slab’s flexural stiffness has to be taken into account as accurately as possible
in dynamic analyses and to determine the section forces in the pillars and when a
good model with plate strips is difficult to achieve. Thus, in this way, the influence
of the slab’s stiffness can be quickly estimated. Details on the slab stiffness model
are discussed later in this chapter.
Mixed forms of the abovementioned models may also be employed in a building. The
model parameters can be set in the dialogue with the ’Options of Frame Model’:

Downstands and plate strips are intro-

duced into slabs without plate stiffness
as girders (frame model)

Only vertical load−bearing columns

and pillars can be excluded to simplify
the model (i.e. normal forces in the re-
maining elements cannot be used).

The flexural stiffness of these elements

can be made the default value with a
reducion factor (can be overwritten in
List of storeys with slab stiffness

How are downstands/upstands modelled as girders?

The cross section of the generated downstands is formed from the downstand’s web
and a symmetrically arranged ’flange’. The flange width corresponds to the co−acting
width specified in the downstand and the flange thickness to that of the adjoining slab
defined in the downstand. The cross section is assumed to be symmetrical, since, as part
of the slab, in reality it is not subjected to any skew moment. The following figure illu-
strates the modelling of a downstand and an upstand.

cross section of beam:

storey height S symmetrical,
centre of gravity at storey height,

downstand in slab
input axis of with co−acting width left and right and
downstand attribute ’Thickness of Adjoining Slab’

analogous treatment of upstand

storey height S

The connection of the downstand beam to the pillars and columns is eccentric in plan
view. The end of the member is determined by the point of intersection of the down-
stand’s axis with the outline of the vertical element, whereby the member’s axis is mo-
ved to the centre of gravity of the cross section. The following figure shows a downstand
in plan view, which is connected on the left to a pillar and on the right to a column:

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

axis of downstand cross section of
in frame model downstand includes
axis of pillar co−acting width

eccentric columns
axis of co-
lumn mem-
axis of downstand ber
in slab model

What are plate strips and how are they modelled as girders?

The frame action of the plate can be taken into account by means of plate strips. They
are defined by the user and consist of an axis line and the width properties ’Left Width’
and ’Right Width’. The input is performed in the slabs in the Building tabsheet (see Sec-
tion 3.3.2). In the case of very irregular wall and column layouts it is scarcely possible
to define a suitable plate strip model. In such cases one has to make use of the model
c) described above, if slab stiffness has to be considered.

From the plate strips a plate strip girder of rectangular cross section is obtained for the
frame model. The width of the section corresponds to the width of the plate strip and
the height is the same as the plate thickness along the axis of the plate.

The connection of the plate strip girders to the pillars and columns is eccentric and ana-
logous to downstand beams. The member’s end is always the point of intersection of
the plate strip axis with the outline of the vertical element. The following figures shows
a plate strip in plan view, which connects to a pillar on the left and to a column on the

axis of wall strip girder
in the frame model cross section of
axis of pillar plate strip

connection column

axis of plate strip in the slab model

(different widths left/right)

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

Remarks concerning the model ’Slab Stiffness’

With this model the plate effect with respect to its stiffness is completely taken into ac-
count in the frame model. It is illustrated with the aid of a simple example.

storey with
four pillars
member axis in
the frame model
2 nodes in the
3 frame model

free displacement
parameters per node
The slab stiffness obtained with an FE slab model is concen- DZ
tratedin the 4 storey nodes (each having 3 degrees of free- RY
dom DZ,RX,RY) of the frame model. Thus we obtain a 12x12
stiffness matrix, which is introduced into the STATIK-5 model.
The following figures shows, e.g., how the term k9,5 is determi-
ned. It represenets the fixed moment M3Y (parameter 9) due to
the unit rotation R2X (parameter 5).
One notes that thereby the walls’ own stiffness is taken into ac-
count (stiffening beam along the wall elements)

M3Y = MY in node 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 F1Z =
2 M1X =
3 M1Y =
4 F2Z =
5 M2X =
6 M2Y =
7 F3Z =
8 M3X =
9 M3Y = k9,5
10 F4Z =
11 M4X =
12 M4Y =

Remarks on slab model:

 In determining the slab stiffness for one storey all walls and columns are considered
that are connected to the slab from above and from below.
 For storeys whose slabs are treated using the plate stiffness model, the setting ’Inclu-
de girders’ in the Options dialogue for the frame model has no effect, i.e. no girders
are generated.
 If the slab stiffness, as described above, is introduced into the STATIK-5 model, it
acts as if the corresponding slab were integrated as a complete FE model.
 The slab stiffnesses can be introduced into a building for any storey, as desired.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

6.2.2 Modelling of pillar

Together with the columns, pillars form the vertical structural elements of a building.
They consist of a single wall segment (wall polygon side in the slab input) or of a group
of wall segments. Grouping of wall segments to form pillars is carried out during slab
input in the Building tabsheet (see Section 3.3.3).
Wall pillars are modelled in the frame model as follows:
 Each pillar becomes a vertical member (that is subdivided for the analysis into 3 ele-
ment members). The member’s axis lies at the centre of gravity of the pillar cross
section. The height of the upper end of the member is the same as that of the slab
that it supports. The lower end is at the level where the member’s axis, when lengthe-
ned, first meets the floor slab or a foundation zone.
storey level

pillar created member

storey level

The following points apply to a pillar in a storey that does not rest on a floor slab posses-
sing slab stiffness! Otherwise the pillar is directly connected to the slab.
 If pillars rest on other pillars or columns, then the elements lying one above the other
at the corresponding storey level are generally connected rigidly with each other.
This is achieved in such a way that only one node is introduced and the ends of the
member are connected eccentrically to these nodes:


at this level the three

members have a
common node

The conditions (tolerances, etc.), under which the program assumes that two vertical
elements stand one upon another, are described in Section 6.2.4.
 If there are any unsupported pillars ( 6.2.4), the program gives a warning and
introduces a vertical support at the base of such members.
Naturally this support falsifies the value of the normal force in neighbouring vertical
elements, but scarcely has any significant influence on the dynamic behaviour. If in
the analysis one is not interested in the details of the interception of such pillars, then
by introducing the supports one can obtain in a simple way a makeshift model for
a quick provisional dynamic analysis.
 A pillar can also be intercepted by a girder (downstand or plate strip). This intersec-
tion functions if the centre of gravity of the pillar lies on the beam axis (only small
tolerance permissible) and if in the options for the frame model ’Include girders’ is
axis of plate strip or
downstand beam

The three pillars are intercepted, since their centres of gravity lie on a be-
am axis (in the frame model with girders)

The following figure illustrates some specialities for the interception of walls and co-

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

lumns. It only applies for floor slabs without the slab stiffness model.

storey membranes,
do not support any
vertical forces *)


*) support introduced by pro-

gram, otherwise system is

With or without resistance to horizontal forces

For each pillar one can specify whether

it should resist horizontal forces (e.g.
due to eathquakes) or not. The setting is
carried out in the Wall Pillar dialogue
(see Section 3.3.3).

Wall pillars that do not have to resist ho-

rizontal forces are modelled with a shear
hinge at the top. Thus they cannot trans-
mit any shear forces to the floor slabs,
but only moments due to eccentric loa-

Plane or standard pillar

The above statement applies to standard pillars in both cross section principal direc-

For plane pillars the weaker direction is given special treatment. The members of such
pillars are provided at the lower end with a bending hinge about the weaker direction,
provided the wall is defined in the storey with a free rotational support condition. No
shear hinges are introduced in this direction.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

6.2.3 Modelling the columns

Together with pillars, columns make up the vertical load−bearing elements of a buil-
ding. In the frame model they are modelled as follows:
 Each column is a vertical member (which for the analysis is subdivided into 3 ele-
ments). The upper end of the member has the height of the slab it supports. The
lower end is at the height at which the member’s axis, when extended, first meets
a floor slab or a foundation zone.
storey level

column created member

storey level

 If columns rest on other columns or pillars, the elements standing one upon another
are rigidly connected at the corresponding storey height with the exception of a pos-
sible bending hinge, see below). This is achieved in such a way that only one node
is introduced and the member’s ends are connected eccentrically to these nodes (see
above in the case of pillars).
 With the cantilever wall model (see Section 6.2.1) the columns only carry dead
loads. To prevent frame action, a bending hinge is introduced at the lower end of
each column member .
 Whether a column in a frame model (see Section 6.2.1) has to resist moments de-
pends on the type of support condition specified in the slab input. If the column was
provided with a free rotation support condition, then it only carries dead loads and
the column member is hinged. Otherwise it is not provided with a hinge and acts
as a frame member.
 With regard to the interception of columns the same applies as for pillars (see under
Section 6.2.2).

6.2.4 When are vertical elements one above the other?

If one dispenses with the plate stiffness model, the program has to recognise if and how
the vertical element (pillars and columns) lie on top of each other and, as described in
Sections 6.2.2 and 6.2.3, how they are connected to one another. The prerequisites for
the possibility of vertical elements standing upon each other are point and/or segment
supports, as described below.
If the geometrical model of a building is too complex, i.e. if several walls lie in an unor-
derly fashion on top of each other, or if an element does not even lie on any other ele-
ment, the program refuses to make a rigid connection and thus to tie all these elements
together. In such cases a warning is given, the corresponding elements are marked and
under the axes of these elements an external vertical support is introduced ( 6.2.2).
With such external supports, as mentioned above, a dynamic analysis is often possible.
If, however, one wants to obtain the best possible information on the flow of the vertical
forces then of course this is not an admissible model. The following workarounds are
possible (for a detailed description see Section 6.5):
 For the floor with undesirable support conditions choose the plate stiffness model
(Options dialogue for frame model).
 Under the elements furnished with supports introduce girders in the form of up-
stands, so that the vertical elements can rest on these beams. The program will help
you in the introduction of such upstand beams. Fade in the overlying storey, under
which the upstand beams are to be introduced, so that the walls become visible. Se-
lect a desired wall and choose from the context menu ’Create Upstand’. The upstand
is created and introduced with half a storey height and weightless (weight already

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

taken into account in the wall) and in some cases the geometry has to be adapted
to the current slab.
 If, for example, several vertical elements, that do not all lie in the same plane, rest
on a pillar section, then this may be the reason why the program refuses to place
one on top of the other. In some cases this can be overcome by subdividing the long
wall section into several segments.

If the program detects elements that unexpectedly do not lie one on top of the other,
this may be due to the tolerances chosen for point and segment supports, which therefo-
re are subsequently shown. Whether vertical elements are actually connected to each
other, however, depends on other conditions, which among other things depend on
stability considerations and are difficult to explain. A connection that is not introduced
can always be recognised and treated as explained in Section 6.5.

Point bearing of pillar

A point bearing of a pillar WPo on a pillar WPu arises when the axes of two segments
WSo and WSu intersect the pillar. The associated tolerance is t ≈ (to + tu)/2, by which
the axis of the upper segment WSo is lengthened and and widened.
Plan view: WPu


WSo axis extended by t

A point bearing of a pillar on a column results when a pillar segment, lengthened by

an amount equal to its width, lies above the axis of a column.

Plan view:
t/2 t/2

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

Segment support of a pillar

A segment support of a pillar WPo on a pillar WPu is possible, if the two pillar segments
WSo and WSu lie more or less one on top of the other. For this certain tolerances apply
that are described in the following figure.
Plan view:



The axes of the pillar segments lying on top of each other must be parallel!
Conditions for dl ≥ tu/2
overlappung tolerances dl dq: if to ≤ tu: dq ≥ 0
and dq: else dq ≥ tu/2


not pa-

Point support of column

A point support of a column on another column or on a pillar is possible, provided the

column’s axis lies within the outline of the underlying element:
Plan view:

6.2.5 Generated loading and distribution of masses

For the frame model, for each storey the following loading cases are generated:
G: Combination (without load factors) of all permanent loads of the storey, for which
the check box ’Export Automatically’ in the loading properties has been activated
together with half the weights of the walls and columns connecting from above and
below. The loading is assigned to the action ’self−weight’.
Q: Combination (without load factors) of all variable loads of the storey, for which the
check box ’Export Automatically’ in the loading properties has been activated. The
loading is assigned to the action ’Q−Psixxx’ , where ’xxx’ stands for the ψ2−factor
(e.g. ’Q−Psi0.3’) for the corresponding storey given in the Building Definition dialo-
gue .
M: The sum of G + Q*ψ2 required for the distribution of mass.
ψ2 is specified in the Building Definition dialogue for each storey.

For STATIK-5 the loads are created in the form of area loads at the storey level. The loads
on the slabs can include arbitrary point, line of area loads.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

6.3 Generation of frame models

For the generation of frame models the geometrical building model must be analysed
and in particular its topology must be established. By topology we understand the me-
thod of connecting the different elements of the structure together, whether walls lie
directly on top of one another and, if yes, in which areas, etc.
The button shown on the left calls the following dialogue, in which the options for the
generation of the frame model can be set:

Choice of level of fixity

for a frame model
If de−activated, columns and walls,
which only support vertical forces, not
included in model
(normally activated)
Default value for reduction of flexural
(can be overwritten individually in
Storeys with plate stiffness model

The generation of the frame model is initiated with the button shown on the left. If ne-
cessary, it can also be done using the adjacent button on the right, which calls the pro-
gram STATIK-5. It is advisable, however, to check the generated frame model already
in the Buildings Module, so that one can make the necessary corrections before chan-
ging to STATIK-5.
The generated frame model is shown graphically and can be checked visually. To con-
trol the view of the frame model, besides the methods already described, it has its own
group in the Layer menu.

This button is used to call the STATIK-5 program. It appears in the following dialogue,

which provides the following possibilities,

a) to introduce with a new row, select it
and then create (Erzeugen) a STATIK-5 model ,
b) after choosing the corresponding line to overwrite (Überschreiben) an existing
STATIK-5 model or
c) after choosing the corresponding line to open (Öffnen) an existing STATIK-5 model.

In the cases a) and b) new STATIK-5 input files corresponding to the current frame mo-
del are created, and a new STATIK-5 analysis is performed with this input data. In case
c) an existing STATIK-5 analysis is selected. Thus several STATIK-5 model variants can
be worked with.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

 There is no data flowback from STATIK-5 to the Buildings Module of CEDRUS-5. After
modifying the geometrical building model one has to create a completely new STATIK-5
model. If one wants to keep the old model, then, as described, one can generate a new

To work with the STATIK-5 program the reader is referred to the manual and especially
the extension ’On the use of the response spectrum method with buildings’.

6.4 Output for frame model

With this button a table with the centres of stiffness of the individual storeys can be
The centre of stiffness of a storey lies in the centroid of the shear forces (i.e. centre of
shear) of all the walls supporting the floor slab, one for each parallel displacement of
the floor slab in the X and Y directions. The shear forces Vix and Viy of the individual
walls are assumed to be proportional to their second moment of area Iix and Iiy. Walls
that can only carry vertical forces are not taken into account.
S(Iix @ xi) S(Iiy @ y i)
xS + ; yS +
SIix SIiy

In addition, the following points have to be considered:

 The program also takes into account the second moments of area about the minor
axis of the walls. This can lead to small discrepancies compared to hand calculations.
 If wall segments are grouped together , i.e. connected to form a single pillar, then
the pillar is introduced into the analysis with its whole cross section, provided all
wall segments are connected together. If this is not the case, cross sections are crea-
ted from all connected parts, which are then introduced into the analysis separately.
It is assumed that the shear force of the individual (partial) cross section acts at its
centre of shear .

wall segments grouped to form a

single pillar

V1X V2X two independent cross sections

 The centres of stiffness out put here are not used in the program directly, since in a three
dimensional model they are included implicitly and thus are not required. They serve
solely to check the hand calculation models, and because this information is sometimes
required in the approval forms of public authorities.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

6.5 Steps to obtaining a suitable frame model

In this chapter it is described how one proceeds from an existing geometrical building
model to a frame frame model suitable for seismic analyses. Not everything that one
inputs unthinkingly as CEDRUS slabs and stacks together to form a building, can be
transformed by the program by the click of a button into a suitable frame model. It is
necessary to tidy up the input data, to allow the program, if at all possible, to generate
a frame model and so that this model is suitable for resisting earthquake forces.

Before beginning the explanations, we want to emphasise a very important principle:

Free your model of all unnecessary ballast. Seismic analyses are com-
plex and make rather big simplifications in the earthquake input.

6.5.1 Preparatory work

Before allowing the frame model to be generated, the following groundwork has to be

 The walls of all slabs have to be checked for the following points (performed in the
Wall dialogue of CEDRUS slabs):
 Support, load−bearing or non load−bearing:
Non load−bearing walls only have weight and are not actually structural elements.
 Support, allows free rotation or is standard:
Walls with a freely rotational support are provided in the frame model with hinges
about the minor (weaker) axis, provided one is dealing with plane pillars.
 Remove, if possible, short T-pieces and L-pieces at the ends of the wall or alter-
natively make these non load−bearing.


non load−bearing

 The pillars of all slabs have to be checked for the following points (performed in the
tabsheet Building Elements of the slabs):
 Grouping together wall segments ( 3.3.3):
By default, each segment forms an independent pillar, which is introduced into the
model as a girder member. If one wants to group together several segments to form
a single pillar, then select them, followed by <RMB>Group. Groups can be ungrou-
ped by selecting them followed by <RMB>Ungroup.

 With this button groups can be made visible.

 Wall pillar properties (Wall Pillar dialogue):

If the check box is activated, a pillar does not resist horizontal forces.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

6.5.2 The cantilever wall model

We want to begin here with the simplest model, the cantilever wall model. Here the
horizontal forces are resisted solely by the pillars and columns fixed rigidly to the foun-
dation. Any frame action of the of the girders or the slab is not taken into consideration.
The model is described in detail in Chapter 5.

A purely cantilever wall model is

generated, when in the Options
dialogue for the frame model the
check box ’Include girders’ is
deactivated and no storeys for the
plate stiffness model have been

As mentioned above ( 6.2.4), it may happen that for certain vertical elements at the
first attempt no definite support is found. This is indicated by the program with a corres-
ponding warning and marking of the affected elements. Before describing how this si-
tuation can be handled, we want to point out the possibilities of controlling the visibili-
ty, without which in the case of large buildings it is impossible to get an overview of
the model.

Controlling visibility

View after generation of frame


outlines columns
pillar girders
(none here)

Showing additional vertical


Buildings Module 6. Frame model

Extension of the vertical ele-

ments, separated into those that
that resist only vertical or also re-
sist earthquake loading

Here already for this simple building there is a poor overview. By working with the au-
tomatically generated subsystems for elements lying on top of each other the whole
picture becomes less confused and a good overview can be obtained.

Open the subsystem dialogue (top left in the Program window):

One can, as shown, activate the desired subsystems as well as the button [Preview]. Run-
ning through all subsystems is also possible and simple, by choosing the button at the
top of the dialogue indicated by the arrow (this is only possible if Preview is deactivated)
and then by marking an arbitrary row. The marking can then be moved down or up
using the arrow key and thus one can switch from one subsystem to another.

The settings in the column ’active’ remain valid when one now closes the subsstructure
dialogue and with the button shown on the left one can quickly move back and forth
from the whole structure to the subsystem.

Limiting viewing to selected


Buildings Module 6. Frame model

To tidy up the geometry it is often necessary, with a side view of the slab, to fade in
any other slab at the correct level above it, in order to see why, e.g., vertical elements
do not lie on top of one another. How this is done is shown in the following figure.
The outline elements of the faded−in slab are shown in red and can be grabbed.

choice of slab to be
made visible

Chosen slab made vi-

sible with this button.
For floor slabs, as
pre−setting, it is the
overlying slab.

Making changes to generated cantilever wall model

After inspecting the cantilever wall model generated by the program with the viewing
methods described above one has to decide whether one wants to accept the existing
model or make changes to it.
Changes have to be considered, if, e.g., supports have been introduced by the program,
because certain vertical elements were not intercepted and thus found no support. Such
cases can be dealt with as follows:

Solution 1: Accept inaccuracy of normal forces

The introduced supports are accepted, above all, if they were introduced under ele-
ments that only carry vertical loads. In this way one saves time in the input but sacrifices
more accurate normal force results, which in any case one probably has a good idea
of or are not needed for earthquake considerations in the initial phase of the project.
The moments and shear forces in the walls, as well as the equivalent static force, also
with the response spectrum method, are thereby scarcely affected and one quickly ob-
tains the most important results.

Solution 2: Take into account the stiffness of the plate

For the storey with the unwanted supports choose the plate stiffness model (Options
dialogue of frame model). The problem of the normal forces of Solution1 is thereby

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

Solution 3: Introduce beam to intercept and support load

 For shear walls that rest on other vertical elements, the interception can be imple-
mented by means of an upstand beam.

G2 G2

G1 G1

In the frame model (figure on right) it may be seen that the two upper walls of storey
G2 are not supported. Therefore in the storey G1 under the walls of G2 such upstand
beams have to be introduced.
The program provides help in the introduction of such upstand beams. Fade in the
overlying storey so that the walls under which the upstands are to be introduced
become visible. Select a desired wall and from the context menu choose ’Create Up-
stand’. Select a desired wall and choose from the context menu ’Create Upstand’. The
upstand is created and introduced with half a storey height and weightless (weight
already taken into account in the wall) and in some cases the geometry has to be
adapted to the current slab.

Slab G1

Select walls of shown

G2 and in the context
menu (RMB) select
’Create Upstand’

 With this solution one no longer has a purely cantilever wall solution.

 Vertical elements, which do in fact lie on the slab, can be intercepted using a beam.
It could be a downstand beam, which perhaps already exists in the slab and is activa-
ted in the frame model when in the Options dialogue for the frame model ’Include
girders’ is already activated.
If there is no downstand available, a plate strip can be introduced (tabsheet Building
Element) ( 3.3.2). The axes of the vertical elements to be intercepted have to lie,
to within a small tolerance, exactly on the axis of the downstand or plate strip. Plates
strips also have to be activated in the Options dialogue for the frame model by activa-

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

ting ’Include girder’.

Button for plate strips and

associated dialogue

Columns, made visible by

showing the upper slab

Plate strip under the column,

which transmits its load to
the two walls

To ensure that the introduced beams are considered in the new frame model, before
regenerating, in the Options dialogue for the frame model ’Include girder’ has to
be activated.
 With Solutions 2 and 3 we no longer have a pure cantilever wall model.

6.5.3 The frame model

The frame model is selected by activating ’Include girder’ in the Options dialogue. This
setting affects storeys whose floor slabs include downstands or plate strips and are not
input for the plate strip model.
The frame model is chosen in cases mentioned in Section 6.5.2 or if one wants to resist
seismic forces by means of a frame structure. Then, of course, all girders with downstand
beams or plate strips have to be modelled in the slabs.

6.5.4 The plate stiffness model

In the case of the plate stiffness

model the frame action of the slab
is accounted for in an FE model of
the slab.
The model can be activated for
each storey in the Options dialo-
gue of the frame model.
In storeys with plate stiffness the
setting ’Include girder’ has no ef-

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.1 Problem description
For a four−storey building, comprising the ground floor GF, two identical floors US1 and
US2, together with the top floor AS,
1) using the stacked slab model the loads have to be calculated top−down and
2) using a frame model, alternatively with the equivalent static force and response spec-
trum methods, the section forces due to a seismic action have to be determined and
the load−bearing walls dimensioned in the classical way (non−ductile).

Slab thickness: 0.24
Wall thickness: 0.20
Columns: 0.25x0.25
Materials: concrete C25/30
1.20 2.20 8.00
Levels EG: 3.0
OG1: 5.8
OG2: 8.6
DG: 11.40
Perm. loads self−weight
2.60 GF,US1,US2 + 1 kN/m2
AS + 5 kN/m2
Live loads (areas of living space):
12.00 GF,US1,US2 3 kN/m2
AS 2 kN/m2
Seismic zone 3B
DG Soil class C
Structure class I
Behaviour factor 2.0
2.20 2.20 8.00 For an earthquake analysis the stiff-
ness of the walls should be multiplied
by the factor 0.4.

7.2 Solution, Part 1 with CEDRUS-5

In the following it is assumed that you have experience in using the basic version of

7.2.1 Program start

 Start CEDRUS-5 and open a new building analysis using

the menu ’File > New... >Building model’.
The Building Window appears with the Building Definition dialogue.
 In the menu ’Settings > Materials’ select the required mate-
rial class ’C25/30’ for the given material ’Concrete’.
 Materials can only be changed in the Building Window and apply for all master and
floor slabs.

7.2.2 Input of bottom storey (ground floor)

Since the ground floor only occurs once in the building, we want to input it directly as
a independent storey.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

 Click on the button for a new, empty storey (in the storey
part of the Building Definition dialogue). Write ’GF’ in the
field of the column ’Description’.
Thereby, a new storey is introduced, the associated (still
empty) floor slab is opened and its Document Window is
laid over the Building Window. The shown level of 3.0
corresponds to the nominal value.
If the ground storey already exists as a separate CEDRUS analysis, we can now import
it via the menu ’File> Import > CEDRUS-?’. Here this is not the case, so that we input
the slab, in the usual way for the basic CEDRUS module.
 Input the ground floor slab including loads in the usual
Special cases:
− columns with area support (distributed), vertically rigid,
rotationally free
− walls with rotationally free support vertically rigid
 Save the slab.
 Calculate, for control purposes (plausibility), e.g. the ben-
ding deflections and the reactions for the live loading.

7.2.3 Input of master storey for the upper storeys

Since the two upper storeys are identical, it is worthwhile inputting a master storey. But
because this master storey differs only a little from the ground storey, we can utilise the
possibility of creating a master storey as a copy of the independent storey.
 Select storey ’G1’ and then click on the indicated button.
Thus a master storey as a copy of the storey ’G2’ is crea-
 Rename the master storey ’US’ and click on the button to
modify the slab.
 Modify the slab according to the problem description, i.e.
1) the walls in the Y direction
2) introduce the 4 corner columns
 Save the slab.

7.2.4 Introducing the upper storeys US1, US2 and attic storey AS

The two storeys US1 and US2 as well as the attic storey AS can now be generated from
the master storey ’US’.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

 Select the master storey ’US’ in the Building Definition dia-

logueand click once on the indicated button.

Thus a new storey ’G3’ , dependent on the master storey

’US’, is created.

 Change the level of G2 to 5.8.

 Repeat the last but one points twice to generate the sto-
reys G3 and G4. For the new levels each time the storey
level of the underlying storey is automatically given by
default, which in the present example leads dirctly to the
desired levels:

For ’G4’ we now have to modify the loads according to the problem description. This
storey differs from the master storey and, before we can modify ’G4’, we have to separate
this storey from the master storey.

 Click on the field G4/’Master Storey’. Then click on the

arrow button that appears to open the selection list and
select ’(none)’.

Thereby the storey ’G4’ becomes independent of the ma-

ster storey. Changes to the master storey now only affect
’G2’ and ’G3’.

 In theLive Load loading now change the load value to −2

kN/m2 and the additional permanent loads to −5 kN/m2.

 Save the slab.

 Change the descriptions of the storeys as follows:

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.2.5 Generation of geometrical building model

We now have to change into the Building Window. The simplest way of doing this is:

 Click on the indicated button top left in the Program Win-


The Building Window now appears.

 Click on the lightening button, to generate the geometrical

building model. Answer any questions prompted by the
program in the affirmative.

Note the Layer switch for controlling visibility. With the switches in the group ’Storeys’
the visibility of the various storeys can be set individually and with those in the group
’Geometry’ visibility can be selected according to structural elements.

 In the rendered representation (figure top right) many functions, especially the change
of tabsheet, are blocked.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.2.6 Stacked slab model

Reminder: The Stacked Slab Model serves to analyse a building for vertical loads. The
program investigates how the loads are transmitted through the slabs, walls and co-
lumns down to the foundation, and the floor slabs are dimensioned individually, as in
the basic module of CEDRUS-5.

 Change to tabsheet ’Stacked Slab Model’ and with the

lightning button create the Stacked Slab Model.

 Activate the Layer switch for ’Load Transfer’. Thereby a

graphic appears that permits a control of how walls and
columns transmit loads (here trivial).

 This button starts the analysis of the Stacked Slab Model.

Results in the vertical elements

The results, shown at the foot of the vertical elements, can

be output graphically (via the Layer switch and in tabular
form with .

The fading in and out of the labelling of the graphical re-

sults is done in the context menu (<RMB>) of the corres-
ponding Layer switch.

 Consider the possibilities of the clipping box (figure on

right) or of subsystem, in order to limit the visibility suita-

Results in the storeys

The results in the individual floor slabs are also available. Open a storey with the button
shown below and, in the customary manner of the basic module of CEDRUS-5, request
the results.

dependent on master sto- independent of master storey:


Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.2.7 Frame model

 The frame model serves to analyse a building for horizontal loads.
 The settings for the pillars, which resist horizontal loads, must be set accordingly (see
Section 6.2.2). By default all pillars are given this setting.

 Change to the frame model tabsheet and click on the but-

ton for the options for the frame model.

 The dialogue that appears should have the following set-


Comments on chosen settings:

 No girders are input (pure cantilever wall model)
 Without ’only vertical load−bearing elements’ the columns would not be modelled,
which would produce only a very makeshift model.
 The flexural stiffnesses (here relevant only for the pillars) are according to the pro-
blem description multiplied by a factor 0.5 (accounts for cracked concrete state)

 Close the dialogue and click on the button to create the

frame model.

 With the Layer switch the generated connections of the

individual members can be made visible.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

The program automatically creates a subsystem for each wall tower (connected wall/co-
lumn systems that lie on top of each other). We will look at them more closely.

 Open the subsystem dialogue and click on the button in

the shown dialogue.

 Use the arrow key on the keyboard (arrow down/up) , to

move from one subsystem to another and inspect all of

At this storey level all mem-

ber nodes are connected ri-
gidly to one another (eccen-
tric connections to a com-
mon node)

Hereby the frame model is complete as far as CEDRUS is concerned, and now it should
be modified for the dynamic analyses with STATIK-5.

 Click on the button to call STATIK-5.

 In the dialogue that appears click on the button for a new

STATIK-5 model and then on [Create].

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.3 Solution, Part 2 with STATIK-5

In the following it is assumed that you have experience in using the basic version of
STATIK-5. In addition, we refer you to the chapter Dynamics in the STATIK-5 Manual
and the supplementary documentation ’On the Use of the Response Spectrum Method
for Buildings’.

With the button shown on the left you call STATIK-5 with the input data of the Buildings
Module. STATIK-5 now runs in a second program window completely independently
of CEDRUS-5.

 Calling STATIK-5 from the Buildings Module is always a one−way procedure. One can
call STATIK-5 from the Buildings Module repeatedly, and thereby create a new STATIK-5
analysis or work with an existing STATIK-5 model.

Analysis 1

building Analysis 2

7.3.1 Checking the genererated model

Inspect the automatically generated STATIK-5 model (e.g. Structure Legend...).

 Switch to the Loads tabsheet and click on the button to

check the loading (if active).

 Now, from the actions select the mass combination M.

In this way you can see the summation of the masses for
each storey. The position of the ’masses circle’ corres-
ponds to their centre of gravity.

You can also check that for each storey three actions were generated:
Li.G: self−weights
Li.Q: live loads
Li.M: loads for mass distribution

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.3.2 Analysis of natural vibrations

 Change to the Results tabsheet and select the results of the

natural vibrations analysis.

The specification of the natural vibrations analysis was

created automatically (for 10 eigenvalues). Modifications
to the specification can be carried out, as usual, in the
Analysis tabsheet.

Discussion of the results:

with is button all 3 tables are
shown together

clearly identifiable 1. X mode

clearly identifiable 1. Y mode
1. Torsional mode
2. Y mode
2. X mode
3. Y mode

With the modes 1 and 5, for an

excitation in the X direction
92.3% of the mass is excited
With the modes 2,4,7,10,6, for an
excitation in the Y direction 90.4%
of the mass is excited
An excitation in Z direction is only
of interest in special cases.To eli-
minate unnecessary Z modes at
low frequencies, the normal force
stiffness of the vertical elements
was increased!

 Study the natural vibration modes (also graphically). You

Animate the vibration
modes (Key<F5> will see a vivid picture and verification of the properties
or Menu shown numerically in the table.
’Display > Animation’)
Often the building and the load−bearing walls are not qui-
te symmetrical and for the analysis (especially for frame
Tip models) a much higher number of eigenvalues may be ne-
cessary till one obtains the relevant, significant modes, in
order that 90% of the mass can be excited as required by
the code.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.3.3 Equivalent force method

An equivalent static force analysis was automatically generated by the Buildings Modu-
le. As usual, changes in the specification can be carried out in the Analysis Window.
This applies especially for the default response spectrum, which has to be modified in
a specific case.

 Change to the Analysis tabsheet and click on the button to

modify spectra.

 Select the only spectrum ’Spec’ that shows up in the spec-

tra list and then click on the button Modify.
Seismic zone 3B
 Make the necessary changes and Soil class C
leave the open dialogues. Structure class I
Response factor 2.0
 In the Results tabsheet select in the Results tree the branch
Equivalent Force Analysis and in it ’Eqf’ and request the
Results table.

 Select the result ’Eqf-Spectrum’ and display the spectrum.

It shows the calculated periods and the corresponding acceleration values for both exci-
tation directions, which were used for the equivalent force analysis.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

Hints on using equivalent force method:

 The requirements for the equivalent force method are regulated in the codes.
 To determine the equivalent forces the fundamental modes of vibration of a building
in the directions X and Y are required together with the periods.
In the equivalent force analysis it can be specified that the fundmental modes are
automatically determined in an eigenfrequency analysis. In order to find the funda-
mental modes, the program seeks in each direction the eigenmode with the largest
modal mass. If this modal mass is smaller than 50% (this value can be specified) of
the total mass, then the search is regarded as unsuccessful.
If fundamental modes were found, these have to fulfil the following condition: The
ratio of the modal mass in the direction considered to that in the direction at right
angles to it must have a minimum value of 10.0 (this value can be specified). In this
way it is guaranteed that we have found a clear and independent fundamental mode
in the X and Y directions. It is essential that the user studies and assesses the funda-
mental modes used in each case.
If the above condition is not fulfilled, the program uses the maximum spectral values
to determine the equivalent forces. However, in the Specification dialogue the pe-
riods can also be input by the user or one can switch to ’Maximum Spectral Values’
(then no values of period are required). The usefulness of the results thus generated
must be judged by the user.
 In the execution of an equivalent force analysis the corresponding loads are
created automatically.
These are
1) the loads with the equivalent forces in the X and Y directions with the identi-
fications xxx%X and xxx%Y (xxx=identification of equivalent force analysis) in
the centres of mass. Since, in general, there are no nodes in the centres of mass, the
forces, together with the corresponding moments,are introduced in the neighbouring
2) torsional loads to take into account inexact and accidental eccentricities of the
masses with respect to the centres of stiffness (for the identifications see below).
According to the Swiss code SIA261 Section the values are 0.5e (e=eccentrici-
ties of the masses with respect to the centres of stiffness) or 0.05b. b corresponds
to the width of the building perpendicular to the direction of seismic action and is
taken as the difference of the maximum and minimum coordinates of the correspon-
ding storey (loading area) (can be modified, see below).The total correction to the
eccentricity therefore amounts to
ecorr = ± (0.5e + 0.05b) which can vary from storey to storey.
 In the code ed,sup = 1.5e + 0.05b. The 1.5 instead of 0.5 in the above formula arises
because the code assumes that the equivalent forces are introduced in the centres of
stiffness and for the torsion therefore the whole of the mass eccentricities ed,sup and
ed,inf have to be used. In our case the equivalent forces are introduced in the centres
of mass, so that for torsional loading only the correction values ecorr have to be consi-
The eccentricities ei are determined as differences between the mass and stiffness cen-
tres calculated in STATIK-5.
The centres of mass can be inspected in the graphical output for the mass combina-
tion ’M’ or in the numerical output of the mass distributions of the storeys.
The stiffness centres are determined in the Buildings Module of CEDRUS-5 (see Sec-
tion 6.4) and are transferred to STATIK-5 in the descriptions of loading for the storey
masses. If these descriptions contain text in the form SZ=15.28/8.44 , this means that
the stiffness centre of the corresponding storey is at X=15.28 and Y=8.44 (values in
[m]). If required, these descriptions can be changed by the user.
If necessary, the widths b can also be overwritten. This is done, in the same way as
for the centres of stiffness, in the description of the loading for a storey mass. After a
blank insert the text B=bx/by (e.g. B=6.25/9.98). bx denotes the storey dimension in
the in Y direction, i.e. the width that is necessary for a load in the X direction.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

To check the values used, in addition to the equivalent force table the following table
is also output:

coordinate values perpendi-

cular to loading direction

The torsion loads, which have to be taken into account in the equivalent load analy-
ses, are denoted by xxx%TEX and xxx%TEY, respectively, (xxx=identification of
the equivalent force analysis) and for each storey includes a torsional moment about
the global Z axis amounting to MiZ = Fdi ei,corr .
With the response spectrum method, according to SIA261 Section, only the
second term ecorr has to be considered. For this method the program also creates
corresponding torsional loads obtained from the equivalent force method, which are
identified by xxx%TAX and xxx%TAY, respectively.

