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A. Introduction ( Perkenalan)
Expressing Introduction Meaning
Hello Hallo
Hi Hai
Hi everyone. Good afternoon Halo semua. Selamat siang
Hi everybody Halo semua
I would like to introduce myself Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya
I am right here to introduce myself Saya disini untuk memperkenalkan diri
Let me introduce myself Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya
My full name is Trianawati Nama lengkap saya Trianawati
My name is Trianawati Nama saya adalah Trianawati
My nick name is Ana Nama panggilan saya Ana
My friend usually call me, Ana Teman saya biasanya memanggil saya
I live in Tentara Pelajar street number 20, Sy tinggal di jln Tentara Pelajar no 20
Blora Blora
I was born in Blora, on January 19th 1993 Saya lahir di Blora , tanggal 19 januari
I am a student. I study in SMA 1 Blora Saya sorang pelajar. Saya sekolah di SMA
1 Blora
I am grade 1 Saya kelas 1
I have two brothers Saya mempunyai 2 saudara laki-laki
I am the first child in my family Saya anak pertama di keluarga saya
My hobby is singing Hobby saya bernyanyi
I really like music. Saya sangat suka musik

This is the end of my self-introduction Inilah akhir perkenalan dari saya

That’s all from me Itu saja dari saya
Thanks for your attention Terima kasih atas perhatian anda
Please to meet you Senang berkenalan denganmu
Glad to see you Senang bertemu denganmu
Nice to see you Senang bertemu denganmu

What is your name? My name is Ana

Where do you come from? I come from Blora
How old are you? I am 20 years old
When were you born? I was born on January 25th 1990
Where do you live? I live in Pemuda street number 1 Blora
What is your favourite food? My favourite food is sate
What is your favourite colour? My favourite colour is blue
What are you I am a student
Who are your parent My mom’s name is Dinda
What is your native language My language is Indonesia

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