When carrying out the equivalent force analysis the following three limit state
specifications (accidental design situation) are also created:
 !EE!xxx: (xxx=name of equivalent force analysis)
for verification and dimensioning with the equivalent force method:
This limit state specification, besides the permanent loads G and the variable loads
Q, includes the equivalent forces with loads in the X and Y directions and the corres-
ponding torsional loads xxx%TEX/Y and this alternatively in the eight possible alge-
braic sign combinations.
 !EAtot!xxx: xxx=name of equivalent force analysis)
for the output of limit values of individual results of quantities obtained with the re-
sponse spectrum method (without corresponding components):
This limit state specification, besides the permanent loads G and the variable loads
Q, includes the torsional loads xxx%TAX/Y due to any mass eccentricities obtained
on the basis of the equivalent forces together with the results of the response spec-
trum analysis Aws_K2.
 !EApart!xxx: (xxx=name of equivalent force analysis)
for reinforced concrete analyses (reinforcement dimensioning),in which the respon-
se spectra results are passed on separatey from the section force limit values due to
vertical and torsional loading:
This limit state specification, besides the permanent loads G and the variable loads
Q, includes the torsional loads xxx%TAX/Y due to any mass eccentricities obtained
on the basis of the equivalent forces.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.3.4 Response spectrum analysis

If the requirements for the equivalent force method are not fulfilled the response spec-
trum method can be employed.

 Even if the equivalent force method may be used according to the code, the loading in
important parts of the structure can be much less using the response spectrum method.
Since, with the use of the response spectrum method for the dimensioning of load−bea-
ring walls, allowances for higher modes are neglected (see e.g. SIA 262, Section, normally more economic solutions are possible than with the equivalent force

A response spectrum analysis was automatically generated by the Buildings Module.

As usual, changes can be made to the specifications in the Analysis tabsheet. The follo-
wing figure shows the corresponding dialogue in the state as it was generated:

Two analyses ’AX’ and ’AY’ for an excitation in the X and Y directions, respectively, are
specified as well as the combination K2 of both sets of results. In the present example
the latter only has the role of a summary of the X and Y results, since for reasons of
symmetry the two directions are independent of one another.

 The spectrumused, i.e. ’Spec’, was also automatically generated and has of course to be
adapted to the current needs [Modify Spectrum].

For detailed information on the response spectrum method refer to the documentation
for STATIK-5.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

As results the following are available:

 Request the shear forces and moments in the pillars for

the combination ’K2’. For this purpose make use of the
automatically defined subsystem ’W’ for the pillars.


According to the codes, the torsional effect due to a possible eccentricity of the centre
of mass with respect to the centre of stiffness has to be taken into account for each indi-
vidual storey. This can be done in different ways:
 For each considered direction of excitation a loading in−plane with Mz=eF in each
storey. (e=eccentricity, F=equivalent force of the storey). This loading has to be con-
sidered with both algebraic signs. The absolute value of this result has to be added
to that of the response spectrum analysis.
This method is recommended in the Eurocode.
When creating an equivalent force analysis the corresponding torsional loads
in the two loading directions are automatically created. They are called XXX%TEX,
XXX%TEY (XXX=name of equivalent force analysis)
 The required eccentricity of the masses can be input directly in the Specification dia-
logue of the natural vibrations analysis. Disadvantage: In order to cover all cases,
one has to carry out a series of independent natural vibrations and response spec-
trum analyses.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

Horizontal interstorey drift

Sometimes the maximum horizontal interstorey drifts are also required. In order to de-
termine these correctly, one may not simply subtract the displacements resulting from
the response spectrum analysis at the top and bottom of a pillar, since these results re-
present maximum values determined section by section. Instead, the displacement dif-
ferences in each eigenmode have to be determined and superimposed using the requi-
red superposition method (e.g. the square root of the sum of the squares).

STATIK-5 provides correct interstory drift results for the response spectrum method and
even individually for each vertical member.

Click on the button [R], which appears with the displacement results for the response
spectrum analyses. The results can be obtained in local or global directions (button be-
low). In local directions the components Dy and Dz and in global directions normally
the components Dx and Dz are of interest.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.3.5 Dimensioning (reinforced concrete analyses)

The reinforcement is dimensioned for the traditional, i.e. non ductile, behaviour. Basi-
cally verifications are also possible if all reinforcement is input with its actual area of
cross section.

Reinforcement of load−bearing walls

To dimension the reinforcement, reinforcement layouts must exist in the pillars. To avo-
id over complicating the first part of the example, the specification of reinforcement was
dispensed with in the building input.
We now want to remedy this. The reinforcement is input in the master storeys or floor
slabs in the CEDRUS Buildings module (see Section 3.3.4). The reinforcement as shown
below has to be input in all pillars:
pillar no- pillar section pillar nodes

lc lc

The conditions for the spacing of the pillar nodes are, according to SIA 262: Section
 lc ≥ 300 mm (standard for all short walls)
 lc ≥ lw/10 (standard for long walls in the ground floor: lc=60 cm)
The longitudinal reinforcement in the pillar nodes is dimensioned whereas that in the
pillar sections remain constant, i.e. as input.
The stirrup reinforcement is dimensioned and can be input with the factor 1.0.
 Call the Building Analysis and in the storey ’G1’,’G4’ and
in the master storey ’GF’ input the reinforcement. Then
save the slabs.
 Generate once again the frame model with ’Overwrite’ of
the old model.
Thereby the old STATIK-5 model is overwritten, with the
exception of any existing spectra.
You are now back in the STATIK-5 program.
 Change to the Results tabsheet, and request the equivalent
force results. Thereby, limit state specifications, which de-
pend on them and are required later, are created.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

Dimensioning for equivalent forces

For this purpose the reinforced concrete analysis ’FgEqf’ was automatically created. It
can be inspected in the Analysis tabsheet. The corresponding dialogue looks as follows:

 In the Results tabsheet start the FAGUS analysis ’FgEqf’


Dimensioning on the basis of response spectra results

For this purpose the reinforced concrete analysis ’FgAws’ was automatically created. It
can be inspected in the Analysis tabsheet. The corresponding dialogue looks as follows:

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

 Start the FAGUS analysis ’FgAws’ in the Results tabsheet


Buildings Module 1. Introduction

1. Introduction
CEDRUS-5, in its basic version, is an efficient and easy−to−use program to analyse indivi-
dual reinforced concrete slabs. It reaches its limit, however, if the analysis of buildings
as a whole is important, whether it be for a top−down analysis of the loads or for the
transmission of horizontal forces, which is the case, above all, in seismic analysis.

Since, in a CEDRUS analysis with a floor slab, columns and walls, practically all informa-
tion concerning the actual storey of a building has to be input, the obvious next step
is to generate a geometrical building model by arranging CEDRUS slabs one on top of
the other.
master storey PG building=
1 x PG
4 x OG

master storey OG

Therefore the new Cubus Buildings Module (defined below) was developed as an ex-
tension to CEDRUS-5. In the current version it consists of two program options:
 G: This permits the generation of the Geometrical Building Model and contains
the Stacked Slab Model for an automatic top−down analysis of the loads.
 H: With this option different Space Frame Models are created for the program
STATIK-5. These models contain complete STATIK-5 input including loads and mass
distributions, so that analyses can be performed immediately in STATIK-5.

Definition of terms:
 Buildings Module: This is an extension of the program CEDRUS-5, which facilitates
the analysis of a building as a whole.
 Geometrical Building Model: Here the aim is to provide a detailed a description
of a building, primarily geometrical, in which the aspects of structural modelling are
not yet considered.
 Stacked Slab Model: This is a structural model that deals with vertical loading. The
top−down analysis of the loads via vertical elements proceeds automatically for the
building and the individual floor slabs are dimensioned with the CEDRUS-5 plate
 Space Frame Models: Here structural models are also considered that are suitable
for treating horizontal forces, mainly for seismic analyses, using the program STA-
The following chapters describe starting the program, creating the geometrical building
model, the stacked slab model and the generation of space frame models.

A simple example illustrating the A to Z, i.e. from the input of the slabs up to the respon-
Example se spectrum analysis for the building, is described in Ch. 7.

Buildings Module 2. Program start and organisation of the data

2. Program start and organisation of the data

2.1 Starting up the program

When you start CEDRUS-5 to create a new analysis using the menu ’File> New’, the follo-
wing submenu appears:

Select ’Building Analysis’, if you want to perform a building analysis or ’CEDRUS analy-
sis’, i.e. you just want to carry out a slab or a shear wall analysis.

A building analysis can also be started directly using the Cubus Explorer. In the dialogue
select ’CEDRUS-5 Building’.

After starting an analyis the program window looks as follows:

Element name
Window arrangement


Subsystem control


The building’s document window is open (you can find more on window management
in Section 2.3.). At the top the tabsheet for working with the geometry and the various
analysis models is shown.

In the lower part the building definition dialogue is located, which is used to manage
and modify the master storeys (left side) and the storeys (right side). Master storeys
are standard CEDRUS slabs. They serve as originals for storeys, which are listed in the
table on the right. The corresponding details are described in the chapter on the geome-
trical building model. Here it is important to note that in a building analysis there can
be n master storeys and m storeys. Presentation in the Cubus Explorer, is shown in the
next section.

Buildings Module 2. Program start and organisation of the data

2.2 Organisation of the data

A building analysis is a specific analysis type and as such is on the same level as analyses
with other Cubus programs. It is also a collector of master storeys, storeys and computa-
tional models. The following graphics show an excerpt from the Cubus Explorer which
illustrates this fact:

List of analyses with Cubus The highlighted building analysis

programs ’Manual1’ includes master storeys,
storeys and a created STATIK-5 ana-
lysis model

All auxiliary analyses belonging to the building analysis, i.e. the master and floor slabs
together with the generated computational models are stored in subfolders of the buil-
ding analysis. For illustration purposes they are shown in the above figure, but are nor-
mally invisible.

However, when importing (Menu ’File> Import ...’) the auxiliary analyses are visible if
they are imported. A storey for example can be imported into a normal CEDRUS-5 plate

2.3 Window handling

When you start CEDRUS-5, the CEDRUS-5 Program Window opens. You cannot start
the program repeatedly and therefore there is only one CEDRUS-5 program window.
CEDRUS-5 however is a multi−document application (operating system terminology),
which means here that you can have several plate analyses open at the same time. Each
of these analyses has its own Document Window.

Work with the Buildings Module, so that the geometrical building model has its own
Document Window, i.e. the Building Window, which is always open. In addition, ho-
wever, one or more master or floor slabs are often still open, each of which has its own
Document Window. It often happens that a window in which just at that moment one
wants to work is covered by other windows or that one needs to rearrange the windows.
For these situations there are the following possibilities:
1) In the menu ’Window’ the desired Document Window can always be selected and
thus brought to the foreground. The menu also contains an automatic arrangement
possibility, e.g. ’alongside one another’ or ’beneath one another’.
2) If you are working directly with a slab, then with the button shown on the left you
can get into the Building Window directly.
3) If you want to bring the Document Window of an open slab analysis to the front,
in the shown Building Definition dialogue you can select the slab and then click on
the button to Modify/View the slab.
4) In the Building Window there are buttons for standard arrangements of the Docu-
ment Window. Usually, and especially for less experienced users, the arrangment
’Window maximised’ (outside right) is the most useful

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

3. Geometrical building model

3.1 Storeys

List of master storeys List of storeys and floor slabs, resp.

Building Definition dialogue

A geometrical building model is defined in the right half of the Building Definition dialo-
gue by the lists of storeys already considered. If the Building Definition dialogue is not
visible, it can be opened using the button shown on the left in the Building Window.

Each storey has a floor slab and the other properties listed in the dialogue (see below).

Storey G3
height z of storey G2

floor slab G2
Storey G2

Storey G1

Storey G0 foundation slab =

floor slab G0

The columns and walls of the storey are supporting the floor slab. In the program the
walls are usually called ’pillars’, because they are not only supporting the slab vertically
(see ’stacked slab model’) but also horizontally (see ’space frame model’).

The floor slab may be missing for the basement floors (no foundation slab) and then con-
sists simply of an spread support area.

3.1.1 Master storeys / storeys

The geometry and loads of a storey can be input directly of they can be a duplicate of
a master storey. If they are a duplicate of master storey, they are dependent on it, and
changes to the master storey always affect the dependent duplicate slabs. How the de-
pendencies come about or are applied is decribed in the following.

Master storeys serve therefore as templates for floor slabs and are not a part of the
geometrical building model.

Both master storey and storey analyses are effectively normal CEDRUS-5 plate analyses.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

3.1.2 The other storey properties in the building definition dialogue

ID: Storey identification. These are assigned automatically according to in-

creasing height z and can change with a corresponding change of the
height .
z: Height of top of storey in the geometrical building model. The height
can be modified at any time, also in such a way that a new storey is crea-
Description: Free description of storey.
master storey:If the storey depends on a master storey its name stands here. By clicking
on an edit field in the column ’master storey’ a selection list becomes
active, from which one can select the desired dependency or delete it
by selecting ’none’ (figure on left). If an independent storey is made de-
pendent on another storey, then its original content is lost.
ψ2: Factor to take into account the modified storey loads for the masses and
in the limit value specifications for accidental dimensioning situations
(reduction factor for the quasi-permanent value of variable actions).
If on one floor there are loads in different categories wit different y2 , then
a mean value must be taken, so that the total part of the live load corres-
ponds more or less to the correct value.
dx,dy: To move the position of the storey by dx,dy.
w: To position at an angle w (about the point 0,0 of the slab).
Folder: Here, in contrast to the ID, this is an identification directly connected to
the slab, which is used above all for storing data within the program.

 In the generation of floor slabs frommaster slabs the loads are also included. Therefore
it is useful, besides the geometry, to define the loads in a master storey as well.
TheBuilding Definition dialogue is only available in the Document Window of the buil-
ding analysis and can be activated with the button shown on the left. If this window
is visible but not active, click on it. For further information on window management
see Section 2.3.

3.2 Creation and management of master and storeys

The creation and management of master and floor slabs is carried out in the Building
Definition dialogue.

Some of the buttons described in the following exist in both the master storeys and the
floor slabs. Naturally, they always act on the corresponding slab type.
With this button you can create a new master or storey. Thus it is opened immediately
and is ready for use.
Slabs can also be duplicated. Select the slab to be duplicated and then click on the but-
ton shown on the left.
This is a very useful function, since the various slabs of a builing often have much in
common and the quickest way of creating a new slab is by modifying an existing slab.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

The selected slab can be modified using this button. The same can also be achieved by
double−clicking on the chosen data entry. Modifying means that the familiar CEDRUS-5
plate program is started, and that the slab from its input to the solution can be treated
like a normal slab. Regardin the use of the slab in the geometrical building model some
additional data has to be input, which is done in the tabsheet ’Building’. More on this
is to be found in the section on working with slabs.

Floor slabs can only be modified if they are not dependent on a master storey. If necessa-
ry delete this dependence by clicking in the edit field in the column ’master storey’ and
select ’(none)’ in the selection list.
With this button the selected storey and any existing results can be viewed, but not mo-
dified (see also previous button).

Select the slab that you want to delete in the list and then click on the delete button.
Slabs that are not yet in theprocess of being edited, i.e. are not yet opened, cannot be
With this button you can create a floor from the marked master storey. The generated
storey is a copy of the master storey. Provided a dependence of the storey on the master
storey exists, after changes to the master storey the storey is automatically recreated.

If you want to include a storey in the list of master storeys, mark it and then click on
the button shown on the left. There is no dependence between the master storey and
the storey from which it was created.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

3.3 Working with master storeys and storeys

3.3.1 General

Master storeys and floor slabs are quite normal CEDRUS-5 plates. When one starts edi-
ting, a Document Window is opened with the CEDRUS-5 plate program. Then as usual
one can input the slab or import an existing slab using the Menu ’File > Import > ...’ and
and then edit it. Both CEDRUS-4 and CEDRUS-5 plates can be imported and also those
from other building analyses.
If floor slabs depend on master storeys, they can be viewed but not modified. If you
want to edit a dependent storey , then the dependence has to be deleted beforehand
(Edit field in the columns ’Geometry’ or ’Loads’ in the Building Definition dialogue).
If slabs are input or modified, they always have to stored, so that dependent parts in
the Buildings Module can be notified and updated accordingly!

Restrictions on the input of slabs

For the sake of compatibility with the latest Buildings Module there are some limitations
with the slab input. The following objects cannot be input in the current program ver-
 Symmetry lines (in any case not meaningful in the case of buildings)

Additional input for buildings

With regard to the geometrical building model and the analysis models derived from
it, in some cases additional input is necessary. This is input in the tabsheet ’Building

Here it is a question of
 the input of plate strips, which are used in a frame model,
 the properties of pillars and their grouping
 any reinforcement needed for pillars.

3.3.2 Plate strips for a frame model

 Plate strips are used in frame models (see Ch. 6.).

Besides downstand beams, which are always taken to be girder members in a frame
model, plate strips of chosen width can also be input, which also appear as girder ele-
ments in a frame model.
In order to define such plate strips, click on the but-
ton on the left. The following dialogue appears, in
which the width of the strip can be set.
Click on [Introduce] in the dialogue and draw the
axis of the plate strip as a line.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

Plate strips are only meaningful if they are supported by other elements and do not ter-
minate in some arbitrary position within a plate. Such a support element could be a verti-
cal element (columns, pillars) or a downstand beam or other plate strips. The program
automatically merges the axes of the input plate strips and these elements. The result
of this action can be verified using the button shown on the left. It is shown as a Result
Layer, whose visibility can be controlled with the corresponding button in the Layer
group ’Results’.

3.3.3 Wall pillars

For the input of the slab the walls are input as wall polygons. A wall consists of one
or more wall segments (polygon sides). Whereas subdividing the walls into individual
wall polygons during the slab input is carried out optimise input efficiency and has no
influence on the analysis model, for the mode of action of the walls in the geometrical
building model more information is needed. In the geometrical building model therefo-
re there are only pillars, which are derived as follows from the wall polygons:

A pillar consists of one or more wall segments. The user determines which wall seg-
ments are grouped to make a pillar. A pillar can consist of wall segments of different
wall polygons.

By default every wall segment is a pillar. For arbitrary grouping and regrouping there
are two functions, for whose use the tabsheet ’Building’ must be active:
 Grouping several pillars to form a new pillar: Select the pillars to be grouped
together and select ’Group Together’ in the context menu .
 Ungroup an existing pillar: Select the desired pillar(s) and select ’Ungroup’ in con-
text menu. Thereby all wall segments of the selected wall become individual pillars

Properties of pillars

The pillars have the properties dialogue

shown here.

The interpretation of the properties de-

pends on the analysis model to be gene-
rated. The corresponding description
can be found in Chapter 5 for the stacked
slab model and in Chapter 6 for the frame

One of the properties of the pillars is the

reinforcement. This is only needed in
the frame model and is described in Sec-
tion 3.3.4.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

3.3.4 Reinforcement of pillars

For the dimensioning and verification of reinforced pillars, reinforcement or a reinforce-

ment layout is necessary.

The reinforcement of a pillar consists of the following elements:

 Wall pillar nodes: At each free end, at each crossing point and at each corner point
of a pillar there is a so called pillar node. As soon as one activates the button on
the left, all pillar nodes become visible and the following dialogue appears

reinforce - reinforcement
ment cage concentrated

in the centre
of the ficti-
concrete node tious reinfor-
cover length cement cage

You can then select the pillar nodes and with [Use] assign these the properties set
in the dialogue.
Choose ’Reinforcement Cage’, so that the given As of the axial reinforcement is assu-
med to be uniformly distributed along the depicted lines of the cage.

In the dimensioning of a pillar the total reinforcement of all its pillar nodes
is increased proportionately until the dimensioning criterion is fulfilled.

The concrete cover applies globally and is set in the following dialogue:

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

 Wall pillar sections: Between the pillar nodes a uniformly distributed single or
double layer of reinforcement together with stirrup reinforcement can be provided.

reinforcement per section

(between the cages):


edge reinforcement

The input Asl value applies for both reinfor-

cement layers in the case of edge reinfor-

The reinforcement of the pillar sections is fixed and is not increased during

 The result output of the dimensioned reinforcement (with STATIK-5) refers to the same
names (i.e. IDs for piller nodes and pillar sections) as used here.

3.3.5 Control of visibility of the pillars

With the buttons shown in the following figure certain properties of the pillar can be
activated and de−activated:

Circumscribed polygon for pillars to improve visibility of the wall segments grouped
together in the pillars.

Visibility of node reinforcement

Visibility of wall reinforcement

Visibility of shear walls used in the dimensioning (see FAGUS-5 Manual)

3.3.6 Basement floors

Basement floors are floor slabs that have a finite bearing surface (support over a given
area) or such that consist exclusively of a bearing surface Attribute Box with a possible
zoning. The latter serves the sole purpose of defining the ground surface. More on this
is to be found in Section 3.4.1.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

3.4 Creating the geometrical building model

3.4.1 Assembly of building from storeys

The geometrical building model is based on storeys, which are listed in the Building
Definiton dialogue in the column ’Storeys’.

The storeys are sorted automatically according to their height z and designated ’G0’,
’G1’, ’G2’... . The storey height is measured with respect to the top of the storey.

At one level, i.e. at the same height, there may be several storeys. There may, e.g., be
two tower blocks overlying the same underground garage or in addition to a normal
storey there may at the same level be another base slab (see below).

At the beginning of a new building analysis there is always a storey of height 0.0 genera-
ted by the program, which consists of just a bearing surface attribute box and thus serves
as an infinitely spread out basement storey without a base slab (see below). This storey
can be changed arbitrarily or even deleted. If one has a base slab, this storey can be
modified accordingly.

Ground surface topography/ basement storeys

All vertical elements of the storey are supported by the storey immediately beneath it.
This may be a normal floor slab (possibly elastically supported) or it may be purely a
basement storey that consists of a bearing surface attribute box and possibly a zoning
(given by boundaries of bearing surfaces). If no support storey is found, the program
gives a corresponding error message.

floor slabs
bearing part of storey

pure base slab

(with zone limits)

basement storey G0
base slab (unlimited zone)
(input in storey G1)

Here the basement storey G0 was input without a boundary (only a bearing surface attri-
bute box). One could also have input it as a bounded zone next to the base slab. The
succeeding basement storeys however have to be input with a boundary, as otherwise
all elements would be supported at the corresponding level.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

3.4.2 Creating and updating the geometrical building model

The creation of the geometrical building model out of storeys in the Building Definition
dialogue can be carried out automatically or controlled by the user. Automatic creation
or modifying means that after each modification and storage of a master storey or storey
and after each change of the storey attributes (e.g. height) the geometrical building mo-
del is automatically updated. In large projects this may take some time and so normally
user−controlled updating is recommended. The settings for this are made in the dialo-
gue, which is opened with the button on the left:

The user−controlled creation or updating of the geometrical building model is done

with the button on the left. As soon as an existing geometrical building model is no
longer the current one, this is signalled to the user by the dimmed representation of the
old model and an active updating button. If another model has not neen created, the
Building Window is empty and the updating button is active.

Graphical documentation of the building

When a valid geometrical building model exists, it is shown in the Building Window.

The presentation can be controlled using the usual methods. These include
 the presentation tools of the Graphics Editor on the left side of the Program Window

 the Layer switch of the group ’Floor Slabs’ for the visibility of the different floor slabs
and the walls and columns supporting them

 the Layer switch of the group ’Geometry’ for

slabs, columns,
walls, walls that only carry vertical loads
foundation zones, representation according to structural element type or material.

With subsystems, the clipping box and the filter for component names there are also
new and very effective control elements for the visibility of buildings. These are descri-
bed in Chapter 4.

Tabular documentation of the building

With the button shown on the left a tabular documentation of the whole building can
be created. The following figure illustrates this in a compact form. In the uncondensed
representation, all slabs, walls and columns are listed individually.

Buildings Module 3. Geometrical building model

Button for compact

presentation, in which
the wall segment re-
sults are not included


In the Building tabsheet a building analysis provides the following levels for resetting
the model:

With this option any given geometrical model is reset and the button to create the model
is active again. This button is hardly of any practical importance, since the model if re-
quired (after modifications) is automatically reset by the program.
With this option the complete geometrical building model is reset. This also is carried
out by the program, if required. After situations in which errors are detected, however,
by resetting a transparent initial situation is provided.

With this option the highest option level for resetting the amount of data of a building
analysis can be drastically reduced. The program opens every existing slab and resets
it, i.e. the FE net and any existing results are deleted.

Use this function if you want to send someone a building analysis per e-mail or for
archiving purposes.

Buildings Module 4. Special means of controlling visibility

4. Special means of controlling visibility

Besides the usual means of controlling the visibility of individual objects in an analysis
with the CEDRUS plate program, in the building models there are additional possibili-
ties, which are described in this chapter.

4.1 Subsystems

Subsystems are a very important means of limiting the visibility of a large structure to
selected parts of the structure. An arbitrary number of subsystems can be defined, whe-
reby a part of the structure can belong to several subsystems.

 Subsystems are an instrument for controlling visibility and have no influence on the geo-
metrical model or any other analysis model of the building.

The definition of the subsystems as well as the selection of the active subsystem for the
sake of visibility is carried out in the subsystem dialogue, which is called with the right
of the two circled buttons. With the left button one switches between a complete view
and a subsystem view. The subsystem view limits the visibility to the current active sub-

4.1.1 The Subsystem dialogue

The Subsystem dialogue contains a list of the subsystems already defined.

If these fields are active the sub-

systems are generated by the
program and cannot be modified

The representation is limited to

the active subsystems
(activated in column ’active’).

must be deactivated!

The Subsystem dialogue includes the following functions, which are only active if the
button [Preview] is deactivated:

 Define new subsystem.

 Delete the marked subsystem.
 The currently selected objects are assigned to the marked subsystem. Existing ob-
jects in the subsystem are removed beforehand.
 The currently selected objects are added to the marked subsystem.
 The currently selected objects are removed from the marked subsystem.
 The objects of the marked subsystem are selected (with <Shift>-Taste additively)
 Visibility is limited to the marked subsystem. The button is only active if [Preview]
is deactivated.

Buildings Module 4. Special means of controlling visibility

4.2 Clipping

By means of clipping the visibility can be reduced to a limited area of the global coordi-
nate region:

If this button is active

Clipping box = the remaining struc-
excerpt from the glo- ture is dimmed out.
bal coordinate space

The clipping dialogue, in which the dimensions of of the clipping box can be set, is
opened with this button:

The origin of the clipping box is defined in absolute coordinates.

The corner of the clipping box lying diagonally with respect to the origin can be defined
absolutely or relatively with respect to the origin.
The numbers can be modified in the corresponding edit fields or set using the slider
beneath it. After clicking on the slider this can also be conveniently operated using the
arrow key.

With this button the clipping box is adjusted to the maximum dimensions of the structu-

The view of the clipping box is only limited if this check box is active.
The contents of the clipping box(es) remain saved when closing the clipping dialogue.
An arbitrary number of clipping boxes can be defined. This is done using the following

Selection box for the current clipping box.

Create new clipping box.

Change name of current clipping box.

Delete current clipping box. If there is only one clipping box, it cannot be deleted.

Buildings Module 4. Special means of controlling visibility

4.3 Name filter

The visibility of the structure’s objects can also be limited by means of a name filter. As
soon as there is a string of characters in the edit field shown on the left, only objects
are shown that have this character string in their names.

In the example shown these are all objects that contain a ’P’, i.e. all pillars are shown.
Several character strings, separated by blanks, can be input. For an object tobe shown,
at least one of the input character strings must appear in its name.

An important application is when a particular object is sought, e.g ’G5:P3−1’, which

otherwise would be difficult to find.

 To find out how the individual objects are designated, move the cursor over the objects.
The prerequisite is that ’Preselect’ and ’Preselect−Hint’ are active in the input options:

4.4 Fading in of other CEDRUS-5 floor layouts

Often for the preparation of the geometrical and analysis models it is decisive whether
and how accurately, e.g., the walls or columns of two adjacent storeys lie beneath one
another. To check this, it is possible to fade in the outline geometry of any other slab
into an active CEDRUS-5 slab in a colour chosen by the user.
The slab to be faded in is stored by the program in a Layer, which can be activated and
deactivated with the Layer switch (Layer group ’Structure’).

The slab to be faded in can be selected in the menu ’Presentation> save CEDRUS layout’.

master storeys of building

floor slabs of building

for floor slabs, the overlying slab

any slab via path details

Select the path details to save any desired slab. It has to be a file with the ending ’.SIN’,
normally ’Recovery1.SIN’, which is found in the subfolder ’INP’ of the specified CE-
DRUS-5 analysis.

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model

5. Stacked slab model

5.1 General
The stacked slab model for the building is the analysis model used for the top−down
calculation of the vertical loads and to analyse the floor slabs. It consists of one CE-
DRUS-5 slab per storey, which
 can support loads from overlying storeys (load import)
 determines reactions due to imported loads and also due to loads of columns and
wall supports acting directly on the slab and transmits these, together with the
weights of columns and walls, to underlying floor slabs or the foundation (load ex-
 is analysed and dimensioned on the basis of the loads imported and acting directly
on the slab.
Therefore the stacked slab model, with the following differences, is based on the pre-
viously selected analytical model for the independent CEDRUS−5 slab analyses:
 Load export and import is carried out automatically
over the whole building. After, e.g., a modification
in the n-th storey, the forces resulting in the foun-
dation or the results for any storey can be recalcula-
ted by pressing a button.
 If an imported wall load does not rest completely wall load on slab with an
opening, not yet dealt with
on the slab, the corresponding part of the load is
not lost. For example, in the case of an opening
it is transmitted equally to the adjacent parts of the
recalculated for import
slab. (same total load)
For normal loads it still holds that only the portions
of the loads acting on the slab are taken into ac-
count (openings do not have to be cut out)

 If a column or a pillar does not meet the underlying

storey, a search is carried out further down until a
supporting storey or finally the foundation is

 The load transmission to unsupported parts of

slabs can be suppressed. above


no load on
walls be- unsuppor -
low ted slab

Treating all slabs of a building in a geometrical building model offers the following ad-
 Organisational advantages regarding overview, documentation, storage and archi-
 A view of the whole building permits more efficient checking and a better documen-
tation of geometrical data, such as storey heights and the precise positioning of the
floor slabs, walls and columns over one another.
 For a better documentation it is also useful to have a summary of dimensions sorted
according to the structural elements for the complete building.

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model

 The output of results for more than one slab is possible, e.g. to see the variation of
normal forces in walls and columns over all storeys.

5.2 Working with the stacked slab model

Working with the stacked slab model means working with CEDRUS-5 slabs, which orga-
nisationally are subordinate to the geometrical building model. Besides the results for
slabs, however, there are also results for the variation of forces in the walls and columns
over the whole of the building. The procedure can be summarised as follows:
1) Create a new building analysis (see Section 2.1).
2) Input the required master and floor slabs (see Sections 3.1 ... 3.3),
including the definition of the pillars and their properties (see Section 3.3.3).
3) Create the geometrical building model (see Section 3.4).
4) Create and check the stacked slab model (see Section 5.4).
5) Analyse the stacked slab model and check the results, i.e. primarily the variation of
forces in the walls and columns (see Section 5.5).
6) Results for the slabs of the individual storeys (see Section 5.5.3).

5.3 Load transmission through columns and pillars

5.3.1 General

An advantage of the stacked slab model over working with individual slab analyses is
an improved and clearly organised determination of the force transmission through the
vertical structural elements. For vertical structural elements in the geometrical building
model we have columns and pillars. The definition of pillars is given in the slab input
and is described in Section 3.3.3.
The load transmission is carried out in the load export and the load import.

Load export: By this we mean the loads that are transmitted from a floor slab as support
reactions to their columns and walls. The load export functions with the automatically
generated export combinations, which are well known from the basic module of CE-
DRUS-5 (see Sections A 2.4.2 and 2.4.4 {see Export} in the CEDRUS-5 Manual). The follo-
wing points differ from the plate program:
 No user−defined export combinations are possible. Thus one always works with the
two automatic export combinations Exp_G! for the permanent and Exp_Q! for the
variable loads.
 The convention in the plate program of taking into account the self−weight of co-
lumns and walls no longer applies. The weight of these elements is always automati-
cally taken into account.
 The load distribution for load transmission at the bottom of the pillars is determined
differently (see below).
Load import: The loads from above that act on the slab are combined in the two loads
Imp_G! for the permanent and Imp_Q! for the variable loads. In contrast to the basic
module, the loads for load export differ from those of the load import. This has two
 Exported are the support reactions of the slab to the walls and columns. In the case
of walls it is clear that the rather irregularly distributed support reactions at the top

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model

of the wall do not reach the bottom of the wall in the same way. Further, section
forces in the plane of the wall have an influence on the force distribution at the bot-
tom of the wall. There is more discussion below on force distribution at the bottom
of the wall.
 The weights of walls and columns are not included in the load export. They are inclu-
ded ’on the way’ so to speak.
 As described above for pillar properties, one specifies that wall loads are only trans-
mitted to supported parts of the slab. In this case, the exported support reactions
have to be recalculated for the zones that actually carry loads.
 It is possible that individual walls or columns ’by−pass’ a slab and the loads are trans-
mitted further down.

5.3.2 Columns

For load transmission each column seeks its base. This is at the level where the column
axis meets a floor slab or the ground, i.e. on the ground storey G0 or an extra introduced
foundation slab (for description of ground support see Section 3.4.1):

foot of

Transmitted to: slab column/wall ground

5.3.3 Wall pillars

In the geometrical building model walls are called pillars. It could be the case of a simple
planar wall element or a group of planar wall elements. For an exact definition and
input see under LEERER MERKER.
Amongst other things, pillars have properties that influence the load transmission into
the stacked slab model. These properties are summarised in a Properties dialogue,
which can be called in the tabsheet ’Building Elements’ of master and floor slabs using
the button shown on the left (see Section 3.3.3):
In the check box on the right of this dialogue
one can specify that a pillar only transmits its
load to supported parts of the slab (see figure
on next page).
By default this check box is deactivated, i.e. all wall loads are transmitted to all parts
of the slab that they meet.
The other case is intended for the support of large wall loads, for which, due to differen-
ces in stiffness, force transmission to unsupported zones of the slab is unrealistic. The
two settings are illustrated in the following figure:
The load transmission of a pillar is via its footprint. We define the term as follows:

The footprint of wall

A pillar transmits its loads via its footprint. The footprint always lies in a horizontal plane.
This plane is at the level where the pillar extended downwards first contacts a bearing

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model





Force transmission to slab Force transmission only to

irrespective of support supported parts of slab

surface. Bearing surfaces are floor slabs or foundation slabs. The footprint is the area
on which a pillar actually rests on the bearing surface. If a pillar meets in the same plane
both a floor slab and a foundation area, then the footprint is limited to the contact part
of the slab (case shown on right in following figure).

pillar pillar pillar

ÄÄÄÄ foundation

footprint floor slab foundation footprint


The setting for load transmission has an influence on the definition of the footprint in
the Wall Pillar dialogue.

If the load transmission is not restricted to parts of the slab (standard case), the footprint
is the same as the contact area of the pillar with the slab.

If the load is transmitted only to supported parts of the slab, the following figure shows
how the footprint is determined. It shows a pillar (horizontal rectangle), which rests on
various walls and columns. Only those walls and columns give footprints, whose axes
lie on the pillar axis or intersect it (tolerance=2mm). In the case of skewly cut walls and
with columns there is a square footprint:


no footprints, because the

line foot- axes are not centrical
Footprint: print

centre of partial footprint

point footprints

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model

Load distribution over the footprint

As mentioned above, the force transmission is via the footprint of the pillar. The load
distribution depends on the setting in the Wall Pillar dialogue:

If the check box shown is deactivated, the stress distribution is constant over the whole
of the base of the wall. The total exported load on a pillar is calculated as a constant
Footprint pressure over its footprint.

If ’Independent Wall Segments’ is active, then the selected grouping of wall segments
to pillars is of no importance. The load export is carried out separately for each wall
segment and for each segment it is calculated as a constant pressue over the footprint
of the segment. In this case, wall segments without a footprint are not allowed (see figu-
in the air re on left).

One−sided bearing on supported slab parts

As an example, the following figure shows an inadequate support, considered by itself,

of a wall on a column (setting ).

Wand The wall transmits its

whole load to the co-
Footprint of wall for lumn (Footprint).
the setting ’Intercept’


Here equilibrium is only possible by means of compensating forces in the floor slabs.
The prerequisite for such compensating forces in the slabs is the existence of sufficient
walls in the storey. Whether the condition is fulfilled, is not checked by the pro-
gram and is the responsibility of the user. It may be that one has to dispense with
the setting ’Intercept’.

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model

Justification of assumed constant pressure distribution

The moment at the bottom of a wall is determined as follows: Nt

M b = Mt − h * V V

Mt: moment at top of wall

V: shear force
Nb h
h: height of wall
Whereas Mt (and Nt) are known from the bearing forces of the V
slab analysis, we have no analysis model for the shear force V,
so that Mb and thus the stress distribution at the base of the wall
cannot be calculated accurately.

But from the following considerations and based on numerous FE plate analyses in
practice the assumption of a constant pressure distribution for normal buildings is well
1) Due to the vertical loading (for top−down analysis of loads Variation of M due
no eccentric live load positions are investigated) a normal to eccentric normal
force per storey
building will probably not experience any appreciable hori-
zontal displacements.
2) From 1) it follows that a single wall continuous over several
storeys may be assumed to be a horizontally fixed continu-
ous beam under axial loading. If the loading is eccentric, a
moment is introduced for every storey. Due to the horizontal
supports (shear forces V), however, this moment is successi-
vely reduced and the ratio M/N becomes smaller and smaller
towards the base.
3) The required shear forces for the reduction of moments des-
cribed under 2) can be external in the case of vertical loads.
They can only be built up if there are several walls running
in each direction. If there is only one wall, the loading will
not be strongly eccentric, otherwise assumption 1) is no lon-
ger fulfilled.

4) The question arises when and where one needs a reasonable distribution of the wall
forces. Probably in the lower storeys, where the loading is highest and in the founda-
tions. As shown above, this assumption is better towards the bottom of the building.

If, e.g., in a longer wall element one wants to have a more complex load distribution,
the wall can be subdivided into several segments. If however one wants to model the
wall element as a pillar, then in the Wall Pillar dialogue, described above, one can activa-
te ’Independent Wall Segments’.

Limitations of the load transmission model

As with every model, the stacked slab model described here also has its limitations. It
is left to the judgement and responsibility of the engineer, regarding which cases need
further consideration or analyses. This may be necessary, e.g., when one−sided live loa-
ding can pose a threat. The transmission of horizontal loading is also not taken into ac-
count in the stacked slab model. In the case of risk due to earthquake or wind action
it may be necessary to perform additional analyses using a space frame model (see Ch.

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model

5.4 Generation of the stacked slab model

Once all storeys have been defined, the stacked slab model can be generated using the
left lightening button in the tabsheet ’Stacked Slab Model’.
In emergency cases the model can be reset using this button .

In the generation of the stacked slab model the geometry of the building is investigated
and it is determined how the loads are transmitted (see Section 5.3). Whether, and in
the case of wall, in which zones the loads are transmitted can be made visible using the
Layer button of the Layer group ’Results’.
A thick line at the bottom of columns or walls shows that load is transmitted (1). No
load is transmitted in zones with a thin line (2).

Building Subsystem of stacked slab model

Load resulting
transfer: forces at
(1):yes base
(2): no below):


Different ways of load transmission for wall system at back and front!

5.5 Analysis of stacked slab model and results

5.5.1 Starting the analysis

After successful generation of the stacked slab model and checking of the method of
load transmission of the walls and columns, with the button shown on the left the ana-
lysis of load transmission in the whole building can be carried out. Thereby the
condition for the output of results in the individual floor slabs is fulfilled, since for this
the imported loads have to be known.

5.5.2 Results for the columns and walls

For walls and columns the forces at the base are output for each storey across the whole
building all the way down to the foundations. These results can be obtained for the
permanent loads G, the variable loads Q (see Section 5.3.1) and an arbitrary combina-
tion of the two parts.
The selection of the desired parts is carried out in the selection list shown on the left.
The selected parts can also be assigned a factor. These combination factors are set in
a dialogue, which is called with the button shown on the left.
One obtains the results in graphical form using the Layer switch in der Layer group ’Re-
sults’. With the <RMB> click on the switch, and then in the context menu the Labelling
can be switched on or off.

Buildings Module 5. Stacked slab model

With the button shown on the left a tabular summary of the forces at the base can be

G2:P5 G2:P4

Example of a tabular output: G2

G2:S1 G2:S2 G2:S3 G2:P3

G2:P2 G1:S3 Stück


G1:P5 G1:P3

Switch for a compact

display, in which the
wall segment results
are not included


3) 4) 5)

 Under a storey (e.g. G2) all forces at the base of those pillars and columns or of the
foundation slab are listed, which support this storey.
 To which storey the pillars and columns, which e.g. support the slab of G2, transmit
their forces, is not shown in the table.
 Foundation slabs of course transmit their forces in their own storey (see G1:F1).
 1) = Sum of forces of storey G2
2) = Sum of forces of storey G1
3) = Sum of forces at base of all pillars that rest on a foundation
4) = Sum of forces at base of all columns that rest on a foundation
5) = Sum of all bearing forces of foundation slabs
6) = Sum of all forces in the building = 3)+4)+5)
( = 2) + G2:P2 + G2:S1 )

5.5.3 Slab results for the individual storeys

Open the desired storey with the viewing button and proceed as with an individual slab.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

6. Frame model

6.1 General

With the frame model the Buildings Module provides, besides the slab model, a further
analysis model, which is useful above all for significant horizontal actions. The generata-
ble frame model is intended for use with the program STATIK-5, which − with its Dyna-
mics Module − also provides the necessary analysis tools for earthquake analyses.
With a frame model one can normally better simulate the mode of action of a building
structure, and it provides interpretable results that are suitable for dimensioning purpo-
ses. Naturally, there are also special buildings and situations, for which more complex
models are required. The Buildings Module of Cubus is open−ended, e.g. a model for
surface structures is under development.
The main properties and parameters of the frame model are discussed in the following.
A prerequisite for the successful application of the frame model is a thorough understan-
ding of the theoretical material discussed.
The road from the first geometrical modelling of the building (traditional CEDRUS slabs
stacked together) to a useful frame model is not always easy and presents a challenge
to the engineer in questions of modelling. In the final section 6.5 of this chapter one
can find instructions for a step−by−step solution of this problem.

6.2 Properties and parameters of the frame model

The following information solely concerns the the frame model generated in the Buil-
dings Module. In STATIK-5, with the corresponding possibilities of the program, the mo-
del can be changed at will
The frame model is characterised by the following properties:

6.2.1 Modelling the slabs

With respect to displacements in their planes the slabs are modelled as rigid membra-
nes. This is done by means of nodal connections. A node in each slab plane is a master
node and all other nodes in the plane are slave nodes with respect to DX,DY,RZ, rigidly
connected to the master node.
With regard to bending there are the following three models:
a) Complete flexibility: The flexural stiffness of the slab is not taken into account. The
slabs only serve as rigid ’Spacers’ for the nodes in a slab’s plane. We speak here of
a purely cantilever wall model.
b) Frame model: Besides the vertical members horizontal members (girders) are also
introduced. In this way we obtain a frame model. All downstand beams and any pla-
te strips (see below) are modelled as girders.
c) Model with plate stiffness: The flexural stiffnes determined in the plate program
is introduced in the STATIK-5 model as a super element for all nodes in a slab’s plane.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

This is equivalent to modelling the slab with an FE program. This model is suitable
if the slab’s flexural stiffness has to be taken into account as accurately as possible
in dynamic analyses and to determine the section forces in the pillars and when a
good model with plate strips is difficult to achieve. Thus, in this way, the influence
of the slab’s stiffness can be quickly estimated. Details on the slab stiffness model
are discussed later in this chapter.
Mixed forms of the abovementioned models may also be employed in a building. The
model parameters can be set in the dialogue with the ’Options of Frame Model’:

Downstands and plate strips are intro-

duced into slabs without plate stiffness
as girders (frame model)

Only vertical load−bearing columns

and pillars can be excluded to simplify
the model (i.e. normal forces in the re-
maining elements cannot be used).

The flexural stiffness of these elements

can be made the default value with a
reducion factor (can be overwritten in
List of storeys with slab stiffness

How are downstands/upstands modelled as girders?

The cross section of the generated downstands is formed from the downstand’s web
and a symmetrically arranged ’flange’. The flange width corresponds to the co−acting
width specified in the downstand and the flange thickness to that of the adjoining slab
defined in the downstand. The cross section is assumed to be symmetrical, since, as part
of the slab, in reality it is not subjected to any skew moment. The following figure illu-
strates the modelling of a downstand and an upstand.

cross section of beam:

storey height S symmetrical,
centre of gravity at storey height,

downstand in slab
input axis of with co−acting width left and right and
downstand attribute ’Thickness of Adjoining Slab’

analogous treatment of upstand

storey height S

The connection of the downstand beam to the pillars and columns is eccentric in plan
view. The end of the member is determined by the point of intersection of the down-
stand’s axis with the outline of the vertical element, whereby the member’s axis is mo-
ved to the centre of gravity of the cross section. The following figure shows a downstand
in plan view, which is connected on the left to a pillar and on the right to a column:

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

axis of downstand cross section of
in frame model downstand includes
axis of pillar co−acting width

eccentric columns
axis of co-
lumn mem-
axis of downstand ber
in slab model

What are plate strips and how are they modelled as girders?

The frame action of the plate can be taken into account by means of plate strips. They
are defined by the user and consist of an axis line and the width properties ’Left Width’
and ’Right Width’. The input is performed in the slabs in the Building tabsheet (see Sec-
tion 3.3.2). In the case of very irregular wall and column layouts it is scarcely possible
to define a suitable plate strip model. In such cases one has to make use of the model
c) described above, if slab stiffness has to be considered.

From the plate strips a plate strip girder of rectangular cross section is obtained for the
frame model. The width of the section corresponds to the width of the plate strip and
the height is the same as the plate thickness along the axis of the plate.

The connection of the plate strip girders to the pillars and columns is eccentric and ana-
logous to downstand beams. The member’s end is always the point of intersection of
the plate strip axis with the outline of the vertical element. The following figures shows
a plate strip in plan view, which connects to a pillar on the left and to a column on the

axis of wall strip girder
in the frame model cross section of
axis of pillar plate strip

connection column

axis of plate strip in the slab model

(different widths left/right)

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

Remarks concerning the model ’Slab Stiffness’

With this model the plate effect with respect to its stiffness is completely taken into ac-
count in the frame model. It is illustrated with the aid of a simple example.

storey with
four pillars
member axis in
the frame model
2 nodes in the
3 frame model

free displacement
parameters per node
The slab stiffness obtained with an FE slab model is concen- DZ
tratedin the 4 storey nodes (each having 3 degrees of free- RY
dom DZ,RX,RY) of the frame model. Thus we obtain a 12x12
stiffness matrix, which is introduced into the STATIK-5 model.
The following figures shows, e.g., how the term k9,5 is determi-
ned. It represenets the fixed moment M3Y (parameter 9) due to
the unit rotation R2X (parameter 5).
One notes that thereby the walls’ own stiffness is taken into ac-
count (stiffening beam along the wall elements)

M3Y = MY in node 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 F1Z =
2 M1X =
3 M1Y =
4 F2Z =
5 M2X =
6 M2Y =
7 F3Z =
8 M3X =
9 M3Y = k9,5
10 F4Z =
11 M4X =
12 M4Y =

Remarks on slab model:

 In determining the slab stiffness for one storey all walls and columns are considered
that are connected to the slab from above and from below.
 For storeys whose slabs are treated using the plate stiffness model, the setting ’Inclu-
de girders’ in the Options dialogue for the frame model has no effect, i.e. no girders
are generated.
 If the slab stiffness, as described above, is introduced into the STATIK-5 model, it
acts as if the corresponding slab were integrated as a complete FE model.
 The slab stiffnesses can be introduced into a building for any storey, as desired.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

6.2.2 Modelling of pillar

Together with the columns, pillars form the vertical structural elements of a building.
They consist of a single wall segment (wall polygon side in the slab input) or of a group
of wall segments. Grouping of wall segments to form pillars is carried out during slab
input in the Building tabsheet (see Section 3.3.3).
Wall pillars are modelled in the frame model as follows:
 Each pillar becomes a vertical member (that is subdivided for the analysis into 3 ele-
ment members). The member’s axis lies at the centre of gravity of the pillar cross
section. The height of the upper end of the member is the same as that of the slab
that it supports. The lower end is at the level where the member’s axis, when lengthe-
ned, first meets the floor slab or a foundation zone.
storey level

pillar created member

storey level

The following points apply to a pillar in a storey that does not rest on a floor slab posses-
sing slab stiffness! Otherwise the pillar is directly connected to the slab.
 If pillars rest on other pillars or columns, then the elements lying one above the other
at the corresponding storey level are generally connected rigidly with each other.
This is achieved in such a way that only one node is introduced and the ends of the
member are connected eccentrically to these nodes:


at this level the three

members have a
common node

The conditions (tolerances, etc.), under which the program assumes that two vertical
elements stand one upon another, are described in Section 6.2.4.
 If there are any unsupported pillars ( 6.2.4), the program gives a warning and
introduces a vertical support at the base of such members.
Naturally this support falsifies the value of the normal force in neighbouring vertical
elements, but scarcely has any significant influence on the dynamic behaviour. If in
the analysis one is not interested in the details of the interception of such pillars, then
by introducing the supports one can obtain in a simple way a makeshift model for
a quick provisional dynamic analysis.
 A pillar can also be intercepted by a girder (downstand or plate strip). This intersec-
tion functions if the centre of gravity of the pillar lies on the beam axis (only small
tolerance permissible) and if in the options for the frame model ’Include girders’ is
axis of plate strip or
downstand beam

The three pillars are intercepted, since their centres of gravity lie on a be-
am axis (in the frame model with girders)

The following figure illustrates some specialities for the interception of walls and co-

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

lumns. It only applies for floor slabs without the slab stiffness model.

storey membranes,
do not support any
vertical forces *)


*) support introduced by pro-

gram, otherwise system is

With or without resistance to horizontal forces

For each pillar one can specify whether

it should resist horizontal forces (e.g.
due to eathquakes) or not. The setting is
carried out in the Wall Pillar dialogue
(see Section 3.3.3).

Wall pillars that do not have to resist ho-

rizontal forces are modelled with a shear
hinge at the top. Thus they cannot trans-
mit any shear forces to the floor slabs,
but only moments due to eccentric loa-

Plane or standard pillar

The above statement applies to standard pillars in both cross section principal direc-

For plane pillars the weaker direction is given special treatment. The members of such
pillars are provided at the lower end with a bending hinge about the weaker direction,
provided the wall is defined in the storey with a free rotational support condition. No
shear hinges are introduced in this direction.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

6.2.3 Modelling the columns

Together with pillars, columns make up the vertical load−bearing elements of a buil-
ding. In the frame model they are modelled as follows:
 Each column is a vertical member (which for the analysis is subdivided into 3 ele-
ments). The upper end of the member has the height of the slab it supports. The
lower end is at the height at which the member’s axis, when extended, first meets
a floor slab or a foundation zone.
storey level

column created member

storey level

 If columns rest on other columns or pillars, the elements standing one upon another
are rigidly connected at the corresponding storey height with the exception of a pos-
sible bending hinge, see below). This is achieved in such a way that only one node
is introduced and the member’s ends are connected eccentrically to these nodes (see
above in the case of pillars).
 With the cantilever wall model (see Section 6.2.1) the columns only carry dead
loads. To prevent frame action, a bending hinge is introduced at the lower end of
each column member .
 Whether a column in a frame model (see Section 6.2.1) has to resist moments de-
pends on the type of support condition specified in the slab input. If the column was
provided with a free rotation support condition, then it only carries dead loads and
the column member is hinged. Otherwise it is not provided with a hinge and acts
as a frame member.
 With regard to the interception of columns the same applies as for pillars (see under
Section 6.2.2).

6.2.4 When are vertical elements one above the other?

If one dispenses with the plate stiffness model, the program has to recognise if and how
the vertical element (pillars and columns) lie on top of each other and, as described in
Sections 6.2.2 and 6.2.3, how they are connected to one another. The prerequisites for
the possibility of vertical elements standing upon each other are point and/or segment
supports, as described below.
If the geometrical model of a building is too complex, i.e. if several walls lie in an unor-
derly fashion on top of each other, or if an element does not even lie on any other ele-
ment, the program refuses to make a rigid connection and thus to tie all these elements
together. In such cases a warning is given, the corresponding elements are marked and
under the axes of these elements an external vertical support is introduced ( 6.2.2).
With such external supports, as mentioned above, a dynamic analysis is often possible.
If, however, one wants to obtain the best possible information on the flow of the vertical
forces then of course this is not an admissible model. The following workarounds are
possible (for a detailed description see Section 6.5):
 For the floor with undesirable support conditions choose the plate stiffness model
(Options dialogue for frame model).
 Under the elements furnished with supports introduce girders in the form of up-
stands, so that the vertical elements can rest on these beams. The program will help
you in the introduction of such upstand beams. Fade in the overlying storey, under
which the upstand beams are to be introduced, so that the walls become visible. Se-
lect a desired wall and choose from the context menu ’Create Upstand’. The upstand
is created and introduced with half a storey height and weightless (weight already

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

taken into account in the wall) and in some cases the geometry has to be adapted
to the current slab.
 If, for example, several vertical elements, that do not all lie in the same plane, rest
on a pillar section, then this may be the reason why the program refuses to place
one on top of the other. In some cases this can be overcome by subdividing the long
wall section into several segments.

If the program detects elements that unexpectedly do not lie one on top of the other,
this may be due to the tolerances chosen for point and segment supports, which therefo-
re are subsequently shown. Whether vertical elements are actually connected to each
other, however, depends on other conditions, which among other things depend on
stability considerations and are difficult to explain. A connection that is not introduced
can always be recognised and treated as explained in Section 6.5.

Point bearing of pillar

A point bearing of a pillar WPo on a pillar WPu arises when the axes of two segments
WSo and WSu intersect the pillar. The associated tolerance is t ≈ (to + tu)/2, by which
the axis of the upper segment WSo is lengthened and and widened.
Plan view: WPu


WSo axis extended by t

A point bearing of a pillar on a column results when a pillar segment, lengthened by

an amount equal to its width, lies above the axis of a column.

Plan view:
t/2 t/2

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

Segment support of a pillar

A segment support of a pillar WPo on a pillar WPu is possible, if the two pillar segments
WSo and WSu lie more or less one on top of the other. For this certain tolerances apply
that are described in the following figure.
Plan view:



The axes of the pillar segments lying on top of each other must be parallel!
Conditions for dl ≥ tu/2
overlappung tolerances dl dq: if to ≤ tu: dq ≥ 0
and dq: else dq ≥ tu/2


not pa-

Point support of column

A point support of a column on another column or on a pillar is possible, provided the

column’s axis lies within the outline of the underlying element:
Plan view:

6.2.5 Generated loading and distribution of masses

For the frame model, for each storey the following loading cases are generated:
G: Combination (without load factors) of all permanent loads of the storey, for which
the check box ’Export Automatically’ in the loading properties has been activated
together with half the weights of the walls and columns connecting from above and
below. The loading is assigned to the action ’self−weight’.
Q: Combination (without load factors) of all variable loads of the storey, for which the
check box ’Export Automatically’ in the loading properties has been activated. The
loading is assigned to the action ’Q−Psixxx’ , where ’xxx’ stands for the ψ2−factor
(e.g. ’Q−Psi0.3’) for the corresponding storey given in the Building Definition dialo-
gue .
M: The sum of G + Q*ψ2 required for the distribution of mass.
ψ2 is specified in the Building Definition dialogue for each storey.

For STATIK-5 the loads are created in the form of area loads at the storey level. The loads
on the slabs can include arbitrary point, line of area loads.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

6.3 Generation of frame models

For the generation of frame models the geometrical building model must be analysed
and in particular its topology must be established. By topology we understand the me-
thod of connecting the different elements of the structure together, whether walls lie
directly on top of one another and, if yes, in which areas, etc.
The button shown on the left calls the following dialogue, in which the options for the
generation of the frame model can be set:

Choice of level of fixity

for a frame model
If de−activated, columns and walls,
which only support vertical forces, not
included in model
(normally activated)
Default value for reduction of flexural
(can be overwritten individually in
Storeys with plate stiffness model

The generation of the frame model is initiated with the button shown on the left. If ne-
cessary, it can also be done using the adjacent button on the right, which calls the pro-
gram STATIK-5. It is advisable, however, to check the generated frame model already
in the Buildings Module, so that one can make the necessary corrections before chan-
ging to STATIK-5.
The generated frame model is shown graphically and can be checked visually. To con-
trol the view of the frame model, besides the methods already described, it has its own
group in the Layer menu.

This button is used to call the STATIK-5 program. It appears in the following dialogue,

which provides the following possibilities,

a) to introduce with a new row, select it
and then create (Erzeugen) a STATIK-5 model ,
b) after choosing the corresponding line to overwrite (Überschreiben) an existing
STATIK-5 model or
c) after choosing the corresponding line to open (Öffnen) an existing STATIK-5 model.

In the cases a) and b) new STATIK-5 input files corresponding to the current frame mo-
del are created, and a new STATIK-5 analysis is performed with this input data. In case
c) an existing STATIK-5 analysis is selected. Thus several STATIK-5 model variants can
be worked with.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

 There is no data flowback from STATIK-5 to the Buildings Module of CEDRUS-5. After
modifying the geometrical building model one has to create a completely new STATIK-5
model. If one wants to keep the old model, then, as described, one can generate a new

To work with the STATIK-5 program the reader is referred to the manual and especially
the extension ’On the use of the response spectrum method with buildings’.

6.4 Output for frame model

With this button a table with the centres of stiffness of the individual storeys can be
The centre of stiffness of a storey lies in the centroid of the shear forces (i.e. centre of
shear) of all the walls supporting the floor slab, one for each parallel displacement of
the floor slab in the X and Y directions. The shear forces Vix and Viy of the individual
walls are assumed to be proportional to their second moment of area Iix and Iiy. Walls
that can only carry vertical forces are not taken into account.
S(Iix @ xi) S(Iiy @ y i)
xS + ; yS +
SIix SIiy

In addition, the following points have to be considered:

 The program also takes into account the second moments of area about the minor
axis of the walls. This can lead to small discrepancies compared to hand calculations.
 If wall segments are grouped together , i.e. connected to form a single pillar, then
the pillar is introduced into the analysis with its whole cross section, provided all
wall segments are connected together. If this is not the case, cross sections are crea-
ted from all connected parts, which are then introduced into the analysis separately.
It is assumed that the shear force of the individual (partial) cross section acts at its
centre of shear .

wall segments grouped to form a

single pillar

V1X V2X two independent cross sections

 The centres of stiffness out put here are not used in the program directly, since in a three
dimensional model they are included implicitly and thus are not required. They serve
solely to check the hand calculation models, and because this information is sometimes
required in the approval forms of public authorities.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

6.5 Steps to obtaining a suitable frame model

In this chapter it is described how one proceeds from an existing geometrical building
model to a frame frame model suitable for seismic analyses. Not everything that one
inputs unthinkingly as CEDRUS slabs and stacks together to form a building, can be
transformed by the program by the click of a button into a suitable frame model. It is
necessary to tidy up the input data, to allow the program, if at all possible, to generate
a frame model and so that this model is suitable for resisting earthquake forces.

Before beginning the explanations, we want to emphasise a very important principle:

Free your model of all unnecessary ballast. Seismic analyses are com-
plex and make rather big simplifications in the earthquake input.

6.5.1 Preparatory work

Before allowing the frame model to be generated, the following groundwork has to be

 The walls of all slabs have to be checked for the following points (performed in the
Wall dialogue of CEDRUS slabs):
 Support, load−bearing or non load−bearing:
Non load−bearing walls only have weight and are not actually structural elements.
 Support, allows free rotation or is standard:
Walls with a freely rotational support are provided in the frame model with hinges
about the minor (weaker) axis, provided one is dealing with plane pillars.
 Remove, if possible, short T-pieces and L-pieces at the ends of the wall or alter-
natively make these non load−bearing.


non load−bearing

 The pillars of all slabs have to be checked for the following points (performed in the
tabsheet Building Elements of the slabs):
 Grouping together wall segments ( 3.3.3):
By default, each segment forms an independent pillar, which is introduced into the
model as a girder member. If one wants to group together several segments to form
a single pillar, then select them, followed by <RMB>Group. Groups can be ungrou-
ped by selecting them followed by <RMB>Ungroup.

 With this button groups can be made visible.

 Wall pillar properties (Wall Pillar dialogue):

If the check box is activated, a pillar does not resist horizontal forces.

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

6.5.2 The cantilever wall model

We want to begin here with the simplest model, the cantilever wall model. Here the
horizontal forces are resisted solely by the pillars and columns fixed rigidly to the foun-
dation. Any frame action of the of the girders or the slab is not taken into consideration.
The model is described in detail in Chapter 5.

A purely cantilever wall model is

generated, when in the Options
dialogue for the frame model the
check box ’Include girders’ is
deactivated and no storeys for the
plate stiffness model have been

As mentioned above ( 6.2.4), it may happen that for certain vertical elements at the
first attempt no definite support is found. This is indicated by the program with a corres-
ponding warning and marking of the affected elements. Before describing how this si-
tuation can be handled, we want to point out the possibilities of controlling the visibili-
ty, without which in the case of large buildings it is impossible to get an overview of
the model.

Controlling visibility

View after generation of frame


outlines columns
pillar girders
(none here)

Showing additional vertical


Buildings Module 6. Frame model

Extension of the vertical ele-

ments, separated into those that
that resist only vertical or also re-
sist earthquake loading

Here already for this simple building there is a poor overview. By working with the au-
tomatically generated subsystems for elements lying on top of each other the whole
picture becomes less confused and a good overview can be obtained.

Open the subsystem dialogue (top left in the Program window):

One can, as shown, activate the desired subsystems as well as the button [Preview]. Run-
ning through all subsystems is also possible and simple, by choosing the button at the
top of the dialogue indicated by the arrow (this is only possible if Preview is deactivated)
and then by marking an arbitrary row. The marking can then be moved down or up
using the arrow key and thus one can switch from one subsystem to another.

The settings in the column ’active’ remain valid when one now closes the subsstructure
dialogue and with the button shown on the left one can quickly move back and forth
from the whole structure to the subsystem.

Limiting viewing to selected


Buildings Module 6. Frame model

To tidy up the geometry it is often necessary, with a side view of the slab, to fade in
any other slab at the correct level above it, in order to see why, e.g., vertical elements
do not lie on top of one another. How this is done is shown in the following figure.
The outline elements of the faded−in slab are shown in red and can be grabbed.

choice of slab to be
made visible

Chosen slab made vi-

sible with this button.
For floor slabs, as
pre−setting, it is the
overlying slab.

Making changes to generated cantilever wall model

After inspecting the cantilever wall model generated by the program with the viewing
methods described above one has to decide whether one wants to accept the existing
model or make changes to it.
Changes have to be considered, if, e.g., supports have been introduced by the program,
because certain vertical elements were not intercepted and thus found no support. Such
cases can be dealt with as follows:

Solution 1: Accept inaccuracy of normal forces

The introduced supports are accepted, above all, if they were introduced under ele-
ments that only carry vertical loads. In this way one saves time in the input but sacrifices
more accurate normal force results, which in any case one probably has a good idea
of or are not needed for earthquake considerations in the initial phase of the project.
The moments and shear forces in the walls, as well as the equivalent static force, also
with the response spectrum method, are thereby scarcely affected and one quickly ob-
tains the most important results.

Solution 2: Take into account the stiffness of the plate

For the storey with the unwanted supports choose the plate stiffness model (Options
dialogue of frame model). The problem of the normal forces of Solution1 is thereby

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

Solution 3: Introduce beam to intercept and support load

 For shear walls that rest on other vertical elements, the interception can be imple-
mented by means of an upstand beam.

G2 G2

G1 G1

In the frame model (figure on right) it may be seen that the two upper walls of storey
G2 are not supported. Therefore in the storey G1 under the walls of G2 such upstand
beams have to be introduced.
The program provides help in the introduction of such upstand beams. Fade in the
overlying storey so that the walls under which the upstands are to be introduced
become visible. Select a desired wall and from the context menu choose ’Create Up-
stand’. Select a desired wall and choose from the context menu ’Create Upstand’. The
upstand is created and introduced with half a storey height and weightless (weight
already taken into account in the wall) and in some cases the geometry has to be
adapted to the current slab.

Slab G1

Select walls of shown

G2 and in the context
menu (RMB) select
’Create Upstand’

 With this solution one no longer has a purely cantilever wall solution.

 Vertical elements, which do in fact lie on the slab, can be intercepted using a beam.
It could be a downstand beam, which perhaps already exists in the slab and is activa-
ted in the frame model when in the Options dialogue for the frame model ’Include
girders’ is already activated.
If there is no downstand available, a plate strip can be introduced (tabsheet Building
Element) ( 3.3.2). The axes of the vertical elements to be intercepted have to lie,
to within a small tolerance, exactly on the axis of the downstand or plate strip. Plates
strips also have to be activated in the Options dialogue for the frame model by activa-

Buildings Module 6. Frame model

ting ’Include girder’.

Button for plate strips and

associated dialogue

Columns, made visible by

showing the upper slab

Plate strip under the column,

which transmits its load to
the two walls

To ensure that the introduced beams are considered in the new frame model, before
regenerating, in the Options dialogue for the frame model ’Include girder’ has to
be activated.
 With Solutions 2 and 3 we no longer have a pure cantilever wall model.

6.5.3 The frame model

The frame model is selected by activating ’Include girder’ in the Options dialogue. This
setting affects storeys whose floor slabs include downstands or plate strips and are not
input for the plate strip model.
The frame model is chosen in cases mentioned in Section 6.5.2 or if one wants to resist
seismic forces by means of a frame structure. Then, of course, all girders with downstand
beams or plate strips have to be modelled in the slabs.

6.5.4 The plate stiffness model

In the case of the plate stiffness

model the frame action of the slab
is accounted for in an FE model of
the slab.
The model can be activated for
each storey in the Options dialo-
gue of the frame model.
In storeys with plate stiffness the
setting ’Include girder’ has no ef-

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.1 Problem description
For a four−storey building, comprising the ground floor GF, two identical floors US1 and
US2, together with the top floor AS,
1) using the stacked slab model the loads have to be calculated top−down and
2) using a frame model, alternatively with the equivalent static force and response spec-
trum methods, the section forces due to a seismic action have to be determined and
the load−bearing walls dimensioned in the classical way (non−ductile).

Slab thickness: 0.24
Wall thickness: 0.20
Columns: 0.25x0.25
Materials: concrete C25/30
1.20 2.20 8.00
Levels EG: 3.0
OG1: 5.8
OG2: 8.6
DG: 11.40
Perm. loads self−weight
2.60 GF,US1,US2 + 1 kN/m2
AS + 5 kN/m2
Live loads (areas of living space):
12.00 GF,US1,US2 3 kN/m2
AS 2 kN/m2
Seismic zone 3B
DG Soil class C
Structure class I
Behaviour factor 2.0
2.20 2.20 8.00 For an earthquake analysis the stiff-
ness of the walls should be multiplied
by the factor 0.4.

7.2 Solution, Part 1 with CEDRUS-5

In the following it is assumed that you have experience in using the basic version of

7.2.1 Program start

 Start CEDRUS-5 and open a new building analysis using

the menu ’File > New... >Building model’.
The Building Window appears with the Building Definition dialogue.
 In the menu ’Settings > Materials’ select the required mate-
rial class ’C25/30’ for the given material ’Concrete’.
 Materials can only be changed in the Building Window and apply for all master and
floor slabs.

7.2.2 Input of bottom storey (ground floor)

Since the ground floor only occurs once in the building, we want to input it directly as
a independent storey.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

 Click on the button for a new, empty storey (in the storey
part of the Building Definition dialogue). Write ’GF’ in the
field of the column ’Description’.
Thereby, a new storey is introduced, the associated (still
empty) floor slab is opened and its Document Window is
laid over the Building Window. The shown level of 3.0
corresponds to the nominal value.
If the ground storey already exists as a separate CEDRUS analysis, we can now import
it via the menu ’File> Import > CEDRUS-?’. Here this is not the case, so that we input
the slab, in the usual way for the basic CEDRUS module.
 Input the ground floor slab including loads in the usual
Special cases:
− columns with area support (distributed), vertically rigid,
rotationally free
− walls with rotationally free support vertically rigid
 Save the slab.
 Calculate, for control purposes (plausibility), e.g. the ben-
ding deflections and the reactions for the live loading.

7.2.3 Input of master storey for the upper storeys

Since the two upper storeys are identical, it is worthwhile inputting a master storey. But
because this master storey differs only a little from the ground storey, we can utilise the
possibility of creating a master storey as a copy of the independent storey.
 Select storey ’G1’ and then click on the indicated button.
Thus a master storey as a copy of the storey ’G2’ is crea-
 Rename the master storey ’US’ and click on the button to
modify the slab.
 Modify the slab according to the problem description, i.e.
1) the walls in the Y direction
2) introduce the 4 corner columns
 Save the slab.

7.2.4 Introducing the upper storeys US1, US2 and attic storey AS

The two storeys US1 and US2 as well as the attic storey AS can now be generated from
the master storey ’US’.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

 Select the master storey ’US’ in the Building Definition dia-

logueand click once on the indicated button.

Thus a new storey ’G3’ , dependent on the master storey

’US’, is created.

 Change the level of G2 to 5.8.

 Repeat the last but one points twice to generate the sto-
reys G3 and G4. For the new levels each time the storey
level of the underlying storey is automatically given by
default, which in the present example leads dirctly to the
desired levels:

For ’G4’ we now have to modify the loads according to the problem description. This
storey differs from the master storey and, before we can modify ’G4’, we have to separate
this storey from the master storey.

 Click on the field G4/’Master Storey’. Then click on the

arrow button that appears to open the selection list and
select ’(none)’.

Thereby the storey ’G4’ becomes independent of the ma-

ster storey. Changes to the master storey now only affect
’G2’ and ’G3’.

 In theLive Load loading now change the load value to −2

kN/m2 and the additional permanent loads to −5 kN/m2.

 Save the slab.

 Change the descriptions of the storeys as follows:

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.2.5 Generation of geometrical building model

We now have to change into the Building Window. The simplest way of doing this is:

 Click on the indicated button top left in the Program Win-


The Building Window now appears.

 Click on the lightening button, to generate the geometrical

building model. Answer any questions prompted by the
program in the affirmative.

Note the Layer switch for controlling visibility. With the switches in the group ’Storeys’
the visibility of the various storeys can be set individually and with those in the group
’Geometry’ visibility can be selected according to structural elements.

 In the rendered representation (figure top right) many functions, especially the change
of tabsheet, are blocked.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.2.6 Stacked slab model

Reminder: The Stacked Slab Model serves to analyse a building for vertical loads. The
program investigates how the loads are transmitted through the slabs, walls and co-
lumns down to the foundation, and the floor slabs are dimensioned individually, as in
the basic module of CEDRUS-5.

 Change to tabsheet ’Stacked Slab Model’ and with the

lightning button create the Stacked Slab Model.

 Activate the Layer switch for ’Load Transfer’. Thereby a

graphic appears that permits a control of how walls and
columns transmit loads (here trivial).

 This button starts the analysis of the Stacked Slab Model.

Results in the vertical elements

The results, shown at the foot of the vertical elements, can

be output graphically (via the Layer switch and in tabular
form with .

The fading in and out of the labelling of the graphical re-

sults is done in the context menu (<RMB>) of the corres-
ponding Layer switch.

 Consider the possibilities of the clipping box (figure on

right) or of subsystem, in order to limit the visibility suita-

Results in the storeys

The results in the individual floor slabs are also available. Open a storey with the button
shown below and, in the customary manner of the basic module of CEDRUS-5, request
the results.

dependent on master sto- independent of master storey:


Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.2.7 Frame model

 The frame model serves to analyse a building for horizontal loads.
 The settings for the pillars, which resist horizontal loads, must be set accordingly (see
Section 6.2.2). By default all pillars are given this setting.

 Change to the frame model tabsheet and click on the but-

ton for the options for the frame model.

 The dialogue that appears should have the following set-


Comments on chosen settings:

 No girders are input (pure cantilever wall model)
 Without ’only vertical load−bearing elements’ the columns would not be modelled,
which would produce only a very makeshift model.
 The flexural stiffnesses (here relevant only for the pillars) are according to the pro-
blem description multiplied by a factor 0.5 (accounts for cracked concrete state)

 Close the dialogue and click on the button to create the

frame model.

 With the Layer switch the generated connections of the

individual members can be made visible.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

The program automatically creates a subsystem for each wall tower (connected wall/co-
lumn systems that lie on top of each other). We will look at them more closely.

 Open the subsystem dialogue and click on the button in

the shown dialogue.

 Use the arrow key on the keyboard (arrow down/up) , to

move from one subsystem to another and inspect all of

At this storey level all mem-

ber nodes are connected ri-
gidly to one another (eccen-
tric connections to a com-
mon node)

Hereby the frame model is complete as far as CEDRUS is concerned, and now it should
be modified for the dynamic analyses with STATIK-5.

 Click on the button to call STATIK-5.

 In the dialogue that appears click on the button for a new

STATIK-5 model and then on [Create].

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.3 Solution, Part 2 with STATIK-5

In the following it is assumed that you have experience in using the basic version of
STATIK-5. In addition, we refer you to the chapter Dynamics in the STATIK-5 Manual
and the supplementary documentation ’On the Use of the Response Spectrum Method
for Buildings’.

With the button shown on the left you call STATIK-5 with the input data of the Buildings
Module. STATIK-5 now runs in a second program window completely independently
of CEDRUS-5.

 Calling STATIK-5 from the Buildings Module is always a one−way procedure. One can
call STATIK-5 from the Buildings Module repeatedly, and thereby create a new STATIK-5
analysis or work with an existing STATIK-5 model.

Analysis 1

building Analysis 2

7.3.1 Checking the genererated model

Inspect the automatically generated STATIK-5 model (e.g. Structure Legend...).

 Switch to the Loads tabsheet and click on the button to

check the loading (if active).

 Now, from the actions select the mass combination M.

In this way you can see the summation of the masses for
each storey. The position of the ’masses circle’ corres-
ponds to their centre of gravity.

You can also check that for each storey three actions were generated:
Li.G: self−weights
Li.Q: live loads
Li.M: loads for mass distribution

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.3.2 Analysis of natural vibrations

 Change to the Results tabsheet and select the results of the

natural vibrations analysis.

The specification of the natural vibrations analysis was

created automatically (for 10 eigenvalues). Modifications
to the specification can be carried out, as usual, in the
Analysis tabsheet.

Discussion of the results:

with is button all 3 tables are
shown together

clearly identifiable 1. X mode

clearly identifiable 1. Y mode
1. Torsional mode
2. Y mode
2. X mode
3. Y mode

With the modes 1 and 5, for an

excitation in the X direction
92.3% of the mass is excited
With the modes 2,4,7,10,6, for an
excitation in the Y direction 90.4%
of the mass is excited
An excitation in Z direction is only
of interest in special cases.To eli-
minate unnecessary Z modes at
low frequencies, the normal force
stiffness of the vertical elements
was increased!

 Study the natural vibration modes (also graphically). You

Animate the vibration
modes (Key<F5> will see a vivid picture and verification of the properties
or Menu shown numerically in the table.
’Display > Animation’)
Often the building and the load−bearing walls are not qui-
te symmetrical and for the analysis (especially for frame
Tip models) a much higher number of eigenvalues may be ne-
cessary till one obtains the relevant, significant modes, in
order that 90% of the mass can be excited as required by
the code.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.3.3 Equivalent force method

An equivalent static force analysis was automatically generated by the Buildings Modu-
le. As usual, changes in the specification can be carried out in the Analysis Window.
This applies especially for the default response spectrum, which has to be modified in
a specific case.

 Change to the Analysis tabsheet and click on the button to

modify spectra.

 Select the only spectrum ’Spec’ that shows up in the spec-

tra list and then click on the button Modify.
Seismic zone 3B
 Make the necessary changes and Soil class C
leave the open dialogues. Structure class I
Response factor 2.0
 In the Results tabsheet select in the Results tree the branch
Equivalent Force Analysis and in it ’Eqf’ and request the
Results table.

 Select the result ’Eqf-Spectrum’ and display the spectrum.

It shows the calculated periods and the corresponding acceleration values for both exci-
tation directions, which were used for the equivalent force analysis.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

Hints on using equivalent force method:

 The requirements for the equivalent force method are regulated in the codes.
 To determine the equivalent forces the fundamental modes of vibration of a building
in the directions X and Y are required together with the periods.
In the equivalent force analysis it can be specified that the fundmental modes are
automatically determined in an eigenfrequency analysis. In order to find the funda-
mental modes, the program seeks in each direction the eigenmode with the largest
modal mass. If this modal mass is smaller than 50% (this value can be specified) of
the total mass, then the search is regarded as unsuccessful.
If fundamental modes were found, these have to fulfil the following condition: The
ratio of the modal mass in the direction considered to that in the direction at right
angles to it must have a minimum value of 10.0 (this value can be specified). In this
way it is guaranteed that we have found a clear and independent fundamental mode
in the X and Y directions. It is essential that the user studies and assesses the funda-
mental modes used in each case.
If the above condition is not fulfilled, the program uses the maximum spectral values
to determine the equivalent forces. However, in the Specification dialogue the pe-
riods can also be input by the user or one can switch to ’Maximum Spectral Values’
(then no values of period are required). The usefulness of the results thus generated
must be judged by the user.
 In the execution of an equivalent force analysis the corresponding loads are
created automatically.
These are
1) the loads with the equivalent forces in the X and Y directions with the identi-
fications xxx%X and xxx%Y (xxx=identification of equivalent force analysis) in
the centres of mass. Since, in general, there are no nodes in the centres of mass, the
forces, together with the corresponding moments,are introduced in the neighbouring
2) torsional loads to take into account inexact and accidental eccentricities of the
masses with respect to the centres of stiffness (for the identifications see below).
According to the Swiss code SIA261 Section the values are 0.5e (e=eccentrici-
ties of the masses with respect to the centres of stiffness) or 0.05b. b corresponds
to the width of the building perpendicular to the direction of seismic action and is
taken as the difference of the maximum and minimum coordinates of the correspon-
ding storey (loading area) (can be modified, see below).The total correction to the
eccentricity therefore amounts to
ecorr = ± (0.5e + 0.05b) which can vary from storey to storey.
 In the code ed,sup = 1.5e + 0.05b. The 1.5 instead of 0.5 in the above formula arises
because the code assumes that the equivalent forces are introduced in the centres of
stiffness and for the torsion therefore the whole of the mass eccentricities ed,sup and
ed,inf have to be used. In our case the equivalent forces are introduced in the centres
of mass, so that for torsional loading only the correction values ecorr have to be consi-
The eccentricities ei are determined as differences between the mass and stiffness cen-
tres calculated in STATIK-5.
The centres of mass can be inspected in the graphical output for the mass combina-
tion ’M’ or in the numerical output of the mass distributions of the storeys.
The stiffness centres are determined in the Buildings Module of CEDRUS-5 (see Sec-
tion 6.4) and are transferred to STATIK-5 in the descriptions of loading for the storey
masses. If these descriptions contain text in the form SZ=15.28/8.44 , this means that
the stiffness centre of the corresponding storey is at X=15.28 and Y=8.44 (values in
[m]). If required, these descriptions can be changed by the user.
If necessary, the widths b can also be overwritten. This is done, in the same way as
for the centres of stiffness, in the description of the loading for a storey mass. After a
blank insert the text B=bx/by (e.g. B=6.25/9.98). bx denotes the storey dimension in
the in Y direction, i.e. the width that is necessary for a load in the X direction.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

To check the values used, in addition to the equivalent force table the following table
is also output:

coordinate values perpendi-

cular to loading direction

The torsion loads, which have to be taken into account in the equivalent load analy-
ses, are denoted by xxx%TEX and xxx%TEY, respectively, (xxx=identification of
the equivalent force analysis) and for each storey includes a torsional moment about
the global Z axis amounting to MiZ = Fdi ei,corr .
With the response spectrum method, according to SIA261 Section, only the
second term ecorr has to be considered. For this method the program also creates
corresponding torsional loads obtained from the equivalent force method, which are
identified by xxx%TAX and xxx%TAY, respectively.

When carrying out the equivalent force analysis the following three limit state
specifications (accidental design situation) are also created:
 !EE!xxx: (xxx=name of equivalent force analysis)
for verification and dimensioning with the equivalent force method:
This limit state specification, besides the permanent loads G and the variable loads
Q, includes the equivalent forces with loads in the X and Y directions and the corres-
ponding torsional loads xxx%TEX/Y and this alternatively in the eight possible alge-
braic sign combinations.
 !EAtot!xxx: xxx=name of equivalent force analysis)
for the output of limit values of individual results of quantities obtained with the re-
sponse spectrum method (without corresponding components):
This limit state specification, besides the permanent loads G and the variable loads
Q, includes the torsional loads xxx%TAX/Y due to any mass eccentricities obtained
on the basis of the equivalent forces together with the results of the response spec-
trum analysis Aws_K2.
 !EApart!xxx: (xxx=name of equivalent force analysis)
for reinforced concrete analyses (reinforcement dimensioning),in which the respon-
se spectra results are passed on separatey from the section force limit values due to
vertical and torsional loading:
This limit state specification, besides the permanent loads G and the variable loads
Q, includes the torsional loads xxx%TAX/Y due to any mass eccentricities obtained
on the basis of the equivalent forces.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.3.4 Response spectrum analysis

If the requirements for the equivalent force method are not fulfilled the response spec-
trum method can be employed.

 Even if the equivalent force method may be used according to the code, the loading in
important parts of the structure can be much less using the response spectrum method.
Since, with the use of the response spectrum method for the dimensioning of load−bea-
ring walls, allowances for higher modes are neglected (see e.g. SIA 262, Section, normally more economic solutions are possible than with the equivalent force

A response spectrum analysis was automatically generated by the Buildings Module.

As usual, changes can be made to the specifications in the Analysis tabsheet. The follo-
wing figure shows the corresponding dialogue in the state as it was generated:

Two analyses ’AX’ and ’AY’ for an excitation in the X and Y directions, respectively, are
specified as well as the combination K2 of both sets of results. In the present example
the latter only has the role of a summary of the X and Y results, since for reasons of
symmetry the two directions are independent of one another.

 The spectrumused, i.e. ’Spec’, was also automatically generated and has of course to be
adapted to the current needs [Modify Spectrum].

For detailed information on the response spectrum method refer to the documentation
for STATIK-5.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

As results the following are available:

 Request the shear forces and moments in the pillars for

the combination ’K2’. For this purpose make use of the
automatically defined subsystem ’W’ for the pillars.


According to the codes, the torsional effect due to a possible eccentricity of the centre
of mass with respect to the centre of stiffness has to be taken into account for each indi-
vidual storey. This can be done in different ways:
 For each considered direction of excitation a loading in−plane with Mz=eF in each
storey. (e=eccentricity, F=equivalent force of the storey). This loading has to be con-
sidered with both algebraic signs. The absolute value of this result has to be added
to that of the response spectrum analysis.
This method is recommended in the Eurocode.
When creating an equivalent force analysis the corresponding torsional loads
in the two loading directions are automatically created. They are called XXX%TEX,
XXX%TEY (XXX=name of equivalent force analysis)
 The required eccentricity of the masses can be input directly in the Specification dia-
logue of the natural vibrations analysis. Disadvantage: In order to cover all cases,
one has to carry out a series of independent natural vibrations and response spec-
trum analyses.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

Horizontal interstorey drift

Sometimes the maximum horizontal interstorey drifts are also required. In order to de-
termine these correctly, one may not simply subtract the displacements resulting from
the response spectrum analysis at the top and bottom of a pillar, since these results re-
present maximum values determined section by section. Instead, the displacement dif-
ferences in each eigenmode have to be determined and superimposed using the requi-
red superposition method (e.g. the square root of the sum of the squares).

STATIK-5 provides correct interstory drift results for the response spectrum method and
even individually for each vertical member.

Click on the button [R], which appears with the displacement results for the response
spectrum analyses. The results can be obtained in local or global directions (button be-
low). In local directions the components Dy and Dz and in global directions normally
the components Dx and Dz are of interest.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

7.3.5 Dimensioning (reinforced concrete analyses)

The reinforcement is dimensioned for the traditional, i.e. non ductile, behaviour. Basi-
cally verifications are also possible if all reinforcement is input with its actual area of
cross section.

Reinforcement of load−bearing walls

To dimension the reinforcement, reinforcement layouts must exist in the pillars. To avo-
id over complicating the first part of the example, the specification of reinforcement was
dispensed with in the building input.
We now want to remedy this. The reinforcement is input in the master storeys or floor
slabs in the CEDRUS Buildings module (see Section 3.3.4). The reinforcement as shown
below has to be input in all pillars:
pillar no- pillar section pillar nodes

lc lc

The conditions for the spacing of the pillar nodes are, according to SIA 262: Section
 lc ≥ 300 mm (standard for all short walls)
 lc ≥ lw/10 (standard for long walls in the ground floor: lc=60 cm)
The longitudinal reinforcement in the pillar nodes is dimensioned whereas that in the
pillar sections remain constant, i.e. as input.
The stirrup reinforcement is dimensioned and can be input with the factor 1.0.
 Call the Building Analysis and in the storey ’G1’,’G4’ and
in the master storey ’GF’ input the reinforcement. Then
save the slabs.
 Generate once again the frame model with ’Overwrite’ of
the old model.
Thereby the old STATIK-5 model is overwritten, with the
exception of any existing spectra.
You are now back in the STATIK-5 program.
 Change to the Results tabsheet, and request the equivalent
force results. Thereby, limit state specifications, which de-
pend on them and are required later, are created.

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

Dimensioning for equivalent forces

For this purpose the reinforced concrete analysis ’FgEqf’ was automatically created. It
can be inspected in the Analysis tabsheet. The corresponding dialogue looks as follows:

 In the Results tabsheet start the FAGUS analysis ’FgEqf’


Dimensioning on the basis of response spectra results

For this purpose the reinforced concrete analysis ’FgAws’ was automatically created. It
can be inspected in the Analysis tabsheet. The corresponding dialogue looks as follows:

Buildings Module 7. Example of Earthquake Analysis

 Start the FAGUS analysis ’FgAws’ in the Results tabsheet


Part E Prestressing Module E 1 Introduction

Part EPrestressing Module

E 1 Introduction
E 1.1 Overview
With the Prestressing Module (PT) of CEDRUS−5 the effect of prestressing can be treated
either as an external load or as a resistance within the context of design and dimension-
ing. The program is intended to aid the search for a suitable prestressing arrangement
and provides all calculated data for further planning and design. Thanks to its data ex-
change capabilities CEDRUS−5 allows the export of diagrams, tables and graphs into
other applications for post−processing, e.g. CAD systems, spreadsheets and word pro-


Fig. A−1 Diagrammatic illustration of prestressing

E 1.2 Tendons and Supports

The term ’tendon’ is used in the following as a generic term for every kind of prestress
element (cables with bundles of wires, strands, bars). In contrast to most other graphical
3D objects the geometrical input of the prestressing is done separately for the horizontal
and vertical directions.
With the aid of the Graphics Editor the horizontal direction is drawn in the plan view
as a straight line or as a polygon. In the case of curved tendons the individual polygon
points serve as discrete points of the continuously curved tendon. By moving these dis-
crete points, the introduction of intermediate points or changes in the tangents, the
changing shape of the curve can be influenced by the user.
The vertical variation of the tendon is also defined in the plan view along the straight
line with height attributes at so−called supports". Just like on the construction site the
supports serve to support the tendons at the points of intersection, whereby the follow-
ing attributes can be assigned:
S z−coordinate (different input possibilities regarding slab geometry)
S slope of tendon
S rules regarding minimum radius and inflexion points

E 1.3 Input Procedure

Normally one attempts to compensate the permanent loads in the slab by means of the
deviation forces from the prestressing. In the case of a vertically directed tendon, with

Part E Prestressing Module E 1 Introduction

second order parabolas, in the ideal case without friction losses straight constant devi-
ation forces are produced.

With the standard cases described in E 2 many useful tendon profiles can be described
in a simple manner.

The basic steps of the interactive input comprise:

S Input of the tendons in plan view
S Input of the supports for fixing the vertical profile
S Definition of the stressing program
S Assignment of the tendon groups to CEDRUS load cases

The choice of the arrangement of the tendons is governed both by statical and construc-
tional considerations. Basically, the prestressed elements can be placed in one or two
directions. Regarding the subdivision into field and column strips (sometimes referred
to as ’support strips’) running along the grid over columns there are different recommen-
dations (e.g. 50 % of the tendons in the field and the other 50 % in these concentrated
column strips). In addition to compensating the dead load, with regard to punching
shear behaviour as well one wants to profit from as many of the favourable effects of
prestressing as possible.

To obtain an initial estimate of the required prestressing force for the input of the ten-
dons a small program is available, with which a pre−dimensioning" sheet with all char-
acteristic values can be printed out.

For a better overview of the input several tendons can be grouped together. Each group
corresponds to a layer in the Graphics Editor. One can switch between the individual
groups. Inactive" tendon groups can, if necessary, be graphically superimposed. A
standard subdivision could look like the following:
S Group 1: Tendons in x−direction, supports in y−direction
S Group 2: Tendons in y−direction, supports in x−direction

For further treatment in CEDRUS the tendon groups are put together to form one or
more CEDRUS load cases.

For control purposes, at any time during the input the following diagrams can be in-
S 3D view with arbitrarily selectable viewing direction
S Longitudinal view of a selected tendon
S Presentation of the force variation along the tendon itself based on the selected stres-
sing procedure
S Presentation of the deviation forces in the section
S Presentation of the deviation forces in plan or in 3D view

The amount of graphical information produced can be controlled using various options
(presentation in the prestressing direction, tendon attributes etc.) and the diagrams can
also be output on a printer or plotter to any desired scale.

General stressing procedures can be defined by specifying the anchorage forces or the
anchorage movements, whereby arbitrary stressing (tensioning, overtensioning) and re-
lease of tension (wedge draw−in during lock off, anchorage slip) is possible. The vari-
ation of the prestressing force calculated by the program takes into account all friction

Part E Prestressing Module E 2 Basics

E 2 Basics

E 2.1 Tendon Geometry

As already mentioned in the introduction, the tendon profile is first drawn in plan view
with the Graphics Editor and then brought into the desired vertical position using the
supports. It is also possible to assign height attributes directly at every input point. For
all internal calculations (e.g. of friction losses) the three dimensional profile of the ten-
don is used.

E 2.1.1 Geometrical description in the plan view

y Plan view
If the tendon was defined in plan by just two input points, a straight line profile is as-
sumed. Curved tendons are produced by inputting several points, whereby the curved
variation between two points is assumed to be a polynomial of third order. The slope
of the tangent at a particular point is given by the slope of the two neighbouring
stretches (i.e. the bisector). This default value can be overridden by the user.
straight and curved ten-

E 2.1.2 Geometrical description in the side view

z Section View The definition of the tendon’s vertical profile is given by the supports or by specifying
z’ height attributes at the tendon input points. The so−called folded view in the vertical
section, which is permitted by the program, corresponds, as may be seen in the follow-
ing pages of the manual, to the development of a curved surface in vertical section
x’ through the respective tendon. Therefore, the abscissa designated by x’ represents the
projection of the tendon onto the plan view.
y Plan View
In view of the deviation forces one often wants to work with special generating el-
x’ ements (e.g. straight line−parabola", parabola−parabola"). By means of the following
tendon example it is shown how in most cases met with in practice the support attributes can
be controlled.
sup- sup-
port port x A tendon can be given the attribute Standard elements" or Polynomial segment
of 3rd order". Normally one works with standard elements (described below). The
program tries in this case to describe the profile of the tendons between the support
points with (quadratic) parabolic sections and straight lines, based on the attributes
specified at the supports or at the intermediate points. The advantage of (quadratic) par-
abolas lies in the practically constant deviation forces:

8f P P
u [ P 2

with: l

u = deviation force per unit length

P = prestressing force, f = parabolic height (sag), l = span

Part E Prestressing Module E 2 Basics

Support and point attributes

The following support and point attributes can be


Fixed point:
Height z:
Explicit height information or with reference to the
boundary of the slab (highest and lowest points). The
z−axis points upwards.

Slope z’:
The slope input is optional. For the highest or lowest
point input z’=0, otherwise (without explicit informa-
tion) z’ is determined by the program: z’=slope of the
bisecting angle.

Minimum radius conditions:

free : no special condition
parabola :condition is that tendon at support or
at the indicated polygon point
Par.min should exhibit the minimum radius
Kr.fix (prerequisite: standard elements").
circ. arc : instruction that here a circular arc
with the minimum radius and half
chord length l k should be introduced.

Point of inflexion:
This attribute is used to fix the position of the point
of inflexion of two adjoining parabolas (left and right

Examples of generated tendon profiles

In the following some standard cases are put together to show how they are created
by the program on the basis of the attributes in the section (support and polygon points,
respectively). As mentioned already in the introduction, the tendon profile is first drawn
in the plan view using the Graphics Editor and then brought into the desired vertical
position by inputting the supports. It is also possible to assign height attributes directly
to the support points. In all internal calculations (e.g. of friction losses) the 3 D profile
of the tendon is used.

It could happen that some conditions in a certain section are in conflict with each other
or that the input values do not allow reasonable results to be obtained (e.g. chord
lengths that are too long for circular arcs). In this case the program may have to ignore
some conditions to still be able to draw a curve. All input height attributes (height z),
however, are always used! In the vicinity of a support one should not assign height at-
tributes to the polygon points, to avoid defining them twice. At the ends of the tendons
a height input is always required by the program otherwise the start and end points are
specified in a standard way at the middle axis of the slab (reason: avoiding tolerance
problems with the calculation of the points of intersection between the tendons and
the supports). The required user input is demonstrated by means of the two span beam
shown in Fig. A−2 .

Part E Prestressing Module E 2 Basics

Polygon points: A, E = start and end points (elevation z defined by default in

middle axis of slab, can be changed)
Supports: H,T = highest and lowest points
Par.min = extra condition: parabola with minimum radius at vertex
A T H, T E

G Par Par Par’ Par Par G
Calculated sections: G = straight line, Par = parabola, Par’ = parabola with minimum radius at the
Fig. A−2 User input for a prestressed two span beam

Further examples of single sections:

z z( z, z’ z
z’) (z’)

straight parabola (2nd order) straight polynomial of 3rd

line line order
deviation forces
u+ deviation forces
To avoid the start and end sections being geo-
metrically redundant, at the anchorages only the If, in addition to the height at the start, the slope
height is specified. Then, optionally, at the end of is specified, the program uses at the end of the in-
the first section also the slope of the tangent z’ can itial straight line a polynomial of 3rd order.
be specified.

Fig. A−3 Geometry at start of tendon: straight line − parabola

Point of inflex- Points of inflex-

z ( z’) w
ion z ( z’) z ( z’) w
ion w z ( z’)

parabola (2nd parabola (2nd v str. line parabola (2.ord.)

order) order)
deviation forces deviation forces
u− deviation forces u− deviation forces
u+ u+
If, in the section under consideration, a point of If there are two inflexion points, then the part in
inflexion is introduced between the highest and between is a straight line. Further inflexion points
lowest points, then this defines the subdivision of lying in between do not influence the shape of the
the two parabolic sections. If no extra information curve, i.e. only the two outermost inflexion points
is supplied the point of inflexion is placed in the are effective.
middle of the section.

Fig. A−4 Geometry in a middle section

Part E Prestressing Module E 2 Basics

z, Par.min z z, Par.min z,

parabola (2. order) parabola (2. ord.)
parabola (2. order)
parabola (2. order) straight line
If a point of inflexion is moved closer to an end
point, the radius of the shorter parabola section is If, in the highest and lowest points, the condition
always smaller. In the extreme, just permissible, Pmin is input, a trapezium can be produced.
case the minimum radius at the vertex of the
curve is reached. This corresponds to the condi-
tion Par.min (parabola with minimum radius at
vertex), which can be input as a support attribute,
i.e. in this case the corresponding length of the
parabola lp1 is determined by the program.

Fig. A−5 Parabolas with minimum radius at vertex

z, Cir.min z z, Cir.min z

lk lk
circular arc
polynomial of 3rd circle Bezier curve (approximated by pol. of
order 3.ord)

u− u+
In contrast to the condition Par.min (see above) With a higher value of lk the second section is ap-
for which the minimum radius is just reached at proximated by several polynomials of 3rd order,
the vertex, with the condition Cir.min a circular in order to produce as smooth a curve as possible
arc segment of half chord length lk is produced. (approximation with Bezier curve).
Purely geometrically therefore, at a given dis-
tance lk the steepest variation (max. shear forces
due to prestressing !!) is enforced. The program of
course takes no account of constructional con-
straints (stiffness of the duct, etc.). If the length lk
is too short, the point of inflexion of the connect-
ing 3rd order polynomial may not occur at the de-
sired position.

Fig. A−6 Circle instead of parabola at vertex

Part E Prestressing Module E 2 Basics

z, Cir.min z, Cir.min z, Cir.min (lk=large) z

lk lk
lk lk
3rd order poly- circle str.l circle straight
nomial . line
circle u−
u− u+

Section with circular arc conditions at both ends. Circular arc section with very large value of lk . In
For smaller values of lk the transition is with a the extreme case the curve passes directly from
polynomial of 3rd order. one circle to another.

Fig. A−7 Further possibilities with circular arcs at vertex

z, z,
z’ z’

3rd order poly- 3rd order poly-

nomial nomial

For Non−Standard" input of tendons the pro-

gram uses cubic polynomials. If the tangent slope
is not explicitly given, it is calculated from the two
adjoining polygon sides (bisector).

This input possibility is needed above all to re-

calculate existing objects, by inputting sequen-
tially the tendon heights measured from the plan.

Fig. A−8 Cubic polynomials

Part E Prestressing Module E 2 Basics

E 2.2 Force Variation along Tendon and Friction Losses


Po The prestressing force along the tendon (after the initial stressing) is calculated using

the following formula:

ÄÄÄÄÄÄ P(x) + P o·e *m(a)Dax)

x P(x) : prestressing force at distance x from the stressing end
x : tendon length measured along curve
Po : prestressing force at stressing point
m : friction coefficient (typical values in range: 0.1 .. 0.3)
a : sum of all angular displacements (absolute values, radians) over distance x
Da : unintentional angular displacements (wobble) per unit length
values in range: 0.004 .. 0.01 /m

The associated contraction due to strain is proportional to the area under the curve P(x)
and amounts to (not taking into account the concrete compression):

DL + ŕ P(x)

Other prestressing operations (overtensioning, tension release etc) are possible after-
wards. The corresponding instructions have to be input via the tendon attributes.

. In contrast to CEDRUS−3 the formula for friction losses had to be adjusted to comply with
the standard that is usually applied today. The earlier CEDRUS−3 definition was:
P(x) + Po·e *(ma)kx)
m : friction coefficient
a : sum of all deviation angles (in radians) at distance x
k : friction coefficient for unintentional angular displacements(/m)
(CEDRUS−3 default value: 0.0008 /m’)

E 2.3 Deviation Forces

As a result of prestressing the following loading elements are generated:

S Deviation forces
These continuously distributed forces are proportional to the curvatures of the ten-
don (determined in the vertical section) and to the prestressing force. By not taking
into account the friction losses the deviation forces would be constant for each sec-
tion (2nd order polygon) or linear (3rd order polygon)
S Friction forces
In sloping tendon sections, due to friction a small vertical component is produced,
which has to be considered for vertical equilibrium to be fulfilled.
S Anchorage forces
Due to the anchorage forces vertical point loads and correspondingly directed end
moments are introduced. To guarantee consistency such concentrated forces are
also introduced at abrupt changes in the slab thickness.

. The loading elements generated by the the Prestressing Module can be checked individually
in the Tabsheet ’Loads’ as with ’conventional’ loads.

Part E Prestressing Module E 2 Basics

E 2.4 Dimensioning of the Non−Prestressed Reinforcement

Basically prestressing can be treated in two different ways in the dimensioning of non−
prestressed reinforcing steel. Either as an external action on the structure, i.e. only on
the loading side, or as a dead load case with the tendons as part of the system. In the
second case the tendons are included in the determination of the resistance.

E 2.4.1 Prestressing as an external action

The prestressing load cases, as they are generated in the Prestressing Module, comprise
all actions of the tendons on the slab. Therefore, using the standard procedures of CE-
DRUS the reinforcing steel is dimensioned for ultimate load conditions (i.e. failure). It
should be noted that here the load factors for the prestressing case are specified accord-
ing to the codes. What cannot (without the possibilities described in this chapter) be
considered by CEDRUS as a program specifically for slabs, however, are the axial forces
in the slab.

E 2.4.2 Prestressing as self-equilibrating stress state

In many publications it is implied that prestressing should be considered as self-equili-

brating stress state (due to constrained deformations) and thus the tendons can be con-
sidered in the determination of the cross sectional resistances. While this is obvious in
the case of beams and there is no problem, in the case of slabs several difficulties have
to be overcome. How this is solved in the CEDRUS in dimensioning for prestressing,
is described below.

The dimensioning conditions

The actions on the slab consist of the components
Sd : Design limits of the sectional forces due to external actions

Sz : Sectional forces due to constrained deformations during prestressing

(constrained sectional forces)
The action effects are determined by means of a linear elastic analysis using the FE
method. The verification of the ultimate load bearing capacity is carried out at certain
points or over sections as follows:

S d ) zS z v gR

z : Constraint factor:
The constrained moments represent a load−free stress state and can be taken
into account according to plasticity theory using an arbitrary factor z. Practi-
cal values of z are in the range 0 to 1.
R : Cross sectional resistance taking into account the tendons.
gR : Resistance factor.
Since the bending action at a point in a slab does not comprise one value only
( M x, M y, M xy), the above formula cannot be applied directly, but in a appropriate form
for the slab.
In CEDRUS the linearized yield conditions are:

M xB) v Rx)ńg R M xB) : Max(M x) )ø M xy ø)

M xB* w Rx*ńg R M xB* : Min(M x* *ø M xy ø)
M yB) v Ry)ńg R M yB) : Max(M y) )ø M xy ø)
M yB* w Ry*ńg R M yB* : Min(M y* *ø M xy ø)

Part E Prestressing Module E 2 Basics

These conditions apply for two orthogonal reinforcement directions x,y. They cannot
be applied for non−orthogonal reinforcement.

Dimensioning as beams
The dimensioning in CEDRUS generally follows at particular points according to the
above yield conditions. While, in the determination of the necessary resistance, the rein-
Longitudi- forcing steel can be considered to be ’smeared’ (cm2/m), this is difficult for individual
section tendons. Thus the question arises of the width of influence of a tendon in determining
with width the resistance at a point. A point−wise consideration is hardly possible any more.

The dimensioning program, therefore, uses for the prestressing a type of strip method.

The user defines these strips in the form of longitudinal sections of a certain width
(beam sections of CEDRUS-5). Such a longitudinal section cuts a beam out of a slab,
which is considered as such for the dimensioning.
The action effects in such a beam are supplied by the beam sectional results of the basic
CEDRUS module, which summarizes the results of the FE calculation for the beam

Cross sectional resistance

The determination of the cross sectional resistance is carried out according to the usual
design rules for bending and axial force (equilibrium, plane sections remain plane etc.).
The following information describes the default settings made by the program. With the
aid of the cross section program FAGUS−5 it is possible, to change these for special in-

By default a maximum concrete compression of −3.5 o/oo and on the tensile side a
maximum strain of the reinforcing steel of 5 o/oo are assumed. This limit also applies
to the additional strain of the prestressing steel, if this is also in the extreme fibre posi-
tion. Each tendon is treated with it correct position and initial strain, corresponding to
the geometrical input. The concrete is assumed to be cracked in tension.
concrete com- As D å s1 Md
pression zone −
force Z
As 5ońoo å p + åp o ) Då p
+ å s2
couple and strain plane beam section forces
inner lever arm

Fig. A−9 Determination of cross sectional resistance

The initial strain å p o is calculated in every section according to the stressing programme
and the friction losses for each tendon individually. In a section at a distance x from
the start of the tendon this is:

å po +
EA p
The effective contribution of the tendon then depends on whether it is bonded to the
surrounding concrete. For unbonded tendons Då p=0 and therefore the prestressing
force depends on the actual strain plane.

Part E Prestressing Module E 2 Basics

For the resistance of the beam all tendons within the beam are considered. Through
the choice of the beam width b, therefore, the user also determines the influence width
of the tendons.

For the cover of the reinforcing steel the values input for the zone attributes are used.
If the dimensioning cross section includes several zones of different thickness and con-
crete cover, the reinforcement used in dimensioning is placed in the extreme positions
(represented by a circle symbol in the diagram on the left). If necessary, compression
reinforcement is introduced.

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3

Serviceablility limit state (SLS):

By default the design criterium is the stress limit for the mild reinforcement in tension.
The limiting stress (depending on bar diameter, spacing etc.) must be specified by
the user (see menu Settings>Analysis parameter>SLS).

Part E Prestressing Module E 2 Basics

Constraint moments

The constraint moments caused by stressing a group of tendons may be calculated as


Variation M z


Tendon 1.. i

M P + M P@e ) M z ³ Mz + M P * MP@e

MP : moment in beam due to prestressing as external action, i.e. calculated from

the load case deviation forces + anchorage forces.
M P@e : * P @ e (negative portion of sectional force in the tendon)
Mz : constraint moment (in CEDRUS this constraint moment can be changed
using a factor z )
This means that in zones where there are no tendons we have directly the constraint
moments. In the other zones the question of the influence width arises when introduc-
ing the portion of the sectional force in the tendon.

The user also solves this problem by choosing the beam width. All tendons lying within
the beam give their portion of the sectional force to the beam.

. Consistent with other actions the moment M p here too is formed and correctly superimposed
by M px "ø M pxy ø

Direction of the tendons and of the associated beam sections

The above dimensioning conditions apply to reinforcement in the orthogonal directions

x,y. In order to include tendons here, they must also lie in these directions. Small devi-
ations α are permitted, whereby the program multiplies the corresponding steel sections
by cos2α. Tendons with α > 10_ are not considered for the resistance. In the case of
buildings this condition is usually fulfilled, but rarely for skew bridge deck slabs.

The directions of the beam sections have to agree with the directions of the reinforce-
ment, and the complete dimensioning within a slab zone must always be carried out
in these directions. If, for example, in one place only two skew beam sections are con-
sidered, the yield conditions would not be fulfilled!

In zones with no tendons the normal dimensioning results of CEDRUS can be used.
These are also supplied in the tendon strips", but there they are not relevant in the ten-
don direction.

Part E Prestressing Module E 2 Basics

E 2.4.3 Use of program

The calculation method described in the previous section is available only for beam sec-
tions for the reasons mentioned. In order to obtain the corresponding results, the input
described below is necessary:

Input in the tabsheet ’Calculation’

With the aid of the above dialogue, first of all a special specification has to be made.
For each calculation run up to 5 different dimensioning criteria may be decisive. In the
above case, e.g., first of all dimensioning is carried out for failure" with the actions de-
fined under ’!Ultimate load state’ and then for ’!Serviceability state’. Both sets of results
are output in tabular form, as also the As limit values from both calculations.
Basically, all automatically or self−defined limit state specifications in dimensioning for
prestressing can be used, whereby the action ’!Prestress load’ in the design situations
should normally appear with the factor 1.00. Values which differ from this influence the
prestressing force and the initial strain in the prestressing steel, but not the tendon ge-
ometry. With a factor = 0.85, e.g., the prestressing losses due to creep and shrinkage
can be considered.

Constraint factor z:
In dimensioning for the ultimate state the constraints of the prestressing load cases are
taken into account using an arbitrary factor. This constraint factor z has to be input in
the corresponding field on the right hand side, where, as a rule, reasonable values are
in the range 0.00 to 1.00. It is recommended when calculating a floor slab to use the
same value everywhere!
Without bonding:
With the instruction ’Not bonded’ the property input as tendon attribute for this calcula-

Part E Prestressing Module E 2 Basics

tion run is deactivated (e.g. assessment of construction states, if the bonding is pro-
duced later).

Input in the Tabsheet ’Results’

The ’Prestressing Beam Section Dimensioning’ designated as ’As: Prestressing = Resis-
tance’ is available in the selection list shown on the left below. As Output Type for such
results only beam sections are available.

Axial force due to prestressing

For two reasons it may happen that the total prestressing force of all tendons in the beam
under consideration are transferred to the concrete cross section of the beam.
S In the case of column strips over the columns the axial force distributes itself more
or less uniformly at a certain distance from the anchorage over the whole slab. The
cut−out beam therefore only resists a part of it. In general, this part can be estimated
quite well.
S The slab supports themselves can also impede the transmission of the prestressing
force into the beam. This effect, if present, is difficult to estimate.
In the input field ’Portion of Axial Force: Factor’ the user can define the expected portion
of axial force in the beam using a factor. With the factor = 0.0 there is none, with 1.0
the whole of the axial force is transmitted to the beam.
. Since this factor is constant for the whole of the beam section it may be necessary to introduce
several sections one after another. But due to the uncertainty of the factor too much time ex-
penditure is not justifiable.

spreading out of axial



ÎÎ b = width of beam

Fig. A−10 Prestressed slab beam

Part E Prestressing Module E 2 Basics

unimpeded axial force

due to prestressing

zero or reduced
axial force in the
slab due to pres-

Fig. A−11 Plan view of floor slab

. Tip: It is not always simple to decide how large is the existing axial force in a certain region
due to prestressing. This, admittedly, places certain demands on the user. The advantage of
a pure slab calculation, however, is that thereby in the calculation assumptions one is forced
to adopt simple and clear models. In contrast to apparently more exact calculations (plane
stress states, shells) there is the danger of false interpretations (uncertain assumptions regard-
ing stiffness of supports etc.).

Remarks on the Results Tables

The additional reinforcing steel can be shown for each beam section both in a graphical
form and in a numerical form. In the following the relevant numerical outputs are
shown, whereby these, depending on the program version, can differ slightly from the
form presented.

Limit state specification

The table with the limit state specifications gives information on the loading, as well
as the verification type:

With the limit state ’Ultimate Load’ the calculations are carried out at the dimensioning
level. The material strengths are reduced according to the partial safety factors input
with the calculation settings.

In contrast, the dimensioning for serviceability is normally carried out at the working
stress level. The cross section is dimensioned for ’Admissible Stresses’. The correspon-
ding load factors can be adjusted, but in this case for the material behaviour no partial
safety factors are used.


Limit state: Ultimate (ULS)
Actions Design situations
Nr Name 1 2
0 !Dead load 1.3 0.8
1 !Imposed load 1.5 1.5
2 !Prestressing force 1 1

Part E Prestressing Module E 2 Basics


The As−Table for the additional reinforcing steel looks as follows:

Beam section: A (0.00,1.50 − 23.60,1.50) Beam width 3.00
Limit state specification: !Ultimate (ULS)
As−design ultimate state:B35/25, S500, γc=1.20, γs=1.20
Portion of axial force due to prestressing = 1.00
PT treated as resistance, constraint factor= 1.00
Distance Md_min Md_max Mp_min Mp_max −P*e As−top As+bottom
[m] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm] [mm2] [mm2]
0.00 1.23 3.32 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.48 41.50 111.91 −15.45 −15.45 18.06 0.00 2.00
0.97 81.28 219.17 −30.90 −30.90 36.05 0.00 5.00
[1] [1] [2] [2] [3] [4] [5]
[1] Limit state moments due to external loading (without prestressing):
[2] Limit state moments due to prestressing (anchorage and deviation forces)
[3] Moments due to −P*e (only for tendons in corresponding section)
[4] Dimensioned top reinforcing steel
[5] Dimensioned bottom reinforcing steel

The distance between two neighbouring dimensioning sections along the beam is
chosen by the program itself and cannot be changed.

Prestressing record
For a check on the tendons within each dimensioning section the following table is out-
PT− and cross section record:
Dimensioning calculation performed with PT treated as resistance
Beam section: A (0.00,1.50 − 23.60,1.50)

Dist zs hmax Width co cu

Id Steel P Ap Eps zp e −P*e Angle Bonded
[kN] [cm2] [o/oo] [cm] [cm] [mkN] [rad]
0. −17.50 35.00 300.00 3.00 3.00
1.4 P1670 500.59 4.00 5.9594 −17.50 0. 0. 0.0 m.V.
1.5 P1670 125.15 1.00 5.9594 −17.50 0. 0. 0.0 m.V.
1.6 P1670 125.15 1.00 5.9594 −17.50 0. 0. 0.0 m.V.
1.8 P1670 125.15 1.00 5.9594 −17.50 0. 0. 0.0 m.V.
1.7 P1670 125.15 1.00 5.9594 −17.50 0. 0. 0.0 m.V.
Sum P.restressing forces: −P 1001.17 [kN] −P*e 0. [mkN]

Dist : Distance from start of section
zs : Coordinate of centroid of dimensioning cross section
hmax : Max. cross section height
width : Beam width of dimensioning cross section
co,cu : Concrete cover of reinforcing steel (top,bottom)
Id. : Tendon identification
steel : Name of PT steel
P : Tendon force
Ap : Total cross section of prestressing steel
Eps : Strain in prestressing steel due to chosen stressing procedure
zp : Position of tendon with respect to top of slab (+ve upwards)
e : Eccentricity of tendon relative to centroid of dimensioning c. s.

angle : Angle between axis of beam and tendon

(0 = Tendon is parallel to beam axis)

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

E 3 Examples

E 3.1 Flat Slabs

E 3.1.1 Description of problem

By means of the floor slab treated below the the individual input steps for the calculation
of a prestressed slab are discussed. This provides above all a basic introduction to the
method of working with the prestressing module. Actual numbers are introduced in the
second example in connection with the dimensioning of the reinforcing steel.
It is assumed that the user already knows how to use the Graphics Editor. In order to
become familiar with the input of geometrical objects it is recommended to work
through the introductory example in the basic module of CEDRUS−5. Further tips are
given in the Program’s Help System. The input of the prestressing was simplified in this
example, in order to make the description easier.

E 3.1.2 Tabsheet ’Structure’

Initially the slab outline, openings and columns are input, whereby all geometrical data
may be taken from the diagram given below..

thickness h=0.28
columns 0.4 x 0.4


2.90 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 2.90


Code Swisscode (SIA 2xx)

Materials: Concrete C35/45, Steel B500B, PT steel Y1860.
Prestressing: A p =100 mm2 (per strand),
f y + 0.9 @ f pk =1670 N/mm2 , f pk = 1860 N/mm2

E 3.1.3 Tabsheet ’Loads’

The following two load cases are considered

− Dead load (automatically generated by CEDRUS)
− Live load-general (additive) q = −5 kN/m2 (whole slab)
The later has to be input. laster, another load case with the action type ’Prestressing’ is
automatically added with the input of the prestressing cables.

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

E 3.1.4 Tabsheet ’Prestressing’

Tablewith tendon data



Group: Delete, New

Group: Settings

Field of list for selecting ten-



Table with geom.

don group

Prestressed flat slabs are probably not often designed by the majority of engineers. In
order to quickly obtain an overview, therefore, CEDRUS−5 provides a special program
for dimensioning the internal field of a floor slab.
First we select this dialogue field and input as spans for the internal field lx = 8.4 m and
ly = 7.2 m. At the moment we do not specify the slab thickness, i.e. it is determined by
the program itself. For the loading the value of q = −5 kN/m2 has to be input and for
the prestressing we select the steel ’Y1860’,as well as Ap=100 mm2.

With [Calculate] we obtain a ’proposal’ from the program itself. For different reasons
(punching shear, acoustics) we change the suggested slab thickness to h = 0.28 m and
we repeat the whole calculation. We now look more closely at the detailed preliminary
prestressing sheet (possibly print it out) and then decide upon the following prestres-

S Column strips: 12 strands (3 "bundles of 4") in the x and y directions

S Field strip: 7 x 1 strand in the x direction, 9 x 1 strand in the y direction

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

With respect to our introductory example the following arrangement should then
be obtained:

Input of tendons and supports

The tendon profile is first drawn with the Graphics Editor in plan view and then brought
to the desired vertical position by inputting supports.

In order to give a better overview of this procedure the tendon input is divided into the
following two groups:

Group 1: Tendons in the x−direction

Group 2: Tendons in the y−direction

We begin with Group 1:

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

Now the first x−tendon is input over the bottom row of columns with the following at-
tributes (due to the long tendon lengths stressing is carried out from both sides):

With the button [Create] the polygon input is started with the Graphics Editors and the
discrete points of the tendon curve are input geometrically. In our case the starting point
is at the left boundary of the slab at (0.0 / 0.5). For the input of the second point we
press the x−key, whereby the mouse can only be moved in a horizontal direction, and
we click on the right slab boundary. We complete the polygon input by pressing the
key <Q>.

Now we duplicate the element just input by first selecting it and then using the function
’Duplicate’ from the Context menu with the following parameters:

Distances: 2*0.85 2*0.2 etc.

During the input of the above row, provided the button ’Preview’ in the dialogue win-
dow is selected, the elements to be created are continuously shown (’dimmed’), i.e. im-
mediate checking is possible at all times.

After confirming with [OK] all tendons in the x−direction will be generated.

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

In the region of the column strips we still have to change the number of strands. For
every column strip we select the three tendons and choose ’Attributes’ from the Context
menu. We change the field ,No. of strands’ to the new value ’4’ and confirm with ’Apply’.

Now follows the input of the supports. We assume a distance to boundary of 30 mm

and that the external diameter of the tendon is 20 mm. The distance from the slab
boundary to the line of action of the force in the steel is thus 40 mm for the tendons
in the x−direction. In our example, due to the intersection at the middle of the support,
this value is increased to 60 mm for the tendons in the y−direction.

In an actual application, the geometrical relationships over the supports have to be

planned exactly, whereby in the manufacturers’ product documentation of prestressing
systems one can find much information regarding this question. For CEDRUS as a cal-
culation program only the centre line of the steel force is of interest. Possible geometri-
cal conflicts,however, may be detected by means of the graphical output (see Checks).
The dialogue window is filled with the following values:

With the button [Create] we can place the supports geometrically. The first point is at
(2.9/0) and the last point in the y-direction at the top boundary of the slab.

The remaining supports are generated again with the function ’Duplicate’ from the Con-
text menu with the following values.
Direction vector: dx = 0.0 dy:=1.0
Distances: 8*4.20 (half span length)

Now we have to change the attributes of all tendon lowest points. We select all supports
in the middle of the field and assign them the attribute ’Lowest Point’ with distance to
boundary of 40 mm, as well as in the section ’Minimum Radius’ the value ’free’.

Now we want to check individual tendons by selecting a particular tendon and then
click on the button shown on the left.
In a new dialogue window we should see something like the following diagram

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

In the above A4 page layout the variation of steel stress, the tendon geometry and the
deviations forces transmitted by the tendon to the slab are presented. In our case among
other things we should check that the negative deviation forces concentrated in the area
of the supports (=highest point) are transmitted to the slab. At the highest point we have
specified the minimum radius condition and naturally we want the inflexion point with
regard to the punching shear check to be near to the supports.

With the print entry symbol in the upper left corner of this diagram, if required, can be
entered in the print list.
Within the input process typical tendons should always be considered and checked in
each direction with this function. The dialogue window should never be closed to con-
sider a new tendon, but left in the ’background’ any tendon can be selected and the
graphics adjusts itself automatically.

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

The second tendon group is created in the same way with the following steps:
S Define the new Group (2)
S Input tendon in y−direction:
On opening the attributes dialogue reset the input field ’No. of Strands’ to 1. The first
tendon starts with (1.10/0.0) and ends at the top slab boundary.
S One could once again duplicate all tendons with the following instruction:
Direction vector: dx = 1.0 dy = 0.0
2*0.8 2*0.2 10*0.8 2*0.2 10*0.8 2*0.2 10*0.8 2*0.2 10*0.8 2*0.2

The input of the above line, however, is somewhat lengthy and thus prone to error.
As an alternative one could by duplicating just create the first field (Distances: 2*0.8
2*0.2 10*0.8 1*0.2 ) and then create the rest of the tendons by mirroring twice
about the corresponding column axes.
S Increase number of strands for the column strips:
Key words: select relevant tendons, increase attribute ’No. of Strands’ once more to
4, [Apply]
S Input supports over the first row of columns (point on left boundary 0/2.4) with fol-
lowing attributes:
Height: ’Highest Point’ with distance to boundary of 60 mm
Minimum radius: ’Parabola’
S Duplicate supports
’Distances’: 4*3.60 (half span length)
S Change support attributes in middle of field using following attributes:
Height: ’Lowest Point’ with distance to boundary of 60 mm
Minimum radius: ’free’

After checking the tendon visually with the input is completed.

Now we leave this window and call the function shown on the left.
By this means the deviation and anchorage forces for all prestressing load cases are
formed and at the same time a record file is written. If the program encounters incor-
rectly input tendons (intersection with slab boundary, violation of minimum radius
condition etc.) a corresponding error message is written.

From the information given at the end of the table one can see how large is the sum
of the deviation forces. A comparison with the dead load gives:

g (dead load) = 25 kN/m3 x 39.40 m x 19.20 m x 0.28 m = 5295 kN

u+ (sum of all positive deviation forces) [ 9524 kN

For each internal field, of the total of 40 strands 24 of them are positioned in the column
strips. Only these strands transmit the deviation forces directly to the columns. The ratio
u/g therefore can be estimated as follows:
u/g = (24/40) x 9524 /5295 [ 1.08
If we compare this value with the preliminary dimensioning: Instead of the suggested
47 strands we have only retained 40 of them. In addition, the distances to the boundary
for the tendons running in the y−direction are greater than those assumed in the pre−di-
The ratio u/g can also be calculated from a comparison of the two bending deflection
diagrams for the load cases dead weight and prestressing.
Since prestressing corresponds to a self−weight stress state, the prestressing load case
considered by itself has to be fulfil equilibrium, i.e. the sum of all vertical loads must

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

(up to a certain tolerance value) be equal to zero. This can be checked quite easily in
the tabsheet ’Loads’ in the tabular output in the last line of the table. The prestressing
layout should also be checked once again graphically: Positive and negative deviation
forces are presented in different colours and thus it can be seen immediately whether,
e.g., the negative deviation forces are actually transmitted to the columns.

Tendons input twice, which lie directly on top of each other, are shown by the program
in the table of prestressing data with a warning sign. If the number of strands is shown
graphically (Context menu ’Attributes’, ’Options’), we can detect such (probably unde-
sired input) immediately, since the corresponding graphical symbols are displayed for
each tendon at a different place.

Fig. A−12 Tendon with single stand Two tendons each with single strand

E 3.1.5 Tabsheet ’Calculation’

In our example we are interested above all in the additionally required reinforcing steel,
which we want to determine with the aid of a beam section dimensioning. To ensure
that the corresponding results are available, first of all we have to make the correspon-
ding specification in the tabsheet ’Calculation’ . By default the program creates limit state
specifications for ’!Ultimate Load’ and ’!Serviceability’.

We produce now a new specification, stored by the program under the term ’Prestres-
sing=Resistance’, by selecting the function on the left and inputting the values shown
in the dialogue below:

For the calculation of the action effect the limit state specification ’!Ultimate Load’ the
following factors are used:

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples


ACTION: !dead load
permanent L1: [1.00] Loadcase 1
ACTION: !imposed load
plus where decisive L2: [1.00] Loadcase 2
ACTION: !Prestressing
permanent L3: [1.00] Loadcase 3
Limit state: !Ultimate (ULS)
Actions Design situations
No. Name 1 2
0 !Dead load 1.3 0.8
1 !Imposed load 1.5 1.5
2 !Prestressing 1 1

With regard to the last line it should be noted that of the prestressing forces only the
constraints are used if the beam section dimensioning is carried out for ’As: Prestres-

E 3.1.6 Tabsheet ’Results’

Now we change to the tabsheet ’Results’, and in the column ’Results for’ we choose the
line ’As: PT=Resistance’

Then we input over the first row of columns a beam section of width 1.50 m and an
axial force factor = 1.00 and examine the corresponding result, i.e. the required addi-
tional reinforcing steel.
With this the introductory example comes to a conclusion. In practice, however, one
would still have to produce an extensive documentation, but we will leave this out. In
the sense of a checklist the most important points in the calculation of a prestressed floor
slab are summarized once more in the next section in abbreviated form.

E 3.1.7 Checklist

The following checklist reiterates the most important points which have to be con-
sidered in a prestressed floor slab using CEDRUS-5:
S Input of the outline in plan and of the loads in the basic module of CEDRUS-5. An
’empty’ load case of action type ’Prestressing’ also has to be introduced in order to
be able later to include the loads generated by the prestressing module.
S Specify reinforcement and prestressing layout qualitatively (width of column strips,
gradation of reinforcement etc), clarify geometrical relationships at points of inter-
section (fix distances to boundaries).
S Floor slab with uniform arrangement of columns:
− Carry out pre−dimensioning (with the CEDRUS pre−dimensioning program)
− Select number of strands
− Provide additional reinforcement possibly in boundary and special areas

Geometrically complex floor slab:

determination of a fictitious reinforcing steel using conventional CEDRUS dimen-
sioning methods (beam sections). Then convert to prestressing cross sections corre-
sponding to the ratio of the two steel stresses.
Reminder: This factor depends on whether a prestressing with or without bonding
is chosen (failure stress or existing prestressing steel stress)
S Input prestressing force
S Compare bending deflections due to permanent loads and prestressing in all fields
and if necessary adjust prestressing force

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

S Ultimate load verification: Determine additional reinforcing steel with the means
provided by CEDRUS
S Check stresses (Note: CEDRUS only calculates moments, so the axial force has to be
estimated). Aim: As few cracks as possible immediately after prestressing
S Check punching shear
S Produce layout plan etc (possibly with export of DXF files to a CAD program)

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

E 3.2 Two Span Beams

E 3.2.1 Problem description

By means of this example the explanations of chapter E 2.4.2 are documented numeri-
cally. For this purpose a simple system was deliberately chosen, so that the values can
also be obtained by hand calculations.
Structure type Slab
Code: Swisscode
Materials: Concrete C25/30, (−>E c = 32 kN/mm2, n + 0.17) Steel B500B,
Boundary distances for reinforcing steel = 30 mm
Structure: 2 span beam (2 x11.80 m x 3.00 m) with linear bearings (walls:
height=3 m,Young=3.5e7 kN/m2, support: freely rotational,
wall stiffnes) and columns in the middle of the field (0.40 m x 0.40 m,
Area support: settlement=column stiffness, rotations=free)
Slab thickness: d = 0.35 m
Prestressing: According to Fig. A−13 and Fig. A−14
Prestressing with no bonding, vert. variation with standard elements
4 strands (Y1860) "in field" distributed according to sketch
4 strands as "bundle" (Y1860) over columns according to sketch
Area per strand: Ap = 100 mm2,
Rmin = 2.5 m, friction coefficient: m = 0.19/rad, Da = 0.004 rad/m
Stressing procedure: force at start = 0.75 f pk ( f pk = 1860 N/mm2)
Wedge draw−in = −6 mm
FE mesh: Max. size of elements 1 m
Load cases: Dead load (automatically generated)
Live load q = −5 kN/m2 (whole slab), Cathegory storage area
Prestressing (automatically generated)
S Input slab with above dimensions and loads.
S Input prestressing with prestressing module
S Define longitudinal section (beam of width 3 m) and perform dimensioning

Highest point of support

Distance to boundary =
Lowest point of support: 50 mm Lowest point of support:
Distance to boundary = Minimum radius Distance to boundary=
50 mm 50 mm

Column 1.50

5.00 6.8 6.8 5.00

11.8 11.8

Fig. A−13 Slab outline with tendons

L=0.8 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 L=0.8

−0.20 Parabola with
minimum radius

Fig. A−14 Longitudinal section with tendon profile

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

E 3.2.2 Results

Results of dimensioning for ultimate load in the field at x = 4.83

Limit state specification:

Beam section: Table of As:

Table of tendons

Summary of section forces (from As−Table)

M d(g ) q) = (1.35* 255.9 + 1.5*146.23) = 564.8 kNm
M p(P @ e ) M z) = −104.6
P@e = −127.0
Mz (with constraint factor = 1.0) = +22.4
M d(g ) q ) M z) = 587.2 kNm
(= external action)

By comparison: maximum field moment from beam theory

M(q) + 9 ql 2 + 9 @ 15 @ 11.82 + 146.85
128 128

Prestressing check (from prestressing record)

å Po [ 6.52 o/oo
Då + 0.0 (prestressing without bonding)
P + 0.00652 E s A s + 1017 kN (cf. above)
P * e = 0.125 * 1017 = 127.1 kNm (cf. above)
Prestressing forces at dimensioning level: N p + gP + 1017 kN

. According to SIA 262, one must apply the resistance factor of the PT steel to the yield
stress and not on the E-modlulus. Therefore the prestressing force must not be reduce here.

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

Dimensioning (x c and z estimated or taken from cross section program)

Concrete compression zone : x c [ 62.3 mm
Inner lever arm : z [ 285.5 mm

Total required tensile force : z d +2057 kN
Reinforcing steel : 2057 * 1017 + 2392 mm2

xc å s1
Concrete compression Mp
z Np
Prestressing e
å p + åp o ) Då p
P å s2

Strain plane Forces acting on concrete

due to prestressing

Fig. A−15 Cross section dimensioning

By comparison: Dimensioning for ultimate load, prestressing with bonding

The difference between this and the previous dimensioning is that the additional strains
in the prestressing steel are taken into account:

å Po [ 6.52 o/oo
Då + 4.6 o/oo Prestressing with bonding: program supplies assumed maximum
strain in reinforcing steel = 5 o/oo, thus Då at height of
prestressing ca. 4.6 o/oo)
å P [ 11.1 o/oo Yield limit exceeded


Ep=195 kN/mm2
0.00713 0.0111 εud=0.02

Fig. A−16 Material law for prestressing steel used in this example

s P [ 1461 N/mm2 (hardening: (1617−1391)*(11.1−7.13)/(20−7.13) )

P + s P A p = 1169 kN

Concrete compression zone : x c [ 63 mm
Inner lever arm : z [ 284 mm
Total required tensile force : Md/z = 587/0.284 = 2068 kN
Reinforcing steel : (2068−1169)/(500/1.15) = 2068 mm2

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

Dimensioning for serviceability, szul = 200 N/mm2

Prestressing without bonding, Results in field at x = 4.83

Limit state specification:

This limit state specification was generated automatically with the analysis parameter
set ’AP1’ associated to it: The specification of ss,adm can be made in the menu ’Set-
tings>Analysis parameter’ for the set ’AP1:Serviceability’.

Table of As values:

Hand calculation or calculation with cross section program (e.g. FAGUS)

Action: Md= Md_max + (Mp_max − P*e) =
256 + 0.8*146 + (−104.6 + 127) = 395.2 kN

å Po [ 6.52 o/oo
Då + 0.0 (Prestressing without bonding)
P + 0.00652 E s A s = 1017 kN

Concrete compression zone : x c [ 84 mm
Inner lever arm : z [ 278 mm
Total required tensile force : Md/z =1422 kN
Reinforcing steel : (1422−1014)*103/200 = 2040 mm2

Dimensioning for serviceability, Prestressing with bonding

å Po [ 6.52 o/oo
Då + 0.89 o/oo (addit. strain from steel stress 200 N/mm2 at the level of the tendon)
P + 0.00741 E s A s = 1156 kN

Concrete compression zone : x c [ 84.6 mm
Inner lever arm : z [ 275.7 mm
Total required tensile force : Md/z =1433 kN
Reinforcing steel : (1433−1156)*103/200 = 1385 mm2

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

E 3.3 Tips and Tricks

E 3.3.1 Duplication of groups

Often one needs to investigate different alternatives. For this purpose tendons and sup-
ports need to be copied from one group to the next. The following key combinations
are necessary for this (in abbreviated form):

1. <Ctrl−A> (select all tendons and supports)

2. <Ctrl−C> (copy all tendons)
3. Create new group
4. <Ctrl−V> (insert all objects)

Regarding point 1:
If for example the support dialogue is open, with <Ctrl−A> only the supports (all of
them) are selected.

E 3.3.2 Generating possibilities

Compared to CEDRUS−3 the number of specific tendon generating possibilities has

been reduced. To compensate for this the functions of the Graphics Editor, which are
identical in all Cubus Windows programs, have been considerably extended. Often one
direction with the extended ’Duplicate’ command can be generated almost in a single
operation (in the case of an unsuccessful attempt don’t forget the ’Undo’ function !). For
skew or irregular slab boundaries the ’Trim’ function can be useful (in a first step gener-
ate tendons over the slab boundary and then select and trim all elements together which
are too long).

E 3.3.3 Checks

When generating a load case all necessary checks are carried out (minimum radii, inter-
section of slab boundary etc).

If an incorrectly input tendon is encountered, a corresponding error message appears

on the screen, the object is marked graphically and the reason for the error is given in
the corresponding table.

For at least each characteristic tendon a longitudinal section should be considered (par-
allel tendons intersecting the same support have a similar or identical profile). Besides
the x’−z profile, often, it can also be tested whether the desired profile was in fact input
correctly by means of the deviation forces (="curvature diagram").

E 3.3.4 Detecting tendons lying on top of each other

See Example 1, Checks (last section)

E 3.3.5 Reference height of supports with different slab thicknesses

For the determination of the z−coordinate of a support both support end points (or the
position shifted inwards by a small tolerance value) are decisive, as is shown in the

Part E Prestressing Module E 3 Examples

example given below. If these exhibit the same height the input is admissible. For the
supports in all the intermediate zones the same z−coordinate is used.

However, if, as in the case shown below, the input is made with reference to the bottom
slab boundary, with Lowest support point ... Distance to boundary ... , strictly speak-
ing this statement holds only for the two external zones.

H Support H


T = Support defined as lowest point

H = Support defined as highest point
Fig. A−17 Support height with different slab thicknesses

To enable external prestressing, no check is carried out on whether the tendons

measured in the vertical direction lie within the slab. If the end point of the support lies
in the area of intersection of two downstanding beams of different thickness, the greater
height is used.

Part C The CubusViewer C 1 Introduction

Part CThe CubusViewer

C 1 Introduction
Whenever you want to print text or figures out of a Cubus application you can generate
so called ’Print entries’. These entries are managed by the application independent
’CubusViewer’, a program for composing a ’Report’ from all the print entries. The
CubusViewer lets you preview this report and make changes (e.g. printing order of the
entries, page format, scale factors, page break, page number etc.) before printing on
The CubusViewer application is lauched by clicking on the symbol on the left or via
the menu ’File / Print / Print preview...’.

C 2 Creating a report
Whenever you want to print figures or text use the symbol on the left in order to create
a print entry. If you do so for figures the following dialog opens and you can specify
several parameters:
S Print job title: Single line title for
identification of the print entry in the
CubusViewer. This text is not
S Figure legend: Multiline text,
printed on the upper edge of the
figure together with the scale.
S Print area: Specification of the
boundaries of the figure to be
printed: You have the choice
between the whole figure, the
visible part of it or a window detail.
If you choose the last option you can
either input the numerical window
coordinates or define the window
graphically by clicking on the
symbol next to the input fields and
definig a window with the mouse.
S Scale: Normally figures are printed
with a scale automatically adjusted in
order to fully exploit the page. Here
you can predefine a certain scale
which can be changed again later in
the CubusViewer.
S Font size: The font size of all text in the print entry is scaled by this factor (can be
changed later in the CubusViewer).

C 3 Preview of the report

Besides the menu bar and the tool bar on the top, the interface of the CubusViewer
application consists of two parts: A list of all print entries on the left and a preview on
the right. You can resize them by moving the dividing splitter bar.

Part C The CubusViewer C 4 Document styles

Main menu and

tool bar

List of print entries and

page breaks

Report preview
(selected print entries)

With the menu ’View’ or the items of the tool bar you can customize the preview of the
report with respect to size, placement and look. In addition you can setup the page
layout (e.g. paper format) in the menu ’File / Setup page’ by choosing a document style
(see C 4.2).
Zoom window

Activate/deactivate fill
Zoom in
Zoom out


For long reports and detailed figures it can be usefull to reduce the content of the
previewed graphics by clicking on the symbol to the left. In order to speed up certain
operations (e.g. changing the order of appearance of a series of print entries) it can make
sense to disable the preview of the report. This can be done by deactivating the symbol
to the left.

C 4 Document styles

C 4.1 Introduction

Wit the CubusViewer you can manage a series of document styles for your reports. A
document style is defining the look of your report with respect to
S paper fromat

Part C The CubusViewer C 4 Document styles

S page borders
S header and footer
Each document style is stored in a file ending with ’.tjl’. By default a series of document
styles is installed on your system (e.g. ’A4’, A4Q’, ’A3’ and ’A3Q’, with the ’Q’ standing
for landscape orientation). These read only styles are stored in the folder
’\CubusShared\cViewer’. As you can see in C 4.3, you can define your own document
styles and use them for different projects and even share them among your coworkers
(e.g. a corporate standard with company logo).

C 4.2 Choosing a document style

You can open the dialog ’Setup page’ with the menu ’File /Setup page’ or by clicking
on this symbol on the tool bar. Now you can choose among all avaiable document

list of avaiable
document styles
with actual style
duplicate actual style
delete actual style
create a new style

filepath of document

C 4.3 Modify or create a document style

If you want to create a new document style you should choose one of the predefined
styles as a template, click on the duplicate symbol (s.figure above) and input the name
of your new style, which is then stored in the directory ’\CubusShared\User\cViewer’.
Every document on this location will appear in the list of styles for every user of any
Cubus application. This does allow sharing document styles among coworkers. If you
want to modify the actual document style without changing its name you can directly
change the attributes in the dialog. After closing the dialog the modified style becomes
active and is stored in ’\CubusShared\User\cViewer’ as well. However if you have no
write access to this directory a message will appear and the new document style will
be stored in the ’User’ directory of the project. In this case, your new document style
is only avaiable in the current project.

C 4.3.1 Paper format

In the tabsheet ’Paper format’ you can select one of the avaiable paper formats of your
actual printer (selected in the menu ’File / Printer’). Normally you do not have to change
the width and heigth parameter.

Part C The CubusViewer C 4 Document styles

C 4.3.2 Page borders

In this tabsheet you can specify the border width in [mm] and specify duplex printing.
Note that these borders do include the header and footer of your document style.

C 4.3.3 Header and footer

Several layout objects such as texts, bitmaps and lines can be placed anywhere on the
page letting you design your own document style. Some of these objects are placeholder
of dynamic information like page number or date (see object table below).

All defined objects are listed on this tabsheet (see Fig. A−1) and can be modified or
deleted. With the contect menu you can add new objects to this list (pressing the right
mouse button over the list). Note that for some of the objects the order of appearance
in the list is importand (e.g. FONT). All currently available objects are listed here:

Layout object Identifier Description

Text TEXT text
Grafic GRAFIC Graphic files (BMP, ICO oder
Line LINE Linie with attributs (width, type
and color)
Font FONT defining the font for all following
TEXT objects
Date and time DATE_TIME placeholder for the date/time of
Program identification PRG_ID placeholder for name and version
of the Cubus application creating
the report
Filepath PRO_FULLPATH Full path name of project file

The following layout objects are placeholders for information, that can be specified in
the submenu ’Options>Page header information...’. The default values are taken from
the project description dailog of the application (i.e. menu ’File>Description...’).

Page number PAGE_NUMBER Page number

Author PRO_FIRMA Company name
Object PRO_ZEILE1 Name of project
Structural element PRO_ZEILE2 description of structural element
Engineer PRO_INITIALS Name of responsable engineer
Tabelle A−1 Layout objects of a document style

The coordinates of the layout objects (see Fig. A−1) are values in [mm] followed by one
of the letters ’L’, ’R’, ’T’, ’B’ indicating the origin of the coordinate system (i.e. border
at L=left, R=right, T=top and B=bottom).

Part C The CubusViewer C 4 Document styles

list of specified layout

new objects can be
added via the contect

properties of layout

Fig. A−1 Editing header and footer

Part C The CubusViewer C 5 Modify the report

C 5 Modify the report

In this section the most important functions to edit the generated report are explained.
Most of them can be reached via the menu and via the context menu. The menus are
activated if you have selected a number of items in the list or in the preview and click
on the right mouse button.

Fig. A−2 List of print entries

You can resize the list by moo-

ving the splitter control separa-
ting the list and the preview area

selected print entry

activate/deactivate entries

S Selecting entries: Select an entry in the list by clicking on it, use shift for multiple
selection and <Ctrl>-<A> to select all. The preview allows the selection of a single
entry highlighting it with a blue frame.
S Activate/deactivate entries: Only the activated entries will be printed. Change the
activation of an entry with its associated check box (see Fig. A−2).
S Order of appearance: Drag&Drop to change the order of appearance.
S Delete entries: Select a series of entries and press the ’Del’ button.
S Changing the scale: Select a series of entries and change the scale via the context
S Insert page break: Select the first entry on the new page and call the ’Insert new
page’ function in the context menu.
S Insert additional text: You can insert any additional text in the entry list if you
select a text in a Windows-Applikation, copy it to the clipboard (<Ctrl>-<C>) and
paste it into to print entry list of the CubusViewer (<Ctrl>-<C>). This will add a new
entry at the bottom of the list that can be moved via Drag&Drop to the correct postion
in the report. Note that the text must be either in ASCII− or RTF−format.

Part C The CubusViewer C 6 Printing a report

C 6 Printing a report
Only the activated entries in the list are printed (see C 3 and Fig. A−2). After printing,
the list remains untouched i.e. you have to delete or deactivate the items you don’t want
to print again. If you print a report for the first time, you have to make the following
S Choose printer: If there is more than one printer installed, you can choose one in
the menu ’File / Printer’.
S Setup page: Choose a document style in the menu ’File / Setp page’ (see C 4).
S Page numbers: The page number of the first printed page, shown in the
header/footer (see C 4), is taken from the current settings in ’Options / page header
information’. If you do not change this value it is incremented each time a page is
printed. Setting the page number to 0 will not print it at all.
S Choose colors/line types: Depending on the capabilities of your printer you
should choose the color/line type scheme and the fillmode: The colors and linetypes
are defined in the Cubus application that created the report (menu ’Options /
Colors−line types’).
S Print the report: By clicking on this symbol the report is sent to the printer.

Part C The CubusViewer C 6 Printing a report

Part F Dynamic Analysis F 1 Natural Vibrations

Part FDynamic Analysis

F 1 Natural Vibrations

F 1.1 Basic Theory

The optional module Dynamics of CEDRUS-5 permits the analysis of natural vibrations
for slabs with general mass distributions. As results you get circular frequencies, corre-
sponding mode shapes and participation factors.

For this purpose the following eigenvalue problem must be solved:

([K] * w i 2[M]){F i} + {0}


wi : eigenvalue (circular frequency) of i−th mode

{f i } : mode shape of i−th mode
[M] : mass matrix
[K] : stiffness matrix

The mode shapes (eigenmodes) are normalized as follows:

{F i}T[ M ]{F i} + 1

The modal participation factors are defined as follows:

Pi + 0 [M]{F i}

F 1.2 Mass Distribution

The mass distribution consists of specific masses, distributed masses (polygonal or

along a line) and concentrated masses, just like a normal load specification with differ-
ent units (i.e. mass/unit volume, mass/unit length or area, mass). Therefore you have
to specify the mass distribution in the load register of CEDRUS−5’s interface. Here you
can define so−called ’mass load cases’, which correspond to a specific mass distribution
that can be used in a dynamic analysis.

For the numerical analysis the mass distribution is transformed into translatory (in Z−
direction) acting concentrated masses in the nodes of the FE−mesh, i.e. the mass matrix
has only diagonal nonzero elements.

. ’Exotic’ mass distributions can lead to numerical convergence problems (e.g. it is impossible
to calculate more eigenvalues than the number of nodes with associated concentrated
masses). Generally the mass of the slab should be considered, thus avoiding these problems.

Part F Dynamic Analysis F 1 Natural Vibrations

F 1.3 Input parameters

An analysis of natural vibrations requires the following input parameters:

S The number of the (mass) load case corresponding to the mass distribution.
S The number of modal shapes to be calculated (starting with the smallest frequency).
S The load case numbers for the resulting modal shapes (i.e. eigenvectors). Here you
must specify the number for the first mode only, because all additional modes are
saved under consecutive numbers. Make sure to define numbers that do not exceed
999 or do not conflict with already existing load cases. In CEDRUS−5’s result register
you can address each modal shape with its unique load case number.
S A tolerance value for the required accuracy (default value is 1E−8).

F 1.4 Output of Results

As results you get the modal shapes (eigenmode) that can be viewed graphically and
numerically just like displacements and the table of frequencies and participation factors
of all calculated eigenvalues.

Example 1 − 3D view of an eigenmode :

Eigenmode 9, mass distribution L_100, scale factor 2.0000

Part F Dynamic Analysis F 1 Natural Vibrations

Example 2 − Table of frequencies and participation factors:

Frequencies for mass distribution L_100


Nr. Omega^2 Omega Frequency Period Participationfact.

[rad/sec]^2 [rad/sec] [Hz] [sec]
1 0.541 0.735 0.117 8.546034 3.914
2 21.199 4.604 0.733 1.364647 2.170
3 45.260 6.728 1.071 0.933946 0.000
4 165.992 12.884 2.051 0.487682 1.272
5 421.818 20.538 3.269 0.305926 0.000
6 636.570 25.230 4.016 0.249033 0.909
7 1255.112 5.428 5.638 0.177353 0.000
8 1737.189 41.680 6.634 0.150750 0.707
9 2716.417 52.119 8.295 0.120554 0.000
10 3871.275 62.220 9.903 0.100984 0.579
Sum of equiv. masses (square of participation factors) 23.312
Total mass 25.000

Part F Dynamic Analysis F 1 Natural Vibrations

Teil A The Graphics Editor

A.1 Overview
The Graphics Editor is used to input and modify (i.e. edit) two and
three dimensional graphics elements like points, lines, polygons
etc. The Graphics Editor is employed in several applications, but
the following detailed description of the Graphics Editor is appli-

This document contains the following chapters:

A.2 Interaction of Application and Graphics Editor (s. 3)
A.3 Screen Elements (s. 6)
Layer buttons
Coordinate fields
Context menus of the graphics display area
The Input context menu
The Modify context menu
The Point Input context menu
A.4 Input of Graphics Objects (s. 48)
Point input methods
Curved polygons
Circles and circular arcs
Dimension lines
A.5 Modifying Graphics Objects (s. 78)
Working with attributes dialogues
A.6 The Layout Viewer (Editor) (p. 91)
A.7 The Help System (s. 100)
A.8 Options (s. 104)
Input Options
Colours and line types
Automatic save
A.9 Import of DXF Data (s. 114)
A.10 Key Combinations (s. 120)
A.2 Interaction of Application with Gra-
phics Editor

A.2.1 Introduction
The Graphics Editor described here is employed by various ap-
plications to input and modify graphics objects with the corres-
ponding attributes:

Control of

Layer buttons of
Graphics Editor
Active Graphics Editor

Toolbar of
Graphics Editor

Status line
of application
A.2.2 The application window

A.2.2.1 The control of the application

The control of the application with the menu and button bars is
different from application to application. Normally it does not inc-
lude any functions of the Graphics Editor.

A.2.2.2 The application status line

The application status line, which after first opening the Graphics
Editor also contains its Coordinate Input Fields.

A.2.2.3 The window of the Graphics Editor

With the functions in the menu ’File’ one or more Graphics Editor
windows can be opened. With the functions in the menu ’Win-
dow’ one can change from a working area of the application to
one of the open windows, minimize or maximize the windows,
and arrange in various ways.

A.2.2.4 Toolbar of the Graphics Editor

As soon as the first Graphics Editor window has been opened
there appears on the left side of the application window a Toolbar.
It is common to all open Graphics Editor windows, whereby its
state is adjusted to the current active Graphics Editor window.
The upper buttons for inputting graphics objects are controlled
from inside the application:
 The state of the application decides which buttons are active
and which are not.
 The state of the application decides which specific graphics
objects are created by the buttons, since, e.g., the applica-
tion recognizes several different polygon objects. The but-
tons on the toolbar always look the same − no matter what
the state of the application −, but have different help symbols
on the mouse pointer.
A.2.2.5 The layer buttons
In each opened Graphics Editor window on the right side there
is a zone that can be increased in size with the Layer Buttons for
controlling the visibility of the layers. In most cases the visibility
of the layers is controlled from the application according to its re-
quirements. When printing, however, they are important to be
able to create the individual graphics.
A.3 Screen Elements
Layer buttons
Coordinate fields
Context menus of the graphics area

A.3.1 Introduction
In addition to the left mouse button, with which you can handle
menus, tabsheets and buttons, the right mouse button also
has a very important function: calling the context menus. The
functions of the Graphics Editor for instance are reachable al-
most exclusively via the context menus of the graphics area.
Some important functions are also reachable via the buttons of
the Toolbar. The layer buttons and the title bars of the layer
groups are also furnished with a context menu.

A.3.2 Toolbar
The Graphics Editor inserts a toolbar on the left side of the appli-
cation window. This contains three groups of buttons for the most
important functions of the Graphics Editor:

Input of graphics objects like points, lines, rectangles, poly-

gons, dimension lines and text (for labels)
Selection mode
Zoom functions
Undo/Redo function
Working planes
A.3.2.1 Graphics objects
The upper part of the toolbar of the Graphics Editor contains the
buttons for inputting graphics objects. If one clicks on one of
these buttons, this must remain pressed until the graphics object
has been completely input or the action is cancelled using the
’Esc’ key.
The functions for inputting graphics objects can be called not only
using the toolbar but also using the Context Menu of the Graphics
Multiple Input If one wants to input sequentially several graphics objects of the
same type, one has to doubleclick on the corresponding button.
After completing the input of a graphics object the function is au-
tomatically restarted and one can input the next graphics object.
With ’Esc’ one can finish the multiple input of graphics objects.
Application− The application that the Graphics Editor uses for the input deci-
dependence des whether the buttons are active or inactive and which specific
graphics objects are created with these buttons. If the application
is, e.g., in the state ’Load Input’, then with the buttons ’Point’ and
’Line’, respectively, point or line loads are input.
Starts the input of a point
Starts the input of a line
Starts the input of a rectangle or a parallelogram. For parallel-
ograms one can choose between four different input methods,
by clicking on the small triangle in the bottom right corner of the
button. If one clicks on another part of the button the last used
input type will be used. For all types of rectangle one must always
input two points. The direction of the sides of the parallelogram
corresponds to the current Input Directions of the Graphics Edi-
Starts the input of a polygon Polygon
Starts the input of a double−line polygon
Starts the input of a Circle or a Circular Arc. One can choose bet-
ween three possible input methods, by clicking on the small trian-
gle in the bottom right corner of the button. If one clicks on an-
other part of the button the last used input type will be used.
Starts the input of a Dimension Line. Dimension lines can only
be input in the Layer Group ’User’. Dimension lines are associa-
tive, i.e. in moving dimensioned objects the associated dimen-
sion lines are adjusted.
Starts the input of a Label. Labels can only be input in the layers
of the Layer Group ’User’.
Start the input of a Curved Polygon

A.3.2.2 Selection mode

With the button shown on the left you can choose between two
different selection modes. In the normal selection mode − with
the button not pressed−only the Construction Points (p. 64) and
Tangent Handles of a graphics object are visible and selectable,
if the graphics object itself is selected (s. 78). With a depressed
button the construction points of the graphics objects are always
visible and selectable.
With the button shown on the left using Polygon Selection (s. 81)
graphics objects − in contrast to normal selection with a rectan-
gular window − can be selected.
A.3.2.3 Zoom functions
The middle part of the toolbar of the Graphics Editor contains the
zoom functions. These can be called not only from the toolbar,
but also from the Context Menu of the Graphics Area and using
Key Combinations. Some zoom functions can only be executed
using key combinations together with the mouse.
Redraws the graphics area with all visible Layers. Redrawing
may be necessary after deleting graphics objects or hiding indivi-
dual layers. Key combination: F2
Switches on and off the filling of graphics objects on the screen.
Increases the display size by 20%. The size of the display can
also be increased using the key combination Ctrl+Shift by mo-
ving the mouse to the right with pressed left mouse button. Using
the key combination Ctrl+Shift moves the mouse pointer to the
adjacent button.
Reduces the display by 20%. The size of the display can also be
reduced using the key combination Ctrl+Shift by moving the
mouse to the left with pressed left mouse button. Using the key
combination Ctrl+Shift moves the mouse pointer to the adjacent
Increases the display of a part of the graphics area by choosing
a rectangular part with the mouse (drag with mouse button pres-
sed). Key combination: F4
Undoes the last increase of the display (select rectangular part
with the mouse). Key combination: Shift+F4
Centres the visible graphics objects in the graphics area. Key
combination: F3
Note: Moving the visible part of the graphics can only be done
using the key combination Ctrl+Shift by moving the mouse with
the left button depressed. This moves the mouse pointer to the
adjacent button.

A.3.2.4 Undo / Redo functions

With the Undo function any number of changes to graphics ob-
jects can be undone stepwise. Key combination: Ctrl+Z
With the Redo function changes made using the Undo function
can also be reversed. Key combination: Ctrl+Y

A.3.2.5 Settings
Opens the dialogue with the Input Options of the Graphics Editor.
Switches between 2D and 3D views. In the 3D view additional
buttons appear to manipulate the 3−dimensional graphics object.

A.3.2.6 Working planes

In the input and modifying of three−dimensional graphics objects
so−called working planes can be defined. If such a working plane
is activated, one can work within this plane in a two−dimensional
uv−coordinate system. The working planes are independent of
the chosen view, i.e. you can work in an arbitrary 3D view in a
working plane. Graphics objects outside the active working plane
are shown in a light colour and can no longer be selected and mo-
dified. When working in a working plane you have the advantage
that all graphics objects and all construction tools (point input me-
thods) of the two−dimensional input are available.

Graphics object outside the wor-

king plane

Graphics object in the

active working plane

Working plane symbol

Management of working planes

With the button shown on the left you can activate or deactivate
the Working Plane last used.
With the button shown on the left you can open the dialogue for
the management of the Working Planes.

define new working plane

delete marked working plane
modify marked working plane

no working plane active, work in 3D

active working plane

properties common to all working planes

To define a new working plane click after inputting a title on the

button with the red arrow. Then in the graphics area you have to
grab three existing points to define the plane. The local uv−coor-
dinate system is determined as follows:

 With the first point you define the origin of the uv−coordinate

 The direction of orientation of the three points defines the vie-

wing direction in the working plane when working in a 2D

 The u−axis is always parallel to the global x−y plane (horizon-

With the three buttons locate in the bottom left corner of the dialo-
gue − without having to grab points − you can create a working
plane in the xy, xz or yz directions. With these planes the origin
of the uv coordinate system coincides with that of the global x−
y−z coordinate system.
If you increase the size in the dialogue ’Define New Working
Plane’ , you have the possibility of inputting numerically the defi-
nition points of the working plane described above.

 The origin of the local uv−coordinate system can be changed

later by moving the working plane symbol. The orientation can
be changed using the Modify context menu of the working plane

Modifying the working plane symbols

Each Working Plane defined in the dialogue ’Working Planes’
has an associated graphics object, the so−called working plane
symbol. All working plane symbols are located in their own layer
in the layer group ’Editor’ on the right side of the Graphics Editor
window. Using this layer button you can switch the working plane
symbols on and off.
The working plane symbols are special graphics objects, which
can however be usually selected and modified like normal gra-
phics objects. With a selected working plane symbol you obtain
the following Modify context menu:
activate working plane,
work in a 2D view
activate working plane,
work in a 3D view
deactivate working plane
change the orientation of the local
uv−coordinate system of the working
plane .

The functions Move, Duplicate, Cut, Delete and Copy are the
same as with normal graphics objects contained in the context
Double click The entry written in bold letters in the Modify context menu is ex-
ecuted when you click twice with the left mouse button on the
working plane symbol. The pre−set values are ’Activate Plane in
3D’ and ’Deactivate Planes’, respectively.
When duplicating and pasting a working plane symbol the title
of the original working plane a consecutive two digit number is

working planes created by duplicating the

working plane symbols ’Plane’
A.3.2.7 Projection control
The buttons for the projection control are only visible if the 3D−
Button (s. 10) is depressed.
Parallel perspective
The projection shows how the points of the graphics objects are
displayed on the output medium (screen, printer, clipboard, me-
Point perspective tafile etc.).
For plotting 3D graphics objects a parallel perspective, a point
Eccentric perspective
perspective or an eccentric perspective can be chosen. One
can switch from one to the other using the buttons shown on the
In the following the terms vertical and horizontal are often used.
By vertical directions parallel to the global z-direction are meant
and by horizontal directions in planes parallel to the global xy-

Parallel perspective

plane of picture

direction frame of picture



The structure is depicted by parallel rays in the freely selectable

projection direction projected onto the plane of the ’picture’ that
lies normal to it. The rectangular frame of the picture (=border of
the output medium) is placed automatically such that a vector
points vertically upwards in the global z-direction in the picture.
If the projection direction coincides with the global z-direction,
then the picture frame can be arbitrarily rotated.
In this way we force vertical lines of the graphics objects also to
be represented vertically on the output medium, and the ability
of an object to rotate arbitrarily, as is usual for instance in CAD
systems in mechanical engineering, is deliberately restricted.

Point perspective
The following figure shows the representation of the point per-
spective and defines the terms used for this purpose:

camera axis
v v

fictitious camera

P: projection point = R

R object
location of observer

P v
v: projection direction
B: plane of figure
P R: figure frame = picture
screen border
S: object centre
Picture of an object with the
d: distance P−S
fictitious camera
To get a better understanding of the control parameters for per-
spective drawing we imagine a fictitious camera, as sketched in
the above figure. The points of intersection of the rays fromall ob-
ject points P with the plane of the picture produce the picture. If
one moves the camera another picture is obtained.
Both the picture plane and the picture area of the camera are rec-
tangular. The freedom of movement of the camera is restricted
to the extent that the bottom edge of this rectangle is always hori-
zontal (indeterminate in the case of a vertical projection direc-
tion). Thus this is of importance because the picture frame, which
is represented by the border of the screen, is always parallel to
the camera rectangle.

ÉÉ v
É v

Variation of the Variation of the distance of

projection direction the observer to the object

Eccentric perspective
In general in the case of perspective architectural drawings it is
usual that vertical lines of a structure are also shown vertically on
the drawing. Keeping to this rule is also strongly recommended
here. It is fulfilled if the projection direction is left as horizontal.
By means of a corresponding camera eccentricity (see below)
the viewing point on the structure can be changed in the height.

P v


An eccentric camera position results if the camera axis does not

pass through the centre of the object. A vertical eccentricity is
above all of importance in obtaining a higher or lower viewing
point, keeping a horizontal projection direction. Horizontal ec-
centricities are hardly of significance. Instead of them one would
normally perform a horizontal rotation of the projection direction.
The buttons for projection control
The projection direction is changed in such a way that the struc-
ture rotates itself in the figure about an axis in the global z−direc-
tion in the sense of the right hand rule. The steepness of the pro-
jection direction with respect to a horizontal plane remains un-
As above, but with a rotation in the opposite direction.
The steepness of the projection direction , i.e. its angle with re-
spect to the horizontal, is changed. The observer views from furt-
her up on the structure. For the eccentric perspective the vertical
camera eccentricity is changed.
As above, but with a reversed sign.
If you keep the above four buttons depressed for a longer time,
the projection direction changes until you release the button. The
rotation angle of an individual step can be influenced using the
input field shown.
The projection direction can also be rotated using the key combi-
nation Ctrl+Alt by moving the mouse with a depressed left mouse
button. By using the key combination Ctrl+Alt the mouse pointer
changes to the curved arrow shown on the left. A horizontal mo-
vement of the mouse pointer causes a rotation about a vertical
axis, and a vertical movement of the mouse pointer causes a ro-
tation about a horizontal axis.
To reduce the distance between the observer and the object. The
shorter this distance the stronger are the effects of the point per-
spective, while an increasing distance gradually leads to a paral-
lel perspective. This button is not active for the parallel perspec-
To increase the distance between the observer and the object.
This button is not active for the parallel perspective.
Projektion in the x-, y- and z-directions, respectively, (with rever-
sed sign, if simultaneously the <Shift>key is pressed).
After changing the projection direction with the above three but-
tons, with this button you can go back to the last general projec-
tion direction.
With this button you can open the management of views. There
you can save your own views under any name and use them
again later. Views contained in brackets cannot be deleted or mo-
dified. By double−clicking on an entry in the list, you can import
the settings for this view into the Graphics Editor.

Saves the current projection settings in the marked

Creates a new view

The marked view is deleted

The marked view can be modified (e.g. change of title)

Button to switch the rendering on and off (photo realistic repre-

sentation) of the graphics objects. Is not available in all applica-
This button opens the dialogue with the rendering properties.
A.3.3 Layer buttons
Layer groups
Layer group ’User’
Layer buttons

A.3.3.1 Introduction
On the right side of the Graphics Editor window are the applica-
tion−specific layer buttons. The applications structure their gra-
phics objects in layer groups, layers and sublayers.
One can visualize one layer as a transparent sheet on which the
graphics objects contained in the layer are drawn. The individual
sheets are now removed, laid one on top of each other in the se-
quence in which the layer is activated or are removed when swit-
ching off.
By clicking on the layer buttons the visibility of individual layers
can be controlled. By means of the context menus of Layer
Groups and Layer Buttons one can control other attributes, e.g.
the selectability of layers.
The width of the area needed by the layer but-
tons can be changed using the separator (i.e.
separation bar) placed between the graphics
area and the the layer buttons.

To save space, the Layers of a Layer

group can also be displayed as a list. You
can open the list by clicking on the button
beneath the Layer group title.

With the left mouse button you can switch

on the visibility of the Layer in this list: with
pressed Ctrl−key you can mark entries
sequentially and with the pressed Shift−
key you can mark a continuous range of
entries and then close the list using the
As with the Layer buttons, when using the
right mouse button you can open the con-
text menu of the individual entries (Layer)
in the list.

A.3.3.2 Layer groups

The Layer groups are identifed at the top by means of a title and
have at the bottom a splitter, with which you can vary the height
of the Layer group. Both the title and the parts of the Layer group
not occupied by Layer switches have a context menu with the
functions of the Layer group:

Display as list
By displaying the Layer as a list the Layer group is closed such
that only its title and a button to open the list are visible. This may
be useful in the case of many Layer buttons or in the case of a
small screen resolution for which the Layer groups at the bottom
are not visible. You can only limit the space requirements of a
Layer group therefore by moving the splitter to the bottom of the
Layer group.
An open Layer group can be closed by double clicking on the title
(list) and opened again (buttons). When opening a Layer group
the size of the Layer group is adjusted such that all Layer swit-
ches within it can be shown.
Activate and deactivate a Layer: Open the list and select an en-
try with left mouse button. The list is automatically closed again.
Activate and deactivate several Layers: Open the list and with
pressed Ctrl−key click on the entries with the left mouse button.
Close the list using the OK−button at the bottom of the list.
Activate and deactivate a succession of Layers: Open the list
and with pressed Ctrl−key click on the first and last entry of the
Layer to be activated with the left mouse button. With depressed
Ctrl−key additional entries can be selected. Close the list using
the OK−button at the bottom of the list.

All layers visible

Opens all the layers of a group. The visibility of individual layers
can be controlled using the layer buttons.

All layers invisible

Closes all group layers. The visibility of individual layers can be
controlled using the layer buttons.

Labels visible/ invisible

The labels of graphics objects are switched on and off in all layers
of the group. Using the context menu of the layer buttons you can
also control the labelling of the individual layers.

Reposition labels#1
Move the labels of all graphical objects in all the layers of a group
to their default positions, if such a position defined is.

New layer
This function is not available for all layer groups. It permits a new
layer to be created within a layer group. The layers created in this
way are numbered sequentially by the computer program and
can be given a title.

A.3.3.3 The layer group ’User’

The layer group ’User’ can be customized to ones own specific
needs. A new layer can be created in this layer group and layers
no longer required can be deleted. In order to insert dimensions,
labels and other graphics objects in this layer, one has to activate
a Layer with the Layer context menu. To do this move the mouse
pointer to the corresponding layer button and press the right
mouse button. Then choose in the context menu shown lower left
the item ’Active’. To create a new layer use the menu shown lo-
wer right in the context menu of the layer group.

Context menu of Layer button Context menu of empty part of

Layer group

By activating this item the corresponding layer becomes active
as also the buttons of the toolbar for inputting graphics objects.

Delete contents
The contents of this layer are deleted, but not the layer itself.
There is no Undo operation for this function.

Deletes the layer and all its graphics objects. There is no Undo
for this function.
A.3.3.4 Layer buttons
The layer buttons are used mainly for activating and deactivating
the individual layers. In the context menu of each button there are
other useful functions. The scope of the context menu may be
different for some layers of the application from the context menu
shown below.

The layer will be set to be the active layer, i.e. all graphical objects
(p. 48) defined from now on will be defined in that layer. This func-
tionality is usually only available for layers of the ’User’ group.

This menu item is only included in the context menu for the sake
of completeness, since the visibility of the layer directly above the
button can be controlled.

If this menu item is not active then the graphics objects of this
layer, even for activated snap points and snap lines, can no lon-
ger be grabbed. This menu item, however, is normally active.
Labels visible
The labels of graphics objects of this layer can be switched on
and off.

Exclusively visible
On activating this menu item only the graphics objects of this
layer are still visible, and all other layers remain invisible, until the
function is deactivated. The function can be helpful temporarily
if one only wants to see objects from a particular layer, without
having to close all other layers.

Exclusively selectable
On activating this menu item only the graphics objects of this
layer are selectable, and all other layers remain unselectable un-
til the function is deactivated. The function can be helpful tempo-
rarily if one only wants to select using a window objects from a
particular layer, without having to select objects from other
layers. See also Select.

Delete contents
The contents of the layer will be deleted but the layer stays in
place. This step can not be undone and this functionality is
usually only available for layers of the ’User’ group.

Delete the layer and all its contents, i.e. all graphical objects defi-
ned in that layer. This step can not be undone and this functiona-
lity is usually only available for layers of the ’User’ group.

Selects all graphics objects of the layer. See also Select.

Deselects all graphics objects of the layer. See also Select.
Repositioning the labelling#3
Move the labelling of all graphics objects of the Layer to their spe-
cified position, provided they are defined by the application.

Renumbering objects
Graphics objects that were automatically assigned a number
(identification) at input, can be renumbered using this function.
The numbering is nomally carried out from 1 and sorted accor-
ding to increasing x−coordinate of the graphics objects.

Sublayer visibility
This menu item only appears if the layer contains several sub-
layers. Shown is a list of all sublayers in which one can choose
which sublayers should be visible.

Sublayer selectability
This menu item only appears if the layer contains several sub-
layers. A list of all sublayers is shown, in which you can choose
which sublayer should be selectable. The selectability of Layers
and Sublayers is normally controlled by the application and only
needs to be set by the user in exceptional cases . The selectabi-
lity of graphics objects is also influenced by the open properties
dialogue of graphics objects.
A.3.4 Coordinate fields
The coordinate fields of the Graphics Editor are located in the
Status line, at the bottom of the application.
The input fields serve, on the one hand, to display the coordina-
tes when moving the mouse pointer in the graphics area and, on
the other, to input coordinates, angles and distances.

Coordinate fields

When inputting values in the coodinate fields it should be noted

that this is done using the Input Key and not the tabulator as for
input fields in dialogue windows.
The number of the coordinate fields and their labelling is adjusted
by the Graphics Editor depending on the requirements. Thus,
e.g., with relative point input in the 3D mode there are three coor-
dinate fields with the labels dx, dy and dz.

See also:
Point Input Methods
A.3.5 Context menus of the graphics area
The graphics area has three different context menus, which can
be called by pressing the right mouse button in the graphics area:
Input context menu
Modify context menu
Point Input context menu
Which of the three context menus is shown on pressing the right
mouse button depends on the state of the Graphics Editor:
The Input context menu is shown if no graphics objects are selec-
ted, and the Modify context menu is shown if at least one gra-
phics object is selected. The Point Input context menu is only
shown if one is in a Point Input Method on inputting a graphics

A.3.6 The Input context menu

In the following the individual functions of the displayed Input
context menu are described. This context menu only appears
when one clicks on the right mouse button in the graphics area
and no graphics object has been selected. If there are selected
graphics objects and the Modify context menu appears, choose
in it the function ’Deselect’, and click the right mouse button once
Input Graphics Objects

A.3.6.1 Input graphics objects

With the upper group of functions in the Input context menu one
starts the input of graphics objects. These functions are also con-
tained in the Toolbar of the Graphics Editor. Depending on the ap-
plication and its state not all functions are always available to in-
put graphics objects. In addition, the graphics objects to be input
are usually not simply drawing elements but actual objects like,
e.g., recesses or loads, which are then listed as such in the con-
text menu:

If for dimensioning, labelling or extending a drawing or for auxi-

liary construction lines one has activated a layer from the Layer
Group ’User’, the upper part of the Input context menu contains
the functions to create the standard drawing objects of the Gra-
phics Editor:

A.3.6.2 Activating the labelling layer

With this function one can activate a layer of Layer Group ’User’,
in order to be able to create Standard Drawing Objects.

A.3.6.3 Labelling coordinates

With this function you can label the coordinates of the construc-
tion and anchor points of graphics objects. These labels are as-
sociative, i.e. when moving a labelled point the labelling is corres-
pondingly modifed. The function is only available if a Layer of the
group ’User’ (Labelling layer)has been activated.
After activating the function you can select any desired points of
existing graphics objects using the left mouse button. The key
Esc closes the function. After selection the labels created in this
way can, e.g., be moved or deleted.

A.3.6.4 Paste
With this function the graphics objects in the clipboard of Win-
dows are pasted in the figure. This function is only active if there
are graphics objects in the clipboard, which were stored there by
this Graphics Editor using the functions copy or cut of the Modify
Context Menu (s. 34). Other graphics formats of the clipboard
are not read.
The graphics objects in the clipboard know their ’original layer’
and are normally − independent of the layer that is currently ac-
tive − pasted again in this layer. The applications for their specific
graphics objects can define exceptions: e.g. loads from a particu-
lar layer (Load Case) can be pasted into another layer.

Changing graphics object types

With the function ’Paste’ you can convert the graphics objects to
be pasted in the clipboard into another graphics object type and
paste them in their layer. For example you can change a line from
an imported DXF Layer into an application−specific line load.
Only graphics object types of the same kind can be converted,
i.e. line to line, polygon to polygon, etc..
Short description:
1. Select the graphics objects to be converted
2. With the function ’Copy’ copy the graphics objects to
the clipboard
3. Open the property dialogue of the graphics object type
that is to be created
4. In the dialogue define the desired properties
5. Select the function ’Paste’
On pasting − provided graphics objects are converted − a war-
ning is issued, in order to avoid inadvertent conversion. Graphics
objects, which, depending on the object type, cannot be conver-
ted, are pasted to their ’original layer’.

A.3.6.5 Export

With the function ’Export’ / ’Clipboard’ you can copy the current
contents of the graphics area or a part of it into the clipboard of
Windows. Thus you can paste the graphics into another applica-
tion − e.g. into a word processor.
In contrast to the function ’Copy’ in the Modify Context Menu des-
cribed below, here we do not have to select any graphics objects.
Depending on the Cubus application it is possible that some gra-
phics objects from results cannot be selected. Such graphics can
only be transferred to other aplications using the function ’Export’
/ ’Clipboard’ described here.
As an alternative to exporting graphics to other applications, with
the function ’Export’ files in WMF, EMF or DXF format can also
be created.
The menu ’Export’ is also available in the File menu of the Menu

A.3.6.6 Select all

With this function one selects the graphics objects of all visible
and selectable layers of all layer groups. One can activate this
Ctrl+A function with the key combination Ctrl+A. By means of the con-
text menu of the Layer Buttons one also has the possibility of se-
lecting all graphics objects of a single layer. See also Select.
The selectability of the graphics object may be restricted if a pro-
perties dialogue of a graphics object is open.

A.3.6.7 Grabbing

’Grabbing’ is the Graphics Editor function which permits one to

place new graphics objects exactly on existing graphics objects
or snap to the points of a regular grid. These options are descri-
bed in detail in the dialogue window Input Options.

A.3.6.8 Input options

With this menu one can open the dialogue window Input Options.
One can also do this, however, using the button of the Toolbar
shown on the left.

A.3.6.9 Coordinates, distances

With the menu item ’Coordinates’ one can open the dialogue win-
dow shown below. With this one can inspect the coordinates of
input points or the distance and the direction between two given
After opening the dialogue window the Graphics Editor − as may
be seen from the help text on the mouse pointer − is in the ’Coor-
dinates Inspection Mode’. Thus, straightaway one can choose
the first point in the graphics area in order to display its coordina-

One can close the ’Coordinates Inspection Mode’ at any time

using the key Esc and open it again using the button with the red
mouse pointer.
If using the dialogue window one requires a particular coordinate,
distance and direction for an input, one can copy the contents of
the corresponding input field via its context menu into the clipbo-
ard and insert at the required place.
In the graphics, Coordinates of points may be labelled associati-
vely (p. 29). Distances may also be labelled with the likewise as-
sociative Dimensioning Lines (p. 77).
A.3.7 The Modify context menu
Modifying graphics objects is carried out basically as follows:
First select the graphics objects to be modified and then by pres-
sing the right mouse button within the graphics area call the Mo-
dify context menu and choose there the desired function.
The contents of the Modify context menu depend on the selected
graphics objects. Only those menu items are active, which are
admissible for all selected graphics objects or are meaningful.
The menu items in the top three sections of the context menu are
general functions and the menu items that follow are added by
the selected graphics objects.
In the following only the general functions of the Modify context
menu are described. The special functions of the individual gra-
phics objects are described in Modifying Graphics Objects.
Normal context menu of Context menu of the Wor-
graphics objects: king Plane Symbols:


A.3.7.1 Attributes
By means of the menu item ’Attributes’ of the Modify context
menu one opens the attributes dialogue of the selected graphics
objects. If one has selected graphics objects with different attri-
butes dialogues, this menu item is not active.

A.3.7.2 Move
Short description:
 select graphics objects
 choose ’Move’ in the Modify context menu
 choose Move Point with the left mouse button
 place Move Point with point input methods
With the menu item ’Move’ of the Modify context menu one can
move a single selected graphics object or several selected gra-
phics objects together as a group.
If one has only selected a single point object, one can place it di-
rectly in a new location with the usual Point Input Methods. Both
with higher graphics objects like lines, rectangles and polygons
and with several selected graphics objects, before moving one
Move Point chooses the so−called Move Point with the mouse. Then the
Move Point is placed to the new location − and with it all selected
graphics objects − with the usual Point Input Methods.



Observe the mouse pointer symbol on choosing the Move Point

and press the left mouse button only when the mouse pointer
symbol ’Grab Point’ is shown. Otherwise, a warning signal is gi-
ven and one has to repeat the choice. In addition to the mouse
pointer symbol ’Grab Point’ a small square is shown at the loca-
tion of the grabbed point. This is useful, above all with graphics
objects having several points lying close together.
In the above example A and B are the construction points and
Anchor points C and D support points of the rectangle. The graphics objects of
the applications can have additional support points, which can be
used as Move Points.
For the choice of the Move Point one has the following three pos-
 a selected point object
 a construction point of a selected graphics object
 a handle of a selected graphics object

A.3.7.3 Moving labels#4

In the case of graphics objects, which are labelled with additional
text, with this function you can move the label. After using the
function ’Move Label’ not the graphics object is selected, but the
construction point of the label.
Also with the normal function ’Move’ described above you can
move a label to another position. To do this you first have to select
the labelled graphics object and then the construction point of the
label and then move the latter.
Construction points of the
graphics object
Construction point of the label

A.3.7.4 Rotating
Short description:
 select graphics objects (s. 78)
 select ’Rotate’ in the Modify context menu
 define the Rotation Point (2D) or the Rotation Axis (3D) with
1 or. 2 points, respectively. To input the points you can use
the normal Point Input Methods.
 type in the rotation angle in the Status line and finish using
Enter (positive value = anticlockwise)
With the menu entry ’Rotate’ in the Modify context menu you can
rotate selected graphics objects to rotate a point or an axis of ro-
tation. If you rotate a copy of the selected graphics objects and
you want to keep the original graphics objects, then when selec-
ting the function ’Rotate’ in the context menu you have to keep
the Shift−key depressed.
A.3.7.5 Mirroring
Short description:
 select graphics objects
 in the Modify context menu choose ’Mirror’
 choose a mirroring axis with the left mouse button
 define the mirroring axis (2D) and the mirroring plane (3D)
with 2 and 3 points, respectively. To input the points you can
use the normal Point Input Methods.
With the menu item ’Mirror’ in the Modify context menu you can
mirror selected graphics objects about an axis or about a plane.
If you want to rotate a copy of the selected graphics objects and
keep the original graphics objects, then in selecting the function
’Mirror’ in the context menu you have to keep the Shift−key de-

A.3.7.6 Stretching
Short description:
 select (s. 78) points of graphics object
 select ’Stretch’ in the Modify context menu
 determine affinity plane or affinity axis
 select point to be displaced
 move displacement point using the usual Point Input me-
With the menu item ’Stretch’ in the Modify context menu you can
stretch a series of graphics objects. Therefore not the graphic
objects but their construction points must be selected. It is
a question of an affine transformation, which is defined by the in-
put of an affinity plane (3D) or an affinity axis (2D) and a stretch
vector as follows:
 The stretch vector sets the displacement of an arbitrary point
and defines in this way the displacement direction and the
displacement ratio. The latter is the same as the quotient
P0Pe/P0P, where P0 is the intersection of the straight lines
P,Pe with the affinity plane (see Fig. 1).

 Each selected point moves in the displacement direction de-

fined above and with a displacement ratio according to its di-
stance from the affinity plane (measured along the displace-
ment direction).

 Points in the affinity plane are not displaced.

 The starting point of the displacement vector may not lie in

the affinity plane.

Affinity Displacement
plane vector


Points selected
to be displaced

Fig. 1 Stretching of graphics objects

A.3.7.7 Duplicate
With ’Duplicate’ in the Modify context menu you can duplicate an
individual, select (s. 78) graphics object or a whole group of se-
lected graphics objects. The dialogue window ’Duplicate’ con-
tains several tabsheets, with which you can duplicate in different
ways. The three ways ’Move’, ’Rotate’ und ’Fill’ are described be-
In all duplication variants you have the possibility, already during
the input, in the dialogue to display a preview of the duplicate.
Use the function ’Centre’ in the toolbar of the Graphics Editor, if
in the preview you do not want to see all duplicates. The duplica-
tes are created when you close the dialogue with the ’OK’ button.

Duplicating in the Move tabsheet:

With this duplication variant you can either set the displacement
vector between the duplicates or − for non−uniform spacing − the
displacement vector and the spacings.




d If the above option field is active, you can set the number of dupli-
dy cates as well as the displacement vector {dx,dy,dz} between the
individual duplications using the input felds or take it from the gra-
d phics area, by inputting two points.

If the above option field is active, you can create duplicates with
non−uniform spacing. Input the desired spacings, separated by
a blank. Multiple spacings with the same spacing can be defined
by placing the number and the ’*’ character before them. The vec-
dy d2
tor {dx,dy,dz} to be input defines here only the direction, its length
dx d1 being of no significance.
By clicking on the button shown on the left you can input the vec-
tor between the duplicates with the Graphics Editor: The start
and end points of the vector are input using the usual Point Input

Duplicate in the Rotate tabsheet

In this duplicate variant you can in addition to the displacement
vector between the duplicates also set an angle of rotation df
between the duplicates. In this way the graphics objects to be du-
plicated, always with reference to their original position, are firstly
displaced and then rotated.

Both the displacement vector and the rotation point (2D) or the
rotation axis (3D) can be defined using the input fields or using
the Graphics Editor with the button shown on the left, whereby
the usual Point Input Methods are used (grabbing, absolute, rela-
tive etc.).

Duplicate in the Fill tabsheet:

In this duplicate variant the position of the first duplicate (Point
B) and of the last duplicate (Point C) as well as the total number
of duplicates have to be defined. To ensure that the position of
the duplicate is defined exactly, firstly a reference point has to be
determined on it or on the original object (Point A) (see following
With the button shown on the left you start the input of the points
A, B and C, whereby the usual Point Input Methods are used (see
following example).

With the first two control fields in the tabsheet ’Fill’ one can define
whether a duplicate should be created at the start point (B) and
at the end point (C). The points A and B − depending on the case
under consideration − can also coincide. In this case it is highly
unlikely that at the start point one wants to create a duplicate or
delete the original.


A Preview of the duplicates (grey)

Object to be duplicated

A.3.7.8 To the front / to the back

With the two menu items ’To the Front’ and ’To the Back’ in the
modify context menu one can change the order of drawing selec-
ted graphics objects within the same Sublayer. This may be ne-
cessary if a larger filled graphics object covers a smaller one. In
this case select the larger graphics object and choose the menu
item ’To the Back’.

A.3.7.9 Cut
With the menu item ’Cut’ in the Modify context menu one can
move selected graphics objects to the clipboard. One can also
execute the function using the key combination Ctrl+X.
In contrast to the function ’Delete’ one can reinsert graphics ob-
jects removed with ’Cut’ using the function ’Paste’ − possibly into
another layer.
Besides the Graphics Editor format the graphics objects can also
be saved to the clipboard in the WMF format and can therefore
also be exported to other applications.

A.3.7.10 Delete
With the menu item ’Delete’ in the Modify context menu one can
delete selected graphics objects. One can also execute the func-
tion using the Delete key.
In contrast to the function ’Cut’ deleted graphics objects are not
saved in the clipboard. One can however, at any time, restore de-
leted graphics objects with the function ’Undo’.

A.3.7.11 Copy
With the menu item ’Copy’ in the Modify context menu one can
copy selected graphics objects to the clipboard. One can also ex-
ecute the function using the key combination Ctrl+C.
One can restore the graphics objects from the clipboard with the
function ’Paste’ − possibly into another layer.
Besides the Graphics Editor format the graphics objects can also
be saved to the clipboard in the WMF format and can therefore
also be exported to other applications.
A.3.7.12 Deselect
With the menu item ’Deselect’ in the Modify context menu one
can cancel the selection of all selected graphics objects. The
Graphics Editor also executes this function when one clicks with
the left mouse button on an empty spot in the graphics area wi-
thout pressing Shift.
This can be useful if one wants to call the Input Context Menu,
which however is not shown because there are still selected gra-
phics objects.

A.3.7.13 Modify selection

With this menu item ’Modify Selection’ in the Modify context
menu one obtains a list of all selected graphics objects:

This list can be useful in various situations:

 to check a performed selection
 to deselect the unwanted graphics objects after a performed
In the 1st column of the list are the names of the selected objects
and in the columns 2−4 are the Layer Groups, Layers and Sub-
layers, in which the graphics objects are to be found. The column
width can be changed using the separator in the title line.
In this dialogue window one can mark one or more rows (graphics
objects) and select or deselect them with the existing buttons.
Here selecting signifies that only the marked graphics objects re-
main selected and all unmarked ones deselected. Deselected
means that all marked graphics objects are deselected. The se-
lection and deselection is carried out immediately with every click
on the button and the list is updated.
Several individual rows are marked keeping the Ctrl key depres-
sed. With a depressed Shift key one can mark a whole range of
rows, by marking the first and last rows of the range.

A.3.7.14 Length / Area

With the menu items ’Length’ or ’Area’ in the Edit context menu
you can query the length or the area of graphics objects. The re-
sult is displayed in the Status line:

In the case of graphics objects consisting of lines (straight line,

circular arc, open polygon, curved polygon) the function ’Length’
is available and gives the lengths of all selected graphics objects.
In the case of graphics objects with areas (rectangle, closed po-
lygon, etc.) only the function ’Area’ is available and gives the area
of all selected graphics objects.

A.3.7.15 Reposition labelling

With the menu item ’Reposition Labelling’ in the Edit context
menu you can move the labels of selected graphics objects to
their specified position, provided one is defined by the applica-
tion. This function is also available for the graphics objects of
whole Layers (p. #325#3) and Layer Groups (p. 20) in the cor-
responding context menus.

A.3.7.16 Convert to
With the menu item ’Convert’ in the Edit context menu you can
convert existing graphics objects to other types of graphics ob-
ject. E.g. you can convert a polygon to lines or lines to a polygon.
The convert functions are useful among other things:
 for auxiliary constructions in the User Layers (p. 21)
 when importing geometrical data via DXF (p. 114)
 for Paste with Convert to in application−specific graphics ob-
jects (p. 30).
A.3.8 The Point Input context menu
The Point Input context menu appears during the input of gra-
phics objects, provided one is in the Point Input Method ’Free’
and one presses the right mouse button in the graphics area.
With this context menu one can change the point input me-
thod. By typing the underlined letter in the context menu one can
also change the point input method by means of the keyboard.

A detailed description of the functions of Point Input context me-

nus may be found under Point Input Methods (p. 50)
With the last menu item in the Point Input context menu one can
call the dialogue window Input Options and change there, e.g.,
the direction of the input coordinate axes or the origin of the coor-
A.4 Input of Graphics Objects
Point Input methods
Grafics objects
Curved polygons (p. 67)
Circles and circular arcs
Dimension lines

A.4.1 Introduction
Graphics objects are points, lines, rectangles, polygons, dimen-
sion lines, texts etc.. In the input of a graphics object one starts
either with the buttons of the Toolbar of the Graphics Editor or
using the Input context menu of the graphics area.
Context menu In order to display the Input context menu, move the mouse poin-
ter into the graphics area and press the right mouse button. The
Input context menu only appears if no graphics objects have
been selected.
If the context menu for the Input of graphics objects does not ap-
pear, but instead that for Modifying graphics objects, then one or
more graphics objects have been selected. In this case use the
menu item ’Deselect’ in this context menu and press again the
right mouse button to show the correct context menu.
Context Menu

The basic operation in the input of graphics objects is the input

of points. Thereby one can choose between different Point Input
Methods like ’absolute’, ’relative’, ’normal’ etc.. The two or more
points which one inputs to create a line, a rectangle or a polygon
remain visible as small squares and can subsequently be modi-
Mouse pointer In the input of graphics objects, besides the help text which
help text shows what sort of graphics object one is inputting, it is shown
which Point Input Method was chosen and which action the Gra-
phics Editor expects one to take:

In the above example one sees which point of a rectangle was

input and that the point input method ’relative’ is being used. Next
one must choose the reference point for relative input using the
mouse and afterwards type in the numerical value.
Abort An incomplete input of a graphics object can be aborted at any
time using the Esc key. In the input of a graphics object, which
involves several steps, using the Esc key one always gets back
to the previous step.
A.4.2 Point input methods
Point of intersection
Point input on
auxiliary help line

A.4.2.1 Introduction
If during the input of a graphics object a point has to be input there
are three ways of proceeding. One can, e.g., locate it with the
mouse or type in its coordinates. Below the different point input
methods are described.
At the start of each point input one is in the point input method
’Free’. Then either by means of the context menu of the graphics
area shown below or using the keyboard one can change to one
of the point input methods also described below and then exit this
using the Esc key. When using the keyboard to change, type in
the letter underlined in the context menu.
Instead of ’x’ and ’y’ there may also be ’u’ and ’v’, if you have acti-
vated a Working Plane (s. 10).

A.4.2.2 Point input method ’Free’

With the point input method ’Free’ one can create a point at the
position of the mouse pointer by pressing the left mouse but-
Coordinates ton.When moving the mouse pointer in the graphics area one can
read the current coordinates of the mouse pointer in the coordi-
nate fields of the Graphics Editor and with the coordinate rulers
at the bottom and on the left side of the Graphics Editor. The
coordinate fields are located in the Status line of the application.

x−coordinate axes
mouse pointer with help text

coordinate rulers
coordinate fields

Grabbing #5When moving the mouse pointer in the graphics area its ap-
pearance changes if it is within the grabbing distance (hot zone)
of an existing graphics object or of a grid point:
normal mouse pointer

point grabbed

line grabbed

grid point grabbed

If the mouse pointer takes on one of the above three forms, the
point to be input is placed exactly on the grabbed graphics object
or the grid point by pressing the left mouse button.
Besides the actual Construction Points graphics objects can
contain additional so−called Handles, which they can grab in the
input of new graphics objects with the point input method ’Free’.
The different grab modes can be activated and deactivated in the
dialogue ’Input Options’, in the Input Context Menu and by
means of the Keyboard. In the same dialogue one can also confi-
gure the grid and the grab radius.

See also:
Input of graphics objects
Point input methods, overview
A.4.2.3 Point input method ’Absolute’
With the point input method ’Absolute’ one can input a point with
the x, y and z components of its coordinates. Alternatively, the
individual components can be input using the keyboard or using
the mouse using existing points in the graphics area. Use the
Context Menu of the graphics area, type in ’A’ or begin by typing
in the x component, in order to enter this point input method. With
the Esc key one can exit the point input method ’Absolute’ and
reenter the point input method ’Free’.
Coordinate fields The coordinate fields in the Status line of the application do not
have to be activated by clicking with the mouse. On changing to
the point input method ’Absolute’ the first coordinate field is auto-
matically activated. On finishing the input of a component with
the Input key the next coordinate field is activated or the point
input is closed. With the Esc key one gets back to the input of the
previous component or back to the point input method ’Free’.
Instead of inputting coordinates using the keyboard, one can also
pick up the individual or all components of a coordinate of existing
Grab points on the graphics area using the mouse. If one moves the
mouse pointer over the graphics area over an existing point, on
the mouse pointer there appears the symbol ’Grab Point’ and the
x, y or z component of this point is copied to the active coordinate
field. If the mouse pointer symbol ’Grab Point’ is shown one can
confirm that the component has been copied by pressing the left
mouse button. Using the Esc key one gets back to the input of
the previous component or back to the point input method ’Free’.

See also:
Input of graphics objects
Point input methods, overview

Example of point input ’Absolute’

One has already input 3 points of a polygon and wants to input
the point C with the x coordinate of A and the y coordinate of B.
 Type ’A’, in order to change to the point input method ’Abso-
 Move the mouse pointer near to the point A until the vertical
help line is shown and then press the left mouse button.
 Move the mouse pointer near to the point B until the horizon-
tal help line is shown and then press the left mouse button.

A.4.2.4 Point input method ’Relative’

With the point input method ’Relative’ one can input a new point
relative to an existing point. Use the Context Menu of the gra-
phics area or type an ’R’, in order to change to this point input me-
First with the left mouse button one chooses an existing point in
the graphics area, from which the input should be carried out (Re-
lative Point). This point is marked by a red triangular symbol (Re-
lative Symbol). Then input dx, dy and if needed dz. Always end
the input of the individual components with the Input key. With
the Esc key one goes back to the input of the previous compo-
nent or back to the point input method ’Free’.
In choosing a Relative Point one must ensure that the left mouse
button in not pressed until the mouse point is placed sufficiently
close to the point to be chosen and the adjacent mouse point
symbol appears. Otherwise a warning signal is given and one
must repeat the choice.
y For two dimensional input the components dx and dy are measu-
red in the possibly rotated Input Coordinate System of the Gra-
phics Editor.
In special situations (see Example) one can move the Relative
Point between the input of the individual components, by choo-
sing another point in the graphics area using the left mouse but-

See also:
Input of graphics objects
Point input methods, overview

Example of point input ’Relative’

One has already input 3 points of a polygon and wants to input
the point C, which lies 2m to the right of B at the level of A.
 Type ’R’, to change to the point input method ’Relative’.
 Choose the point B as Relative Point and type 2 for dx and
press the Input key.
 Choose the point A as a new Relative Point and press the In-
put key (dy=0 does not need to be typed in, since the default
values of dx, dy and dz are always 0).


A.4.2.5 Point input method ’Polar’

With the point input method ’Polar’ one can input − starting from
an existing point − a new point in polar coordinates, i.e. with a di-
rection and a distance. Use the Context Menu of the graphics
area or type ’P’, in order to change to this point input method.
1. Reference point
Firstly, choose using the left mouse button a point in the graphics
area, from which the input should be carried out (Reference
Point). This point is marked by a red triangular symbol (Relative

2. Direction
y Secondly, type in the direction and close with the Input key or
grab the direction of an existing line. When grabbing move the
mouse pointer onto the line, so that the mouse pointer symbol
w ’Grab LIne’ is shown. Together with the mouse pointer symbol
x ’Grab Line’ a help line is drawn through the reference point. Then
press the left mouse button.

3. Distance
Thirdly, input the distance from the reference point to the new
point and close with the Input key or place the point at an arbitrary
place on the help line. This is analogous to the previous proce-
dure with the point input methods ’Normal’, ’X−direction’ and
’Y−direction’ and is described under Point Input on a Help Line.
With the Esc key, depending on the state, one goes back to the
input of the direction or back to the point input method ’Free’.

See also:
Input of graphics objects
Point input methods, overview

Example of point input ’Polar’

One has already input the points A and B of a polygon and wants
to input the next polygon side parallel to an existing line (D−E).
The end point C also lies on an existing line (E−F) .
 Type ’P’, in order to change to the point input method ’Polar’.
 The Relative Symbol should already be placed at point B,
since the last input point is automatically the reference point.
Otherwise, choose the point B as reference point.
 Instead of typing in the direction w, choose the line (D−E). A
help line appears through the reference point with the direc-
tion w, as soon as the mouse pointer is sufficiently close to
the line (see figure below).
1. Help line


Input field for the distance

Input field for the direction

 Move the mouse pointer onto the line (E−F). If it is sufficiently
close to the line a second help line appears and the black tri-
angular symbol appears at the intersection of the two help li-
nes (see figure below).
 Choose the line (E−F). The polygon point C is introduced at
the intersection of the help lines.
 Close the polygon input by choosing the last polygon point

2. Help line

A.4.2.6 Object−specific point input

The ’object−specific’ Point Input method may be employed to in-
put to or move a point on an existing graphics object. The cursor
can then be moved only along this so called reference object and
as “coordinate” the length “s” of the development of the reference
object is used.
 input of new graphics objects such as points, lines, polygons,
 moving construction points of graphics objects
 exact length change of lines and sides of polygons

1. Select Point Input method

Use the Point Input Context Menu (p. 50) of the graphics area or
type in ’O’, to enter the Point Input method. You should then see
the following:

reference object
object that is input

required action
point input method
2. Select reference object
With the left mouse button select a graphics object (line, polygon,
etc.). One must be able to grab the graphics object (p. 23). In
the case of admissible graphics objects on the cursor the symbol
“Line grabbed” (p. 51) is shown. After the selection of a reference
object one should see the following:
selected reference object
current coordinates on the
reference object

On the cursor you see the current coordinates of the black, trian-
gular marking, where “s” is the length of the developed line from
the starting point of the graphics object to the black marking.

3. Define point on a reference object

The point to be input or moved can now be defined in one of the
following ways:
 by clicking with the left mouse button
 by typing in the required length ’s’ and then using the input
key to finish
 by means of a relative point input with respect to the coordi-
nate “s” along the reference object:
1. change method via context menu or by typing ’R’
2. set reference point on the reference object (red marking)
3. type in “ds” and press the input key

A.4.2.7 Point input method ’Middle’

With the point input method ’Middle’ one can input a point at the
point midway between two existing points. Use the Context
Menu of the graphics area or type ’M’, in order to change to this
point input method.
Choose in succession two existing points. After having chosen
the first point this is marked by a red triangular symbol. If one now
moves the mouse pointer over another point there appears in the
middle between this and the marked point a black triangular sym-
bol. The new point is introduced here, provided one chooses the
point beneath the mouse pointer.
In choosing a Middle Point one must ensure that the left mouse
button is not pressed until the mouse point is placed sufficiently
close to the point to be chosen and the adjacent mouse point
symbol appears. Otherwise, a warning signal is given and one
must repeat the choice.

See also:
Input of graphics objects
Point input methods, overview

A.4.2.8 Point input method ’Intersection’

With the point input method ’Intersection’ one can input a point
at the intersection of two existing lines or their extensions. Use
the Context Menu of the graphics area or type ’S’, in order to
change to this point input method.
Choose in succession two existing lines. If one moves the mouse
pointer over a line, a first help line appears, running over the
whole graphics area. After the choice of the first line its help line
continues to exist. On moving the mouse pointer over the second
line a second help line appears. In the point of intersection of the
two help lines a black triangular symbol is displayed. The new
point is introduced at this location, provided one chooses the line
beneath the mouse pointer.
In choosing a line one must ensure that the left mouse button is
not pressed until the mouse point is placed sufficiently close to
the line to be chosen and the adjacent mouse point symbol ap-
pears. Otherwise, a warning signal is given and one must repeat
the choice.

See also:
Input of graphics objects
Point input methods, overview
A.4.2.9 Point input method ’Normal’
With the point input method ’Normal’ (perpendicular) one can in-
put a line or the side of a polygon normal to any existing line. This
method cannot be used for the first point of a line or of a polygon.
Use the Context Menu of the graphics area or type ’L’, in order
to change to this point input method.
Firstly, choose the line normal to which the line or polygon side
is to be input or the move direction is to be normal. A normal help
line, which aids this choice, is displayed over the whole graphics
Then place on the previously defined help line the end point of
the line or polygon side to be input or the Move Point. This is ana-
logous to the procedure with the point input methods ’Polar’,
’X−direction’ and ’Y−direction’ and is described under Point Input
on a Help Line.
In grabbing a point or a line one must ensure that the left mouse
button is not pressed until the mouse pointer is placed sufficiently
close to the desired point or line, respectively, and that the adja-
cent mouse pointer symbol appears. Otherwise, a warning signal
is given and one must repeat the choice..

See also:
Input of graphics objects
Point input methods, overview

A.4.2.10 Point input method X−direction

 In the case of 3D applications and an active working plane the
coordinate axes are designated by u and v instead of by x and
With the point input method ’X−direction’ one can input a point
with the same x−coordinate as the point input of the same gra-
phics object immediately beforehand. The x−direction thereby
corresponds to the x−axis of the Input Coordinate System of the
Graphics Editor and not the global x−axis. For the first point of
a graphics object this method cannot be used. Use instead the
Context Menu of the graphics area or type in ’X’, in order to
change to this point input method. Afterwards the procedure is
the same as for the point input methods ’Polar’ and ’Normal’ and
is described under Point Input on a Help Line. The point input me-
thod ’X−direction’ is a simplified variant of the point input method
’Polar’, by which one can also freely choose between the refe-
rence point and the direction.

See also:
Point input on a Help Line
Input of graphics objects
Point input methods, overview

A.4.2.11 Point input method Y−Direction

 In the case of 3D applications and an active working plane the
coordinate axes are designated by u and v instead of by x and
Analogous to the point input method ’X−direction’. Use instead
the Context Menu of the graphics area or type in ’Y’, in order to
change to this point input method.

See also:
Point input on a Help Line
Input of graphics objects
Point input methods, overview

A.4.2.12 Point input on a Help Line

With the point input methods ’Polar’, ’Normal’, ’X−direction’ and
’Y−direction’ as well as the input of circular arcs a point must be
placed using the mouse on a previously defined help line. Alt-
hough the mouse pointer can move freely over the whole gra-
phics area, on pressing the left mouse button the point is introdu-
ced at the black triangular marker on the help line.
 If one chooses an existing point, the position of the marker
is given by the normal projection of the coordinates of this
point onto the help line.
 If one chooses an existing line, the position of the marker is
given by the intersection of this line and the help line.
 In all cases the position of the marker is given by the normal
projection of the mouse pointer position onto the help line.
The position of the black triangular marker is continually adjusted
when one moves the mouse pointer. Therefore, it may happen
that the marker jumps and then stays still again or even disap-
pears from the graphics area. The marker is situated always ex-
actly in the position at which the point would be introduced by
pressing on the left mouse button. If, e.g., the mouse pointer mo-
ves along a line, the marker stays at the intersection of this line
with the help line. But as soon as one leaves the Grab Range, the
marker moves. The same is also true for the grab range of a
Ensure when choosing a point or a line that the left mouse button
is not pressed until the mouse point is precisely over the point to
be chosen or it is over the desired line and the adjacent mouse
pointer symbols appear. In choosing a line − as long as it is within
the grab range − in addition a second help line appears. If the two
help lines do not intersect within the graphics area, one does not
see the black triangular marker.

A.4.3 Graphics objects

Construction points
Tangent handles
Section markers

A.4.3.1 Introduction
With the Graphics Editor the following graphics objects can be
input and modified:

 Rectangles and parallelograms


 Curved polygons (splines)

 Double line polygons

 Circles and circular arcs

 Dimension lines


The input of the complicated graphics objects is described in the

following chapters. All graphics objects are defined by the input
of one or more so−called ’Construction Points’ (s. A.4.3.2). In ad-
dition to these construction points from the graphics objects so−
called ’Handles’ (s. 64) can be made available. A rectangle for
example always has two construction points and at least two ad-
ditional handles:

construction points

selected rectangle with visible

construction points
not selected rectangle

Drawing the graphics objects, the position and number of con-

struction points and the additional handles is application−inde-
pendent: i.e. a column is input as a point, displayed as a rectan-
gle and has 8 additional handles in the corners and in the axis
A.4.3.2 Construction points
The graphics objects are defined by the input of one or more con-
struction points. These are only visible if the graphics object is
selected (s. 78) (see above figure). With a selected graphics ob-
ject you can select its construction points and then modify (move,
delete, etc.). The position and number of construction points is
independent of object and application.

A.4.3.3 Handles
Handles of graphics objects are useful when moving existing and
in the input of new graphics objects. The handles however can-
not be selected and modified. The position and the number of
handles depends on the application.

When moving
When Moving (s. 35) a graphics object or a group of graphics ob-
jects the first step is to choose a displacement point and in a se-
cond step to place this at the new position. In the choice of the
displacement point besides the construction points the handles
of the graphics objects to be moved are available.

When inputting
In the input of new graphics objects with the normal Point Input
Methods (s. 50) besides construction points also the handles
can be used as an input aid: when Grabbing points, when Picking
components of coordinates etc..

A.4.3.4 Tangent handles

Tangent handles (see Fig. A−1) are present with Curved Poly-
gons (p. 67) and are needed to change the shape of the curve.
The tangent handles can be selected like points and moved
using the usual Point Input Methods (p. 50). The tangent handles
are normally only visible and selectable if the corresponding con-
struction point is selected. The Construction Point (p. 64) itself
is only visible if the curved polygon is selected. This hierarchy
can be activated and deactivated using the button on the left in
the Toolbar (p. 8) of the Graphics Editor.
construction point
tangent handle
section marker

Fig. A−1 Elements of the

curved polygon

A.4.3.5 Section markers

Section markers (see Fig. A−1) are present in the case of poly-
gons and with Curved Polygons (p. 67) and are needed to be
able to select polygon and curved sections. A curved section is
the part of the curve between two successive construction

A.4.4 Polygons
A.4.4.1 Start input
The input of a polygon is started using the adjacent button or
using the Context Menu of the graphics area. Polygons are crea-
ted by the successive input of points, whereby the Point Input
Method may vary from point to point.

A.4.4.2 Correction
With the Esc key one can delete the input polygon points in re-
verse order, without having to abort the polygon input. This is
very useful if inadvertantly one places a polygon point incorrectly.
Of course one can carry out the correction after completing the
polygon input by moving the incorrectly placed point.
The Undo function cannot be used during the polygon input to de-
lete a mistake with a point. If it is used after completing the poly-
gon input it serves to delete the whole input polygon.

A.4.4.3 Completion
The polygon input is completed as follows: In order to create a
closed polygon, input a point again at the start of the polygon.
The polygon input is then automatically closed. In order to com-
plete the input of an open polygon, one has to input the last point
twice. Ensure that the option “Grab Point” is activated and that
the adjacentmouse pointer symbol is displayed, when one inputs
the point to complete the polygon input.
You can also end the polygon input using the keyboard with the
Q−key or using the context menu:

See also:
Input of graphics objects
Point input methods, overview
A.4.5 Curved polygons
A.4.5.1 Introduction
The input of a curved polygon can be started with the button
shown on the left or using the Input Context Menu (p. 27) of the
graphics area. Curved polygons are not available in all applica-
All information given in the section “A.4.4 Polygons” also applies
to the curved polygon. The extensions with respect to the usual
polygon are the curved shape and the tangents in the construc-
tion points, by means of which the shape of the curve between
them can be varied (see Fig. A−1 p. 65).

A.4.5.2 Selectability
The visibility and selectability of the construction points, section
markers and tangent handles is hierarchically organised: The
construction points and section markers are visible if the curved
polygon is selected and the tangent handles are visible if the cor-
responding construction point is selected.
This hierarchy can be activated and deactivated using the button
shown on the left located in the Toolbar of the Grafiphics Editor.
If the hierarchy is deactivated then graphics objects, construction
points, section markers and tangent handles can be visible and
selectable simulataneously.

A.4.5.3 Context menus

Besides the usual functions for graphics objects and the func-
tions for polygons the context menu of the curved polygon inc-
ludes two useful functions to select all construction points and all
curved sections:

selection aids for curved polygons

The context menu of the construction points of the curved po-
lygon also has additional functions:
The direction and length of the tan-
gents of the selcted construction
points are set to the default value.

The tangent direction of the selected

construction points can be defined by
inputting two points.

The tangent lengths of the selected

construction points are set to zero.

A.4.5.4 Adjusting the shape of the curve

In addition to the position of the construction points the shape of
the curve can also be influenced by the length and direction of
the tangents in the construction points. The following diagram
shows the influence of the tangents on the shape of the curve wit-
hin the curved section:
Variation of the tangent direction at Variation of the tangent direction
point A at point A


Fig. A−2 Adjustment of the shape of the curve using the

tangents of the construction points
Besides the use of graphical editing, by moving the tangent
handles you can also use the Properties dialogue of the con-
struction points to change the shape of the curve.
Short description:
 Select curved polygon (p. 78), construction points are made
 Select construction point(s)
 In the Edit Context Menu (p. 34) select ’Properties’
 Modify properties, and then apply
When working with the Properties dialogue you are provided with
graphical help by means of a preview in the graphics area. When
changing a property the change made to the curved polygon is
displayed in a different colour.

Fig. A−3 Preview when working with the Properties dialogue for the
construction points
Properties of the tangents t1
and t2 of the selected con-
struction points according to
Fig. A−4

Circular arc as transition ele-

ment according to Fig. A−5

Straight lines as transition

element according to
Fig. A−5

Joining: both edit boxes shown on

the left are incremented at the same


Reducing and increasing the value in the

edit box shown on the left by the increment

You can define the length and direction of the two tangents in the
Properties dialogue. Tangent ’1’ determines the shape of the cur-
ved section before − in the direction of the curved polygon − and
tangent ’2’ after the construction point. Tangent ’2’ is identified by
an arrow on the tangent handle (see Fig. A−4). At each end of
the curved polygon only one tangent is available.

dy t2

construction point
section marker
tangent handle 1
tangent handle 2

1 t1

Fig. A−4 Curved polygon with points, markers, tangents and handles
In the Properties dialogue transition elements (straight lines, cir-
cular arcs) can be defined on both sides of a construction point.
Transition element ’1’ lies in the direction of the curved polygon
before and transition element ’2’ after the construction point. The
transition element ’Straight Line’ has length ’g’ and the direction
of the tangent. The transition element ’Circular Arc’ is defined by
the subtended angle 'b' and the radius ’r’ (see also Fig. A−5).
1 t1 t2 2
ri = radius of transition circular arc i
b2 bi = subtended angle of transition circular arc i
r2 gi =length of transition straight line i
b1 ti = length of tangent i


Fig. A−5 Transition elements at the construction points of a curved polygon

A.4.6 Circles and circular arcs

A.4.6.1 Introduction
In the input of circular arcs three different input methods are avai-
lable. In the toolbar of the Graphics Editor always only the last
used input method is shown in a button. One can, however, use
another input method by clicking on the small triangle in the right
bottom corner of the button and then choose the desired input
method. After completion of the input, the circular arcs are con-
verted to a polygon with a freely choosable degree of subdivision.
Circular arc defined by 3 points
Circular arc defined by 2 points and centre of circle
Full circle defined by centre of circle and a point on the circum-
One can also start the input of circular arcs using the Context
Menu of the graphics area.
A.4.6.2 Circular arc defined by 3 points
One can input the 3 points necessary for the definition of the
circle with the usual Point Input Methods ’Free’, ’Absolute’, ’Rela-
tive’ etc..
1. Input the start point of the circular arc. A blue square
marks the input point.
2. Input the end point of the circular arc. A second blue
square marks the input point. To aid the input of a 3rd point
an auxiliary help circle appears.

3. Input a 3rd point to define the circle.

4. Select one of the two possible circular arcs, by moving the
mouse pointer into the corresponding segment of the
circle and press the left mouse button. The segment in
which the mouse pointer is currently located is displayed

5. Choose the degree of subdivision for converting the circu-

lar arc to a polygon. At the start point of the circular arc a
red triangular symbol is displayed. The distance of the
mouse pointer from this symbol corresponds to the side
length of the polygon to be created. When one moves the
mouse pointer in the direction of the symbol the side length
of the polygon gets shorter. In addition, in the mouse poin-
ter help text the number of polygon sides is displayed.

A.4.6.3 Circular arc defined by 2 points and

centre of circle
The points needed for the definition of the circle can be input with
the usual Point Input Methods ’Free’, ’Absolute’, ’Relative’ etc..
1. Input the start point of the circular arc. A blue square
marks the input point.
2. Input the end point of the circular arc. A second blue
square marks the input point. To aid the input of the centre
of the circle an auxiliary help circle and a help line appear.

3. Either input the centre of the circle on the help line with the
mouse or type in the desired radius in order to define the
circle. The input of the centre of the circle with the mouse
corresponds to the Point Input on a Help Line. On moving
the mouse pointer one can read the actual radius in the in-
put field in the Status line .
4. Select one of the two possible circular arcs, by moving the
mouse pointer into the corresponding segment of the
circle and press the left mouse button. The segment in
which the mouse pointer is currently located is displayed

5. Choose the degree of subdivision for converting the circu-

lar arc to a polygon. At the start point of the circular arc a
red triangular symbol is displayed. The distance of the
mouse pointer from this symbol corresponds to the side
length of the polygon to be created. When one moves the
mouse pointer in the direction of the symbol the side length
of the polygon gets shorter. In addition, in the mouse poin-
ter help text the number of polygon sides is displayed.

A.4.6.4 Circular arcs defined by centre of

circle and a point on the circumference
The points needed for the definition of the circle can be input with
the usual Point Input Methods ’Free’, ’Absolute’, ’Relative’ etc..
1. Input the centre of the circle. A blue square marks the input
2. Input a point on the circumference. pIf one wants to spe-
cify the radius of the circle, one can do it using the point
input methods ’Relative’ or ’Polar’ starting from the centre
of the circle.

3. Choose the degree of subdivision for converting the circu-

lar arc to a polygon. At the start point of the circular arc a
red triangular symbol is displayed. The distance of the
mouse pointer from this symbol corresponds to the side
length of the polygon to be created. When one moves the
mouse pointer in the direction of the symbol the side length
of the polygon gets shorter. In addition, in the mouse poin-
ter help text the number of polygon sides is displayed.
A.4.7 Dimension lines
The input of a dimension line is started using the adjacent button.
For this button to be active one has to activate a layer of the layer
group ’User’ using the Layer context menu. A dimension line is
input as follows:
 Click on the button ’Dimension Line’.
 Define the direction of the dimension line, either by choosing
an existing line with the mouse or by typing in an ’x’ or a ’y’
from the keyboard. A help line with the chosen direction is
 Position the help line with the mouse.
 With the mouse choose in succession all points that have to
be dimensioned. The sequence in choosing the points is
unimportant. Ensure that when selecting the points the left
mouse button is not pressed until the adjacent mouse pointer
symbol ’Grab Point’ appears.
 Close the input of the dimension line with the ’Esc’ key.
With the Modify context menu one can move the dimension line
afterwards or add it to points to be dimensioned or delete it.

A.4.8 Labels
The input of the labels is started with the adjacent button. For this
button to be active one has to activate a layer of the layer group
’User’. One can do this either with the function e in the Layer con-
text menu or using the function ’Activate Layer Label’ in the Input
context menu of the graphics area. A label is input as follows:
 Click on the button ’Text’.
 An attributes dialogue window appears, in which one can in-
put text oneself and display the attributes.
 Click on Paste and place the label object in the graphics area
using the usual Point Input Methods.
A.5 Modifying Graphics Objects
Working with attributes dialogues

A.5.1 Introduction
The method of working with the Graphics Editor is object−orien-
ted, i.e. one always first selects the graphics objects to be modi-
fied and then the Graphics Editor provides a context menu, which
only contains those functions which are possible for the chosen
graphics objects.
Selection is generally with the left mouse button. With subse-
quent pressing of the right mouse button within the graphics area
the Modify Context Menu appears, in which one can choose the
desired function.

A.5.2 Selection
Select individual graphics objects
Select with a window
Select with a polygon
Select with the context menus
Select with the keyboard
Select using search criteria
Modify selection
Cancel selection

A.5.2.1 Introduction
Selection means choosing one or more graphics objects for a
subsequent action. Selected graphics objects are displayed in
the same colour. The pre−setting for this colour is red. For gra-
phics objects to be selectable at all, their layer must be selecta-
ble. Graphics objects that cannot be selected however can still
be grabbable (s. 32).
The selectability of graphics objects is controlled from application
to application: thus e.g. in the input of graphics objects in a speci-
fic layer all other layers are set to non−selectable. The selection
and modifying of graphics objects of the specific layer is thus sim-

Selection mode
With the button shown on the left you can choose between two
different selection modes. In the normal selection mode − when
the button is not depressed − the Construction Points’
(s. A.4.3.2) of a graphics object only are visible and selectable,
if the graphics object itself is selected. For example, to be able
to select an end point of a line, first the line must be selected,
whereby its two end points are displayed as small squares and
thus are also selectable.
With a depressed button the Construction Points’ (s. A.4.3.2) of
the graphics objects are always visible and selectable.

Exclusive selection
Exclusive selection: without Shift key. All graphics objects al-
ready selected are automatically deselected.

Additive selection
Additive selection: with pressed Shift key. The newly selected
graphics objects are added to those already selected and al-
ready selected graphics objects are delected by a repeated se-

In order to simplify selection, the Graphics Editor offers the possi-
bility of activating two different preselection modes:
 Preselected Graphics Objects: graphics objects, for which
the mouse pointer is within the grabbing range, are displayed
in the preselected colour.
 Preselect Hint: If the mouse pointer is within the grab range
of a graphics object, information on this graphics object is
shown at the mouse pointer.

 If you only want to modify a single graphics object, you do not

need to select it first using the left mouse button and then
activate with the right mouse button. With the right mouse
button you can directly open the context menu if the graphics
object is preselected.

A.5.2.2 Select individual graphics objects

Move the mouse pointer to the selected graphics object and
press the left mouse button. Selection is actually performed on
releasing the mouse button.
When selecting, in order to allow one not to have to place the
mouse pointer exactly over the graphics objects, these usually
have a grab region or hot zone (grab radius, grab range), which
is effectively a few pixels more than its dimensions. The size of
the Grab Radius can be changed in the dialogue Input Options.

A.5.2.3 Select using a Window

In order to select several graphics objects at once, by dragging
with the left mouse button pressed one can produce a rectangu-
lar window. If the preselection mode ’Preselected Graphics Ob-
jects’ has been activated, one can already see when producing
the selection window which graphics objects are selected on re-
leasing the mouse button. As in the selection of individual ob-
jects, one can also select with a window exclusively and additi-

Window from left to right

On dragging from left to right those graphics objects are selected
which lie completely within the selection window.

Window from right to left

On dragging from right to left those graphics objects are selected
which lie partially or completely within the selection window.
A.5.2.4 Select with a polygon
With the button shown on the left you can select graphics objects
using a polygon. After clicking on this button by clicking with the
left mouse button in the graphics area you can draw a polygon.
There are three different ways of doing this: an open polygon, a
closed polygon in the clockwise direction and a closed polygon
in the anti−clockwise dirction.

3 3

4 2

5 1
2 2 1 4 5

Open polygon: Closed polygon in Closed polygon in anti−

All graphics objects are clockwise direction: clockwise direction:
selected which are inter- All graphics objects are All graphics objects are se-
sected by the polygon selected which lie com- lected which lie completely
line. pletely within the poly- or partially within the poly-
gon. gon.

When inputting the polygon using the Esc−key the last point to
be input can be deleted again. The polygon input can be finished
by inputting again the first or the last polygon point.

A.5.2.5 Select with the context menus

The Input Context Menu of the graphics area (p. 27) includes the
function ’Select all’ and the context menu of the Layer Buttons
(p. 23) includes the menu ’Selection’. In the same context menu
there is also the function ’Exclusive Selection’which is available
during selection. One can only select objects of selectable
A.5.2.6 Select with the keyboard
With the key combination Ctrl+A one selects all Visible and Se-
lectable graphics objects.

A.5.2.7 Seleting by means of search criteria

Property dialogues may, at the bottom of the dialogue, contain
the button shown on the left, with which you can select graphics
objects using Search Criteria (s. 90).

A.5.2.8 Modify selection

The Modify context menu of the graphics area includes the func-
tion ’Modify Selection’, with which all selected graphics objects
are listed in a dialogue window.

A.5.2.9 Cancel selection

Cancelling a selection is called ’deselecting’. This function is con-
tained in the Modify Context Menu of the graphics area. One can
also deselect by clicking with the left mouse button on an empty
part of the graphics area without pressing Shift.
A.5.3 Working with attributes dialogues
Contents and position
Opening the attributes dialogue
Closing the attributes dialogue
Inspecting the attributes
Different attribute values
Modify attributes
Introduce new graphics objects
Save and fetch dialogue default values
Range of values of input fields
Invalid input values
Select graphics objects using search criteria

A.5.3.1 Introduction
The attributes dialogues required for the input or modification of
graphics objects are described in detail in the individual applica-
tions, which use the Graphics Editor. The functionality and the
use of the attributes dialogues, however, is largely application−

A.5.3.2 Contents and position

The contents of an open attributes dialogue are continuously ad-
justed to the selected graphics objects. Since each graphics ob-
ject type has its specific attributes dialogue, an open attributes
dialogue only responds to ’its own’ graphics objects.
One can freely move the attributes dialogues around the screen
even during the selection of graphics objects. For small screen
resolutions this can be useful, since the attributes dialogue co-
vers a part of the graphics area.
On closing an attributes dialogue both its position and also its
contents are saved. If one reopens the attributes dialogue it ap-
pears in the same position and if no graphics objects are selected
its contents correspond to the last input attributes.
A.5.3.3 Opening the attributes dialogues
The attributes dialogues can be opened in three different ways:
 By doubleclicking on a graphics object. The first click selects
the graphics object and the second one opens the attributes
 Select the graphics objects whose attributes one wants to in-
spect, press the right mouse button and choose in the Modify
Context Menu the function ’Attributes’.
 Open the attributes dialogue using the button in the control
field of the Application.
Usually only one attributes dialogue is open. Open a new attribu-
tes dialogue of another graphics object type and the already
open attributes dialogue is automatically closed.

A.5.3.4 Closing the attributes dialogues

The attributes dialogues can be closed as follows:
 using the button ’Close’ in the title line of the attributes dialo-
 by opening another attributes dialogue
 with the Esc key
 with the key combination Alt+F4
In the last two cases the attributes dialogue has to be the active
window of the application.
On closing an attributes dialogue messages can be shown in a
 If one has modified an input field before closing, but has not
yet left it and if the input value is either outside the Admissible
Values for this field or is Invalid.
 If one has modified the attributes dialogue, but has neither
used ’Use’ nor ’Insert’, the dialogue shown below appears.
Thus one avoids forgetting to save the changes to the selec-
ted graphics objects in the attributes dialogue.

A.5.3.5 Inspect attributes

With an open attributes dialogue one can freely Select in the gra-
phics area. As soon as the selection of a graphics object causes
changes relevant for the attributes dialogue, the contents of the
attributes dialogue are adjusted. Relevant are those graphics ob-
jects, whose attributes dialogue agrees with the opened attribu-
tes dialogue.

The attributes dialogues contain, besides the attribute values,

the following additional information:
 In the title line one sees the graphics object type to which the
attributes dialogue responds.
 On the button ’use’ one sees in brackets the number of rele-
vant selected graphics objects.
 From the Display of the option, control and input fields one
sees if the relevant selected graphics objects have different
attribute values.

A.5.3.6 Different attribute values

If the relevant selected graphics objects have different attribute
values then the corresponding control element in the attributes
dialogue has an undefined value and is also displayed in a spe-
cial way:
 Option fields are displayed in grey instead of in black letters
and none of the option fields is activated.
 Control fields have a grey instead of a black background.
 Input fields contain ’***’.

A.5.3.7 Change attributes

One can change the attribute values of the selected graphics ob-
jects by overwriting with changed attribute values of the attribu-
tes dialogue, by clicking on the button ’Apply’. The button ’Apply’
is only active if at least one graphics object has been selected
and the attributes dialogue has been changed.
Control elements with an Undefined Value, however, do not over-
write the corresponding attribute value of the selected graphics
objects, i.e. the different values of the graphics objects remain
the same for these attributes.
If one modifies the attributes dialogue, the word ’modified’ ap-
pears in its title, the changed control elements are displayed in
blue letters and the button ’Use’ becomes active. If one reverses
the changes, the letters of the corresponding control elements
become black again. The word ’modified’ only disappears if the
attributes dialogue returns to its initial state.

If by mistake one has changed a control element having an unde-

fined value, one cannot reset it to its previously undefined value.
In this case one has to leave the attributes dialogue using the but-
ton ’Close’ in the title line and open it again.

A.5.3.8 Paste new graphics objects

With the button ’Paste’ in the attributes dialogue one can start the
input of a new graphics object. One can also start the input, ho-
wever, using the Toolbar or the Input Context Menu of the Gra-
phics Editor. If one has to input several identical graphics objects
then advantageously one uses the multiple input feature of the
The attributes set in the attributes dialogue are used to create the
new graphics objects. The attributes dialogue, therefore, may
not contain any Undefined or Invalid values or values Violating
the Range of Values. If this is the case a dialogue appears with
an error message.
A.5.3.9 Dialogue default values
Using the menu ’Options’/’Dialogue Settings’ one can save the
current settings of an attributes dialogue and fetch them again
later. The dialogue settings are saved in the tabsheet Database
of ’Windows’ under their user names within the current applica-
tion. The functions to save and fetch dialogue default values can
also be called with the key combinations Ctrl+F9 or Ctrl+F10.

A.5.3.10 Range of values of input fields

The input fields can have an unlimited range of values. If one vio-
lates this range of values during input, on exiting the input field
or on closing the attributes dialogue an error message is given:

The error message gives information on the admissible range of

values of the input fields. The name of the input field is − in inver-
ted commas − likewise contained in the error message. Note
whether the given limits are contained in the range of values ( <=
) and not ( < ).
A.5.3.11 Invalid input values
The input fields allow the input of a text, an integer or a decimal
number. The last two types of input field check the validity of the
input when the input field is exited or on closing the attributes dia-
logue and produce if necessary an error message:

The name of the input field is shown in inverted commas followed

by the input value.
A.5.3.12 Selection using search criteria
Property dialogues can contain at the bottom the button on the
left with which you can select graphics objects based on search
criteria. When clicking on this button all input, option and control
fields are set to an undefined state. In this state the input fields
contain three stars and the options and control fields are dis-
played in a light grey colour:

The dialogue is ready to input the search criteria. If you change

the input, options or control fields, it loses its undefined state and
is considered as part of the search criterion. Changed fields can-
not be reset selectively to the undefined state again, since this
is only possible for the whole dialogue by deactivating and reacti-
vating the search function.
After defining the search criteria you can start the search using
the button shown on the left. If graphics objects are found they
are selected. On the use button of the property dialogue behind
the word ’Use’ you can see in brackets the number of the selec-
ted graphics objects.
The method of selection using search criteria described here is
always an additional selection, i.e. graphics objects already se-
lected remain selected.
A.6 Der Layout−Editor (−Viewer)
Symbol bar (top)
Toolbar (left)
Layer (right)
Graphics frame
Text frame
Print entry frame

A.6.1 Introduction
The Layout Viewer serves on the one hand to display results
and on the other to create print entries. The applications provide
Layouts suited to their needs. With the Layout Editor the user
can modify exiting Layouts or create additional re−usable Lay-
A Layout is a page description with rectangular zones, which can
contain text (text frames) or graphics (graphics frames). The
contents to be presented can be defined in the Layout Editor
using the Properties dialogue of the text and graphics frames.
The position and size of the text and graphics frames can be arbi-
trarily chosen, since the Layout is adjusted to the paper format
when creating a print entry. We recommend however that one
works in the actual paper dimensions (e.g. A4). As a help, the
size of the paper can be drawn first as a rectangle on the User
text frame

graphics frame

print entry frame

Fig. A−6 Layout Editor with the most important graphics objects

A.6.2 Symbol bar of the Layout Editor

Creates a print entry in the current display of the Layout Viewer.

With this combo box you can select what should be displayed for
the available Layouts.
Creates a new empty Layout. Your own Layouts are stored in the
same folder as the predefined Layouts of the application. There-
fore you must have write permission in the subfolder ’LAY’ of the
program folder.
Stores the current Layout.

Deletes the current Layout. This action is not reversible.

Print Preview: In the print state all non−printable elements like

the boundaries of the graphics and text frames are no longer
Opens the dialogue to input a so called Print Entry Frame (rec-
tangle). This frame is used to adjust the Layout horizontally and/
or vertically to the printable area of the output medium.
Opens the dialogue to input a Graphics Frame (rectangle)

Opens the dialogue to input a Text Frame (rectangle).

A.6.3 Toolbar
The Toolbar (p. 6) on the left side of the Layout Editor corre-
ponds to that of the standard Graphics Editor.

A.6.4 Layer
The functionality of the Layer groups and Layer Buttons (p. 19)
on the right side of the Layout Editor correponds to that of the
standard Graphics Editor.

Paper size Print entry frame

Graphics frame Text frame

Preview: contents of the

graphics and text frames

User Layer for additio-

nal graphics elements
A.6.5 Graphics frame
Graphical input and results can be displayed selectively in a gra-
phics frame. The graphics objects to be displayed can be selec-
ted for each graphics frame in the Layer hierarchy on the right
side of its Properties dialogue.
The input of a graphics frame is started with the button shown
on the left in the Symbol bar. In the Properties dialogue shown
below click on the button ’Introduce’, in order to input a graphics
frame. A rectangle is created which is defined by the input of two
points with the usual Point Input Methods (p. 50).
What should be dis-
played in the graphics
frames has to be selec-
ted in the tree represen-
tation of the Layer
Groups, Layers and
Sublayers .

If the option “Print Frame” is active, besides the Layer and coordi-
nate axes to be printed the graphics frame itself is also printed.

If the option “Fixed Page Ratio” is active the properties “to scale”,
“adjust” and “margin” in the horizontal and vertical directions are
combined and only have to be defined once.
The number of viewing planes, which are used to display the
Layer to be presented: −1=none, 0=XY plane, 1=XZ plane und
2=YZ plane.

The horizontal size of the Layer to be displayed within the gra-

phics frame is defined in the above zone. In the case of “to scale”,
if the scale is too small graphics outside the graphics frame is not
displayed. In the case of “adjust”, in the combo box one can se-
lect how the adjustment is made, whereby there are also various
possibilities, depending on the application and selection of the
Layer to be displayed.

The display and labelling of the axes of the graphics frame are
defined in the above zone. The combo box to select the identifi-
cation of the axes depends among other things on the selected
Layers and Sublayers to be displayed.

A.6.6 Text frames

With a text frame, e.g., you can add one or more titles to a gra-
phics frame. For each text frame you can select the title, subtitle
or legend to be shown in the Layer hierarchy on the right side of
the dialogue.
The input of the text frame is started with the button shown on
the left. In the Properties dialogue shown below after the input of
the properties you have to click on the button ’Introduce’, in order
to input the text frame. A rectangle is created which is defined by
the input of two points with the usual Point Input Methods (p. 50).

The above possibilities for the contents of a text frame require

that in the tree representation in the right half of the dialogue at
least one entry is marked in the tree representation of the Layer
Groups, Layers and Sublayers. The lower three possibilities as-
sume in addition that the marked Layer or Sublayer contains a
The above radio button allows one to display a text file in the text
frame provided by the application.

With the settings in the zone “Format” you can modify the display
of the text in the text frame.

With the option “Print Frame”, besides the text, the text frame it-
self is also printed.

A.6.7 Print entry frame

With a print entry frame you can control the adjustment of the
Layout to the printable area of the output medium in the horizon-
tal and vertical directions:
 With adjustment in one direction only it may happen that the
printout in the other direction extends over several pages.
 Through adjustment in both directions the Layout is adjusted
exactly to the printable area of the output medium. If the Lay-
out and the output medium do not have the same ratio of
width to height the printout is distorted.
 Without a print entry frame the Layout is adjusted such that
the printable area is used as efficiently as possible.
The input of a print entry frame is started with the button shown
on the left. In the Properties dialogue that appears after the input
of the properties below you have to click on the button ’Introduce’
in order to input the print entry frame. A rectangle is created
which is defined by the input of two points with the usual Point
Input Methods (p. 50).
A.7 The Help System

A.7.1 Introduction
The help system uses the document viewing program World-
View, to view help documents. With WorldView one can view
whole collections of documents, search for words or sentences
and provide the documents with comments.
You can also use the Help System in PDF format by selecting the
item ’Show Help in PDF−Format’ under ’Help’ in the main menu
of the application. To be able to do this however suitable soft-
ware, e.g. Adobe® Reader®, which is free, must be installed.

A.7.2 Viewing help documents

There are many ways of starting WorldView from the Cubus
application, in order to show help documents:
 Context-sensitive help using the key F1: move the mouse
pointer over the element (button, input field, popup menu
etc.), for which help is needed and press the key F1.
 In the property dialogues, usually bottom right there is a but-
ton with a question mark. By clicking on this button you obtain
either directly a help document or a small dialogue with up to
three buttons to select the following topics:

− help on the active property dialogue

− working with property dialogues
− help on the use of the Help system

 In the menu ’Help’ of the application several help documents

are listed. If one chooses one of these items the correspon-
ding document is shown.
A.7.3 Navigating in document collections
If one has opened the document viewing program WorldView
with one of the above methods, then one has the possibility of
navigating in the available document collections.
Hypertext links
Accessing documents
Full text search in a document collection

A.7.3.1 Hypertext links

The documents contain so-called hypertext links, by means of
which one can conveniently navigate the whole document collec-
tion. By clicking on the hypertext buttons with the left mouse but-
ton one can jump to another page in the current document or to
a page in another document in the same collection. The following
hypertext buttons are available:
 Small blue squares at the beginning of a line, mostly for lists
and lists of contents
 Blue, underlined Words in the text
 Blue arrows pointing to the right , mostly for the des-
cription of dialogues and menus
 Blue arrows pointing upwards on the right side beside
the section titles. Using these hypertext buttons one jumps
to the beginning of the current chapter.

 With the button in the button bar of WorldView one can

go back through all previous hypertext links in reverse order,
i.e. one can go back to previously shown pages. One can
also execute the function ’Back’ using the key combination
A.7.3.2 Accessing documents
Click on the button shown on the left or use the menu ’File’ /
’Open Collection’ and mark the desired collection in the dialogue
window ’Open Collection’:

Then click on ’OK’, to open the collection window, which allows

one to access the documents contained in the collection.
A.7.3.3 Full text search in document collec-
Open − as described in the section ’Accessing Documents’ − the
collection window of the desired document collection. In the lo-
wer part of this dialogue window one has the possibility of giving
search definitions, in order to search the whole collection for this
particular text. The documents in which the search was success-
ful are listed in the collection window. Open a document and jump
with the help of the buttons, shown alongside on the left in the
button bar of WorldView from one found item to another.
In order to carry out a new search, click on the buttons shown on
the left.

A.7.4 Help on WorldView

Use the menu ’Help’ in in the menu bar of WorldView to obtain
a detailed description of WorldView.
A.8 Options

A.8.1 Input options

A.8.1.1 Introduction
The input options of the Graphics Editor comprise the three
Coordinate system
Grabbing graphics objects during input
and are summarized in a dialogue. Open by means of the Input
Context Menu of the graphics area or the Toolbar of the Graphics
Editor. One can leave the dialogue open during the input of gra-
phics objects, in order to change quickly to the input coordinate
system or the grab mode.

A.8.1.2 The tabsheet ’Coordinates’

Directions of coordinate axes
Coordinate axes
Coordinate rulers
For the Graphical Editor, in a 2D environment, we distinguish two
coordinates systems: the global one and the local one. Lastly, all
the graphical objects are defined in the global coordinates sy-
stem. During the input of graphical objects, one can choose to
work in a local coordinates system, which may be rotated and/or
translated relatively to the global coordinates system. This faci-
lity is only available in a ”D environment, which means that if you
work on a 3D structure, you have first to define a working plane
(p. 10). You may configure this local coordinates system from the
’Input options’ dialog, under the tabsheet ’Coordinates’. By de-
fault, in a 2D project, the local and the global coordinates sy-
stems are absolutely identical.

In the zone ’Origin’ of the tabsheet ’Coordinates’ one can define
the position of the input coordinate system with respect to the
global coordinate system. Using the button shown on the left one
can also grab the position of the origin of an existing graphics ob-
ject of the graphics area. The default values for the x and y com-
ponents are both 0.00.

In the zone ’Directions’ of the tabsheet ’Coordinates’ one can de-
fine the direction of the x and y coordinate axes with respect to
the global coordinate axes. Using the button shown on the left
one also can grab the directions of graphics objects of the gra-
phics area or define them as at right angles to the second coordi-
nate axis.

In the zone ’Origin / Directions’ of the tabsheet ’Coordinates’ one
can save the current settings of the coordinate system in 1 of 3
tabsheets and revert to these settings later. Using the button ’De-
fault Value’ one can reverse the settings to the default values, i.e.
the local and global coordinate systems are then identical once

Coordinate axes
In the lower part of the tabsheet ’Coordinates’ you can configure
the visibility and the size of the coordinate axes of the local input
coordinate system. The size is only available in 3D.

Coordinate rulers
Right at the bottom of the tabsheet ’Coordinates’ you can acti-
vate and deactivate the coordinate rulers of the global coordinate
system on the left side and at the bottom of the graphics area.
A.8.1.3 The tabsheet ’Grabbing’

The grab functions of the Graphics Editor allows one to place gra-
phics objects even with the mouse exactly on graphics objects
or on the points of a regular grid, without having to type in coordi-
nates. The graphics objects usually have a grab range (hot
zone), which is just a little greater than their effective dimensions
by a few pixels − the so−called grab radius. If one is inputting gra-
phics objects in the Point Input Mode ’Free, then the mouse poin-
ter indicates when one is within the grab radius of a graphics ob-
ject or a grid point:
nothing grabbed, usual mouse pointer

point grabbed

line grabbed

grid point grabbed

If the mouse point takes on one of the last three forms, the point
to be input is placed exactly on the grabbed graphics object or
on the grid point when using the left mouse button.

Grab modes
With the upper three option fields of this tabsheet one can set
which of the three grab modes should be active. With the grab
mode ’Points’ besides the construction points of the graphics ob-
jects also their Handles are grabbed. With the grab mode ’Lines’
besides the purely line objects also the lines of rectangles, poly-
gons etc. can be grabbed. With the grab mode ’Grid’ the points
of the arbitrarily set grid can be grabbed.
One can also switch the grab modes on and off using the Input
Context Menu or the Key Combinations Ctrl+P, Ctrl+L and

With the grab mode ’Grid’ switched on, the points of a regular grid
are shown over the whole graphics area. The grid simplifies the
input of regular structures. One can set the grid point spacing in
the x and y directions using the two input fields ’dx’ and ’dy’. With
the button next to the input fields one can grab the values of dx
and dy and also existing points of the graphics area. The x and
y directions are here the local input directions of the Graphics
Editor, which one can set in the tabsheet ’Coordinates’.

Grab radius
The grab radius denotes by how much the grab area exceeds the
effective dimensions of the graphics objects. It is given in pixels
and normally lies between 5 and 10.
A.8.1.4 The tabsheet ’Preselect’

Preselected graphics objects

’Preselected Graphics Objects’ denotes the function of the Gra-
phics Editor, which simplifies the Selection of graphics objects,
since on moving the mouse pointer one can see which graphics
object would be selected by pressing the left mouse button. Gra-
phics objects, where the mouse pointer is within the grab radius,
are displayed in the preselection colour. In the menu ’Options’ /
’Colours’ in the tabsheet ’Graphics Editor’ one can change the
default preselection colour.
With the menu ’Preselected Graphics Objects’ one has the pos-
sibility of switching this function on and off.

Preselect hint
’Preselect Hint’ denotes another function of the Graphics Editor,
which simplifies the Selection of graphics objects, since on mo-
ving the mouse pointer one can see which graphics object would
be selected by pressing the left mouse button. If the mouse poin-
ter is within the grab radius of a graphics object, information on
this graphics object is shown at the mouse pointer or in the Status
With the control field ’Preselect−Hint’ you can switch this function
on and off. In the group field ’Display’ you can choose if you want
to have the Preselect-Hint displayed at the mouse pointer or in
the Status line of the application window. Depending on the appli-
cation, there are graphics objects, with which the amount of infor-
mation shown in the Preselect-Hint can be controlled: For this
purpose use the option fields in the group field ’Amount’.

A.8.2 Colours and line types

A.8.2.1 Introduction
With the dialogue ’Colours / Line Types’ one can specify the style
of graphics objects and of the elements of the Graphics Editor.
The Graphics Editor has three independent Style Tables for
display on the computer screen, on a colour printer and a b/w
printer. The changes carried out are application−specific under
their user names in the tabsheet Database of ’Windows’.

A.8.2.2 Tabsheet
The number and contents of the tabsheet of the dialogue ’Co-
lours / Line Types’ are − except for the tabsheet ’Graphics Editor’
− application−dependent. Every application inserts before the
tabsheet ’Graphics Editor’ additional tabsheets corresponding to
their requirements.

A.8.2.3 Style attributes

For each entry in the style table one can set the following attribu-
 Line colour
 Line thickness
 Line type
 Fill colour
 Fill pattern
Click on the small buttons on the right side of the preview menu
areas to change one of the attributes.

A.8.2.4 Copying a style table

With the button ’Copy’ at the bottom of the dialogue one can open
a dialogue, with which all the style attributes of the current tyle
table can be overwritten by those of another style table.

A.8.2.5 Importing default values

With the dialogue described above to import the style attributes
of another style table you can overwrite the current style table
with its present values.
A.8.3 Automatic save
Using the entry ’Automatic Save’ in the menu ’Settings’ in the
menu bar of the application you get to the dialogue:

Here you can activate or deactivate automatic saving of your in-

put data and specify the time interval of saving in minutes. When
saving the functions of the Graphics Editor are deactivated,
which however is only noticeable if you have a large amount of
data. The progress of saving is shown in the Status line at the
bottom of the application window.
Despite automatic intermediate saving of input data, on closing
the Graphics Editor you can still decide if you want to save the
changes made since the last manual save or not.
A.9 Importing DXF-Data
A.9.1 Introduction
With the import function of the Graphics Editor you can import
whole DXF files or individual layers of a DXF file in the Graphics
Editor. The imported layers are introduced in the Graphics Editor
− likewise as layers − in their own Layer Group (s. 20) with the
title ’DXF’. These imported layers, as the other layers, can be
switched on and off and also deleted again.
The buttons of the imported Layers (s. 23) are provided with a
consecutively increasing number. The layer titles from the DXF
file however are displayed at the mouse pointer, if you move it
over the buttons of the layers.
When importing DXF files the Graphics Editor can handle the fol-
lowing DXF elements: lines, polygon lines and circular arcs. Po-
lygon lines and circular arcs are ungrouped into the individual li-
nes when importing into the Graphics Editor. Element grouping
(blocks) is not supported; ungroup these beforehand in the ex-
porting application.

A.9.2 Use of imported graphics objects

A.9.2.1 As input help
The graphics objects (DXF objects) created on importing are
standard graphics objects of the Graphics Editor. You can use
them as an aid in the input of the application−specific graphics
objects. If the Grabbing Functions (s. 107) of the Graphics Editor
are active, with the mouse you can place graphics objects ex-
actly on the imported DXF objects or use the DXF objects within
the framework of the Point Input Methods (s. 50) in order to grab
coordinates and directions.
You must take care that the DXF layers are not only visible but
also grabbable. This layer property is normally active, but can be
changed using the context menu of the Layer Buttons (s. 23) for
each layer.
A.9.2.2 Converting DXF elements
The graphics objects created by importing can be partly conver-
ted directly into application−specific graphics objects. The con-
version is performed using the clipboard of Windows using Gra-
phics Editor functions ’Copy’ and ’Paste’: Select for this purpose
the DXF objects to be converted and copy them to the clipboard.
Now open the properties dialogue of the graphics objects to be
created, define the desired properties and then use the Graphics
Editor function ’Paste’ (s. 30).
Only graphics object types of the same kind can be converted,
i.e. line to line, polygon to polygon etc.. Since the Graphics Editor
only produces lines when importing, you have to convert the line
elements of a polygon to an application−specific polygon with the
Graphics Editor function ’Connect to Form Polygon’ before the

A.9.3 Large DXF files

When importing DXF files you should ensure that with the expor-
ting application that you export only the necessary layers and
elements (e.g. no hatching and labelling).
For very large DXF files it is advisable to import only those DXF
layers into the Graphics Editor which you really need. The input
of new or the moving of existing graphics objects with active
grabbing functions can otherwise be slowed down. Also saving
your input data requires more time, depending on the size of the
imported DXF data.
Delete DXF layers that are no longer needed using the context
menu of the Layer Buttons (s. 21) or delete all DXF layers using
the context menu of the DXF layer group.

A.9.4 The import dialogue

Using the menu ’File’, ’Import’ and ’DXF’ in the menu bar of the
application you get to the following expanded dialogue.

Open a new
DXF file Functions for the pre-
view window
List of layers in the
DXF file

Preview of all active


Start the import

with ’OK’
A.9.4.1 Button bar
Opening a DXF file. A File Select dialogue appears, in which only
dxf files are shown.
Draws the preview afresh on the right side of the DXF import dia-
logue. Only the layers marked in the list of DXF layers are drawn.
Centres the preview of the DXF import dialogue.

Increased size of display of the preview of the DXF import dialo-

gue by the selection of a rectangular part with the mouse (drag
with depressed left mouse button).

A.9.4.2 List of DXF layers

In the left upper part of the DXF import dialogue there is a list in
which all layers that exist in the DXF file are given together with
their title. Only the marked layers are shown in the preview or im-
ported. Use the control fields on the left side of the list to switch
off layers that are not needed.

A.9.4.3 Dimensions of the visible layers

In this part of the

DXF import dialogue the dimensionless values of the marked
DXF layer are shown. The values cannot be changed; they serve
to determine the scaling factor that might be needed and of the
displacement vector (see A.9.4.6).
A.9.4.4 Circular arc subdivision

Circles and circular arcs in the DXF file are imported by the Gra-
phics Editor as polygons. The accuracy of the approximation can
a be specified in this part of the DXF import dialogue. The smallest
a and the largest radii of the existing circular arc are shown (r min,
a r max). For both radii a subdivision angle α can be input, whereby
for intermediate radii linear interpolation is carried out. In the pre-
view the circular arcs are displayed in the approximated form, i.e.
as polygons.

A.9.4.5 Tolerance value for short lines

In this part of the DXF import dialogue you can switch on and off
the checking of lines which are too short and input the tolerance
length s. Lines, which are shorter than the tolerance length s, are
not imported. The influence of the tolerance length is considered
already in the preview.

A.9.4.6 Coordinate transformation

In this part of the DXF import dialogue you can scale and move
the graphics to be imported. Note the information in the part ’Di-
mensions of the Visible Layer’ to define the scaling factor and the
displacement vector. The coordinates in the DXF file are inter-
preted in the dimension [m] and are multiplied by the scaling fac-

In this part of the DXF import dialogue you can exchange coordi-
nate components. In the three list fields in each case the three
DXF coordinates are listed and you have to select which DXF
coordinate has to be assigned to which Graphics Editor coordi-
nate. A coordinate can also be set to zero.

In this part of the DXF import dialogue you can select an existing
Working Plane (s. 10) of the Graphics Editor, in which the DXF
elements should be imported. The DXF coordinates x and y are
then interpreted as local coordinates u and v of the working
A.10 Key Combinations
In the following table ’LMT’ and ’RMT’ denote the left and right
mouse buttons, respectively. Depending on the keyboard layout
the names for ’Shift’, ’Ctrl’, ’Delete’ etc. can vary.

Key combina- Topic Description of the Function

Functions keys:
Delete Graphics ob- Deletes all selected graphics objects. The
jects operation can be reversed with the function
F1 Help Context−sensitive Help for the current posi-
tion of the mouse pointer.
F2 Figure detail Redraws the current figure detail
F3 Figure detail Centres the current figure detail
F4 Figure detail Chooses figure detail with the mouse
Shift+F4 Figure detail Reverses the last increase of the display size
F5 View Short animation for diagrams
Ctrl+F9 Attributes dia- Saves the contents of the open dialoguee as
logues default value
Ctrl+F10 Attributes dia- Reads the stored default values into the open
logues dialogue
F11 Printing Creates print entry of the whole current gra-
F12 Analysis Starts an analysis (application−specific)
Mouse keys:
Ctrl+LMT Figure detail Moves the figure detail by moving the mouse
pointer over the graphics area
Shift+Ctrl+LMT Figure detail Increases the display size by moving the
mouse pointer to the right or decreases the
display by moving it to the left
Key combina- Topic Description of the Function
Ctrl+Alt+LMT 3D view Rotates the graphics
Shift+LMT in Functions Before modifying the graphics object a copy
the Modify con- is made and this is modified. This applies to
text menu move, rotate, mirror and stretch
Shift+RMT Functions Repeats the last executed function of the
Graphics Editor.
Letter keys:
Ctrl+A Select Selects all selectable graphics objects
Ctrl+C Copy Selected graphics objects are copied to the
Ctrl+G Grab Switches Grabbing of grid points on and off
Ctrl+L Grab Switches Grabbing of lines on and off
Ctrl+O Open Shows the CubusViewer to open a project
Ctrl+P Grab Switches Grabbing of points on and off
Ctrl+S Save Saves the current input
Ctrl+V Paste Pastes graphics objects from the clipboard
into the graphics
Ctrl+Y Redo Restore
Ctrl+X Cut Selected graphics objects are copied to the
clipboard and deleted from the graphics
Ctrl+Z Undo Reverse action taken
Letter keys during the point input:
A Point Input Absolute
R “ Relative
P “ Polar
M “ Middle
O “ object−specific
Key combina- Topic Description of the Function
S “ Intersection
L “ Normal
U, V ” Mouse movement in u or v direction
X, Y, Z ” Mouse movement in x, y or z direction
F “ Follow polygon
Q “ To quit the input of a polygon
Esc “ go back one step

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